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Department of English, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society

Columbia University
New York, N.Y. 10027
B. A., University of Calcutta, 1959 (English, First Class Honors)
M. A., Cornell University, 1962 (English)
Thesis Supervisor: M. H. Abrams; Topic: Innocence in Wordsworths
Research Student, Girton College, Cambridge, UK, 1963-64
Ph. D., Cornell University, 1967 (Comparative Literature)
Dissertation Supervisor: Paul de Man; Topic: The Great Wheel: Stages in
the Development of Yeats Lyric Speaker
Summer Research Fellowships, University of Iowa, 1968, 1969, 1975, 1976
Carver Fellowship and Grant, 1971-72, Summer 1973
Fellowship, National Humanities Institute, University of Chicago, 1977-78
Kent Postdoctoral Fellowship, Wesleyan University, Center for the
Humanities, 1983-84
Senior Fellowship, Wesleyan University, Center for the Humanities, Spring
Senior Fellowship, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University, Spring
Senior Fellowship, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National
University, Summer 1986
Senior Fellowship, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, Summer
Fellowship, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton
University, 1990-91
Residence Fellowship, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Study and
Conference Center, Italy, Summer 1992
Distinguished Visiting Faculty Award, University of California at Riverside,
Winter-Spring 1993-94
Guggenheim Fellowship, 1995-96
Tagore Professorship, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (India),
Winter 1995
Distinguished Visiting Faculty Fellow, Wayne State University, Fall 1996
Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Literature, India) Translation Prize,
Walker-Ames Distinguished Professorship, University of Washington, Spring
Doctor of Letters (honoris causa), University of Toronto, 2000

First Y. K. Pao Distinguished Visiting Professor in Cultural Studies, Hong

Kong University of Science and Technology, Fall 2001
Hitesranjan Sanyal Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies, Centre for Studies
in Social Sciences, Calcutta, 2002-04
Visiting Citizens Chair, University of Hawaii, Spring 2003
Honoree, Latin American Studies Association, as critic of general influence,
D.Litt. (honoris causa), University of London, 2003
Honorary Visiting Professor, Tsing-hua Unversity, Beijing, 2006Ushiba Fellowship, International House of Japan, Tokyo, Summer 2007
Member, American Philosophical Society, 2007Honorary Member, Pi Eta Kappa Honor Society at Medgar Evers College,
Doctor of Humanities (honoris causa), Oberlin College, 2008
Doctor of Letters (honoris causa), Universitat Rovira I Virgili, 2011
Doctor of Letters (honoris causa), Rabindra Bharati University, 2012
Kyoto Prize in Art and Philophy: Thought and Ethics, 2012
South Asian Literary Association Distinguished Achievement Award, 2013
Padma Bhushan, Government of India, 2013-.
Lecturer, Yeats International Summer School, Sligo (Ireland), 1964
Instructor, University of Iowa, 1965-66
Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, 1966-70
Associate Professor, University of Iowa, 1970-74
Visiting Professor, Brown University, Fall 1974
Professor and Chair, Department of Comparative Literature, University of
Iowa, 1975-78
Professor, University of Texas at Austin, 1978-84
Visiting Professor, Riyadh University, Saudi Arabia, Spring 1980
Visiting Professor, Universit Paul Valry, Montpellier, France, Spring 1981
Visiting Professor, University of California at Santa Cruz, Spring 1982
Teaching Faculty, School of Criticism and Theory, Northwestern University,
Summer 1982; Dartmouth College, Summer 1993; Cornell
University, Summer 2002
Visiting Professor, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, as teaching
faculty of Institute on Marxist Interpretations of Culture: Limits,
Frontiers, Boundaries, Summer 1983
Longstreet Professor of English, Emory University, 1984-86
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi, India, Spring 1987
Andrew W. Mellon Professor of English, University of Pittsburgh, 1986-91
Invited Affiliate, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, 198791

Visiting Professor, Modern Thought and Literature & Comparative

Literature, Stanford University, Spring 1988
Visiting Professor, International Institute for the Study of Semiotics and
Structuralism, University of British Columbia, Summer 1988
Professor, Columbia University, 1991-93
Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy, Columbia University, 1991Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University, 19932007
Visiting Professor, Center for Ideas and Society, University of California at
Riverside, Spring 1994
Affiliated Professor, Department of Philosophy, New School for Social
Research, Fall 1995
Visiting Professor, Wayne State University, Spring 1996
Visiting Distinguished Professor, University of California at Irvine, 2002-10
Director, Center for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia
University, 2003-2007; Institute for Comparative Literature and
Society, Columbia University, 2007Fellow, Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University, 2006University Professor, Columbia University, 2007Visiting Professor, Center for Intercultural Studies, University of Mainz,
January 2008
Visiting Professor, Princeton University, Spring 2008
Scholar in Residence, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala (India), March
30-April 6, 2010
Summer School in Critical Theory, Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck
College, London University, Summer, 2012.
Myself Must I Remake: The Life and Poetry of W. B. Yeats, New York:
Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1974.
Of Grammatology (translation with critical introduction of Jacques Derrida,
De la grammatologie), Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1976.
In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics, New York: Methuen, 1987;
translated into Chinese and Japanese; extracts in Finnish translation
in Maailmasta kolmanteen, Jyvskylss: Vastapaino, 1996;
translated into Korean, 2001; translated with excerpts from other
works into Ukrainian, Vsesvit, 2003; reissued with a new
introduction, Routledge Classics, 2006; translated into Ukrainian,
Routledge, 2006; translated into French, Payot, 2009.
Selected Subaltern Studies, edited with Ranajit Guha, New York: Oxford,

The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues, ed. Sarah

Harasym, New York & London: Routledge, 1990; translated into
Chinese; extracts in Japanese translation in Voices From Border,
Japan: 1992; extract reprinted in Arabic translation in Alif, Cairo:
1997; reprinted in Macedonian translation (Templum, 2003);
reprinted in Polish translation in Krytyka Polityczna, Wroclaw : 2011.
Thinking Academic Freedom in Gendered Post-Coloniality, University of
Cape Town: Cape Town, 1993; revised version reprinted in Pretexts
5.1-2 (1995), p. 117-156; extract reprinted in Joan Vincent, ed. The
Anthropology of Politics: A Reader in Ethnography, Theory, and
Critique, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002, p. 452-459.
Outside in the Teaching Machine, New York: Routledge, 1993; excerpt
reprinted in Chinese in The Politics of Languages and Translation:
Alternative Perspectives, 2001, p. 277-308; excerpts reprinted in
Douglas Tallack, ed. Critical Theory: A Reader, New York: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1995, p. 212-230; reprinted by Routledge Classics,
Imaginary Maps (translation with critical introduction of three stories by
Mahasweta Devi), New York: Routledge, 1994; Introductory interview
reprinted in Nandini.C.Sen, ed. Mahasweta Devi: An Anthology of
Recent Criticism (Delhi: Pencraft International, 2008).
The Spivak Reader, Donna Landry and Gerald Maclean, eds. New York:
Routledge, 1995.
Breast Stories (translation with critical introduction of three stories by
Mahasweta Devi), Calcutta: Seagull, 1997; reprinted in Italian
translation, Filema, 2005).
Old Women (translation with critical introduction of two stories by
Mahasweta Devi), Calcutta: Seagull, 1999.
Imperatives to Re-Imagine the Planet/Imperative zur Neuerfindung des
Planeten, ed. Willi Goetschel, Passagen: Vienna, 1999; reprinted as
Limperativo di re- immaginare il pianeta, in aut aut 312 (Nov-Dec
02), p. 72-87.
A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Towards a History of the Vanishing
Present, Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1999; Calcutta: Seagull
Press, 1999; translated into Japanese (2003); chapter on History
translated into Spanish; excerpts translated into Spanish in Asparkia:
Investigacio Feminista 13 (2002), p. 207-214; translated into
Portuguese (forthcoming); translated into Serbian, Kritika
Postkolonijalnog Uma (Belgrade: CirculusGlobus, 2003); translated

into Italian, Critica della ragione postcoloniale: verso una storia del
presente in dissolvenza (Florence: Meltemi Editore, 2004);
translated into Korean (Galmuri, 2005) (awarded 2005 best book
award in the field of translation by the South Korean Ministry of
Culture; second edition forthcoming); chapter on Culture translated
into German in Postkoloniale Soziologie: Empirische Befunde,
theoretische Anschlusse, politische Intervention (Bielefeld:
[transcript], 2010), p. 47-96; translated into German (Frankfurt:
Kohlhammer, 2009; forthcoming); translated into Turkish (Doruk
Publications, 2009); Chinese translation forthcoming; translated into
Spanish 2010; translated into Polish (Warsaw: Krytyka, 2012).
Song for Kali: A Cycle (translation with introduction of Ramproshad Sen,
18th-century Bengali poet), Calcutta: Seagull, 2000.
Chotti Munda and His Arrow (translation with critical introduction of a novel
by Mahasweta Devi), Kolkata: Seagull, 2002; Oxford: Blackwell,
Death of a Discipline, New York: Columbia University Press, 2003;
translated into Italian (Rome: Meltemi Editore, 2003); translated into
Japanese (Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 2004); translated into Spanish
(Editoriale de la Universidad Veracruzana, 2007),
What is Gender? Where is Europe? Walking With Balibar, Florence:
European University Institute, 2006; translated into Spanish (ejournal, Sociedad y Discuso, 2009).
Conversations with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, New York: Seagull Books,
2006; translated into Japanese (Iwanami Shoten, 2008).
Who Sings the Nation-State?, with Judith Butler, New York: Seagull Books,
2007; translated into German as Sprache, Politik, Zugehrigkeit
(diaphanes, 2007); translated into French as LEtat Global (Payot,
2007); reprinted in Adam Budak et. al. eds. Manifesta 7 Companion
(Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2008), p. 363-367; translated into Korean
(Woongjin Think Big Co., Ltd., 2008); to be translated into Arabic by
Abid Hammadi (forthcoming).
Other Asias, Oxford: Blackwell, 2008; translated into Korean (Seoul:
Ulyuck, 2010); translated into Spanish (Ediciones AKAL, 2011).
Unrecht richten, Zurich: diaphanes, 2008.
Postkolonialitt und subalterne Artikulation, Wien: Turia + Kant, 2008.

Nationalism and the Imagination, Kolkata: Seagull Books, 2010; translated

into French (Payot, 2011); translated into Croatian as Nacionalizam i
imaginacija (Fraktura, 2011).
An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization, Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 2012.
Under contract:
Du Bois in the World (Harvard)
Of Derrida (Harvard).
Shakespeare in Yeatss Last Poems, Shakespeare Memorial Volume,
Calcutta: Presidency College, 1965, p. 243-284.
Principles of the Mind: Continuity in Yeatss Poetry, Modern Language
Notes (December 1968), p. 282-299.
Versions of a Colossus, Journal of South Asian Literature, 6 (1970), p. 3137.
Allgorie et histoire de la posie: hypothse de travail, Potique, 8
(1971), p. 427-444.
A Stylistic Contrast Between Yeats and Mallarm, Language and Style,
5.2 (Spring 1972), p. 100-107.
Thoughts on the Principle of Allegory, Genre (December 1972), p. 327352.
Indo-Anglian Curiosities, Novel, 7.1 (Fall 1973), p. 91-93.
A Look to the Future, The Grinnell Magazine 6.2 (November-December
1973), p.15-16.
Decadent Style, Language and Style, 7.4 (Fall 1974), p. 227-234.
Some Theoretical Aspects of Yeatss Prose, Journal of Modern Literature,
4.3 (February 1975), p. 667-691.
Glas-Piece: A Compte-Rendu, Diacritics, 7.3 (Fall 1977), p. 22-43.

The Letter as Cutting Edge, Yale French Studies, 15/16 (1977), p. 208226; reprinted in Shoshana Felman, ed. Literature and
Psychoanalysis: Reading Otherwise (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press,
1982), p. 208-226.
Anarchism Revisited: A New Philosophy, Diacritics, 7.2 (Summer 1978),
p. 66-79 (with Michael Ryan).
Feminism and Critical Theory, Womens Studies International Quarterly,
1 (1978), p. 241-246.
Explanation and Culture: Marginalia, Humanities in Society, 2.3 (Summer
1979), p. 201-221; reprinted in Russell Ferguson et al, eds. Out
There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures (Cambridge: MIT
Press, 1990), p. 377-393.
Three Feminist Readings: McCullers, Drabble, Habermas, Union Seminary
Quarterly Review, 35.1,2 (Fall-Winter 1979-80), p. 15-34; extract
reprinted in Beverly Lyon Clark and Melvin J. Friedman, eds. Critical
Essays on Carson McCullers (New York: G. K. Hall, 1996), p. 129-142.
Review Essay on Robert R. Magliola, Phenomenology and Literature: An
Introduction, Modern Fiction Studies, 25.4 (Winter 1979-80), p. 758760.
A Dialogue on the Production of Literary Journals, the Division of the
Disciplines and Ideology Critique with Professors Gayatri Spivak, Bill
Galston, and Michael Ryan, Analecta, 6 (1980), p. 72-87.
Unmaking and Making in To the Lighthouse, Sally McConnel-Ginet et al,
eds. Women and Language in Literature and Society (New York:
Praeger Publishers, 1980), p. 310-327.
Revolutions That As Yet Have No Model: Derridas Limited Inc., Diacritics,
10.4 (Winter 1980), p. 29-49.
Finding Feminist Readings: Dante-Yeats, Social Text, 3 (Fall 1980), p. 7387; reprinted in Ira Konigsberg, ed. American Criticism in the
Poststructuralist Age (Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1981), p.
42-65; reprinted in G.R. Taneja, ed. W. B. Yeats: An Anthology of
Recent Criticism (Delhi: SanPark, 1995), p. 137-150.
Il faut sy prendre en sen prennant elles, Les Fins de lhomme, ed.
Phillipe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy (Paris: Galile, 1981),
p. 505-516.

Sex and History in The Prelude (1805), Books Nine to Thirteen, Texas
Studies in Literature and Language, XXII.iii (Fall 1981), p. 324-360;
reprinted in Christopher Norris and Richard Machin, eds. PostStructuralist Readings of English Poetry (Cambridge: Cambridge
Univ. Press, 1987), p. 193-226.
Reading the World: Literary Studies in the 80s, College English, 43.7
(November 1981), p. 671-679; reprinted in G. Douglas Atkins and
Michael L. Johnson, eds. Writing and Reading Differently:
Deconstruction and the Teaching of Composition and Literature
(Lawrence, Kansas: Univ. Press of Kansas, 1985), p. 27-37.
French Feminism in an International Frame, Yale French Studies, 62
(1981), p. 154-184; conclusion reprinted in Camille Roman, Suzanne
Juhasz and Cristanne Miller, eds. The Women and Language Debate:
A Sourcebook (New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1993), p. 101104; excerpt reprinted in Sandra Kemp and Judith Squires, eds.
Oxford Readers: Feminisms (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998), p.5154.
Draupadi by Mahasweta Devi, Critical Inquiry, 7.2 (Winter 1981), p.
381-402; reprinted in Elizabeth Abel, ed. Writing and Sexual
Difference (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1982), reprinted in Dilip
K. Basu and Richard Sisson, eds. Social and Economic Development
(New Delhi: Sage, 1986), p. 215-240; p. 262-282; reprinted in
Illustrated Weekly of India, 3.29 (July 20-26, 1991), p. not available;
included in course-book for Open Learning course for Westminster
College (Oxford); reprinted in Khushwant Singh and Neelam Kumar,
eds. Our Favourite Indian Stories, p. not available; reprinted in Paul
James and Phillip Darby, eds. Globalization and Violence: Colonial
and Postcolonial Globalizations (London: Sage, 2006), v.2, p. 59-79.
The Politics of Interpretations, Critical Inquiry, 9.1 (September 1982), p.
259-278; reprinted in W. J. T. Mitchell, ed. The Politics of
Interpretation (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1983), p. 347-366;
reprinted in Esther Fuchs, ed. Feminist Hermeneutics: A
Multidisciplinary Approach (forthcoming).
Review Essay on Beatrice Farnsworth, On Aleksandra Kollontai, Minnesota
Review, n.s. 20 (Spring 1983), p. 93-102.
Some Thoughts on Evaluation, Mark Axelrod et al, eds. CLAM Chowder
(Minneapolis: Comp. Lit. Association of Minnesota, 1983), p. 60-74.
Displacement and the Discourse of Woman, Mark Krupnick, ed.
Displacement: Derrida and After (Bloomington: Univ. of Indiana
Press, 1983), p. 169-195; extract reprinted in Antony Easthope and

Kate McGowan, eds. A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader (Toronto:

Univ. of Toronto Press, 1992), p. 167-180; reprinted in Nancy J.
Holland, ed. Feminist Interpretations of Jacques Derrida (College
Park: Penn State Univ. Press, 1997), p. 43-71; reprinted in Spanish
translation in Debate Feminista, 5.9 (Mar 1994), p. 150-182.
Marx After Derrida, William E. Cain, ed. Philosophical Approaches to
Literature: New Essays on Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Texts
(Lewisberg, PA: Bucknell Univ. Press, 1983), p. 227-246.
A Response to John ONeill, Gary Shapiro and Alan Sica, eds.
Hermeneutics: Questions and Prospects (Amherst: Univ. of
Massachusetts Press, 1984), p. 183-198.
Description and Its Vicissitudes, review article on Marc Eli Blanchard,
Description, Sign, Self, Desire: Critical Theory in the Wake of
Semiotics, Semiotica, 49.3/4 (1984), p. 347-360.
Love Me, Love My Ombre, Elle, Diacritics, 14.4 (Winter 1984), p. 19-36;
reprinted in Louis Armand and Clare Wallace, eds. Giacomo Joyce:
Envoys of the Other (Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2006), p. 338-370.
Criticism, Feminism and the Institution (Interview), Thesis Eleven, 10/11
(1984-85), p. 175-187; reprinted in Bruce Robbins, ed. Intellectuals:
Aesthetics, Politics, Academics (St. Paul: Univ. of Minnesota Press,
1990), p. 153-71.
Strategies of Vigilance (Interview), Block 10 (1985), p. 20-33.
Can the Subaltern Speak? Speculations on Widow-Sacrifice, Wedge, 7/8
(Winter/Spring 1985), p. 120-130.
Three Womens Texts and a Critique of Imperialism, Critical Inquiry, 12.1
(Autumn 1985), p. 243-261; reprinted in H.L. Gates, Jr., ed. Race,
Writing, and Difference (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1986), p.
262-288; reprinted in Catherine Belsey and Jane Moore, eds. The
Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary
Criticism (London: Blackwell, 1989), p. 175-195; revised extract in
Fred Botting, ed. Frankenstein (London: Macmillan New Casebooks,
1995), p. 235-260; reprinted in Bill Ashcroft et al, eds. The Post
Colonial Studies Reader (London: Routledge, 1995), p. 262-270;
reprinted in Chinese translation in Chung-Wai Literary Monthly
(Taiwan), 24.5 (Oct. 1995), p. 6-21; extract reprinted in Peter Brooker
and Peter Widdowson, eds. A Practical Reader in Contemporary
Literary Theory (Englewood: Prentice-Hall, 1996), p. 133-143;
reproduced in Study Guide for Intertextual Readings, Department
of English, University of South Africa; excerpt reprinted as


