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Elana Glatt

Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky

Teaching Navi- Final Project

Section 1: Unit Plan
1. School Context:
a. Sefer being studied: Sefer Shmuel Alef
b. Student grade: 10th grade
c. Student gender: Girls only class
d. School affiliation: Modern Orthodox, Yeshiva high school
e. Skill level of students: Track 1 class (out of 4 tracks. Honors, 1,2 and
f. How many length of class periods and number of classes per week:
Part of a year-long study of Sefer Shmuel, with a short break for
Megillas Rus. The class will meet 4 days a week for 45 minutes each.
2. Unit: Shmuel Alef Perek Alef
3. Unit Context
a. Sefer Yehoshua: An overall glorious time for the Jewish people.
Yehoshuas a great leader and helps Bnei Yisroel conquer the
land of Eretz Yisroel. A few of the tribes of Bnei Yisroel left over
some of the enemies who they were supposed to kill, despite
warnings that these enemies would turn into military and
religious thorns, but overall it was a great time. At the end of the
Sefer when Yehoshua dies, theres vacuum of leadership, which
leads us straight into Sefer Shoftim.
b. Sefer Shoftim: Ish Hayashar Beeinav yaaseh these 4 words
sum up the entire sefer of Shoftim. Theres complete anarchy,
local leaders rule the Jewish people as opposed to national
leadership. It was a time of chaos and lack of central leadership.
Hashem is still close to His people and through the Gilgal
Hachozer (sin, enemy, shofet, teshuva) creates a direct cause and
effect picture for Bnei Yisroel to do the right thing, but this was
still a time of chaos and subjective morality.
c. *** Sefer Shmuel: We enter this sefer and realize central
leadership is critical for the continuation of Bnei Yisroel. Our
unit on Perek Alef introduces Shmuel Hanavis roots and the
beginning of his time as Navi. His father Elkana is a direct foil of
the poor leaders in the end of the Shoftim period. As the Sefer
progresses, Shmuels not thrilled with Bnei Yisroels request for a
king, but Hashem backs Bnei Yisroel and tells them to appoint a
king. We enter an era of Jewish monarchy in Eretz Yisroel.

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
d. Sefer Melachim: A glory period where Dovid and then Shlomo
reign. Theyre strong leaders focused on Hashem and focused on
building up Bnei Yisroel militarily and religiously. Though no
individual person is perfect, these are the glory days of Bnei
Yisroel. We build the Beis Hamikdash, Hashem settles in Eretz
Yisroel, we are arguably doing exactly what we were put in this
world to do, setting up a model society of both Bein Adam
Lamakom and Bein Adam Lechavero. Spending our days in
Israel serving Hashem. Problems arise when our leaders become
focused on their own power, and the monarchy splits.
e. Yishayahu, Yirmiyahu, Yechezkel, Trei Asar: Moral fabric of
society goes on a downward spiral Bnei Yisroel become more
focused on their own pleasures and desires, rather than focusing
on Godliness and others. The Neviim warn us over and over to
repent and to be outward focused again, but the calls go unheard,
and things continue to spiral out of control until the Beis
Hamikdash is ultimately destroyed.
4. Learning objectives
a. Cognitive:
a) Students will know the backdrop/ history which
leads up to Sefer Shmuel.
b) Students will recognize the greatness of Elkana as a
spiritual leader (in stark contrast to the leaders up
until now).
c) Students will know the important characters and
events in Perek Alef. (Chana and Peninas tense
relationship, Eli Hakohen and his 2 sons at
Mishkan Shiloh, Shmuels birth, etc.)
d) Students will know the 4 components of an effective
Tefillah, as modeled by Chana.
b. Behavioral:
a) Students will be able to work efficiently and
effectively with a Chavrusa pair.
b) Students will be able to read through Pesukim and
see inside what words prompted Meforshim to
comment as they did.
c) Students will be able to implement Chanas 4
tefillah strategies into their own tefillot.
c. Affective:

