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Microsoft Dynamics AX

LCS: Operate Phase: System Diagnostics

Last Updated: August 2015
AX 2012 R3 / Version 2.1.0
Yuthana Arngmaneekul

Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................................................3
LCS: Operate Phase: System Diagnostics ..........................................................................................................................................3
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Install and run System diagnostics (Lifecycle Services) [AX 2012] .............................................................................................4
Install the System diagnostics on-premises component ........................................................................................................ 5
Configure the service account for System diagnostics........................................................................................................ 5
Verify that the .NET Business connector service is running in the environment.......................................................... 9
Install the Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services System diagnostics ........................................................................... 9
Discover environments.................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Collect data......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Use System diagnostics (Lifecycle Services) [AX 2012] .............................................................................................................. 11
Open System diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Dashboard........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Messages............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Environments ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Jobs ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Collectors ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Report................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Admin ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015


Initial version (Winston Hait)
Additional information and updated document with July update (Yuthana Arngmaneekul)
Additional information and updated document with August update (Yuthana)

June 2014
July 2015
August 2015


LCS: Operate Phase: System Diagnostics

Operate Phase System Diagnostics

LCS is a cloud-based, continuously updated set of services that helps you achieve repeatable and predictable
success with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and later implementations. This demo will highlight the features
and functionality of System diagnostics.
For more details about System diagnostics, click here.
To learn more about the Operate phase of ALM, view this video on YouTube:
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Lifecycle Services (LCS) Operate Phase Demo and Discussion

Updated: August 12, 2014

In Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services, the System diagnostics helps administrators monitor and
understand the health of one or more Microsoft Dynamics AX environments. It is a cloud-based tool that has a
locally-installed component that can be configured to perform the following tasks:

Discover on-premises Microsoft Dynamics AX environments (database instances and Microsoft

Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS) instances).
Collect data from the environments that were discovered.
Run rules on the collected data.
Report rule violations on a dashboard.
Provide reports.

Data is collected by using jobs that run on predefined schedules.

The following diagram describes how System diagnostics and the locally-installed components interact.
System diagnostic service

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

System diagnostics supports the following versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX:

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012


Before you can use the System diagnostics, you must complete the following tasks:

Download and run the installer for the Diagnostic service.

Run the Discovery wizard.
Schedule or run data collection.

Install and run System diagnostics (Lifecycle Services) [AX 2012]

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

Updated: November 21, 2014

In Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services, System diagnostics includes an on-premises component that must
be installed before you can use the service to discover Microsoft Dynamics AX environments and collect data.
Install the System diagnostics on-premises component

To install the System diagnostics on-premises component, you must have a service account with specific
permissions on the local computer and the Microsoft Dynamics AX business database.
An X509 certificate is also required. You can either use an existing certificate, or have the installer create one
for you.

Each X509 certificate is associated with a single project. Diagnostics from an environment can
be uploaded to only one project.
Configure the service account for System diagnostics

This section describes the permissions that are required for the service account that the Lifecycle Services
Diagnostic Service (LCSDiagFXService.exe) runs as.

The service account must be a domain account that is a user in Microsoft Dynamics AX and a member
of the BusinessConnector role.
We strongly recommend that, if possible, the account be the same account used for the .NET Business
Connector proxy. For more information, see Specify the .NET Business Connector proxy account and
Assign users to security roles.

If you reuse the .NET Business connector proxy account, you must still add it as a
member of the BusinessConnector role.

The service account must have read access to specific registry keys in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
hive on all of the computers that run AOS instances and host Microsoft Dynamics AX business
databases, so that the Lifecycle Services Diagnostic Service can discover environments and collect
The service account must be a member of the Event Log Readers local group on each server in the
environment, so that the Lifecycle Services Diagnostic Service can read the Windows event logs.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

The service account must have read access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX business database
(db_datareader), and must have VIEW SERVER STATE permission for the SQL Server instance, so
that Lifecycle Services Diagnostic Service can run default dynamic management views in SQL Server.

Configure read permissions to the registry

On each server in your environment that hosts an AOS instance or Microsoft Dynamics AX SQL Server
business database, you must grant read access to a registry key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive to the
service account for the System diagnostics.

