Vervezine Issue 3 - 2009-10

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Verve Zine

Issue no . 00 3

For and by the students at London Met

Something for summer

Hot festival action
Meet Bastian Gründler,
Tennis Master
Music is the best Cure

Explore the SU Elections

Enchanted Castle With improved par-tici-pation!
|media activities (verveZine & verveRadio) | democracy |
student council | campaigning for change (24 hour library,
black history month, LGBT history month |
fighting for equality & diversity | student union annual elections
charity work (rag week) | StARs (Student Academic Rep Scheme)
2nd hand book fayre | A.I.R (advice, information, representation)

How will you

get involved
with your union?
Visit u s at
North Campus City Campus
Room TMG-65a 3rd Floor, HUB
Tower Building 2 Goulston St
Holloway Road Aldgate

phone: 0207 133 4171 phone: 0207 320 2233

Òputting studentsÕ firstÓ

Editor’s Letter
It’s that time of the year. The sun is out and all you
04 2010 SU Elections want to do is hang out at the Heath instead of slaving
The best results in years - though concerns still remain. over your books.

08 Vintage Posters Upside is; it’s almost over. In a couple of weeks,

you’ll have all the time in the world to do everything
Experience the most commercial of arts. and anything. The Heath, here I come!

10 Medicine at the Rocket To all of you who are graduating and won’t be joining
us at London Met after the summer; congratulations
A Rocket event for the only important genre - good music!
on graduating.

20 Belly Dancing Society To everyone else; we at Vervezine will see you after
the summer. Hopefully, we’ll have some surprises
How to move with a purpose.
for you when you come back after the holiday. We
look forward to a new season where we’ll tell you all
22 Enchanted Fashion in an Enchanted Place about the latest at uni, good artists, new trends and
Lose yourself in a real-life wonderland. achievements in the world of sports.

31 Festivals for Summer Remember, if you want to get involved and develop
your student magazine e-mail me at
The best places for summer music, both here and abroad. or the art director
32 Entertainment I wish you all a great holiday and I hope you have fun
Lots of:
Music Film Theatre in the sun.
Ellie Goulding Erasing David Private Lives
Plan B Sex and the City 2
Redwood falls The Blind Side
Tankus the Henge The Ghost Writer



Copyright © 2010. Published by the London
Metropolitan University Student Union (METSU).
All copyrights exist with the indicated authors,
written under the Vervezine name and cannot
be reproduced or altered in any way, outside of Corrections and Clarifications
the magazine, without the respective authors In last issue's piece 'Buy A Cheerleader, Save
express permission. This publication is for free, The Team', we accidentally credited James
non-commercial distribution only. Canlas with writing the piece. That role was
dutifully carried out by Christian Eriksson.
All views represented within the publication are
not necessarily those of the writers, editors or In addition, one of Marta’s reviews was mis-
London Met Student Union credited to Anthony.


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Isl a m ic
S ociet y Victor DelVecchio

Up and down the obscure flight of stairs of London Unfortunately, the number of people inclined to help
Metropolitan University – carrying without a halt my is small and Babor recalls that membership drives
dedicated quest for societies – I have noticed that were easier when membership was 50p, “People
the shinier gems are hard to find and to hear about, were more inclined to join a society at that time.”
and harder to find the right words to define its shine.
I think that for this time, I finally caught something Thankfully, some people are apt of generousness, as
rather interesting and therefore will promptly share has been demonstrated a few weeks ago during the
it with you. charity week. On duty to raise money for “Orphans
in Bangladesh”, the overall week generated £900,
According to Babor (secretary and second year but Babor remembers the good old days. “We raised
student in Biochemistry), the Islamic society has £1500 last year. Although three years ago, with
existed for as long as a few decades, tracing back the help of the Students’ Union, the society raised
to the society’s former group in the nineties. Since around £10.000.”
then, as the society has been changing regularly
of ownership, the group is now held by two other However good these figures inform of the dedication
students: President Tuly and Finance Officer Abu of the Islamic society, their other interest is also
Bakr. to arouse cultural commitment through talks and
conferences. The most recent was an event presented
Existing since the university was named University by Murtaza Khan and Jalal Ibn Sa’eed through a
North London (UNL), the Islamic Society seems so speech entitled “The journey of Life and death”.
far to be the most pro-active of societies. Although a
very small number of people are officially registered, Devoted to represent the majority of the Muslim
Babor insists that the society is open to all Muslims community, Babor insists that the society do not
from all cultures, but also to everybody within the hold any strict codes of practices and furthermore
university. welcome any religious point of views. Nonetheless, in
contact with the praying facility, they do encourage
Babor, distant from the society’s long history, people to group and chat – avoiding imposing
declares with a hint of happiness the society’s current anything to anyone; they invite people to participate
full-on business and motivation. Mainly dedicated to in any activities.
provide help to Muslim students with work or jobs,
the Islamic society tries to build good and valuable
grounds to increase productivity.

