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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

Our Vision
To challenge and encourage everyone in our
congregation to know and follow Christ by:
Growing as disciples through Christs
Connecting with one another in Christian
Serving Christ by serving others
Praising God as we worship Christ

Sunday Services and Studies

Traditional 8:30 am
Contemporary 10:45 am
Sunday School 9:45 am

July 31, 2016

Sunday Movie: Chariots of Fire 6:30pm

Come join us for the final
movie of the summer, Chariots
of Fire, an inspirational movie
about the 1924 Olympic
Games in Paris, where British
Olympian Eric Liddell
competes for gold in track. It is
a true story about a Christian
who went on to become a
missionary and inspired faith
in many other people. The
movie begins at 6:30 pm on
Sunday, July 31, in Oberholtzer Hall.
This is a great way to prepare for the 2016 Olympics in Rio!

Pastors Corner
Many of you will remember that we had serious damage to our slate roof in early April of
this year. You are also probably wondering why we still have blue tarps on the north side
of the Sanctuary roof when we are almost to the month of August. The damage to our
roofs was severe. Not only were about thirty percent of our slates torn off by the wind on
April 7 on the north side, we also lost slates on the south side on April 3 which damaged
three members' automobiles. However, the overall damage on April 8 was the worst,
because not only were the slates torn off by the wind, but they were driven into our
"softer" roofs in four other areas. There were three rubber roofs (over Oberholtzer, the
kitchen, and the office building) damaged by flying slate, as well as the asphalt roof over Fellowship Hall.

The Trustees, under the able leadership of Connie Moyer, have spent an enormous amount of time poring
over roofing proposals, looking at various materials, meeting with contractors, and other time intensive
activities related to the roof. Kyle Sweppenheiser, new member of our church and new member of the
Board of Trustees, works for a large commercial roofing supply company and has been a huge asset to the
Trustees as they make decisions together. Part of the challenge at this time is that there is a sizable gap
between what the insurance adjuster has recommended to the insurance company for payment for the
damage, and what is the lowest contract price that has been offered by a reputable commercial roofing
installer. We are, of course, seeking the highest reimbursement for our claim, which has meant many
phone calls back and forth to the adjuster and the installer we are likely to hire.
We're getting there! The Trustees will meet on Monday evening, August 1, to finalize the contract so that
work can get under way in September. Repairs, and in some cases, replacements, will be made to all of
(Continued on page 2)

(Continued from page 1)

the affected areas to prevent water leakage and to prevent any further
damage from occurring. Since our slate roof has served us well for 94
years but is at the end of its usable life, we will likely remove it and
replace it with a shingle style roof which we deem to be safer in the likely
event of strong winds in the future.
Please pray for our Trustees as they continue in their decision-making
about one of the most important assets we have which help to keep us
dry and protected each and every day. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear
and respond to your questions about the roof situation or anything else
you'd like to share with them. Please take a moment to thank them for
their work; encouragement is a valued resource as we work together for
God's Kingdom!
Blessings in Christ, Pastor Jim

Read the Bible in a Year

I believe there are times we have problems

trying to find the right words to describe our
deepest feelings and the most powerful events in
our lives. So how do we go about finding the right
words to describe God; His power, His majesty and the extravagant love
that He has for all of us? The answer to this question (at least for me)
comes from reading the Book of Psalms.
In our readings this year we began with the first Psalm and we will
continue in this book of poetry and praise until we reach Psalm 150 on
the last day of the year. The Psalms have inspired people for centuries,
through worship songs and prayers uttered in the good times and the
bad. They show an awareness of Gods presence in peoples everyday
lives and they also serve as a source of strength to help connect us to
God in a powerfully profound way.
Today I would like us to look at Psalm 84 which starts by saying:
How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even
faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the
living God. The author then proclaims: Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house
of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. This is where we as
Christians need to be. This is what we strive for: to be in relationship with
a living, loving God.
But this Psalm also speaks to the journey that we travel as children
of God. Reflect a moment upon Verse 5: Blessed are those whose
strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass
through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn
rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each
appears before God in Zion.
Now I looked up the reference to the Valley of Baka. The
translation explains it to be the valley of weeping. It is not a geographic
location. It is a metaphor for the low points we all face at one time or
another during our lives. We may ask, Why cant we stay on the
mountain top? Why must we walk through the depths of the valley? I
believe He allows us to experience the wonderful heights of the mountain
so that when we struggle through the valley our hope in the living God
sustains and strengthens us. No matter how isolated we may feel, no
matter how desolate the painful journey, God brings us from the miry
pit (Psalm 40) and bathes us in His living water. Find your strength in
Him, for as the psalmist reminds us: Lord Almighty, blessed is the one
who trusts in you.
So my friends be encouraged and read on
Pastor Bob

