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Rainbow After The Rain

1. Miss Iim
: An English teacher in Senior High School 1 Simpang Empat.
She is kind , patient and lovable to her students.
2. Indah
: A girl student in Senior High School 1 Simpang Empat. Shed
never falling in love, and shes difficult to decides her true feeling about love
because she doesnt have a good treatment for love.
3. Made
: A boy student that has a good looking face, fair and kind. Hes
good to secrets his feeling.
4. Beauty/Indah
: a big girl student that funny and kind. Shes indahs best
5. Charles
: A boy student. He always disturbs Beauty in the classroom.
Three weeks later, the students in senior high school will face the national Examination, and
sbsolutely for Senior High School 1 Simpang Empatn . Miss iim as an english teacher try to gives
motivation, advise and helps to push her students to ready face the national examination and reach
their dreams. But indah, Beauty and Charles are lazy students. They specially dont like the English
lesson but they surely have a big dream and also for a new boy student, Made. Its like a challenge for
miss iim. Many troubles that they should pass during the process to reach their dreams, such as
miscomprehension, triangle love and disaster. But fortunately , they succed to pass all well. Every
trouble which they have during reach their dream like the rain which prevents us to go to out from
house. And then, their successes theyve got like the rainbow which comes after the rain J
Scene 1

: Unexpected Helping

Scene 2

: Finding Solution

Scene 3

: A New Student

Scene 4

: Feeling likes love

Scene 5

: Jealous Vapour (Evaporation)

Scene 6

: Micomprehension (Condensation)

Scene 7

: Regret and Sadness (Rain)

Scene 8

: Outreach of Dream (Reflection & Refraction)

Scene 9

: Winners (Red)

Scene 10

: The Best Teacher (Orange)

Scene 11

: New House (Yellow)

Scene 12

: Good Friendship (Green)

Scene 13

: The Truth (Blue & Indigo)

Scene 14

: Sing along Together (Purple)

Scene 1. Unexpected Helping

In the afternoon day. Indah plans to buy fried chicken in a store near the park. But when she wanted to
pay, her purse was dissappeaned. She is confused and try to looking for it around the park.

: Im sorry. Wait a minute, please. (speaks with the seller of store)

Oh, no. what should I do ? where is my purse ? (she speaks to own herself)
Suddenly, someone gives her a purse. That is indahs purse. Indah just shows the arm and her purse.
She takes it and her face changes happy anymore. Then, she runs to store.

: Here it is. Thank you.

she have just realized that has helped her is a boy. She tries to find him. But, he is walking away.

: Thank you, boy. (shouts indah)

He just raise his left arm and then he was gone. Indah smiles. As soon as, she take her tablet from
bag and take his photo fastly. A photo of a boy captured from behind with the red jacket.

: Really nice.

Mr. X (she mutters to own herself)

Scene 2. Finding the solution

In a caf Made sitting alone, thinking one solution.

Made : Three weeks later, I will face of the national examination and till Now, I havent found a good
English teacher. (talk to his friend trough phone)
Thanks for your support, sist. Bye..
Then, his both eyes looked someone aeross his table. She is like an English teacher that is explaining
to her student.
Ms. Iim : the generic structure of explanation text is
1. General statement
2. Series of events
3. Conclusion
Beauty sees at Made that is looking carefully to Ms. Iim
Ms. Iim : hear me carefully, Indah.

: oh. Sorry Miss.

Scene 3. A new student

In the classroom. The students of the 12th science 1 will begin their lesson. Today is the English lesson.
Miss Imroatul Mufidah begins her lesson. Lesson that is not preferred by most of students.
Ms. Iim : Good morning my lovely students.
How are you today ?

: we are fine, and you ?

Ms. Iim : Im very well. Thank you.

Today, we will discuss about explanation text about how does rain happen. Rain is the primary
source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems.
No students in the class listen her explanation, they just busy with each their work.
Charles : (play the game from gamebook secretly)

: (drawing in her book)


: (finishes the other tasks)

Suddenly, the day changes be gloomy and then Rain comes.

Charles : This is your mistake, miss. Because you talk about Rain.
All students laugh
Charles : Miss, I have a question ?
Ms. Iim : what is that, Charles ?
Charles : Why the God make the rain of water ? its better if the rain of money, we shouldnt work
Beauty & Charles : (laugh)
Indah (gets angry) : Charles. Dont talk like that. If God give us the rain of money, it cans cause big
expenditure for God, and finally God Couldnt give sustenance for us anymore.

