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August 2016

Patrick Morse 1


Patrick J. Morse, Ph.D.


Belmont University
1900 Belmont Blvd
Nashville, TN 37212

phone: (484) 332-4517


My program of research investigates the definition and quantification of situations in order to
better understand interactions between person and situation variables and their influence on
human behavior, both in lab and applied settings. I also conduct research on volitional
personality change and contribute to recent open science and reproducibility efforts.



Ph.D., University of California, Riverside

Social-Personality Psychology June 2016
Dissertation: Quantifying the strength of situations
Advisor: Dr. David Funder
M.S., Villanova University, PA
Psychology 2011
Thesis: The stability of goal self-concordance as a function of self-schema status
Advisor: Dr. Deborah Kendzierski
B.A., Elon University, NC
Psychology, Magna Cum Laude 2008
Thesis: The effect of personality similarity on the accuracy of interpersonal perception
Advisor: Dr. Maurice Levesque

Baranski, E. N., Morse, P. J., & Dunlop, W. (in press). Lay conceptions of the intentional
personality change process: From strategies pursued to stories told. Journal of
Ebersole, C. R., Morse, P. J., & Nosek, B. A. (in press). Many Labs 3: Evaluating
participant pool quality across the academic semester via replication. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology.
Frederick, D. A., Sandhu, G., Morse, P. J., & Swami, V. (2016). Correlates of body image in a
national sample: Gender, sexual orientation, personality, attachment style, television
viewing, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and body mass index. Accepted for publication at
Body Image.
Morse, P. J., Sauerberger, K., Todd, E., & Funder, D. (2015) Relationships among personality,
situational construal, and social outcomes. European Journal of Personality, 29, 97-106.
Morse, P. J., Sweeny, K., & Legg, A. (2015). A situational construal approach to healthcare
experiences. Social Science & Medicine, 138, 170-178.

August 2016

Patrick Morse 2

Morse, P. J., Neel, B., Todd, E., & Funder, D. C. (2015). Renovating situation taxonomies:
Exploring the construction and content of fundamental motive situation types. Journal of
Personality, 83, 389-403.
Guillaume-Hanes, E., Morse, P. J., & Funder, D. (2012). Network models in the organization of
personality: A comment on Cramer et al. European Journal of Personality, 26, 439-440.

Dunlop, W. L., Morse, P. J., McCoy, T. P., Baranski, E. N., Fast, L. A., & Funder, D. C.
Motivational themes in life narratives: Relations with personality characteristics and
Dunlop, W. L., McCoy, T. P., & Morse, P. J. Do self-presentation strategies predict the content
of narrative identity? Kind of, but it depends

Dunlop, W. L., & Morse, P. J. (2016). Going meta: Considering the self-concept clarity of selfconcept clarity. To be published in J. Lodi-Smith & K. DeMarree (Eds.), Self-concept
clarity. Edited volume under consideration at Springer Publishing.
Morse, P. J. (2016). Strong situations: Exploring definitions and content.
Sauerberger, K., Morse, P. J., & Funder, D. C. (2016). The Situational Construal Model:
Assessing relationships among personality, situations, and behavior.
Sweeny, K., & Morse, P. J. (2016). The nature and assessment of medical situations. To be
published in D. Funder, J. Rauthmann, & R. Sherman (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of
psychological situations. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Morse, P. J., & Sweeny, K. (2016, May). Applying the Riverside Situational Q-Sort to
Healthcare Experiences. Symposium presented at the annual meeting for the Association
for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
Morse, P. J., & Funder, D. C. (2016, February). Exploring definitions and features of strong
situations. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and
Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Morse, P. J., & Funder, D. C. (2015, June). Relationships among personality, situational
construal, and social outcomes. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the
Association for Research in Personality, St. Louis, MO.
Baranski, E. N., Dunlop, W., & Morse, P. J. (2015, June). Strategies employed during
intentional personality change. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the
Association for Research in Personality, St. Louis, MO.
Won Association for Research in Personality Poster Award.

