CUBE Manual

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Jeunesse Data CUBE

This document is created to answer common questions regarding the Jeunesse Data CUBE. If you have any questions
regarding this document, or need further assistance in working with the CUBE, feel free to contact anyone on the
Business Intelligence Team and we would be happy to help. As we all learn to utilize this tool for data discovery, we will
be able to make better decisions faster throughout our business. Facts are our friends!

Table of Contents
CUBE Basics ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
What is the CUBE? .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
How should I use the CUBE? ............................................................................................................................................... 3
How do I use Measures in the CUBE? ................................................................................................................................. 4
How do I use Dimensions in the CUBE? .............................................................................................................................. 5
CUBE Dimension and Measure Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 6
Measure Definitions............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Dimension Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Which Dimensions & Measures can be used together in the CUBE? ................................................................................. 10
Connecting to the CUBE ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Creating a Connection for the First Time .......................................................................................................................... 11
Opening an existing connection........................................................................................................................................ 14

CUBE Basics
What is the CUBE?
The Jeunesse data CUBE is a special type of connection to Jeunesses data warehouse that includes information about
sales, member activity, and commissions. You connect to the CUBE using Excel in the form of a Pivot Table, which allows
you to drag-and-drop fields into rows, columns, filters and values areas to narrow in on the information you need (see
image below). Pivot Tables allow you to filter, group and pivot the data in numerous ways. If your Pivot Table skills are
a little rusty, check out this 4-minute introduction to Pivot Tables to get the basics.
The data available in the CUBE is made up of Measures and Dimensions. Measures are numbers or metrics, and
Dimensions are the categories or attributes that you can use to break out, filter or pivot the Measures. For example:
you might want to look at Net Sales, Order Count and Enrollments (all three are Measures) broken out by Country and
Quarter (both are Dimensions).

How should I use the CUBE?

The main purpose of the CUBE is data discovery. This mainly works with a mid- to high- level of focus. While specific
order-level details can be obtained from the CUBE, not all fields are available, and attempting to pull large amounts of
order- or member-level detail at once may freeze or crash Excel.
That said, the CUBE is an excellent tool for digging around in the data to get more insight into trends youve noticed,
digging into market and product sales, and breaking out high-level KPIs into groups of interest.
Here are some examples of good ways to use the CUBE:

Youve noticed a dip in sales this past month in your region, and what to know where it is coming from. Using
the CUBE, you could pull sales by Member Country for your markets, and then break it down by State/Province
to see if there is a specific location the drop in sales is coming from. You could then break out sales by product
to see which product(s) have dropped the most. Then, you could pull sales by Order Sequence to see if the drop
is coming from first orders or from existing customers who had already placed multiple orders previously.
Youve noticed that Customer retention is a lot lower than Distributor retention, and want to know why. You
probably have some ideas already, but before we jump to conclusions lets check the data! Using the CUBE, you
could pull Product Quantity numbers by product, filtered down to only customers. This shows you that the top
selling customer product is Instantly Ageless. You can then break down those sales by Order Sequence to see
which products Customers are buying on their 5th-10th+ orders. You notice that Customers come in on Instantly
Ageless, but those who stay around generally buy Reserve in their later orders. Deeper digging is needed to see
what is driving this behavior, but the CUBE has helped you find an area to focus your efforts.
Youre planning on launching a new product later in the year, and want to know how past products youve
launched have performed. Using the CUBE, you could pull Product Quantity by product, filtered down to the
products you are interested in seeing, and broken out by Month. You notice that Skin Care products youve
launched have had a large initial spike, then a 50% drop, followed by steady upward growth. On the other hand,
Weight Management products have had a small initial spike, followed by a 40% drop and very little ongoing
growth. Further digging may be warranted to find out what caused the different trends and how you can make
sure the new product launch trends more like your past skin care launches. But the CUBE has given you an
educated guess at how well it might sell and a good starting point for further analysis.
You recently had a big event, and want to know how well the new packages sold. Using the CUBE, you can pull
Package Quantity by Package Name, filtered down to the packages of interest. You see that one of the packages
sold much more than the others. So, you add a Date dimension to see how each package sold over time. It
looks like the one that sold more was offered for sale a month before the event, which may be why the Package
sold more. Further investigation into what incentivized distributors to buy so much before the event may be
insightful, but the CUBE has allowed you to quickly get your investigation started.

These are just a few ideas, but Im sure you can come up with a number of additional ways to better understand the
Jeunesse business and help the business make better decisions using the CUBE.

How do I use Measures in the CUBE?

Measures are indicated in the CUBE by the sigma

symbol. Here are a few ways to work with Measures:

1. In the CUBE, Measures can only be placed in the Values area (see image). Note also that Dimensions cannot be
placed in the Values area.