“In order for us to do more activities, more seminars,

more lectures, more conferences, we need hands to
help out.”

Student Elections:
The More Things Change...
Mark Oxley
One surprise was the creation of a political party, to low student participation. “Is it Bangaldeshi
of a sort. A number of students banded together problem there is no candidate from other country or
to run as ‘Mission Met’, under a shared manifesto other side?”
and resources, supporting each others’ bids for
Council seats. Only two out of their seven candidates NUS Conference
managed to win seats. Rishi Pancholi, Phillipe Giovanni Chiarella, Tarequl
Islam Khan, James Canlas, Bonolo Jamarl Woracker,
The election also highlighted another question about Yeashir Ahmed and Angelo Weekes represented
participation. According to the university’s own London Metropolitan University at the National Union
research, London Met’s student body is more female of Students (NUS) yearly conference in Gateshead.
Student Union Elections are like Secret Santas – they than male and broadly distributed between White,
come once a year and, while you know what you Asian and Black students. However the dearth of The delegates chose Aaron Porter as the 54th NUS
put in, you’re never really sure if you’ll get what you female and non-Asian Union Executive members President, succeeding Wes Streeting. Although a
wanted. raised questions about how accurately the Students’ Labour party member, Porter threatened to give
Union executive Committee represented the student the government a fight over the Browne report into
The Students’ Union elections 2009/10 resulted in body at large. Although this years’ election resulted tuition fees.
weak mandates, an absenteeism in meetings that in a more diverse Students’ Union, the Union has
prevented quorum (required to pass motions) and some way to go before it is representative of the Wes Streeting still managed to hold the delegates’
the vocal fear of a hostile university. university’s diversity. attention. “You won’t see pensioners being ignored
at this election because it doesn’t matter how old
It made this years’ elections starkly different and, Vervezine interviewed SU President, Yeashir Ahmed, or frail they are, they will find a way to the polling
in this case very encouraging. 6.5% of the student who raised the issue without being asked. He station on voting day. The ‘grey vote’ is powerful, it
population voted, a great increase over last years challenged critics and raised the important question is so influential. And the student vote could be the
1.5%. Over 30 candidates stood, bringing the of involvement, “Well, if you don’t like Bangladeshi same.”
Students’ Union (SU) to full strength. people why don’t you get engaged” he asked, referring

Ringing the changes:

The election results for the full-time officers are as below. Their manifestos are still available on the Student Democracy website.

Position Previous Officer Next Officer Contact Email address

President Yeashir Ahmed Yeashir Ahmed
Vice-President (North) Amir Ramin Samsul Hoq
Vice-President (City) Richi Sethi Muhammed Sadi
Communication & Campaigns Officer Rishi Pancholi Claire Locke
Participation & Development Officer Tarequl Islam Khan Tarequl Islam Khan
Diversity & Welfare Officer MD Aman Ullah Angelo Weekes
Welfare Officer Elliot Agbon Abu Sara Awayez
International Students Officer >Empty< Towfiq Ahamed These candidates do not yet have email addresses. Students can
Part-Time Students Officer >Empty< Mohamed Mohamed contact the SU offices by ringing the city campus offices on 0207
320 2233. The North campus office can called on 0207 133 4171
Postgraduate Students Officer Adikwu Lawrence Adoli Michael P. Young

09/10 Students Union Officers (Left to Right): Rishi Pancholi (Communications & Campaigns Officer), Richi Sethi (Vice-President North),
Yeashir Ahmed (President), Tarequl Islam Khan (Participation & Development Officer), Amir Ramin (Vice-President City)

Concern surrounds the Browne report, which will Communications and Campaigns Officer, Rishi
not be available until after the general election. It Pancholi, stated that, “there needs to be more
is expected to recommend big rises in tuition fees policing of SU elections.” He said that he was “pretty
and the interest rates on student loans, eventually sure” that candidates had canvassed in IT rooms (an
leading to a US-style free market in education. Lord act punishable by disqualification), although he added
Browne was the head of BP until he stepped down that he was not personally aware of such behaviour.
after lying to the court.

