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5/31 9:49:01.798 (44c0) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.

4 'Pat
riot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue May 31 09:49:01 2016
5/31 9:49:01.798 (44c0) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
5/31 9:49:22.769 (30a4) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue May 31 09:49:22 2016
5/31 9:49:22.784 (30a4) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
5/31 9:49:25.084 (30a4) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
5/31 11:19:36.919 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
5/31 11:19:36.937 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
5/31 11:19:36.940 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
5/31 11:19:37.019 (44c0) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
5/31 11:19:37.020 (44c0) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
5/31 11:19:37.020 (44c0) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
5/31 11:19:37.020 (44c0) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
5/31 11:19:37.020 (44c0) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
5/31 11:19:37.020 (44c0) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'

5/31 11:19:37.021 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener

ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
5/31 11:19:37.024 (44c0) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
5/31 11:19:37.025 (44c0) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
5/31 11:19:37.025 (44c0) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
5/31 11:19:37.025 (44c0) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
5/31 11:19:37.025 (44c0) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
5/31 11:19:37.025 (44c0) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
5/31 11:19:37.026 (44c0) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
5/31 11:19:37.026 (44c0) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
5/31 11:19:37.026 (44c0) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
5/31 11:19:37.026 (44c0) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
5/31 11:19:37.026 (44c0) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye
5/31 11:19:37.027 (44c0) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
5/31 11:19:37.027 (44c0) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
5/31 11:19:37.027 (44c0) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
5/31 11:19:37.027 (44c0) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
5/31 11:19:37.028 (44c0) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
5/31 11:19:37.028 (44c0) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
5/31 11:19:37.028 (44c0) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
5/31 11:19:37.028 (44c0) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
5/31 11:19:37.028 (44c0) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
5/31 11:19:37.029 (44c0) Reserved7: 0x00
5/31 11:19:37.029 (44c0) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
5/31 11:19:37.029 (44c0) Reserved8: 0x00
5/31 11:19:37.029 (44c0) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
5/31 11:19:37.030 (44c0) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps

5/31 11:19:37.030 (44c0) Reserved9: 0x0001

5/31 11:19:37.030 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb
er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
5/31 11:19:37.331 (44c0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x272D4050, device name is 'E:'
5/31 11:19:37.539 (44c0) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x272D4050, 0x0019EA68
5/31 11:19:37.551 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
5/31 11:19:37.553 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
5/31 11:19:37.556 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
5/31 11:19:37.560 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
5/31 11:19:37.563 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
5/31 11:19:37.567 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
5/31 11:19:37.570 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
5/31 11:19:37.575 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
5/31 11:19:37.575 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
5/31 11:19:37.578 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
5/31 11:19:37.583 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
5/31 11:19:37.583 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
5/31 11:19:37.583 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x0019EAA2, 0x0019EAA3
5/31 11:19:37.586 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
5/31 11:19:37.586 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
5/31 11:19:37.586 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA

: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
5/31 11:19:37.586 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
5/31 11:19:37.587 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
5/31 11:19:37.587 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
5/31 11:19:37.587 (44c0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
5/31 11:19:37.587 (44c0) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x272D4050
5/31 11:19:37.595 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
5/31 11:19:37.596 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
5/31 11:19:37.596 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
5/31 11:19:37.657 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit
h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
5/31 11:19:37.712 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
5/31 11:19:37.712 (44c0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::
ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
5/31 11:19:37.715 (44c0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
6/4 13:44:38.535 (2734) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jun 04 13:44:38 2016
6/4 13:44:38.535 (2734) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/4 13:52:39.314 (3fc8) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa

triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jun 04 13:52:39 2016
6/4 13:52:39.314 (3fc8) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/4 16:40:11.306 (3fc8) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
6/4 16:40:19.189 (34a8) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jun 04 16:40:19 2016
6/4 16:40:19.189 (34a8) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/4 16:46:59.777 (34a8) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
6/4 19:11:29.141 (2120) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jun 04 19:11:29 2016
6/4 19:11:29.141 (2120) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/4 19:26:32.591 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x000
00000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/4 19:26:32.604 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
6/4 19:26:32.607 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed, s

tatus 1 ( 0x1 )
6/4 19:26:32.610 (2120) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.610 (2120) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
6/4 19:26:32.610 (2120) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported:
6/4 19:26:32.610 (2120) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
6/4 19:26:32.611 (2120) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
6/4 19:26:32.611 (2120) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
6/4 19:26:32.611 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneri
c_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
6/4 19:26:32.615 (2120) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
6/4 19:26:32.615 (2120) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E Re
ad: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.615 (2120) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
6/4 19:26:32.616 (2120) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.616 (2120) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.616 (2120) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
6/4 19:26:32.616 (2120) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
6/4 19:26:32.616 (2120) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.617 (2120) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.617 (2120) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.617 (2120) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Yes
6/4 19:26:32.617 (2120) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
6/4 19:26:32.618 (2120) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
6/4 19:26:32.618 (2120) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0x
6/4 19:26:32.618 (2120) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
6/4 19:26:32.618 (2120) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
6/4 19:26:32.618 (2120) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Res
erved6: 0x00