2. You can move Measures into the Values quadrant by either dragging-and-dropping the Measure or by checking
the box next to the Measure.
3. The order of the Measures (or Dimensions) can be changed easily by clicking on the Measure in the Values area
and dragging it to the order you want it to be in.
4. If you want to see the record-level detail behind a Measure simply right-click the Measure in the Pivot Table,
select Additional Actions, then Drillthrough Action Measure Group Name. This will return the top 500,000
records behind the measure. Note that the more records you are trying to drill into, the slower the response
time will be. For example, in the snapshot below, if you tried to Drillthrough the 371,336 records it would take
much longer to pull the details than if you Drillthrough the 7,090 records.

5. There are several types of measures. In the Jeunesse CUBE we mainly use 2 of those types:
a) Fully Additive Measures: These are Measures which can be added across all associated dimensions. For
example, Net Sales can be summed across different dimensions like customer, country, date, product, and
so on.
b) Semi-Additive Measures: These are Measures which can be added across only a few dimensions rather than
all dimensions. For example, Customer Base (e.g. a snapshot of the number of Customers at any point in
time) is a Measure which can be summed up by different customer Dimensions, but cannot be summed up
across different dates. If you sum up the number of active people at time 1 and time 2 you may be doublecounting some because many people may have been active in both times.

How do I use Dimensions in the CUBE?

Dimensions are categories or attributes used to group or filter your Measures. Examples are Member Types, Products,
Commission Type, or Ship Country. Dimensions are indicated in the CUBE by a table icon
Dimensions can be dragged into either the Columns, Rows or Filters areas.

(see the image below).

Dimensions and Measures can be used together only when the Dimensions and Measures used are related in the CUBE.
For example, you cannot pull Order Count by Commission Type, even though they are both in the CUBE, because they
are not related (there is no relationship created in the CUBE between Commission Type and Order Count). If you try to
pull a Dimension and a Measure together that are not related, the measure will simple repeat the total amount for all
the Dimension details (see image below left). To simple avoid these relationship issues, select the group you would like
to pull data for in the Show fields related to dropdown at the top of the Pivot Table field list (see image below right).

Dimensions are sometimes organized into hierarchies. When you drag a Dimension that has been organized into a
hierarchy into the Rows or Columns quadrants you will see a plus sign next to the Dimension in the spreadsheet.
Clicking the plus sign will expand the results to the next level down in the hierarchy. To go back to the original level,
simply click the minus sign. If there is no plus or minus sign next to the Dimension, then it is either not in a hierarchy or
is already at the lowest level in the hierarchy.

CUBE Dimension and Measure Definitions

The following is a list of Measures and Dimensions found in the Jeunesse CUBE, organized by data type. Note that many
of the money-related measures have local currency equivalents as well; these fields have Local in the measure name.
Brief definitions are provided for most:

Measure Definitions

o Commission Amount: The amount of commissions paid to distributors in USD.
o Commissions Row Count: The number of individual commissions paid to distributors.
o Avg Commission Amount: The avg amount paid in a single bonus in USD (across all bonus types unless
Commissions Distinct Count
o Distinct Members Paid: The number of distinct people who received commissions.
o Enrollment Count: The number of new members who signed up with Jeunesse (i.e. Paid Sign-ups).
o Member Count: The number of members.
o Member Count by Period: A snapshot of the number of members who were active in a given period.
Order Items
o Order Items Row Count: The number records of items bought (only those marked as paid).
o Package Quantity: The quantity of full SKUs that were sold (e.g. the number of jumbo packs sold, the
number of Reserve boxes ordered by themselves, etc.).
o Product Quantity: The quantity of each distinct base product sold (e.g. the total number of Reserve boxes
sold, the total number of Luminesce Serums bottles sold, etc.).
o Product Tax: The amount of tax paid for each product, in USD.
o Subtotal: The amount paid for products/services, less refunds, in USD.
Order Items Distinct Count
o Distinct Order Count: A count of the number of distinct orders placed during a given period.
o Discount:
o Order Count: The number of records of orders placed (i.e. marked as paid).
o Order Subtotal: The amount paid for products/services, less refunds, in USD.
o Order Total: The total amount paid for the order in USD.
o Shipping Total: The amount paid for shipping in USD.
o Taxes: The amount paid for taxes in USD.
Order Members Distinct Count
o Member Distinct Count: The number of distinct people who placed at least one order during a given period.
o Payment Amount: Amount of each order payment made, in USD.
o Payment Amount Local: Amount of each order payment made, in local currency.
o Payment Count: The number of records of payments made.

