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1. Introduction
Nowadays, fashion has become a necessity of life is very important for today's
society. In addition to support the appearance of someone, fashion can also be used as a
self-identity that can show how a person's personality and ideals will be reflected. The
development of industry, entertainment, information, and technology, has made fashion
style used as a tool to demonstrate the existence of a person in the community. By
following certain fashion style, one can show his true identity. This indicates that the
current fashion style has become part of one's lifestyle.
Technological progress and the flow of information that growing rapidly, are
making the Indonesian people more open to global information. This causes the current
fashion trends in Indonesia is heavily influenced by western culture. One of fashion types
that is growing rapidly is clothing. Clothes have a faster change of models and are the
most items purchased by the public compared with other fashion products, because
clothes are fashion products that include one of the primary needs of the people.
Number of Indonesian population who were obese increased from year to year.
Riskesdas compared to the data in 2010, the number of obese women in 2013 increased
by 17.5%, while men increased by 11.9%. There are ten cities in Indonesia which listed
the female population with the highest obesity rates. It usually occurs in big cities like
Jakarta, Medan, Manado, and several other major cities.
Changes in fashion style that is changing rapidly, especially in Indonesia requires
a shift in how clothes are designed, manufactured, and marketed specifically for women.
However, the change of fashion style does not occur at a rapid pace to the size of the Big
sized clothing style because of a lack of innovation from Big sized clothing
manufacturer in Indonesia.
The increasing number of obesity in Indonesia which continues to grow from year
to year, and the large population of people in Indonesia, can be used as an opportunity by
the author for producing clothing that focused on women Big sized clothing in the city
of Bandung. This condition can also be a challenge for Big sized clothing
entrepreneurs, especially in Bandung for producing large-sized clothes that are not only
fashionable but also comfortable to wear by the woman who have larger body.

The emergence of the Big sized fashion bloggers, domestically and

internationally today, has adding to evidence that fat woman can also look fashionable
like a woman with ideal body. The appearance of these fashion bloggers can boost the
confidence of the fat woman to be able to dress in a more fashionable way comfortably
without having to fear to be the center of the attention of people around her due to her
unusual body size. Bloggers can also be used as a marketing medium for Lalita Boutique.
In starting a business, one thing that should be centered is a business plan. The
business that will generates profit and the appropriateness of ones idea can be seen from
the manufacturing of business planning. Business planning is a very important tool for
companies as well as for the decision makers of the company. The purpose of a business
plan is to monitor the business is still running on the right track as planned.
From the above background, the author will compile research on a business plan
with the title: The Business Plan of the Big Sized Clothing "Lalita Boutique" in

2. Review of the Literature

The Definition of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship according to Hisrich (2008) is the process of creating something
new on the value of using the time and effort necessary, to bear the financial risk,
physical, and social risks that accompany, receive monetary rewards generated, as well as
the satisfaction and personal freedom. Meanwhile, according to Say (1800), quoted from
Alifuddin and Razak (2015), enterpreneurs is defined as a shift of economic resources
from low areas to regions with low productivity and higher profits.
According to Yuyun Wirasamita in Suryana and Bayu (2010), entrepreneurship
and enterpreneurs is an active production factor that will move and take advantage of
other resources such as natural resources, capital, and technology so that it can create
wealth and prosperity through the creation of jobs, income, and production that the
people needed.

Being an entrepreneur, is not an easy task. According to Meredith (2005) in

Suryana and Bayu (2010), an entrepreneur must be able to look ahead and think in full
calculation when seeking for a selection of different alternatives to solve the problems
and thinking about the solutions to the problems. Hence, to achieve this, an aspiring
entrepreneur must have the characteristics of entrepreneurs.
The following is an overview of profile of the entrepreneurs according to
Zimmerer (2008):
1. The desire for responsibility.
2. Prefers moderate risk.
3. Believing in their ability to succeed.
4. The desire to get the immediate feedback.
5. Have higher level of energy.
6. Future-oriented.
7. Having organization skills.
8. Valuing higher achievement rather than money.

