Taleo Enterprise Transition Bootcamp Student Guide 13b

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Oracle Taleo Talent Management Cloud - Transitions

Taleo Student Guide and Lab Exercises

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Edition 5
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November 2013

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Taleo (TEE): Transitions Administration (TR-SA101).................................................1

Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 3
Lesson 1: Components of a Transitions Process.....................................................................................6
Lesson 2: Benefits of Effective New Hire Processes................................................................................8
Lesson 3: Analyze, Design and Create a New Hire (Onboarding) Process.............................................19
Lesson 4: Create Steps and Transitions in a Process............................................................................30
Lesson 5: Create Different Task Actions............................................................................................... 43
Lesson 6: Create Steps for Tasks and Add to a Process........................................................................61
Lesson 7: Add Conditions to Transitions............................................................................................... 78
Lesson 8: Create User-defined Fields and User-defined Selections.......................................................90
Lesson 9: Create a User-defined Form................................................................................................ 105
Lesson 10: Create Correspondence.................................................................................................... 120
Lesson 11: Create Content Pages....................................................................................................... 135
Lesson 12: Final Tasks, Steps and Transitions.....................................................................................162
Lesson 13: Career Section Tasks Tab and Advanced E-Offer...............................................................185
Lesson 14: Final Administration Activities.......................................................................................... 189
Final Practice Project........................................................................................................................... 205
Appendix - E-Verify.............................................................................................................................. 207
Explore More Answers......................................................................................................................... 209

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Taleo welcomes you to the world of on-demand talent management! The course is
designed for Administrators of Taleo Transitions. Taleo Transitions, a "new
generation" onboarding product, provides a unified, automated and customizable
system for transitioning candidates, new hires and employees through a variety of
This full-featured, powerful tool allows administrator to create task-based processes
to gather pre-hire information from candidates; configure flexible electronic offer
scenarios; ensure everything is in place so new hires become highly effective
employees quickly; and transition employees for "crossboarding (internal mobility),
promotion, relocation, offboarding and other purposes. Candidates can quickly
access the tasks they have to perform from a Tasks tab in the career section.
This course will focus mainly on the onboarding transition for new hires entering an
organization; however, the components learned within the lessons could be applied
to other types of transitions including: E-Offers, offboarding, "crossboarding
(internal mobility), promotion, relocation, and other purposes while they are
employed at the organization.
This course includes practical hands-on exercises for you to apply your knowledge
and reinforce learning. There will also be ample time for questions and discussion.
You are encouraged to ask questions throughout the lessons of the course.
The screens shown in this course may not be identical to those you see when
viewing the Transitions Center or Tasks portals at your organization. This is because
each organization can configure much of the application to meet their needs.
Using the Session Guide

Locate the current lesson per the instructor's directions.

Complete the hands-on exercises per the instructions provided. A

Checkpoint at the end of most lessons ensures you have completed the
exercise successfully.

Complete the Apply It! questions.

If you finish early, complete the Explore More section.

Course Goals
At the end of this course, you should be able to perform the following tasks

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Describe Onboarding and other Transitions

Describe the Components of a Transitions Process

Explain the Benefits of an Effective Transitions Process

Analyze and Design a Process Flow

Create a Process with Steps and Transitions

Name and Create Different Types of Tasks

Create Steps for Tasks and Add to a Process

Add Conditions to Transitions

Complete Current Process eLearning Walk-through

Create User-Defined Fields and User-Defined Selections

Prepare Forms

Create Correspondence

Create Content Pages

Complete Finished Process eLearning Walk-through

Examine Career Section Tasks Tab options and Advanced E-Offer

Complete Final Administration Activities

Complete Final Practice Project

Supporting Information:
Transitions Configuration Guide
The Configuration Guide is the most comprehensive reference available, providing
the greatest level of detail on creating individual components, the available options
for the each of the tools and menus, and a Glossary of Terms. You may also consult
the Transitions User Guide for end-user functionality.
Support within Pages
Helpful information can be found in the Onboarding application itself. Pages include
a brief description of what they do, and some include a More Info link which opens a
side panel with more detail on the subject.

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Final Process Preview for Exercises 3 through 12:

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Lesson 1: Components of a Transitions Process

What is a Transitions Process
A Transitions Process is a series of steps all stakeholders need to complete in order
for a new hire to join your organization and become productive.

The Transitions Process is the core of all Transitions administration activity

Organizations can design multiple processes

The process is carried out by numerous stakeholders such as the hiring

manager, new hire, facilities, payroll, etc.

Four Types of Transitions

When creating a process in Transitions, you must identify your process as one of the
four following Transitions types:
1. Pre-hire used for validation, testing, screening purposes usually with one
of Taleos certified partners
2. E-Offer an advanced form of E-Offer where you can design more complex
offer processes with multiple approvers and touch points
3. New Hire used for all activities for onboarding new hires
4. Offboarding used to offboard employees from your organization
All other types of transitions, such as relocation or cross-boarding from one
department to another, may be easily configured in this platform, however, all types
of transitions need to fall into one of these 4 buckets.
Components of a Transitions Process


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A process contains Steps.

The Steps contain Tasks. Your Task can be one of six standard types (in
addition to system E-Offer tasks):
1. Form Task
2. Message Task
3. Manual Task
4. Send PDF File Task
5. Display Content Page Task
6. Request External Service Task

Transitions arrows are used to link steps together

Note: The Transitions arrows refer to the connectors between steps. This
should not be confused with the name of the product overall, Taleo

Transitions Job Aid

A Job Aid is being provided for you to reference during and after the course. This
Job Aid will reinforce the basic concepts about building a Transitions or Onboarding

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Lesson 2: Benefits of Effective New Hire Processes

Reviewing Benefits
As you design processes, you will keep in mind the possible benefits of an effective
New Hire or other Transitions process, then decide how specifically you will
implement Steps within a process to achieve that business need.
Benefits to your Organization
An effective New Hire process will benefit your organization by:

Streamlining the distribution of printed materials to the New Hire by providing

some documents and correspondence electronically.

Allowing different users to manage Onboarding Processes from their

Transitions Center. Users can monitor progress only for those processes to
which they are assigned.

Ensuring legal and policy compliance.

Optimizing new hire time-to-productivity means realizing value sooner.

Benefits to your New Hires

An effective Onboarding process will benefit your new hires by:

Optimizing their time-to-productivity. Until a new employee generates more

value for your organization than they actually use to do their job, they are
essentially a negative contributor.

Creating an inspiring first experience. A negative first impression can have a

lasting impact on a new employee.

Increasing their engagement and satisfaction with their assignment, leading

to better productivity and higher employee retention rates.

Creating a consistent experience for all Onboarding subjects. Knowing that

each Hiring Manager will apply a standard process for their New Hires can
help validate future analysis of hiring and Onboarding practices.

Providing one centralized dashboard for all onboarding activity in your


Transitions Interfaces
There are four specific interfaces you will work with when configuring, testing and/or
executing your Transitions activity.
1. Transitions Center - A centralized dashboard for task owners or
stakeholders within the organization such as IT, Payroll, and Hiring Managers.
The Transitions Center is accessed by multiple users in the onboarding
process. The Transitions Center is considered an interface for power users
or those who need to do more than just complete a few tasks.
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2. Transitions Administration - An administration area accessed from the

Transitions Center for users who have administration permission. Transitions
Administration is a back-end configuration panel where processes and tasks
are configured. Typically, this area is only used by administrators, but other
roles can have access to limited activities.

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3. Tasks Tab in the Career Section This interface is strictly for the New Hire
or transitioning employee. The New Hire returns to the Career Section to
access and complete tasks and view documents and links your organization
wants to provide. New Hires or employees use the same log in credentials
they used previously in the Career Section.

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4. Email and Response Center (Simplified Task List) A final interface is a

task owners email which links to the Response Center. This is for those who
just need to complete a few tasks and do not need visibility into more detail
or other features on the Transitions Center.

Navigating the Transitions Center

The Transitions Center contains several useful ways to navigate:

Quick Access to important areas such as Administration can be accessed in

the upper left corner of the page

Recently Viewed Items for your specific login, such as Processes, Steps,
Tasks, or any other page in the Transitions Center that you have visited, is
automatically saved to this list. Using these links you can return directly to
the tasks youve been performing.

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Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Navigating the Transitions Center

Exercise 1: Navigating the Transitions Center

Scenario: You are in the role of a hiring manager who is looking forward to a new
hire coming on board. You've received a notification in your email that you have an
Onboarding task to complete. You log-in to the Transitions Center and execute the
task. You also check the progress of the new hire.


1. Enter the URL supplied by your instructor into a Browser.

2. Enter the User Name and Password supplied to you by your instructor.

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necessary, click the Continue button on the Release Note Information

3. Ifpage
or go to the next step.

The Welcome Center displays. At this point, a new hire has

4. Result:
been moved to the Offer status in the Recruiting Center. The Recruiter
has started the New Hire process. As the hiring manager, you receive a
notification that you have a task to complete.
the Transitions Center to execute your task. Locate the Quick
5. Access
Access pane on the left pane of the Welcome Center.
Click the Transitions link.
have two main sections, Tasks and Processes. Before you execute
6. You
your task, take a moment to look at more details at the new hire's
Locate the Processes section. (You may need to scroll down).

the user permission is displaying all processes, you will filter the
7. Since
Processes list to display only those processes related to the new hires for
your student ID#.
Click the Refine by list.

8. Click the Keyword list item.

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will refine the list by the processes (new hires) that match your
9. You
Student ID#.
Enter the desired information into the contains field. Enter "[your
Student ID#]".
Example: 01

Note: Your screen may adjust back to the top, scroll down to the
Processes section if necessary.
Click the Refresh button.
Select any new hire on the list that contains your Student ID# (your
choice); and is not yet completed on the progression bar. Make a note
of the name as you will have to complete the task on the corresponding
name later.
Notice the Status and Progression columns. How much has this new
hire progressed in the process? _______
Note: The Job Start Date has been left blank for training purposes.
Typically this value would be filled in. Your Progression bar may appear
green or red.

Click the [name of new hire] link.

Your new hire name may be different than the sample below.

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The process details for this new hire appear. Notice the new hire's
contact information in the General Information section at the top.
Locate the Process section.

Name (at least) three options this hiring manager can perform here if
given permissions.
Locate the Steps section.

How many steps are in this process? ______

Return to the Transitions Center using the breadcrumb links at the top of
the page.
Click the Transitions Center link.

Next, you will execute the task for the new hire you just viewed.
Locate the Tasks section at the top of the page.
Locate the name of the new hire in the Candidate/Employee column
on the task list.
Note: You may need to navigate to a different page or refine the list by
Keyword to locate the desired name you noted earlier.
Click the Execute link.
You will fill in a field for Type of Office on the Office Form.
Click the Type of Office list.

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Click the Corporate list item.

Click the Submit button.
Scroll down to the Processes section.
Notice the name of your new hire is no longer on the list due to the filter
showing processes that are In Progress only. You will change the filter
to Completed.
Click the Refine by list.

Click the Completed list item.

Click the Refresh button.
Locate the name of the new hire you were working with.
Notice the status is Completed and the Progression reads 100%.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these step(s):

Verify the name of the new hire you worked on has a

status of Completed in the Processes list.

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Apply It!
1. Name at least two benefits to your organization of using effective
Onboarding or other Transitions processes:

2. Once Taleo Transitions is implemented, what will be one of the

most significant benefits to your new hires?

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1: From the Transitions Center, access the new hire
you were working with. Click on the name of the new hire. You want
to send an ad hoc message to the new hire, how would you do this?

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Lesson 3: Analyze, Design and Create a New Hire (Onboarding)

Phase one of implementing your new Transitions Center will be a deep analysis of
your organizations current New Hire processes. In phase one, it is critical that you
identify all of the current processes and who in the organization is involved in each
In phase two, you will want to map out your current New Hire process. Software
that allows you to create flow charts can be used to assist with this process, or you
can simply use pen and paper. As you map each part of a current process, its an
ideal time to identify opportunities for improvement.
In phase three, you will review the revised New Hire processes with all key
stakeholders, verifying that improvements have been incorporated into the revised
process, and that all stakeholders agree to their participation. Once phase three is
completed, then you can begin to construct your process in the Taleo Transitions
The Transitions Center also has a deeper level called Transitions Administration
available in the left pane in the Quick Access section.

Process Design
A Process represents the entire workflow involved with Onboarding, from start to
end. Process design involves:

Defining exactly what determines the start and end of the Onboarding

Determining the relationship between the Steps, in a way that will execute
your desired business logic

Process Duplication
A Process can be created from scratch, or you can duplicate an existing Process.
When appropriate, we recommend duplicating an existing Process, and then
customizing it to meet your organizations needs. This strategy:
1. Allows you to create variations of existing Processes more efficiently, and with
more consistent results. Variations of processes might be used for different
locations or different business units.
2. Streamlines the construction of a brand new process, because you are starting
with a working process. You can focus more carefully on changing the specific
Properties of your process one-by-one, and verifying the results for each change.
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CAUTION: Once you activate a process, you cannot return to remove or add
Steps. If needed, you can duplicate the process and continue editing the
duplicated version.
Process Types
Each time a Process is created, you must designate a Process Type. This field is not
mandatory per the system, but it is required to make your processes visible within
the Recruiting Center when activated, therefore it is an important step in setting up
your process. There are four Process Types used in Transitions.
1. Pre-Hire (used for validation such as background check)
2. E-Offer (advanced form of the standard E-Offer in the Recruiting Center, used
for complex offer processes)
3. New Hire (used for onboarding activities)
4. Offboarding (used for employees leaving the organization)
All other types of transitions, such as relocation or cross-boarding from one
department to another may be easily configured in this platform, however, all types
of transitions need to fall into one of these 4 buckets.
Breadcrumb Links
"Breadcrumb" links allow you to link directly to any of the pages you have visited in
the path to the page you are currently viewing.

In this example above, we are currently viewing details for a Step called "Greet New
Hire in Lobby." Using the breadcrumb links at the top of the page, we can return to
any of the areas linked in the breadcrumbs (A,B,C,D).
Here are some key terms used in Taleo Transitions Administration specifically for
process configuration:

A Task is the action that needs to be completed in a Step.

The Assignee is the individual or role who will complete the Task involved in
a step.

The Duration describes how much time the Assignee has been given to
complete the assigned Task. Duration determines whether a Step has been
completed on-time, or is late, and is reflected in the Process Status bar of the
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Priority indicates which Tasks should be done more quickly than others.

A Transition describes what happens after you execute a Step - a link to

another step, or to complete the entire process.

A Condition describes a set of circumstances that must be met in order to

complete a Transition from one Step to another.

OLF associations involve limiting who can view or manage part or all of the
process based on an element of the Organization, Location or Job Field.

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Design a Process based on a Scenario

Exercise 1: Design a Process based on a Scenario

Scenario: You are a member of a project team working on automating and
reengineering the onboarding process for new hires. During phase one, you are
asked to analyze your current process and build a flow chart to represent it. Read
the following scenario and design a process.