6/4 19:26:32.619 (2120) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps

6/4 19:26:32.619 (2120) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
6/4 19:26:32.619 (2120) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/4 19:26:32.619 (2120) Reserved7: 0x00
6/4 19:26:32.619 (2120) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
6/4 19:26:32.620 (2120) Reserved8: 0x00
6/4 19:26:32.620 (2120) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/4 19:26:32.620 (2120) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/4 19:26:32.620 (2120) Reserved9: 0x0001
6/4 19:26:32.621 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabbe
r_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
6/4 19:26:32.914 (2120) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EXI
Ting with success, burner/grabber at 0x48E54050, device name is 'E:'
6/4 19:26:32.933 (2120) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupporte
dMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x48E54050, 0x0019EA68
6/4 19:26:32.936 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/4 19:26:32.939 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/4 19:26:32.942 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/4 19:26:32.946 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/4 19:26:32.949 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/4 19:26:32.952 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/4 19:26:32.956 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/4 19:26:32.960 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/4 19:26:32.960 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, BD
-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
6/4 19:26:32.964 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/4 19:26:32.968 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo

rHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4

6/4 19:26:32.968 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R W
rite: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
6/4 19:26:32.968 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENTE
Red for 0x0019EAA2, 0x0019EAA3
6/4 19:26:32.971 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Even
t Data Length 0x0006
6/4 19:26:32.971 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Noti
fication Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
6/4 19:26:32.972 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA:
0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
6/4 19:26:32.972 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Medi
aEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
6/4 19:26:32.972 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsDo
orOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
6/4 19:26:32.972 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Rese
rved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
6/4 19:26:32.972 (2120) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXIT
ing with success
6/4 19:26:32.973 (2120) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burne
r/grabber at 0x48E54050
6/4 19:26:32.980 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x000
00000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/4 19:26:32.981 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, status
21 ( 0x15 )
6/4 19:26:32.981 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCont
rol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
6/4 19:26:32.984 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing with
failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIo
Control() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/4 19:26:32.995 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): ExecuteCDB() failed
6/4 19:26:32.996 (2120) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::E
xecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/4 19:26:32.996 (2120) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EXI
Ting with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
6/14 11:58:14.831 (ae00) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P

atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue Jun 14 11:58:14 2016
6/14 11:58:14.831 (ae00) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/14 12:06:15.720 (a854) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue Jun 14 12:06:15 2016
6/14 12:06:15.723 (a854) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/14 12:06:16.040 (a854) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
6/14 12:08:19.597 (ad20) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue Jun 14 12:08:19 2016
6/14 12:08:19.597 (ad20) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/16 11:08:18.623 (630) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Jun 16 11:08:18 2016
6/16 11:08:18.623 (630) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S

oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21

:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/16 11:08:27.686 (2ba4) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Jun 16 11:08:27 2016
6/16 11:08:27.687 (2ba4) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/16 11:08:41.933 (2ba4) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
6/16 11:42:29.278 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x000
00000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/16 11:42:29.291 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
6/16 11:42:29.295 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed, s
tatus 1 ( 0x1 )
6/16 11:42:29.297 (630) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.298 (630) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
6/16 11:42:29.298 (630) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported:
6/16 11:42:29.298 (630) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
6/16 11:42:29.298 (630) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
6/16 11:42:29.299 (630) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
6/16 11:42:29.299 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneri
c_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
6/16 11:42:29.303 (630) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
6/16 11:42:29.303 (630) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E Re
ad: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.303 (630) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,

Reserved2: 0x00
6/16 11:42:29.303 (630) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.304 (630) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.304 (630) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
6/16 11:42:29.304 (630) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
6/16 11:42:29.304 (630) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.304 (630) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.305 (630) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.305 (630) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Yes
6/16 11:42:29.305 (630) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
6/16 11:42:29.305 (630) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
6/16 11:42:29.305 (630) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0x
6/16 11:42:29.306 (630) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
6/16 11:42:29.306 (630) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
6/16 11:42:29.306 (630) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Res
erved6: 0x00
6/16 11:42:29.306 (630) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:42:29.306 (630) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
6/16 11:42:29.307 (630) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:42:29.307 (630) Reserved7: 0x00
6/16 11:42:29.307 (630) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
6/16 11:42:29.307 (630) Reserved8: 0x00
6/16 11:42:29.307 (630) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:42:29.308 (630) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:42:29.308 (630) Reserved9: 0x0001
6/16 11:42:29.308 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabbe
r_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
6/16 11:42:29.603 (630) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EXI
Ting with success, burner/grabber at 0x34534050, device name is 'E:'
6/16 11:42:29.633 (630) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupporte
dMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x34534050, 0x0019EA28

