Ela's Task

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The information from the data we known about underground systems in six cities
consisting of Lodon, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles.
The London has the oldest subway, it was opened in 1863 and also the longest
route by 394 km, while Kyotos subway has the shortest track and the lowest
passangers only 45 million in yearly. Pariss underground system has closely similar
percentage as longer with Tokyo and Washington DC. It has only half the size of
London railway by 199 km of route. Tokyo is the popular subway which the most
used passangers up to 1921 millions per year. Two most recent railway stations are
Kyoto and Los Angeles, those started in the year 1981 and 2001. Kyoto has the half
track of Los Angeless subway system by 11 km of route. However they serves only
by 45 millions of Kyoto and 50 millions of Los Angeles.
Overall, Tokyo has the doubling passangers then the oldest countries. It might
caused Tokyo has the busiest underground line compared compared to the other 5

The pie charts compare the total school spending in a UK school in 1981, 1991, and
2001. It shows the segments of total school spending in 5 categories, namely
teachers salries, insurance, furniture and equipment, resources e.q books, and other
workers salaries.
According to the pie chart, teacher salaries had the largest percentage of total
school spending every decade. Specifically in 1991, it took the highest propotion of
expenses by 50%, but in 2001it dropped to 45%. However, expenditure on
insurance while the smallest percentage of expense, although it hold every decade,
percentage by 2% in 1981, 13% in 1991, and 8% in 2001. The percentage of
resources eq book, furniture and equipment showed a fluctuation. They had equal
trends in 1981 by 15%, whereas in 1991 expenditure on resources eq book
increased rose to 20%, while expenditure on it and equipment decreased to 5%. As
for the other workers salaries which was 28% in 1981, 22% in 1991 in, and 15% in
2001 showed fell in every decade.
Overall, the total spending on different thing of a UK school changed considerably, it
is possibly caused by different needs of the school every year.


The graph illustrates the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between
1940 and 2040 in three different countries consisting of Japan, Sweden, and USA
In 1940, the percentage of elderly people in all countries was below 10%. The USA
and Sweden had a gradual upward trend starting with a percentage respectively of
9% and 7% in 1940 grow until 23% and 25% in 2040. However Japan has a lower
trend about 5% of elders until 2020, by contras it will rocket by 2020 to reach a
peak of almost 30% in 2040.
The rate in Sweden had been fluctuated after 1980 and those reaches to 25% in
2040. The rate of the USA had equal to Sweden at about 14% in 1998, then the
elderly people in Sweden has been surpassed in the USA from 1998 to 2040.
As can be seen from the line graph that the eldery people of three countries will rise
gradually in future, it might caused by improvement in healthcare over the time.

The graph shows the number of complaints made about noise to environmental
health authorities between 1980 and 1996 in newtown city. In general, there are
different categorise in the noise caused by road works, factories, traffic noise, and
domestic household.
The noise caused by road works just over 600 complaints received in 1980, besides
it had general trend moved downwards along the periodes 1980 to 1996. The
number of complaints from factories noise rose steadily between 1980 and 1982.
After 1982 it increased slightly until 1986. From then onwards, it remained`stable.
Protests from traffic noise were steady between 1980 and 1984 at approximately
500, then it decline across 2 years. However, it rose dramatically towards in 1990,
then rose slightly until 1996. The noise caused by domestic household had almost
the same trend with noise caused by traffic.
From the graph, it can be obviously seen that in the 1996, the most complained
noise by people were noise from traffic. The noise were complained by 1200 people.
On the contraty, the noise from road works were the least complained by people
which got less than 200 complaints,
In conclusion, the number of complaints from factories, traffic, and domestic
household noise were on the rise while noise from road works dropped. It might
caused the project of the road decreased between 1980 and 1996.

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