Frankenstein and A Critique of Imperialism in Mary Shelley,

Frankenstein, ed. J. Paul Hunter (New York: Norton Critical Edition,
1996), p. 262-270; reprinted in Diane Price Herndl and Robyn
Warhol, eds. Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and
Criticism, 2nd ed. (New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1997), p.
896-912; reprinted in Bart Moore-Gilbert et al, eds. Postcolonial
Criticism (London: Longman, 1997), p. 145-165; reprinted in Jean
Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, ed. Judith Raiskin (New York: Norton
Critical Edition, 1999), p.240-247; reprinted in Diana Brydon, ed.
Postcolonialism: Critical Concepts (New York: Routledge, 2000), p.
694-713; reprinted in Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, ed. Stuart Curran
(University of Pennsylvania Press electronic edition, 2001); extract
reprinted in Stephen Regan, ed. The Nineteenth-Century Novel: A
Critical Reader (London/New York: Routledge/The Open Univ., 2001),
p. 216-225; extract reprinted in Carl Plasa, ed. Jean Rhys: Wide
Sargasso Sea (Cambridge: Icon, 2001), p. 57-61; reprinted in
Norwegian translation in Irene Iversen, ed. Feministisk Litteratur
Teori (Oslo: Pax Forlag, 2002), p. 280-296; reprinted in Reina Lewis
and Sara Mills, eds. Feminism and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader
(New York: Routledge, 2003), p. 306-323; extract reprinted in
Francis OGorman, ed. The Victorian Novel (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002),
p. 310-317; reprinted as Frankenstein and Devis Pterodactyl, in
Andrew Smith and William Hughes, eds. Empire and the Gothic: The
Politics of Genre (New York: Palgrave, 2003), p. 56-68; reprinted in
Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, eds. Literary Theory: An Anthology 2e
(Oxford: Blackwell, 2004), p. 838-853; reprinted in Gaurav Desai and
Supriya Nair, eds. Postcolonialisms: An Anthology of Cultural Theory
and Criticisms (New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2005), p. 362380; reprinted in David H. Richter, ed., The Critical Tradition: Classic
Texts and Contemporary Trends (3rd Edition; Boston: Bedford Books,
2006); reprinted in Dorothy J. Hale, ed. The Novel: An Anthology of
Criticism and Theory 1900-2000 (New York: Blackwell, 2006), p. 674690; excerpt reprinted in Gilda Williams, ed., The Gothic (London:
Whitechapel, 2007), p. 101-107; reprinted in Danish in Prem K.
Kumar and Hans Hauge, eds., Postkolonialisme (Arhus: Aarhus
University Press, 2008); reprinted in Diane Price Herndl and Robyn
Warhol, eds. Feminisms Redux (New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. Press,
The Rani of Sirmur: An Essay in Reading the Archives, History and
Theory, 24.3 (1985), p. 247-272; reprinted in Francis Barker et al,
eds. Europe and Its Others (Colchester: Univ. of Essex Press, 1985),
p. 128-151.
Feminism and Critical Theory, Paula Treichler et al, eds. For Alma Mater:
Theory and Practice in Feminist Scholarship (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois
Press, 1985), p. 119-142; reprinted in Robert Con Davis and Ronald


Schleifer, eds. Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural

Studies (New York: Longman, 1994), p. 519-534; excerpt reprinted in
David Lodge and Nigel Wood, eds. Modern Criticism and Theory: A
Reader (New York: Pearson Education, Inc, 2000), p. 476-493.
Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography, Ranajit Guha, ed.
Subaltern Studies IV: Writings on South Asian History and Society
(New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1985), p. 330-363; reprinted in Italian
translation in Paola Di Cori, ed. Altre storie: La critica femminista alla
storia (Bologna: CLUEB, 1996), p. 267-305; reprinted in Spanish
translation in Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui and Rossana Barragn, eds.
Debates Post Coloniales: Una Introduccin a los Estudios de la
Subalternidad (La Paz: historias, SEPHIS, and Aruwiyiri, 1997), p.
247-278; updated version reprinted in Arabic translation in alif, 18
(1998), p.122-156; reprinted in Spanish translation in Neus Carbonell
and Meri Torras, eds. Feminismos Literarios (Madrid: Arco/Libros,
1998), p.265-290; reprinted in Christopher Norris and D. Roden, eds.
Jacques Derrida (Californtia: Sage Publications, 2002); reprinted in
Chinese translation in Subaltern Studies (Hong Kong: Alternative
Perspectives, 2006), p. 140-190.
Literature, Theory and Commitment: III, Kenneth Harrow et al, eds.
Crisscrossing Boundaries in African Literatures, 1986 (Washington
DC: Three Continents Press, African Lit. Association, 1986), p. 71-75.
Speculations on Reading Marx: After Reading Derrida, Derek Attridge et
al, eds. Post-Structuralism and the Question of History (Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987), p. 30-62.
Can the Subaltern Speak? Cary Nelson and Larry Grossberg, eds.
Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois
Press, 1988), p. 271-313; reprinted in Chinese translation, Chung-Wai
Literary Monthly, 24.6 (1995), p. 94-123; reprinted in Hebrew
translation, Theoria u-vikoret:bama israelit/Theory and Criticism: An
Israeli Forum, 7 (1995), p. 31-75; reprinted in Spanish translation,
Puede hablar el sujeto subalterno?, Orbis Tertius, 6 (1998), p. 175235; translated as Les subalternes peuvent-ils sexprimer?, in
Mamadou Diouf, ed., La historiographie indienne en dbat;
colonialisme, nationalisme, et socits postcoloniale (Paris: Karthala,
1999), p. 165-229; reprinted in Diana Brydon, ed. Postcolonialism:
Critical Concepts (New York: Routledge, 2000), p. 1427-1477;
reprinted in Vincent B. Leitch, ed. Norton Anthology of Literary
Criticism (New York: Norton, 2001), p. 2193-2208; reprinted in
Japanese translation (Misuzu Shobo, 2003); excerpt reprinted in
German translation in Die Philosophin: Forum fur feminstische
Theorie und Philosophie 27 (2003), p. 42-58; reprinted in Hebrew
translation in Yehouda Shenhav, ed., Coloniality and the Postcolonial


Condition (Tel-Aviv: Kibbutz Me-Uhad and the Jerusalem Vanleer

Institute and Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, 2004);
reprinted in German translation in Postkolonialitt und subalterne
Artikulation (Ausgabe: Verlag Turia + Kant, 2008); reprinted in
Turkish translation as Can the Subaltern Yet Speak? in
TOPLUMBILIM: Rethinking About Postcolonial Theory, (Baglam,
2009); reprinted in revised form in Christine Sylvester, ed. Feminist
International Relations (Critical Concepts in International Relations)
(New York: Routledge, 2009); reprinted in Filolog (forthcoming,
2010); reprinted in Bengali translation as Sepai Ki Katha Boltey
Parey?, bwakalam 3.1 (2013), p. 5-35; reprinted in Georgian
translation by Levan Beriashvili (forthcoming).
Imperialism and Sexual Difference, Oxford Literary Review, 7.1-2 (1986),
p. 225-240; reprinted in Clayton Koelb and Virgil Lokke, eds. The
Current in Criticism: Essays on the Present and Future of Literary
Theory (W. Lafayette: Purdue Univ. Press, 1988), p. 319-337;
reprinted in Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, eds.
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies (New
York: Longman, 1989), p. 517-529; reprinted in David H. Richter, ed.
Falling Into Theory: Conflicting Views on Reading Literature (Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 1999), p.340-348.
Practical Politics of the Open End: An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak, by Sarah Harasym, Canadian Journal of Political and Social
Theory, 12.1-2 (1988), p. 104-111; reprinted in Martin McQuillan, ed.
Deconstruction: A Reader (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2000),
p. 397-404.
Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value, Diacritics, 15.4 (Winter
1985), p. 73-93.
Interview with Patrice McDermott, Art Papers, 10.1 (January-February
1986), p. 50-52.
A Literary Representation of the Subaltern, Ranajit Guha, ed. Subaltern
Studies (New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1988), 5, p. 91-134;
translation of embedded fiction (Breast-giver, by Mahasweta Devi)
reprinted in Susan Thames and Marin Gazzaniga, eds. The Breast: An
Anthology (New York: Global City Press, 1995), p. 86-111.
The Intervention Interview, Southern Humanities Review, 22.4 (Fall
1988), p. 323-342.
A Response to The Difference Within: Feminism and Critical Theory, in
Elizabeth Meese and Alice Parker, eds. The Difference Within:


Feminism and Critical Theory (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John

Benjamins, 1988), p. 208-220.
The New Historicism: Political Commitment and the Postmodern Critic, in
H. Aram Veeser, ed. The New Historicism (New York: Routledge,
1989), p. 277-292.
Negotiating the Structures of Violence: A Conversation with Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak (Interview), Polygraph, 2-3 (Spring 1989), p.
The Political Economy of Women as Seen by a Literary Critic, Elizabeth
Weed, ed. Coming to Terms: Feminism, Theory, Politics (London:
Routledge, 1989), p. 218-229.
Who Claims Alterity? Barbara Kruger and Phil Mariani, eds. Remaking
History (Seattle: Bay Press, 1989), p. 269-292; reprinted in Heloisa
Buarque de Hollanda, ed. Feminism as Cultural Critique (Rio de
Janeiro: CIEC, forthcoming) p. 187-205; reprinted in German
translation in Charles Harrison et al, eds. Art in Theory (Oxford:
Blackwell, 1997), p.1119-1124 .
Naming Gayatri Spivak (Interview), Stanford Humanities Review, 1.1
(Spring 1989), p. 84-97.
Feminism and Deconstruction, Again, Teresa Brennan, ed. Between
Feminism and Psychoanalysis (London: Methuen, 1989), p. 206-223;
reprinted as Feminismus und Dekonstruktion, noch einmal, in Cilja
Harders, Heike Kahlert and Delia Schindler, eds., Forschungsfeld
Politik (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2005), p. 239-257; reprinted in Suzana
Milevska ed., The Renaming Machine (Ljubljana: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
Institute, 2010), p. 36-60.
An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, by Lukas Barr, Blast
Unlimited, 1 (Summer 1989), p. 84-97.
Who Needs the Great Works? A Debate on the Canon, Core Curricula, and
Culture, Harpers, 279.1672 (Sept. 1989), p. 43-52.
In Praise of Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, Critical Quarterly, 31.2 (Summer
1989), p. 80-88.
Questions of Multiculturalism, in Angela Ingram, ed. Womens Writing in
Exile (Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1989), p. 412-420.
Reading The Satanic Verses, Public Culture, 2.1 (Fall 1989), p. 79-99;
revised and expanded version in Third Text, 11 (1990), p.41-69;


reprinted in Maurice Biriotti and Nicola Miller, eds. What is an

author? (Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1993), p. 104-134;
shortened version reprinted in Nigel Wheale, ed. The Postmodern
Arts? (London: Routledge, 1994), p. 221-243.
In A Word. Interview (with Ellen Rooney), Differences, 1.2 (Summer
1989), p. 124-156; reprinted in the essential difference
(Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1994), p. 151-185; reprinted in
revised form in Terry Lovell, ed. Feminist Cultural Studies (Brookfield,
VT: E. Elgar, 1995), 2, p.162-188; reprinted in revised version in
Linda Nicholson, ed. Feminist Theory and the Second Wave (New
York: Routledge, 1996), p.356-378.
Constitutions and Culture Studies, Yale Journal of Law and the
Humanities, 2.1 (Winter 1990), p. 133-147; reprinted in Jerry D.
Leonard, ed. Legal Studies As Cultural Studies: A Reader in
(Post)Modern Critical Theory (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995), p. 155-174.
Colloquium on Narrative (Interview), Typereader, 3 (December 1989), p.
Poststructuralism, Marginality, Postcoloniality and Value, in Peter Collier
and Helga Geyer-Ryan, eds. Literary Theory Today (Cambridge: Polity
Press, 1990), p. 219-244; reprinted in Sociocriticism, 10 (1989), p.
43-81; reprinted in Padmini Mongia, ed. Contemporary Postcolonial
Theory: A Reader (New York: Arnold Press, 1996), p. 198-364;
reprinted in Diana Brydon, ed. Postcolonialism: Critical Concepts
(New York: Routledge, 2000), p. 57-84.
Rhetoric and Cultural Explanation: A Discussion, with Phillip Sipiora and
Janet Atwill, Journal of Advanced Composition, 10.2 (Fall 1990), p.
Versions of the Margin: J. M. Coetzees Foe Reading Defoes
Crusoe/Roxana, Jonathan Arac and Barbara Johnson, eds.
Consequences of Theory: Selected Papers of the English Institute,
1987-88 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1990), p. 154-180;
reprinted as Theory in the Margin: Coetzees Foe Reading Defoes
Crusoe/Roxana, in English in Africa 17.2 (Oct. 1990), p. 1-23.
An Interview with Gayatri Spivak, Women in Performance 5.1 (1990), p.
Woman In Difference: Mahasweta Devis Douloti the Bountiful, Cultural
Critique 14 (Winter 1989-90), p. 105-128; reprinted in Andrew
Parker, ed. Nationalisms and Sexuality (New York: Routledge, 1992),
p. 96-117; reprinted in German translation, Nausikaa Schirilla and


Eleonore Wiedenroth, trans., in polylog. Zeitschrift fr interkulturelles

Philosophieren 4 (Vienna 1999), p. 25-42; reprinted in Short Story
Criticism, Jelena Krstovic ed., Vol. 165. (Detroit: Gale, 2012).
The Making of Americans, the Teaching of English, and the Future of
Culture Studies, New Literary History 21.4 (Autumn 1990), p. 781798.
Inscriptions: Of Truth to Size, catalogue essay for Jamelie Hassan,
Inscription (Regina: Dunlop Art Gallery, 1990), p. 9-34.
Reflections on Cultural Studies in the Post-Colonial Conjuncture, Critical
Studies 3.1-2 (Spring 1991), p.63-78.
Time and Timing: Law and History, John Bender and David Wellbery, eds.
Chronotypes: The Construction of Time (Stanford: Stanford Univ.
Press, 1991), p. 99-117.
Remembering the Limits: Difference, Identity and Practice, Peter
Osborne, ed. Socialism and the Limits of Liberalism, (New York: Verso
1991) p. 227-239; extract reprinted in Swedish translation Fronesis
(February 2006).
Neocolonialism and the Secret Agent of Knowledge: An Interview with
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Oxford Literary Review 12.1-2 (1991),
p. 220-251; reprinted in Swedish translation in Catharina Eriksson et
al, eds. Globaliseringens Kulturer; den Postkoloniala Paradoxen,
Rasismen och det Mangkulturella Samhallet (Goteborg: Nya Doxa,
1999), p. 269-282.
The Burden of English, in Rajeswari Sunder Rajan ed. The Lie of the
Land: English Literary Studies in India (Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press,
1992), p. 275-299; revised version reprinted in Carol Breckenridge
and Peter van der Veer, eds. Orientalism and the Postcolonial
Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia (Philadelphia: Univ. of
Pennsylvania Press, 1993), p. 134-157; reprinted in Gregory Castle,
ed. Postcolonial Discourses: An Anthology (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001),
p. 54-72.
Identity and Alterity: An Interview, Arena 97 (1991), p. 65-76.
Not Virgin Enough to Say That [S]he Occupies the Place of the Other,
Cardozo Law Review 13.4 (Dec 1991), p. 1343-1348.
Once Again a Leap into the Postcolonial Banal, Differences 3.3 (Fall
1991), p. 139-170, (with commentary by Joan Scott); revised version
reprinted as How to Teach A Culturally Different Book, in Francis


Barker et al, eds. Colonial Discourse, Postcolonial Theory

(Manchester: Univ. of Manchester Press, 1994), p. 126-150.
French Feminism Revisited: Ethics and Politics, in Joan Scott and Judith
Butler, eds. Feminists Theorize the Political (New York: Routledge,
1992), p. 54-85; reprinted in revised form as Cixous Without
Borders, in Mireille Calle, ed. On the Feminine, tr. Catherine McGann
(Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1996), p.46-56.
Teaching for the Times, MMLA 25.1 (1992), p.3-22; reprinted with
extensive revisions in Jan Nederveen Pieterse, ed. The
Decolonization of Imagination (London: Zed Books, 1995), p. 177202; extract reprinted in Pavel Bchler and Nikos Papastergiadis,
eds. Random Access 2: Ambient Fears (London: Rivers Oram Press,
1996), p. 189-204; reprinted in Anne McClintock et al, eds.
Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives
(Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997), p. 468-490.
Asked to Talk About Myself. . ., Third Text 19 (Summer 1992), p. 9-18.
Acting Bits/Identity Talk, Critical Inquiry 18.4 (Summer 1992), p. 770803; reprinted in Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Anthony Appiah, eds.
Identities (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1995), p. 147-180;
reprinted in revised form in Dennis Crow, ed. Geography and
Identity: Living and Exploring Geopolitics of Identity (Washington:
Maisonnneuve, 1996), p.41-72; reprinted in Robert Lumsden and
Rajeev Patke, eds. Critical Studies (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi,
1996), p. 295-338.
More on Power/Knowledge, in Thomas E. Wartenberg, ed. Rethinking
Power (Albany: SUNY Press, 1992), p. 149-173.
The Politics of Translation, in Michle Barrett and Anne Phillips, eds.
Destabilizing Theory: Contemporary Feminist Debates (Cambridge:
Polity Press, 1992), p. 177-200; revised version reprinted in Jessica
Munns and Gita Rajan, eds. A Cultural Studies Reader: History,
Theory, Practice, (London: Longman, 1995), p. 463-482; German
translation reprinted in Anselm Haverkampf, ed. Die Sprache des
Anderen (Frankfurt: Fischer,1995), p.65-93; included in Spanish
translation in the volume published by Programa Universitario de
Estudios de Genero, 1997; reprinted in Lawrence Venuti, ed. The
Translation Studies Reader (New York: Routledge, 2000), p.397-416,
Second Edition, 2004, p. 369-388; reprinted in Mieke Bal, ed.,
Narrative Theory: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies
(New York: Routledge, 2004), p. 179-200; reprinted in Chinese
translation in The Politics of Languages and Translation (Hong Kong:
Alternative Perspectives, 2006), p. 277-308.