Fraud claims still dog SU VOX POPS

The 2007/8 elections were voided after the discovery Riad Jaman – 2nd Year History student Angelica Dunkley – 3rd Year Law Student
of electronic ballot stuffing. While the 2008/9 Q1. Did you vote in the Student Union Elections? Q1. Did you vote in the Student Union Elections?
elections suffered more from disinterest than If so, are you happy with the outcome? If so, are you happy with the outcome?
sabotage, claims of fraud have risen again. I did vote, I am happy with the outcome, and I’m sure I voted Rishi Pancholi for Communications officer,
all of the candidates will do a good job... but I was surprised that the president got his position
Temidayo Israel, who has twice failed to secure the back, seeing as lots of people were very unhappy with
Presidency, confirmed that he had filed a claim of Q2. How do you feel about the allegations of him, and he didn’t do much campaigning. So I think,
voting fraud with the Vice-Chancellor, Malcolm Gillies. fraudulent activity within the SU Elections? maybe some fraud occurred during the election
The claims were made against another presidential I wasn’t aware... period.
candidate, Yeashir Ahmed. He told his Facebook
followers: “AFTER DUE PRAYER AND CONSULTATION Rudzani Moleya – Law Student Q2. How do you feel about the allegations of
– I HAVE DECIDED TO FIGHT 4 D MANDATE GIVEN Q1. Did you vote in the Student Union Elections? fraudulent activity within the SU Elections?
BY STUDENT VOTERS THIS ELECTION”. He said that If so, are you happy with the outcome? I think last year there was a lot of fraud, and this year
he was “LOOKING FORWARD TO D MEETING WITH D I voted, and I only recently heard about the outcome, they obviously haven’t sorted out the situation - it’s
VICE-CHANCELLOR AFTER EASTER IN REGARDS TO D and no, I guess I’m not happy with it. obviously occurred again, hence the president.
Q2. How do you feel about the allegations of
President Yeashir Ahmed said, “I have been given fraudulent activity within the SU Elections?
criminal allegations without any evidence. Well fine, Yeah, I think obviously there has been (fraudulent
people forcing [others to vote in a certain way]. Where activity). I don’t know to what extent, but there has
are you then? There was a time for this complaint, to be some kind of fraud, ‘cos a lot of people who
why they didn’t complain that time?” haven’t campaigned are in the union now. My other
problem is that they all seem to be of one ethnic
Gillies ordered an investigation by the University group, and I’m not sure how you can be a student
Secretary and Returning Officer, John McParland. union and represent a whole university when all of
McParland told the Vervezine: “I have not seen or you are from the same background, environment, or
been provided with evidence of any fraud in the gender - it just doesn’t make sense.
recent election.”

The SU’s Deputy Returning Officer, Eddie Rowley, has

stated categorically that there is no evidence that
fraud has occurred.

