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My name is Joshua Lehr, and I have evidence that I set out below that Canadian Facebook News forums,
such as CBC, are limiting free speech and ignoring potential stories. Included will be examples of the
speech supressed, the photo evidence, and an explanation of what to look for in each photo.
Examples of speech suppressed include innocuous statements, and potentially important information
regarding misfeasance in the legal practice.
Examples span six different Facebook accounts.
With the first four accounts I find it interesting that message was noticed, and ignored. I requested
people contact me as I can support my allegations with evidence and witnesses.
The final two account will involve sets of pictures as I am not blocked from posting, but have had my
posts hidden from others. In regards to account five, I cannot comprehend why I have been hidden. As
stated, the others can be spun to be justified, this one instance cannot.
Thank you for your time,
Joshua Lehr

Facebook Account One:

Email account:
Blocked from posting on CBC Newfoundland and Labrador (See Appendix A)
Note: For the four blocked sites, only the writing in Appendix A were posted through those accounts.

Facebook Account Two:

Email Account:
Blocked from posting on CBC Newfoundland and Labrador (See Appendix A)

Facebook Account Three:

Email Account:
Blocked from posting on CBC (See Appendix A)

Facebook Account Four:

Email Account:
Blocked from posting on CBC Newfoundland and Labrador (See Appendix A)

Facebook Account Five:

Phone Account: phone number can be disclosed later
Hidden from other posters on Huffington Post Canada Politics
Note: I see no reason why this account got blocked.
What you will see:
Photo One will show the post as I see it from my sock account. It has the sock account post and one
other. It also states there is one more comment.
Photo Two is after I open the tab to see the other comment. There is no comment.
Photo Three is my normal account where I can see my sock account post, the other post and this
accounts post, which can now be seen to have been posted before the post made under my sock
If you notice the time of my computer clock and the posting times, I could not have removed it and
replaced it later.

Facebook Account Five and Six:

Account Five Phone Account: phone number can be disclosed later
Account Six Email Account:
Hidden from other posters on Huffington Post Canada Politics
What you will see:
There will be two sets of photos. This one is more complicated because both accounts have been hidden
from public view. Set One will be on one article; it will show that account five is hidden. Set Two will be
on another article, it will show that both account five and six are hidden.
Note: The only posting by account six is included in Appendix B
Set One, Photo One will show account five comment, the time the comment was posted, and the time I
took the photo is shown by the clock in the lower right hand corner.
Set One, Photos Two and Three will show the same article viewed through account six. The comment
posted through account five is missing. Note the time listed in the lower right hand corner.
Set One, Photo Four will show the same article, once again seen through account five. The comment is
visible again. Note the time listed in the lower right hand corner.

Set Two, Photo One will show my comment posted through account five. Notice that there is a response
to it. Also note that this comment has appeared in spite of this account being hidden previously.
However, this is occurring on computer, phone app and phone bowers. I only included photos taken on
the computer. Please note the time in the bottom right hand corner.
Set Two, Photo Two will show my comment posted through account six.
Set Two, Photo Two and Three shows that my post from account five is missing. Please note the time in
the bottom right hand corner for both.
Set Two, Photo Four and Five will show my comment posted through account five. Please note the time
in the bottom right hand corner. Furthermore, please note that the comment from account six is
Set Two, Photo Six will show account six again, showing the comment posted under this account visible
once again. Please note the time in the bottom right hand corner.

Facebook Account Six:

Email Account:
Hidden from other posters on CBC Edmonton and CTV
Set One, CBC Edmonton
Photo One will show me viewing the page through a sock account. Notice the time in the right hand
Photo Two will show the post from account six. Notice the time in the lower right hand corner and the
time I posted the comment.

Set Two, CTV

Photo One and Two will show me viewing the page through a sock account. Notice the time in the right
hand corner.
Photo Three will show the post from account six. Notice the time in the lower right hand corner and the
time I posted the comment.

