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Busiku Mitonzi

Biology 1010
Biological issue paper.
Global Climate Change
Global climate change refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature
near Earth's surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. This is caused by human expansion of the greenhouse effect. Warming that results
when the atmosphere combines with heat radiating from earth towards space. And some certain
gases in the air block heat from escaping. Energy from the sun warms the earth when its heat
rays are absorbed by greenhouse gasses and become trapped in the atmosphere. Some of the
most common greenhouse gasses are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane. If there were no
greenhouse gasses, very few rays would be absorbed and the earth would be extremely cold.
When too many rays are absorbed, the earth atmosphere starts to warm up, which leads to global
warming. Global warming can lead to many problems that affects the environment in which we
live. But I believe that many people say that global climate change does not actually occur and
others say yes it does exist. Others say that is the way it is.
Some people say that global climate change does not exist because of various reasons.
Scientists who believe that global climate change specifically global warming does not exist
because there has not been significant and prolonged temperature changes since 1997. A
significant temperature change happened between 1975 to 1997 but no big changes till then. The
temperature rose high during that time and have remained flat for 17 years. Scientists who claim
that global climate change is not real argue that climate model calculations that are used to
predict global warming were proven to be unreasonable. They argue that these calculations are

proven to be flawed, which means that long term predictions that have been made have no
meaning. They argue that global climate changes such as the increase in global temperatures
might be a natural climate shift.
I believe global climate change does exist. There are many evidences showing that global
climate change exists. It is changing due to human due to human activities such as industrial
processes, transportation fuels, agricultural byproducts, power stations and many more, mostly
those that lead to the release of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels. The global average land and
sea surface have increased by 0.6 0.2 C since mid-19th century. The global sea level rose about
17 centimeters (6.7 inches). Because of global climate change, forms of precipitation have also
changed: The arid and semiarid regions are becoming drier, and other areas, mostly, mid-to-high
latitudes, are becoming wetter. Global climate change has led to global temperature rise. All
three surface temperature reconstruction show that the earth has warmed since 1880. Surface
temperature continues to rise as years pass by. The earth is getting warmer year by year,
especially, during summer seasons such as this years Utah summer season. Its a surprise that
the temperature is even going so high up to 111 degrees hot. Oceans have become acidified since
the industrial revolution. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) reports
that the acid of the oceans have increased up to 30 percent. This increase is caused by the
emission of more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thus more being absorbed into the oceans.
It is estimated that there is about 2 billion tons increase of carbon dioxide absorbed by the upper
layer of the oceans per year.

Global Climate Change. Vital Signs of the Planet. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). Retrieved from
McMichael J. Anthony, et all. (2004).Chapter 20 Global climate change. Citeseer.
Retrieved from
Is global warming real? Conserve Energy Future: Be green. Stay Green. Retrieved

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