Curriculum Evaluation

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Worthen & Sanders (1973) stated that evaluation is the determination of the worth of a

thing. It included obtaining information for the use in judging the worth of a program, product,
procedure or objective, or the potential utility of alternative approaches designed to attain
specified objectives. In order to conduct an evaluation, one must first know the criteria of a good
curriculum otherwise the evaluation might not be reliable. So, a good curriculum include the
relevance, importance and priority. Its scope must have definitive amount, depth of coverage
and concentration.
Young learners in the present day could not be compared to the previous generations.
Their learning styles are different, although they are still children, their way of thinking might be
different to children in the past generations. Other than that, they face a different level of
challenges from globalization. Thus, curriculum evaluation and development is vital to ensure
that future generations are equipped with the knowledge and skill needed to face these
challenges. For example, in the present day they are more familiar with technology compared to
back then when we only have books as references. They grew up during times where ICT plays
a major role in any situations especially learning and basically anything to get a job done. Thus,
we cannot be stuck in the same way of teaching during the old days. The curriculum must
include ICT, must be integrated with ICT to fulfil the needs of young learners.
The Malaysia Education Blueprint is concerned with the progress being made in the
achievement of these goals as measured not only by characteristics and behavior of the
learners, but primarily by the growth that they have made in attaining socially desirable
objectives both as individuals and as members of the larger social group. It is an indispensable
part of the continual decision making process that impacts upon the entire education system.
Thus, the blueprint emphasize on interactive self-learning, again focusing on ICT. Through the
implementation of IC, more innovative ways of teaching can be discovered and practiced in the
classroom during teaching and learning process.
Through evaluation, there is bound to be changes in the curriculum. Curriculum renewal
usually means scrapping the old, comfortable curriculum structure in favor of something new,
unfamiliar and untried. We cannot deny that these changes would bring positive impact towards
education in the long-term but if the curriculum is constantly changing it might not yield positive
results as it would be a mess for the teachers and learners to try to adapt to these sudden
changes. Therefore, curriculum development prior to evaluation need to be viewed as an
integrated and interdependent set of processes that involves careful data gathering, planning,
experimenting, monitoring, consultation, and evaluation.

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