Appendix A
(disclaimer: these were edited over time, and due to losing one of my accounts, I have no original
copies. Further, each off topic was a separate possible post.)

off topic
have you or anyone you know submitted a complaint to the law society of
Newfoundland and Labrador, which was dismissed out of hand and this dismissal was
wrong in your or their opinion?
if so, please PM me.
daily reminder:
ernest gittens of gittens & associates in st. john's, NL canada is an employer who thinks
being a lawyer lets him abuse his employees.
he abuses the human rights of his employees without fear of consequence, he verbally
abuses his staff and in at least one case, has threatened physical harm to an employee
over poor quality work.
the law society, when informed and in spite of having professional rules to the contrary
regarding the first, refused to investigate or enforce its rules of behaviour.
much like wentzell, who has had at least three very serious complaints against him that
were ignored from appearances.
our 'elites'.
off topic
have you or anyone you know submitted a complaint to the law society of
Newfoundland and Labrador, which was dismissed out of hand and this dismissal was
wrong in your or their opinion?
daily reminder #2:
let me tell you about ernest gittens of gittens & associates in st. john's, NL canada.
this human rights violating employer likes to crush opposition in the workplace.
he does this by threatening a person's job when challenged about his legal obligations.
or at least he did so to me, and given how his staff talked about losing your job if you
annoyed him, i infer this is normal.

ernest called staff crazy. he insulted staff to their faces. began yelling if a staff had
issues in the workplace, and dared disturb him.
he, without a thought to the consequences, violated the rights of staff on at least one
occasion. based on conversations with staff, this was not isolated.
he calls the decisions of judges who disagree with him insane. he let his temper cause
him to miss an obvious defendant, and ignored attempts to add this defendant because
he had a grudge. this error could have cost the case, and may have.
frankly, he thinks he is above the law imo.
off topic ;)
have you or anyone you know submitted a complaint to the law society of
Newfoundland and Labrador, which was dismissed out of hand and this dismissal was
wrong in your or their opinion?
daily reminder #3
ernest gittens of gittens & associates in st. john's, NL canada screwed an employee
three times:
1. he denied them a medical accommodation in the workplace. this is a protected legal
right that is a quasi constitutional in nature.
2. he refused to acknowledge a request for a reference despite multiple requests from
said employee.
3. he tried to use that previously illegally fired employee's financial desperation to get
cheap labour.
the law society aided and abetted ernest by refusing to investigate this breach of the
professional code involving #1 despite a complaint being submitted.
our elites... you know this isn't isolated imo.
off topic
have you or anyone you know submitted a complaint to the law society of
Newfoundland and Labrador, which was dismissed out of hand and this dismissal was
wrong in your or their opinion?
daily reminder 4:

the law society of Newfoundland and Labrador helped Ernest Gittens of Gittens &
Associates in St. John's, NL, Canada violate an employee's human rights by refusing to
investigate this violation of said rights.
this is in spite of CLEAR rules in the code of professional conduct to the contrary.
i have since gathered evidence that this is not isolated, and that this failure to enforce
has put at least one canadian citizen at risk for penal consequences.
off topic
daily reminder 5
the law society of Newfoundland and Labrador systemic failure to do its duty to regulate
lawyers in the public good left a canadian citizen at risk for penal consequences. as well
as separating this person from their child, and costing this person their career.
off topic: daily reminder 6
off topic: daily reminder 7
have you or anyone you know submitted a complaint to the law society of
Newfoundland and Labrador, which was dismissed out of hand and this dismissal was
wrong in your or their opinion?
if so, please PM me.
my experiences with the law society of Newfoundland and Labrador:
1. while a law student, i heard from both professors and students that this law society
had the worse reputation in canada. including, but not not limited to nepotism, cronyism
and outdated.
2. after i was fired for requesting a medical accommodation for a life threatening
condition and when i reapplied for practicing status, i was grilled by the education
committee about my firing. i was interrupted, several snorted and rolled their eyes, and
the head of the committee insulted my choice in continuing education. i was reading a
book on police interrogation methods, and criminal defence is one of my primary areas.
3. after i submitted my complaint against ernest gittens, i had to keep following up.
approximately two weeks, iirc, after i started a social issue project online, i got two
letters from the law society. one long and one barely dabbed in ink. the long one
threatened me with possible consequences as a lawyer if i continued my project. the
short one stated i had no complaint.