6/16 11:42:29.636 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx

(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:42:29.639 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:42:29.642 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:42:29.645 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:42:29.649 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:42:29.652 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:42:29.656 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:42:29.660 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:42:29.660 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, BD
-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
6/16 11:42:29.664 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:42:29.668 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:42:29.669 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R W
rite: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
6/16 11:42:29.669 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENTE
Red for 0x0019EA62, 0x0019EA63
6/16 11:42:29.672 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Even
t Data Length 0x0006
6/16 11:42:29.672 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Noti
fication Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
6/16 11:42:29.672 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA:
0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
6/16 11:42:29.672 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Medi
aEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
6/16 11:42:29.673 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsDo
orOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
6/16 11:42:29.673 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Rese
rved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
6/16 11:42:29.673 (630) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXIT

ing with success

6/16 11:42:29.673 (630) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burne
r/grabber at 0x34534050
6/16 11:42:29.680 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x000
00000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/16 11:42:29.681 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, status
21 ( 0x15 )
6/16 11:42:29.682 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCont
rol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
6/16 11:42:29.696 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing with
failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIo
Control() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/16 11:42:29.718 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): ExecuteCDB() failed
6/16 11:42:29.718 (630) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::E
xecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/16 11:42:29.719 (630) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EXI
Ting with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
6/16 11:48:10.549 (1658) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Jun 16 11:48:09 2016
6/16 11:48:10.549 (1658) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/16 11:48:43.518 (64c) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Jun 16 11:48:43 2016
6/16 11:48:43.518 (64c) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015

Please report all licensing violations to software pir

acy fighting team.
6/16 11:48:53.440 (64c) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
6/16 11:49:19.094 (1ee4) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Jun 16 11:49:19 2016
6/16 11:49:19.094 (1ee4) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/16 11:49:19.702 (1efc) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Jun 16 11:49:19 2016
6/16 11:49:19.702 (1efc) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/16 11:49:21.962 (1efc) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
6/16 11:49:22.305 (1ee4) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
6/16 11:50:57.248 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/16 11:50:57.261 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
6/16 11:50:57.265 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
6/16 11:50:57.268 (1658) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
6/16 11:50:57.268 (1658) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
6/16 11:50:57.268 (1658) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No

6/16 11:50:57.268 (1658) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No

6/16 11:50:57.269 (1658) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
6/16 11:50:57.269 (1658) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
6/16 11:50:57.269 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener
ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
6/16 11:50:57.273 (1658) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
6/16 11:50:57.273 (1658) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
6/16 11:50:57.290 (1658) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
6/16 11:50:57.291 (1658) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
6/16 11:50:57.291 (1658) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
6/16 11:50:57.291 (1658) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
6/16 11:50:57.291 (1658) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
6/16 11:50:57.292 (1658) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
6/16 11:50:57.292 (1658) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
6/16 11:50:57.292 (1658) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
6/16 11:50:57.292 (1658) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye
6/16 11:50:57.293 (1658) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
6/16 11:50:57.293 (1658) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
6/16 11:50:57.293 (1658) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
6/16 11:50:57.293 (1658) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
6/16 11:50:57.294 (1658) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
6/16 11:50:57.294 (1658) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
6/16 11:50:57.294 (1658) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:50:57.294 (1658) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
6/16 11:50:57.295 (1658) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:50:57.295 (1658) Reserved7: 0x00
6/16 11:50:57.295 (1658) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01

6/16 11:50:57.295 (1658) Reserved8: 0x00

6/16 11:50:57.295 (1658) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:50:57.296 (1658) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/16 11:50:57.296 (1658) Reserved9: 0x0001
6/16 11:50:57.297 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb
er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
6/16 11:50:57.610 (1658) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x332D4050, device name is 'E:'
6/16 11:50:57.610 (1658) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x332D4050, 0x0019EA28
6/16 11:50:57.612 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:50:57.616 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:50:57.619 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:50:57.622 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:50:57.626 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/16 11:50:57.629 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:50:57.633 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:50:57.637 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:50:57.637 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
6/16 11:50:57.641 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:50:57.645 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/16 11:50:57.645 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
6/16 11:50:57.646 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x0019EA62, 0x0019EA63

6/16 11:50:57.648 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve

nt Data Length 0x0006
6/16 11:50:57.649 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
6/16 11:50:57.649 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
6/16 11:50:57.649 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
6/16 11:50:57.649 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
6/16 11:50:57.650 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
6/16 11:50:57.650 (1658) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
6/16 11:50:57.650 (1658) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x332D4050
6/16 11:50:57.658 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/16 11:50:57.659 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
6/16 11:50:57.659 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
6/16 11:50:57.659 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit
h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/16 11:50:57.660 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
6/16 11:50:57.660 (1658) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::
ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/16 11:50:57.660 (1658) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
6/21 10:17:33.811 (5090) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue Jun 21 10:17:33 2016

6/21 10:17:33.812 (5090) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_

Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/21 10:34:47.005 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/21 10:34:47.018 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
6/21 10:34:47.025 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
6/21 10:34:47.028 (5090) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
6/21 10:34:47.028 (5090) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
6/21 10:34:47.028 (5090) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
6/21 10:34:47.029 (5090) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
6/21 10:34:47.029 (5090) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
6/21 10:34:47.029 (5090) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
6/21 10:34:47.029 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener
ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
6/21 10:34:47.033 (5090) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
6/21 10:34:47.033 (5090) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
6/21 10:34:47.033 (5090) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
6/21 10:34:47.033 (5090) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
6/21 10:34:47.034 (5090) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
6/21 10:34:47.034 (5090) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
6/21 10:34:47.034 (5090) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
6/21 10:34:47.034 (5090) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
6/21 10:34:47.034 (5090) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
6/21 10:34:47.034 (5090) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
6/21 10:34:47.035 (5090) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye

6/21 10:34:47.035 (5090) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
6/21 10:34:47.035 (5090) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
6/21 10:34:47.035 (5090) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
6/21 10:34:47.035 (5090) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
6/21 10:34:47.036 (5090) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
6/21 10:34:47.036 (5090) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
6/21 10:34:47.036 (5090) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 10:34:47.036 (5090) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
6/21 10:34:47.036 (5090) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 10:34:47.037 (5090) Reserved7: 0x00
6/21 10:34:47.037 (5090) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
6/21 10:34:47.037 (5090) Reserved8: 0x00
6/21 10:34:47.037 (5090) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 10:34:47.037 (5090) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 10:34:47.038 (5090) Reserved9: 0x0001
6/21 10:34:47.038 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb
er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
6/21 10:34:47.354 (5090) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x349C4050, device name is 'E:'
6/21 10:34:47.370 (5090) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x349C4050, 0x0019EA28
6/21 10:34:47.372 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 10:34:47.375 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 10:34:47.378 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 10:34:47.382 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 10:34:47.385 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 10:34:47.388 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE

xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4

6/21 10:34:47.392 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 10:34:47.396 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 10:34:47.397 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
6/21 10:34:47.400 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 10:34:47.402 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 10:34:47.402 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
6/21 10:34:47.402 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x0019EA62, 0x0019EA63
6/21 10:34:47.405 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
6/21 10:34:47.405 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
6/21 10:34:47.405 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
6/21 10:34:47.406 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
6/21 10:34:47.406 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
6/21 10:34:47.406 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
6/21 10:34:47.406 (5090) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
6/21 10:34:47.406 (5090) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x349C4050
6/21 10:34:47.414 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/21 10:34:47.415 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
6/21 10:34:47.415 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )

6/21 10:34:47.422 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit

h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/21 10:34:47.431 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
6/21 10:34:47.431 (5090) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::
ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/21 10:34:47.432 (5090) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
6/21 12:53:24.564 (42f0) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue Jun 21 12:53:24 2016
6/21 12:53:24.580 (42f0) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/21 13:00:47.639 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/21 13:00:47.655 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
6/21 13:00:47.658 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
6/21 13:00:47.672 (42f0) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
6/21 13:00:47.673 (42f0) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
6/21 13:00:47.673 (42f0) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
6/21 13:00:47.673 (42f0) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
6/21 13:00:47.673 (42f0) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
6/21 13:00:47.673 (42f0) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
6/21 13:00:47.674 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener
ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0

6/21 13:00:47.677 (42f0) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:

Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
6/21 13:00:47.678 (42f0) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
6/21 13:00:47.678 (42f0) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
6/21 13:00:47.678 (42f0) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
6/21 13:00:47.678 (42f0) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
6/21 13:00:47.678 (42f0) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
6/21 13:00:47.679 (42f0) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
6/21 13:00:47.679 (42f0) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
6/21 13:00:47.679 (42f0) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
6/21 13:00:47.679 (42f0) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
6/21 13:00:47.680 (42f0) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye
6/21 13:00:47.680 (42f0) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
6/21 13:00:47.680 (42f0) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
6/21 13:00:47.680 (42f0) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
6/21 13:00:47.680 (42f0) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
6/21 13:00:47.681 (42f0) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
6/21 13:00:47.681 (42f0) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
6/21 13:00:47.681 (42f0) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 13:00:47.681 (42f0) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
6/21 13:00:47.682 (42f0) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 13:00:47.682 (42f0) Reserved7: 0x00
6/21 13:00:47.682 (42f0) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
6/21 13:00:47.682 (42f0) Reserved8: 0x00
6/21 13:00:47.682 (42f0) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 13:00:47.683 (42f0) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/21 13:00:47.683 (42f0) Reserved9: 0x0001

6/21 13:00:47.683 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb

er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
6/21 13:00:47.955 (42f0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x33884050, device name is 'E:'
6/21 13:00:47.986 (42f0) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x33884050, 0x0019EA28
6/21 13:00:48.010 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 13:00:48.013 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 13:00:48.016 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 13:00:48.019 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 13:00:48.023 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/21 13:00:48.026 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 13:00:48.030 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 13:00:48.034 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 13:00:48.035 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
6/21 13:00:48.038 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 13:00:48.042 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/21 13:00:48.042 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
6/21 13:00:48.042 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x0019EA62, 0x0019EA63
6/21 13:00:48.045 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
6/21 13:00:48.045 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
6/21 13:00:48.045 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
6/21 13:00:48.046 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med

iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00

6/21 13:00:48.046 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
6/21 13:00:48.046 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
6/21 13:00:48.046 (42f0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
6/21 13:00:48.046 (42f0) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x33884050
6/21 13:00:48.054 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/21 13:00:48.054 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
6/21 13:00:48.055 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
6/21 13:00:48.068 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit
h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/21 13:00:48.103 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
6/21 13:00:48.103 (42f0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::
ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/21 13:00:48.180 (42f0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
6/22 10:28:58.770 (5164) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Wed Jun 22 10:28:58 2016
6/22 10:28:58.770 (5164) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/22 10:36:35.891 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