The G ener a l E lection :
They think it’s all over - but it’s not!
Mark Oxley
Writing about politics for a magazine is difficult work. Sun’s attempts to paint a rich, white, man with royal
After all, if a week is a long time in politics, then our connections as Britain’s Obama, this wasn’t an election
production cycle probably counts as a geological where the papers got to dictate the public’s choice.
epoch. So I’m going to skip the bits we all know about And that’s a good thing.
and go to something else.
There are other ways we may have won. Assuming
Out of all the world’s top countries, it’s only the UK that Cameron is honest in his ambition for cuddlier
and USA that prefers some clapped-out, undemocratic Conservatives (and he did offer serious concessions), LIBERAL
electoral system, fetishising ‘strong government’ and a Con-Lab coalition will inoculate him against his
pretending that accommodating a variety of views, own parties’ reactionary right. Certainly, a minority
rather than one set of them, is somehow dirty. government and a new election wouldn’t have helped
– we need parties to show us something new before
These are countries that bring up Israel and Italy as bad we vote again. Besides, both parties have the incentive
examples, conveniently forgetting to mention that both not to become the parties that destroyed recovery and
nations have massive problems quite unrelated to how consigned us to economic oblivion.
they vote. Meanwhile, nations like Germany, France
and Norway (ranked best place in the world to live) are In the end though, we simply don’t know how this will
wondering why they never get mentioned. go. Like all governments, this one needs pressure to
keep it honest, especially in the midst of a financial
I have previously said that memories of the previous crisis caused by financial institutions, but left for us to
Conservative government may slow hands eager for pay.
Cameron’s form of ‘change’ and I appeared to be right.
You see, despite their claims of victory, despite gaining
the most votes overall, the Conservatives failed. HOT TOPIC: This election is a big issue, with
repercussions across all of society. How do you feel
All the parties did. The electorate spoke and said about the election? Email us at the usual address:
‘That’s what we get to choose from?’

In theory the Conservatives should have been able

to create a 1997-style landslide; the conditions
were certainly there. Instead, I think, they failed to
convince that the ‘nasty party’ had been banished to
the Hell of Eternal Recession. The nation turned to the Quotes of the Campaign – some of my favourite lines
Conservatives, but daren’t give them all the keys to to come out of the last month, in no particular order.
“It is my job to see that Cameron fucking well gets into
Of course Labour lost, dipping below 30% popularity Downing Street”. - Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor,
and out of Number 10. While everyone’s criticism of The Sun.
Brown being unelectable was strictly wrong (we don’t
elect our PMs, only MPs), his assumption of Blair’s “Look, my polling suggests that the overall impression
vacated seat was never going to please a nation that left by Cleggmania will eventually be less than what
had quickly tired of Blairism. remains of a hot slash on a tarmac road after 24 hours
in a heatwave”. - Malcolm Tucker.
And the Lib Dems…they also lost. Their voter surge
turned out to be a mirage of ballot boxes that, no “Students, get out of bed earlier if you want to vote”. -
matter how hard they tried, never came within reach. Blogger Paul Staines
Now they are stuck between a hard place and an even
harder place. Much of their base won’t even slip behind “Mr Clegg was said to have came off the phone assured
the bike sheds with the Conservatives, let alone into that it would be impossible to work with Brown because
bed with them, but it comes to something when an of his attitude towards working with other people.” -
outgoing Labour government can make an incoming from the BBC News website
Conservative one look like the better partner.
“When no party gets an absolute majority, the voters
are saying they don’t love any one of us enough to give
OK, so they lost; but who won? us a monopoly on power”. - David Miliband.
Well, the public, to some degree (work with me; I’m
trying to be positive here).

The hurdle over which papers tried to boost their

favoured parties became a long drop over which they
flung themselves into irrelevance. From the Daily
Mail’s pretend outrage over Clegg’s ‘Nazi Slur’ to The

Photographs by Jason Baughan

And then they came for me... Remembering the world of Anne Frank
Kerris Gibson
I’m sitting in the front row of a school auditorium in Camden, ten minutes before it. And it took me many years to get my confidence back and not to be shy and
the play is due to start. To my left is director Nic Careem who is busy fixing up to be able to speak up. When two people were together I didn’t dare to open my
a laptop which will project video images onto the stage, where drama will meet mouth for many years after the war.”
modern media. Written by James Still, “And then they came for me: remembering
the world of Anne Frank,” shows the events of the Nazi reign through the eyes of When studying history in the GCSE’s, I remember thinking that surely the rest of
two holocaust survivors. the world knew what was going on, how could they let this happen? Why didn’t
they stop it? How did she feel when she was finally able to leave the death camp?
The story is narrated by video-interviews of the two survivors Eva Schloss (Anne “I’ve never met a German person who said they knew what was going.” She
Frank’s friend) and Ed Silverberg (Anne Frank’s boyfriend) that plays alongside says that it was all “very well hidden. You were not allowed to listen to foreign
the onstage performance. When the characters on stage self-reflect the horrific broadcasts – only German radio which was censored. But on the BBC, they always
events, modern day Eva and Ed appears on the projector, explaining details of talked about the death camps so it was well known over here. After the war I
their experience hiding from the Nazis, and then life in Auschwitz. felt extremely bitter, not just against the Germans but against the whole world
because I felt that they had let us down badly.”