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
a) Students will appreciate the importance of treating
others with empathy and compassion. (Importance
of Bein Adam Lechavero).
b) Students will appreciate the power of a true
heartfelt Tefillah.
c) Students will appreciate the importance of taking
initiative in their own spiritual growth.
d) Students will value the relevance of Shmuel Perek
Alef to their own lives.
5. Big Ideas:
1) The power of genuine heartfelt Tefillah.
2) The importance of Bein Adam Lechavero (empathizing with the pain
of others, thinking about others and not being self-centered).
3) The importance of taking initiative and not waiting for others to
prompt our spiritual growth.
6. Major questions that drive the learning of the unit
a. Why did Penina torment Chana so much?
b. If according to ", Peninas actions were Leshem Shamayim,
why was she punished so harshly?
c. How come Eli the Kohen Gadol misread the situation and
thought Chana was drunk?
d. Why did Elkana travel a different route each year to be Oleh
e. Why were Bnei Yisroel so few in attending the ?
f. What was the nature of the special portion that Elkana gave to
g. What prompted Chana to daven so intensely?
h. Why did Chana name her son Shmuel?
7. Annotated List of Mefarshim
a. Rashi 1:1 Vayehi Ish Echad: Elkanas a big part of the .
He passed down the ( each Shofet to Shofet), and his son
Shmuel was the last one. (Important because it builds for us a
picture of Elkana, a great spiritual leader for at the
b. Rashi 1:1 Efrati: An adjective, he was like royalty. (Paints
more of a picture for us who Elkana was).
c. Radak 1:1 Efrati: The one who did Pilegesh Begivah was a
Levi from Har Efraim, just like Elkanas family to show that
your hometown doesnt define how great you can become, and

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky








how great Elkana proved himself to be for the . (Paints

ore of a picture for us who Elkana was).
Malbim 1:2 Shem Haachat: To show Chan was the primary
wife and Elkana took Penina in order to bear children. (Gives us
background information for the dynamic between Chana and
Malbim 1:3 Vesham: It was because of Chofni and Pinchas
that people didnt want to go on Aliyah Leregel (Shows greatness
of Elkana that he went Aliyah Leregel despite the unimpressive
and annoying service. Also sets a framework through which well
see Elis sons versus Shmuel in a few Perakim).
Yalkut Shimoni: 1:3 Vealah Haish Hahu: Elkana would go
different routes each year, sleep in the streets and would get the
whole city to go with him to Shiloh. (Also, this is a direct foil of
Elkanas great leadership as opposed to the leaders in the time of
the Shoftim).
Manah Achat Apaim: 1:5 (Will have a Jigsaw activity about
ways to cheer up a friend whos down, based on the different
approaches of what the manah achat apaim was).
i. Rashi: Elkana gave Chana the nicest piece in order to
make her smile.
ii. Mahari Kra: Elkana gave it to her with a smile
iii. Ralbag: a) Elkana gave her the choice, whether she
wanted the fatty side or the leaner side. b) They were
facing each other when Elkana gave it to her.
iv. Radak: Elkana gave the piece to Chana with a sad face
that he could only give his wife who he loved so much one
Rashi: Baavur Hareema: 1:6 Penina tormented Chana so
that she could create a reaction so that Chana would cry out to
Hashem. (This source will be the basis for our analysis on why
Penina was punished if she was acting lshem shamayim).
Midrash: Sveim Balechem Niskiru: This is Penina, that she
had so many children, now shell be starving for them. Ureevim
Chadelu: Chana who was starving will have children. Ad
Akara Yalda Shiva: This is Chana. Because every time Chana
had 1 child, 2 of Peninas died. When Chana was expecting her
fifth, Penina asked her to daven to save her last 2 children,
which she did. So those 2 kids are considered Chanas.
(Important because shows how terribly Penina was punished for
her actions towards Chana).
Baavur Hareema: 1:6