Stephen Ministry
Celebrating 10 Years
Freely you have received, freely
give.,,Matthew 10:8b
God calls all of us to give of our
talents, abilities, and Spiritual gifts to
serve Him! If you have the gifts of
mercy, faith, and prayer, perhaps God
is calling you to become a Stephen
A training class for new Stephen
Ministers will begin on September
14th. Please visit the Stephen
Ministry table in Fellowship Hall on
Sundays, August 7, 14, and 21 to look
through the training manuals, speak
with a Stephen Minister or Stephen
Leader, and pick up an application.
All applications must be completed
and returned no later than August
21st. For further information, contact
Peggy Strack, 570-421-3280, ext.
1023. In serving as a Stephen
Minister, you will be blessed as you
allow God to work though you to care
for His children!
Members of ESUMC who are no
longer able to attend church enjoy
hearing from you! Send cards to:
June Nicholson
Chandler Estates, 1569 Teels Road
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Hearing Assistance
Devices are Here!
ESUMC now owns several hearing assistance devices which can be worn to
improve your ability to hear our worship
services. Please contact an usher to
pick up your hearing assistance device
and return to an usher after use.

We are in need of a counter.

Two counters meet Monday mornings from

about 9-11 a.m., and work with the
Financial Secretary to count the gifts.
Job Requirements: Honest , good with
basic math skills, ability to maintain
privacy and confidentiality, and able to
commit to this job on a weekly basis.
If interested, contact the office at
(570) 421-3280, ext. 1025.

Altar Flower Sponsorships

Sponsor ships for altar flowers are still

available for August 21st & 28th and
September 9tth,
18th & 25th.
arrangements are
$25 per vase, and
you may sponsor
one or two vases,
in honor of or in
memory of the
person or persons of your choice.
To sponsor flowers, please call the church
office (570) 421-3280, or send an e-mail to

Last SessionThis Sunday

Three Week Mid-Summer

Two Ways to Help Our Brothers and Sisters in West Virginia

After the recent flooding in West Virginia
UMCOR has set up a fund to help the
victims. The Mission Team has agreed
to use the Faith Promise account to
match any money that ESUMC
members donate to that fund. Please
note "West Virginia" on your check or
donation envelope.
We also have another opportunity to
help. The Manharts, who used to be
members of ESUMC, now live in West
Virginia and we have been in touch with
their pastor at Mt. Tabor UMC. They need
tools to help with the demo work including
work gloves, pry bars, utility knives and
hammers. Relatives of the Manharts will be
traveling there the first week in August and
can get these items directly into the hands

of those who need them.

Please bring in your donations on
July 31. Tools can be placed in the
designated box in Oberholtzer Hall.
Members of the Mission Team will be
available to answer questions. Thank you.

The study will meet in classroom

B off of Oberholtzer Hall (also
known as the Bridal Lounge) from 9:45 am
to 10:35 am