The following procedure includes editing the Windows Registry. Editing the registry incorrectly
can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. Microsoft cannot
guarantee that problems resulting from incorrectly editing the registry can be solved.
You should make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and User.dat) before you edit
the registry.
To grant access to collect data from the Windows registry on the server that hosts the SQL Server business
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and press ENTER.
2. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, navigate to the subkey
System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl, right-click it and select Permissions.
3. Add the user that you want to associate with the Lifecycle Services Diagnostic Service.
4. Select the user that you added, and then allow read permissions.
5. Click Advanced Security Settings, and then ensure that the permissions are inherited by the child
To grant access to collect data from the Windows registry on a server that hosts one or more AOS instances:
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and press ENTER.
2. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, navigate to the subkey
System\CurrentControlSet\services\Dynamics Server\6.0, right-click it and select Permissions.
3. Add the user that you want to associate with the Lifecycle Services Diagnostic Service.
4. Select the user that you added, and then allow read permissions.
5. Click Advanced Security Settings, and then ensure that the permissions are inherited by the child
6. Repeat for all AOS instances in each environment that you want to collect data from.

As you are configuring rights in the registry, do not reduce account privileges that already exist.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

For more information about Advanced security settings, see:

Windows Server 2012 Access Control and Authorization Overview

Windows Server 2008 R2 Advanced Security Settings Properties Page - Permissions

Edit the Group Policy on the AOS

You must make the services of the AOS remotely accessible in Group Policy.
1. On the computer running the AOS instance, click Start > Run, type gpedit.msc, and then press Enter.
2. In the left pane, expand Computer Configuration > Windows settings > Security settings > Local
policies > Security options.
3. In the right pane, double-click Network access: Remotely accessible registry paths and sub-paths.
4. If the following paths are not in the list, add them to the end of the list and then click OK.
o System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl
o System\CurrentControlSet\services\Dynamics Server\6.0
Configure Windows event log and WMI permissions

The service account must be able to read the Windows event logs on each server in the environment, and must
be able to monitor remote Windows Management Instrumentation connections.
For more information, see Add a member to a local group.

On each server in the environment, add the service account to the Event Log Readers local group, the
Distributed COM Users local group and the Performance Monitor Users local group.

Secure the remote Windows Management Instrumentation connections

On each server in your environment that hosts an AOS instance or Microsoft Dynamics AX SQL Server
business database, ensure that you secure the remote Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
1. Click Start > Run, type DCOMCNFG, and then click OK.
2. In the Component Services dialog box, expand Component Services, expand Computers, and then
right-click My Computer and click Properties.
3. In the My Computer Properties dialog box, click the COM Security tab.
4. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, click Edit Limits.
5. In the Launch Permission dialog box, follow these steps if your name or your group does not appear in
the Groups or user names list:
1. In the Launch Permission dialog box, click Add.
2. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select
box, type Distributed COM Users, click Check Names, and then click OK.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

3. Click Add.
4. In the Enter the object names to select box, type Performance Monitor Users, click Check
Names, and then click OK.
5. Select Allow for each of the permissions (Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation,
Remote Activation) for each of these groups, and then click OK.
6. Apply the WMI control security settings to all namespaces:
1. Click Start > Run, type wmimgmt.msc, and then click OK.
2. Right-click WMI Control (Local), and then click Properties.
3. On the Security tab, click Root, click Security, and then click Add.
4. Under Enter the object names to select, type Distributed COM users, click Check Names, and
then click OK.
5. Click Advanced.
6. Select Distributed COM Users and then click Edit.
7. Select This namespace and subnamespaces.
8. Select Allow for the following permissions: Execute Methods, Enable Account, and Remote
Enable, and then click OK.
7. Repeat step 6 for the Performance Monitor Users group, and then close all windows.
For more information, see Securing a Remote WMI Connection.
Configure SQL Server permissions

The service account must be able to read the data in the Microsoft Dynamics AX business database and must
have access to the default dynamic management views in SQL Server.
1. Add the service account as a login to the SQL Server instance where the Microsoft Dynamics AX
business database is installed.
For information about how to perform this step, see Create a Login.
2. Add the account as a user of the business database.
For information about how to perform this step, see How to: Create a Database User.
3. Add the service account to the db_datareader role in the business database.
For information about how to perform this step, see Join a Role.
4. Grant the service account the VIEW SERVER STATE permission in the SQL Server instance.
1. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand Databases, right-click the Microsoft Dynamics AX
database, and then click Properties.
2. Click Permissions, and then click View server permissions.
3. In the Logins or Roles list, click the user to whom you want to grant the permission.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