: God is not as poor as like you, indah.

Charles & Beauty : (laugh)

Ms. Iim : Actually, the rain comes from the storage of water in the earth. So, if we would like the rain
of money. We should have money very very much.

: I feel likes love to someone, Uty.


: who is he ?

Charles : A boy, dont you! (answer surely)


: Stupid boy, Indah surely is not a lesbian.

Charles : Im just make a joke, Iful


: Mr. X

Uty and Charles are speechless and confused. The bell is ring, and all student enter the class to
their lesson.
Ms. Iim : come in, please, Made.

My lovely students. There is a new student. Introduce yourself, please.

: Hello my friend. My name is I Made G.P. I come from Ball Island. My address is Block C,
Karang Bintang village. Nice to meet you.

: Nice to meet you too.

Made has a handsome face. He makes Indah and Uty be dazzle to him at the first time.
Charles : (break the silence)
Hi, new student finally I have a boyfriend in this class. My name is Charles.
Miss Iim and Uty laugh..

: Im sorry Made. He can not speak English well.


: no, problems.

Beauty : And now, I will to introduce myself. My name is indah and my beautiful name is beautiful,
you can call me
Charles : Iful ( cuts indahs speech)
Other students and Miss Iim laugh .
Ms. Iim : sit down, please.
Indah is looking to Made that is paying attention to Miss Iim carefully.
After English lesson finished. Made wants to give invitation
: Im sorry my new friends. I would like to invite you to welcome party to my apartment near
the school.

: Im surely comes. (cheerfully)


: Id love to. (smiles at Made)

Charles : I also, new student


: Thank you for your accepting.

Scene 4. Feeling likes love

Indah, Uty, and Charles the welcome partys Made just by walking

: I guess I have ever seen Made before in other place. But Im forget where it is.

Charles : That is just your guess.

After they arrived in Mades apartment.

: Come in, please.

Ms. Iim : Hi, my lovely students.

Indah & Uty : Miss Iim ??? (surprised)
Charles : I guess this party is special for students.
Ms. Iim : But Im still young, Made has picked me up.
Mades appearance tonight is really nice and cool. Its Made the girls are really really fascinated, not
except Indah and Uty.
After three hours passed

: would you like to be driven home by my car ?


: Sure, Indah and Uty too.

Then, they arrived in each their homes.


: Thank you, Made. Be careful


: With pleasure. ( smiles at Indah )

On her bad
: last morning, I feel so glad for the Mades coming, then I feel jealous when Made pick Ms.
Iim up to his party last time, and now Im very happy while he was smiling at me. No, no,no Maybe I
have fallen in love to Mr. X and to Made. Oh, no. its imposible.
Then, she sleeps

Scene 5. Jealous Vapour (evaporation)

In the classroom

: (studdenly stand up )

Made , this is for you


: what it is ?


: cakes


: thanks iful ( studently comes and stels the cakes) wow, its so delicious


: carles !! (hit the carles back)

carles :

: my back is pain , ipul


: ( laugh )


: ( feels jealous )

Miss Iim begins the lesson today

Miss Iim

: I will continue my previous explanation in tablet ( text book ) and a picture of water
cycle Rain has 3 kinds , drizzling , middle rain and heavy rain .it will be
daugerous if the
heavy rain . because it will cause flood
Miss Iim

: any question ?

Its okay ,Iii give you homework . you should explan about process of rain , reply my
explain or make a new . thenull practice it in front of class one by one tomorrow

: oh no

In Breaktime
Miss iim

: Im sorry , made , I have stomachache


: i:m sorry miss . for a minute please

From a distance, indah is seeing made that is being busy to look for a medicine for miss Iim


: (feels jealous )

After school , while Indah is walking away to go home , she sees Made and miss Iim in a caf

: ( feels jealous more and more )

As soon as , she walks toward the Beautys house


: Whats the matter Indah ?


: Im very very jealous with miss Iim and you Aaaargh..


: me ?why ?


: I feel Ive Fallen no voce Made


: what ?