Dimension Definitions

o Commission Type: The type of commission paid.
o Commission Type Key: The database code for the type of commission paid.
Country Dimension

o Country Key: 2-digit country code abbreviation.

o Country Name: The country orders were shipped to.
o Currency Code: Country default country 3-digit currency code abbreviation.
o Currency Name: Country default currency.
o Country Language: Default language of the country.
o Country Reporting Unit: The region classification of the country.
o Country Zone: Another type of country classification.
Date Dimension
o Period Hierarchy: A date hierarchy for weekly commission periods.
o Year-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Month and Calendar Date.
o Year-Quarter-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Quarter, Month, and Calendar Date.
o Year-Week-Date: A date hierarchy that includes Year, Calendar Week, and Calendar Date.
o Achieved Rank: The highest rank ever achieved by each member.
o Achieved Rank Key: The database code for each achieved rank.
o Email
o Enroller Enrollment Date: The enrollment date of the members sponsor.
o Enroller Key: The Member Key of the members sponsor.
o Enrollment Date:
o First Order Date: The date the member placed their first order ever with Jeunesse.
o Gender
o Language: The members language on their account.
o Member Company: A company group setup by the distributors themselves.
o Member Key: The numeric ID assigned to each members account.
o Member Name: The official name on the members account on file.
o Member Status: Current account status of member (Active, Inactive, Deactivated, etc.)
o Member Type: Customer, Preferred Customer, Distributor, etc.
o Phone
o Site URL: The members username, also used for their replicated site.
o Source Company: The original company of each member.
o State: The state/province of the member.
o Will Receive Email: Opted in or not to receive emails from corporate.
o Will Receive SMS: Opted in or not to receive SMS messages from corporate.
Member Country
o Country Key: 2-digit country code abbreviation.
o Country Name: The country by the member as their address on their Jeunesse account.
o Currency Code: Country default country 3-digit currency code abbreviation.
o Currency Name: Country default currency.
o Country Language: Default language of the country.
o Country Reporting Unit: The region classification of the country.
o Country Zone: Another type of country classification.
Member Enrollment Date
o Period Hierarchy: A date hierarchy for weekly commission periods.
o Year-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Month and Calendar Date.
o Year-Quarter-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Quarter, Month, and Calendar Date.
o Year-Week-Date: A date hierarchy that includes Year, Calendar Week, and Calendar Date.
Member First Order Date
o Period Hierarchy: A date hierarchy for weekly commission periods.
o Year-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Month and Calendar Date.

o Year-Quarter-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Quarter, Month, and Calendar Date.
o Year-Week-Date: A date hierarchy that includes Year, Calendar Week, and Calendar Date.
Order Dimension
o Order Key: i.e. Order number. The number/key associated with the specific order.
o Order Sequence: The ith order placed for this member. So, if it is a members 1st order, Order Sequence will
be 1; if it is a members 2nd order, Order Sequence will be 2, etc.
o Order Source: Where order was generated from (e.g. Autoship, Online, etc.)
o Order Type: More specific type of the order (e.g. Autoship, Backoffice, Bulk, Commercial, etc.)
o Payment Method: How the order was paid. (NOTE: Split payments are not broken out.)
o Refund Status: Flag for Refund orders.
o Refund Type: Partial return, Product refund, Shipping refund, Rejected by Accertify, etc.
o Shipping Company: The company that shipped the product (e.g. DHL, Fedex, UPS, etc.).
o Shipping Type: Shipping type chosen for the order (e.g. 2nd Day Air, Priority Mail, Standard, etc.)
o Shipping State: The state/province the order was shipped to.
o Shipping Zip: The zip/postal code the order was shipped to.
o Warehouse Country: The country of the warehouse the order was shipped from.
o Warehouse Market: The market of the warehouse the order was shipped from.
o Warehouse Name: The warehouse the order was shipped from.
Order Item Dimension
o Order Items Key
o Shipping Company: Company that is doing the actual shipping of each product (e.g. UPS, FedEx, etc.)
o Shipping Status: Status of order regarding shipping of each product (e.g. Shipped, Back-Ordered, etc.)
o Shipping Type: Shipping type chosen for the order (e.g. 2nd Day Air, Priority Mail, Standard, etc.)
Order Item Ship Date
o Period Hierarchy: A date hierarchy for weekly commission periods.
o Year-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Month and Calendar Date.
o Year-Quarter-Month-Date: A date hierarchy that includes the Year, Quarter, Month, and Calendar Date.
o Year-Week-Date: A date hierarchy that includes Year, Calendar Week, and Calendar Date.
Payment Dimension
o Pay Currency Code: The currency payment was made in.
o Payment Gateway Account: Payment processor account name.
o Payment Gateway Name: Payment processor company name.
o Payment Method: Specific payment method used (e.g. Braintree (Cinsay), Cash, CashierCheck, Checking,
o Payment Method Display Name: Specific payment method used (name/alias)

The next 2 dimensions call for some additional explanation. Some of the SKUs Jeunesse offers are package/kit SKUs
made up of multiple products. For example, one SKU may be simply a box of RESERVE, but an Ambassador Package
will have RESERVE, LUMINESCE, etc. all together in one SKU. So, in the Package Dimension below, we have the SKUlevel information, and in the Product Dimension section we have the information for the base-level products within
each SKU.

