Water Resources Management

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Water Resources Management

Water resource management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing

and managing the optimum use of water resources. It is a sub-set
of water cycle management.
Water is an essential natural resource that shapes regional landscapes and
is vital for ecosystem functioning and human well-being. At the same time,
water is a resource under considerable pressure. Alterations in the
hydrologic regime due to global climatic, demographic and economic
changes have serious consequences for people and the environment.

A water cycle under stress

Human overuse of water resources, primarily for agriculture, and
diffuse contamination of freshwater from urban regions and from
agriculture are stressing the water resources in the terrestrial water
cycle. As a consequence, the ecological functions of water bodies,
soils and groundwater (e.g. filtration, natural decomposition of
pollutants, buffer capacity) in the water cycle are hampered.

What constitutes water management?

Functions of water resources management are very complex tasks
and may involve many different activities conducted by many
different players. The following components constitute water
resources management (Adapted from CapNet Training Manual:
IWRM for RBO, June 2008):

Water Allocation
Allocating water to major water users and uses, maintaining
minimum levels for social and environmental use while addressing
equity and development needs of society.

River basin planning

Preparing and regularly updating the Basin Plan incorporating
stakeholder views on development and management priorities for
the basin.

Stakeholder participation
Implementing stakeholder participation as a basis for decision
making that takes into account the best interests of society and the
environment in the development and use of water resources in the

Pollution control
Managing pollution using polluter pays principles and appropriate
incentives to reduce most important pollution problems and
minimize environmental and social impact.

Implementing effective monitoring systems that provide essential
management information and identifying and responding to
infringements of laws, regulations and permits.

Economic and financial management

Applying economic and financial tools for investment, cost recovery
and behavior change to support the goals of equitable access and
sustainable benefits to society form water use.

Information management
Providing essential data necessary to make informed and
transparent decisions and development and sustainable
management of water resources in the basin.

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