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There Will Be Blood

Out of the 55 per cent of Singaporeans who are eligible to

donate blood, only 1.5 per cent of us actually do so.
By Hazique Hibri

More than 80 Tampines residents came forward to donate their blood and give
back to the community during the blood donation drive at Tampines Changkat
Community Club.

The blood donation drive brought in residents from various walks of life
together for a common cause. Organised by the neighbourhoods Community
Emergency Engagement Committee (C2E), the blood donation drive saw a better than
anticipated response from their residents. We usually target about 60 to 80 donors for
every blood donation drive, said Mr Henry Goh, chairman of the C2E who was
thrilled to see the encouraging turn out. The committee liaises with Raffles Medical
Group and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) twice annually to hold its blood
donation drives.

The blood donation drive was a special occasion for some donors in
attendance. Today was the first time I donated blood after the birth of my son, said
mother Candy Ho, 30, who has already donated 28 times over the years since she was
17. She had been waiting to donate her blood for a very long time. I find it
meaningful to donate my blood for another persons life, she added, the reason she

started donating blood in the first place. She came along with her son and husband,
who she influenced to donate blood as well.
As the blood donors poured into the community club, it was evident that there
were not many youths who stepped up to donate their blood. The people who come
to donate blood here are usually middle aged, said Mr Goh.

Student photographer Benjamin Loh, 22, was present to capture the event
through his photos. He was one of the few youths who turned up for the event.
However, he was unable to donate his blood as he had already done so in March, as
one can only donate their blood every four months. I am typically a paid
photographer for these community events but since I was unable to donate today, I felt
that volunteering my services was the least I could do, said Benjamin, who was upset
he could not give his blood.

Tampines Changkat Community Club notified its residents about the blood
donation drive through their posters and banners put up around the neighbourhood.
They further contacted their residents by sending them text messages as well.

I found out about todays blood donation drive through an SMS from the
Community Club said blood donor Shari Abu Bakar, 34, who donated for his third
time. His first two times were at the Darul Ghufran Mosque in Tampines but he had
missed the donation drive they had in April. He hopes to donate his blood again in

Candy Ho, 30, donated her blood for the first time after the birth of child. She has
donated her blood a total of 28 times over the years.

C2E Chairman Mr Henry Goh (standing first from left) graced the event alongside his
fellow committee members to support the cause.

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