Entry on Bookwork, Jamelie/Jamila Project by J. Hassan & J. Ismail (North

Vancouver: Presentation House Gallery, 1992).
Echo, New Literary History 24.1 (Winter 1993), p. 17-43; reprinted in E.
Ann Kaplan, ed. Psychoanalysis and Cultural Studies (Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 1995); partially reprinted in German translation in Die
Philosophin 13 (May 1996), p. 68-96.
Extreme Eurocentrism, Lusitania 1.4, p. 55-60.
Excelsior Hotel Coffee Shop, Assemblage 20 (April 1993), p. 74-75.
Foundations and Cultural Studies, Hugh J. Silverman, ed. Questioning
Foundations: Truth/Subjectivity/Culture (New York: Routledge, 1993),
p. 153-175.
An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (with Sara Danius and
Stefan Jonsson) boundary 2 20.2 (Summer 1993), p. 24-50.
Race Before Racism and the Disappearance of the American: Jack D.
Forbes Black Africans and Americans: Color, Race and Caste in the
Evolution of Red-Black Peoples, Plantation Society 3.2 (Summer
1993), p. 73-91; reprinted in boundary 2 25.2 (Edward Said issue,
Summer 1998), p.35-53; reprinted in Paul Bov, ed. Edward Said and
the Work of the Critic: Speaking Truth to Power (Durham: Duke Univ.
Press, 2000), p.51-65; reprinted in French translation in an anthology
by Miloud Chennoufi, ed., forthcoming 2004.
terbesk i den globala byn, in Oscar Hemer, ed. Kulturen i den globala
byn (Lund: gis Frlag, 1994), p. 165-188.
Psychoanalysis in Left Field; and Field-Working: Examples to Fit the Title,
in Michael Mnchow and Sonu Shamdasani, eds. Speculations After
Freud: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Culture (London: Routledge,
1994), p. 41-75; reprinted as Examples to Fit the Title, in American
Imago 51.2 (Summer 1994), p. 161-196.
Introduction, in Harriet Fraad et al, eds. Bringing It All Back Home: Class,
Gender, and Power in the Modern Household (London: Pluto Press,
1994), p. ix-xvi.
Bonding in Difference, in Alfred Arteaga, ed. An Other Tongue (Durham:
Duke Univ. Press, 1994), p. 273-285; in Chinese translation, Foreign
Literatures 3 (Aug 1999), p. 12-19.


Questions of Multiculturalism (an interview with Sneja Gunew), Simon

During, ed. The Cultural Studies Reader (New York: Routledge, 1993),
p. 193-202.
Tribal Woes (reprinted from Imaginary Maps), Economic Times (April 13,
1994), p. 10, 26.
Response to Jean-Luc Nancy, Juliet Flower MacCannell and Laura Zakarin,
eds. Thinking Bodies (Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1994), p. 32-51.
In the New World Order: A Speech, Antonio Callari et al, eds. Marxism in
the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order (New York:
Guilford Press, 1994), p. 89-97.
What Is It For?: Functions of the Postcolonial Critic, Nineteenth-Century
Contexts 18 (1994), p. 71-81.
Situations of Value: Feminism and Cultural Work in a Postcolonial
Neocolonial Conjuncture (interview), Australian Feminist Studies 17
(Autumn 1993), p. 141-161.
Responsibility, boundary 2 21.3 (Fall 1994), p. 19-64; reprinted in
Spanish translation in Nueva Sociedad (Caracas, Venezuela: 1996),
p.49-119; reprinted in Paul Bov, ed. Gendered Agents: Women and
Institutional Knowledge (Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1998), p. 19-66.
Supplementing Marxism, Steven Cullenberg and Bernd Magnus, eds.
Whither Marxism? (New York: Routledge, 1995), p. 109-119.
Empowering Women?, Environment 37.1 (January-February 1995), p. 23.
At the Planchette of Deconstruction Is/In America, in Anselm Haverkamf,
ed. Deconstruction is/in America: A New Sense of the Political (New
York: NYU Press, 1995), p. 237-249.
A Dialogue on Democracy (with David Plotke), Socialist Review 94.3
(1995), p. 1-22; reprinted in David Trend, ed. Radical Democracy:
Identity, Citizenship, and the State (New York: Routledge, 1995), p.
Ghostwriting, Diacritics 25.2 (Summer 1995), p. 65-84; translated into
Spanish in Actual-Marx (Chile, forthcoming 2005).
Woman as Theater: Beijing 1995, Radical Philosophy 70 (November
1995), p. 2-4; reprinted in German translation in epdEntwicklungspolitik-Materialien: II (1996), p. 56-59.


Love, Cruelty, and Cultural Talks in the Hot Peace, parallax 1 (November
1995), p. 1-31; extract reprinted in Pheng Cheah and Bruce Robbins,
eds. Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation
(Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1998), p.329-348; reprinted
in Spanish translation in Criterio (Cuba).
Lives, H. Aram Veeser, ed. Confessions of the Critics (New York:
Routledge, 1996), p. 205-220.
Further Notes on Imperialism Today, Against the Current 11.3 (JulyAugust 1996), p. 20-21.
Diasporas Old and New: Women in a Transnational World, Textual
Practices 10.2 (1996), p. 245-269; reprinted in Amitava Kumar, ed.
Class Issues: Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, and the Public Sphere (New
York: New York Univ. Press, 1997), p.87-116; reprinted in Peter
Pericles Trifonas, ed. Revolutionary Pedagogies: Cultural Politics,
Instituting Education, and the Discourse of Theory (New York:
Routledge, 2000), p. 3-29; reprinted in German translation in Femina
Politica 2/2009, (2009), p. 19-31; reprinted in Portuguese translation
in Vera Queiroz, ed. Critica Literria Feminista Anglo-Americana
(Brazil: CNPq, forthcoming).
Running Interference (interview with Julie Stephens), Australian Womens
Book Review 7.2 (June 1995), p. 19-22 and 7.2.4 (Nov. 1995), p. 2628; reprinted in longer form as Cultural Dominance at its Most
Benevolent: Interview with Julie Stephens, Arena Journal New
Series, 6 (1996), p. 35-50.
Setting to Work (Transnational Cultural Studies), in Peter Osborne, ed. A
Critical Sense: Interviews with Intellectuals (London: Routledge,
1996), p. 163-177.
Transnationality and Multiculturalist Ideology, in Deepika Bahri and Mary
Vasudeva, eds. Between the Lines: South Asians and Postcoloniality
(Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 1996), p. 64-88.
Scattered Speculations on the Question of Linguisticulture, Takayuki
Yokota-Murakami, ed. Proceedings of the International Symposium
on Linguisticulture: Where Do We Go From Here? (Osaka, Japan:
The Organizing Committee for the International Symposium on
Linguisticulture: Where Do We Go From Here?, December 16,
1996), p. i-viii.
At Home With Others, catalogue essay for exhibition on Dislocations,
Rovaniemi Art Museum (Rovaniemi, Finland: 1997), n.p.


City, Country, Agency, Vikramaditya Prakash, ed. Theatres of

Decolonization: [Architecture] Agency [Urbanism] (Seattle: Univ. Of
Washington Press, 1997), p. 1-22.
Of Poetics and Politics, Politics-Poetics:documenta 10 (Ostfildern-Ruit:
Cantz, 1997), p. 760-769.
Abinirman-Anubad, Paschimbanga Bangla Akademi Patrika 10
(November 1997), p.17-33.
Attention: Postcolonialism! Journal of Caribbean Studies 12.2-3 (Fall
1997-Spring 1998), p.159-170; in German translation in Peter Weibel
and Slavoj Zizek, eds. Inklusion Exklusion: Probleme des
Postkolonialismus und der globalen Migration (Vienna: Passagen,
1997), p.117-130.
Foucault and Najibullah, Kathy Komar and Ross Shidler, eds. Lyrical
Symbols and Narrative Transformations: Essays in Honor of Ralph
Freedman (Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1998), p.218-235.
Lost Our Language Underneath the Linguistic Map, Rainer Ganahl, ed.
Imported: A Reading Seminar (New York: Semiotext[e], 1998), p.182193.
Derrida and Deconstruction, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (Oxford Univ.
Press, 1998), 2, p. 7-11.
Feminist Literary Criticism, Edward Craig, ed. Routledge Encyclopedia of
Philosophy (New York: Routledge, 1998), 3, p.611-614.
Gender and International Studies, Millennium: Journal of International
Studies 27.4 (1998), p.809-831.
Three Womens Texts and Circumfession, Alfred Hornung and Ernstpeter
Ruhe, eds. Postcolonialism and Autobiography (Amsterdam: Rodopi,
1998), p.7-22.
Moving Devi, Vidya Dehejia, ed. Devi: The Great Goddess (Washington:
Smithsonian Institute, 1999), p.181-200; expanded version in
Cultural Critique 47 (Winter 2001), p. 120-163; discussed by the
Latitudes group at the University of Pennsylvania (January 9, 2002),
revised version in Peter Trifonas and Michael Peters, eds.,
Deconstructing Derrida: Tasks for the New Humanities (New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).


American Gender Studies Today (with Camille Paglia, Donna Landry and
Jane Gallop), Women: A Cultural Review 10.2 (1999), p.213-219.
Translation as Culture, Isabel Carrera Surez et al, eds. Translating
Cultures (Oviedo: Dangaroo Press, 1999), p. 17-30; reprinted in
parallax 14 (January-March 2000), p.13-24; reprinted in Paul St.
Pierre and Prafulla C. Kar, eds., In Translation: Reflections,
Refractions, Transformations (New Delhi: Pencraft International,
2005), p. 238-250; in Portuguese translation in Ilha do Desterro
(EdUFSC, 48 Jan/Jun 2005), p.41-64; extract printed in translation
(inaugural issue, 2011), p. 64-65.
Report by the Denotified Nomadic Tribal Right Action Group: An
Interview, Interventions 1.4 (1999), p.590-604.
Dialogue: The Future of Feminism, Feminist Review 64 (Spring 2000),
Schmitt and Post-Structuralism: A Response, Cardozo Law Review, 21.56 (May 2000), p. 1723-1737.
Foreword: Upon Reading the Companion to Postcolonial Studies, Henry
Schwarz and Sangeeta Ray, eds. A Companion to Postcolonial
Studies (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000), p. xv-xxii.
Moving at the Global Spectrum, Barnes & Nobles Academic Webpage
From Haverstock Hill Flat to US Classroom, Whats Left of Theory? Judith
Butler et al, eds. Whats Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of
Literary Theory (New York: Routledge, 2000), p. 1-40.
Thinking Cultural Questions in Pure Literary Terms, Paul Gilroy et al,
eds, Without Guarantees: In Honor of Stuart Hall (London: Verso,
2000), p. 335-357.
The New Subaltern: A Silent Interview, Vinayak Chaturvedi, ed. Mapping
Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial (London: Verso, 2000), p.324340.
Deconstruction and Cultural Studies: Arguments for a Deconstructive
Cultural Studies, Nicholas Royle, ed. Deconstructions (Oxford:
Blackwell, 2000), p.14-43.
Megacity, Grey Room 1 (Fall 2000), p. 8-25; reprinted in Spanish
translation as Megaciudad, ngel Martn Ramos, ed., Lo urbano en
20 autores contemporneos (Barcelona: ETSAB, 2004), p. 199-206.


Claiming Transformations: Travel Notes with Pictures, Sara Ahmed et al,

eds. Transformations: Thinking Through Feminism (London:
Routledge, 2000), p. 119-130.
Other Things Are Never Equal: A Speech, Rethinking Marxism 12.4
(2000), p. 37-45.
Chotti Munda Ebong Tar Teer/Chotti Munda and his Arrow (translation
with introduction of extract of a novel by Mahasweta Devi), Connect
1 (Fall 2000), p. 121-142.
Echo Multinome: Bohu Protiddhoni, Traces 1 (2000), p. 331-336.
Discussion: Afterword on the New Subaltern, in Partha Chatterjee and
Pradeep Jeganathan, eds. Subaltern Studies XI: Community, Gender
and Violence (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2000), p. 305-344.
A Moral Dilemma, Howard Marchitello, ed. What Happens to History: the
Renewal of Ethics in Contemporary Thought (New York: Routledge,
2001), p. 215-236; reprinted in German as "Ein moralisches
Dilemma" in Maria do Mar Castro Varela, Nikita Dhawan, eds. Soziale
(Un)Gerechtigkeit: Kritische Perspektiven auf Diversity,
Intersektionalitt und Antidiskriminierung (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2011),
p. 62-77.
Questioned on Translation: Adrift, Public Culture 13.1 (Winter 2001), p.
A Note on the New International, parallax 20 (July-September 2001), p.
A Metafora da Guerra (interview), pensar (Brazil, October 7, 2001).
Resident Alien, David Theo Goldberg and Ato Quayson, eds. Relocating
Postcolonialism (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002), p. 46-65.
Mapping the Present (interview with Meyda Yegenoglu and Mahmut
Mutman), New Formations 45 (January 2002), p. 9-23.
The Occidental Accident (interview with Deepak Narang Sawhney),
Unmasking L.A.: Third Worlds and the City (New York: Palgrave,
2002), p. 213-228.
La mise en scne du temps dans Heremakhonon, Madeleine CottenetHage and Lydie Moudileno, eds. Maryse Cond: Une nomade
inconvenante (Guadeloupe: Ibis Rouge Editions, 2002), p. 73-85;


reprinted in English as The Staging of Time in Heremakhonon,

Cultural Studies 17.1 (January, 2003), p.85-97.
Review of Paul Bowles, The Sheltering Sky, and Denis Cosgrove, Apollos
Eye, Bookforum 9.1 (Spring 2002), p. 9.
Postcolonial Scholarship Productions and Directions: An Interview with
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (interview with Radha S. Hegde and
Raka Shome), Communication Theory 12.3 (August 2002), p. 271286.
Gender and International Studies, Louiza Odysseos and Hakan
Seckinelgin, eds. Gendering the International (New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2002), p. 13-39.
The Rest of the World: A conversation with Gayatri Spivak, Mary
Zournazi, ed. Hope: New Philosophies for Change (Annandale,
Australia: Pluto Press, 2002), p. 172-190.
Culture, (forthcoming from Zamyn, UK); reprinted in please . . . The Big
Little Magazine (Kolkata, January 2002), p. 15-17; reprinted in Journal
of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads 1.1 (April 2004), p. 9-11; reprinted
in Theory, Culture & Society 23. 1-2, (February-April 2006).
Etudes franaises et cie, Sites 6.2 (Fall 2002), p. 259-266.
A Conversation with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Politics and the
Imagination, Signs 28.2 (Winter 2003), p. 609-624; reprinted in Jeff
Hunter, ed. Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 233 (Detroit: Gale,
2007), p. 506.
Righting Wrongs, Nicholas Owen, ed. Human Rights, Human Wrongs:
Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2001 (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003), p.
168-227; reprinted in a revised edition in South Atlantic Quarterly
103: 2/3 (Spring/Summer 2004), p. 523-581; reprinted in a revised
version as Use and Abuse of Human Rights, boundary 2 32.1
(Spring 2005), p. 131-190; reprinted in German translation as ber
die Zuteilung von Menschenrechten, (Zrich: diaphanes, 2008);
reprinted in Aakash Singh Rathore and Silika Mohapatra, eds., Indian
Political Thought (New York: Routledge, 2010), p. 269-283; reprinted
in Aakash Singh Rathore and Alex Cistelecan, eds., Wronging
Rights?: Philosophical Challenges for Human Rights (New Delhi:
Routledge, 2011), p. 79-108.
Internationale Politik: Ein Interview mit Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak von
Ina Kerner. Texte Zur Kunst 13 (March 2003), p. 73-80; reprinted as
Definitiv aus einer anderen Perspektive: Interview mit der


postkolonialen Theoretikerin Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,

informationszentrum 3. welt 268 268 (April/May 2003), p. 39-41.
Empire, Union, Center, Satellite: The Place of Post-Colonial Theory in
Slavic/Central and Eastern European/(Post-)Soviet Studies, a
questionnaire. Ulbandus: The Slavic Review of Columbia University
7 (2003).
The Politics of the Production of Knowledge, (interview with Stuart J.
Murray), Jonathan Culler and Kevin Lamb, eds. Just Being Difficult?
Academic Writing in the Public Arena (Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 2003), p. 181-198.
Cusset, Franois, Gayatri Spivak et lintotalit, French Theory: Foucault,
Derrida, Deleuze & Cie et les mutations de la vie intellectuelle aux
tats-Unis (Paris: ditions La Dcouverte, 2003), p. 213-216.
In Memoriam: Edward W. Said, Preface to Serbian translation of A
Critique of Postcolonial Reason (2003) p. 7-11; reprinted in
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 23:1-2
(2003), p. 6-7; reprinted in Bibhash Choudhury, ed., Edward Said and
the Politics of Culture (Guwahati, Assam, India: KB Publications,
Gopida (in Bengali), in Anriju (India, 2003).
Jury Statement, Madhu Bhushan, ed., Casting Curious Shadows in the
Dark: The South Asia Court of Women on the Violence of Trafficking
and HIV/AIDS (Bangalore: W. Q. Judge Press, 2003), 101-102.
Questionnaire on India Today, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
1 (January 2004), p. 19-21.
Terror: A Speech After 9/11, boundary 2 31.2 (2004), p. 81-111; reprinted
in Italian translation in aut aut 329 (Jan/Mar 2006), p. 6-46; reprinted
in Spanish translation in Exit Book 13 (2010), p. 33-54; reprinted in
Russian translation in Serguei Oushakine and Elena Trubina eds.
Travma:punkty (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2009), p.
864-900; reprinted in Portuguese translation in *Mediaes* 17:2
Globalicities: Terror and its Consequences, CR: The New Centennial
Review 4.1, (Spring 2004), p. 73-94.
Oi Ashontoley, Presidency College Alumni Association Autumn Annual 32
(2003-04), p. 15-16.