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
i. R Moshe Dovid Vali: Baavur Hareema is a
combination of Haraa Ima Penina was hinting to
Chana that she couldnt have children because of Haraa
Ima, this is happening because you Chana are guilty of
this. But that wasnt true it wasnt a punishment. It was
a concept of Hashem Mitaveh Betzadikim, and other
reasons. (We can never say to someone that its a for
their sins. You/ man will never know such things!)
ii. R Chaim Shmuelewitz: Of course it was hard for Penina
to do such, but he compares this to fire, and when you play
with fire you get burnt. Bein Adam Lechaveiro is so
important and hurting someones feelings is like fire. Even
with all the right intentions, you get burnt. (An Aveira
Lishma isnt okay here because its only done when theres
no other choice/ no other way of doing this).
iii. The Rhizner 15:13: Shaul says about killing out Amalek
(and leaving over Agag) Ive done what Hashem told me to
do Hakimoti et Dvar Hashem -> he was told to destroy
all men, women, children and animals, which he doesnt
do. So how can Shaul say he actually kept the word of
Hashem? Shaul with Ruach Hakodesh came to Shmuel
and said I have fulfilled the will of HashemI left Agag
alive who will come to have Haman, wholl bring the purim
salvation and get to the ultimate level of Kimu
Vekiblu (Hakimoti I kept Agag alive so that
would get to the high level of Kimu). But he was
punished because you cant do annihilation of Hashems
will Lishma. were hurt and terrorized and scared
at the time of Haman, which Shaul is greatly punished for.
k. Rashi: Vechen Yaaseh Kol Shana 1:7 Each year after
Elkana gave Chana her special portion, Penina would come
torment Chana. (Can show a. She was doing this altruistically at
the to prompt Chana to daven (Alshich), or b. in line with
the Lashon of Rashi that she was jealous and thus acted this
l. Malbim: Halo Anochi 1:8 Once Elkana said arent I better to
you than 10 sons? Chana realized that he had come to terms
with the situation and it was up to her solely to daven with all
her heart. (Important because it sets the stage for us why and
how Chana davened such an intense and powerful Tefillah).
m. Malbim: 1:9-11: 4 elements of an effective tefillah, as mirrored
by Chana. 1) Marat Nefesh, Hashem listens to the broken
hearted, 2) Vatitpalel Al Hashem, complete Kavana, 3) Uvachoh

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
tivcheh, the gates of tears are never closed, 4) Vatidor Neder, in a
time of tzara, a neder is a good thing. (4 practical strategies/
approaches to improving our own tefillot).
n. Kli Yakar 1:13 Al Liba: It wasnt lip service. Chanas very
being was in her tefillah. (Chanas kavanah in her tefillah)
o. Gm Brachos: 1:13 Al Liba: Chana pointed to her chest and
said Hashem, every limb You gave me was created for a
different purpose. Dadim Lehanik Bahem, please give me a
child and allow me to nurse him, making use of the limbs Youve
given me. (Greatness of Chana that she used each of her limbs
completely Lshem Shamayim and could make this claim to
p. Shmuel: 1:20:
i. Rashi: She named him Shmuel because 1. Sham K-l, 2. Ki
MeHashem Sheeltiv. If its Hashem Sheeltiv, why name
him Shmuel and not Shaul? Because Chanas not happy
expressing that shes asking from Hashem, she wants the
mem to show that the child is Mei Hashem directly
from Hashem.
ii. Kli Yakar: I asked for him from Hashem, and now hes
FOR Hashem.
iii. Chassam Sofer: One must be very careful when naming
kids- you cant name after a Rasha or someone who died a
tragic death. Since Shaul ben Knaz (Zimris) a Rasha
mentioned in the Torah, Chana was very Makpid not to
name her child that. (Kish wasnt concerned about that
and named his son Shaul, who had a tragic ending). (These
answers are important because they show that Chana
chose the name purposely, and capture the essence of the
great Shmuel who well be learning more about).
q. Gemara Avoda Zara 17a: Story of Rav Elazar ben Dordaya
(Important because well use it to explain the importance of taking
our own initiative in Avodas Hashem).
8. Major issue(s) to be uncovered
a. How come Penina tormented Chana so much? (She would sneer
to her Why are you still sleeping, dont you need to pack lunch
for your kids)
i. Rashi Baavur Hareema: So that she could create a
reaction so that Chana would cry out to Hashem (because
after the thunder, raam, should come the rain, ). R
Yonasan Eyboshutz: Penina was trying to awaken and
irritate the nerve of motherhood with regard to Talmud

