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This Storage Agreement made and entered into this ______ day of ____, 2014 at the City
of Quezon City by and between:
SECURE STORAGE SERVICES CORP. ("SSS" for brevity), a business
undertaking registered and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the
Philippines, with office address at 1281 G. Araneta Avenue corner Calamba, Quezon
City, represented in this Agreement by its Managing Director, JOSELITO C.
ALVARADO, hereinafter referred to as the "Warehouseman";
- and
_________________, of legal age, Filipino, married, with residence at #
_________________, hereinafter referred to as the Storer.
WHEREAS, SSS is in the business of WAREHOUSING : an entity engaged in the
business of storing goods for profit;
WHEREAS, SSS has offered to provide personal storage facility and storage related
services to _____________, and the Storer has accepted said offer under the terms and
conditions specified in this Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual
covenants and stipulations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereby agree as follows:


The premises subject of this Agreement refers to Unit _________ground floor with an area of
____ sqm. located at 1281 G. Araneta Avenue cor. Calamba, Quezon City.

Term of the Agreement

This Agreement shall commence on __________ and shall be effective until __________.
Upon the expiry or termination of this Agreement, SSS is expressly given the right to suspend
access to the Storage Unit and/or release of stored items unless the parties herein have agreed
for a renewal of this Agreement and/or until full and complete settlement of all accounts by the

Rates and Payment

For and in consideration of SSS' facility hereunder, the Storer agrees to pay the
Warehouseman a net monthly rental of ___________ (Php _____________) PESOS, payable
in advance, without demand, on or before the thirteenth (13 th) day of each month. A one (1)
month advance rental shall likewise be paid by the Storer upon signing of this Agreement and
prior to occupancy of the Storage Unit.
Delay in the payment of the stipulated rate shall subject the same to a penalty of three
(3%) percent per month until full settlement of the outstanding obligation.


The Storer shall pay to the warehouseman upon the execution of this contract a deposit
equivalent to Two (2) months rental or the total sum of _______________ (Php. _________),
which shall answer for any amount still remaining and due from the Storer by virtue of the
provisions of this contract, upon the expiration of the same or its early termination due to the
fault of the Storer. In the event that the Storer shall have no outstanding obligation to the
Warehouseman upon the expiration of this contract, then the said deposit or whatever remains
of the same shall be returned by the Warehouseman to the Storer without interest. In no case
shall the deposit be applied to an outstanding monthly rental falling due. And, non- payment of
any monthly rental so stipulated in this contract, despite the deposit, shall be regarded as a
breach of this contract;


This contract is renewable (impliedly) upon sole confirmation of the warehouseman without
need of execution of another contract by the Storer, or by mutual agreement of the parties by
another contract or by another written document confirming the renewal , with the OPTION on
the part of the WAREHOUSEMAN to terminate the term agreed upon earlier should the Storer
incur unpaid monthly rentals. Provided that the option to terminate shall be exercised by the
WAREHOUSEMAN by serving on the Storer by email and/or by post thirty (30) days prior
written notice of such termination.


Account Information Sheet/ Non-negotiable warehouse receipt

Upon signing of this Agreement, the Storer shall immediately provide a listing of his authorized
signatory/signatories who shall be given access to the Storage Unit. The Storer shall assume
the responsibility of informing SSS, in writing, for every change or revision from the previously
provided list. The Storer also warrants that his representative/s as declared in the Account
Information Sheet has full authority to act on his behalf and is therefore binding upon him.

Storage, Management and other related services

The Storer acknowledges that SSS is not cognizant of the contents of the Storage Unit.
Hpwever, the Storer shall declare or state in writing a description of the goods or of the

packages containing them and to determine the extent of loss or damage, the declaration of a
higher value for the goods stored. Moreover, the Storer ensures that the items or goods stored in
the subject premises do not contain any narcotics, highly flammable, explosive, toxic or
radioactive materials, organic matter which may attract vermin or insects, or other substance
which are illegal, dangerous and unsafe to store or handle in an enclosed area. Since the
goods are described in a receipt merely by statements of marks or labels upon them or upon
packages containing the goods or by a statement that the goods are said to be goods of a
certain kind or that of the packages containing them, or by a statement that the goods are said
to be goods of a certain kind by words of like purport, such statements shall not make liable the
warehouseman, although the goods are not of the kind which the marks or labels upon them
indicate or of the kind they were said to be by the depositor/storer.
The Storer shall hold SSS free from liability for any loss or damage to any stored items, or
when its inability, failure or refusal to carry out instructions or services were caused by acts of
God, floods, strikes, lockouts, riots and civil commotions, legal process or any other reason
beyond SSS' control.
Expenses for the electricity and other utilities pertaining to the Storage Unit during the
term of this Agreement shall be for the account of the Storer.