The Analysis of Industrial Environment

a. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a method used as a tool to formulate a management strategy of
a company. SWOT analysis can be developed by using SWOT matrix which can then
be used to decide the company's strategic policy. This matrix illustrates how the
external opportunities and threats facing by the company can be tailored to the
strengths and weaknesses that are owned by the company (Rangkuti Freddy, 2004).
This formulation will uses several factors, such as; strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats and the formulated into strategy to overcome it.
b. Matrix Internal External

EFE matrix is used to evaluate factors associated with the company's external
opportunities and threats that are owned by the company. External data collected to
analyze matters relating to the general environment (social factors and technological
factors), the national economic environment, government policies and the political
environment, and operational environment that includes competitor condition, buyer
power (consumers), the threat of new entrants, and the power of the supplier. This is
essential because external factors will impact directly or indirectly to the company.
Business Planning
Business planning is an important aspect of starting a business. According
Bogadenta (2013), business planning can be defined as the process of determining the
vision, mission and objectives, strategies, policies, procedures, rules, programs, and
budgets required to run a business or a particular business. According Kusnendi (2004) in
Bogadenta (2013), a good business plan generally have the following properties:
1) Focus, means that the business plan is based on specific visions and missions, and
having clear objectives.
2) Rational and factual, which means that the business plan built on the idea that
makes sense, realistic, future-oriented, and supported by the facts that exist.
3) Sustainable and well-estimated, which means that the business plan is created and
prepared for sustainable actions and projections about future conditions.
4) Well-prepared and flexible, means that the business plan was made in preparation,
such as guidelines for actions which will be implemented and can be tailored to
the business environment faced by the company.
5) Operational, means that the business plan was made as simple as possible,
detailed, and can be executed clearly.
a. The Analysis of Marketing Aspects
According to Markensis (2009), the main purpose of analyzing the market is to
determine the needs of buyers who want to be met by the company and determine
how to design and set a bid to satisfy those needs.
b. The Analysis of Operational Aspects
According to Husein (2005), operational management is a function or
management activities including planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, making
direction and doing supervision of the company's operations.
c. The Analysis of Human Resources Aspects

For an organization, the management of human resources impact on the overall

affairs of the organization and its intended purpose. To that end, all the components
or elements focusing on the preparation of staff, the establishment of position
training programs and others. This needs to be done to anticipate the development of
short term and long term of an organization, particularly the one that concerns to the
readiness of the human resources (Nuryanta, 2008).
d. The Analysis of Financial Aspects
Financial planning and providing guidance in the change in a company's financial
growth. According to Ross, et al (2006), to develop a financial plan that is clear, the
management must establish certain elements of the company's financial management.
Timmonss Criterion Eligibility Test
Timmonss Criterion Eligibility Test is a tool used to assess the feasibility of a
business that emphasizes on the financial aspects of the company (value creation and
realization issues), market conditions (market and margin related issues), and the
competitive advantage of the company. Timmonss Criteria models, known as
quickscreen method is structured to facilitate the decision-making of the business
The Design of the Strategical Implementation of Business Planning
Hunger and Whelen (2003) states that the implementation of the strategy is a
process which embodies management strategies and policies into action through the
development of programs, budgets and procedures. The process includes a thorough
change in the culture, structure and management of the organization or the system as a
3. Research Methods
The research method that will be used in this research about The Business Plan
of the Big Sized Clothing "Lalita Boutique" in Bandung is a qualitative descriptive
analysis method. According to Sugiyono (2008), a descriptive qualitative research is a
research method based on the post-positivism philosophy which is usually used to
examine the objective conditions of nature in which researchers act as a key instrument.
This research was conducted in order to portray the business plan of Big Sized
clothing seen from a wide variety of analysis such as the analysis of industrial

environment, analysis of business planning, feasibility studies, and strategical

implementation. The business opportunities that are still wide open and the development
of business will provide a positive impact not only for business owners but also for the
welfare of the surrounding community.
4. Results and Discussion
A. Marketing Aspects Plan
Marketing Mix
- Product
Products offered by Lalita Boutique is a wide range of women big-sized clothes

such as; blouse, jumpsuit, dresses, blazers, skirts, pants, and outer.
Lalita Boutique pricing varies for each product and the ranged is between Rp.
185.000 to Rp 380.000. The pricing value is based on the quality of materials

used, the types of clothing, and the uniqueness of the design.