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
Torah in a Leshem Shamayim way. (Penina = a pearl.
Penina was like a grain of sand entering an outside oyster
(chana) to irritate it and create a reaction to ultimately
bring forth a pearl).
b. If Penina was acting Leshem Shamayim why was she punished
so harshly?
i. R Moshe Dovid Vali: Baavur Hareema is a
combination of Haraa Ima Penina was hinting to
Chana that she couldnt have children because of Haraa
Ima, this is happening because you Chana are guilty of
this. But that wasnt true it wasnt a punishment. It was
a concept of Hashem Mitaveh Betzadikim, and other
reasons. (We can never say to someone that its a for
their sins. You/ man will never know such things!)
ii. R Chaim Shmuelewitz: Of course it was hard for Penina
to do such, but he compares this to fire, and when you play
with fire you get burnt. Bein Adam Lechaveiro is so
important and hurting someones feelings is like fire. Even
with all the right intentions, you get burnt. (An Aveira
Lishma isnt okay here because its only done when theres
no other choice/ no other way of doing this).
iii. The Rhizner 15:13: Shaul says about killing out Amalek
(and leaving over Agag) Ive done what Hashem told me to
do Hakimoti et Dvar Hashem -> he was told to destroy
all men, women, children and animals, which he doesnt
do. So how can Shaul say he actually kept the word of
Hashem? Shaul with Ruach Hakodesh came to Shmuel
and said I have fulfilled the will of HashemI left Agag
alive who will come to have Haman, wholl bring the purim
salvation and get to the ultimate level of Kimu
Vekiblu (Hakimoti I kept Agag alive so that
would get to the high level of Kimu). But he was
punished because you cant do annihilation of Hashems
will Lishma. were hurt and terrorized and scared
at the time of Haman, which Shaul is greatly punished for.
c. How come Eli Hakohen misread the situation and thought Chana
was drunk?
i. Metzudat David: Because her lips were moving and no
words were coming out, like a drunk person.
ii. Rashi: People werent used to davening silently yet.
iii. Shelah: This is taking place on Rosh Hashana, and
according to the Shulchan Aruch people have the custom

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
to daven loudly on Rosh Hashana because its not a time
for . Chana though was quiet with her tefillah
discussing private matters.
iv. : Eli Hakohen inquired of the Urim Vetumim to
understand the situation, and the letters Kuf Shin
Reish and Hey lit up which he interepreted as Shikorah
(drunk) instead of KiSarah or Kishera. (Eli was lacking
the Ruach Hakodesh necessary to interpret the tumim
9. Values/morals
1. The recognition that Tefillah is an extremely powerful tool,
and that Hashem is capable of anything and everything.
2. Mesiras Nefesh for Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
3. Importance of treating our friends with respect and dignity.
4. Each individual person has the power to uplift his spiritual
10. Relevant maps
1. A map of Ramatayim Tzofim/ Har Efrayim where Elkana was
2. A map which depicts the different routes which Elkana
traveled from his home to the Mishkan in Shiloh.
3. A map of the Mishkan itself/ where Eli sat and where Chana
stood when she davened her tefillah.
11. Cross-references to other relevant sections of Tanach
a. There may be sections of Tanach that directly relate to the unit
and are therefore worth highlighting.
b. Please briefly explain how the cross-references relate to your
i. Vehi Marat Nefesh: Chana davening with all her heart,
contrasted with Moshe Rabeinu in Parshas Vezos
Habracha, that he davened expecting Hashem the soft
hearted Hashem to allow him into Eretz Yisroel, and so
he didnt daven with all his heart and wasnt allowed in.
Also, compared to the last round of those in the who
dug their graves but didnt die that year on Tisha Baav,
because they davened a whole hearted tefillah knowing
they were the last left to die.
ii. Peninas actions towards Chana: Bring reference to Sarah
and Hagar (as Sarah and Chana were both barren and