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A Recruiting Center user is about to hire a candidate. They need to

make sure they send the candidate into the active Onboarding
process that youve defined.
You want to welcome the new hire with a welcome email to greet and
congratulate them for joining your company.
You also want to engage your facilities department to setup the new
hires cubicle before the new employee shows up for the first day of
work. The new hire will have to fill out the ergonomic survey prior to
Facilities proceeding to the cubicle setup Task. Once Facilities begins
their setup, they will need to provide a whiteboard, a 2 drawer file
cabinet and an ergonomic chair for the new hire.
In addition to the cubicle being set up, your IT department can begin
working on setting up the laptop for your new hire. The Hiring
Manger will first need to fill out the laptop specification form. After
the form is complete, IT will be assigned a Task to configure the
laptop. When completed, the Hiring Manager will be notified that this
Task was done.
Before HR can begin its paperwork, both Facilities and IT tasks have to
be completed and all this work must be done prior to the Start Date
for the new hire.
HR will submit their complete paperwork and take actions to complete
the Onboarding process.
After the new hire is on board for 60 days, HR will send the new hire a
survey about their onboarding experience.

Use the next page as a model to design the process flow. (Note: Your
instructor may ask you to draw on a virtual whiteboard or a PPT slide
instead of using the next page.) Draw a cross-functional flowchart,
using one horizontal area (swim lane) per Onboarding participant.

you complete the process flow, examine each step and identify
26. Once
if a Form, Message, Document (to be sent), or Manual Task is required.
Note in each step what will occur to accomplish the step.
Step 1 - Fill out an IT form
Step 2 - Send a request message to the Facilities department

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Exercise 2: Create a New Process

Scenario: You are tasked with creating the new Corporate Onboarding process in
Taleo Transitions . You will start by creating a process and designating an owner.

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If you have been timed out from earlier or closed your browser,
complete the next steps, otherwise skip to step #5.

Enter the URL supplied by your instructor into a Browser.

Enter the User Name and Password supplied to you by your instructor.

If necessary, click the Continue button on the Release Note Information

page or go to the next step.

Access the Transitions Center from the Quick Access pane.

Click the Transitions link.
From the Transitions Center, locate the Quick Access area on the left
Click the Transitions Administration link.

Click the Processes link.

Click the Create link.

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Locate the Code field.


You will add a title followed by your initials.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Corporate [your initials]".
Example: Corporate - FSH
Copy or retype the same into the Name field.

Locate the Owner fields.

You have a choice between a general Role for the owner of the process,
for example, the Hiring Manager, or a specific User. You will assign a
specific user in this exercise.
Note: The User option is being used for training purposes, however, the
best practice is to use Role.

Click the User option.

Click the Search button.
You will search for your own student ID for this course and make yourself
the owner of the process.
Locate Refine by list.

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Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "[your ID]".
Click the Refresh button.
Click the [your ID] option.
Your ID may be different than the sample below.

Click the Select button.

You have completed the Properties for your new process.
Click the Save button.

You must designate a Process Type for each process.

are going to build a New Hire process.

In this case, you

Locate the Process Type section (you may need to scroll down).
Click the Add link.
Select the box before the New Hire option.
Click the Select button.
Note: Your process can only have one Process Type.
Locate the Preview link next to the title of your process near the top of
the page.
Click the Preview link.
Notice there is no process to view because the process does not yet
contain any Steps. In the next exercise, you will add Steps.

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Locate the breadcrumb links at the top of the page.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Do not navigate away from this page.

from here.

You will begin your next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Start from the Processes link on Transitions
2. Verify that you can view a process named Corporate[your initials].

Apply It!
1. How many different New Hire (Onboarding) processes do you
anticipate your organization will need to create? Be prepared to
discuss the general differences in the processes, if any.
your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

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Explore More

Explore More 1: Using your simple flowchart, imagine that there is a

time dependency for one of the Steps. Using available values like
Start Date, how would you describe that time dependency?

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Lesson 4: Create Steps and Transitions in a Process

An Onboarding Process in the system can generate a Preview, which is a flowchart
similar to the one you created in the previous lesson.

Linking Steps with Transitions

A Process is built by creating Steps, one for each Task, and then by creating
Transitions (or connectors) to link these Steps together into a process flow.
A Transition represents a "from" this "to" that relationship.

The Transition is created on the Step representing the "From Step", and defines the
"To Step" using the drop-down menu of available Steps.
The transition will display in the Process Preview. Later you will apply conditions to
certain transitions.

Note: The Transitions arrows refer to the connectors between steps. This
should not be confused with the name of the product overall, Taleo
Viewing Steps and Transitions in a List
In addition to the graphical process chart available in the Preview page, you may
view your steps along with the transitions in a list view by accessing the Transitions
tab on the process properties page. This is an excellent way to view all your steps
and transitions together. You may also create and delete transitions from this view.

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Review of Transitions Components:

Processes are created in Transitions Administration

Processes contain Steps
Steps contain Tasks
Steps are linked by Transitions
Transitions may contain Conditions

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Create Steps in a Process

Exercise 2: Create Transitions to Link Steps

Exercise 1: Create Steps in a Process

Scenario: Now that you've created the Corporate Onboarding Process, you will
now create Steps to add to your process. You will create two Steps with associated
Tasks for the New Hire to complete an I-9 Form and for the New Hire to receive a
Week 1 Checklist.

Enter the URL supplied by your instructor into a Browser.
Enter the User Name and Password supplied to you by your instructor.

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Access the Transitions Center from the Quick Access pane.

Click the Transitions link.
From the Transitions Center, locate the Quick Access area on the left
Click the Transitions Administration link.

Click the Processes link.

Locate the process you created earlier.
Click the Corporate - [your initials] link.

You are now ready to add steps to your process.

Locate the Steps area beneath the Properties.
You will create two Steps.
Click the Create Step link.
The Step Wizard will walk you through setting up a Step.
For this course, your Step Type will always be Task. Accept the default
of Task.
Click the Continue button.

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Steps are required to have a Task. We have already set up Tasks for you
in this exercise. You will search the list for the appropriate Task.
Click the Search button.

The first task will be an I-9 government form for the New Hire.
Click the I-9 Form option.
Locate the Select button at the top (or bottom) of the page.
Click the Select button.

The Task is selected.

Click the Continue button.

Notice the additional Properties fields on this screen including the

Sequence and Duration fields. For now we will leave the Sequence
Locate the Duration Field.
Enter the desired information into the Duration field. Enter "3".
Note: The Duration will determine the number of days the assignee has
to complete the step. The progress bar in the Transitions Center will
indicate due or overdue durations.
Next, you will assign this task to an Assignee.

You can choose between a User or a Role for the Assignee. Since every
new hire will receive this task, we will assign this to the Role of New
Hire. It is a best practice to assign to a role whenever possible.
Click the Role link.

Select the box before the New Hire item.


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Click the Select button.

Note: The menus for Execute Step and After step execution allow
you to designate how Step execution should flow in your Process.

When should this Step be executed? Does it require one or all of

the previous Steps to have been completed?

What should occur after this Step has been executed? Should it
execute one or all of the subsequent Steps, or do all the Steps
have to have been completed.

For this step, verify the execution settings appear as the ones below.

Result: The New Hire is listed as an Assignee Role.

completed setting up the first Step.

You have

Click the Finish button.

Locate the Breadcrumb links at the top of the page.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

You will now create your second Step.

Click the Create Step link.
Click the Continue button.
Click the Search button next to the Task field.

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You will search for a second Task for a Week 1 Checklist.

Click in the Keyword field.

Enter the desired information into the Keyword field. Enter "week".
Click the Refresh button.

Click the Week 1 Checklist option.

Click the Select button.
Click the Continue button.
This Task is also for the New Hire to complete.
Role area.

Locate the Assignees -

Click the Role link.

Select the box before the New Hire item.

Click the Select button.
For this step, verify the execution settings appear as the ones below.

Note: To save time, please note that all steps created in the course will
have the same execution rules, so you will not need to repeat this step
in future exercises, but will keep the defaults.

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You have completed setting up the second Step.

Click the Finish button.

Locate the Breadcrumb links.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Review your Process details and the Steps List to confirm that youve
created two steps.

You will check the status of your process using the Preview link.
Click the Preview link.
Notice all the steps are not connected within the process. You will need
to tell the system how you want the steps linked together through
Transitions arrows. You will work with Transitions in the next exercise.

Note: When steps are not linked into the process, the preview
sometimes varies and may select different steps to appear between the
Start and End points and others to appear outside the process.
Return to your Process main page.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Do not navigate away from this page.

from here.

You will start the next exercise

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In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Locate your Corporate - [your initials] process.
2. Click on the process link.
3. Verify that the I-9 Step and the Week 1 Checklist Step
are listed on your process page.

Exercise 2: Create Transitions to Link Steps

Scenario: You have created the first two initial Steps in your process. You will now
link those steps in the desired order through transitions. This will be the start of
your process workflow.


You will now create a transition between the I-9 Form and the Week 1
Note: The Transitions are always placed starting from the source step,
not on the landing step. There are several ways to create a Transition.
You will go into the Step properties to create a Transition. Later you will
use the Quick Access area.

Click the I-9 Form link.

Locate the Transitions area beneath Properties.
Click the Create link.

The system automatically fills in the I-9 Form as the "From" Step.
will choose the "To" Step.


Click the To step list.

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Click the Week 1 Checklist list item.

Click the Continue button.
The system automatically creates a logical Name for this transition.
Highlight and copy this name. You will paste it into the Description field.
Click in the Description field and paste the name.

Later on we will place a condition on this transition.

Click the Condition Requirements list to view the options. Do not
make any changes.

Click the Finish button.

You are finished creating your Transition. Notice the Transition listed in
the Breadcrumb links. Go back to your Process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Check the Transition you created.

your process is set up properly).

(See the Checkpoint below to verify

Click the Preview link.

Go back to your Process using the Breadcrumb links.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Click the Transitions tab to view your Transitions in a list view.


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Return to Transitions Administration via the Breadcrumb links.

Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your Corporate - [your initials] Process.
2. Click the Preview link.
3. Your process should appear as pictured below.

Apply It!

1. Steps can be assigned to roles, such as new hires, hiring

managers, benefits administrators, etc. In your organization, what
are some of the key roles outside the recruiting and HR
2. Does your organization anticipate designating (limiting) one or
more of your processes by any part of the OLF (Organization,
Location or Job Field)? Explain your answer.

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your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1: Suppose You've created several Transitions to and

from several steps. What is the best way to ensure that you've
configured the transitions correctly according to your desired process?

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Lesson 5: Create Different Task Actions

A Task is an automated operation launched within a Step in the Onboarding Process.
Each Task must contain a Task Action and Related Source (except for Manual
Tasks). Related Sources tell the system what source material, such as a form or
message, to access to complete the Task.
Task Actions
A single task can be used by several processes. Tasks can perform five types of
actions - this course covers the first four:
1. Send correspondence - send an email message to a New Hire or
Onboarding participant
2. Fill user-defined form - Request a form be filled by the New Hire or other
Onboarding participant
3. Execute the Task Manually - alert an Onboarding participant to execute a
task outside the system
4. Open PDF - to attach a PDF to the task for review
5. Display Content Page to display a page of rich content at any point in
the process including graphics, text, documents and links
6. Request External Service to connect to any certified Passport Partner
used within the process for as many steps as required.
7. System Task - to execute a task automatically - used for E-Offer

When you create a Task you specify the Action to be performed and a Related
Source for the Action. The Related Source is dependent upon the type of Action.
For example:

If you select Fill user-defined form as the action, the Related Source allows
you to choose from a list of available Forms.

If you select Send correspondence as the action, the Related Source allows
you to choose from a list of available Messages.
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TIP: You can name Steps with a code to indicate the task action being used in that
step if
you want
F = Form Task/Step Example: F-Direct Deposit
P = Open PDF Task Example: P- I-9 PDF
the task
from the
M = Manual Task Example: M-Green New Hire
Step list.
C = Correspondence Task Example: C-Business Card

You may designate that special correspondence, called Notifications, be sent to the
assignee or owner of the Task. Notifications include Task Assignment
Correspondence (a message is sent to the assignee informing him/her that a task
has been assigned) and Task Completion Correspondence (once the task is
completed a message is sent to the process owner).
There are two options to configure in the notifications area:
1. Task Assignment Correspondence (sent to assignees) - email sent to task
assignee when task ready to be completed
2. Task Completion Correspondence (sent to owner) - email sent to process owner
when assignee completes the task.
There is a standard notification which will automatically be selected for the Task
Assignment notification. For a Fill in Form Task For manual tasks, you must select a
Task Assignment notification if you desire one. There are no Task Completion
notifications that are pre-selected on any task. You must manually select these if
you desire one.
You may also designate that Reminders be sent to the Task assignee, or to the Task
owner, a specified number of days before or after the Task due date.
Priority is a useful indicator of how urgently a Task should be executed - Low,
Medium, or High Priority. Note that Priority is simply a helpful indicator - its the
duration value that drives the formula behind the Task status, the appearance of the
progress bar, and any notifications or reminders dependent upon due dates.
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Even though you are legally required to give a new hire 10 days to complete
a certain Step, a High Priority might be assigned to the Task in that Step to
a. executing the Task early will expedite other Steps, which will get
them onboard faster
b. that the new hire should start as early as possible because the Task
in this Step may take several days to complete
c. executing the Task early would be appreciated by the Assignee
The Type drop-down menu allows you to classify the nature of Task you are creating
in greater detail. This classification will help others identify and review your specific
Tasks, both in Onboarding, and during Analytics and Reporting, but does not affect
the behavior of the Task.
Taleo recommends giving your Tasks a name that relates to the components and
action it involves. Use abbreviations whenever possible. You will give your Task a
Description and classify what Type of task it is so that it can easily be identified for
future use.
Tasks are subsequently used to create Steps within a Process. You can think of a
Task as the action to be done, and think of the Process Step as defining who does it
and when.

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Create a Fill User-defined Form Task

Exercise 2: Create a Send Correspondence Task
Exercise 3: Create a Manual Task
Exercise 4: Create an Open PDF Task

Exercise 1: Create a Fill User-defined Form Task

Scenario: You are continuing to build the Onboarding process. Your corporate
office is on a large campus and you need to designate a specific parking lot for the
New Hire's parking permit. You will create a task to fill in the appropriate parking
lot. This Task will later be associated to a step you assign to the Hiring Manager.

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Start from the Transitions Administration page.

Locate the Processes and Task Definitions section.

Click the Task Definitions link.
Take a moment to review the Task Definitions list screen.
List two Related Source materials connected with two tasks (your
You will now create a Task using a Parking Lot Form as the source
Click the Create link.

In the Properties area, locate the Code field. You will add your initials
to the Code and Name fields to distinguish your tasks in a later lesson.
Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Parking Form
- [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Parking Form
- [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Hiring
Manager will designate Parking Lot".
The Guidelines field is considered instructions for the task.
Guidelines can be useful to the assignee completing a task.


Enter the desired information into the Guidelines field. Enter "Consult
a campus map for complete parking information".

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Next, you will now designate a general Type for your Task.
Note: This Type does not impact the behavior of the Task but is just for
categorization and reporting purposes.
Click the Type list.