In connection with the mid-market segmentation marketing target product, then
the plan of the business location of Lalita Boutique is going to occupy one of
the booths at Bandung Trade Center (BTC), and to occupy the location the owner
is doing a leasing system or contract.

The form of promotions conducted by Lalita Boutique are as follows:
1) Distribute flyers to potential customers.
2) Creating a member program to consumers.
3) Provide special discounts for members.
4) Following the big-sized communities that exist in Indonesia.
5) Giving endorsement to a celebrity or public figure who has a big-sized
6) Doing promotion on social media like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Whereas, Lalita Boutique will also take system of returns.

B. Operational Aspects Plan

1. The Location of the Operation
Lalita Boutique will be located in one of the booths in Bandung Trade
Center (BTC). The choice of location is based on the consideration about the
fact that the place is located in the city center and also close to several

universities in Bandung, so it is easier to introduce the Lalita Boutique brand

to the communities around the city of Bandung and tourists who were visiting
the city of Bandung.
2. The Volume of the Operation
Lalita Boutique will obtain its first clothing products from the makloon of
convection which is in collaboration with Lalita Boutique. Each clothes
design produced as many as 17 pieces. In the first production, Lalita
Boutique will issue 15 design.
3. Machinery and Equipment
Lalita Boutique operational implementation requires no sewing machines
and other equipment. The production of the clothes is done by a garment
company in collaboration with Lalita Boutique. The equipment required by
Lalita Boutique is the equipment that support the sustainability of the process
of buying and selling in the store and support other management functions.
4. Raw Materials and Supplementary Material
Raw materials used by Lalita Boutique is a wide range of fabrics suitable to be
used by a big-sized woman like a material that is easy to absorb sweat, not too
thick, and loose, such as; cotton, chiffon, lightweight wools, semi-silk, satin and
polyester. In addition to fabric, the manufacture of clothes in Lalita Boutique
also needed some supporting accessories such as buttons and zippers.
5. Labor
The employees working in Lalita Boutique totaled eight people, consisting of
one manager in charge of organizing and overseeing the business, one person in
charge of purchasing duty to make the purchase of raw materials, four clerk in
charge of serving customers who come into the store, one cashier in charge of
serving costumer transactions, and an online administrator who serve customers
through social media and also do promotions in social media.
6. Layout
The layout of the workshop is designed conveniently to attract consumers to the
concept of minimalist and elegance.
C. Human Resources Aspects Plan
1. The Consideration of Number of Employees Needed

Human resource planning had to be done so that operations can operate

effectively and efficiently.
2. Determining Job Description
The following are job descriptions which based on each employee's position in
Lalita Boutique:

Job Description
Manage operational of the boutique covering the
aspects of the product, marketing, finance, and
Coordinate and supervise the work of
Documenting production needs.
Purchasing of raw materials.
Checking availability of raw materials.
Serving customers who come to the Lalita
Boutique store.
Doing transactions with customers.
Serving customers through social media and
Doing promotion through social media.
Documenting orders received through social
3. Recruitment Policy
The recruitment process conducted by Lalita Boutique is through the selection
process in the form of administrative tests and interviews. Employees who pass
the selection on phase 1 and 2 will follow a training for 3 months to assess their
performance. After following the training phase, employees who meet the criteria
will subsequently be appointed as employees. Addition and subtraction of
employees will be carried out in accordance with the development of future
4. Training and Development Programs
Employee training and development programs include several things, ranging
from teaching to employees about the basic abilities and basic skills to advanced
training on leadership. Employee training and development programs of Lalita
Boutique will be held every six months on a regular basis. Furthermore, the

