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Track 3: Application of Modern Technologies in Housing and Public Infrastructure

In this session, what we have discussed is how a Public Infrastructure developer

should consider having the environmental requirements needed to build a new
building or any other structures. Now, what can be the use of modern technologies
to Public Infrastructure? The speaker Engr. Ramon D. Agullos, showed us different
internet system that was made specifically for Public Infrastructures only, for
instance the Green Building Codes that can be read through internet
( This code is used to help the Civil
Engineers know the things they should considered first before building an
infrastructure. Mostly in planning carefully the materials needed, site selection,
design, use and maintenance considering the conditions that were stated in the
code. Why have the Green Building Codes? Actually, its a must. Every
Infrastructure, public or private, is needed to have this considered first before
building or planning a new structure, because in this manner they can properly plan
out the whole design even having certain environmental conditions such as climate
change. So in every Green Building, the developers may guaranteed a full safety
and comfort to those occupants especially when it is the time of the year where
most of big storms are coming out. Also having this code, they can also prevent
small problems that may cause by environmental problems such as having a daylight controlled lighting systems connected to luminaries which help to dim lamps
when there us a sufficient daylight. Problems like this will be easily handled by
maintenance and will not be a big hindrance. Overall, the Green Building code is a
big help not only for the contractors but also for the consumers.

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