Click the Prepare parking or transport facilities list item.

Leave the Priority level at Normal.

Next, you will designate the Action type and the Related Source.
These two fields tell the system what to execute when this Step is
reached in the process.
Click the Action list.

Click the Fill user-defined form list item.

Locate the Related Source field.
Note: The selections for this field will now be limited to the available
Forms in the system.
Click the Search button.

Click the Parking Lot Form option.

Click the Select button.

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You have completed creating the Task. Notice that the status is Draft.
Next, you will verify notifications for the Task.
Click the Save button.

Locate the Notifications area.

Notice there are two notification options, one for Task Assignment and
one for Task Completion. You will accept the default Task
Assignment notification.
Note: To change either notification, you would click Edit link.

Next, you will Activate the Task. You must Activate the Task to make it
available later to associate to a Step. Locate the Activate button near
the top of the page.
Click the Activate button.

Navigate back to the Task Definition page using the Breadcrumb links.
Click the Task Definitions link.
Verify that your Task is on the list.
Note: If there is more than one page of tasks, refine the list using steps
21 through 24, otherwise, skip to step 25.
Click the Refine by list.

Click the Keyword list item.

Enter the desired information into the is field. Enter "[your initials]".
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Click the Refresh button.

Notice your list displays the Task you just created.
Do not navigate away from this page. You will start the next exercise
from here.
In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Task Definitions Page.
2. Verify that the Parking Form Task with the action Fill in
User-defined Form is listed and in Active status.

Exercise 2: Create a Send Correspondence Task

Scenario: Now that the Parking Lot has been designated in the previous Task, you
will create a correspondence Task to notify the Facilities department of the New
Hire's arrival.

Start from the Task Definitions page. You will create a Task to Send a
Parking Request correspondence.
Note: Do not change the keyword filter from the previous exercise.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Parking
Request - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Parking
Request - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter
"Facilities receives Parking Request for New Hire".

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Click the Type list.


Click the Prepare parking or transport facilities list item.

In this case, you are creating a Send Correspondence Task.
selected for you by default on the Action list.

This is

Locate the Related Source field.

Note: The selections for this field will now be limited to the available
Message Templates in the system.
Click the Search button.

Click the Parking Lot Request option.

Click the Select button.
You have completed setting up your task.
Click the Save button.

Notice there is no default Notification for Task Assignment.

select any notifications.

Do not

Note: Because this is a Send Correspondence task, the task will be

executed by sending an email, therefore, you do not need to send a
notification as an additional email for the Task.

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You must activate your Task.

Click the Activate button.

Return to the Task Definitions page using the Breadcrumb links.

Click the Task Definitions link.
Your Keyword filter should still be refining your list by the word "[your
initials]". Verify both your parking-related Tasks are listed. Your Tasks
should appear with your initials at the end.

Do not navigate away from this page.

from here.

You will start the next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Task Definitions Page.
2. Verify that the Parking Lot Request Task with the action
Send Correspondence is listed and in Active status.

Exercise 3: Create a Manual Task

Scenario: The final activity required to produce a valid parking permit for the New
Hire is to make sure the Facilities department produces the permit by the start date.
You will create a manual Task for this step. In addition, since this is a manual task,
you will add a reminder for the department to produce the permit 1 day before it's

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Start form the Task Definitions screen. You will create a Manual Task for
the Facilities department to make a parking permit.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Make Parking
Permit - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Make Parking
Permit - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter
"Facilities makes Parking Permit for New Hire".
Click the Type list.

Click the Prepare parking or transport facilities list item.

Click the Action list.

Click the Execute the task manually list item.

Notice there is no Related Source for a Manual Task.
Click the Save button.

Notice there is no standard notification to execute a Manual Task. In this

case, you will use Reminders to inform the assignee that the task should
be started.
For this Task, you will add a reminder to the Facilities department.
Locate the Reminders section.
Click the Create link.

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Review the options available. Leave the default settings to trigger a

reminder 1 day before due date.
Click the Save button.

Activate the Task.

Click the Activate button.

Return to the Task Definitions page.

Click the Task Definitions link.

You should now see three parking-related Tasks in your list.

Action column lists the different Action types you created.
Do not navigate away from this page.
from here.

Notice the

You will start the next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Task Definitions Page.
2. Verify that the Make Parking Permit Task with the action
Manual is listed and in Active status.

Exercise 4: Create an Open PDF Task

Scenario: You will create a final Task using the fourth task action type, Open PDF.
In this task you will be producing an Onboarding Summary form which will provide a
summary for the hiring manager at the end of the process.

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Start from the Task Definitions page. You will create an Open PDF Task
for an Onboarding Summary.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Onboarding
Summary PDF - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Onboarding
Summary PDF - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Create
Onboarding Summary PDF".
Click the Type list.

Click the Other list item.

Click the Action list.

Click the Open PDF list item.

You will now locate the PDF document as the Related Source.
Click the Search button.

Click the Onboarding Summary PDF option.

Click the Select button.
Click the Save button.
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You will leave the default standard notification designated for Task
Activate the Task.
Click the Activate button.

Return to the Task Definitions page.

Click the Task Definitions link.

Click the Refresh button.

Verify your Task is in Active status.
Notice the Recently Viewed Items list will give you quick access back
to the Tasks you created if needed.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Task Definitions Page.
2. Verify that the Onboarding Summary PDF Task with the
action Open PDF is listed and in Active status.
3. Return to the Transitions Administration Page.

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Apply It!
1. Describe a task you plan on using for your organizations process,
(do not use Welcome Letter or I-9 form as examples). Be prepared to
discuss your examples. (Correspondence, Fill in a Form, Send PDF,
Execute a Task Manually)

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1:
List two forms your organization might use for a Fill in user-defined
Form Task. Who would be the assignee for these forms?

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Lesson 6: Create Steps for Tasks and Add to a Process

Once Tasks have been created, you can create the associated Steps and add them
to your process. In Lesson 4 you created Steps to start your Corporate Process. In
this lesson, you will use the four tasks you created in Lesson 5 and create four
associated Steps. You will link these steps together through transitions arrows.

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Create Steps for Four Task Actions

Exercise 2: Create a Step for a non U.S. Identification Form
Exercise 3: Create Transitions to Link Steps Together
Exercise 1: Create Steps for Four Task Actions
Scenario: In the previous lesson you created four Tasks representing the four
different Task Actions (Forms, Send Correspondence, Manual, and Open PDF). In
order to get these Tasks executed in your process, you must associate each Task
with a Step. In this exercise, you will create a Step that executes each Task and add
the Steps to your Corporate process.

Start from the Transitions Administration page.
Locate the Processes and Task Definitions section.
Click the Processes link.

Locate the process you created earlier.

Click the Corporate - [your initials] link.

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Next, you will create Steps for each of the Tasks from the previous
Locate the Steps area.
Click the Create Step link.
You will be creating a Task.

Leave the default Step Type.

Click the Continue button.

The first Task will be the Parking Form.

method to locate this Task.

You will use the quick search

Enter the desired information into the Task field. Enter "parking".
Click the Search button.
Result: All Tasks containing the word parking display.
Click the Parking Form - [your initials] option.
Click the Select button.
Click the Continue button.
You will leave the default Duration. This Task will be assigned to the
Hiring Manager to complete the form.
Locate the Assignees section on the right side.
Click the Role link.

Select the box before the Hiring Manager item.


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Click the Select button.

Click the Finish button.
Use the Breadcrumb links to return to the process to see the current list
of Steps.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Your Step has been added to the list.

Parking Request Task.

Next, you will create a Step for the

Remember, this task will send a message with information from the
Parking Form.
Click the Create Step link.
Enter the desired information into the Task field. Enter "parking".
Click the Search button.
Click the Parking Request - [your initials] option.
Click the Select button.
Click the Continue button.
Designate the Facilities Department as the Assignee role to execute
this task.
Click the Role link.

Select the box before the Facilities Department item.

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Click the Select button.

Click the Finish button.
Locate the Breadcrumb links.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Next, you will add a third Step using the manual Task you created.
Click the Create Step link.
Click the Continue button.
Enter the desired information into the Task field. Enter "parking".
Click the Search button.
Click the Make Parking Permit - [your initials] option.
Click the Select button.
Click the Continue button.
In this case, you will give the Facilities Department three days to
complete this Task.
Click in the Duration (days) field.

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Enter the desired information into the Duration (days) field. Enter "3".
This Task will also be assigned to the Facilities Department.
Click the Role link.

Select the box before the Facilities Department item.

Click the Select button.
Click the Finish button.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.
The final Step in this exercise is for the Onboarding Summary PDF to
be created. Using the step by step approach from above, create this
Step on your own with the following information:
Task = Onboarding Summary PDF - [your initials]
Duration = 1
Assignee Role = Hiring Manager
Execute Step = When all previous steps have been completed
After Step Execution = Execute all subsequent steps
Click the Create Step link.

After you click the Finish button, move on to the next step.
Locate the Breadcrumb links.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Do not navigate away from this page.

from here.

You will start the next exercise

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In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Process - Corporate - [your initials] page.
2. Verify that the you see the following new Steps listed (in
addition to the Steps created in Lesson 4):

Parking Form

Parking Request

Make Parking Permit

Onboarding Summary PDF

Exercise 2: Create a Step for a non U.S. Identification Form

Scenario: In lesson four you added a Step for the I-9 Data Form. This is a U.S.
Government form for identification. You will need a similar form for non U.S.
positions. You will create this Step using the pre-loaded Identification Form. This
step will be important in the next exercise because you will be using Transitions to
split the process into two paths, one for U.S. positions and one for non U.S.


10Start from the Corporate - [your initials] process page.

Note: You will create one more Step in this series to use as an
alternative path for non-U.S. positions.
Using the same step by step approach from the previous exercise,
create this Step on your own with the following information:
Task = Identification Form (non U.S.)
Duration = 1
Assignee Role = New Hire
Execute Step = When all previous steps have been completed
After Step Execution = Execute all subsequent steps
Click the Create Step link.

Move on to the next step after you have clicked the Finish button.
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Locate the Breadcrumb links.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Do not navigate away from this page.

from here.

You will start the next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Process - Corporate - [your initials] page.
2. Verify that the you see the following Step listed:

Identification Form (non U.S.)

Exercise 3: Create Transitions to Link Steps Together

Scenario: You now have four additional Steps associated with your process, but
you must add Transitions to link the Steps together in the desired order. At the end
of this exercise, you will have seven Steps linked together in your Corporate
Process. Due to the fact that the I-9 Form and the Identification Form will be for
different locations, you are going to use multiple Transitions to create a split in the

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that you have created many of the Steps you need, you will link
these Steps within the process in the desired order. The order of the
Steps and Transitions will look as follows:

Note: Remember you always start a Transition from the source Step,
not the destination Step.
Start form the Process page.

Locate the Steps area.

Click the Parking Form [your initials] link.

Note: Most of these Steps can also be accessed from the Recently
Viewed Items. You can also create Transitions from the Transitions
tab on the Process properties page where you can view all your Steps
and Transitions.
Make your first Transition from the Parking Form to the Parking
Request Step.
Click the Create link.

Your From Step is already selected for you.

Click the To step list.

Click the Parking Request [your initials] list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.

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Locate the Breadcrumb links.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.
Next you will link the Parking Request to the Make Parking Permit
Locate the Steps area.
Click the Parking Request [your initials] link.

Click the Create link.

Click the To step list.

Click the Make Parking Permit [your initials] list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.
Locate the Breadcrumb links.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

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Next, you will link the Make Parking Permit Step to two different
Steps, the I-9 Form Step and the Identification Form (non U.S.)
Step. This will cause the process to split at this point. You will merge
the process back together at the Week 1 Checklist Step.
Locate the Steps area.
Click the Make Parking Permit link.

Click the Create link.

Click the To step list.

Click the I-9 Form list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.
Locate the Breadcrumb links.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

On your own, create one more Transition from the Make Parking
Permit to link it additionally to the Identification Form Step.
Move on to the next step after you have clicked the Finish button.
Return to the Step - Make Parking Permit page.
Breadcrumb links.

Locate the

Click the Step - Make Parking Permit link.

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Your Transitions list for the Make Parking Permit Step should appear
as the one below.

Return to the Process page.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

You will now preview your process with the new Transitions in place.
Click the Preview link.
Verify that the transitions you created so far are in place.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.
You will create a Transition from the Identification Form (non U.S.) to
the Week 1 Checklist Step. Previously, you had created a Transition
from the I-9 Form to the Week 1 Checklist Step. This Transition is still
in place.
The Week 1 Checklist will receive two transitions that will merge the
process at this Step.
Notice when you are in the Process page view, several Quick Access
links on the left pane are provided for common process-related
activities. You can access Create Transition from this area without
navigating into a Step.

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Locate the Quick Access area on the left pane.

Click the Create Transition link.
Click the From Step list.

Click the Identification Form (non-U.S.) list item.

Click the To step list.

Click the Week 1 Checklist list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.
Return to the Process page.

Locate the Breadcrumb links.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

On your own, create a Transition from the Week 1 Checklist Step to

the Onboarding Summary PDF Step for the final Transition in this
Use the Create Transition link in the Quick Access area to get started.

Move on to the next step after you have clicked the Finish button.

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Return to the Process page.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

View the Transitions Tab from the Process page and examine the list of
Transitions on your process.
Click the Transitions tab.

You will now preview your process with the new Transitions in place.
Click the Preview link.
Use the Checkpoint below to verify your Process Preview appears as the
Return to the Process page.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your Process - Corporate - [your initials]
2. Click the Preview link at the top of the page.
3. Verify that the Process Preview appears as the one

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Apply It!

1. In your organizations own process(es), describe a step where you

will split into two or more steps.
2. In your organizations own process(es), describe a step where you
will merge the process back into one step.

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1:
Describe how you would split a process from a single Step.

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Lesson 7: Add Conditions to Transitions

In the previous lesson you used several Transitions to link Steps together in the
desired order. In some cases, you would not want the Step to occur unless one or
more conditions were met. For example, once the process reaches the Week 1
Checklist Step, you do not want this Step executed until one day after the start
Conditions are a good way to make your processes more flexible by creating certain
paths to be engaged if a certain situation occurs. Conditions are created on each
Transition screen. To get to a Condition, the path is Process
When previewing a process, a Transition which contains a Condition will be marked
with a bolded arrow.

There are two types of conditions that you can create:

1. Date-based: These conditions will wait for a certain time before engaging
the transition.
Example: Seven days after the start date.
2. Field-based: These conditions will look at a data field for a match before
engaging the transition.
Example: Requisition Location = United States.
Start Date Conditions
In Taleo, you will see a both an Operator and Value field to designate your condition.
For Start date conditions, your operator will be Is less than or equal to.

Your Value will depend on how many days before or after the start date you want
the Step to occur in the process. Use zero (0) as the start date and enter whole
numbers above and below to designate the desired timing. Use the chart below as
a reference when filling in start date values.
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Value Field

Two weeks before start date
One week before start date
One day before start date
Start date
One day after start date
One week after start date
Two weeks after start date
Sixty days after start date

Field-based Conditions
For Field-based Conditions, you can pick from a variety of field categories such as
fields for candidate personal information and requisition fields including Location,
Organization, and Job Field. Other Examples:
1. Offer_WF allows you to pick various offer-related fields such
Annualized Salary and Relocation Type.
2. eSignature allows you to pick eSignature variations and dates.