On the Cusp of the Personal and the Impersonal: An Interview with

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, biography 21.1 (Winter 2004), p. 201222.
What is Enlightenment?, Interview with Jane Gallop, in Jane Gallop, ed.,
Polemic: Critical or Uncritical (New York: Routledge, 2004), 179-200.
At Both Ends of the Spectrum, in Light Onwords / Light Onwards
(Toronto: Coach House Books, 2004), p. 214-230.
Not Really A Properly Intellectual Response: An Interview with Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak, positions 12.1 (Spring 2004), p. 139-164.
Touche par la deconstruction. Tr. Olivier Scardin and Marie Garneau.
LHumanit (26 October 2004): p. 3.
Harlem, Eduardo Cadava and Aaron Levy, eds., Citizens Without Cities
(Philadelphia: Slought Books, 2004), p. 58-85; reprinted in Social Text
81 (December 2004).
Ethics and Politics in Tagore, Coetzee, and Certain Scenes of Teaching,
Diacritics 32.3-4 (December 2004), p. 17-31; reprinted in Italian
translation in aut aut 329 (Jan/Mar 2006), p. 109-137; reprinted in
Elleke Boehmer and Rosinka Chaudhuri, eds. The Indian Postcolonial:
A Critical Reader, (London and New York: Routledge, 2011), p. 195213.
Postcolonial Theory and Literature, New Dictionary of the History of
Ideas (Detroit: Scribners, 2005), p. 1859-1867.
Resistance That Cannot Be Recognized as Such: An Interview with Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak, n.paradoxa: 15 (January 2005); reprinted in
Marina Grzinic and Rosa Reitsamer, eds. New Feminism: Worlds of
Feminism, Queer and Networking Conditions, (Wien: Lcker, 2008),
p. 277-289.
Remembering Derrida, Radical Philosophy 129 (Jan/Feb 2005), p. 15-21.
Thinking About Edward Said: Pages from a Memoir, Critical Inquiry 31
(Winter 2005), p. 519-525; reprinted in Homi Bhabha and W.J.T.
Mitchell, eds., Edward Said: Continuing the Conversation (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2005); reprinted in Spanish translation
in Homi Bhabha and W.J.T. Mitchell, eds., Edward Said: Continuando
la conversacin (Buenos Aires: Paidos, 2006), p. 239-248; reprinted
in Japanese translation in Misuzu.


Class Individual: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on Jacques Derrida,

Artforum (March 2005), p. 49-52.
Forum: The Legacy of Jacques Derrida, PMLA 120.2 (March 2005), p.
492-3; translated into Italian as Lascito di Derrida, in Jacques
Derrida. Decostruzioni, special issue of aut aut 327 (July/Sept
2005), p. 50-54.
Guest Column: Roundtable on the Future of the Humanities in a
Fragmented World, Conversation with Toni Morrison and Ngahuia Te
Awekotuku, PMLA 120.3 (May 2005), p. 718-721.
Touched by Deconstruction, Grey Room 20 (Summer 2005), p. 95-104.
Translating into English, in Sandra Bermann and Michael Wood, eds.,
Nation, Language and the Ethics of Translation (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2005) p. 93-110.
The Slightness of My Endeavor: An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak, by Eric Hayot, Comparative Literature 57.3 (Summer 2005)
(special issue devoted to Death of a Discipline) p. 256-272.
Scattered Speculations on the Subaltern and the Popular, Postcolonial
Studies 8. 4 (2005), p. 475-486.
Commonwealth Literature and Comparative Literature, in Suthira
Duangsamosorn et. al., eds., Re-imagining Language and Literature
for the 21st Century (New York: Rodopi, 2005) p. 15-38.
Politics, Language, Art, in William Kaizen, ed., Please, teach me
Rainer Ganahl and the Politics of Learning (New York: Columbia
University Press, 2005), p. 9-11.
Learning from De Man: Looking Back, boundary 2 32.3 (Fall 2005), p. 2135.
IKS and Globalization, Indilinga 4.1 (June 2005), p. 38-45.
Notes toward a Tribute to Jacques Derrida, differences 16.3 (Fall 2005),
p. 102-113; reprinted with additions in Costas Douzinas, ed., Adieu
Derrida (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), p. 47-60.
Made for a Hybrid Viewer: Tramjatra, Tramjatra: Imagining Melbourne
and Kolkata by Tramways (New Delhi: Yoda Press, 2005), p. 202-207.
Response to World Question Center (Reloaded) (Utrecht: Bak Basis Voor
Actuele Kunst, 2005), p. 48.


World Systems and the Creole, Narrative 14.6 (Jan 2006), p. 102-112.
Introduction to Nicole Rizzuto, Reading Sarah Kofmans Testimony to Les
Annes Noires in Rue Ordener, Rue Labat, Contemporary French
and Francophone Studies, 10.1 (January 2006), p. 5-6.
Kulturelle Identitt, in Susanne Knaller and Harro Mller, eds.,
Authentizitt: Diskussion eines sthetischen Begriffs (Mnchen:
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2006), p. 68-81.
Are You Postcolonial? To the Teachers of Slavic and Eastern European
Literatures, PMLA 121.3 (May 2006), p. 828-829; reprinted in
Frontier 39.10-13 (September 2006), p. 6-8.
Culture Alive, Theory, Culture & Society 23.2-3 (March-May 2006), p.
Gayatri Spivak, Interviewed by Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, Naked Punch 1.8
(2006), p. 35-45.
Close Reading, PMLA 121.5 (October 2006), p. 1608-1617.
The Politics of Mourning (with Eduardo Cadava), in Gregg Lambert and
Aaron Levy, eds. Rrrevolutionnaire: Conversations in Theory
(Philadelphia: Slought Books, 2006), vol. 1 p. 115-130.
Why Planet?: Intellectual Autobiography, in Italian translation in Sergia
Adamo, ed. Culture planetarie? Prospettive e limiti della teoria e
della critica culturale (Rome : Meltemi editore, 2007), p. 41-58.
Human Rights and the Other, Conversation with Davide Zoletto, in
Italian translation in aut aut 333, (Jan/Mar 2007), p. 84-107.
Reading Orientalism Thirty Years Later, In Istanbul, in Turkish translation
in Uluslararasi Oryantalizm Semporzyumu: 9-10 Aralik 2006
(Istanbul: Bykehir Belediyesi, 2007), p. 13-26.
Religion, Nationalism, and Politics: A Conversation with Achille Mbembe,
boundary 2 34.2 (Summer 2007), p. 149-170.
Nationalism and the Imagination, in C. Vijayasree, Meenakshi Mukherjee,
and Harish Trivedi, eds. Nation in Imagination: Essays on
Nationalism, Sub-Nationalisms and Narration (Hyderabad: Orient
Longman, 2007), p. 1-20; reprinted in Italian translation in aut aut
329 (Jan/Mar 2006), p. 65-90; reprinted in Lectora: Revista de Dones
i Textualitat 15 (2009), p. 75-98.


Interview in Nermeen Shaikh, ed. The Present as History: Critical

Perspectives on Global Power, (New York: Columbia Univ. Press,
2007), p.172-201.
Introducing a New Book Other Asias, Journal of Humanities and Social
Sciences 4 (October 2007), p. 16-35.
Western Marxism and the Legacy of New Social Movements, Frontier
40.20 (December 2007), p. 4-8.
Response: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's Influences: Past, Present, Future,
PMLA 123.1, (January 2008), p. 247-249.
"Redoing Marxism at the Gigi Cafe: A Conversation"between Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak and Ben Conisbee Baer, Rethinking Marxism 20.
4 (October 2008), p. 631 643.
A response to Frigga Haugs Call for Left feminist Projects, Frontier 41.19
(November 23-29, 2008), p.5-6.
Signs and Trace, catalogue essay for Anish Kapoor, Memory, (Berlin:
Deutsche Guggenheim, 2008), p. 56-75.
Other Asias: A Foreword, International House of Japan Bulletin 28.1
(2008), p. 2-20.
Meine Erwerbsarbeit und meines feministisches Engagement, Das
Argument 280.1/2 (2009), p. 76-83.
Esercizi dimmaginazione politica. Unintervista, Politica & Societ 2
(2009), p. 13-28.
The Modern Prince . . . to come?, in Journal of Visual Culture 8.2
(August 2009), p. 191-193.
Rethinking Comparativism, in New Literary History 40.3 (Summer 2009),
p. 609-626.
The Stakes of World Literature, in Turkish Translation, E. Efe Cakmak,
ed. Dunya Edebiyati Deyince (Varlik: Istanbul, 2009), p. 35-59.
They the People, in Radical Philosophy 157 (September/ October 2009),
p. 31-36.
Tracing the Skin of Day, in Chittrovanu Mazumdar, Undated: Nightskin
(Dubai: 1x1 Art Galery, 2009) p. 17-25.


Speaking for the Humanities, Occasions Occasion: Interdisciplinary

Studies in the Humanities 1, no. (October 2009),
"New Literary History: Pages From a Memoir," NLH 40 (2009), p. 767-769.
Translation in the Undergraduate Curriculum, in ADFL Bulletin 41.2
(2009), p. 26-30.
Preface to Oliver Lovesey, ed., Approaches to Teaching the Works of
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (New York: Modern Language Association, 2009).
In Response: Looking Back, Looking Forward, in Rosalind Morris, ed. Can
the Subaltern Speak? Reflections on The History of an Idea (New
York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2010), p. 227-236; reprinted in Serbian
translation as Replika: sa osvrtom na prolost i pogledom u
buducnost, in Filolog II (December, 2010), p. 9-18.
Foreword, in Elena Tzelepis and Athena Athanasiou, eds, in Rewriting
Difference: Luce Irigaray and The Greeks (Albany: SUNY Press,
2010), p. ix-xii.
Edward Said Remembered on September 11, 2004, in Adel Iskandar and
Hakem Rustom eds., Edward Said: A Legacy of Emancipation and
Representation (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2010), p. 53-59.
Resonance, in Kristin Skare Orgeret and Anne Hege Simonsen eds.,
Elisabeth Eide det utalmodige mennesket (Oslo: Unipub, 2010), p.
Kobitay Dui Desh, Pustak Mela, (Apr-Sept 2010), p. 47-48.
Interview by Kris Manjapra, digital recording, August 25, 2010, Bengali
Intellectuals & Decolonization Oral History Archive, Tufts University.
Aesthetic Education and Globalization (interview with Cathy Caruth),
PMLA 125.4 (October 2010), p. 1020-1025.
Translating in a World of Languages, PMLA (2010), p. 35-43.
Extended interview, Boier Desh, (Oct-Dec 2010), p. 114-133.
Asked to Speak on Art & Culture in Jakarta, in David Jonathan Bayot ed.,
Inter/Sections (Philippines: Anvil 2010), p. 449-458.


Thinking About Lore Metzger: Pages from A Memoir, in Gary Hauk and
Sally Wolff King eds., Where Courageous Inquiry Leads: Studies in
the Emerging Life of Emory University (Atlanta: Bookhouse, 2010), p.
Supplementing Development, in Japanese translation, Development
Revisited, ed. Jun Nishikawa (Tokyo: Japan Society for International
Development, 2011); in Korean translation (Seoul: JASID, 2013).
"A Response," parallax 17.60 (July 2011), p. 98-104.
Love: A Conversation, with Serene Jones, Catherine Keller, Kwok Pui-lan,
and Stephen D. Moore; and Extempore Response to Susan
Abraham, Tat-siong Benny Liew and Mayra Rivera, in Stephen D.
Moore and Mayra Rivera eds., Planetary Loves: Spivak
Postcoloniality, and Theology (New York: Fordham University Press,
2011), p. 55-78, p. 136-148.
Reading De la grammatologie, in Sean Gaston and Ian Maclachlan, eds.,
Reading Derridas Of Grammatology (London: Continuum, 2011), p.
Gender in the Global Utopia, in Investidura com a doctora honoris causa
(Tarragona: Univ. Rovira I Virgili Press, 2011), p. 35-45.
Foremothers, in Susan Gubar, ed., True Confessions: Feminist Professors
Tell Stories Out of School, (New York: Norton, 2011), p. 111-122.
Comparative Literature/World Literature: A Discussion With Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak and David Damrosch, Comparative Literature
Studies 48.4 (2011), p. 455-485.
"Biri Madun mu Dedi!," Dipnot Dergisi 6 (June - September 2011), p. 266271.
"The Author in Conversation," in Nandini Sen, ed. Mahasweta Devi: Critical
Perspectives (New Delhi: Pencraft, 2011), p. 35-48.
Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, in Baidik Bhattacharya and
Neelam Srivastava, eds., The Postcolonial Gramsci (New York:
Routledge, 2011), 221-232.
"Teaching Literature Today," Distinguished Lecture (Baroda: Balvant Parekh
Centre for General Semantics, 2011).
"General Strike," Tidal: Occupy Theory, Occupy Strategy 1 (December
2011), p. 8-9; reprinted in Italian translation in Lettera Internazionale


110 (4 trimestre 2011), p. 17; reprinted in Italian translation in

Anna Curcio & Gigi Roggero, eds., Occupy! I movimenti nella crisi
globale (Verona: Obre Corte, 2012), p. 99-101.
Why Study the Past?, Modern Language Quarterly 73.1 (March 2012), p.
"What Is To Be Done?," Tidal 2 (January 2012).
Scattered Speculations on Translation Studies, Translation 1 (Summer
2012), p. 63-75.
Ngg wa Thiongo: in Praise of a Friend, in Oliver Lovesey, ed., Approaches to
Teaching the Works of Ngg wa Thiongo, (New York: MLA, 2012), p. 57.
In Press:
Cosmopolitanisms and the Cosmopolitical, Foreword to special issue of
Cultural Dynamics.
Lire le tournant global, in Alain Caill et Stphane Dufoix, eds., Le
tournant global (Paris: La Dcouverte, 2013); reprinted in Italian
translation in Alfabeta 2.
Planetarity, Emily Apter, ed. The Untranslatables.
INVITED LECTURES (a selection since 1978):
Academic Recuperation of Marxian Vocabulary, Radical Philosophy
Conference (Sussex, England), 1978.
Deconstruction: Theory and Practice, three lectures, University of
California at San Diego, January 1978.
Feminism and Critical Theory: Marx, Freud, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, February 1978.
The Politics of Deconstruction: Easter 1916, Miami University, February
Philosophical Practice in Deconstruction, University of Illinois, Chicago
Circle, April 1978.
Deconstruction, Feminism, Ideology, The Johns Hopkins University, May


Post-Structuralism in America, Gesamthochschule Siegen (Germany),

June 1978.
Derrida and Marx, Modern Language Association, December 1978; Rice
University, May 1979; Marxist Literary Group Summer Institute,
Periodization and Ideology, Modern Language Association, December
The First Word: Woman, Reed College Feminist Symposium, February
Unmaking and Making in To the Lighthouse, Indiana University, Women
in the Arts Series, March 1979.
Displacement and the Discourse of Woman (seminar), University of
Wisconsin, Madison and Milwaukee, February and April 1979.
Functions of Criticism, University of Iowa, April 1979.
The Future of Interdisciplinary Education, The Johns Hopkins University
Symposium, May 1979.
Woman and Displacement, St. Johns College, May 1979.
Culture and Explanation, Center for the Humanities, University of
Southern California, May 1979.
International Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Theory and Ideology
(respondent), Modern Language Association, 1979.
Marx After Derrida (with Professors Hayden White and Richard Brown),
University Scholars Program, Portland State University, February
Respondent, Workshop on Of Grammatology, International Association for
Philosophy and Literature, University of Maine at Orono, May 1980.
Critique of Feminism and Materialism, Cornell University, May 1980.
America 1980: Literary Study?, Association of Departments of English,
University of Iowa, June 1980.
International Feminisms, Marxist Union Conference, New York University,
July 1980.


Le Politique, Centre culturel international, Cerisy-la-Salle (France), July

Us and Them, Semiotics Society of America, Conference on The Politics
of Semiotics (Lubbock, Texas), October 1980.
Feminism at the University, Texas Union Ideas and Interaction
Committee, Images of Women, University of Texas, Austin, October
A Vulgar Inquiry into Macaulays Minute on Indian Education and the
Production of Literature in Bengal and The Politics of Literary
Criticism (with Michael Ryan and Edward Said), both at the Modern
Language Association, December 1980.
Derrida and the Discipline of Literature, Kings College, University of
London, March 1981.
Derrida -- Reading Marx, Wadham College, Oxford, March 1981.
The Uses of Deconstruction, Faculty Board of English, Cambridge, March
Principles of Feminist Literary Criticism and Evaluation and Literary
Studies, both at the University of Minnesota, April 1981.
Revolutionary Culture and Third World Literature, Inter-University Centre
for Post-Graduate Studies (Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia), June 1981.
La politique de la deconstruction, Centro internazionale de semiotica e
linguistica (Urbino, Italy), July 1981.
Feminism in the Disciplines, American Political Science Association (New
Political Science), September 1981.
Concepts of Culture, Yale University, November 1981.
Practice of Deconstruction, University of Connecticut and Louisiana State
University, November 1981.
Moderator, The Politics of Feminist Literary Criticism, Modern Language
Association, 1981.
Derrida -- Reading Marx, Versions of Narcissus, University of
Pennsylvania, March 23, 1982.


Deconstructive Practice, University of Arkansas, March 26, 1982.

Discussant, Session on Women in India, Asian Studies Pacific Association,
June 26, 1982.
Politics of Theoretical Production, plenary address, Annual Meeting,
Sociology of Literature, University of Essex, July 11, 1982.
Discussant, Seminar on Politics, Comment juger: a partir du travail de
Jean-Franois Lyotard, Centre Culturel International, Cerisy-la-Salle
(France), July 24-August 3, 1982.
Feminist Literary Criticism as a Resource for the Womens Movement,
American Political Science Association, September 1982.
Deconstruction and Hermeneutics: A Readers Agenda, Conference on
the Agenda of Literary Studies, Marquette University, October 8-9,
Politics, Theory, and Feminism: A Progress Report, Dartmouth College,
February 17, 1983.
Textuality, Marginality, and Deconstructive Practice, Conference on Text
as Culture/Culture as Text, University of California-Los Angeles,
March 5, 1983.
Third World Feminisms: Differences in Form and Content, International
Students Association Roundtable, University of California-Los
Angeles, March 8, 1983.
A Critique of Global Feminism, Conference on Common Difference,
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, April 10, 1983.
Respondent, Conference on Japan and the Concept of the Post-War,
University of California at Berkeley, May 20, 1983.
Power, Desire, Interest: Affirmative Deconstruction, Conference on
Marxist Interpretations of Culture, University of Illinois at ChampaignUrbana, July 10, 1983.
Politics and Aesthetics: The Asiatic Mode of Production, American
Political Science Association, 1983.
Marxism, Feminism, and the Third World, lecture and colloquium, Illinois
State University, September 4, 1983.


