Latihan Soal Uas Genap Kelas Xi

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Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e

1. If the sun _____, I _____ to the beach
a. Shine / walk
b. Shines / would have walked
c. Shines / will walk

d. Shines / would walk

e. Shine / will walk

2. John _____ study in london, after that he _____ in England with his family until now
a. Used to / live
d. Use to / lives
b. Used to / lives
e. Used to / lived
c. Use to / live
3. Jane _____ stay in Indonesia if she _____ married with her boyfriend
a. Would / got
d. Would have / get
b. Would / gotten
e. Will / got
c. Will / get

A : Excuse me, ____?

B : Yes, I need a kilo of sugar.
a. Good morning
b. Can I help you
c. How are you

d. Sorry, trouble you

e. Can you help me

5. Look at the price of the following goods!

1. Refrigerator
Rp. 2.000.000,2. Television
Rp. 1.500.000,3. Washing machine
Rp. 2.700.000,Based on the list above, the refrigerator is
1. Has the same price as television
2. As cheap as washing machine
3. Cheaper than washing machine
4. Rp. 500.000,- cheaper than television
5. The most expensive
6. Man
: it would be great if you join us in the dinner tonight?
Woman : ______
a. Ill consider that
d. Ill be fine
b. I can do it
e. Please
c. Thanks for your support
The following text is for number 7 to 9
Good afternoon and welcome to grand opening of grand
department store. Heres a coupon for e free coffee in our cafe.
Well open full nine this evening. There will be music and
entertainment from 7 to 9. Today only everything in the store is
20% off the listed price. In addition, if you apply for grand
account will receive an additional 10% discount. Enjoy your


What is the purpose of the event?

Opening a new store
Introducing a new music
Hiring a new employee

d. Advertising discount
e. Welcoming of new group music

8. How many discount do we get if we are grand store member?

a. 20%
d. 50%

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI | SMK Sritanjung Banyuwangi

b. 30%
c. 40%

e. 60%

If I _____ you, I would loook for my passion to find a new career

d. Be
e. is

10. He _____ eat cereal for breakfast

a. Dont use to
b. Not used to
c. Didnt used to

d. Did not use to

e. Doesnt use to

11. Mr Joko . A director of Indonesian movie.

a. is
d. was
b. am
e. Are
c. were
12. John : What did Anton do yesterday morning? He looked very busy
Marc : He _____ the doors with his son
a. Paint
c. was
b. Was paint
d. painting
c. Painted
The following text is for number 13 to 14
From : Anindita Ramadhani
Date : Wednesday, 27th April 2016
: Agus Nurjatmiko
Subject :
Hellen Forbes, UNICEF Ambassador
Dr. Hellen Forbes, Ph.D., a UNICEF ambassador, will be visiting
our company on Tuesday, May 13rd . Id like you to prepare a
program for her. She will arrive in the morning before noon.
Please start with lunch in the cafetaria and then show her your
department. After that, take her to our printing department.
13. What will Dr. Hellen Forbes come?
a. In thes evening
b. At noon
c. After lunch

d. In the morning before noon

e. In the afternoon

14. Who will accompany her to go round the company?

a. Anindita Ramadhani
d. Agus Nurjatmiko
b. Hellen Forbes
e. Both Anindita and Agus
c. None
15. Mr. Andre :
Can you tell me how to operate the fan?
: Certainly, sir. To operate it, first you _____ the hack into the socket
a. Plug
d. Switch off
b. Cut
e. Turn on
c. Press
16. Andi : what is the matter with you, Rin?

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI | SMK Sritanjung Banyuwangi


Rina : I am not well. I have a bad fever

Andi : Im sorry to hear that. You should ____
Drink a lot of cold water
Finish your work before sleeping
Not take a pill
See a doctor before getting serious illness
Not take a rest all day
Text for number 17 and 18
Please join us for party dinner
To celebrate
On Saturday, May 20th, 2011 at 07.00 10.00 pm
In the Etam Restaurant

17. How old will Anni be in 2016?

a. Sixteen
b. Seventeen
c. Sixty

d. eighteen
e. seventy

18. When will the party be held?

a. In the evening
b. In the morning
c. At fall

d. At noon
e. At midnight

19. I _____ to hospital because I was feeling very ill

a. Gone d. went
b. Want e. Go
c. Goes

Seto : in my opinion, Jessica is very beautiful.

Dian : _____ many boys like her
a. I dont know
d. I Disagree with that
b. Do you think so?
E. I think so too
c. I think she is the ugliest

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI | SMK Sritanjung Banyuwangi

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