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Add a Date-based Condition to a Transition

Exercise 2: Add a Field-based Condition to a Transition

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Exercise 1: Add a Date-based Condition to a Transition

Scenario: You are continuing to refine your corporate process. Now that you have
all your transitions built, you realize that you want to put some conditions on some
of the transitions. The Week 1 Checklist Step should occur on the start date. This
will give the New Hire a checklist of things to complete during the first week on
board. Also, the Onboarding Summary PDF should be executed out one week
following the start date to close out the process.


12Start from the Process - Corporate - [your initials] page.

First, you will put a date-based condition on the Transition going from
the I-9 Data Form to the Week 1 Checklist.
Conditions are attached to Transitions which can be found on the
individual Steps in the process. If you are not sure where to begin, it's a
good idea to take a look at the process preview first.
Click the Preview link.
Verify the location of the Transition on which you want to add the
Notice the Transition from the I-9 Form is not bold at this time.

Return to the Process page.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Start by accessing the Transitions tab to view all your Transitions in a


Locate the From i-9 From To Week 1 Checklist transition.

Click the From I-9 Form To Week 1 Checklist link.

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Locate the Conditions section.

Click the Create link.

Enter a basic name that will describe clearly what Condition you are
adding to this Transition.
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Start date".
Click the Field list and review some of the available Field categories for

The specific date field you want will be in the CurrentProcess category.
Click the Current Process list item.
A second list will allow you to choose a specific field, in this case, the
start date.
Click the second list.
Click the StartDate list item.
Click the Operator list.
Note: In most cases you will choose Is Less than or equal to when
date values are used as the condition.

Click the Is less than or equal to list item.

The Value field is where you will indicate your desired date. Base all
dates in terms of number of days before, on, or after "0" as the start
In this case, you will enter "0" for this Step to occur on the start date.
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Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "0".
Click the Save button.
You have completed adding a Condition to this Transition.
Note: In theory, you should add the same Condition to the Transition
from the Identification Form (non U.S.) to the Week 1 Checklist.
For this exercise we will not add the duplicate Condition.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.
Next, you will add one more date-based Condition to the Transition from
the Week 1 Check List to the Onboarding Summary PDF.
This time, access the Transition you want directly from the Recently
Viewed Items on the left pane.
Click the From Week 1 Checklist To Onboarding Summary PDF link.


The Transition between the two Steps displays.

Next, you will add a date-based Condition to start this Step one week
after the start date.
Locate the Conditions section.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "One week
after start date".
Using the two Field menus, select the following values:
1. CurrentProcess
2. Start date
Click the Operator list.

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Click the Is less than or equal to list item.

Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "7".
Note: Any number above 0 is the number of days after the start date.
Click the Save button.
Return to the process to view your work.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Click the Preview link.

Use the Checkpoint below to verify your Process Preview appears as the
Notice the two Transition arrows with Conditions are now bold. This is
your visual indication that these Transitions contain some type of
In the next exercise, you will add a field-based Condition to a different

Return to the process.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Do not navigate away from this page.

from here.

You will start the next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Process - Corporate - [your initials] page.
2. Click the Preview link.
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3. Verify that your process diagram looks like the one

below. Note the bold Transitions.

Exercise 2: Add a Field-based Condition to a Transition

Scenario: The current process contains an I-9 Form. This is a U.S. Government
form that is only appropriate for positions located in the United States. The
Identification Form (non U.S.) will be used for positions outside the United States.
You will put a field-based condition on the Transition to the I-9 Data Form which will
direct all U.S. positions to this Step. Other positions, not meeting this condition, will
be routed to the Identification Form (non U.S.) Step.


this exercise you will be adding a field-based Condition to a

Transition. The I-9 Form is a U.S. Government form and should only be
completed if the position is in the U.S.
You will add a location condition to the Transition from the previous Step,
Make Parking Permit, to the I-9 Form Step.
Start on the Process page and access the Step that contains the
Transition you will be working with.
Click the Make Parking Permit link.
Click the From Make Parking Permit To I-9 Data Form link.
Click the Create link.
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "U.S. Only".

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The desired field is the Location field on the Requisition in the

Requisition _WF category. Using the two Field menus, select the
following values:
1. Requisition_WF
2. LocationCountry
Click the Operator list.

Click the Is OR is in list item.

Next, you will specify which Location condition must be met.
case, you will select United States.

In this

Click the Add link.

Locate the Refine by Keyword field at the top of the page.

Click in the contains field.

Enter the desired information into the contains field. Enter "united
Click the Refresh button.
Select the box before the United States item.
Click the Select button.
Click the Save button.

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Return to the Process.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Click the Preview link.

Use the Checkpoint below to verify your Process Preview appears as the
Notice the Transition arrow between the Make Parking Permit Step
and the I-9 Form Step is bold, indicating at least one Condition has
been added to that Transition.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Process - Corporate - [your initials] page.
2. Click the Preview link.
3. Verify that your process diagram looks like the one
below. Note the bold Transition between Make Parking
Permit and I-9 Data Form.

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Apply It!

1. Give an example in your organizations process(es) where you plan

on using a date-based condition. Describe the numeric value of
this condition as it would appear in the Condition properties screen
in Taleo Transitions .
2. Give an example in your organizations process(es) where you plan
on using a field-based condition. Describe the field and value for
this example.

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1:
Suppose your organization contained a Job Field element for "Sales".
How would you put a condition on a transition only for those
individuals who are filling "Sales Positions"? (do not save any work for
this exercise, just explain the procedure).

Hint: Go to any Step in a process with a transition. In the Conditions

section, click on Create locate the position field variables.

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Lesson 8: Create User-defined Fields and User-defined Selections

User-defined fields, often referred to as UDFs, are fields that are created by your
organization and not Taleo. User-defined fields are usually created when there is not
an appropriate or equivalent Taleo standard field to capture certain information.
Before creating User-defined fields, it is important to understand the basic field
behavior of the standard fields provided in Taleo.
Editable vs Read-only Fields
All of the below Recruiting standard fields and user-defined fields are available in
Transitions, no need to select an option to show them in Transitions. The Transitions
Administrator can always configure them onto forms, message templates,
documents, content pages. Recruiting fields are available under Configuration >
[Recruiting] Administration > Fields.
Candidate standard fields and user-defined fields: These fields are created in
Recruiting Administration.
They can be displayed and updated in the Recruiting Center and the Transitions
Center. They can also be
updated by candidates/new hires in the Career Section.
Submission standard fields and user-defined fields: These fields are created
in Recruiting Administration.
They can be displayed and updated in the Transitions Center but not in the
Recruiting Center.
Offer standard fields and user-defined fields: These fields can only be readonly when displayed on
Transitions forms because there are proper ways to update these fields within the
Recruiting product.
Requisition standard fields and user-defined fields: These fields can only be
read-only when displayed on Transitions forms because there are proper ways to
update these fields within the Recruiting product.
Department standard fields and user-defined fields: These fields can only be
read-only when displayed on Transitions forms because there are proper ways to
update these fields within the Recruiting product.
Transitions User-Defined Fields
Transitions user-defined fields are created under Configuration > [Transitions]
Administration > User-defined
Fields. You must select one of the objects below before defining your UDF:
Transitions Process user-defined fields: Transitions Process user-defined fields
are specific to the process. These fields are created in Transitions Administration.
They can be displayed and updated on any assigned Transitions form for any
Transitions assignee, but cannot be used in Recruiting at all, not by candidates nor
Recruiting Center users.
Personal Information user-defined fields: These fields are created in
Transitions Administration. They can be displayed and updated in the Transitions
Center but not in the Recruiting Center. These fields are persistent for the person in
all processes. Each time a new Transitions process of any type gets launched for the
person, the values in these fields will be displayed again and can be updated.
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There is no limit in the number of Transitions UDFs that you can create. However, a
best practice is to
limit that number to 100.
Viewing and Editing Fields in Recruiting and Transitions
The table below summarizes where fields are created, viewable and editable in both
the Recruiting and Transitions products and which fields are shared by both

Uses for User-defined Fields in Transitions

Some potential uses for User-defined Fields in Transitions are:
In a Form

To collect Survey answers

Display status
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In Correspondence

To include Logistics for the new position

In Documents

To include directions to a work location

You must designate a user-defined field type. User-defined field type options will be
driven by the User-defined Selections that have been created and activated. You
may select from pre-defined types, as well as from user-defined (selections). The
pre-defined types are:
Field Type

User-defined field of type
True/False. In a userdefined form, it is
with a check box.


User-defined field
containing whole
numbers. Numerical
fields can only accept
digits, not commas,
decimal points nor
leading zeros. If a field is
intended to
capture numbers that will
contain this type of
punctuation, then the
Administrator who
creates the form should
create and use a UDF of
type Text


User-defined field
containing a date.

Date and Time Zone

User-defined field
containing a date and a


User-defined field
containing numbers and
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Multilingual text

User-defined field
containing more than one
value in different

Any User-defined (custom created) selections will appear at the bottom of the dropdown menu. Consult the Transitions Configuration Guide for more information on
Electronic Signature (eSignature)
Taleo allows you to configure and insert a tracked, validated electronic signature
into forms and documents. The user can be asked to give some identifying
information confirming his/her identity. For instance, the system can validate if the
data entered matches the last four digits of the employees SSN, his zip/postal code
or even his Taleo password. If the required information is correct, the form can be
submitted. Otherwise the form cannot be completed.
Up to 50 electronic signatures can be created. You should only use a single
signature one time. Reusing an electronic signature in more than one form means it
will appear to be pre-signed. For example, if you use the eSignature1 in an I-9 Form,
you cannot use it in the Sexual Harassment form for the same employee. You would
need to configure and select eSignature2.
It is important to never reuse a signature field but instead define a single electronic
signature which is intended to be used on each separate form. If the administrator
places the same electronic signature onto two (or more) forms, then it can appear
to the end-users as if the second form has already been signed, on the date when
the first form was signed. Then a second signature would be required, which would
overwrite the information about when the first form was really signed.

For fully legally compliant electronic signature, the IP address and timestamp are
tracked. The History section also displays who provided the signature and when.
eSignature Tokens (for each of 50 eSignatures configured) are provided for
additional eSignature data on forms per below including IP Address.

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When including an eSignature on a form, pay close attention to the Instructions and
text used for labeling the field. In most cases you will modify these text labels to
make them relevant for the assignees.
Note: Always ensure you have gathered all the employees data to match against
the selected values as electronic signatures. For example, don't include the last
four digits of the Social Security # in an eSignature if you have not collected that
data in Onboarding (either through input or synchronization).

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Create a User-defined Selection
Exercise 2: Create a User-defined Field
Exercise 3: Examine eSignature Options
Exercise 1: Create a User-defined Selection
Scenario: In an upcoming step you will need to create a form to designate the
needed computer and phone equipment for the new hire. Since this is a not a
standard Taleo field, you will have to create a user-defined field for this use. Before
you create the field, you will need to create the selection list for the field. This will
later be included in the Domain menu when you create the User-defined field. This
exercise will cover creating the selection first.

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14Start from the Transitions Administration page.

First, you will create a Selection list of equipment for your User-defined
field. These items in the selection list are called Elements.
Locate the User-defined Fields section.
Click the User-defined Selections link.
The current list of selections displays.
Click the Create link.

For all the Codes and Names in this lesson, you will add your initials so
you can easily identify your items later.
Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Equipment [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Equipment 319.
[your initials]".
Display your elements in alphabetical order.
Click the Order list.

Click the Alphabetical Order list item.

Click the Save button.
Next, you will create the Elements in the list.

You will create five

Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Laptop Only".
Enter the desired information into the Name (English) field. Enter
"Laptop Only".
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Click the Save button.

Your elements start to appear on the list.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Desktop and
Desk Phone".
Enter the desired information into the Name (English) field. Enter
"Desktop and Desk Phone".
Click the Save button.
On your own, use the same step by step approach from above to create
three more elements:
- Laptop and Blackberry
- Desktop only
- None
To begin, click the Create link.
Move on to the next step after you have clicked the Save button.

You will need to activate each element in order for it to appear in the
Click the Activate button for each element.
Result: The Status column should display Active for all elements.

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You must also activate the selection itself in order for it to appear on the
Domain list when creating the User-defined Field.
Locate the Activate button near the top of the page.
Click the Activate button.

Return to Transitions Administration.

Click the Transitions Administration link.

Verify your selection is listed and active on the available list of

Click the User-defined Selections object.
The Equipment - [your initials] selection you created should be listed
and in Active status.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

Do not navigate away from this page.

from here.

You will start the next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to User-defined Selections page.
2. Verify your Equipment - [your initials] is on the list and
in active status.

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Exercise 2: Create a User-defined Field

Scenario: Now that you have built the list of selections for your field, you will build
the Computer and Phone user-defined field. This field will later be added to a form
you create.


you will create the User-defined Field and point to the selection
list you created earlier.
Click the User-defined Fields link.
You must select an Object or category, to associate to the field.
case, you will use Personal Information.

In this

Note: More information on Objects is available in the overview of this

Click the Personal Information link.

Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Computer and
Phone - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name (English) field. Enter
"Computer and Phone - [your initials]".
The Domain is where you select your type of field. In this case, it will
be a selection field, so you will locate the selection you created earlier.
Click the Domain list.

Click the Equipment - [your initials] list item.

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Indicate how the user will choose within the selection, single or multiple
Click the Selection list.

Click the Single list item.

Click the Save button.
You do not need to activate the field (it is automatically active). Return
to the list of fields in the Assignment category using breadcrumb links at
the top of the page.
Click the User-defined Fields Personal Information link.
Verify your field is listed.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to User-defined Fields.
2. Click the Assignment category.
3. Verify your Equipment - [your initials] is on the list and
in active status.

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Exercise 3: Examine eSignature Options

Scenario: You anticipate the need to use electronic signatures on your forms and
want to verify the signature you will request of new hires for a form. This exercise is
for exploratory purposes only. You will not add an eSignature to a form.


16Start from Transitions Administration.

Locate the User-defined Fields section.

Click the User-defined Electronic Signatures link.

Notice there is a choice of over 50 eSignatures you can configure, name

and use on various forms. You should not use the same signature in
more than one form. You are looking for an eSignature that includes the
last name verification.
Click on any Signature Code link.

List four Signature types you can assign to an eSignature field.

Click the Cancel button.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

There is no checkpoint for this exercise.

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Apply It!

1. Give some examples of User-defined Fields you will create for use
in your organizations process.
2. At what point(s) in the process to you plan on collecting the New
Hires eSignature?

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1:
Create a new UDF and review some of the other available Domains.
Can you create a new UDF that will store a value for Date and Time
Do not save your work.