Three Womens Texts and the Critique of Imperialism, Duke University,

September 6, 1983; Wesleyan University, September 12, 1983;
Princeton University, November 30, 1983; Columbia University,
December 5, 1983; Emory University, January 23, 1984; University of
Cardiff (Wales), March 13, 1984; Yale University, April 5, 1984;
University of Queensland (Australia), August 5, 1984; Australian
National University, August 10, 1984; University of Adelaide
(Australia), August 13, 1984; University of Melbourne (Australia),
August 14, 1984.
Discussant, Conference on Deciding to Know, Indiana University,
September 30 October 2, 1983.
Panelist on the Post-Modern, program arranged by Social Text, New York
City, November 4, 1983.
Some Speculations on the Question of Value, Modern Language
Association, December 1983.
Wild Anthropology, New School for Social Research, February 1984.
Overdeterminations of Imperialism: David Ochterlony and the Ranee of
Sirmoor, Conference on Europe and its Others, Sociology of
Literature Series, University of Essex, July 13, 1984; University of
Sydney, July 31, 1984; Griffith University (Australia), August 7, 1984.
Participant, Conference on Deconstruction: Between Philosophy and
Literature, Centro Internationale di semiotica e linguistica, Urbino
(Italy), July 22-25, 1984.
The Production of Post-Modernism: Rei Kawakubos Minimalist
Aesthetic, on Futur* Fall (Conference), University of Sydney
(Australia), July 28, 1984; George Payton Gallery (Melbourne,
Australia), August 14, 1984; Yale University, January 29, 1988, La
Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, January 31, 1989.
Varieties of Deconstructive Practice, School of Criticism and Theory,
Northwestern University, June 1982; University of Sydney, July 31,
1984; University of Queensland, August 7, 1984; Australian National
University, August 10, 1984; University of Melbourne, August 14,
1984; Haverford College, February, 1985.
The Writer in Our Historical Moment, Tanner Foundation Symposium
(participant with Nadine Gordimer, Dennis Brutus, Philipa Foot), the
University of Michigan, October 12-13, 1984.


Theorizing Alterity, keynote address, Conference on Autonomy and the

Other: Conceptualization of the Israeli-Palestinian Question (with
Edward Said, Jean-Franois Lyotard, Israeli members of the Peace
Now movement, and Palestinian intellectuals in exile), Rutgers
University, November 28-29, 1984.
Psychoanalysis as an Allegory of Reading, two seminars given to a
faculty group on interpretation, Bryn Mawr College, February 1-2,
After the Avant-Garde: A City-Wide Symposium, keynote address,
University of Houston, Texas, March 6-9, 1985.
The Political Economy of Woman as Seen by a Literary Critic, Conference
on Feminism, Theory, Politics, Brown University, March 14-16, 1985.
Critical Theory and Third World Culture, overview of conference of the
same name; and Question of Feminism in Asian Context, Hong
Kong University, March 20-25, 1985.
Politics of Feminist Culture, Philosophy and Social Science Course, InterUniversity Center of Postgraduate Studies (Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia),
April 1-6, 1985.
Feminist Criticism Conference on Sexual Difference, University of
Southampton (UK), July 1985.
Culturalism in the Construction of Race: Some Literary Examples,
Conference on the Cultural Construction of Race, University of
Sydney (Australia), August 1985.
Woman in Imperialism, Translation as Palimpsest (Final Response
Session), Conference on Traditions: transfers: traductions, Collge
International de Philosophie (Paris), October 1985.
Scripts of Feminism in a Divided World, keynote address and four twoday faculty workshops, Conference on Race: Culture: Class:
Challenges to Feminism, Five College Consortium (Amherst,
Massachusetts), December 9-13, 1985.
Postmodernism, Poststructuralism, Post-Marxism, Postanalytical
Philosophy, Postpedagogy: Where is the Post- Coming From?
Modern Language Association, December 1985.
Moderator, The Future of Post-Marxism, Modern Language Association,
December 1985.


Consuming the Body Politic: Limits of Marxism-Feminism, Subaltern

Studies Conference, Calcutta, January 9, 1986; Stanford University,
Conference on Politics, Knowledge, and Consumer Society, February
14, 1986; Cornell University, March 17, 1986; Temple University,
April 9, 1986.
Colloquium on Deconstruction and Critical Legal Theory, Harvard
University, January 31, 1986.
Marxism/Feminism/Deconstruction: Critique of Imperialism? five
Seminars and public lecture, University of Alberta (Canada), March
19-27, 1986.
Discussant on Radical Cinema, Commonwealth Institute (London), March
21, 1986.
Woman-in-Imperialism: Tagores Didi, Conference on Nation and
Narration, Cornell University, April 12, 1986.
Panelist, Literature, Theory, Commitment (with Edward Said and Henry
Louis Gates, Jr.), Annual Convention of the African Literature
Association, Tulane University, April 18, 1986.
Participant (with Jacques Derrida, Jean Francois Lyotard, Barbara
Herrnstein Smith), The Dimension of History and The Political,
Conference on Critical Philosophy and Critical Theory: The Wake of
Kants Third Critique, University of Minnesota and Collge
International de Philosophie (Paris), April 24-26, 1986.
Lectures at Australian National University (Canberra), University of
Melbourne, University of New England, Adelaide University, on Kant,
Third World Fiction, the Inter-Disciplinary Range of Feminism,
Summer 1986.
Lectures at SUNY Binghamton and Hamilton College on Marxism,
Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and International Feminism,
September 1986; York University, October 24, 1986; University of
Colorado, November 21, 1986.
A Mistaken Reading of Kants Third Critique, Philosophy Colloquium,
University of Pittsburgh, October 10, 1986.
General Respondent, Conference on Feminism and Critical Theory,
University of Alabama, October 16-18, 1986.


Politics of Postmodernism, and The Use and Abuse of Propaganda,

Forum, Annual Convention, Modern Language Association (New
York), December 1986.
Various lectures at Miranda House, Departments of Sociology and Modern
Indian Languages, University of Delhi, Womens Groups and Cultural
Forum, Calcutta, January-June 1987.
Postmodernism and Post-Coloniality, Global Change Conference,
University of Pittsburgh, March 17-19, 1987; Rice University, April
24, 1987; International Association of Philosophy and Literature,
plenary session, University of Kansas, April 30, 1987; Institute of
Contemporary Art (London), July 7, 1987.
Feminism and Deconstruction, plenary session, Annual Convention,
South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, March 1987.
Feminism and Deconstruction Again, University of Cambridge, July 3,
1987; University of California-Santa Cruz, May 13, 1988.
Teaching Feminism, British Council Conference for International Teachers
of English, Trinity College, Cambridge, July 12, 1987.
The Subject of Culture and the Subject of Ideology, University of Leuven
(Belgium), August 8, 1987.
A Return to The Tower, Yeats International Summer School, (Sligo,
Ireland), August 12, 1987.
Deconstruction in Exile, Duke Center for Critical Theory, Duke University,
(Durham, NC) September 26, 1987.
Negotiating with the Structure of Violence: The Kill, Pembroke Center
for Teaching/Research on Women, Brown University, November 12,
Reading, Power, and Politics, symposium with Jack Goody entitled
Literacy, Reading, and Power, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale
University, November 14, 1987.
Claims to Alternative History, lecture series entitled Remaking History:
Discussion in Contemporary Culture, DIA Art Foundation, (New
York), November 18, 1987.
Interviewed by John Searle on Deconstruction for Voices, Channel 4, ITV
(London), December 10, 1987 (shown May 1988).


Time and Timing: Law and History, Conference on Chronotypes, Stanford

University, February 13-15, 1988.
Deconstruction and the Ethics of Socialism, Course on Marxism and
Philosophy, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, April 3,
Post-Coloniality and the Field of Value, Conference on Cultural Value,
Birkbeck College, University of London, July 16, 1988; South Asia
Studies, University of Pennsylvania, November 2, 1988; University of
Oregon, December 1, 1988; James Becker/Toni Morrison Lecture,
Cornell University, April 21, 1989.
Versions of the Margin: Coetzees Foe Reading Defoes Crusoe/Roxana,
English Institute, Harvard University, August 26, 1988; Scripps
College, September 1988; Routledge Week, University of Iowa
Bookstore, November 14, 1988; Reed College, December 2, 1988;
Rutgers University, February 6, 1989; State University of New York,
Stony Brook, March 14, 1989.
Colonialism and Liberalism (with Robin Blackburn), Marxism and
Utopia (with Istvan Meszaros, Ernesto Laclau, Terry Eagleton),
Radical Philosophy Conference on Revolution, Hope, Reason, London,
November 5, 1988.
Perspectives on the Profession: The Canon, the Institution, and the
Other, with Gerald Graff, Program arranged by the Association of
Departments of English; What Should Culture Studies Be? forum
arranged by Sociological Approaches to Literature; both at Modern
Language Association Annual Convention, 1988.
Respondent to Constitutional Narrative, by Bruce Ackerman, Conference
on Language, Law, and Compulsion, Yale University Law School,
February 3-4, 1989
Keynote speaker, Redefining Marginality, University of Tulsa, March 30April 1, 1989.
Respondent, The Womans Body as Class Signifier, Conference on ReThinking Marxism, University of Massachusetts (Amherst), April 9,
The Making of Americans, the Teaching of English, and the Future of
Culture Studies, Conference to Inaugurate the Commonwealth
Center for Literary and Cultural Change, University of Virginia, April
15, 1989; Conference on Between the Lines: Rethinking Academic


Disciplines, University of Washington, May 5-6, 1989; University of

Oklahoma, November 6, 1989.
Woman in Difference: Mahasweta Devis Douloti, keynote lecture,
Conference on Feminisms and Cultural Imperialism: Politics of
Difference, Cornell University, April 22-23, 1989; Nationalisms and
Sexualities Conference, Harvard University, June 16-17, 1989; Bain
Research Group, University of California-Berkeley, November 2,
1989; University of Michigan, September 17, 1990.
Keynote speaker, The Political Power of Cinematic Language, Conference
on Problems of Cultural Representation in Global Cinema, Boston
Film and Video Institute, April 26-30, 1989.
Keynote speaker, Conference on Between the Lines: Rethinking Academic
Disciplines, with Renato Rosaldo, University of Washington, (Seattle),
May 5-6, 1989.
Who, Where, Why is the Agent?, plenary speech at CUNY Graduate
Center, May 11-13, 1989.
Plenary speaker, Magiciens de la terre, international exhibition, Muse
national dart moderne, Paris, June 5-6, 1989; Independent Study
Program, Whitney Museum of American Art, May 22, 1990.
Neo-colonialism in the Making of Americans, Colonialism Today
conference, University of Southampton, (UK), June 24, 1989.
Reading The Satanic Verses, Institute on the Avant-Garde, Harvard
University, July 6-7, 1989; Emory University, October 27, 1989.
What Should Culture Studies Be?, Conference on Critical and Cultural
Theory, University of Cardiff, (UK), September 21, 1989.
Exile and Displacement, with Ngugi Wa Thiongo, Third Focus
Conference, (Birmingham, UK), September 30, 1989.
Daring to Speak of Derrida/Foucault; of Feminism/Mahasweta, annual
convention, Western Humanities Association, University of Utah,
October 7, 1989; Conference on Re-Thinking the Political, University
of California-Santa Cruz, November 4, 1989.
French Feminism and French Philosophy: Beauvoir, Cixous, Irigaray, in the
Eyes of Hlie-Lucas, plenary address, Annual Convention, Society
for Phenomenological and Existentialist philosophy, Duquesne
University, October 13-14, 1989.


Colonial Criticism, interview recorded with BBC World Service, October

25, 1989.
Series of seminars on Trans-National Cultural Studies, University of
Oklahoma, November 5-13, 1989.
On Behalf of Culture Studies, Baruch College, November 14, 1989.
Film As Text: Social, Verbal, Visual, a discussion of Mrinal Sen, Genesis,
and Gautam Ghosh, The Voyage Beyond, Conference on Cinema and
Society: A New Asian Identity, Asian Cinevision, January 11-14, 1990;
endowed lecture, Center for South Asian and Pacific Studies,
University of Hawaii, March 5, 1990; Conference on Criticism,
National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, July 1990.
Discussant, Gender in the Non-West, Japan in the World Conference,
University of California-San Diego, January 14-15, 1990.
Respondent, Resistance to Theory, with Jonathan Culler and Gerald Graff,
University of British Columbia, January 26-27, 1990.
French Feminism Revisited: Ethics and Politics, in series on
Contemplating Contemporary Feminism, sponsored by Signs,
January 29-30, 1990; University of Rochester, February 15-17, 1990;
keynote address, National Graduate Womens Studies Association
Annual Conference, University of Pennsylvania, February 23-25,
1990; University of Western Ontario, March 15, 1990; Conference on
Criticism, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan, July 1990.
Already in History, keynote address, Princeton-Rutgers Conference on
History Today . . . And Tonight, March 2-3, 1990.
Sites of Colonialism: Blacker than Black, University of Pennsylvania,
Africana Studies Retreat, March 17, 1990.
Men in Feminism: Rushdie and Derrida, Queens University, Kingston
(Ontario), March 19, 1990.
Uses of Poststructuralism, Three Lectures, Colgate University, April 1820, 1990.
Response to Jean-Luc Nancy, International Association for Philosophy and
Literature Annual Convention, April 27, 1990.
Stagings of the Origin, Cambridge University, May 11, 1990.


Polytheism, Conference on In the Shadow of the Spirit, Kings College,

Cambridge, 22-25 July, 1990.
Roundtable on The Call to the Ethical: Deconstruction and the Possibility
of Justice, with Jacques Derrida, Conference on the Necessity of
Violence for Any Possibility of Justice, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva
University, October 1, 1990.
Crossing the Disciplines, closing plenary, Conference on Cultural Studies
in the 1990s, University of Oklahoma, October 19-21, 1990.
Psychoanalysis in Left Field; and Fieldworking, Speculations! Conference
at Freud Museum, London, October 25-28, 1990.
Deconstruction and Politics, Radical Philosophy Conference, London,
November 17, 1990.
Abinirman-Anubad, Amal Bhattacharya Memorial Lecture, Calcutta,
December 14, 1990.
Politics of Translation, Conference on Intercultural Exchange, Bellagio,
Italy, February 16-22, 1991; Loyola University, February 24, 1991.
Kant Among the Dissenters, Kant Conference, Duquesne UniversityUniversity of Pittsburgh, February 22-23, 1991.
War and Cultures, Power Plant Gallery, Toronto, February 24, 1991;
Detroit Institute for the Arts, March 23, 1991; Conference on
Institutions in Culture, National University of Singapore, June 18-21,
Once Again into the Postcolonial Banal, Davis Center for Historical
Studies, Princeton University, March 1, 1991; Transnational Institute,
Amsterdam, May 6-8, 1991; Sociology of Literature Conference,
University of Essex, July 8-10, 1991; University of Pennsylvania,
September 27, 1991.
Cixous sans frontires, Conference at Queens University (Canada),
October 15-17, 1991.
Psychoanalysis and Decolonized Feminism, Commonwealth Center for
Literary and Cultural Change and Womens Center, University of
Virginia, October 23-24, 1991.
Literature and Ethnicity (with Chinua Achebe), Bard College, October 25,


Teaching Multi-Culture, Fernand Braudel Center, SUNY Binghampton,

November 4, 1991.
Voices of Oppositional Discourse: Watershed, keynote address, Annual
Convention, Midwestern Modern Language Association, Chicago,
November 14, 1991; Grinnell College, April 8, 1992.
Capstone address, Conference on U.S. Imperialism, Dartmouth College,
November 22, 1991.
Marginalization of Women in Transnational Globality, New Nation
Writers Conference, (Johannesburg, South Africa), Dec. 1-6, 1991.
Identity as Wound and the Tearing of Time: Djebar and Derrida,
Conference on Ideas of the Self, University of Victoria, January 16-19,
One or Two Things I Imagine About Them, mixed-media show with
Alfredo Jaar, Whitechapel Art Gallery (London), February 12-April 29,
Decolonizing Feminists/Between Narcissus and Echo, Conference on
Psychoanalysis, Pedagogy, Gender, University of Texas at Arlington,
February 22, 1992.
India, Echo, Two Postscripts, Conference on Bilingualism/
Multiculturalism (with Jacques Derrida), Louisiana State University,
April 23-25, 1992.
Culture and Anarchy, University of Amsterdam, April 29, 1992; School
of Criticism and Theory, Dartmouth College, July 24, 1992; keynote
address, Conference on Eurocentrism, Academy, Economy,
University of Saskatchewan, September 24-26, 1992.
Gender in Contemporary Colonization, keynote lecture, Conference on
Gender and Colonialism, University College, Galway (Ireland), May
21-23, 1992.
Respondent, Conference on Global Civilization: Local Cultures, Technical
University, Darmstadt (Germany), July 15-17, 1992.
Thinking Academic Freedom in Gendered Post-coloniality, 32nd T.B.
Davie Memorial Lecture, University of Cape Town, August 11, 1992.
Supplementing Marxism, plenary lecture at Re-thinking Marxism Annual
Meeting, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 12-14,


1992; Whither Marxism?, Conference with Jacques Derrida,

University of California-Riverside, April 24-27, 1993.
America-Deconstructing, plenary address at Conference on Narratives of
Colonization/Decolonization, University of Turku (Finland), December
4-5, 1992.
Trying Again on Mahasweta Devi, Subaltern Studies/Anveshi Conference,
Hyderabad, January 8-10, 1993.
Marshall McLuhan 1993, Culture in the Global Village Conference, Lund
(Sweden), January 14-16, 1993.
Can Discourses Be Countered?, Series entitled Counter-Discourses, York
University, February 25-26, 1993.
Derrida and Marx, McGill University, March 5-6, 1993.
Decolonization Adrift, Conference on What and Where is Postcolonialism, Yale University, April 16-17, 1993.
Practicing Postmodernism, keynote address, Conference on Practicing
Postmodernism(s), University of Oregon, May 6-9, 1993.
Chair, Conference on World Bank Flood Action Plan in Bangladesh,
European Parliament, Strasbourg, May 27-28, 1993.
Theatre and Globality, London International Festival of Theatre, July 9,
Feminism and Freud? and Feminism and Lacan?, School of Criticism
and Theory, Dartmouth College, July, 1993.
Culture, Identity, and Social Movements, Nordic Conference on Social
Movements in the Third World: Economy, Politics, and Culture,
University of Lund (Sweden), August 18-21, 1993.
Deconstruction is/in America, at Conference on Deconstruction is/in
America (with Jacques Derrida), New York University, October 7-8,
1993; longer version at Whitney Independent Study Program, New
York, November 11, 1993.
Thinking Women Together, University of California-Los Angeles, January
27, 1994; Society for Women in Philosophy, California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona, May 21-22, 1994.