company will also conduct an evaluation to see the results of the training
program and the development of these employees.
5. Determination of the Compensation System
Compensation system that will be used in Lalita Boutique is salary system.
Salary of every employees will be paid monthly on the 26th every month.
D. Financial Aspects Plan
1. Funding Needs
Costs above includes payroll costs derived from the cost of employee salaries
that is paid in the beginning three months. This is intended to secure the cash
flow, so even if the corporate is making profit or loss, the company can still pay
their employees for at least three months at the earliest.
2. Source of funds
Funding needs for Lalita Boutique business obtained from its own capital by
40% and from the investors by 60%.
3. Reviews of Investment
Seeing the assessment result of investments in Lalita Boutique business, it can
be said that this business is feasible to be realized seen of the financial
projections due to the results of the calculation of NPV over a value of 0, IRR
greater than 40%, Profitability index is greater than 1, and can reach a breakeven
point in the second month.
Eligibility Test Using Timmonss Criterion




Market & Margin Related Issues





and receiving
product or

Hard to

Payback to users
< 1 year
Value added
IRR 40%
Gross Margin
Competitive Advantage
and Low
Variable Cost

>3 years
IRR <20%

Degree of Control
Price and Cost



Contact and Network

Extensive and



Lalita Boutique


Lalita Boutique presents women

big-sized clothing with
contemporary design and
materials suitable to be used by
big-sized woman and has a style
that varies with an affordable
Lalita Boutique target consumer
is the women from the junior
high, high school, university
student, office employee, or a
housewife that has big-sized
10 months

High potential

Production cost is still below the

selling price and the offered price
can still be cheaper than other
Flexible pricing strategy indicates
that Lalita Boutique can control
Lalita Boutique is using social
media on the internet to market
their products so that it can reach
consumers throughout Indonesia,
even overseas.

High potential


High potential

2 months
1 year

High potential
High potential

98 %


High potential

High potential
High potential
High potential

High potential

High potential


Value Creation and Relization Issues

Profit after Tax
10-15% or
Time to Break Even
<2 years
>3 years
Time to Positive Cash <2 years
>3 years
ROI Potential
40-70% or

Results from the feasibility test using the quickscreen of Timmonss Criterion showed that the
business of Lalita Boutique has a high potential to be realized.
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the analysis and the discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that:
1. Lalita Boutiques Business Plan has a high potential and scope from further
improvement as seen from the business implementation as follows:
a. Marketing Aspect


Judging from the marketing aspect, Lalita Boutique has a big opportunity. The
business opportunity is still widely open and the products offered are easily
absorbed by the market.
b. Operational Aspect
Seen from the operational aspect, Lalita Boutique has a simple operational
planning and relatively easy to be implemented. It is also supported by the
selections of sewing makloon, so as to reduce operating expenses.
c. Human Resources Aspect
Seen from the human resources aspect, Lalita Boutique has had a good plan with
its job description system, employee recruitment system and specific payroll
d. Financial Aspect
Judging from the financial aspect, Lalita Boutique provides an overview of
financial statement projections for 5 years, and the results obtained are worthy to
be followed by the calculation of investment appraisal consisting of NPV,
Payback period, IRR, Profitability Index, and Break Even Point.
2. Lalita Boutiques Business Plan has a high potential and deserve to be forwarded
with the implementation of the business because it has passed the Timmons
Criterion feasibility test. The business plan that has been created can be used as
guidelines by Lalita Boutique in order to develop the existing opportunities
considering a huge potential market.
Based on the research conducted, the advice that can be provided by the author is
as follows:
1. Increasing of production capacity will support the expansion of the market.
2. The increased of design innovation and the use of materials that are tailored to
existing fashion trends will make consumers more satisfied.
3. Continuously improved product quality will make consumers feel satisfied.
4. The effectiveness and efficiency of the company's operations should be improved in
order to increase net profit.
5. Further research can be done to see if Lalita Boutique could be developed further.


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