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Virginia Lit eracy Foundat ion Block 2


The child will develop an underst anding of word meanings t hrough t he use of
appropriat e and expanding vocabulary.


Sample Act ivit ies

The more children know about t he world around t hem,

t he easier it is for t hem t o express new informat ion,
ideas, and vocabulary t o communicat e t his knowledge.
Helping children t o relat e experiences t o new ideas
and concept s also assist s in t he development of
vocabulary and relat ed skills.

u Read books and st ories aloud t o children daily,

e.g., Growing Veget able Soup. Have children
re-enact t he st ory t hrough dramat ic play. Help
children print t he names of plant s from t he st ory
on signs. Mat ch garden signs wit h real object s in
t he rooms.

a) Use size, shape, color, and spat ial words t o

describe people, places, and t hings.

u Make veget able soup. Use t he recipe at t he end of

t he book t o make veget able soup wit h ingredient s
donat ed by families.

b) List en wit h increasing underst anding t o

conversat ions and direct ions.

u Read poems, sing songs, and t ake eld t rips or

walks t o build enriched vocabulary about a cert ain
t heme or t opic, such as plant s, animals, seasons,
or neighborhood helpers.

c) Use expanding vocabulary wit h increasing

frequency and sophist icat ion t o express and
describe feelings, needs, and ideas.

u Have a song jar or poem pocket where children

can select a song t o sing or a poem t o read during
t he day.

d) Part icipat e in a wide variet y of act ive sensory

experiences t o build vocabulary.

u Use simple songs, poems, chant s, and rhymes t o

t each children daily classroom procedures such
as lining up, meet ing for large group, t ransit ions,
and cleaning up.
u Provide daily opport unit ies for children t o use new
vocabulary and engage in conversat ion in cent er or
play-based act ivit ies as t hey t ake on roles or act
out book charact ers.
u Play learning games like I Spy and Twent y
Quest ions.
u Provide children wit h a collect ion of everyday
object s and have children describe and sort t he
object s according t o various charact erist ics.

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