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Lesson 9: Create a User-defined Form

Forms in Transitions allow new hires or other participants to provide specific
information to the system by entering values into Fields in an online Form, then
submitting it.
Taleo Transitions uses a form builder to assist in the formatting and personalization
of a custom form. You can add text, change labels, assign default values, and make
fields required among many other formatting options.
Forms with User-defined Fields allow the viewer to choose from a User-defined
Selection, which then fills the UDF with these values.
Field Chooser
Fields can be selected from the Field Chooser and dragged into the form. The
selection categories, at the top of the Field Chooser help narrow the list of available
fields. All UDFs are also available on the Field Chooser.

I-9 Form (U.S.)

For those U.S. organizations that utilize the I-9 Form, Transitions includes a preloaded I-9 Form for your use to help save time. This form reflects the latest changes
from government modifications as of May 2013, but should not be considered
compliant at all times. Organizations need to check with government policies and
compliance officers and make any necessary modifications to the preloaded form as
needed. The field chooser includes additional fields unique to the I-9 form.

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Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Create a User-defined Form with a UDF

Exercise 2: Create a Form-based Task and Step and add to the

Exercise 1: Create a User-defined Form with a UDF

Scenario: Now that your equipment UDF is created, you will create a simple form
that incorporates the field into the form. The Hiring Manager will fill in this form to
designate the equipment needed for the new hire.


17Start from Transitions Administration.

Locate the User-defined Forms section.
Click the User-defined Forms link.
Take a moment to review some of the default forms in the list.
Next, you will create a simple form containing a field for the new hire's
name and the Computer and Phone UDF you created earlier.
Click the Create link.

Start by filling in a Code and Name for the form.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Computer and
Phone Form - [your initials]".
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Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Computer
and Phone Form - [your initials]".
The next section contains the Page Content. This is where the content
of the form is designed and controls what the user will see on the form.
Before working with the Page Content, get familiar with the Toolbox and
Field Chooser areas on the left pane.
1. Mouse over the tools buttons and read the tooltips (not all tools will
be available when the content page is empty).
2. Click the Field Chooser list and explore the different categories. You
will use some of these categories to locate specific fields for your form.
Note: The field category you choose from the list will dictate which
fields are available to drag and drop over to the Page Content area.
Locate the Page Content area. When creating a new form, there are
three default sections. You will want to change or remove the titles of
the sections for your form.
Locate the Default section title for the first (top) section.
Click the Default section title link.

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Notice the section is outlined in blue when selected.

outline, you are selecting an element on the form.

When you see this

The Selected Element Properties area appears at the bottom of the

form. You can change specific items about this element or area of the
form there.

With the Default section title selected, located the Selected

Element Properties at the bottom of the page.
Locate the Value field.
Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "Computer
and Phone form for:".

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Notice the title changed in the first section of the Page Content area

Next you will add the new hire's full name field to this section.
Locate the Field Chooser on the left pane.
Click the Field Chooser list.

Click the PersonalInfo list item.

Click the FullName field and drag the mouse to the first section
beneath the title.
Release the mouse to insert the FullName field into the form.

Next, you will prepare the second section to add your Computer and
Phone UDF.
Locate the Default section title for the second section.
Click the Default section title link.

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With the Default section title selected, locate the Selected Element
Properties at the bottom of the page.
Locate the Value field.
Delete the contents of the Value field (you will not have any title for this

Next, you will insert the Computer and Phone UDF into the second
Click the Field Chooser list.

Click the PersonalInfo list item.

Scroll down in the field list and locate the UDF_Computer and Phone 375.
[your initials] field.
Click the UDF_Computer and Phone - [your initials] field and drag
the mouse to the second section.

Your second section should appear as the one below.


Depending on which row you placed the field; there will be extra rows
within the second section. You will use the Delete the Selected Row
tool in the Toolbox to remove extra rows.
Select any extra (non-used) row in the second section.

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Locate the Toolbox in the left pane.

Click the Delete the selected row button.

Repeat this action to remove two more extra rows.

Select the rows one at a time and click the Delete the selected
row button.
Next, you will change the Properties for the Computer and Phone UDF.
Click on the Computer and Phone - [your initials] field to select it.

The Selected Element Properties area will display below the form.
Locate the Field Type list.
Click the Field Type list.
Click the Drop-down List list item.
Locate the Instructions field.
Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "Select
Laptop and Blackberry for field positions".

Finally, make this field mandatory.

Click the Mandatory list.

Click the Yes list item.


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Scroll up to the top of the form. As a final edit, you will delete the last
Default section title in the form.
Click the Default section title in the third section.
In the Selected Element Properties below, delete the contents of the
Value field.

You have completed creating the form.

Click the Save button.

You can preview your form. This preview will not be completely
accurate, but will give you a general idea of how the form will appear
Locate your form on the list.
Click the Preview link.
Return to the User-defined Form page using the Breadcrumb link.
Click the User-defined Forms link.
Finally, you must activate your form in order to use it later in a Task.
Click the Activate button.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
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exercise successfully, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to User-defined Forms page.
2. Verify your Computer and Phone Form - [your initials] is
on the list and in active status.

Exercise 2: Create a Form-based Task and Step and add to the Process
Scenario: Now that you've created the source material for a step in the process,
you must first create a Task with the form as your Related Source and then add the
Step containing that Task to the process.


18Start from Transitions Administration.

Now that your form is created, you will create a Task using the form as
the Related Source.
Click the Task Definitions link.
Click the Create link.
Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Computer and
Phone Form - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Computer
and Phone Form - [your initials]".
Click the Type list.

Click the Order computer hardware and software list item.


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Click the Action list.


Click the Fill user-defined form list item.

Locate the Related Source field.
Click the Search button.

Click the Computer and Phone Form - [your initials] option.

Click the Select button.
Click the Save button.
You must activate your Task.
Click the Activate button.

Return to Transitions Administration.

Click the Transitions Administration link.

Next, you will add this Task to a new Step in the process.
Click the Processes link.
Click the Corporate - [your initials] link.
Click the Create Step link.
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Click the Continue button.

Click the Search button.

Click the Computer and Phone Form - [your initials] option.

Click the Select button.
Click the Continue button.
Click in the Duration (days) field and change from 1 to "2".

This Step will be assigned to the hiring manager.

Click the Role link.

Select the box before the Hiring Manager item.

Click the Select button.
Click the Finish button.
Return to the Process page.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

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Click the Preview link.

Notice the new Step is not yet linked to the process.
You will add four more Steps later and link all the Steps together for the
final process.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your Corporate Process - [your initials]
2. Click the Preview link
3. Verify your process diagram looks like the one below.
Note: Occasionally, when there is a unlinked Step, the
system will show all the other steps as not linked and the
unlinked Step between the Start and End. If this is the case
with your diagram, it will not affect your process and will
adjust itself once all Steps are linked.

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Apply It!

1. What types of forms do your anticipate creating for your

organizations process(es)? Be prepared to discuss your answers?

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1: Access User-defined Forms. Create a new form.

Using the Insert a section tool in the Toolbox, create a new section,
nested within another section, in your Form.
What differences in appearance are there when using this technique?
Explore More 2: Using the Insert a table tool in the Toolbox, create
a new table in your Form.
What layout advantages are there to using this technique?
Cancel all work when finished.

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Lesson 10: Create Correspondence

In Onboarding, Correspondence refers to an email that is sent to one or more
recipients in the process. The content of the email is referred to as a Message
Template in Taleo Transitions . You can create and manage these messages from
the Message Templates section of Transitions Administration.
There are two types of Message Templates:
a. Custom content
b. Document-based content
a. Custom content is built by adding text entries, with rich text and HTML
formatting, to your Message Template. Available variables can also be used to
personalize parts of the message. You can pull in UDF's in these messages as well
which can contain values that were previously filled out in a User-defined form.
Example of using a UDF in a Message Template: If you created a
Computer Request form with a question about Computer Type for the Hiring
Manager to fill out, you can insert the Computer Type field into a Message
Template to send an email with that information to the IT department.
b. Document-based content is built by selecting one of the Documents that is active
and available in your system. This method is not typically used with most
message templates.
There are three steps to creating message templates.
1. In step one, you create the message template properties which include the
name of the template as well as the designated recipient(s).

2. In step two, you create the custom content which includes using text editing
tools as well as adding additional variables or fields to the text if needed.

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Note: If you have previously created text Documents (created in the

Document area), you can Select Document to access stored documents
rather than select Custom Content.
3. In step three, you have the option to add attachments to your messages
which are files you have on your computer, not in the Onboarding system.

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Create Message Templates for Computer and

Phone Requests
Exercise 2: Create Welcome Message Template for New

Exercise 1: Create Message Templates for Computer and Phone Requests

Scenario: Once the Hiring Manager fills in the needed computer and/or phone
equipment, the results have to be communicated to the appropriate departments to
take action. You will create a message template for the IT department to set up the
requested computer. If a Blackberry phone is requested, you will also create a
message template for the Mobile Device manager to receive a request for a
Blackberry phone.
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19Start on the Transitions Administration page.

You will create two message templates to be used to request computer
and mobile device (Blackberry) equipment.
Later you will create Tasks and Steps using these messages.
Locate the Correspondence section.
Click the Message Templates link.
Take a moment to view the list of available Message Templates.
List at least one message template that was used earlier in a Send
Correspondence Task.
Next, you will create the first message template which includes the
Computer and Phone UDF you created earlier. This message is
intended to go to the IT department.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "IT Request 427.
[your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "IT Request 428.
[your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "IT
Request for new hire equipment".
Examine the types of Message Format options available.
Click the Message Format list.

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Leave the default of HTML Text.

Click the HTML Text list item if necessary.
Note: With any Send Correspondence task, the message will be sent to
the Assignee selected at the Step level. Any email variables placed at
the Message Template level will be in addition to that Assignee.
In this example, you will add a Cc to the manager's email.
Locate the Available Variables.
Scroll to find the {RequisitionOwners.ManagerCorporateEmail}
Note: You may also type in part of the variable name in the Available
Variables field to quicken the search.
Highlight the {RequisitionOwners.ManagerCorporateEmail}.
Drag and drop the {RequisitionOwners.ManagerCorporateEmail}
variable to the Cc field

Next, designate a subject line for the message.

Enter the desired information into the Subject field. Enter "IT
Equipment Request for: ".
Note: Make sure you add a space after the colon.
Add a variable for the new hire's name. Highlight the
{PersonalInfo_Para.FullName} variable.
Drag and drop the {PersonalInfo_Para.FullName} variable to the
Subject field after the text you entered per the sample below.

Click the Save button.

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You have completed the Properties area.

text of the message.

Next, you will create the body

Locate the Content area.

Click the Custom Content link.
Next, on your own, create content using the available variables and
entering text into the Content field per the sample below (bold
formatting is optional).
Notice you have four variables in this section.

In the next part of the message you will add your Computer and
Phone UDF. Create some introductory text for this area.
Enter 2 spaces (press <ENTER> twice) on your computer to create a
new line. Enter the desired information below the first section.
Enter "Computer and Phone:".
Locate the {PersonalInfo_Para.UDF_Computer and Phone - [your
initials]} variable. Highlight the variable.
Drag and drop the {PersonalInfo_Para.UDF_Computer and Phone [your initials]} variable beneath the Computer and Phone text.
Your text should appear as the sample below.

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Verify your final message appears as the sample below.


Before saving, Highlight and copy (CTRL C or right click Copy) the four
lines of text per the sample below. You will paste this same text into the
next message to save time.

Click the Save button.

View your template before activating (this link is in the Content area).
Click the Preview link.
Return to the IT Request [your initials] message.
Click the Template - IT Request [your initials] link.
Activate your message template.
Click the Activate button.

Return to the Message Templates page.

Click the Message Templates link.

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Next, you will create a second simple message for the Mobile Device
manager to receive all Blackberry requests.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Blackberry
Request - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Blackberry
Request- [your initials]".
Note: Do not copy and paste from the Code. Type in using the
keyboard, so the clipboard maintains your previous copied information.
Enter the desired information into the Subject field. Enter "Blackberry
Request for: ".
Locate the {PersonalInfo_Para.FullName} variable.
Highlight the {PersonalInfo_Para.FullName}.
Drag and drop the {PersonalInfo_Para.FullName} variable to the
Subject field after the text you entered.

Click the Save button.

Next, you will enter the body text.
Click the Custom Content link.

"Blackberry Request for: " into the first line.

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Paste in the text you copied from the IT Request message per the
sample below.

You will add some bold formatting.

for: text.

Highlight the Blackberry Request

Click the Bold button.

You have completed the second message template.

Click the Save button.

Preview your message before activating.

Click the Preview link.
Return to Blackberry request message.
Click the Template - Blackberry Request [your initials] link.
Click the Activate button.
Return to the Message Templates page.
Click the Message Templates link.
Do not navigate away from this page.
from here..

You will start the next exercise

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In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Message Templates List.
2. Verify IT Request - [your initials] and Blackberry
Request - [your initials] message templates are listed and
in Active status.

Exercise 2: Create Welcome Message Template for New Hire

Scenario: You have a final message template to create. This message will go to
the new hire upon the initial launching of the New Hire process. The new hire will
receive a link in the message to go to their personalized New Hire Portal and being
their new hire tasks.


This exercise involves creating a Welcome Message with a link to

the Career Section for the New Hire to complete tasks. Be aware that
the system provides a standard notification with the Career Section URL
for this purpose as well.
Start from the Message Templates page.
You will now create a final message template to be used as a welcome
message to the new hire. This message will contain a link to the Career
Section (Tasks tab).
Click the Create link.
Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Welcome
Message - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Welcome
Message - [your initials]".
Scroll down.

Locate the Subject field.

Enter the desired information into the Subject field. Enter "Welcome ".
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Next, you will add the variable for the new hire's full name to the subject
Locate the Available Variables list. Use the Available Variables search
field to more quickly locate the variable you are looking for.

Enter the desired information into the Available Variables field. Enter
Press the <Enter> key on your keyboard.
Highlight the

{PersonalInfo_Para.FullName} variable.

Drag and drop the {PersonalInfo_Para.FullName} variable to the

Subject field after the word Welcome to appear as the sample below.

Click the Save button.

Next, you will add Custom Content to the message.
Click the Custom Content link.

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Locate the Content field.


Use the sample below to construct your

Make sure all variables are as they appear in the sample below.
When finished, move on to the next step.

The URL will appear in the Welcome Message as a regular URL string. If
you wanted to give it a 'mask' such as the example below, you will need
to perform some additional steps.

You will make a mask for the New Hire Portal URL.
Highlight the URL variable for the New Hire Portal and copy to the

Before or after the URL variable, type the text "Access your
onboarding tasks."

Highlight the text (do not copy, just highlight).

Click the Insert or edit link tool.

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Click the Protocol list.


Click the <other> list item.

Paste the URL variable for Career Section Tasks into the URL field.

Click the OK button.

Delete the URL variable text so only the masked link remains.
Click the Save button.
Click the Activate button.
Return to the Message Templates page.
Click the Message Templates link.
Verify that your Welcome Message - [your initials] is on the list and
in Active status.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Message Templates List.
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2. Verify that your Welcome Message - [your initials]

message template is listed and in Active status.

Apply It!

