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90 Contoh Soal Soal Bahasa Inggris

Posted in Exercise by Admin
Contoh soal soal bahasa Inggris memang begitu banyak, Anda bisa
mendapatkannya dari berbagai sumber dan tentu saja sangat mudah.
Apabila Anda ingin sedang ingin latihan menggunakan soal soal bahasa
Inggris, Anda bisa memanfaatkan kumpulan soal yang ada di bawah ini.
Selamat mencoba.

Image source : Google Images

1. My sister feels drowsy ______ she has a long time fever.
a. Because
b. So
c. But
d. Until
2. She was tired _____ she took a rest in a long time.
a. Because
b. So
c. But
d. Until
3. We drive to north _____ we want to Europe.
a. Because
b. So
c. But
d. Until

4. My laptop is the ______ among others.

a. Good
b. Better
c. Bestest
d. Best
5. Isnt he the ______?
a. Tall
b. Taller
c. Tallest
d. Most tall
6. This book is too ______.
a. Big
b. Biggest
c. Bigger
d. Biggers
7. Randy has ____ old.
a. Grown
b. Grow
c. Growed
d. Grows
8. She is falling in ____ with me.
a. Love
b. Loving
c. Lover
d. Loves
9. I am going to buy an _____ fish.
a. Extra large
b. Large
c. Medium
d. Largest
10. Cats ____ fast.
a. Run

b. Runs
c. Running
d. Ran
11. I ______ to your house.
a. Went
b. Goes
c. Gone
d. Going
12. She will _____ us.
a. Follow
b. Follows
c. Following
d. Followed
13. I have ______ a beautiful rose for her.
a. Bring
b. Bringing
c. Brought
d. Brings
14. I ______ go to Washington D.C next week.
a. Am going to
b. Will
c. Was going to
d. Plans to
15. Do you _____ me to go?
a. Wants
b. Want
c. Wanted
d. Wanting
16. She is the best _____.
a. Singing
b. Sings
c. Singer
d. Singers

17. _____ here will make you being arrested.

a. Hide
b. Hidden
c. Hides
d. Hiding
18. She is fast ____ she is old
a. Because
b. But
c. Although
d. Since
19. Move fast _____ we cannot reach them.
a. Or
b. But
c. Because
d. Until
20. I have lived here ____ you were child.
a. Since
b. Because
c. Until
d. So

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