4. In the Explicit permissions for user list, select the Grant check box next to View server state
Verify that the .NET Business connector service is running in the environment

The Business Connector service must be running on the host where the Lifecycle Services Diagnostic Service
is installed. If more than one environment is to be discovered, the .Net Business Connector proxy account must
be the same for each server that is running a Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS)
For more information, see Install the .NET Business Connector.
Install the Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services System diagnostics

To install the on-premises component of System diagnostics, you must be a member of the Administrator
group on the local computer.

Go to Lifecycle Services.
Open a project and click the System diagnostics tile.
On the Admin page, download the compressed installer (
Extract the installer to a computer that is running a Microsoft Dynamics AX client.
The computer must have network access to all other servers in the environment, and must be running
the .NET Business Connector if you are using the NET Business Connector proxy account as a service

In a production environment, we recommend that you install the on-premises component

on a computer that is running only a client, not on computers that are also running an
AOS instance or a SQL Server instance.
5. Run Setup.exe.

Do not run the .msi file directly.

6. Accept the license terms.
7. If you have an existing local X509 certificate, on the Select the certificate type page, click Use existing.
If you do not have an X509 certificate, perform the following steps:
1. On the Select the certificate type page, click Create new.
2. Enter a prefix to be used in the certificate name.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

3. Click Next to create the certificate.

4. Verify that the new certificate has been created in the specified location.
8. Return to the System diagnostics page, browse to the location of the certificate, and click Upload.
9. Return to the Upload the new certificate page of the Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services Diagnostic
Service Setup wizard, select Certificate file has been uploaded, and click Next.
10. On the Select private certificate page, the name of the certificate is displayed. Click Next.
11. On the Specify service account page, enter the service account and password, and then click Next.
12. On the Change destination folder page, enter the location where you want to store the logs that were
collected by the System diagnostics, and then click Next.
13. Click OK to install and start the System diagnostics, and then click Finish.
Two executable programs are installed: LCSDiagFXDiscovery.exe and LCSDiagFXCollector.exe.
Discover environments

1. Click Start, and then click Microsoft Dynamics AX Lifecycle Services Diagnostic Service Discovery.

2. At the bottom of the Window, click the Test permissions button

at the bottom of the page.
3. On the Change destination folder page, enter the location where you want to store the logs that were
collected by the System diagnostics, and then click Next.
4. In the Environment Discovery window, enter a name for the environment, the fully-qualified name of
the SQL Server instance and database, and then click Discover.
Collect data

You can collect data on demand from the Environment Discovery window. We recommend that you schedule
a job to collect data regularly. Data collection typically takes between 5 and 15 minutes.
Errors that are encountered during data collection are logged in the Windows Application event log, as well as
in a log file in the location that you specified during installation.
1. To run an initial data collection in the Environment Discovery window, click Collect now.
We recommend that you run an initial collection immediately after discovering an environment for the
first time.
2. To generate a collection command that you can use to schedule collection jobs, click Generate
collection command.
3. Copy the generated command to the clipboard.
4. Schedule the command to run by using a scheduling engine, such as Windows Task Scheduler.
For more information about using Task Scheduler, see Schedule a task.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

Use System diagnostics (Lifecycle Services) [AX 2012]

Updated: August 18, 2014
In Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services, you can use System diagnostics to monitor your Microsoft
Dynamics AX environments.
This topic describes the data that you can see after you install the local service component of System
diagnostics and discovered one or more Microsoft Dynamics AX environments.
For more information about installing the local service component, see Install and run System diagnostics
(Lifecycle Services).
Open System diagnostics

1. Go to Lifecycle Services.
2. Open a project for which you have installed local service component of System diagnostics and
discovered one or more Microsoft Dynamics AX environments.
3. Click the System diagnostics tile.
All data displayed on the dashboard is based on the last run of the local service component.