Request by the Storer for additional services, which includes but is not limited to, loading
and unloading, moving and packing of the stored items or goods and provision of added security
equipment and/or personnel, may be entertained only upon agreement in writing by both parties
on a reasonable cost for the performance of such services.

SSS reserves the right to deny access to the Storage Unit for any violation of the
enumerated terms and conditions by the Storer.
f. The goods shall only be released only to the Storer or to any other specified person in the
warehouse receipt or who has written authority from the person so entitled either indorsed upon
the receipt or written upon another paper;

Right of Removal and Transfer

a. The Storer hereby grants SSS the right to remove and transfer the stored items from the
Storage Unit in case of fire, storm or any fortuitous event where the removal and transfer
is, in SSS' discernment, necessary to preserve or prevent further damage to said items.
The Storer shall immediately be given notice of the removal and transfer and advised of
the alternative location through any reasonable means of communication.
b. Moreover, if after the lapse of 30 days from the date of expiration, termination or
cancellation of this contract or the eviction of the storer and the latter still fails to pay the
entire obligation the warehouseman, without further notice, is hereby appointed as the as
the storers attorney-in-fact, with authority and power to sell or dispose of any and all of
the properties found inside the storage area for such price or amount which the

warehouseman may deem reasonable and apply the proceeds thereof against the
obligations of the storer. Upon complete satisfaction of the obligations of the storer, any
excess property and/or money shall be turned over to the storer.



a. SSS shall have a lien against the items and/or boxes and the proceeds thereof for any due
and outstanding charges/account of the Storer. In addition, should said charges/account remain
unpaid for a period of two (2) months despite demands to the Storer, SSS is hereby sanctioned
to sell part or all of the contents and items stored or deposited until full satisfaction of the
Storer's obligation.
b. SSS having a lien on the goods may refuse to surrender or deliver the goods to the Storer
until the lien is satisfied. Warehouseman is entitled to all remedies provided by law to a creditor
against a debtor for the collection from the Storer of all charges and advances which the storer
has expressly or impliedly contracted with the warehouseman to pay.
c. Satisfaction of lien by sale:

The warehousmans lien on the goods shall be satisfied as follows: A demand shall
be made of the amount of the claim as stated in a notice to be given by the
warehouseman to the Storer at his declared address and a date of payment shall be
set which shall not be less than 10 days from the delivery of the notice if by personal
service or from the time when the notice shall reach its destination, according to the
due course of post, if the notice is sent by mail.


The notice shall contain a statement that unless the claim is paid within the time
specified, the goods will be advertised for sale and sold by auction at a specified time
and place. The sale of the goods by auction may be had to satisfy any valid claim of
the warehouseman for which it has lien over the goods. The sale shall be had 15
days form the time of the first publication. If there is no newspaper published in such
place, then the advertisement shall be posted at least 10 days before such sale in
not less than 6 conspicuous places therein.


From the proceeds of the sale, the warehouseman shall satisfy his lien including the
reasonable charged of notice, advertisement and sale. The balance, if any of such
proceeds shall be demanded from the Storer.

iv.At any time before the goods are so sold , any person claiming a right of property or
possession therein may pay the warehouseman the amount necessary to satisfy his
lien and to pay the reasonable expenses and liabilities incurred in service notices
and advertising and preparing for the sale up to the time of such payment. The
warehouseman shall release the goods to the person making payment if he is a
person entitled, under the law to the possession of the goods on payment of charges
therein. Otherwise the warehouseman shall retain possession of the goods
according to the terms of this agreement.



This will not preclude the warehouseman the remedy of enforcing the lien through
other remedies allowed by law for the enforcement of a lien against personal
property nor bar the right to recover so much of the warehousemans claim as shall
not be paid by the proceeds of the sale of the goods.