Read the Bible in a Year

2111 Chronicles 7, 1 Chronicles 8,

Romans 13:1-14, Psalm 89:38-45
2121 Chronicles 9, 1 Chronicles 10:1-14,
Romans 14:1-18, Proverbs 18:17-24,
Proverbs 19:1-2
2131 Chronicles 11, 1 Chronicles 12:1-22,
Romans 14:19-23, Romans 15:1-13,
Psalm 89:46-52
2141 Chronicles 12:23-40, 1 Chronicles 13,
1 Chronicles 14, Romans 15:14-33,
Psalm 90:1-10
2151 Chronicles 15, 1 Chronicles 16:1-36,
Romans 16, Psalm 90:11-17
2161 Chronicles 16:37-43, 1 Chronicles 17,
1 Chronicles 18, 1 Corinthians 1:1-17,
Proverbs 19:3-12
2171 Chronicles 19, 1 Chronicles 20,
1 Chronicles 21, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31,
1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Psalm 91:1-8
2181 Chronicles 22, 1 Chronicles 23,
1 Corinthians 2:6-16, Psalm 91:9-16
2191 Chronicles 24, 1 Chronicles 25,
1 Chronicles 26:1-19, 1 Corinthians 3,
Psalm 92:1-15
2201 Chronicles 26:20-32, 1 Chronicles 27,
1 Corinthians 4, Proverbs 19:13-22
2211 Chronicles 28, 1 Chronicles 29,
1 Corinthians 5, Psalm 93:1-5

New DirectoriesWe Strive for


The Membership & Evangelism Team

and the office staff are working hard to
accurately update our church directory
roster. Directory print-outs are found
alphabetically on tables in Oberholtzer Hall. Please take a moment
on Sunday July 31, August 7 or 14 to find your family listing and
check the information for accuracy. If all is correct, please write OK
by your listing. If corrections need to be made, please do so on the
sheet. Thank you for your help!

Its cool again in the Fellowship Hall!!

Thanks to Mr. Scott Price for his skills and
knowledge in air conditioning.

Scott spent three of the hottest days of the month

up on the sweltering roof above Fellowship Hall.
He managed to fix the equipment that we were told is not fixable,
saving the church a huge expense at this time. If you happen to see
Scott, let him know how much you appreciate him for his selfless
efforts. If you see Ana first, mention it to her. She was there lifting
water up to him with a rope and pulley.

THANKS SCOTT!! We appreciate your help.



Contact Us
UMW August Dollar Challenge is school
supplies. Place in UMW Donation Bin in
Oberholtzer Hall.

UMW Upstairs Basement Sale

August 5th 9am3 pm & August 6th, 9 amNoon.

Drop off items Tuesday, August 2nd until noon
Wednesday & Thursday, August 3rd & 4th., 9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.
Setup help needed Wednesday & Thursday - 9am-3pm
and take down Saturday 11:30am 2pm.
Questions, call Linda Drake (570) 856-9395.
Donations of Baked Goods are need to sell at the Bake Sale Table on
Friday and Saturday.
Please contact Pat Fish or Linda Drake for more information.

SWAT (Serving with a Team ) will meet on

Monday, August 29th, in Fellowship Hall at 9:00

a.m. to Noon. We will be performing various
projects around the church buildings and
property. Please come and help the team keep
our church well maintained.

Sunday Movie: Chariots of Fire 6:30pm

Christian Mens Breakfast

Wednesday, August 3 in Fellowship Hall7:30 a.m.8:30 a.m.

Join men from around the county for a delicious breakfast, fellowship,
song, prayer and an inspirational or educational message.
This breakfast is held every two weeks, same time & same place.

Community Dinner

Served every Monday in Fellowship Hall at 4:30 p.m. Please come and
enjoy fellowship and dinner with friends from around the community.
If interested in helping in this ministry, call the church office at (570) 4213280, or see Ana Price at church on Sunday.
Recovery Meetings Available in The Community Room of Office
Building Basement
NA: Monday through Saturday 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Just for Today

Wednesday 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. New Beginnings (Womens Group)

AA: Thursday & Saturday 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Keep It Simple

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Church Office
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Mon thru Fri
Jim Todd
Ext. 1014
Maria Ragonese
Ext. 1010
Congregational Care
Peggy Strack
Ext. 1023
Youth Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
Ext. 1013
Childrens Ministries
Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017
Sue Mertz
Ext. 1015
Financial Secretary
Cyndie Faunce
Ext. 1025
William Mack
Ext. 1018
SextonJude Porter
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
Joe Dorsch
Technology Support
Michael Corey

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