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Christa Kuhlman

Philosophy of Education
I have the desire to be a part of the education system because I want to impact young
minds positively through teaching them. As a teacher, it is my role to help students minds grow
and develop. I want them to expand their horizons and to challenge themselves to see their
potential. An education serves to prepare the student for their next step in life, whatever that may
be. An education should be an enriching, meaningful, and engaging experience for both the
teacher and the student. It is my role to ensure that my students not only to grow academically,
but to grow and learn in social situations and develop as a whole.
I will teach every student fairly, regardless of differences. Diversity in the classroom will
only facilitate my teaching, as we will have many differing beliefs and opinions from different
cultures and backgrounds. Discussing topics with people who have different backgrounds
prepares one very well for the working world, as one will have to work and communicate with
those who do not operate the exact same way as himself. I will encourage students to be
respectful of the opinions of others and try to be understanding of those whose opinions may not
match our own.
I believe that children learn best in an enriching environment that appeals to all of the
students needs; including academic, social, and developmental. While in my classroom, I want
my students not only to grow academically, but to grow and learn in social situations in a safe
manner. A goal I have for my students is that as they further develop their social skills, they each
learn to develop into a well-rounded student and person. I plan to encourage my students to find

something they have a passion for and get involved with it. I believe students who are involved
in organizations through the school are more likely to enjoy the school environment because
once a student becomes involved, school becomes more than where they take classes. Getting
students involved also adds to their college applications, if they choose to apply to colleges, and
work resumes as well. Along with external involvement comes learning to balance and time
management. I will teach my students to manage their time well and stress how important time
management is in the classroom and outside the classroom.
As a teacher, facilitating my students needs and assisting their journey of gaining an
education is my role. I encourage my students to ask for help if they do not understand a concept,
and I will provide extra office hours for students to come in and receive individual help as well.
It is vital that students are all on the same page in order for the class to move on to the next topic
of business, so I will do everything in my power to make sure that each student fully understands
the curriculum.
I want my students to enjoy coming to my class, but to also take my class and the
curriculum seriously. I will strive to ensure that my curriculum is challenging, yet feasible if one
puts the effort in to complete the work. I acknowledge that being a student is a difficult job; and
my job is to facilitate theirs.
I will have a professional relationship with m students as well as their parents. In the
community, I plan to get as involved as reasonably possible. I want to show my students that I
am passionate about being a teacher and I am interested in what they are passionate about and
what makes them who they are outside of the school setting. I dont want my students to feel like
they are only a number, I want them to feel cared about and interested in. With parents, I plan to

be available and understanding about needing to be flexible for varying schedules to meet if
necessary. I am approachable and I want parents to feel comfortable voicing any praise or
concerns they may have for their child.

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