After goods are lawfully sold to satisfy a warehousemans lien, or have been lawfully
sold or disposed of because of their perishable or hazardous nature, the
warehouseman shall not thereafter be liable for failure to release or deliver the goods
to the depositor or owner of the goods or to a holder of the receipt given for the
goods when they were deposited, even if such receipt is negotiable.


In the event the Storer terminates this Agreement before its expiration, or vacates the same
without the knowledge and approval of Warehouseman, or termination of this Agreement is by
reason of violation by the Storer of the conditions herein, the Two (2) months deposit and any
and all advance payments which may have been given shall be forfeited in favor of SSS.

Waiver of liability

Management does not accept responsibility for losses to the stored goods and for any claims,
including but not limited to:

Responsibility for personal body injury, death, accident, lost, stolen or damaged property,
loss of mental or physical enjoyment on goods ,or related delay or inconvenience
Any delays or changes in schedule, itineraries, incurred by any person authorized to claim or
store the goods in the warehouse arising out of any willful or negligent act or omission of any
carrier, ground operator or other person who does not belong to the employee roll of SSS
The act or omissions of any party not due to the Warehouseman
Monetary crisis, labor problems, economic changes, mechanical maintenance or
construction difficulties or noise, climatic aberrations, local laws, novel or unexpected
Absence of ownership documents, permits or licenses on goods stored where required.
Additional expenses due to delay in the claim of goods stores due to sickness, strike, war,
quarantine, pilferage, monetary crisis, political or social unrest, disease, acts of god like
floods, lightning or any events beyond the control of the warehouseman.
Accordingly, the Storer covenant and agree the warehouseman is not responsible for
damages caused by all Acts of God unless the Storer avails of insurance with AOG
insurance coverageon the goods stored and declares the price or cost of the goods stored
covered by the insurance.

Therefore, by storing goods with SSS, each storer agrees that he/she is voluntarily storing the
goods to the warehouseman without claims against the latter unless the Storer declares the
value of the goods stored and pays the insurance over the said properties. In this case, the
Warehouseman shall assist the Storer in the processing of his claims.



Each term, condition and provision of this Storage Agreement shall be considered
severable and if, for any reason whatsoever, any term, condition or provision should be deemed
invalid, illegal of incapable of being enforced as being contrary to or in conflict with any existing
or future ordinance, regulation or law, such shall not impair the operation of this Agreement nor
the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Dispute Resolution and Venue

Should there be any dispute in connection with or arising out of this Agreement, the same shall
be referred to an Arbitrator jointly agreed upon and selected by the parties. In case no
settlement is reached despite arbitration and judicial relief is sought, any litigation shall be filed
only in the proper court of Quezon City.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands on the date and place
first above written.
Managing Director


Signed in the presence of





BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in ___________, Philippines, this _____ day of
_______________ 2014, personally appeared the following persons to wit:

I.D. No.

Date/Place of Issue

Quezon City

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Storage
Agreement, signed by the parties and their witnesses on each and every page hereof,
consisting of four (4) pages including this page, and they acknowledged to me that the same is
their free and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above written.
Doc. No._____;
Page No._____;
Book No._____;
Series of 2014

---------------------------- NON NEGOTIABLE WAREHOUSE RECEIPT--------------------DATE: _______________ WAREHOUSE SERIES NO._________

DATE/TIME OF RECEIPT: _________________

RECEIVED FROM :_______________________
FLIGHT OR TRUCK REFERENCE NO._____________________







SSSs liability for loss/damage to the goods shall not exceed PhP____ per container unless
Customer/storer declares a higher value for the goods and SSS agrees in writing directly below.
In the event such a higher declaration, an excess charge may apply.
HIGHER VALUE_____________





Goods shall only be released to :_________________________

Customer/Storer. In requesting SSS to provide storage and related services for the goods
identified above, specifically agrees that such goods shall be received, held and delivered by
SSS pursuant to this Non-negotiable warehouse Receipt including the terms and condition
detailed in the agreement, including those provisions setting forth limitation upon SSSs liability
and time for claim or suit as well as those setting forth SSSs lien right for unpaid charges.
DATED THIS ______ DAY OF ______, 2014.



Authorized Signature

Authorized Signature

Printed Name and title

Printed Name and Title.

Duplicate receipt received on:_______________ time______________

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