that day i told them i would continue my project, which is still going if delayed, and the
next day i started my law suit to make them do their duty. i never heard a peep about
my online or on the ground social activism since.
4. after restarting practicing as a lawyer, i gathered evidence this is a systemic issue.
that this systemic failure has cost at least one other person their job and family. that this
failure has put a person at risk of jail time.
5. currently waiting on supporting evidence for more.
off topic: daily reminder 7
have you or anyone you know submitted a complaint to the law society of
Newfoundland and Labrador, which was dismissed out of hand and this dismissal was
wrong in your or their opinion?
if so, please PM me.
ernest gittens is a lawyer/partner in st. john's, NL, canada who doesn't think he has to
obey the law.
the law society of Newfoundland and Labrador, due to systemic neglect in regulating
lawyers in the public interest, helped create this attitude. thereby, helping him breech
his legal requirements.

Appendix B

The Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador has abused its process to protect
lawyers in the jurisdiction from the repercussions of their actions that violate the code of
professional conduct.
As a result of their abuse of process, misfeasance for which credible evidence exists is
listed below, as are my personal experiences with the law society and a contact email in
which to send further instances of abuse by ANY law society across Canada
1. Lawyers and their acts on which I possess credible evidence:
Ernest Gittens:
Ernest Gittens engages in routine bullying and abuse in the work place. He was
reported to the law society for refusing to give a medical accommodation in the
workplace. When the medical accommodation was requested, he threatened the
requesting party with job loss if the requests continued. This failure to accommodate
cost the person their partner, their family and their career. The complaint was effectively
ignored by the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Brian Wentzel:
Brian Wentzel accepted an offer on behalf of a client against client wishes. Complaint
effectively ignored.
Brian Wentzel acted on behalf of two clients to the apparent detriment of one party, and
did so after it was apparent it was a conflict of interest. Complaint effectively ignored.
Brian Wentzel accepted a plea against client wishes, and a cursory review of the
situation made accepting said plea incorrect on its face. This has resulted in a person
losing access to their child, cost them their career and has put the person at risk of
penal consequences. Complaint effectively ignored.
2. My experiences with the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador:
i. While studying as a law student, I heard from both professors and students that the
Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador had the worse reputation in Canada,
including, but not limited to nepotism, cronyism and outdated practices.
ii. After I was fired for requesting a medical accommodation for a life threatening
condition and when I reapplied for practicing status, I was interrogated by the education
committee about my firing. I was interrupted, several snorted and rolled their eyes, and
the head of the committee insulted my choice in continuing education. I was reading a
book on police interrogation methods, and criminal defence is one of my primary areas.

iii. After I submitted my complaint against Ernest Gittens, I had to keep following up for
an extended period. Approximately two weeks after I started a social issue project
online, I got two letters from the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. one long
and one barely dabbed in ink. Both dated the same day. The long one threatened me
with possible consequences as a lawyer if I continued my project, and reminded me of
my duties. The short one stated I had no complaint.
That day I told them I would continue my project, which is still going if delayed, and the
next day I started my law suit to make them do their duty. I havent heard a peep about
my online or on the ground social activism since.
iv. After restarting practice as a lawyer, I gathered and continue to gather evidence that
there is a systemic issue.
3. Contact:
Have you or anyone you know submitted a complaint to any law society in Canada, and
you or the person you know is of the opinion justice has not been done?
If so, please email me at:
Thank you for your time,
Joshua Lehr

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