You love Mr X , dont you ? and now, Made too you are greedy Indah

: I dont mean like that


: as you know , a love him firstly get out of here I want to take are


: but Uty . I guess Made loves miss Iim , there are 2 possibility, they are dating or


: ( still angry )


: ( sigh )

Indah leaves
Following day
Indah and Beauty dont sit together anymore and they dont acknowledge each other.

; whats wrong with you guys?


: oh , nothing

Then made helps miss Iim bring her bag .uty feels jealous

Miss iim

: firstly ,indah please.

: ( opens her picture ) , thank you for this chance and time . I will explain about how
does rain happen ? Rain is one of the seasons. Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most
areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for
hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation. Rain is also known or suspected on other planets,
where it may be composed of methane, neon, sulfuric acid or even iron rather than water. Rain only
happens in the tropic area, such as Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Do you know how does rain
statement] Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all that water
get into the sky?
[explanation] Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot
water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and
windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows.
[explanation] The world is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines
on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for
hundreds of kilometers. Then the clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The
drops of water are rain.
Thank you
Miss iim

: Next made please


: Thank you miss Iim

Here I will talk about how does rain happen similar is miss Iim s rain is the primary. Rain is the
primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse
ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves the sun
heating the Earths surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor rises
into the Earths atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets.
The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of
However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called
virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.
And last for today, Beauty please.
: Im forget to stud The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of
the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earths surface water and causing the surface water to
evaporate. The water vapor rises into the Earths atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and
condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as

However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called
virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.
Beauty feels jealous.
Miss Iim

: My lovely students, you should prepare to ready face of national examination ,

For English lesson 1 weeks later

Thank you for your attention
Good afternoon
Scene 6 Mis comprehension ( condensation )

: Im sorry youre right. Lets we tease missiim

They begins to sprinkle the soft flour on the table and chairs miss Iim. Then, missIim has realized it,
she surprised and as soon as get out off class clean her dress
Made has known it, he gets angry to beauty and Indah

: youre so, supergluity !!


: be patient , new student

Miss Iim back to class , but indah and Beauty is gone

Miss Iim

: carles where is indah and beauty ?


: I dont know miss maybe to the bathroom or


: lets continue miss Miss Iim then carles please ,

: thank you guys this is my presentation you know rain ? Evaporation , condensation
and precipation ( rain )
Evaporation is water changes be vapour and go up the sky , they collected to be a cloud this is
called condensation . if they reach the certain temperature , they can be a rain or called.. precipation

Thank you
All laugh because his explanation is very short.
: wait miss, I feel Indah and Beauty get angry with you because they suppose that
made love you
Scene 7 regret and sadness (rain )
08.00 am , Monday 3 february 2013

: ( studying in the classroom )


: ( sleeping )


: ( having lunch )


: wake wake up indah


: uh whats happen


: its very annoyed


: youre right, wait a minute here


: I dont know about carles, but I know about missIim

To hospital

: oh my god , protect my teacher god


: amin

They arrived in miss Iim s room in hospital


: miss ( arying), Im soory miss were wrong we had hated you miss I regret my mistake


: Im sorry too, miss( crying )

Miss Iim

: no problem my lovely students, I dont angry with you


: how about your opration of appendiy, miss?

Miss Iim

: steady , btw where is Charles?


: we dont know miss, he was absen for 3 day

Miss Iim

: call him fastly


: hello , I have no time . Im busy


: where are you ?what happen with you ?


: oh Im sorry

Its not a big problem, there was a food in my village and my house was overflow, so I should save my
Miss Iim

: that is readly big problem, you know ?


: stupid

Miss Iim
: we apologize because we might couldnt help you, but we can pray for you from
here. Keep you healthy ,carles
And be spirit

: thank you


: we should back to school to get endowment what to help carles.

Scene 8 Outreach of Dreams ( Reflection and Refraction )

5 days later , miss Iim teacher her student again
In the classroom
Miss Iim
: my lovely student , 1 week later , you will face UN of English .. attention please today
miss IIm will teacher us again , are you ready?

: no Im not but we promise to study harder miss

Miss Iim

: thats good


: what about carles, miss?

Miss Iim

: he says that if he find out the new house .he will back soon

: miss, I have difficull about review text and explain text can you explain it any more?
( go to in front of miss Iim )

: ( studying about latter in her table )


: ( reading the expressions )

All student get study harder , they very cheerful, not except for carles, he also promise to his own selt
and miss iim study harder

: sure miss (holding the English book )

expresstion ?