“We had to get up very early and stand in rows for two hours,” she tells us,
describing a typical day in the famous concentration camp. “Then we got our
liquid, either tea or watery soup, then we were taken to different work stations
which varied from day to day, wherever they [the Nazis] wanted things done. It
was always very physical work from the early morning without a lunch or toilet
break until late in the evening. And then we went back to our barracks where we
would stand again for two hours to be counted, and we were exhausted. Then we
got our bread ration. By ten o’clock or so we’d go to our bunks. Sleeping was so
uncomfortable – we slept on boards. There were lice and bed bugs. Before you
started to sleep, it was nearly morning and you had to get up again.”

Educational and gripping, seeing this touching performance gives you an insight
into what the history books will not. The play is a moving message from history
that shouldn’t be left behind, and I would strongly recommend anybody to take
an evening out of his or her lives to see it.

After giving the cast their well-deserved standing ovation, we are all lucky enough
to meet Eva Schloss herself, who bravely answers questions about her story and
issues raised throughout the play. Looking up at Eva on stage the audience is
taken aback by how somebody who had suffered so much is courageous enough
to still talk about her life – a truly inspiring story.

Eva and her mother were eventually discovered by the Nazis on her sixteenth
birthday. They were taken away, beaten and sent to Auschwitz. Eva tells us about
those who betrayed her and her family, “It was a Dutch nurse who pretended to
work for the resistance,” she explains. “By 1944 it became very hard to find good
hiding places. We were desperate to find a safe house and so this nurse came
forward pretending to work for the resistance – but it turned out to be a trap.”

Responding to the audience’s curiosity, Eva talks about being Jewish during the
Second World War in a country that was so full of resentment towards her race;
“people knew that I was Jewish. I was a very open and cheerful child but I lost all
my confidence.” She emotionally explains what it was like to be constantly hated,
not only by the Nazis but also by people on the street, “if you’re always told that
you’re not worth anything and you’re like vermin, you eventually start to believe

c e s a i d :
r W i l d e on
O sca

e m o m e nt n d e r s t a nd
“ Th k y o u u
y o ut h i n
o r k o f a r t,
a great w dead for you.”
it ’s

While the art world bickers about whether paintings
or sculptures are more interesting and valuable,
(Rembrandt or Da Vinci?), there is an art form
generating the same excitement, if not more. An art

Christian Eriksson
form that adds yet another dimension to the word
“appreciation” and which brings emotions that never
die. It is the art form of posters.
When broken down, Nourmand’s words on emotions
speaks for the whole genre. The deceptive simplicity
of early to mid-20th century posters brings out
feelings in people that paintings don’t seem to do.
When your parents or grandparents were walking When looking at an old movie poster, your mind
down the streets, they would have seen a variety flashes back to the day you went to the cinema to see
of advertisements dressing up walls and billboards. that movie. When seeing an old sports poster, you
What they would considered to be information, can feel the same excitement as you did in the crowds
today’s collectors consider to be art. Who, in the of that event. When finding an old travel poster, your
early 20th century, would have believed something memories of getting your first passport stamp from
as simple as a poster would be worth hundreds of that same destination comes back. Can you relate to
thousands of pounds now? a painting in that way?

Vintage posters is a somewhat underground art form, However, you don’t have to be a collector to enjoy
and maybe even looked down upon by other art posters. Simon Dwyer, 49, of the Shaking Street
enthusiasts. But when finding out that London’s Reel Gallery, sells an overwhelming majority of his posters
Poster Gallery sold a poster from the German film to people simply wanting to cover up their walls. And
Metropolis for record-breaking £416.000 in 2006, you there is a clear reason why people chose posters
realise that it’s not a small business. rather than paintings. “People don’t want to put up
a Monet or van Gough because it means nothing to
“I think a lot of people, still to this day, are not aware them. Posters are an alternative to that; or going down
that posters can be bought, that they are expensive to IKEA and buying some non-descript image, which
and that they have some artistic quality to them. is deliberately bland because it’s not suppose to raise
It’s a very emotionally driven thing,” explains Tony emotions or controversy. Those buying posters want
Nourmand of the Reel Poster Gallery. something more interesting,” Dwyer says.