Package Dimension (this is used to look at the full SKU sold)

o Great Plains Item Code: The code used for the product in the Great Plains software.
o Is Auto Ship: Flag for SKUs specifically created for Autoship.
o Is Starter Kit: Flag for whether or not the SKU is a Starter Kit.
o Product Group: The general product group used for executive reporting (e.g. Energy, Skin Care, Weight
Management, etc.).
o Product Brand: The general brand name the product is associated with (e.g. ZEN, Luminesce, etc.).


Product Line: The line of a specific product (e.g. Luminesce Serum, NEVO Drinks, ZEN Fuze, etc.).
Product Short Name: The unique name, consistent across SKUs, that is used to classify products into Group,
Brand, etc.
o Product Name: The actual SKU name entered into the system.
o Product Function: The function the product is generally used for (e.g. Weight Loss, Personal Care, Muscle
Support, etc.).
o Product Code: The SKU code.
o Product Key: The database key associated with each specific SKU.
o Product Packaging: Type of packaging (e.g. Box, Envelope, etc.).
o Product Type: A product categorization used on the website.
Product Dimension (this is used to look at the base-level products within each SKU sold)
o Great Plains Item Code: The code used for the product in the Great Plains software.
o Is Auto Ship: Flag for SKUs specifically created for Autoship.
o Is Starter Kit: Flag for whether or not the SKU is a Starter Kit.
o Product Group: The general product group used for executive reporting (e.g. Energy, Skin Care, Weight
Management, etc.).
o Product Brand: The general brand name the product is associated with (e.g. ZEN, Luminesce, etc.).
o Product Line: The line of a specific product (e.g. Luminesce Serum, NEVO Drinks, ZEN Fuze, etc.).
o Product Short Name: The unique name, consistent across SKUs, that is used to classify products into Group,
Brand, etc.
o Product Name: The actual SKU name entered into the system.
o Product Function: The function the product is generally used for (e.g. Weight Loss, Personal Care, Muscle
Support, etc.).
o Product Code: The SKU code.
o Product Key: The database key associated with each specific SKU.
o Product Packaging: Type of packaging (e.g. Box, Envelope, etc.).
o Product Type: A product categorization used on the website.
Source Tables
o Table Name: Tables in the Jeunesse database that the data comes from.

Which Dimensions & Measures can be used together in the CUBE?

The CUBE is setup so that certain Measure groups are related to certain Dimension groups. The matrix below shows
how each Measure group is related to the Dimension groups in the CUBE.

This matrix is a bit complicated. To make things easier for you, Excel has a field filter where you can select the group of
data fields that you wish to pull data for. This data-field-selection is available if you are using Excel 2013 or later. In the
PivotTable Fields pane, use the dropdown at the top to filter the data fields to the ones that can be used together, as
shown in this screenshot:


Connecting to the CUBE

Creating a Connection for the First Time
Here are the steps to connect to the CUBE. The process is a bit messy this first time connecting, but after setting it up
the first time you can re-use the existing connection going forward.
1. Open Excel
2. Select the Data>Existing Connections>Browse for More

3. Select New Source


4. Select Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services

a. Click Next

5. Enter for the Server name

a. Select Use the following User Name and Password
b. Enter your Jeunesse HQ e-mail account and password (Jeunesse West employees must use a separate
i. Username for Jeunesse West users: ffihq\cubeuser
ii. Password for Jeunesse West users: CharlieGolf789!
c. Click Next


6. Select JnsDw in the drop down.

a. Select Jns DW in the specific CUBE options.
b. Click Next

7. Enter SSAS1 JnsDw.odc as the File Name

a. Select Save Password in File
i. Select Yes when the information box opens up.
b. Enter SSAS1 JnsDw as the Friendly Name
c. Click Finish


Opening an existing connection

After youve connected to the CUBE for the first time, it is easy to reconnect using the existing connection. To reconnect
using an existing connection, go to the Data ribbon, and click on Existing Connections. Select your already-created
CUBE connection (it should be SSAS1 Jns Dw), and click Open to open a new connection to the CUBE. After clicking
Open it should look like this:

Simply select OK and the following pivot table should appear.


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