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
both answered on Rosh Hashana, and both had co-wives
who made life difficult for them).
iii. Peninas hurtful remarks towards Chana to bring her to
daven with full kavanah: She acted improperly, like Shaul
Hamelech who left Agag alive to bring Jews to level of
Kimu Vekiblu.
iv. Elkanas comments of Halo Anochi Tov Lecha Measara
banim and the story of Rebbe Elazar Ben Dordaya and
Ein Hadavar Taluy Ela Bi

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
Section 2: Lesson Plans
Lesson 1: How to Cheer up a Friend who is Down
A deeper look at the Manah Achat Apaim which Elkana gave to Chana
Unit Goals:
1. Students will know the important characters and events in Perek Alef
2. Students will be able to work efficiently and effectively with a Chavrusa pair
3. Students will be able to read through Pesukim and see inside what words
prompted Meforshim to comment as they did (skills).
4. Students will appreciate the importance of treating others with empathy
and compassion (Values).
5. Students will value the relevance of Shmuel Alef to their own lives (Values).
1. Students will be able to list the different approaches as to what the
words Manah Achat Apaim are referring to.
2. Students will be able to employ these techniques to cheer up a friend
whos down.
Notebook, pen, Jig-saw activity source packet, Exit card
Hook activity, Jig-saw activity
1. Hook: Students will be presented with the following scenario: Your best friend has
just experienced the worst day ever. She did poorly on the Chumash test she was
nervous about, she didnt make the schools basketball team, she forgot all of her
snacks at home, and her favorite skirt got caught on the schools radiator and ripped!
You feel bad that shes down and want to do something to help cheer her up. What
would you do to cheer her up?
2. Describe the scene of Chana at Mishkan Shiloh, pained by her lack of children,
Penina getting many portions of Elkanas korban for her whole family and Elkana
giving Chana a special portion of the Korban just for her. Tell the class that today

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
theyre going to be working Bechavruta on a Jig-saw activity to uncover the depth
behind the gift which Elkana gave to Chana.
3. Teacher will go over the guidelines for working Bechavruta effectively. The
students will be pre-assigned groups and location spots which will be written on the
board. The students will be assigned one group to learn through the original source
with (students will be broken into groups with harder and simpler meforshim based
on their levels), and one group in which theyll teach over the source which they
learned. By the end of the activity, every girl should have learned or been taught each
one of the Meforshim, and students will be asked to hand in their completed
worksheets to the teacher to be checked. Creating the jig-saw activity for this unit is
an effective way to ensure that each student is both engaged in and individually
accountable for the material which they learn, and that everyone will learn through
all of the course material which theyre meant to.
4. Class will quickly go over some of the ideas raised by the different Meforshim of
how Elkana attempted to cheer up Chana, and how we can cheer up our friends who
are down.
5. Teacher will apply it back to the opening example in our hook.
6. Exit Card: Teacher will ask the students to answer two questions
Exit card to be written on Index Card handed out:
a. What are 3 ways to understand the words Manah Achat Apaim?
b. Based on these answers, what are 3 ways to cheer up a friend of yours who
is down? (Learning through the approaches of Elkana to cheer up Chana in
this way is an effective method of bringing the Navi material down to a
personal level for the students to allows for the students to practically apply
the lessons into their own lives).

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
Manah Achat Apaim Jig-saw Activity
How to Cheer up a friend who is down
Elana Glatt



: - ()
choice piece =
1. What is Rashis question regarding the words from pasuk hey?
2. What is Rashis answer and who is the answer speaking about?
3. How did Elkana try to cheer Chana up?
4. Discussion Question: Based on this Rashi, what would be a way you could
make a friend feel better if she were upset about something she was going

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky



'' . ()

the fatty pieces =*
the lean pieces =*
to look into her eyes=*


1. What is Ralbags question regarding the words from pasuk hey?

2. What is the Ralbags 1st answer? Who/what is the phrase manah achat
apaim speaking about?
3. What is the Ralbags 2nd answer? Who/what is the phrase manah achat
apaim speaking about?
4. Discussion Question: Based on this Ralbag, what would be a way you could
make a friend feel better if she were upset about something she was going
through? (2)

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky

) " (


sadness =
anger =
he showed =
it appears =
scowling =
raised =
double (for two reasons/two-fold) =
because of this =

1. How does R David Kimchi describe the word Af?
2. According to R David Kimchi then, Al Mi Neemar Af?
3.Why did that person demonstrate Af (2 reasons)?
4. How do you think Chana felt to receive the Mana from Elkana in this way?