6/22 10:36:35.905 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP

TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
6/22 10:36:35.955 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
6/22 10:36:35.958 (5164) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
6/22 10:36:35.959 (5164) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
6/22 10:36:35.959 (5164) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
6/22 10:36:35.959 (5164) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
6/22 10:36:35.959 (5164) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
6/22 10:36:35.959 (5164) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
6/22 10:36:35.960 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener
ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
6/22 10:36:35.963 (5164) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
6/22 10:36:35.964 (5164) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
6/22 10:36:35.964 (5164) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
6/22 10:36:35.964 (5164) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
6/22 10:36:35.964 (5164) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
6/22 10:36:35.965 (5164) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
6/22 10:36:35.965 (5164) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
6/22 10:36:35.965 (5164) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
6/22 10:36:35.965 (5164) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
6/22 10:36:35.966 (5164) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
6/22 10:36:35.966 (5164) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye
6/22 10:36:35.966 (5164) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
6/22 10:36:35.966 (5164) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
6/22 10:36:35.966 (5164) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
6/22 10:36:35.967 (5164) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No

6/22 10:36:35.967 (5164) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No

6/22 10:36:35.967 (5164) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
6/22 10:36:35.967 (5164) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/22 10:36:35.968 (5164) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
6/22 10:36:35.968 (5164) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/22 10:36:35.968 (5164) Reserved7: 0x00
6/22 10:36:35.968 (5164) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
6/22 10:36:35.968 (5164) Reserved8: 0x00
6/22 10:36:35.969 (5164) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/22 10:36:35.969 (5164) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
6/22 10:36:35.969 (5164) Reserved9: 0x0001
6/22 10:36:35.970 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb
er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
6/22 10:36:36.222 (5164) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x33204050, device name is 'E:'
6/22 10:36:36.271 (5164) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x33204050, 0x0019EA28
6/22 10:36:36.280 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/22 10:36:36.282 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/22 10:36:36.285 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/22 10:36:36.288 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/22 10:36:36.292 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/22 10:36:36.295 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/22 10:36:36.299 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/22 10:36:36.303 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/22 10:36:36.303 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B

D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0

6/22 10:36:36.307 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/22 10:36:36.311 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/22 10:36:36.311 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
6/22 10:36:36.312 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x0019EA62, 0x0019EA63
6/22 10:36:36.314 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
6/22 10:36:36.315 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
6/22 10:36:36.315 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
6/22 10:36:36.315 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
6/22 10:36:36.315 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
6/22 10:36:36.316 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
6/22 10:36:36.316 (5164) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
6/22 10:36:36.316 (5164) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x33204050
6/22 10:36:36.323 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/22 10:36:36.324 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
6/22 10:36:36.324 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
6/22 10:36:36.358 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit
h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/22 10:36:36.422 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
6/22 10:36:36.422 (5164) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::

ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'

6/22 10:36:36.426 (5164) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
6/27 9:50:32.179 (1408) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Mon Jun 27 09:50:32 2016
6/27 9:50:32.179 (1408) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/30 11:12:04.853 (1ed0) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Jun 30 11:12:04 2016
6/30 11:12:04.853 (1ed0) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
6/30 12:03:02.300 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/30 12:03:02.313 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
6/30 12:03:02.316 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
6/30 12:03:02.349 (1ed0) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
6/30 12:03:02.350 (1ed0) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
6/30 12:03:02.350 (1ed0) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
6/30 12:03:02.350 (1ed0) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
6/30 12:03:02.350 (1ed0) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No

6/30 12:03:02.350 (1ed0) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
6/30 12:03:02.351 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener
ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
6/30 12:03:02.354 (1ed0) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
6/30 12:03:02.354 (1ed0) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
6/30 12:03:02.355 (1ed0) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
6/30 12:03:02.355 (1ed0) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
6/30 12:03:02.355 (1ed0) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
6/30 12:03:02.355 (1ed0) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
6/30 12:03:02.355 (1ed0) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
6/30 12:03:02.356 (1ed0) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
6/30 12:03:02.356 (1ed0) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
6/30 12:03:02.356 (1ed0) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
6/30 12:03:02.356 (1ed0) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye
6/30 12:03:02.356 (1ed0) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
6/30 12:03:02.357 (1ed0) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
6/30 12:03:02.357 (1ed0) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
6/30 12:03:02.357 (1ed0) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
6/30 12:03:02.357 (1ed0) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
6/30 12:03:02.357 (1ed0) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
6/30 12:03:02.357 (1ed0) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/30 12:03:02.358 (1ed0) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
6/30 12:03:02.358 (1ed0) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
6/30 12:03:02.358 (1ed0) Reserved7: 0x00
6/30 12:03:02.358 (1ed0) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
6/30 12:03:02.358 (1ed0) Reserved8: 0x00
6/30 12:03:02.359 (1ed0) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps

6/30 12:03:02.359 (1ed0) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps

6/30 12:03:02.359 (1ed0) Reserved9: 0x0001
6/30 12:03:02.360 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb
er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
6/30 12:03:02.649 (1ed0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x357E8058, device name is 'E:'
6/30 12:03:02.670 (1ed0) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x357E8058, 0x0019EA28
6/30 12:03:02.683 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/30 12:03:02.686 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/30 12:03:02.689 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/30 12:03:02.693 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/30 12:03:02.696 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
6/30 12:03:02.699 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/30 12:03:02.703 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/30 12:03:02.707 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/30 12:03:02.707 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
6/30 12:03:02.711 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/30 12:03:02.715 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
6/30 12:03:02.715 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
6/30 12:03:02.716 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x0019EA62, 0x0019EA63
6/30 12:03:02.718 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
6/30 12:03:02.718 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not

ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00

6/30 12:03:02.719 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
6/30 12:03:02.719 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
6/30 12:03:02.719 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
6/30 12:03:02.720 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
6/30 12:03:02.720 (1ed0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
6/30 12:03:02.720 (1ed0) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x357E8058
6/30 12:03:02.728 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00
000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
6/30 12:03:02.729 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
6/30 12:03:02.729 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
6/30 12:03:02.730 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit
h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/30 12:03:02.753 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
6/30 12:03:02.754 (1ed0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::
ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
6/30 12:03:02.765 (1ed0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
7/3 12:57:28.311 (2944) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sun Jul 03 12:57:28 2016
7/3 12:57:28.311 (2944) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir

acy fighting team.

7/5 11:16:18.349 (2994) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Tue Jul 05 11:16:18 2016
7/5 11:16:18.349 (2994) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
7/5 11:25:59.139 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x000
00000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
7/5 11:25:59.152 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
7/5 11:25:59.175 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed, s
tatus 1 ( 0x1 )
7/5 11:25:59.178 (2994) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
7/5 11:25:59.178 (2994) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
7/5 11:25:59.178 (2994) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported:
7/5 11:25:59.178 (2994) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
7/5 11:25:59.179 (2994) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
7/5 11:25:59.179 (2994) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
7/5 11:25:59.179 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneri
c_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
7/5 11:25:59.183 (2994) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
7/5 11:25:59.183 (2994) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E Re
ad: Yes
7/5 11:25:59.183 (2994) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
7/5 11:25:59.183 (2994) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
7/5 11:25:59.184 (2994) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes

7/5 11:25:59.184 (2994) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No

7/5 11:25:59.184 (2994) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
7/5 11:25:59.184 (2994) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
7/5 11:25:59.184 (2994) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
7/5 11:25:59.185 (2994) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
7/5 11:25:59.185 (2994) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Yes
7/5 11:25:59.185 (2994) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
7/5 11:25:59.185 (2994) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
7/5 11:25:59.185 (2994) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0x
7/5 11:25:59.185 (2994) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
7/5 11:25:59.185 (2994) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
7/5 11:25:59.186 (2994) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Res
erved6: 0x00
7/5 11:25:59.186 (2994) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
7/5 11:25:59.186 (2994) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
7/5 11:25:59.186 (2994) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
7/5 11:25:59.186 (2994) Reserved7: 0x00
7/5 11:25:59.187 (2994) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
7/5 11:25:59.187 (2994) Reserved8: 0x00
7/5 11:25:59.187 (2994) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
7/5 11:25:59.187 (2994) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
7/5 11:25:59.187 (2994) Reserved9: 0x0001
7/5 11:25:59.188 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabbe
r_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
7/5 11:25:59.471 (2994) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EXI
Ting with success, burner/grabber at 0x36644050, device name is 'E:'
7/5 11:25:59.488 (2994) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupporte
dMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x36644050, 0x0019EA28
7/5 11:25:59.491 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/5 11:25:59.494 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12

7/5 11:25:59.498 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx

(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/5 11:25:59.501 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/5 11:25:59.504 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/5 11:25:59.507 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsEx
Ex(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/5 11:25:59.511 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/5 11:25:59.515 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/5 11:25:59.516 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, BD
-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
7/5 11:25:59.520 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/5 11:25:59.524 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/5 11:25:59.524 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsFo
rHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R W
rite: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
7/5 11:25:59.524 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENTE
Red for 0x0019EA62, 0x0019EA63
7/5 11:25:59.527 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Even
t Data Length 0x0006
7/5 11:25:59.527 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Noti
fication Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
7/5 11:25:59.527 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA:
0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
7/5 11:25:59.527 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Medi
aEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
7/5 11:25:59.528 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsDo
orOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
7/5 11:25:59.528 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Rese
rved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
7/5 11:25:59.528 (2994) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXIT
ing with success
7/5 11:25:59.528 (2994) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burne
r/grabber at 0x36644050