The dashboard provides a visual indication of the number of hosts (servers running AOS instances or database
servers) in the selected environment that encountered errors when running rules, and displays the last 5
messages. It also indicates whether any collector jobs encountered errors while running.

The Messages page displays the errors and warnings about rules conditions that were detected by System
diagnostics after the last set of data collector jobs were run.
When you select a rule, you can see details about the rule and the condition that triggered it at the bottom of
the page.
Using filters, you can choose to display failed rules, passed rules, ignored rules, or all rules.
You can choose rules to ignore by clicking Ignore rule.
To show an ignored rule again, in the Show filter, select Rule ignored, select the rule, and click Show rule.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

The Environments page displays a list of the environments that were discovered by System diagnostics. Each
environment tile indicates the time that the last data collector job was run, and whether any rule violations
were encountered.

The Jobs page lists the status of the collections jobs, and the servers that they ran on.

The Collectors page enables you to view the diagnostic data most recently collected from your Microsoft
Dynamics AX environment. You can browse or search to find a specific collector.

The Report page provides detailed information about the environment, as well as any issues that were detected.
You can right-click the Report page to export the report to an HTML file.

The Admin page is used to manage certificates and to download the on-premises installer.
System diganotics helps IT adminstrators proactively monitor and understand the health of one or more
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and later environments. By capturing system data from each implementation
and running it against a set of predefined rules, it provides not only insights and suggestions, but also
highlights areas for you to investigate for further action along with links to relevant KB articles.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015


Click the System diagnostics tile.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

The first time you go into System diagnostics,

you will have to configure the data collector
so it can gather the data that is run against
the built-in rules.

Click Download the System

diagnostic setup wizard package.

Tip: For assistance with installing and

configuring, click here.

Run as administrator


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

Share with > Specific people


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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

5 min


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

After you have configured the data collector

and run it, you will be able to access the
dashboard by using the System diagnostics
navigation bar.

Click Dashboard.

In the Dashboard view, there are four

sections: the System diagnostics navigation
bar, the Environment field, the dashboard
itself with the graphical results, and the Last 5
messages section.
The Dashboard view lets you quickly see the
health of your implementations and easily
identify problem areas.
To change the environment that the
dashboard is reporting on:

Click the Environment field.

Select the environment you want the

dashboard for.

To view the messages for the environment

that is being viewed:

Click Messages on the System

diagnostics navigation bar.

Click one of the messages in the Last

5 messages section.

In the Messages view, you will see the list of

rules and the rule details.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

Select a set of rules to view in the list

next to the Show field.

Select different ones to show how the

list of rules displayed changes when
the set of rules to display changes.

Tip: When displaying specific message sets

(Failed, Passed, Rule ignored, Result
unknown), only those that are selected to be
displayed will be seen. If you click Ignore
rule, that rule is automatically removed from
the view, unless you select All in the Show
field. There you can toggle between the two

This is where you start to see the power of

delivering the right information at the right
time. The information for each rule changes
depending on the rule that is selected.
Information is displayed in the Observation
and Recommendation panes, and there are
also links to relevant KB articles.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

Click Environments on the navigation


This view shows all the environments that

have been configured to work with System

Click the arrow to the left of an


This will display the name and type of each

server in the environment. This makes it easier
to identify which servers might need
attention, especially in larger environments or
data centers.

Click Jobs on the navigation bar.

You will see what resource jobs are being run



Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

On the navigation bar, click


You will see the data collectors and the jobs.

Select the job you want to review in

the Jobs list.

Search the data collector by name.

Click through to find the data collector
you want, and then click it.

You see the report detail for that specific



On the navigation bar, click Report to

see the Diagnostics report.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

On the navigation bar, click Admin.

This is where you would download the System

diagnostics setup wizard, run it, and then
upload a certificate to allow it access to the
system to do the data gathering for analysis.

[Generate Command] (under construction)

System diagnostics helps IT administrators proactively monitor their Microsoft Dynamics AX instances across
the enterprise. By highlighting and identifying potential problems before they become an issue, it allows
resolutions to be done quickly and, many times, before any impact to the systems or users. This helps keep
systems up and running longer and provides confidence in their ability to deliver the functionality to
customers when they want it, where they want it, and how they want it.


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 | Lifecycle Services: Operate: System Diagnostics | Last Updated: August 2015

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