Multiculturalism, Bohen Foundation Series, New York, February 25, 1994;

Westminster University (London), January 25, 1995; University of
Manchester, February 1, 1995; Glasgow Art School, February 3,
1995; Conference on Postcolonial Discourse Revisited, Gissen
(Germany), December 15, 1995; Humboldt University and Amerika
Haus, (Berlin), December 18, 1995.
Diasporas Old and New: Women in a Transnational World, keynote
address, Rutgers University, March 5, 1994.
Coda, Conference on Authority and Interpretation, University of
Saskatchewan, March 17-19, 1994.
Imaginary Maps: Mahasweta Devi and the New World Order, keynote
address, Conference on After Empire: Writing and the Choices of
Displacement, University of Tulsa, March 24-27, 1994.
Narratives of Multiculturalism, plenary address, Conference on
Commonwealth and Postcolonial Literature, Georgia Southern
University, April 22-23, 1994; revised version, Annual Convention of
the International Conference on Narrative Literature, Nativity and
Narrativity, Simon Fraser University, April 28-May 1, 1994; George
Mason University, September 23, 1994.
Rights/Responsibilities, Conference on South Asian United Future,
University of Cambridge, June 18-19, 1994.
Crimes Against Women Related to Population Control and Peoples
Perspective on Population and Development, Asian Womens
Human Rights Council, United Nations International Conference on
Population Development (Cairo), September 5-10, 1994.
Who Claims Sexuality in the New World Order?, Conference on
Culture/Sex/Economies, LaTrobe University (Melbourne), December
16-19, 1994; Conference on Silencing Women: Feminism(s),
Censorship and Difference, University of California-Riverside,
February 25, 1995; Commonwealth Center for Cultural and Literary
Change, University of Virginia, April 19, 1995; Pembroke Center for
Research on Women, Brown University, April 11, 1996.
Staging Architecture in Decolonization, keynote address, Conference on
Theaters of Decolonization, Chandigarh School of Architecture
(India), January 6-10, 1995.
General respondent, Conference on Face-to-Face with Gayatri Spivak,
University of Poonah (India), January 11-13, 1995.


Roundtable discussion with Assia Djebar, University of California-Berkeley,

February 26, 1995.
Public Conversation with Jacques Derrida, Humanities Research Institute,
University of California-Irvine, April 5, 1995.
Respondent, Symposium on Postcolonial Perspectives, University of
California-Los Angeles, April 7, 1995.
Respondent (with Ranajit Guha and Amartya Sen), Conference on
Modernity, History, and the State, Tufts University, April 28, 1995.
Ghostwriting, at Conference on Specters of Derrida, Radical Philosophy
(London), May 6, 1995.
Futures for Jacques Derrida, Conference on Futures for Jacques Derrida,
University of Alabama, September 27-30, 1995.
Psychoanalysis and the Graphic of the Gift, Capstone Address,
Conference on Psychoanalysis and Postcolonialism, George
Washington University, October 12-14, 1995.
Marxism and Race, New School for Social Research, October 26, 1995.
Problems in Thinking Global Feminism, City College of New York,
November 6, 1995.
Discussant, Women, Work, and the Vanishing Welfare State, Institute for
Research on Women and Gender, Columbia University, November
16, 1995.
Agency in the Name of Woman, five seminars at Goethe University,
Frankfurt (Germany), December 11-15, 1995.
Conference on New Worlds for Old? Revisitations of Post-Coloniality,
Giessen (Germany), December 15, 1995.
Cultural Studies in the United States and Why Deconstruction (Still)?,
Tagore Chair Lectures, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda (India),
December 27-28, 14-43, 1995.
Roundtable at Sahitya Akademi, Calcutta, January 3, 1996.
Gender/Nationalism/Subalternity, Forschungsschwerpunkt
Literaturwissenschaft (Berlin), February 9, 1996.


Between Silence and Resistance, with Khalida Messaoudi,

Literaturwerkstatt (Berlin), February 12, 1996.
The Body as Script, Whitney Independent Study Program, March 27,
Culture as Translation, keynote, Annual meeting of the European
Association of Commonwealth Literatures and Languages, University
of Oviedo (Spain), March 26, 1996.
Global, International, Transnational, keynote, International Week, Virginia
Polytechnic and State University, April 8, 1996.
Who Should Do What Ought To Be Done?, Socialist Scholars Conference,
New York, April 14, 1996.
The Body as Script: Mahasweta Devis Breast Trilogy, capstone address,
Annual AEGIS Conference, University of Houston, April 20-21, 1996.
Postcolonialism in Europe, Museum of African and Oceanic Art, Paris,
May 29-June 3, 1996.
Circumfessions: My Story as the (M)others Story, Conference on
Postcolonialism and Autobiography, Gutenberg University (Wurzburg,
Germany), June 18-20, 1996; keynote address, Conference on
Becoming, University of Richmond, April 4-6, 1997.
Scattered Speculations on the Question of Linguisticulture, Conference
on Linguisticulture, University of Osaka, July 5-6, 1996.
Woman As Woman, Conference on Modern European Images of the
Other, University of Bergen (Norway), October 17-19, 1996.
Bangalore As Silicon Valley: New Imperatives for the Megacity,
Conference on the Culture of the Megacity, Hong Kong University,
January 17-18, 1997; OS, Hanover (Germany), August 11, 2000;
thoroughly revised version presented at the School of Architecture,
Cooper Union, September 30, 2004.
Problems with Thinking Ethics for the Other Woman, Texas A&M
University, February 20, 1997.
All-day discussion of Spivaks work arranged by the Graduate Program at
the International Legal Studies Center, Harvard University, February
24, 1997.


Discussant, Conference on Modern Culture and Modernity Today, Brown

University, March 14-16, 1997.
Other Women, Conference on Democratization and Justice, Columbia
University, April 4-6, 1997.
Claiming Transformation, Conference on Thinking Through Feminism,
University of Lancaster, July 17-19, 1997.
Culture as Culture, documenta X, Kassel, (Germany), July 24, 1997.
Foucault and Najabullah, Comparative Literature Club, Fordham
University, September 15, 1997.
Theory-Remains, English Institute, Whats Left of Theory, Harvard
University, September 26-28, 1997.
Resident Alien?, keynote address, Conference on Re-Discovering South
Asia, Fletcher School of Law, Tufts University, October 2-4, 1997.
Women, 2nd Johannesburg Biennale, October 14-18, 1997.
Oh Earth, 2nd Kwangju, Biennale, (South Korea), October 28-November
1, 1997.
Theory-Remains 2, The Conference on French Theory in America, The
Drawing Center (New York), November 21, 1997.
Keynote address Conference on Flesh-Eating Technologies, Banff Centre for
the Arts (Canada), December 6-9, 1997.
Imperatives to Re-imagine the Planet, Stiftung-Dialogik (Zurich),
December 16, 1997.
Final plenary on Feminism & Electronic Capitalism, Conference on
Fractured Societies, Fractured Histories, Subaltern Studies, Lucknow
(India), January 3-5, 1998.
Reading the World Politically, Rutgers University (Newark) February 26,
Closing statement, Conference on Gender and Globalization, University of
California-Berkeley, March 12-14, 1998.
The USA as Seen From Abroad, Conference on Does America Have A
Democratic Mission, University of Virginia, March 19-21, 1998.


Teaching the History of Literary Criticism, keynote address, Conference

on New Millennium, New Humanities, Humanities Institute, State
University of New York, Stony Brook, March 27-29, 1998.
EEC Theory, Metropolitan Multiculturalism and Planetary Justice,
Conference on Community and Difference, Dagens Nyheter
(Stockholm), April 1-3, 1998.
Time to Read Virilio, keynote address, Conference on Culture in the
Virtual City, University of Lund (Sweden), April 3-5, 1998.
Keynote address, Conference on Gender and International Studies, London
School of Economics, September 13-14, 1998.
Challenge of Womens History, keynote address, Conference on
Challenge of Womens History, Fukuoka Womens Center (Japan),
October 2-4, 1998; University of California-Los Angeles, May 26,
2000; University of Hanover (Germany), August 10, 2000.
Parataxis, Literature Seminar, Fukuoka University, October 4, 1998;
revised version given as Mohini Mohan Chatterjee Memorial
Lectures, University of Calcutta, July 6, 2000.
Globality & Subalternity, Conference on Globalizations, (Stockholm),
October 22-24, 1999.
Other Things Are Never Equal, Annual Convention, Allied Social Sciences
Association, January 5, 1999.
Feminism Without Frontiers, Institute for Research on Women and
Gender, February 1, 1999; Inaugural lecture, Global Studies Institute,
University of Minnesota, March 29, 1999; with extended revisions,
Annual Convention, National Womens Studies Association, 1999,
keynote; Walker-Ames lecture, University of Washington, February
29, 2000.
Pessimism of the Intellect and Optimism of the Will, Conference on
Changing the Map: The Worlds of Comparative Literature, Whitney
Humanities Center, Yale University, February 5-6, 1999.
Subaltern Studies Workshop, New York University, February 27, 1999.
Cultural Studies, Oberlin College, March 15, 1999.
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, opening lecture,
Conference on The Question of the Comparative at the Turn of the
Century, University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 25-28, 1999;


Plenary address, American Comparative Literature Association,

Annual Convention, April 9-11, 1999.
Our Asias: Home and the World, Plenary address, Association for
Asian-American Studies, Annual Convention, March 31-April 4, 1999;
revised and expanded, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, May 5, 2001; Conference on Historians and History for
the 21st Century, National Institute for Anthropology and History,
Mexico City, October 6, 2004.
Gender, Gender and Law, World Bank, Washington, April 12, 1999.
Discussant, Poststructuralism Meets Carl Schmitt, Conference on The
Challenge of Carl Schmitt, Columbia University, April 23-25, 1999.
When Worlds Disappear: The Limits of Human Rights, 7th Annual
International Womens Conference, (Tromso, Norway), June 21-25,
Meet the Author, National Book Trust, New Delhi, June 25, 1999.
Our Asias, Harvard University, October 14, 1999.
Planet-Think, Keynote address, Conference on Narratives for the New
Millennium, University of Adelaide, Feb 23-27, 2000.
Keynote dialogue with John Brenkman, Conference on What is English?
Literary Studies at a Public Urban University, CUNY English Forum,
April 7, 2000.
Aporias of Language Choice, Conference on The Chosen Tongue:
Language and Construction of the Self in French and Francophone
Literature, Columbia University, April 7-8, 2000.
Response to General Session on A Critique of Postcolonial Reason; and
Response to Plenary Session on Disciplines, Annual Convention of
the International Association of Philosophy and Literature, May 1213, 2000.
Crossing Borders; Collectivities; Planet-Think/Continent-Think,: in The
New Comparative Literature: Reaching Out, Wellek Library Lectures,
University of California-Irvine, May 22-25, 2000; Crossing Borders
delivered also as Crossing Borders: Comparative Literature After the
Cold War, Conference on Intellectual Foundations of Comparative
Literature, Columbia University, February 26, 1999; and as keynote,
Conference on Comparative Literature in Transnational Times,
Princeton University, March 23-24, 2000.


Challenges for the Organic Intellectual, University of California-Los

Angeles, May 26, 2000.
Two Ends of the Spectrum, Conference on Travel and the Nation, London,
July 13-15, 2000.
Allegories of Delexicalization: Harlem Developing, Institute of
Contemporary Art, London, July 16, 2000; given as keynote, VIIIth
Annual Congress of ABRALIC (National Comparative Literature
Association of Brazil), July 24-8, 2000; International Womens
University, Hanover (Germany), August 8, 2000; University Seminar
on American Studies, Columbia University, September 21, 2000;
expanded version, Museion (Gteborg University), November 26,
2000; revised and expanded version, Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, March 2, 2001; further expanded, keynote,
Conference on Writing the City, Dublin School of Business, August
23-26, 2001; Princeton University School of Architecture, November
19, 2001; Ibero-American University, Mexico City, October 8, 2004.
Children Against Children, Conference on Feminists Against Childhood,
Barnard College, September 14, 2000; expanded as Globalizing
Globalization, plenary address at Rethinking Marxism Gala
Conference on Marxism 2000, Amherst, Massachusetts, September
21-24, 2000; Center for Place, Culture, and Politics, CUNY, February
6-7, 2001.
Architecture Relexicalized: 1858-1010, School of Architecture, Columbia
University, September 20, 2000.
Lessons and Work, Center for Gay and Lesbian Studies (New York),
October 10, 2000.
Justice, Conference on Gender and Inquiry, Radcliffe College, October
12-13, 2000.
Modernism Reconstellated: A Room of Ones Own, plenary address at
Annual Convention of Modernists Studies Association, 2000.
Travel and the Nation, Mary Keating Das Lecture, Southern Asian
Institute, Columbia University, October 23, 2000.
Touched by Deconstruction, with Jacques Derrida, Final Event, Derrida
Month at NYU, October 26, 2000.
Three Fragments: Epic, Romance, Romanticism, University of CaliforniaIrvine, November 3, 2000; revised version at Princeton University,


December 16, 2000; at the Whitney Independent Study Program,

February 8, 2001.
Discussant, Subaltern Studies At Large, Center for Comparative
Literature and Society, Columbia University, November 10-11, 2000.
A Critique of Postcolonial Reason, Diggante (Stockholm), November 25,
Planning Committee Project on Words in Motion, Social Science Research
Council, December 8-9, 2000.
Respondent, Panel on Spivak, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward A
History of the Vanishing Present, Annual Convention of the Modern
Language Association, December 28, 2000.
Capstone Lecture on the Poetry of Farhad Mazhar, Conference of
Translation, Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters), (New
Delhi, India), January 17, 2001; broadly expanded version given as
Translating from English, Conference on Words in the World,
Center for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University,
March 7-8, 2003.
Human Rights/Human Wrongs, Amnesty International, University of
Oxford, February 2, 2001; revised as Human Rights and
Humanities, Presidential Lecture, Stanford University, February 12,
2001; Bard College, April 12, 2001; University of Hawaii, April 23,
2001; discussed version revised as Righting Wrongs at
Ethnohistory Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, December 6,
2001; Center for Law and Society, Columbia University, March 2002.
Keynote address, Conference on Aesthetic Encounter, University of Kuwait,
March 17, 2001.
Beyond Left and Right?, opening plenary, Golden Jubilee, British
Sociological Association, April 9-14, 2001.
Globalization and its Effects, Ford Foundation Conference on Crossing
Borders, Sonoma Valley, May 21, 2001.
Gender, keynote address, Conference on Beyond Dichotomies,
University of Trier (Germany), October 10-13, 2001; revised and
expanded version, Program in Womens Studies, University of
Pennsylvania, November 14, 2001; Summer Institute on Public
Criticism and Visual Culture, University of Hong Kong, June 4, 2002;
Workshop on Gender, Sexuality and the Nation, School of Oriental
and African Studies, University of London, June 20, 2002; revised


version at Feminism and Transnationalism group, Duke University,

October 17-18, 2002.
Globalicity, keynote address, Conference on Globalicities, Michigan State
University, October 18-20, 2001.
Lesson of September 11, New York Psychoanalytic Institute, December 1,
2001; revised version, Feminist Interventions: Responses to War,
Columbia University, February 1, 2001.
Planning Session on Crossing Borders after 9-11, Ford Foundation, New
York, December 10, 2001.
Africa in Heremakhonon, International Colloquium: 20th-/21st Century
French Studies, Hartford, CT, April 6, 2002.
Terror, Series on Ethics/Aesthetics, University of California-Los Angeles,
May 28, 2002; Summer Institute on Public Criticism and Visual
Culture, University of Hong Kong, June 3, 2002; International
Institute of Cultural Studies on Visual Culture and Critical Theory,
National Chiao Tung University (Hsin Chu, Taiwan), June 17, 2002;
revised version, University of Hawaii-Manoa, January 24, 2003.
Class and Culture in the Diaspora, keynote address, Conference on
Altering Hospitality, Translating Class, University of Leeds, June 22,
Art and Identity, keynote address, Conference on Indigenous Art and
Heritage, Massey University (Palmerston North, New Zealand), July
6-9, 2002.
What is Enlightenment? Disgrace As Political Fiction, School of Criticism
and Theory, Cornell University, July 23, 2002; University of Munich,
November 27-28, 2002; keynote address, Durrell School of Corfu
(Greece), June 12-19, 2004.
From Commonwealth Literature to Comparative Literature, keynote
address, tri-ennial Conference on Re-Imaging Languages and
Literatures for the 21st Century, Fdration internationale des
langues et littratures modernes, Assumption Univeristy (Bangkok),
August 20-23, 2002; revised as Humanities in the 21st Century,
Honolulu Academy of Art, March 23, 2003; modified version as
acceptance speech for first annual critics price Latin American
Studies Association Annual Convention, 2003.
Postcolonialism and Feminism, Thammasat University (Bangkok), August
20, 2002.


