Discipline Plan-Blog

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Wolbers Positive Discipline Plan

A positive, cooperative environment is maintained where the student, parent(s)
and teacher work together as a team to foster constant growth. This is possible through
constant communication of positive and in some instances, negative behaviors that occur
within our classroom. This classroom is our school family away from our real families.
In both instances, communication is of the utmost importance. Family members have to
tell each other when they are happy (proud) and when they are upset (disappointed).
Honesty rests at the forefront of this type of communication, but it must always be

A discipline folder will track students that choose to make poor decisions. The
following rubric will be used:
3 strikes=phone call/letter home
6 strikes=meeting with parent(s)
9 strikes=referral
The above strike system is used to deter minor infractions. In order to get to the point of
a referral a student really must have some bad days/weeks
The strike system will be thrown out in the event that a student is rude, disrespectful or
insubordinate to the teacher or another student.

**Positive Behavior and/or Behavior Improvement will be recognized**

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