“For certain types of art work, for instance a Jackson The debate whether posters or paintings raise the
Pollock painting, you need to have a certain level of strongest emotions will always remain personal,
understanding of the art world and how things are but there is one clear distinction between the two:
involved to understand it.” posters are there to sell a product.

“Posters are the sharp edge of advertising. In the

old days, if they didn’t deliver, the guy who owned
the cinema didn’t get any money, and he didn’t eat.
Vintage posters had to sell much harder than those of

Christie's Images Ltd
The Uruguay World Cup of 1942 poster (pictured …)
has an almost surreal feel to it, with the ability to bring
out memories only the people who experienced it can
today, because there were 4-5 times as many cinemas relate to – and with no real caption, your imagination
during the golden age, and they all competed with does a lot more work. Meanwhile the poster from
each other,” Dwyer said. England’s World Cup finals in 1966 (pictured …) has
a way of summing up what the games were all about
What would come to revolutionise the poster in an astonishingly simple way. Just as when it comes
industry was the birth of computers and Photoshop to old movies, the stars of the time were never more
in the eighties. “In the sixties it was realised you important than the game.
didn’t have to use poster illustrators, you could use
trendy designers. But Photoshop basically killed the And no matter if the narratives featured on posters
designer,” said Dwyer. By that, posters became a are from movies, sports or travel, they all tell stories
product to sell rather than an advert selling a product. difficult to find anywhere else. They’re stories of a
time more real and honest than that of today. Stories
And Tony Nourmand is on the same track: “With told through emotions lasting a lifetime.
for example graphic artists, photographers and film
makers, today there’s not as much thought that goes To see and learn more about vintage posters, visit
into the work. For example, when I was a student, www.shakingstreetgallery.
doing photography, I had to save money to buy rolls of com, On May 13th, Chirstie’s in South Kensington
film; there was a cost involved. So every photograph has a vintage poster auction including some of the
I took, I had to think about to make sure the lighting world’s most desirable football World Cup posters,
was right etc. Today, with the digital stuff you just go estimated to up to £20.000.
click, click, click.

“It’s the same thing with designers; in the old days,

graphic designers would experiment with different
things. A result that would take two weeks to come
to, now people can do with the click of a button. This I
think is really good, but one thing that’s missing from
a lot of that is the thought process of ‘why you’re
doing that?’ and ‘should you be doing that?’”

Such thoughts went into most work up until the

eighties. This is much visible effort in movie and
travel posters, but also in advertising for sporting
events. Posters tend to reflect the period they’re
from, and sports posters are no exception.