Discussion leader on Kant and Foucault, What Is Enlightenment?, English

Institute, Harvard University, September 22, 2002.
Panelist, Colloquium on Responding to Violence, Barnard College, October
24-25, 2002.
At Both Ends of the Spectrum, Conference on Living Literacies, York
University, Toronto, November 16, 2002.
Supplementing Third Space, keynote address, Transgressing Third
Space, Fifth International Graduate and Postgraduate Conference,
Erlangen University (Germany), November 22-24; Third Space
Seminar, (Lund, Sweden), November 29-December 1, 2002.
Learning English, Yunnan Normal University (Yunnan, China), December
4, 2002.
Teaching English, Xishuangbanna Vocational & Technical Institute
(Yunnan, China), December 7, 2002.
Intertextuality: Tagore, Coetzee, and Primary Education in West Bengal,
Sakharam Ganesh Deuskar lecture, Centre for Studies in Social
Siences (Kolkata, India), February 10, 2003; Samuel Becker Lecture,
University of Iowa, October 4, 2004.
Womens Rights Are Human Rights, Keynote, Hawaii Institute for Human
Rights, Maui, March 5, 2003.
Concluding roundtable with Kenneth Frampton, Conference on Re-thinking
Region in the Global Age, Society of Fellows, Columbia University,
March 10, 2003.
Roundtable discussion of Nicholas Dirks, Castes of Mind: Colonialism and
the Making of Modern India, Association of Asian Studies Annual
Convention, New York, March 29, 2003.
Why I Write, Conference on Why We Write: The Politics and History of
Writing for Social Change, Columbia University, March 29, 2003.
Keynote Address, Conference on New Directions in the Humanities,
University of the Aegean (Greece), July 2-5, 2003.
Keynote Discussion, Conference on Postcolonial Discourse and the
Understanding of the Balkans, Cultural Center Tochka (Macedonia),
July 7, 2003.


Midnights Children and the Schreber Case, second Deuskar Lecture;

seminar on Althusser, Levinas, and the International Civil Society.
Center for Studies in Social Science (Kolkata, India), July 2931,
Home, Conversation with Swapn Chakravorty, Seagull Foundation,
Kolkata, August 4, 2003.
Jury, South Asia Court of Women, Asian Women's Human Rights Council,
UNDP, August 10-12, 2003.
The Education of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Capstone Address,
Places, Lillehammer Art Gallery, Aug 13-15, 2003.
Crimes Against Women, Conference on Unavoidable Bodies: Dialogues
from Sexualities in Latin America, Buenos Aires, September 4-6,
Marxism and Subalternity: A Retrospective, Rethinking Marxism
conference on Marxism on the World Stage, September 7, 2003;
Malmo Academy of Art, Lund, Sweden, December 2, 2003; National
Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico City, October 7, 2004;
revised version presented as Learning to Learn as part of
Conversations in/with Latin American Cultural Studies, University of
Manchester, February 15-17, 2005.
Called by Photography: Temple, City, Annual Two-Lecture Series,
ForArt Foundation, Oslo, Norway, November 30-December 1, 2003.
The Secular University Today, in Presidential Forum Universities,
Secularism, Globalities: What are the Prospects?, Annual
Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Diego,
December 27, 2003.
Learning from de Man, in panel Is now the time for Paul de Man?,
Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Diego,
December 29, 2003.
The Trajectory of the Subaltern in my Work, Conference on Reflections on
the History of an Idea, Columbia University, February 26, 2004;
Revised version as keynote, conference on the Subaltern and the
Popular, University of California at Santa Barbara, March 8, 2004;
Conference on Positions in Critical Theory, School of Criticism and
Theory, University of Chicago, April 23-24, 2004; given as Models of
Critical Writing, Discursive Types and Models of Criticism, Museu
Dart Contemporani de Barcelona, January 26, 2006; Beijing
University of Language and Culture, March 8, 2006.


Conversation with Judith Butler, Conference on Death of a Discipline?, NYU,

February 27, 2004.
Gender and Violence, Conference on Back to the Future: Generations of
Feminism, University of Chicago, February 28, 2004.
IKS and Globalization, Keynote address, First South African Academic
Colloquium on Indigenous Knowledge Systems, University of the Free
State (Bloemfontein, South Africa), February 29 March 3, 2004.
Foremothers, Conference on The Widows Might, Rutgers University,
April 1-3, 2004; revised version presented as If Only: Chapter
One, Conference on Writing a Feminists Life: Academics and Their
Memoirs, Columbia University, February 11, 2005; revised version
presented as part of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality seminar
series on Rethinking Kinship / Genealogies, Johns Hopkins
University, March 11, 2005, Center for Area Studies, Freie University,
Berlin, June 11, 2010.
Subaltern, Organic, Popular Intellectual, University of California-Berkeley,
May 3-4, 2004.
Tramjatra, Conference on Cinema, Theater, and the Written Word:
Translating Cultures Through Performance, University of California
Irvine, May 5-7, 2004.
Megacity, Lecture and Seminar, University of California-Santa Cruz, May
12-13, 2004.
Expansion de lme, Conference on 150th Anniversary of the Entry of
Indian Indentured Labor, St. Franois, (Guadeloupe, French West
Indies), June 2-4, 2004.
What is Enlightenment? J. M. Coetzees Disgrace As Political Fiction,
Durrell School of Corfu, June 12-19, 2004.
Academic Quarrels, School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University,
July 26-30, 2004.
Nationalism and the Imagination, Keynote at Conference on Nation and
Imagination, International Trienale of the Association of
Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies, Hyderabad,
August 4-8, 2004; Tsing-hua University, Beijing, March 7, 2006;
Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia (Bulgaria), May 12, 2006.
Anabashi o Prabashi, Samaj o Chinta, Kolkata, August 9, 2004.


Gender and the Ethical: Mahasweta Devis Old Women, Delhi University,
August 26, 2004.
Permission to Celebrate the Fourth World, Keynote address, Conference
on Celebrating the Fourth World, University of Essex, September 1315, 2004.
Teaching from Above and Below: Humanities for the 21st Century,
Samuel Becker Lecture, University of Iowa, October 4, 2004.
Some Problems in Thinking Asia, Colloquium on History by the 21st
Century, Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (Mexico City),
October 6-7, 2004.
Scattered Speculations on the Question of Historiography, Iberoamerican
University (Mexico City), October 8, 2004.
Is Language Local?, Conference on Imagination and Globalization in a
Perspective of Culture and Power, Ewha Womens University (Seoul),
October 15, 2004.
Keynote, Conference on Dialogues Across Cultures, Monash University
(Melbourne), November 11-14, 2004.
The Politics of Mourning, Discussion with Eduardo Cadava and JeanMichel Rabat, Slought Foundation (Philadelphia), December 27,
The Future of the Humanities in a Fragmented World, panel discussion
with Toni Morrison and Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, Annual Convention of
the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, December 28, 2004.
A New Comparative Literature, in panel arranged by the American
Comparative Literature Association, New Institutional Forms of
Comparative Literature, Annual Convention of the Modern
Language Association, Philadelphia, December 29, 2004.
The Responsibility of Remembering Jacques Derrida, in New York
Remembers Derrida, New York University, January 21, 2004.
Using Levinas, Colloquium on Art and Answerability, Yale University,
January 22, 2005.
Why Planet?: Intellectual Autobiography, Colloquium on Cultural Theory,
Gramsci Institute (Trieste), February 18-20, 2005.


Geopolitics and the Philosophy of Life, Conference on Derrida/America,

Cardozo School of Law (New York), February 20, 2005.
Using Gender, Harvard-MIT Joint Seminar on Political Development,
Harvard University, March 17, 2005.
Staging South Asia in Global Politics, Conference on Home and the
World: South Asia in Transition, Rutgers University, March 25-26,
What is Gender? Where is Europe? Walking With Etienne Balibar, Fifth
Annual Ursula Hirschmann Lecture on Gender and Europe, European
University Institute (Florence), April 21, 2005; Museu Dart
Contemporani de Barcelona, January 25, 2006; York University
(Toronto), March 1, 2006.
Speaking for the Humanities, Keynote Lecture, Conference on Rational
Choice and the Humanities, Stanford University, April 28-29, 2005; in
a thorougly revised version, Queen Mary College, University of
London, October 8, 2008; preceded by a seminar on Derrida and on
Spivaks work.
Why Beauty Now?, Keynote Lecture, Conference on About Beauty, House
of World Cultures (Berlin), May 12-15, 2005.
Responsibility and Remembering, Lecture in Memorial Series for Jacques
Derrida, Birkbeck College (London University), May 18, 2005.
Education and Poverty: Measuring the Incommensurable, Keynote
Lecture, 9th Annual East-West Philosophers Conference (Honolulu),
May 29 June 11, 2005.
Art and Democracy, Keynote Lecture, Cork Caucus (Cork, Ireland), June
29, 2005.
From the Archaic Corner of the Humanities, Keynote Lecture, Conference
on Navigating Globalization: Stability, Fluidity, and Friction,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim,
Norway), August 4-6, 2005.
Postcolonial Theory Now, Keynote Roundtable, Conference on The Ends
of Postcolonial Theory, Princeton University, September 23, 2005.
Gender, Power, and Development in the Wake of Globalization, Emory
University, October 18, 2005.


Close Reading, panel on The Rights of Language and Culture/ The

Language and Culture of Rights, MLA Conference on Humanities
and Human Rights, CUNY Graduate Center, October 22, 2005;
expanded version, Cornell University, April 19, 2006.
Keynote dialogue, Annual Convention on Asia-Pacific Womens Studies,
Southern Connecticut University, October 28, 2005.
What is Cultural Studies? and Problems in Learning English, Yunnan
Normal University, November 10, 2005.
Moderator, World Leaders Forum At Columbia University, The Rolex Mentor
and Protg Arts Initiative, A Colloquium, Miller Theater, December
4, 2005.
No Stern Voice, panel on Thinking After Derrida: Politics, MLA Annual
Convention, December 28, 2005.
Moderator, round-table on Are We Postcolonial?, Association of Teachers
of Slavic and East European Literatures Annual Convention,
December 29, 2005.
Keynote dialogue with Bill Ayers, conference on Radical Politics and the
Ethics of Life, Columbia University, January 20, 2006.
Queer Pedagogy, Museu Dart Contemporani de Barcelona, January 27,
Democracy for Others, Young Democratic Socialists Annual Meeting, New
York, February 19, 2006.
Why Womens Studies? University of Oviedo, Womens Studies, February
23, 2006.
Two classes on Mahasweta Devi, The Statue and Ama Ata Aidoo, Our
Sister Killjoy University of Oviedo, February 24, 2006.
Can Americans Help?: Desiring Community, Keynote Lecture, Eastern
Communication Association Convention (Philadelphia), April 28,
Global States, Keynote Dialogue with Judith Butler, University of
California Irvine, May 6, 2006.
Religion, Nationalism, and Politics , Dialogue with Achille Mbembe,
University of California Irvine, May 8, 2006.


Human Rights and the Other, Conversation with Davide Zoletto (editorial
board, aut aut), vicino/lontano Summer Festival, Udine (Italy), May
13, 2006.
Ethics with a Public Face, Centre for Philosophy and Political Economy,
University of Leicester, June 16, 2006; with extended revisions,
University of Virginia, October 17, 2006; Centre on Values and
Ethics, Carleton University (Ottawa), February 8, 2007.
Three Women's Texts and A Critique of Reproductive Heteronormativity,
Keynote Address, Conference on Dispersed Trajectories: Feminism,
Postcolonialism, and the Road Ahead, Wadham College, Oxford
University, June 19, 2006; Boston University, September 14, 2006;
with extended revisions, University of Virginia, October 19, 2006;
given as Three Women's Texts and A Critique, Joseph Warren
Beach Memorial Lecture, University of Minnesota, March 7, 2007;
Keynote, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, June 17, 2010.
Law, Social Movements and the Subaltern - Articulating Postcolonial
Predicaments, Conversation with Upendra Baxi, Conference on
Towards a Theory of Law and Social Movements, Hauser Center for
Non-Profit Organizations, John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University, Bangalore, June 25, 2006.
Gramsci in the History of the Present, Inaugural Annual Lecture, Istituto
Gramsci Emilia-Romagna (Bologna, Italy), October 13, 2006; given
with extended revisions as The Ethical Implications of Gramsci's
Thoughts on Education, University of Virginia, October 18, 2006;
given with extensive revisions as The Ethical Implications of
Gramsci's Theory of Education, Centre on Values and Ethics,
Carleton University (Ottawa), February 9, 2007; given as Ethical
Implications of Gramsci's Educational Theory, School of Criticism
and Theory, Cornell University, July 24, 2007.
Interviewed by Rem Koolhaas as part of Post-Marathon, Serpentine Gallery,
London, October 14, 2006.
Three Ways of Looking at the Ethical, Page-Barbour Lectures, University
of Virginia, October 17-19, 2006.
The Ethics of Translation, Conference on The Translator as Mediator of
Cultures, University of Hartford, October 20-21, 2006; completely
revised version as keynote and concluding remarks at Conference on
Translation: Theory, Practice, Trope, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
January 22-23, 2007.


Orientalism Today: The East-West Debate, Keynote, Conference on

Orientalism: In Memory of Edward Said, Istanbul, December 8-10,
Response to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivaks Influences: Past, Present,
Future, Annual convention of the Modern Language Association,
Philadelphia, December 28, 2006.
Gayatri Spivak in conversation, Harvard Design School HT+ Seminar,
Boston, February 15, 2007.
Gayatri Spivak & Christian Parenti: War Without End? U.S. Foreign Policy &
the Decline of Empire, Young Democratic Socialists Annual
Conference, New York, February 18, 2007.
Thinking About the Humanities, University Lecture, Columbia University,
March 21, 2007; Arts & Humanities Distinguished Visiting Speaker
Series, University of Glasgow, June 12, 2007; extensively revised for
the Indian context, as the 23rd Prof C A Sheppard Memorial Lecture,
June 26, 2009 at St Berchmans College, Changanaserry, India.
Memories, Vedanta Society of New York, April 15, 2007.
Diversity, 26th Precinct Community Council, New York, April 24, 2007.
New Directions in Feminism and Postcolonial Thinking, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute Science and Technology Colloquium, April 25,
A Slow Wait for the Barbarians, Conference on J.M. Coetzee and His
Doubles, New York University, April 28, 2007.
Other Asias: A Foreword, Series on What is Comparative Literature?,
University of California Los Angeles, May 8, 2007; International
House of Japan, Tokyo, July 18, 2007; Centre for Cultural Studies,
Goldsmiths College, University of London, November 8, 2007.
Academic Activism in the Humanities, Hitotsubashi University (Japan),
July 7, 2007; University of Mainz, January 9, 2008.
Discussion with Kazuko Takemura and Fumie Hibashi, Ochanomizu
University (Japan), July 14, 2007.
Rethinking Comparativism, Sakima Museum (Okinawa), July 10, 2007;
given as Rethinking Comparativisms, Workshop on The Politics of
Comparison, Durham University and The Open University (UK),
September 5, 2007; Northwestern University, March 7, 2008; as


keynote, International Seminar on Rethinking Humanities in the Age

of the Visual, June 28, 2009, Centre for Performance Research and
Cultural Studies in South Asia, Thrissur, Kerala, India.
Creolising Europe, Conference of the Migration and Diaspora Cultural
Studies Network, University of Manchester, September 7, 2007.
Western Marxism and the Legacy of Social Movements, Actuel Marx
conference on Altermodialisme/Anticapitalisme, University of Paris
Sorbonne, October 5, 2007; given as Revisiting Postcolonialism,
Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of
London, November 7, 2007.
Twenty Questions, Conference on Cosmopolitanism and Globalization:
Memory, Cities, Utopias, State University of New York Stony Brook,
October 12, 2007.
Revival, Restoration, and Visibility, Conversation with Achille Mbembe,
Satoshi Ukai and David Theo Goldberg, Conference on Global
Conversations: A Festival of Marginalized Languages, University of
California Irvine, October 26, 2007.
Conversation with Catherine Keller, Kwok Pui Lan, Serene Jones, and
Stephen Moore, Conference on Planetary Loves: Postcoloniality,
Gender, and Theology, Drew University, November 2, 2007.
Alterglobalization and Conceptual Art, Caucus on Be(com)ing Dutch, Van
Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, December 6, 2007.
Interactive Conference on the Work of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,
University of Pune, India, December 10-11, 2007.
Panel on Migrations across Planetarities: Transbordering Citizenships and
the Public Intellectual from South, North, and Beyond, Annual
convention of the Modern Language Association, Chicago, December
28, 2007.
Interactive Classics, Conference on Classics for an Emerging World,
Columbia University, January 20, 2008.
Alterglobalization and Subalternity, Humboldt University, Berlin, January
12, 2008.
Keynote at NGO Committee on the Status of Women, United Nations,
February 24, 2008.


Varieties of Transculture, Conference on Borders, Nations, Translations:

The Political Limits of Cultural Trans-Nationalism, European Institute
for Progressive Cultural Policies (EIPCP), Vienna, March 15, 2008;
Genova Europa Multicultura 08, July 4, 2008; Lecture Series on
Transculturality Theories and Exportations, Cluster Asia and
Europe, Heidelberg University, July 8, 2008.
Home Again, Conversation with Rosalind Morris, Seagull Books (Kolkata),
March 20, 2008.
Imagination, not Culture: A Singular Example, William James Lecture,
Harvard Divinity School, April 10, 2008.
While Rome Burns: The Usefulness of the Trace, Columbia University
School of the Arts, Visual Arts Division, April 15, 2008; Independent
Study Program, Whitney Museum of American Art, April 22, 2008.
A Conversation on the Intersections of Postcolonial and Queer Theories,
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies Speaker Series, Yale
University, April 16, 2008.
Another Look at Reproductive Heteronormativity, Conference on
Normative Discourses on Family and Gender, University of Coimbra
(Portugal), June 24, 2008.
Assia Djebar in the World , Conference on Assia Djebar, Littrature et
Transmission, Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle, June
27, 2008.
The Bionic Episteme, Writers and Literary Translators International
Congress, Stockholm, July 2, 2008.
Legacy of Derrida? Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, August 4,
The Subject of an Asian Culture, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies,
Copenhagen University, September 16, 2008; University Priority
Research Programme "Asia and Europe," University of Zurich,
February 16, 2009; revised as Areas and Regions, Conference on
Area Studies Revisited: Transregional Studies in Germany,
Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin, February 14, 2009.
Subduing Byzantium, Keynote address, Conference on the Poetics and
Politics of Cultural, Ethnic, and Sexual Differences, Pecs, Hungary,
2010 capital of European culture, September 18, 2008; revised for
Conference at Byzantium/Modernism: Art, Cultural Heritage, and the
Avant-Gardes, Yale University, April 20, 2012.