August 2016

Patrick Morse 3

Morse, P. J., & Funder, D. C. (2015, February). Quantifying the strength of situations. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology,
Long Beach, CA.
Funder, D. C., Morse, P. J., Todd, E., Baranski, E., Sauerberger, K. (2014, July). Situational
construal as mediators between personality and social outcomes. Talk presented at the
annual meeting of the European Conference on Personality, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Morse, P. J., & Sweeny, K. (2014, February). Applying the Situational Construal Model to
health care experiences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Morse, P. J., Neel, B., Todd, E., & Funder, D. C. (2013, June). Predicting behavior from
evolutionary situation types. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Association
for Research in Personality, Charlotte, NC.
Morse, P. J., & Kendzierski, D. (2013, January). The stability of self-concordance as a function
of self-schema status. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
DeMoor, R.M., Morse, P. J., Skimmons, R., Litke, M., Zuluaga, J., & Markey, P. M. (2010,
June). Interpersonal problems linked to violent video game induced hostility. Poster
presented at the annual meeting for Society Interpersonal Theory & Research in
Philadelphia, PA.
Morse, P. J. (2009, January). Do you really know me? The effect of similarity on the accuracy of
interpersonal perception. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality
and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

Person-situation interactions in basic and applied (health) settings

Defining and quantifying situations and situation strength
Volitional personality change
Open science and reproducibility
Person perception


Summer Institute of Social and Personality Psychology Attendee, Boston, MA

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of California Riverside
Chancellors Distinguished Fellowship, University of California, Riverside
Graduate Student Summer Fellowship, Villanova University
Research Assistantship, Villanova University
Tuition Scholar, Villanova University
Outstanding Psychology Student of the Year, Elon University
Rawls Research Scholarship awarded for independent, faculty-mentored
undergraduate research, Elon University
2007-2008 Phi Kappa Phi National All-Discipline Honors Society, Elon University
Inducted to the Psi Chi National Psychology Honor Society

August 2016

Patrick Morse 4

2004-2008 Honors & Presidential Fellow and Scholarship, Elon University


Assistant Professor: Belmont University

Intro Psychology Fall 2016
Social Psychology Fall 2016
Instructor: Chapman University
Research Methods Spring 2016
Mean Evaluation: Pending
Social Psychology Fall 2015
Mean Evaluation: 4.9/5
Health Psychology Summer 2015, 2016
Mean Evaluation: 4.8/5
Personality Psychology Fall 2014, Spring 2015
Mean Evaluation: 4.7/5
Instructor: University of California, Riverside
Health Psychology Spring 2015, 2016
Mean Evaluation: 4.8/5
Personality Psychology Summer 2014
Mean Evaluation: 4.9/5
Teaching Assistant: University of California, Riverside
Introductory Psychology Summer 2015 (no evaluation)
I/O Psychology Fall 2014
Mean Evaluation: 6.9/7
Personality Psychology Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014
Mean Evaluation: 6.7/7
Research Methods in Psychology Winter 2013, Spring 2013, Summer 2013
Mean Evaluation: 6.8/7
Social Psychology Winter 2014, Winter 2015, Fall 2015
Mean Evaluation: 6.7/7
Teaching Assistant: Villanova University
Psychology of Personality Fall 2009 (no evaluation)
Teaching Assistant: Elon University
Elon 101 Orientation Course Fall 2006 (no evaluation)
Empirical Research in Psychology Spring 2007 (no evaluation)

Association for Research in Personality, 2013 - Present

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2012 2013

August 2016

Patrick Morse 5

Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 2009 Present

Summer Institute of Social and Personality Psychology Summer 2015

Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Personality, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis

Graduate Student Representative: 2014-2015

Dr. David Funder, University of California Riverside

University of California, Riverside
900 University Ave
(951) 827-3938
Riverside, CA 92521
Dr. Kate Sweeny, University of California Riverside
University of California, Riverside
900 University Ave
(951) 827-7165
Riverside, CA 92521
Dr. Will Dunlop, University of California Riverside
University of California, Riverside
900 University Ave
Riverside, CA 92521
(951) 827-5265

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