1. Give a few examples of messages your organization plans to

incorporate into your New Hire process(es)?

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1: Custom content can be edited as HTML source. Go

into the system and create a new text message. Use the available
HTML formatting tools to create different styles and size text. Add a
bulleted list below it.
Cancel your work.

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Lesson 11: Create Content Pages

A Content Page is simply a step in the process that shows the recipient a page of
information. This page can display rich content such as text w/graphics, lists of PDF
documents, web and video links, etc.
Administrators can configure an unlimited number of Content Pages to include as
steps in the process and pages can be designated for groupings in the OLF structure
or by any field conditions.
In this example, a new hire has accessed the Tasks tab on a career section and is
on the 2nd step of a new hire task list. This step displays a content page step which
includes text, images and links to documents.
A new hire at a different location could see a similar but localized version at this
same step in the process. These content tasks must be completed by clicking the
Complete button. Completing them allows the process to move forward. These
Content Page tasks can only be viewed in the Career Section on the Tasks tab, not in
the Transitions Center and therefore not by other users such as HR or Hiring

Steps to Assemble a Content Page

Below is the sequence of steps that must be followed to set up a Content Page.
Preparation Steps if including images and PDF Document Links
1. Upload Images (Content Pages > Images)
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a. The image URL will need to be copied to insert later into the Text
document if needed
2. Upload General or Personalized PDF Documents (Documents > Documents
> Create File-Based document)
Assemble Content Page Steps
3. Create Text Document (Documents > Documents > Create text document)
a. Include the document tokens if adding document links to your
Content Page ({ContentPage.GeneralDocuments} or
4. Create Content Page (Content Pages > Content Pages > Create)
a. Select the appropriate Text document for the body content
b. Add any appropriate PDF documents loaded earlier
c. Add any appropriate OLF filters
5. Create Display Content Page Task
a. Either specify a Content Page in the Display Content Page field or
leave that field blank and let the system auto-select a Content Page
The fully-assembled Content Page will be viewed in the Career Section only
when the process is launched.
For a simple content page that is generic and presented to all New Hires or
employees, the administrator simply sets up a Task using the Display Content Page
action with a specific Content Page and then the associated step.

Targeting Content to Different Audiences

There is no limit to the number of rich content pages that can be included at any
desired point in the process. Since these pages behave like any other steps in the
process, they can be targeted to any part of the OLF structure or field. One method
to target Content Pages is to use field-based Conditions on transitions. In this
example, the results of a UDF are dictating which page will be presented to the New
Hire. This allows new hires or employees to see the right content page at the right
time within the process.
Configuring this set up requires configuring each specific page, then configuring
Tasks and Steps for each Content Page and configuring the transitions with the
appropriate conditions.

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Targeting Content Pages through Auto-Select OLF Match

Another method used to target different groups is the auto-select method. In this
method, the system selects the best matching Page available based on the OLF
designated on the Content Page itself and the OLF designated on the requisition.
This set up helps reduce overall complexity by reducing additional steps and
conditions to the process and requires less set up time.
In the example below, a new hire is onboarding for a position in Boston, and lands
on the Career Section, the system will note that the requisition location is Boston
and then look in the library of active Content Pages to find the best match to
Boston. The Boston Content Page will then display to that New Hire.
If the requisition is in a location other than the 1 st, 2nd or 3rd specific locations, the
system will use the generic U.S. Content Page in this example.

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To configure an auto-select page instead of specific, the administrator first

designates any element of the OLF hierarchy on each content page.

Second, the administrator simply leaves the Display Content Page field blank on the
Task properties. The system will then automatically select the appropriate page
based on the best matching OLF of the requisition.

There can only be ONE auto-select content page in your process. Lets say, later on
in the process, you have another specific Content Page for Volunteer opportunities
at your organization.
You will have to configure specific pages that will not end up being matched by the
system because the system will consider all content pages when determining an
OLF match. One way to do this is to attach an obscure OLF to other pages you do
not want to be matched.
There are two types of documents that are created or stored in Transitions and can
be part of the Content Page:

1. Text Documents: In addition to

being used in Message Templates, these
documents can also be configured to be
the body text of Content Pages. These
text documents are built by creating
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paragraphs that can be assembled into

one document, or by creating a single
text document. Images can also be
uploaded into the system and added to
Text documents. Text documents will
include file-based document links on
Content Pages, need to include the
variables that point to those documents
(see File-based documents below).
These variables are:
2. File-based Documents: Used as
reference documents on Content Pages
which are created by uploading a single
PDF file to the document. PDF is the
only file type that can be uploaded. A
document for directions is a good
example of a PDF document added to
the documents list that can be used in a
Content Page. There are two types of
file-based documents: General, which
do not contain variables and
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Personalized, which contain variables

to merge in new hire data.
Note: PDF document files in File-Based Documents cannot exceed 500K as the
default. You can adjust your file size in the Settings area (this is covered in Lesson
14). These documents should NOT be confused with the documents that are
attached to Message Templates.

Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Upload an Image File

Exercise 2: Upload a File-based Document
Exercise 3: Create a Text Document with Image and
Exercise 4: Create a Content Page Including a General

Exercise 5: Create a Display Content Page Task and Step

Exercise 1: Upload an Image File
Scenario: You want to include a Content Page in your New Hire process. Before you
set up the Content Page, you must do some preparation activities. First you will
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upload an image file that will be used later on a Text document. This is an image
the new hire will view on the Content Page when it appears on the Career Section.


21Start from Transitions Administration.

Locate the Content Pages section.
Click the Images link.
The Images area is where you store all your Transitions-related images
which can be used in Content Pages, Message Templates or Forms.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "People - [your
Click the Browse... button.

Note: The file size must be within the maximum limit indicated in
Transitions settings or you will receive an error message.
Locate the file for the image supplied with your student materials or
from your instructor.
Click the People_image.jpg list item.

Click the Open button.

Click the Save button.

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The system assigns a URL to your image.

to the image from the Content Page.

This will be used later to point

Next you will preview your image.

Click the Show link.

Your image should appear as the one below.

You need to copy your image URL to use later.

Highlight the URL text. Your URL text may appear differently than the
sample below.

Copy the image URL to the clipboard to use in a later step when you
build the Text document.
Press [Ctrl+C].

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Return to Transitions Administration.

Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. You navigate to the Content Pages > Images area.

Verify that the following image is listed:

Exercise 2: Upload a File-based Document

Scenario: You want your new hires to access a document on the Welcome page
that has to do with Benefits. As a preparation step, you need to upload this
document using the File-based document feature before you can make it available
on your Content Page.


will upload a document that will be used later on a Content Page

step in your New Hire process.
Start in Transitions Administration.

Locate the Documents section.

Click the Documents link.

A list of available documents appears.
Click the Create a file-based document link.
Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "New Hire
Document - [your initials]".
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Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "New Hire
Document - [your initials]".
Next, you will attach your PDF file.
Note: Only PDF files can be used for File-based documents. Use the file
supplied with your course materials or from your instructor.
Browse for your file.
Click the Browse button.

Navigate to the file provided per the example below.

Click the SAMPLEOnboardingfile.pdf item.

Click the Open button.

As an option, you can add a description.
add a description.

For this exercise, you will not

Click the Save button.

You must activate your document in order to use it in the Content Page.
Click the Activate button.

Return to the Documents page.

Click the Documents link.
Verify your document is listed and in Active status.
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Do not navigate away from this screen. You begin your next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. You navigate to Documents
2. Verify that the following Document is on the list and in
Active status:
a. New Hire Document [your initials]

Exercise 3: Create a Text Document with Image and Variables

Scenario: Now that the preparation steps are finished, you can begin assembling a
Content Page for your New Hire Process. You have uploaded an image and a
document, now you must create the body text of the Content Page using the Text
Document tool. This content page will be used to Welcome the New Hire.


you will create the body text for a Welcome Content Page using
the Text Document tool.
Start in from the Documents section.
Click the Create a text document link.

,Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Welcome
Page Text - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter " Welcome
Page Text - [your initials]".
Click the Save button.

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Next, you will create content for this page.


Note: As an option, you can add pre-loaded paragraphs that are built
using the Paragraphs tool under Documents. This allows you to have
flexibility and efficiency when creating Content pages for different
audiences. In this exercise, you will create just one simple text

Click the Create link.


Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Welcome
Page Paragraph - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter " Welcome
Page Paragraph - [your initials]".
Next you will add text, variables and an image into the Text field.
On your own, fill in the following text and variables using the Available
Variables list and editing tools. These tools are similar to the ones used
in the Correspondence lesson.
Welcome {PersonalInfo_Para.FullName}!
In order to make your transition to our organization as smooth as
possible, please complete the tasks outlined on this page by clicking the
Complete button. Each time you have a new task, you will receive a
Visit us at: www.oracle.com
Please review the following document:
Next, add the variable that will pull in the file-based document you
uploaded earlier.
Locate and highlight the following variable from the list by typing in
content to filter the list.

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Copy (Ctrl +C) the variable and paste (Ctrl+V) the variable beneath the
last sentence in your text per the example below.

The final item for your text area will be to add the image you uploaded
earlier. Place your cursor on a new line at the bottom of your text area.
Click the Insert Image tool on the toolbar.
Note: If you no longer have the URL of the image on your clipboard,
click the Save button and return to the Content Pages > Images area
and copy the URL for your image. Return to the Documents area and
navigate to your Welcome Page [your initials] text document and
paragraph. Click Edit to modify your paragraph and continue to the next
Enter the URL from the clip board in the URL field per the example
below. Verify you can view the image in the Preview window.

Click the OK button.

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Your paragraph is complete and should appear as the sample below.


Click the Save button.

You must activate your text document in order to use it in the Content
Click the Activate button.

Return to the Documents page.

Click the Documents link.
Verify your document is listed and in Active status.
You must activate your paragraph in order to use it in the Document.
Click the Activate button.

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You must also activate your document in order to use it in the Content
Click the Activate button.

Return to the Documents area.

Click the Documents link.
Verify your document is listed and in Active status.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Content Pages list
2. Verify that your document displays as the sample below:

Exercise 4: Create a Content Page Including a General Document

Scenario: Now that you have the body content for your Content Page, you need to
create the Content Page source which will later become part of the Task for your
process step. This Content Page will be called the Welcome Page.


you will create the Content Page shell which will point to the Text
document you created in the prior exercise.
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25Start form the Transitions Administration page.

Locate the Content Page section.
Click the Content Pages link.
Click the Create link.
Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Welcome
Page - [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter " Welcome
Page - [your initials]".
Click the Save button.
Next, you will designate the Text document which will become the
content of the Welcome Page.
Locate the Text Document field in the Properties section.
View the list of available Text Documents.
Click the Select button.

Click the Welcome Page [your initials] option.


Next, designate the document(s) you want to appear on the Welcome

Page. Scroll to the General Documents area.
Click the Add link.
Select the box before the New Hire Document [your initials] item.
Notice you have areas to add Personalized PDF documents as well as
designate OLF filters for this Content Page. For this exercise you will
leave these areas blank.
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You must activate your Content Page in order to use it in later in a Task
and Step.
Click the Activate button.

Return to the Content Page Configuration area.

Click the Content Page Configuration link.
Verify your document is listed and in Active status.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Content Pages list
2. Verify that your document displays as the sample below:

Exercise 5: Create a Display Content Page Task and Step

Scenario: Now that you have the Content Page created, you are ready to create
the Task and Step to for the Content Page to be presented to the New Hire.


you will create a Task using the Display Content Page task action
and an associated Step.
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27Start form the Transitions Administration page.

Locate the Processes and Task Definitions section.
Click the Task Definitions link.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Welcome
Page Task- [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Welcome
Page Task- [your initials]".
Scroll down to the Action field
Click the Action list.

Click the Display Content Page list item.

Result: A second field will appear for you to select the designated
Content Page you created in the previous exercise.
Click the Search button.

Locate the Display Content Page field.

Click the Select button.

Click the Welcome Page [your initials] option.

Click the Select button.

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Click the Save button.

You must activate your Task.
Click the Activate button.

Click the Task Definitions link.

Verify your Task is listed and in Active status.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

Next, you will create the Step for the Content Page Task.
Locate the Processes and Task Definitions section.
Click the Processes link.
Click the Corporate - [your initials] link.
Click the Create Step link.
Accept the default of Task for Step Type.
Click the Continue button.

Click the Search button.


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Locate the Keyword search field.

Enter the desired information into the Keyword field. Enter "Welcome".
Click the Welcome Page Task [your initials] option.
Click the Select button.
Click the Continue button.
Keep the defaults on the rest of the Properties.
You will assign this step to the New Hire.
Click the Role link.

Select the box before the New Hire item.

Click the Select button.
Click the Finish button.
Next, you will create a Transition to link this Step to previous Steps.
Locate the Transitions section for this Step.
Click the Create link.

The From Step field designates the Welcome Page Task Step.
will connect this Step to the Parking Form Step.


Click the To Step list.

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Click the Parking Form [your initials] list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.
View your process with the Content Page Task added.
Click the Preview link.
Your process diagram should appear as the one in the Checkpoint below.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

Return to your Transitions Administration.

Click the Transitions Administration link.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Process Corporate [your initials]
2. Verify that your Process displays as one of the samples
Note: When some steps are not linked, the preview may
display differently as either one of the two examples below
either one is OK until all steps are linked.

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Apply It!

1. Describe one of the purposes (besides Welcome page) where your

organization would use a content page, Be prepared to discuss
whether you will have different versions of this page for different
OLF groupings.
2. Give an example of one or more documents you would include on
a Content page.

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your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1: You have the potential to designate your Content

Pages by any OLF element. For example, display one type of Content
Page to New Hires from one location, and a different Content Page to
New Hires in a different location. Click on the detailed view of the
Content Page you just created (Welcome Page [your initials]. Scroll
to the Job Field, Location or Organization area. Click Add and explore
the examples of various OLF elements (categories) for which you
could display a targeted Content Page.
Cancel each page when finished.

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Lesson 12: Final Tasks, Steps and Transitions

The process design phase is almost complete for the course. You will create the
final tasks and steps to include in your process and then the final transitions to link
all the steps together.
Sequencing Steps
On the Step Properties screen you have an optional field called Sequence. This field
allows you to enter a manual sequence number. This number:
does impact the order of tasks presented to the new hire or employee on the
Career Section
does not impact the order of steps in the process, the transitions or the
process diagram
does not impact the timing in which each step will launch.
Sequencing can help administrators visually order the steps in the steps list page as
seen here.

Deleting Steps
Deleting steps is as simple as pressing the Delete button next to the step you want
to delete when viewing your process. There are several things to keep in mind,
however, when deleting steps. Your process must be in Draft status to delete or
add steps. Once you activate a process you cannot delete or add a step, even if
you deactivate it. You can only change the steps in Draft status. You can delete
processes if they have been completed or cancelled.
Many organizations create a master process they may be working on and then
duplicate that process to test out the process. The master remains in Draft status
and a final duplicate of the master becomes the final activated process. If for any
reason a step needs to be added or deleted, administrators can go back to the
master process and make the changes, then duplicate a new production process.
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Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Create Three Send Correspondence Tasks

Exercise 2: Create Final Steps and Add to the Process
Exercise 3: Create Final Transitions and Delete a Step

Exercise 4: Sequence Steps

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Exercise 1: Create Three Send Correspondence Tasks

Scenario: In the previous lesson you created three message templates. You will
create three tasks to associate to the templates which will later become steps in the


that you have created three message templates to be used in your

process, you will need to create the tasks related to those templates.
You should be familiar with this process from your earlier exercises.
Start from Transitions Administration.
Locate the Processes and Task Definitions area.
Click the Task Definitions link.
Click the Create link.
The first task will use the IT request message template.
Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "IT Request [your initials]".
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "IT Request 596.
[your initials]".
Click the Type list.