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
5. Discussion Question: Based on this R David Kimchi, what would be a way
you could make a friend feel better if she were upset about something she
was going through?

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky


it was appropriate =
regretful =
he showed =
to relieve =


1. How was Chana feeling?

2. What was the purpose in Elkana giving Chana the Mana?
3. How does the idea of greeting people BSever Panim Yafos relate with
Elkana giving Chana the Mana?
4. Discussion Question: Based on this Metzudat David, what would be a way
you could make a friend feel better if she were upset about something she
was going through?

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
Lesson 2: Do the Ends Justify the Means?
An analysis of Peninas painful remarks towards Chana
Unit Goals:
1. Students will know the important characters and events in Perek Alef.
(Chana and Peninas tense relationship, Eli Hakohen and his 2 sons at Mishkan
Shiloh, Shmuels birth, etc.)
2. Students will be able to read through Pesukim and see inside what words
prompted Meforshim to comment as they did (skills).
3. Students will appreciate the importance of treating others with empathy
and compassion (Values).
4. Students will value the relevance of Shmuel Alef to their own lives (Values).
1. Students will know 3 reasons why Penina was punished so severely
for her painful remarks towards Chana.
2. Students will be able to suggest alternative ways that Penina could
have brought Chana to daven.
Notebook, pen, Navi, source booklet
Hook activity, Mini-chavrusa session
1. Hook: Students will be presented with the following story/ case: Daniella and Baila
were best friends since Kindergarten and spent every free Sunday hanging out with
one another. Over the last few months, Daniella noticed that Baila was never free on
Sundays, as she was always studying in her room for that weeks upcoming tests. One
day in school, Daniella found Baila hysterically crying in the locker room. Daniella
went to offer a crying shoulder, upon which Baila told her that she just failed another
Math test, and that if she does poorly on one more exam she would have to redo the
course in summer school. Daniella felt terribly since she knew how hard Baila
studied, and so she decided that on the next test, shed feed Baila some answers in
order to help her do better. When the day of the next test arrived, Daniella tilted her
paper closer towards Baila, and was caught red handed by the teacher. The teacher
told Daniella that shed have to take away her exam, and that shed have detention

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
for the remainder of the week. Daniella argued that she was acting for a noble cause
and was only trying to help Daniella succeed.
Question: Did Daniella do the right thing? Did she deserve this punishment? Why or
why not.
2. Discuss students thoughts. Pose the question for students to think about do the
ends ever justify the means?
3. Teacher will tell over the story of Chana and Penina (how Penina would say to
Chana Why arent you up early packing snacks for your kids etc. in order to get
Chana to daven, and how once Chana davened and had children, Penina would lose 2
children for each one child Chana had).
4. Teacher will show students the maamar Chazal which says that Penina was acting
Lshem shamayim, and that she had the proper intent in upsetting Chana in this way.
5. Teacher will ask the students If Peninas intent was Lshem Shamayim, why was
she punished so severely? Analyze Peninas actions with the class, thumbs up or
thumbs down if Penina could have acted better in this situation, what would students
have done in this situation?
6. Break students up into Mini-Chavrusa pairs to learn through the 3 approaches as
to why Penina was punished so harshly for her actions. (1. Sichos Mussar Although
proper intentions, hurting someone else is like playing with fire. 2. R Moshe David
Vali Penina was Choshed Bekesherim, telling Chana it was because of her wrong
actions that she didnt have children. 3. The Rhizner You cant act against the Torah
in order to fulfill what you think is right).
7. Quick class review of the 3 answers
8. Assessment handout to fill out
For students to fill out:
List 3 reasons why Penina was
punished so severely for her
actions towards Chana:

Suggest at least one alternative

method which Penina could have
used to bring Chana to daven:







Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
Lesson 3: The matter Depends on No one else but Me
6 words which prompted Chana to daven with all her heart
Unit Goals:
1. Students will be able to read through Pesukim and see inside what
words prompted Meforshim to comment as they did (Skills).
2. Students will appreciate the power of true heartfelt tefillah (Values).
3. Students will appreciate the importance of taking initiative in their
own spiritual growth (Values).
4. Students will value the relevance of Shmuel Perek Alef to their own
lives (Values).
1. Students will know why Elkanas words Halo Anochi Tov Lecha
Measara Banim prompted Chana to daven so intensely.
2. Students will recognize that the key to spiritual growth and change
lies within themselves.
Notebook, pen, Navi, source booklet
Hook activity
1. Hook: Newlywed type game activity. Have 2 students who are good friends
volunteer to come up to the front. Send one student outside and ask the one inside
two questions related to their spiritual life what was the most uplifting experience
youve had over the last month? (a tefillah, a Shabbos, etc.). Have the student answer
the questions, and then bring in the other student. Pose the questions to her about
the friend who stayed inside, and see if she knows the answers about her friends
current spiritual life.
2. Most likely, as close of friends as they are, they probably dont know the answers
to those questions. Discuss with class how oftentimes, even if our friends or teachers
care a lot about us, they dont have the same sense of achrayus for our lives/ our
growth, they dont know the deep things which inspire us/ pain us etc. They might
know us well and certainly, if we were to open up and share these feelings with them,
a mentor might be able to help steer us or guide us in the correct course of action to

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
maximize growth nonetheless, ultimately, it is up to us to initiate and actually
implement that growth.
3. Tafkid Kriyah Before reading through a few Pesukim as a class, provide students
with the following task: In the following Pesukim, were going to see that something
changed within Chana that brought her to get up and daven with tremendous
Kavanah (a tefillah which ultimately brought about her yeshua). What in these
Pesukim do you think prompted this intense tefillah? Underline the words in the
Pesukim which you think represent this catalyst for Chana.
4. Discuss with class the words Halo Anochi Tov Lecha Measara Banim and how
seeing that Elkana, as intimately as he cared about her and knew her pain deeply, still
no human being can relate 100% with anothers feelings, and Chana realized that the
highest form of tefillah is from the choleh or petitioner themselves. Ones
relationship with Hashem, ultimately, isnt dependent on anyone else. (Malbim:
Vatakam this is what prompted Chana to go and daven with all her heart).
5. Interactive Prezi presentation discussing as a class a few other examples of
people who realized that the matter was up to them in regards to their own spiritual
growth, and that they couldnt rely on anyone but themselves to daven and change.
Ein hadavr taluy ela bi
(Story of Rebbe Elazar ben Dordaya engaging and interesting story which will grab
and retain the attention of the students, discussion of last generation in Midbar no
one else to daven for them but themselves).
6. End class with assessment
Navi journal reflection entry:
-Why did Elkanas words Halo Anochi Tov Lecha Measara Banim prompt Chana to
daven with such Kavanah?
-Whats an area of your life where you tend to rely on others to help you grow?
-How could you take initiative to uplift that area of your spiritual growth?

Elana Glatt
Final Project
Dr. Ilana Turetsky
Over the course of this semester I have gained both the pedagogical skills
and confidence to enter a Navi classroom of my own. Through each masterfully
created lesson, Dr. Turetsky opened my eyes to the beauty of both learning and
teaching Navi, and helped me to recognize the relevance of each Sefer of Navi in my
own life. Creating character sketches to properly portray characters in Navi,
presenting visual maps for our students to enliven the places mentioned in the text,
and providing guiding questions and thoughts to promote active engagement in
textual learning are only a few of the various methods I have picked up over the past
few weeks, and to which I can point when looking back at my growth as a Navi
Two areas where I hope to continue to grow in are engaging my students more
in the text on their own by promoting student centered learning, and finding
meaningful connection points between the text and my students lives. The most
exciting part of teaching is the continuous learning experience for me as well as the
students, and I hope to continue to grow in all areas of teaching throughout my life.

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