An Aesthetic Education, Kings College Cambridge, October 9, 2008;

general respondent, Symposium on the work of GC Spivak, October
9, 2008; Revised Version, Stanford University, February 6, 2010;
Tallinn University, July 23, 2010.
Panelist, The State, Citizens and Power, UNESCO World Philosophy Day
2008, Palermo, Italy, November 21, 2008.
Gender and Postcoloniality and Thinking the World from Bolivia, in
series organized by the Vicepresidency of the Republic of Bolivia on
Beyond the Capitalist Modernity: Alternative Visions, November 2425, 2008.
The Stakes of a World Literature, Conference on World Literature in
Between, Istanbul Bilgi University, December 18-20, 2008; revised
version for Towards a Global Humanities series, Brown University,
February 4, 2009.
Problems of Translation and the Undergraduate Literary Curriculum,
panel on Literary Translation and the Undergraduate Curriculum,
MLA Annual Convention, December 28, 2008.
A Non-Specialists Report on the Matter of Faust, panel on the
Impropriety of Faust: Marking the Two Hundredth Anniversary of
Goethes Play, MLA Annual Convention, December 28, 2008.
Living With the Humanities, Annual Distinguished Lecture, Institute for
Humanities Research, Arizona State University, January 29, 2009.
An Honorary Male, Conference on Hannah Arendt After 68, Columbia
University, February 12, 2009.
Outside in the Metropolis: Diasporics, Series on "Diaspora - Exploring a
life Model, Kreisky Forum, Vienna, February 18, 2009; reprinted in
German translation in Isolde Charim, Gertraud Auer Borea, eds.
Lebensmodell Diaspora: ber moderne Nomaden (Bielefeld:
Transcript, 2012), p. 65-73.
The Double Bind of English/American, Conference on The Future of the
Discipline, Columbia University, March 27, 2009.
Toni Morrisons Margaret Garner and Assia Djebars The Daughters of
Ishmael, producer and moderator, Columbia Universitys Miller
Theatre, New York, NY, March 28, 2009.


Hope, Salon Series for Visual Culture, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London,
May 7, 2009.
They the People, Radical Philosophy Annual Conference, London, May 9,
Old Women, Goldsmiths College, London University, May 11, 2009;
expanded version as mini-seminar, University of California-Irvine,
May 26-27, 2009.
Can We Learn from the Subaltern?, Forum on Contemporary Theory,
Centre for Contemporary Theory and General Semantics, Kottayam,
India, June 27, 2009.
Marx and the Subaltern, Deutsches Haus, Columbia University,
September 17, 2009.
Respondent, Imperialism and Violence, Historical Materialism
Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, January 16, 2010.
"Femmes, langage, culture et politique l'heure de la mondialisation
postcoloniale," with Etienne Balibar, Le Merle Moqueur.
"Paroles subalternes. Politique culturelle du fminisme et du
postcolonialisme," with Erie Fassins, Ecole Normale Suprieure; Paris,
January 25, 2010.
Interviewed by Jean-Marie Jeannelle, Le Monde, Paris, January 26, 2010; by
Jacques Munier, France-Culture, Paris, January 27, 2010.
Situating Feminisms, Conference on Feminism, University of California at
Berkeley, Berkeley, California, February 26, 2010; fully revised
version presented as keynote in "Postfeminist Postmortems? Gender,
Sexualities and Multiple Modernities," Delhi University, February 14,
2011; revised version presented at PKU-Harvard Summer Institute
for World Literature and Tri-National Summer School, Peking
University, Beijing, China, July 5, 2011; further revised version
presented as Carol Breckenridge Memorial Lecture Series, The New
School, November 7, 2011; further fully revised version presented as
part of 2011-12 Colloquium on New Directions in Gender and
Sexuality Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, January 11,
2012; further fully revised version presented as keynote, 6th Annual
Feminist Theory Workshop, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke
University, March 17, 2012; House of Culture, Milan, May 13, 2012.
Re-Orientale: Reading Orientalism with Gayatri Spivak, Talk, CUNY
Graduate Center, March 2, 2010


How Socialism Still: A Reality Check, Capstone at Young Democratic

Socialists, March 7, 2010.
Interviewed by PBS on Voltaires Candide as World Literature, March 11,
Who Killed Patrice Lumumba?, Keynote, Conference, Thinking the
Postcolonial in French, Columbia University, March 26, 2010.
Keynote Conversation, Conference on Educating Women, Trinity College
(CT), April 23, 2010.
Orientalism: the Itinerary of an Idea, Keynote, Conference, Orientalism
and the Invention of World Literatures, UCLA, May 21-22, 2010.
Feudality Without Feudalism, and workshop on Black Skin, White Marx,
Goldsmiths College, London University, June 5,6, 2010.
Conversation with John Hutnyk, Clandestino Festival, Gothenburg,
Sweden, June 8, 2010.
The Future As Neighbor, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, June
19, 2010.
To Construct A Personal Past: Pages From A Memoir, 5th Dilip Kumar Roy
Memorial Lecture, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, Kolkata, India,
July 9, 2010.
Worlding, Inaugural Lecture, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan
University, September 13, 2010.
Reading the Global Turn, Conference on Le tournant global, Universit
Paris-Ouest, September 25, 2010; Bicocca University, Milan, May 14,
Primo Levi the West and the Rest: Postcolonial Perspectives after
Auschwitz, Centro Primo Levi 4th International Symposium, Asia
Society, New York, October 26, 2010.
Scattered Speculations on Art and Emancipations, International
Symposium in Aesthetics and Emancipation: Phantom, Fetish, and
Phantasmagoria, National Autonomous University of Mexico, October
30, 2010.
Questioned on Death of a Discipline, Sobre Literatura y Poscolonialismo,
Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico, November 3, 2010.


Development Revisited: The Perspective of the Post-Globalization Age,

20th Anniversary Commemoration Conference, Japan Society for
International Development, Tokyo, Japan, December 5, 2010.
"The Double Bind of Literary Translation," Keynote, Conference,
International Conference on Literary Translation, Wellington, New
Zealand, December 13, 2010.
The Stakes of the Question: Why Study the Past?, panel on Pastism,
MLA Annual Convention, Los Angeles, January 7, 2011.
Is the Postcolonial South Asian?, roundtable discussion, MLA Annual
Convention, Los Angeles, January 9, 2011.
Reading Orientalism, The Flemming Lecture, University of Kings College
Halifax, Halifax, Canada, January 20, 2011.
The Future as Neighbor and Vernacular Cosmopolitanism,
Interdisciplinary Symposium, Dealing with the Universal - The
Production of Art, History and Biennals, IZKT University, Stuttgart,
Germany, February 4, 2011.
Righting Wrongs and Moving Devi, Roundtable Discussion, Centre for the
Study of Culture & Society, Bangalore, India, February 9, 2011.
Teaching Literature Today, Balvant Parekh Lecture, Humanities &
Globalization Symposium, Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda,
India, February 10, 2011.
Can the Subaltern Speak?: Reflections on the History of an Idea, Center
for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, March 2, 2011
The Tagore-Gandhi Letters, Maximum INDIA Literary Panel, The Kennedy
Centre, Washington D.C., March 12, 2011.
Strategies Toward the Ethical, Whitney Independent Study, New York,
March 15, 2011; revised for CalArts Lecture Series, Museum of
Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, March 17, 2011; revised again for
Wilson College Signature Lecture Series, Princeton University, New
Jersey, March 29, 2011.
Keynote Roundtable Discussion on World Literature, Annual Convention,
American Comparative Literature Association, Vancouver, Canada,
April 2, 2011.
The Only Activism I Know, Center for Race, Gender, Autobiography and


Age Studies, University of British Columbia, April 3, 2011.

Gender and Translation in the Global Utopia, Honoris causa ceremony,
Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, May 13, 2011.
Conversation with Albin Kurti, Linda Gusia, and Nita Luci on Postcoloniality,
Violence, Feminism, and Subalternity, Alter Habitus (Institute for
Studies in Society and Culture), Dit e Nat Bookstore, Prishtina
(Kosovo), May 17, 2011.
"What is Critique?", Dialogue with Judith Butler, Frankfurt Research Center
for Postcolonial Studies Cluster of Excellence, Goethe-University,
Frankfurt, Germany, May 21, 2011.
Subversion in Reading the Visual, Dialogue with Srecko Horvat on
Nationalism and the Imagination, Subversive Film Festival, Zagreb,
May 23, 2011.
Situating Feminisms, lecture for postdoctoral seminar on Feminism in A
Transnational Perspective: Women Narrating their Lives and Actions,
Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, May 25, 2011.
"Making Visible," Symposium on "Safe European Home?" Wiener
Festwochen, Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna, May 28, 2011.
Transcript and audio link at
<>; see also
Supplementing the Vanguard, Keynote, World Literature Association
Congress, Peking University, Beijing, China, July 3, 2011.
The New Imperialisms, PKU Distinguished Lecture, Peking University,
Beijing, China, July 4, 2011.
Walter Benjamin: reine Sprache, Revelation, Messianism, Mellon Seminar
on Translation and Theory, NYU, New York, July 26, 2011.
Alien Europe, European Culture Congress, Wrocaw, Poland, September
10, 2011.
Gender and Translation in the Global Utopia, Translation Studies
Research Symposium, NIDA School of Translation Studies, New York,
September 14, 2011.
Strategies Toward the Ethical, Lecture, Columbia University School of the
Arts, Visual Arts Program, New York, September 20, 2011.


The Tradition of Critique & Feminist Writing, Vice-Chancellors Open

Lecture, University of Cape Town, September 27, 2011.
Critical Theory, Postcolonial Nationhood and Identity Politics, Keynote
Lecture, University of Nairobi, September 30, 2011.
Education in the Era of Globalization, Kwara State University, Nigeria
October 4, 2011; revised version, University of Ibadan, October 5,
The Future of the Humanities in a Fragmented World, University of
Ghana-Legon, October 8, 2011.
"On Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity," concluding panel at
Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity Conference, Columbia University,
November 12, 2011.
"Ethnographies of Democracy and Minor Politics: In Conversation with
Gayatri Spivak," round table discussion, 110th Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropology Association: "Traces, Tidemarks and
Legacies," Montreal, November 17, 2011.
"Subalternity & Gender," International Book Fair, Guadalajara, November
29, 2011.
Strategies Toward the Ethical, Tankekraft, Stockholm, December 4, 2011
The Subaltern Under the Net," University Center for Social Sciences and
Humanities, University of Guadalajara, November 30, 2011,
Sdertrn University, Stockholm, December 5, 2011.
"Post-Colonialism in France," Institut franais, Chandannadar, India,
December 9, 2011.
"A Borderless World?," Inaugural Lecture, Dabur Cluster of Excellence
Series, Institute of Advanced Communication, Education, and
Research , Pokhara University, Nepal, December 21, 2011.
"Questions of Performativity," Conference Plenary, 12th Annual South
Asian Literary Conference: "Performing South Asia at Home &
Abroad," Seattle, January 5, 2012
"Postcolonial Literary History: Concepts and Permutations," roundtable
discussion, Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association,
Seattle, January 7, 2012.


"A Conversation with Gayatri Spivak," Antipode Lecture: Association of

American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, February 24,
"Cosmopolitanisms," Keynote, International Conference on "Lived
Cosmopolitanisms: Identities, Languages, and Literatures in Littoral
Asia," Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 5, 2012.
Respondent, panel on "Towards the General Strike," Left Forum
Conference: "Occupy the System: Confronting Global Capitalism,"
New York, March 18, 2012.
Panelist, discussion of Edward Baring, The Young Derrida and French
Philosophy, 1945-67, Columbia University, Maison Franaise,
Columbia University, March 29, 2012.
Inauguration, MillionTree Month, with tree planting in memorium Wangari
Maathai, with Commissioner, New York City Department of Parks &
Recreation, Morningside Park, March 30, 2012.
"Comparative Literature and the Subaltern," Majors' Choice Lecture, New
York University, April 5, 2012.
"Languages Other Than English," Keynote, Conference on "Comparative
Modernisms, Medialities, Modernities," NYU-Fordham University, May
5, 2012.
Lectures on Hegel, Fanon, and Coetzee, University of Puna, Pune, India,
May 23-26, 2012.
How to Use the Enlightenment, ENGLOBE Summer School, Paris, June 22,
Healthcare for the General Culture: The Challenge of the Humanities,"
Bucknell University, September 20, 2012.
The Singularities of Art, Critical Issues MFA class, Columbia University,
September 25, 2012.
Panelist, Art and Social Change: Ai Weiwei, Hirshhorn Museum,
Washington, DC, October 7, 2012.
Questioning Identity, Keynote, International Conference on Arts and
Sciences, Sibsagar College, Assam, India, October 12, 2012.


Global? Keynote, Conference on Global Communities: Transnational and

Transdisciplinary Exchanges, Linnaeus University, Vxj, Sweden,
October 29, 2012.
Many Voices, Kyoto Prize Commemorative Lecture, Kyoto, Japan,
November 11, 2012.
Scattered Speculations on the Question of Translation, Kyoto Prize
Workshop Lecture, Kyoto, Japan, November 12, 2012.
The Imagination to Transcend the Limits of Globalization: Learning and
Teaching in the Twenty-First Century, Kyoto Prize Student Forum,
Osaka University, Japan, November 14, 2012.
Humanities and a Borderless World, International House, Tokyo,
November 16, 2012.
No Definitions for Activism, Keynote, Conference on Through the
Roadblocks: Realities in Raw Motion, Cyprus University of
Technology, November 24, 2012.
Europa and the Bull Market, Sixth Annual Nicos Poulantzas Memorial
Lecture, Athens, December 20, 2012.
In discussion, Rogues, Reviewers and Critics, and The Vanishing
Present, Jaipur Literature Festival (India), January 25-26, 2013.
Sunil Gangopadhyay Memorial Session, in conversation with Chinmoy
Guha, Kolkata Literary Meet, Boi Milan Mela, January 30, 2013.
In discussion, The Peasant, Then and Now: Thirty Years of Ranajit Guhas
Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India,
Subaltern Studies Workshop, Delhi, February 15, 2013.
Advisory Editor, The Years Work in Critical & Cultural Theory
Advisory Board, Book Ends, University of Albany
ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature (Canada)
Advisory Committee, Bengali Studies Association, Arizona State University
boundary 2 (SUNY Binghamton)
Board of Visitors, Centre for Globalisation, Mediterranean College (Athens)
Theory and History, Centre for Cultural Analysis, University of Leeds,
College Literature
Columbia Seminar on Modernism


Conservative Modernity (A Journal of Culture/Theory/Politics) Overseas

Editor (London)
Critical Theory: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language, Discourse and
Cultural Anthropology (Rice University)
Cultural Critique (University of Minnesota)
Diaspora (Wesleyan University)
DSLU Dialogue (De la Salle University)
Ekanta Saranga, Manushi, 2000-.
English Institute, Advisory Board, 2001-2003
Academic Advisory Board, Ethical Globalization Initiative (EGI), Columbia
University, 2004-.
Editorial Board, Ethnic Studies
Advisory Board, Foreign Literature (Beijing, China)
Genre (University of Oklahoma)
Hong Kong University Press, Advisory Board
Ideology (Amsterdam/Philadelphia)
In-between (India)
Advisory Board, Independent Study Program, Whitney Museum of
American Art
Executive Board, International Center for Writing and Translation
International Advisory Board, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis,
Theory and Interpretation
International Advisory Board, Globalism Institute at Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology
International Advisory Committee, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, 1999International Advisory Board, Jackman Humanities Institute at University of
International Advisory Board, Studies in Social and Political Thought,
Centre for Social and Political Thought, University of Sussex, 2010 International Advisory Committee, The 9th East-West Philosophers
Conference, University of Hawaii and the East-West Center.
International Journal of the Humanities, International Advisory Board
Consulting Editor, The International Literary Quarterly (
Interventions (UK)
Journal of Multicultural Discourses (Multilingual-Matters Ltd.UK)
Journal of Postcolonial Education
Journal of Visual Culture
Jouvert: [an electronic journal]
Institute for the Humanities, SUNY Stony Brook, Advisory Board
Language and Intercultural Communication, International Advisory Board
Advisory Board, Master of Science in Narrative Medicine, Columbia
University, 2009New Political Science
New Formations (UK)
Open Humanities Press


Strategic and Scientific Advisory Board, University of Oslo

parallax (UK)
Pembroke Institute for Teaching & Research on Women, Brown University
1982-90, Selection Committee
Penn-Leuven Institute, University of Pennsylvania-University of Leuven
(Belgium) 1987-89
Politica & Societ (University of Rome Sapienza)
Praxis International (Yugoslavia 1982-1988)
Public Culture
Advisory Board, Research and Criticism, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India
Re-thinking Marxism
Signature (Canada)
International Advisory Board, Signs 2012-15.
External Advisory Board, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University,
Advisory Board, Subaltern-Popular Multi-Campus Research Group (UCSB)
Consultant Editor, Studies in Postcolonial Literature, Criticism, and Theory
Techno Cultures Under Construction
Theoria and Praxis: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Thought
Series Editor, Theory from the Global South, Palgrave Macmillian, 2008Third Text
Translation, Scientific Committee, 2010U.S.-Japan Womens Journal
Wagadu: Journal of Transnational Womens and Gender Studies (SUNY
Global Agenda Council on Values, World Economic Forum
Executive Committee, Division on Philosophical Approaches to Literature,
Modern Language Association (1985-90)
Marxist Literary Group
Modern Language Association (1964-1988; 1999- )
American Comparative Literature Association
International Comparative Literature Association
American Association of University Professors
National Womens Studies Association
Society for African Philosophy in North America
Selection Committee, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University, 19931996
Union of Radical Political Economists
Subaltern Studies Collective
National Womens Studies Association


Institute for Womens Policy Research, Founder Member

American Association of University Women
South Asian Psychoanalytic Forum
Member Analytical Circle, Zamyn International Collective
Senior Fellow, School of Criticism and Theory, 2003-2009
Executive Board, Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia
University, 2004-2007
Governing Board, Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University,
Faculty Fellow, Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University,
Honorary Patron, Durrell School of Corfu
Executive Committee, Division on Philosophical Approaches to Literature,
Modern Language Association, 2006-10
Member, Critical Theory Institute, 2007Member, Honorary Board of Directors, NGO Global Forum for Women at
Beijing + 15, 2010
February 28, 2013

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