Click the Order computer hardware and software list item.

Scroll down. The system defaulted to the Send correspondence
Action, you will leave the default.

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Search for the Related Source.

Click the Search button.

Click the IT Request - [your initials] option.

Click the Save button.
Click the Activate button.
Return to the Task Definitions page.
Click the Task Definitions link.
On your own, using the step by step approach from above, create the
next task using the information below.
Name = Blackberry Request - [your initials]
Code = Blackberry Request - [your initials]
Type = Other
Action = Send Correspondence
Related Source = Blackberry Request - [your initials]
To begin, click the Create link.

After you click Save, move on to the next step.

Click the Activate button.
Return to the Task Definitions page.
Click the Task Definitions link.

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On your own, using the step by step approach from above, create the
next task using the information below.
Name = Welcome Message - [your initials]
Code = Welcome Message - [your initials]
Type = Welcome Activity
Action = Send Correspondence
Related Source = Welcome Message - [your initials]
To begin, click the Create link.

After you click Save, move on to the next step.

Click the Activate button.
Return to the Task Definitions page.
Click the Task Definitions link.
Verify your tasks are listed on the Task Definitions list.

Return to Transitions Administration.

Click the Transitions Administration link.

Do not navigate away from this screen. You begin your next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. You navigate to the Task Definitions List.

Verify that the following tasks are listed and in Active

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a. IT Request - [your initials]
b. Blackberry Request - [your initials]
c. Welcome Message - [your initials]
3. Return to the Transitions Administration page when

Exercise 2: Create Final Steps and Add to the Process

Scenario: Now that you have loaded the tasks with the related source material,
you will create the final three steps in the process.


this exercise, you will create three steps to add to the process using
the tasks created in the previous exercise.
You should be familiar with this process from your earlier exercises.
Start form the Transitions Administration page.
Locate the Processes and Task Definitions section.
Click the Processes link.
Click the Corporate - [your initials] link.
Click the Create Step link.
Accept the default of Task for Step Type.
Click the Continue button.

Click the Search button.


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Locate the Keyword search field.

Enter the desired information into the Keyword field. Enter "IT
Click the Refresh button.
Click the IT Request- [your initials] option.
Click the Select button.
Click the Continue button.
Keep the defaults on the rest of the Properties.
You will assign this step to the IT Department.
Click the Role link.

Select the box before the IT Department item.

Click the Select button.
Click the Finish button.
Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

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On your own, using the step by step approach from above, create
another step with the following information:
Step Type = Task
Task = Blackberry Request - [your initials]
Assignee Role = Mobile Device Manager
Execute Step = When all previous steps have been completed
After Step Execution = Execute all subsequent steps
To begin, click the Create Step link.

After you click Finish, move on to the next step.

Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

On your own, using the step by step approach from above, create a
final step with the following information:
Step Type = Task
Task = Welcome Message - [your initials]
Assignee Role = New Hire
Execute Step = When all previous steps have been completed
After Step Execution = Execute all subsequent steps
To begin, click the Create Step link.

After you click Finish, move on to the next step.

Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Click the Preview link.


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Notice your steps have been created but are not yet linked to your
process using transitions arrows.

Note: If your Preview does not display as above and the system places
the four unlinked steps between the Start and End points, your steps
should still be OK. When steps are not linked, the display is not always
the same.
In the next exercise, you will complete the final transitions and
Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Do not navigate away from this screen. You begin your next exercise

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. You navigate to your Process page.
2. Verify that the following Steps are listed:
a. IT Request - [your initials]
b. Blackberry Request - [your initials]
c. Welcome Message - [your initials]
Note: If your Preview does not display as above and the
system places the four unlinked steps between the Start
and End points, your steps should still be OK. When steps
are not linked, the display is not always the same.

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Exercise 3: Create Final Transitions and Delete a Step

Scenario: You are about to complete the process. You will add transitions to the
steps that are not linked to the process. You will also delete an unnecessary step.


you will add transitions for four tasks that are not linked to the
process (three Send Correspondence steps and one Form step). You will
also delete an unnecessary step.
The Welcome Message will be the first step in the process.
linking the Welcome Message to the Welcome Page.

Start by

Click the Welcome Message - [your initials] link.

Locate the Transitions area.
Click the Create link.

Click the To step list.


Click the Welcome Page Task [your initials] list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.

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Next, you will link the Welcome Page Task [your initials] to the
Computer and Phone Form [your initials].
Locate the Quick Access area on the left pane.
Click the Create Transition link.

On your own, create the following Transition:


From Step: Welcome Page Task [your initials]

To Step: Computer and Phone Form [your initials]
After you click Finish, move on to the next step.

You will create a second Transition on the Welcome Page Task step to
split the process to the Parking Form step which is currently the first
step in the series of steps from previous lessons.
Return to your Process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Click the Step Welcome Page Task - [your initials] link.

Note: Make sure you are on the Steps tab and not the Transitions tab.
Click the Create link.
Click the To step list.

Click the Parking Form list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.

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Notice you have two Transitions coming from this step. This will split the
process because these tasks can happen at the same time by different
roles in the process.
Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Next, you will link the Computer and Phone Form to the IT Request.
Locate the Quick Access area on the left pane.
Click the Create Transition link.

On your own, create the following Transition:


From Step: Computer and Phone Form [your initials]

To Step: IT Request [your initials]
After you click Finish, move on to the next step.

Return to your process.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

You will create a second transition from the Computer and Phone
Form. This transition will go to the Blackberry Request and include a
condition which requires the form to have the Laptop and Blackberry
item selected.
Click the Computer and Phone Form - [your initials] link.
Notice, you have one transition listed already.
transition to split the process.

You will add a second

Click the Create link.

Click the To step list.


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Click the Blackberry Request - [your initials] list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.
You will add a Condition to this Transition based on the Computer and
Phone UDF you created earlier.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Blackberry".
Click the first Field list.
Click the PersonalInfo_WF list item.
Click the second Field list.
Click the UDF_Computer and Phone

- [your initials] list item.

Leave the Operator as Is.

Click the Value list.

Click the Laptop and Blackberry list item.

Click the Save button.

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Return to your process.

Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Click the Transitions tab to view your Transitions in a list view. Verify your
new Transitions are listed.

You will now make the final two transitions to merge the process back to
the Week 1 Checklist.
Click the Steps tab.

Click the Blackberry Request - [your initials] link.

Click the Create link.
Click the To step list.

Click the Week 1 Checklist list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.
Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Click the IT Request - [your initials] link.

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Click the Create link.

Click the To step list.

Click the Week 1 Checklist list item.

Click the Continue button.
Click the Finish button.
Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

You are close to finalizing your process. You have been informed that
non U.S. regions will build their own processes. Therefore, you do not
need the non U.S. Identification Form in the process. You will delete that
Locate the Delete button next to the Identification Form (non U.S.)
Note: When you delete a Step the associated Transitions and any
Conditions get deleted also. Any transition to the deleted Step will
automatically link to the next Step. You should check your Transitions
after deleting any Step to ensure they are set up as desired.
Click the Delete button.

You have eleven steps in your process.


You will now preview your final

Click the Preview link.

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Your process diagram should appear as the one in the Checkpoint below.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

Congratulations! You have completing the process. The next few

lessons will involve working with the Career Section and final
administration settings.
Note: In a real production environment, you would either activate this
process, or duplicate and activate the duplicated version. Once the
process is activated, you cannot remove or add steps.

In order to verify that you have completed the above
exercise successfully, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your Corporate - [your initials] process
2. Click the Preview link.
3. Verify that your process displays as the diagram below:

Exercise 4: Sequence Steps

Scenario: As a final activity to your process, you decide to sequence your steps so
you can easily see which steps come early or later in the process and to put two
New Hire tasks in order.

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31Start form the Transitions Administration page.

Locate the Processes and Task Definitions section.
Click the Processes link.
Click the Corporate - [your initials] link.
The Welcome Message will be the first step in the process.
add a number 1 to the Sequence field.

You will

Click the Welcome Message - [your initials] link.

Click the Edit link.

Locate the Sequence field.
Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "1".

Click the Finish button.

Return to your process.
Click the Process - Corporate - [your initials] link.

Notice the Sequence column now displays a 1 for the Welcome Message
- [your initials] step.

Click on the Welcome Page Task [your initials] link.


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Click the Edit link.

Locate the Sequence field.
Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "2".

Click the Sequence column header to sort by Sequence.


For training purposes, you will only sequence two steps in the process.
Return to Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Administration link.

Apply It!

1. Does your organization anticipate using sequencing? Explain your

reasoning for using or not using sequencing.

your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.
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Explore More

Explore More 1: Duplicate your process. Add a #2 to the Code and

Name of the duplicated process. Delete the three Parking-related
steps. Preview the new process.
Return to Transitions Administration when finished.

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Lesson 13: Career Section Tasks Tab and Advanced E-Offer

Career Section Tasks Tab
When a step is assigned to a New Hire or transitioning employee, an email
containing a link to the Career Section Tasks tab is sent to notify the recipient of
Tasks awaiting completion. In addition to email, this is the only portal in which the
New Hire or transitioning employee will interact with the Transitions tasks.

The list of tasks will be noted on the left pane within the branded framework of the
overall Career Section. The right pane displays the task details where candidates
can fill in forms, access links, watch videos, etc.
There is no required configuration by the administrator for the Tasks tab to operate
as long as all the other areas of Transitions and Recruiting are configured. The tab
just appears when a Transitions process is started and there are assigned tasks for a
candidate or employee. There are a few things administrators can do such as
relable the tab using the Text Tool, or make this tab the default tab when visitors
come to the career section directly. The New Hire or transitioning employee access
the Career Section using the username and password originally used to view and
apply to jobs at your organization.
Tasks-Only Career Section
As an option, administrators can set up Tasks-only career sections which can
display only the Tasks tab within any optional site branding selected by the
organization. This may be helpful when different segments of the organization have
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different brands and processes.

For this set up, some configuration is required. You will need to work with a Career
Section administrator to set up this unique Career Section URL.

The Career Section configuration is outside of Transitions administration and in the

general Configuration area. When setting up your Transitions Career Section
configurations, you should work with your organizations Recruiting or Career
Section administrator.
Advanced E-Offer
The E-Offer is a standard feature offered within the Recruiting product for customers
who want to supply an online offer to candidates without sending sensitive
information via email. This method also helps speed up the process as candidates
supply an eSignature and their response is immediately recorded in the Recruiting
system. The Standard E-Offer comes with a standard built-in form that displays on
the Career Section as well as a standard email.
Customers who have more complex electronic offer requirements can opt to use
Transitions for the Advanced form of E-Offer. Advanced E-Offer using Transitions can
accommodate more complex E-Offer workflows that might require additional
eSignatures, notifications, calls to partner services, and different tasks for
executives as an example. Organizations can only activate one type of E-Offer for
the entire enterprise, so its good to strategize with Recruiting and other
stakeholders for the method that can accommodate everyones needs.

Advanced EOffer

Configuring Advanced E-Offer

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There are two basic steps to configuring Advanced E-Offer

1. In Recruiting Administration, the E-Offer setting must be set to Advanced
Electronic Offer

2. In Transitions Administration, one process needs to be created (with

associated messages, etc.) with an E-Offer Process Type (on the Processes
properties screen).

Other considerations include User Type permissions to extend electronic offers;

modifying or creating needed Message Templates and using the E-Offer System task
when creating the E-Offer process along with E-Offer variables.
Important: Only one E-offer process can be activated for the entire organization.
Administrators can use branches to differentiate between offer processes for
different segments of the organization. There are no limits to the number of steps or
participants the E-offer process can have. Organizations that want to mirror the
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standard E-offer process can create a process with one step which will just display
the offer letter and capture the response. A system task will automatically update
the Recruiting Step and Status when the recipient responds with accept or reject.

There are no exercises or Apply It questions for this lesson.

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Lesson 14: Final Administration Activities

There are several final administration activities remaining to fully complete and
manage Taleo Transitions. Listed below are remaining activities in the Transitions
Administration area where you have been working. The other activities will
require accessing Taleo Configuration. There is a link to this area from the
Transitions Center. You need the proper user type permissions to gain access to
Taleo Configuration.
Transitions Administration Activities
Product Settings
The Settings link in the Product Settings area is organized into categories by

Correspondence: Designate the available email address and server settings

Calendar: Designate the Working Days value

Documents: Designate the maximum PDF File size permitted in the

Documents area

Languages: Designate language preferences for the WebTop and for

Company Content

Onboarding: Product settings established at implementation. Contact your

Taleo representative before changing any of these settings.

Each of these Product Setting categories displays only those settings for which you
have been granted viewing privileges. You will be able to edit settings which have a
Public Security Level. You may have permission to change values on some
Protected Security Level settings, but you cannot edit settings that have a Private
Security Level. To change the Private or Protected settings, make a request through
This area allows you to manage the configuration of services provided by certified
Transitions partners. Check with your client executive to verify which partners are
certified to work with Transitions. Once you establish an account with a certified
partner, a request is made to Support to set up your partner within your system.
Partners will then appear with in the Services area of Transitions Administration.
Taleo Configuration Activities
Create and Manage Functional Roles
When you create a step, you are asked to designate an Assignee, either a specific
user or role. In our lessons, we used roles throughout the process. Taleo Transitions
comes loaded with the default roles you see here. These roles do not require any set
up on the part of administrators. The default assignees for the roles are taken from
the corresponding values on the Requisition. For example, the role of Hiring
Manager will automatically go to the Hiring Manager designated on the Requisition
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in the Recruiting Center.

If you need additional roles for your process, which is usually the case, you will need
to create roles before setting up any steps in your process. You can do this by
accessing the main Taleo Configuration page and selecting Functional Roles in the
Roles section.
You will need to assign a default assignee for the roles you create so the system
knows who will execute the task.