7/5 11:25:59.536 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT

I(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x000
00000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
7/5 11:25:59.537 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, status
21 ( 0x15 )
7/5 11:25:59.538 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCont
rol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
7/5 11:25:59.552 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing with
failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIo
Control() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
7/5 11:25:59.560 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): ExecuteCDB() failed
7/5 11:25:59.561 (2994) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPT
I(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::E
xecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
7/5 11:25:59.570 (2994) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EXI
Ting with failure, burner/grabber at 0x00000000, device name is 'F:'
7/16 20:58:33.831 (4954) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jul 16 20:58:33 2016
7/16 20:58:33.831 (4954) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
7/16 21:00:35.284 (3c0c) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jul 16 21:00:35 2016
7/16 21:00:35.284 (3c0c) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
7/23 14:11:05.906 (3b88) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )

Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jul 23 14:11:05 2016
7/23 14:11:05.906 (3b88) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
7/23 14:20:40.217 (5324) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sat Jul 23 14:20:40 2016
7/23 14:20:40.217 (5324) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
7/23 15:39:58.832 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x0000000000000000, 3,
0, 0x0000000000000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
7/23 15:39:58.856 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
7/23 15:39:58.857 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
7/23 15:39:58.871 (5324) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
7/23 15:39:58.872 (5324) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
7/23 15:39:58.872 (5324) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
7/23 15:39:58.872 (5324) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
7/23 15:39:58.872 (5324) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
7/23 15:39:58.872 (5324) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
7/23 15:39:58.873 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener
ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0

7/23 15:39:58.876 (5324) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:

Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
7/23 15:39:58.877 (5324) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
7/23 15:39:58.877 (5324) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
7/23 15:39:58.877 (5324) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
7/23 15:39:58.877 (5324) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
7/23 15:39:58.877 (5324) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
7/23 15:39:58.878 (5324) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
7/23 15:39:58.878 (5324) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
7/23 15:39:58.878 (5324) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
7/23 15:39:58.878 (5324) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
7/23 15:39:58.878 (5324) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye
7/23 15:39:58.879 (5324) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
7/23 15:39:58.879 (5324) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
7/23 15:39:58.879 (5324) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
7/23 15:39:58.879 (5324) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
7/23 15:39:58.879 (5324) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
7/23 15:39:58.880 (5324) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
7/23 15:39:58.880 (5324) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
7/23 15:39:58.880 (5324) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
7/23 15:39:58.880 (5324) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
7/23 15:39:58.880 (5324) Reserved7: 0x00
7/23 15:39:58.881 (5324) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
7/23 15:39:58.881 (5324) Reserved8: 0x00
7/23 15:39:58.881 (5324) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
7/23 15:39:58.881 (5324) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
7/23 15:39:58.881 (5324) Reserved9: 0x0001
7/23 15:39:58.882 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb

er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs

7/23 15:39:58.887 (5324) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x00000000233B80A0, device name is 'E:'
7/23 15:39:58.887 (5324) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x00000000233B80A0, 0x000000000014DDC0
7/23 15:39:58.891 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/23 15:39:58.894 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/23 15:39:58.897 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/23 15:39:58.901 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/23 15:39:58.904 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/23 15:39:58.907 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/23 15:39:58.911 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/23 15:39:58.915 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/23 15:39:58.915 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
7/23 15:39:58.919 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/23 15:39:58.923 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/23 15:39:58.923 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
7/23 15:39:58.923 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x000000000014DDB0, 0x000000000014DDB1
7/23 15:39:58.926 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
7/23 15:39:58.927 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
7/23 15:39:58.927 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
7/23 15:39:58.927 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00

7/23 15:39:58.927 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD

oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
7/23 15:39:58.927 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
7/23 15:39:58.928 (5324) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
7/23 15:39:58.928 (5324) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x00000000233B80A0
7/23 15:39:58.934 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x0000000000000000, 3,
0, 0x0000000000000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
7/23 15:39:58.935 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
7/23 15:39:58.935 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
7/23 15:39:58.938 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit
h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
7/23 15:39:58.954 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
7/23 15:39:58.954 (5324) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::
ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
7/23 15:39:58.963 (5324) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x0000000000000000, device name is 'F:'
7/24 12:15:40.534 (60d0) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Sun Jul 24 12:15:40 2016
7/24 12:15:40.534 (60d0) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
7/24 12:15:41.534 (60f8) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.

Started - Sun Jul 24 12:15:41 2016
7/24 12:15:41.534 (60f8) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
7/24 12:15:46.924 (60f8) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success
7/24 12:16:17.172 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x0000000000000000, 3,
0, 0x0000000000000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
7/24 12:16:17.185 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:1:0:0
7/24 12:16:17.188 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_CAPABILITIES, '\\.\E:' ) failed,
status 1 ( 0x1 )
7/24 12:16:17.191 (60d0) SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
7/24 12:16:17.191 (60d0) SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
7/24 12:16:17.192 (60d0) Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported
: No
7/24 12:16:17.192 (60d0) Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
7/24 12:16:17.192 (60d0) 32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
7/24 12:16:17.192 (60d0) Vendor ID: 'MATSHITA', Product ID: 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ',
Revision Level: 'F801'
7/24 12:16:17.193 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGener
ic_SharedConstructor(): 'MATSHITA' - 'DVD-RAM UJ8FBS ' - 'F801' sits at 0:1:0:0
7/24 12:16:17.196 (60d0) CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
7/24 12:16:17.197 (60d0) Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E R
ead: Yes
7/24 12:16:17.197 (60d0) DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes,
Reserved2: 0x00
7/24 12:16:17.197 (60d0) CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
7/24 12:16:17.198 (60d0) Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
7/24 12:16:17.198 (60d0) Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
7/24 12:16:17.198 (60d0) Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No