: made, are you busy ? I have a question , do you have the other book about


: oh I do here you are


: for all my friends, fight fight( in front of the class )


: laugh

Scene 9 winner ( Red )


: Im very nervous


: Im not


: you !

Indah : ( still calm and keep prays )

Miss Iim

: now, I will read you score I MADE GILIR PERMADI is 95


: really? Oh its unbelieve , thank my god


: (clap hands )

Miss Iim



: congratulation carles

Miss iim

: Indah Ayu Murti is 90 and then INDAH PS is 97.

my score

: what? Thats realy my score ? just one mistake ? oh thank god , Im very satisfy with


: congratulation Indah youre the best

Scene 10 The Best Teacher (orange )

Miss Iim

: thank you (accepting the accolade

All students

: miss Iim you are our best ( missIim miss Iim miss iim)

Miss Iim

: thank you my lovely students, I hope you always remember me

Scene 11. New House (Yellow)


: its my advise to clean your house regularly, Charles.

Uty and Made laugh..


: he he thanks


: okay. Lets clean this new house !


: I will help you, stupid.


: laugh

Scene 12. Good Friendship (green)

They just taking a photo
Ms. Iim : Are you ready ?

: yes, miss.

Then 1 photo has taken

Ms. Iim : its really nice photo.

Scene 13. The Truth (blue and indigo)

Beauty & Charles : Indah. Wait.

: here it is Made couldnt turn it back. Because he is preparing to Bali.


: Oh, sorry. We must go. Bye, Indah..

Indah P.S.
Dear Indah, Im sorry, you might still angry with me. Because our previous trouble and you
still suppose that I love Ms. Iim. Do you want to hear my explanation ? I think you wont. So, I
send this letter. Tomorrow I going to Bali. I will continue to higher education there. Before I
go, I want to say that Ive fallen in love with you at first time I help you to find your purse.
You are sweety a funny. Sorry, I cant say it directly.
I Love You
I Made G P
I Made G.P.
While Indah brings her book, a letter is fall out. She opens it and read it carefully.
Indah is very surprised. Then she runs to ward Mades apartment

: Mr. X.. Do you explain about your feeling ?


: Indah ? Mr. X ? (surprised and confused)

Then he walks to ward Indah


: I will explain the truth. I dont love Ms. Iim. But, I love the girl else


: I know. Thanks for your letter.


: Im happy to have met you.

Scene 14 Sing along together (purple)

In the Charles new house. They reply the past moments in the classroom, 12 th science 1
Ms. Iim : Indah, please.
Today I will explain about How The Rainbow is Formed

Rainbow is one of optic phenomena that happens in the atmosphere of the earth naturally. We can
see it at mountin range, or when it is cloudy, or when it is raining and rising of sun. We have to be the
other side for looking. We just can see it a half of circle form, but acctually the rainbow is a circle
form. We can see it perfectly, if it is seen by standing in the high place. It is real that rainbow is a circle
form not like parabola form. On the ground, we can not see perfectly, except if we are in the high place
like in the air plane or standing on top of moutain. When we are looking at rainbows colors, we will
see them that ordered of red is on the highest order, and purple is on the lowest order.
Red is more dominant than another color caused by having biggest wave between others. Therefore
the red one is in the highest order and purple one is in lowest order. How rainbow is formed? Try to
watch it when light of sun concerns a 90-degree angle mirror or a glass prism side, or surface of soap
foam. We can see colors on the light. The light is rayyed to be some wave lenght of light that it is seen
by our eyes as red, bright red, yellow, green, blue and purple. These colors are compnents of light that
they are called visible light. The other component is invisible light such as infrared (red is in the right
side), and ultraviolet (bright red is in the left side).
So, we can see the beautiful rainbow because there are some processes to be beautiful rainbow that it
appears in the sky.

: its so good Indah

Ms. Iim : lets sing together about Rainbow.

Oh.. rainbow

oh.. rainbow

How beautiful you are

Youre red yellow and green
Youre hangin on the sky
The greated who created you
Who really painted you ?
Oh.. rainbow

oh.. rainbow

Created by the god


: I;m very happy . Thank you God ( Shouts Made)


: Just say Alhamdulillah Made .

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