User Type Permissions

As a Transitions System Administrator, you must first understand User Types, and
then decide which User Type will be assigned to each user in your organization. You
can create User Types from scratch, but it is best to modify or duplicate existing
ones that are close to your desired type.
1. Permissions in Transitions are configured and managed in Taleo Configuration.
Assistance in Taleo Configuration: It is recommended that all Transitions
Administrators take the Getting Started in Taleo Configuration course to get
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familiar with setting up User Accounts, User Type Permissions and SmartOrg. You
may also reference the Taleo SmartOrg User Guide and work with your Recruiting
Administrator for assistance.
Below is a general list of steps that should occur to set up the proper users and user
type permissions for Transitions:
1. Verify the User Type(s) needed for the different users who will be engaging in
the Transitions Process.
2. Verify that the users who will be working with any Transitions activities have
active accounts (Taleo Configuration > SmartOrg>User Accounts) and are
assigned the correct User Type
Here is a sample list of some of the User Types and general permissions you
may want to create/configure (currently there are no pre-loaded Transitions
User Types in the system).
User Types
External User

User Manager

An External User is a Participant who helps
complete the process by fulfilling
Correspondence and Forms-based tasks.
Example: IT Department
The HR Director is a User involved in highlevel approvals but does not usually deal with
specific requisitions or candidates.
Supervisor Users can view the Processes that
they own and complete their own tasks.
Example: Hiring Manager
The HR Administrator is a User responsible for
task management within Onboarding.
The User Manager is a powerful User with
rights to manage roles, permissions, security
settings, and New Hire user accounts.
The System Administrator configures,
manages, and ensures the proper operation of
the application.

Transitions Users
If you are an overall Taleo administrator, you will be familiar with the SmartOrg User
Accounts area. If you do not have that role, you should work with your User
administrator for any other setup or access to users. Generally, there are three
categories of Users in Taleo, Operator, Employee and Transitions users.
The Operator user is one who utilizes the system in one way or another for their
role such as a Recruiter or Manager. The Employee user may interact with the
system in terms of applying for a job on a career section or filling out a performance
review, but doesnt use the system in any other way for their role in the
organization. The Transitions user is automatically created if a candidate launched
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into a Transitions process does not already have a user account associated with him
or her. For example, an employee would most likely already have a user account
and would satisfy the requirement when a Transitions process is launched for that
person. However, an external candidate most likely would not have a user account
in the system and one would automatically be created and be categorized as a
Transitions user.
The Transitions user is not an operator or employee user at first, but can become
both an operator and an employee user if given permissions and valid
organizational associations. (However, it is not possible to make an Operator or an
Employee a Transitions user, nor can you manually enter a Transitions user into the
system). Within the User Accounts area of SmartOrg, you are able to refine the list
of users to isolate Transitions user accounts.
Ideally, operator users should make sure there are no duplicates of the candidates
they are launching into processes prior to starting a New Hire or Pre-hire process.
This way the system will not create redundant user accounts.

Transitions Channels in the Recruiting Center

Two Channels are available to include in a Recruiting Center end users Center Stage
(front page) area: the Pre-Hire Channel and the New Hire Channel. These Channels
will provide statistics and links directly to relevant activity within Transitions. These
Channels can be active on a managers Configuration Profile, but not a Recruiters
for example. We recommend that Transitions administrators work with Recruiting
administrators to configure the appropriate set up for your end users.

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Associating Transitions with a Candidate Selection Workflow (CSW) Step

In order for a recruiter to initiate a pre-hire or new hire process, the Start Pre-Hire
Process or Start New Hire Process action must be associated with one or more steps
in the Candidate Selection Workflow. For example, the candidate reaches the Offer
step, the recruiter can select the action Start New Hire Process. If this action is not
set up in Recruiting Administration, recruiter's will not be able to launch a new hire
Since this area is a specialized area for Recruiting Administration, we recommend
that Transitions administrators connect with Recruiting administrators to manage
this activity.

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Please complete the following exercise(s):

Exercise 1: Verify a Product Setting

Exercise 2: Create a New RoleExercise 3: Review User Type

Exercise 1: Verify a Product Setting
Scenario: Your organization wants to automatically delete Transitions processes
that are older than 180 days from the system. You will adjust the appropriate
setting for this automatic deletion.


will adjust the automatic deletion of processes setting to delete

cancelled or completed processes after 180 days in the system.

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Start from Transitions Administration.

Locate the Settings section.
Click the Settings link.
You will search for the setting based on the category.
Click the Refine by list.

Click the Category list item.

Click the Refine by list (the second one on the page).
Click the Transitions Configuration Setting Model Description list
Click the Refresh button.
Locate the Automatically Delete Old Transitions Processes setting.
First read the description.
Click the Automatically Delete Old Transitions Processes link.

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Notice the Security Level on this setting is Public which means you
have permission to edit this setting.
The Default Value indicates 0 which means no automatic deletion will

You will change the value to 180 (days).


Note: If the value already indicates 180 days, complete the following
steps just to verify, rather than modify the value.
Click the Edit link.

Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "180".

You will not save any changes.

Click the Cancel button.

Return to Transitions Administration.

Click the Transitions Administration link.

There is no checkpoint for this lesson.

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Exercise 2: Create a New Role

Scenario: Your organization needs to assign steps to the corporate printing
department to print business cards. You will set up a new Role for the Printer which
will later be available in the Assignee list.


will now leave the Transitions Administration area and complete a

few tasks in Taleo Configuration. The first task will be to set up a new
Start in Transitions Administration.
Click the Transitions Center link.

Locate the Quick Access area on the left pane.

Click the Taleo Configuration link.
The Configuration page displays.
Locate the Roles section.
Click the Functional Roles link.
You will create a Role for a printer.
Click the Create link.

Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "Printer - [your
Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Printer 726.
[your initials]".

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Locate the Default Assignee field. You must assign a user with an
active user account as the Default Assignee.
Click the Search button.

Search for your current student ID.

Click in the Name field.

Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "[your ID]".
Click the Refresh button.
Click the radio button next to your ID.
Click the Select button.
Click the Save button.
Notice you can create additional Assignees.
Return to the Roles list.
Click the Roles link.
You will not save your work. If this were a valid role, you would need to
Activate the role to use it later on a process step.
Locate your Printer - [your initials] role.
Click the Delete button.
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Click the Yes button.

Return to the Configuration page.
Click the Configuration link.

There is no checkpoint for this lesson.

Exercise 3: Review User Type Permissions

Scenario: You are about to work with your SmartOrg administrator to set up some
specific User Types for Transitions users. First, you want to get familiar with the
Transitions-related permissions.


this exercise, you will access the User Types available in SmartOrg
and get familiar with the location of Transitions-related permissions to
help set up various User Types.
Start from the Configuration page.
Locate the SmartOrg section.
Click the Administration link.
Locate the Users section on the SmartOrg Administration screen.
Click the User Types link.
Click on the first User Type in the list (you will not be modifying the User
Type, so it is not important which one you click into).
All Onboarding permissions are part of the Recruiting Functional
Domain. You will navigate to the Transitions-specific permissions.
Expand the Recruiting domain by clicking the triangle.
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Locate the Transitions section.


Click the Edit link.

Note: The image below may appear bold if there are permissions
activated with this section.

Review the permissions in the Administration, New Hire and Task

Locate the View all processes permission in the New Hire section.
Select the box before the View all processes item.

This will allow all users with this user type to view all processes
regardless of ownership.
You will not save your work.
Click the Cancel button.

There is another area of permissions that is Transitions-related.

the Other section.


Click the Edit link.

Scroll about half way down the page and take a moment to review the
Transitions permissions to start a Pre-hire or New Hire process.
You will not save any changes.
Click the Cancel button.

Return to Configuration.
Click the Configuration link.

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Notice on the Configuration page, you can return to Transitions

Administration if needed.

Congratulations! You have completed all the basics for being a

Transitions Administrator.

Apply It!

1. List some of the general User Types you will need within your
organization to interact with the Transitions processes and backend administration.
Examples: External User
Hiring Manager
Process/HR Administrator
Super User
Full Transitions Administrator
2. List some of the functional roles you may need to create for your
organizations Transitions process(es). Example: Printing,
Facilities, IT Equipment, etc.

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your Exercise

If this is a virtual session, then use the green check mark in the
participant window to let the instructor know that you have completed
the exercise(s) and the Apply It questions. If the check mark is not
available, then let the instructor know via the chat window.
If other participants are still working on their exercises then complete
the following Explore More exercises.

Explore More

Explore More 1: Granting permissions for users to re-assign Tasks in

a process can be a powerful feature, but must be used carefully.
Describe a scenario, using your organization as an example, where
this practice might disrupt the normal execution of a process.

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Final Practice Project

Based on the process flow chart below, develop a process using Taleo Transitions
that will match the design of this chart.
Guidelines and Hints:
1. Use the next page to design the process flow. Draw a cross-functional flowchart,
using one horizontal area (swim lane) per Onboarding participant.
2. Access Taleo Transitions Administration. Create a process using the title Final
Practice Project - [your initials].
3. Put your initials on all newly created Steps, Tasks, Forms, etc.
4. Reuse existing fields
5. Manual tasks can be used multiple times and relabeled as different steps
6. Fields for Hardware, Phone and Applications will already be in the system for you
(you do not need to create these fields)
7. For the Welcome step, you can create two transitions from that step to split the
process or optionally use a routing step to split the process. However, when the
steps merge later on, you must use a routing step.

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Appendix - E-Verify
E-Verify Overview
E-Verify is a process outside of Taleo that only applies to certain U.S. employers who
are required by law to verify employment eligibility. Other employers do not need to
use this process, but may choose to do so. E-Verify allows employers to
electronically check employment eligibility with the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Through the E-Verify process a subset of the I-9 information is taken and
electronically compared against records in the SSA's and DHS databases.
Taleo Transitions supports your efforts to comply with E-Verify and I-9 requirements.
E-Verify is only supported through Oracle-Taleos partner network program. The EVerify process in Transitions begins with the I-9 form data being sent to E-Verify for
confirmation. An automatic response is sent with the status and case number. If the
employee is authorized, then Onboarding can proceed.
Through the Passport Partner program, Taleo Transitions process owners can
monitor new hire progress, and complete their own assigned tasks, in the
Transitions Center. Taleo Transitions can use electronic I-9 information to
immediately check E-Verify about the employees eligibility, without any manual
intervention, and these results feed back seamlessly into each new hire record as
regular Onboarding continues.
The general E-Verify process in Transitions begins with the I-9 form data being sent
to E-Verify for confirmation. An automatic response is sent with the status and case
number. If the employee is authorized, then the Transitions process can proceed.
If the information can not be verified, the status is listed as Tentative, Nonconfirmed and the system sends an email. Once the status is resolved, the final
status is automatically received into the system. Check with your particular
network partner on the process used with E-Verify.
New Hire
The new hire may be assigned a task to complete the I-9 Form. If the status is
returned as Tentative, Non-confirmed they need to be contacted, by the Manager or
HR. The employee can then decide whether to contest this status or walk away from
the hiring process. Contesting the status may require completion of forms, or visit to
SSA or DHS office to resolve.
The system sends an email to the employee with information about how to correct
or challenge the information.
Process Owner
The process owner for Transitions oversees the E-Verify process. The bullets below
summarize the steps that are involved in the E-Verify process.
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Assigned task to complete U.S. form 1-9 (section to verify employee


E-Verify case and status appear automatically on Transitions Center, and in

New Hire Details page

If Tentative, Non-confirmed, process owner works with employee to determine

course of action to contest

If employee doesn't contest, hire process should stop

If employee chooses to contest, employee interacts with SSA office.

Additional tasks for Referral Management

Automatic E-Verify updates arrive in Onboarding

Use Resolution Form to automatically close case

Company Accounts and Passwords

In order to use E-Verify with Transitions, you need to set up an E-Verify account. You
will need to work with Taleo support or your Taleo consultant in order to select a
certified network partner to work with E-Verify.
Configure E-Verify in Zone
The first step in configuring E-Verify is to contact Support or your Taleo consultant to
select a certified partner to work with E-Verify. You will need to work with the
partner to incorporate process steps into your Transitions process. Before you
launch your E-Verify process with Transitions you will have the ability to validate the
process through an E-Verify test service. Once this process is verified you can switch
to E-Verify's live production service.

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Explore More Answers

Explore More
Lesson 2 - Navigating the Transitions Center
Explore More 1 Once you are on the detail page of the new hire in the Transitions
Center, there is a correspondence link at the top of the page. If you
are granted permissions, you can send an ad hoc message to the new
hire through this link.
Lesson 3 - Analyzing and Designing an Onboarding Process
Explore More 1

Examples: Start date - this step must be complete 3 days before the
start date. Start date - this step must be executed 7 days after the
start date. Hire date - this step must start 3 days after the hire date.

Lesson 4 - Create a Process with Steps and Transitions

Explore More 1

Access Transitions Administration > Processes/click your desired

process/ click the Preview link to view the transitions in flowchart form.

Lesson 5 - Creating Different Task Actions

Explore More 1

Examples: Benefits Form Assigned to New Hire; I-9 Form Assigned to

New Hire.

Lesson 6 - Create Steps for Tasks and Add to a Process

Explore More 1

Access Transitions Administration > Processes > [Your process] >

Steps/ locate the source step where the first transition will start/click
on the step/add a transition to the next desired step/ add an additional
transition on the same step to another desired step. This will split the
process. Alternatively, you could create a Routing step to split the
process also.
Assigning a specific user to a step/task can be risky when a process
has specific deadlines and durations. The assignee could be on
vacation, the assignee could no longer be with the company, yet the
Onboarding process didn't change. In the case of a hiring manager, it
is best to assign to a role, so the hiring manager connected to the
requisition will always have the appropriate tasks for their new hires.

Lesson 7 - Add Conditions to Transitions

Explore More 1 Access Transitions Administration > Processes > Your Process >
Steps /click on the step with the transition for which you want to add
the condition. In Transitions section select the transition/select Add
Condition/locate the PositionForAssignment category/locate the Job
Field list/ view the list of elements and select sales. Cancel your work.
Lesson 8 - Creating User Defined Fields and User Defined Selections
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Explore More
Explore More 1

Start by accessing User-defined Fields on the Transitions

Administration page/select a category - Assignment/examine the
Domain options. Yes. Date and Time Zone is a domain choice/ do not
save your work.

Lesson 9 - Create a User-defined Form

Explore More 1

Explore More 2

Access Transitions Administration > User-defined Forms > Create/ Click

on a section of the form (top or middle)/click the Insert a Section tool
in the Toobox/ this adds a sub-section within the current section.
Cancel your work.
Access Transitions Administration > User-defined Forms > Create/ Click
on a section of the form (top or middle)/click the Insert a Table tool in
the Toobox/ this adds a table within the section. This technique is best
used when there is data to display in rows and columns. Cancel your

Lesson 10 - Create Correspondence

Explore More 1

Access Transitions Administration > Message Templates > Create /

Create a name and code, then in the custom content section add text
(any text)/use various html formatting tools (bullets, bold, colors, etc.)
to create different styles. Add a list and bullet the list using the
bulleting tool. Cancel your work.

Lesson 11 Create Content Pages

Explore More 1

Access Transitions Administration > Content Pages > Content Pages >
Welcome Page [your initials]/click Add (on any OLF section)/explore
the options available/Cancel pages when finished/return to Transitions
Administration using the breadcrumb links.

Lesson 12 - Final Tasks, Steps and Transitions

Explore More 1

Examples: Directions or Corporate campus map; General Benefits

documents; Holiday schedule

Lesson 13 - Career Section Tasks Tab

and Advanced E-Offer (no Explore More for this lesson)
Lesson 14 - Final Administration Activities
Explore More 1

When someone might leave the department and have tasks pending.

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