7/24 12:16:17.198 (60d0) MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes

7/24 12:16:17.199 (60d0) Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
7/24 12:16:17.199 (60d0) BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
7/24 12:16:17.199 (60d0) RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Ye
7/24 12:16:17.199 (60d0) ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
7/24 12:16:17.200 (60d0) Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
7/24 12:16:17.200 (60d0) Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0
7/24 12:16:17.200 (60d0) Separate Volume: No, Separate Channel Mute: No
7/24 12:16:17.200 (60d0) Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
7/24 12:16:17.201 (60d0) Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Re
served6: 0x00
7/24 12:16:17.201 (60d0) Maximum Read Speed: 4234 KBps
7/24 12:16:17.201 (60d0) Number Of Volume Level(s): 0, Buffer Size in KBs: 512
7/24 12:16:17.201 (60d0) Current Read Speed: 4234 KBps
7/24 12:16:17.202 (60d0) Reserved7: 0x00
7/24 12:16:17.202 (60d0) BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
7/24 12:16:17.202 (60d0) Reserved8: 0x00
7/24 12:16:17.202 (60d0) Maximum Write Speed: 4234 KBps
7/24 12:16:17.203 (60d0) Current Write Speed: 4234 KBps
7/24 12:16:17.203 (60d0) Reserved9: 0x0001
7/24 12:16:17.203 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabb
er_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs
7/24 12:16:17.209 (60d0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with success, burner/grabber at 0x000000000FDD80A0, device name is 'E:'
7/24 12:16:17.209 (60d0) StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetAdvancedSupport
edMediaFormats(): ENTERed for 0x000000000FDD80A0, 0x000000000014DDC0
7/24 12:16:17.211 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+RW page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/24 12:16:17.214 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/24 12:16:17.218 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
x(): DVD+R DL page size in UCHAR(s): 12

7/24 12:16:17.221 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE

xEx(): DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/24 12:16:17.225 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 12
7/24 12:16:17.228 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsE
xEx(): DVD+RW DL feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/24 12:16:17.232 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/24 12:16:17.236 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): BD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/24 12:16:17.236 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orBluRay(): EXITing with success, BD-ROM Read: 0, BD-R Read: 0, BD-R Write: 0, B
D-RE Read: 0, BD-RE Write: 0
7/24 12:16:17.240 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD read feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/24 12:16:17.244 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): HD-DVD write feature page size in UCHAR(s): 4
7/24 12:16:17.244 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetSupportedMediaFormatsF
orHDDVD(): EXITing with success, HD-DVD-ROM Read: 0, HD-DVD-R Read: 0, HD-DVD-R
Write: 0, HD-DVD-RW Read: 0, HD-DVD-RW Write: 0
7/24 12:16:17.245 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): ENT
ERed for 0x000000000014DDB0, 0x000000000014DDB1
7/24 12:16:17.247 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Eve
nt Data Length 0x0006
7/24 12:16:17.247 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Not
ification Class: 4, Reserved1: 0x00
7/24 12:16:17.248 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): NEA
: 0, SupportedEventClasses: 0x5E
7/24 12:16:17.248 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Med
iaEvent: 0, Reserved2: 0x00
7/24 12:16:17.248 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): IsD
oorOrTrayOpen: 0, IsMediaPresent: 0
7/24 12:16:17.248 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): Res
erved3: 0x00, StartSlot: 0x00, EndSlot: 0x00
7/24 12:16:17.248 (60d0) CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMediaTrayStatus(): EXI
Ting with success
7/24 12:16:17.249 (60d0) --- StarBurn:StarBurn_Destroy(): About to destroy burn
er/grabber at 0x000000000FDD80A0
7/24 12:16:17.255 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x0000000000000000, 3,
0, 0x0000000000000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

7/24 12:16:17.256 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP

TI(): WARNING! DeviceIoControl( IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, '\\.\F:' ) failed, statu
s 21 ( 0x15 )
7/24 12:16:17.256 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoCon
trol() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )
7/24 12:16:17.257 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): EXITing wit
h failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): DeviceI
oControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
7/24 12:16:17.257 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): ExecuteCDB() failed
7/24 12:16:17.257 (60d0) CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSP
TI(): WARNING! Exception number 5, exception text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::
ExecuteCDB(): DeviceIoControl() failed, status 21 ( 0x15 )'
7/24 12:16:17.258 (60d0) +++ StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_CreateEx(): EX
ITing with failure, burner/grabber at 0x0000000000000000, device name is 'F:'

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