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(How to Prepare Project Proposal for Non Profit Organisation/ Non Governmental


Ataewise NGOs

NGOs have to get support, funding, financial help and donation to get work,
execute, implement and accomplishment the aims, objects, aspirations, ambitions,
desires, causes and targets they desire to fulfill and they have decided, they are
working on and they have to achieve them. To get funding and other support,
NGO has to submit project proposals in pre-formated certain patterns and
according to requirement and guidelines of donor agency, support groups and
funding agency or Government Ministry/Department.
Projects for funding are submitted in a such a frame work that explain the issues,
needs and requirements of the plan, why the need of fund and support is and the
way how the NGO and beneficiaries will implement it.

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What is required for NGO Project Proposal:


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In the project proposal, NGO has to explain the requirement of the area,
requirement of the community and the masses/people they are working for
betterment and upliftment. More clearly in projects proposal NGO has to explain,
describe, clarify, define, illustrate and justify information regarding issues,
problems, requirement to fulfill and has to explain for the problems, objectives,
purpose, plan, motive, justified reasons, requirements to get funds for betterment
and to improve and promote the beneficiaries for resolving, achieving and
implementing the plan.
So NGO has to prepare and submit the project proposal to raise support and get
financial and other resources help from contributors and donors.

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How to write Project Proposals

Now the main question is how to prepare, write and submit projects, project
proposals and in which format and pattern prepare and submit proposals, what
information and issues are included to focus the main problems and necessities
and where and to whom submit?
How to prepare, write and develop proposals is matter of the expert persons,
groups, organisations and consultants. If you know any experienced expert or
consultant in your area that is already working to prepare documents, projects and
proposals, you can contact him/her/them or you have to contact other new
consultant in this regard.
Role of Consultant: Main matter regarding to contact and decide any consultant is
that the role of consultant is just to suggest the projects, suggest about the
Funding agencies who are providing funds in certain areas, certain issues and
certain beneficiaries; about the Government Departments and donors. The role of
NGO consultant and NGO consultancy is to prepare documents according to
exact requirement and formats and suggest to submit through proper channel. At
funding part the role of consultant is just to observe and prepare your NGOs
profile, prepare documents, prepare project and guide you to submit it .
Do you want Funds surely with guarantee?!!!
Apart from approaching funding agencies through the proper consultancy patter
and parameters many person associated with NGOs and many NGOs want fund,
want money surely in any way and manner. So for this they try to contact the
broker to get funds and money. There are some kind of such brokers who are
searching for such needy and greedy persons and NGO representatives who wish
to get funds surely in any way. Such persons and NGOs who wish to get funds
to pay brokerage can find such brokers and such brokers find such persons. The[7/24/2016 8:50:05 AM]

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Project Proposals | NGOs India : Database and Resources of Indian NGOs, NPOs, NGO, Funding Resources and Support for NGO

brokers require their commission with a claimed assurance to get funding surely.
Keep in mind that no one can claim to provide you funds surely without
performing the basic requirements.
What are requirements to get funds? To get fund the NGO must qualify for the
guidelines and parameters of donors, funding agencies and Government
Is it fair to get money surely in any condition? If you ask any person or agency to
get sure funds and if someone claims and assures you to get funds surely
without checking your documents, your area and beneficiary and without before
knowing the requirement of supporter and donor, that is very clear that you have
to pay the brokerage to the broker and there is no guarantee to get funds even
after paying brokerage. If your NGO is entitled so either your NGO can get funds,
otherwise your NGO can not get funds.So if your NGO is entitled to get funds and
support then you do not have to pay any brokerage or bribe to anyone. You just
have to pay consultancy charges to consultant and move ahead to get funds.
To pay brokerage and bribe is offense at both part
Once the payment is made to broker then it if offense at both part, means offense
of both the persons associated with NGO who are paying brokerage and the
persons who are getting brokerage in the name of providing funds Surely with
Guarantee. If some one is paying brokerage and bribe (rishwat) to anybody
means it is clear that the person or persons are not working according to the
parameters of NGO and basic objects of NGO. NGO is to be formed for making
positive changes in society and to finish corruption but if the member of NGO are
associated to provide corruption then it is clear that they are performing a unfair
money business in the name of social service and NGO. There are some persons
against them legal action was taken who assured NGO representatives that they
will surely get money, but they couldnt able to provide funds surely.
If your NGO is entitled then you only have to complete the required documents
and submit then you will get the funds without brokerage. If your NGO is not
entitle then you wont get fund.
To provide and to get brokerage in the name of get sure fund is offense of both
the persons who provide it and the persons who get it.
You do not have to pay Brokerage and Bribe
Please keep in mind that private funding agencies, donor agencies and
companies under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) you do not have to pay
commission or percentage of funds to any person. If you and your NGO team is
not able to prepare documents, concept note and project proposals then you have
to contact and have pay consultancy charges to Consultant and consultancy for
documentation and consultancy.
So what to do? And how to prepare documents? What is role of
The role of consultant is to guide you in better way that how to get funds and
where to get funds. The role of consultant is to prepare the documents in proper
way so you will almost surely get funds if your NGO is entitled for that and if your
NGO ranked among the top applicant NGOs who are applied for fund and
support. Your NGO will get funds if the concerned funding or support agencys or
Government Ministries parameters and fund limit are available according to
requirements of your NGO. And if you will not get funds then you only have to pay
for the documentation consultancy charges for that the consultant, document
writer and consultancy. Consultancy service and charges are legal and
consultancies are legally entitle to get consultancy charges, whatever is decided
between NGO and the consultant/consultancy.
If you want to know how and where to get funds for your NGO and what
parameters, formalities and documents you have to complete and submit then you
can contact NGO Consultancy here.
If your NGO have document writers and you want to do at your own part then you
can find out in following files to get funds:

Proposal Writing
a Successful Funding Proposal
a Funding Proposal
Proposal Writing

For more detail to get funds and raise funds you can contact at 093 11 33 00 44.
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