Photograph provided by: Medicine Promotions

Charlotte Sundberg

The men behind Medicine, James Crispin and Steve One of the bands that’s left a strong impression on the
Cairns, were pushed to organise the live nights by Medicine audience are the Rent Boys, who entered
their strong interest in music, especially live acts. the stage at the Rocket in a somewhat unusual
Steve works as a DJ while James used to play in a manner. As the guitarists played their first accords,
band himself. “We want to put gigs on, it’s a passion,” a male voice joined in – but from where? The source
both of them agreed. “It’s about getting music out of the vocals was nowhere to be seen. Slowly a body
there and giving people a good time,” James added. and microphone, belonging to the lead singer, crept
out from under the stage while singing the lyrics.
With the ability to metamorphose into a live music
venue, the Rocket seems like the right choice for a “The Rent Boys sound like five inadequate human
night of guitars and spectacular stage performances. beings trying to come to terms with an early dismissal
“It’s a cool venue,” Steve said, “You have good from a recorder club as youths. It was that early
sound equipment in both rooms.” For them, to musical exile that spurred us on to form a band that
arrange a live night at a university campus “makes no one cares about,” said Rent Boy Simon Ashton. If
perfect sense.” The university has a diverse student they were dismissed from a recorder club, they were
population with strong opinions about what’s good embraced by Medicine’s crowd.
music. Performances to suit everyone’s tastes seem
like the logical choice. For Black Market Karma, playing Medicine was a
most enjoyable experience where quality music was
They are joined in the excitement about the venue by in focus. “We had a cool time playing at Medicine.
When the lights are dimmed and the room cleared, Black Market Karma, a band previously on the bill for We realised early on that James picked the bands
the Rocket’s back room changes into something Medicine. “Yeah I dig the place. Got a decent stage because they played good music, not because of how
incomparable. Instead of a quiet space to chat, it’s and it was good to see some pool tables. Sweet sofas many people they could pull. It was good to see and
transformed to a place where you never know how too,” said Stan Belton, vocalist and guitarist, who gave us a really good vibe,” said Stan Belton.
long the party is going to last. The venue is filled enjoyed the chilled out atmosphere after performing.
with amps ready to enhance the clearest and loudest That vibe will be brought back to the Rocket several
guitar notes, and the drum kit waits to be hit as hard What the bands playing Medicine have in common is times before the summer. On May 6th, Medicine will
as possible to give the right rhythm. The stage is the that they’re all appreciated by the organisers. A band include bands such as The Standards and Humphrey
centre of attention and music is the medicine tonight. doesn’t have to fit the bill; it just needs to be good. Browne, and on May 20th the line up includes bands
A claim to originality doesn’t hurt. “We have caught such as Dear Acetate and Crowns.
Music as medicine is the thought behind the name bands when they are on their way up to success,”
of the regular live music event at the Rocket. Every Steve said. To find bands you have to merge yourself
other Thursday students get ready for a night of with the world of music; live with the constant flow
rockin’ live music and the most creative stage shows of music in London; and to be found on the web
prepared by the performers. that is worldwide. “You just have to keep your ears
open,” James explained. “We find bands by a bit of
referencing and some bands seek us up for a gig,”
Superheroes Christian Eriksson

they’d help sponsor the event, we were quite happy

for them to be involved as they donated a cool prize
[the camcorder].”

Feel the urge to put on some spandex? Think you look

cool in a cape? Got super powers? Then we hope you
attended the Super Hero party at the Rocket’s flirt!
Event last month.

300 students enjoyed themselves dressed up as their

favourite super hero – or perhaps as their own alter
Massey also has a message for anyone wanting to
egos? – for an amazing night including classic student
enjoy fancy dress parties at the Rocket in the future:
partying and a best costume competition.
“If anyone has any cool themes they’d like to see at
the flirt! nights, or just to stay up to speed with our
“Some of the costumes were amazing. Best dressed
latest and greatest theme nights and other events,
prize went to Cat Woman, who won a digital
follow us on twitter @londonmetevents. See you at
camcorder! The dance floor was busy all the way till
the next flirt!”
2am so it was a successful night and everyone had
a great time,” said the Rocket manager Alex Massey.

The popular Flirt! nights at the Rocket have had

a number of different themes, making each party
special. Massey continued, “We love coming up
with the themes, and had been planning to do super
heroes for a while. So when Kick Ass - the movie said

Picture from: ?
Credit: ?

Bolivia : South America’s hidden jewel

As the academic year comes to a close there might be the odd few among us not
so crippled with debts they can actually afford to go somewhere this summer.

Backpacking has become hugely popular with young people over the last decade,
spoiling the experience for many. You want to be a lone explorer, not at the back
of a conga of tourists. Peru’s Machu Picchu has been so damaged by visitors
trampling its foundations that it has been closed to the public. Thailand becomes
more like Blackpool each year and Australia, well, everybody goes to Australia.

So where does that leave us? Think different. Think adventure. Think Bolivia. Yes
that’s right. Bolivia is possibly the best kept backpacking secret out there. Being
landlocked has defused attention from ‘would be’ visitors but don’t let the lack
of coast put you off. What Bolivia lacks in shoreline it more than makes up for in
culture, value and excitement.

La Paz, commonly mistaken to be Bolivia’s constitutional capital - a title owned by

the equally interesting Sucre - is the most elevated administrative capital in the
world at a height of 3,600 meters. Set in a basin within the Andes, ‘The Peace’ is a
wet, cold, but unique metropolis yet to be descended on by the guidebook masses
that swarm to other major South American cities.

We’re not talking Sydney here; if you want sun, modern, and prices close to home,
then by all means go east. But if the idea is real adventure, where you cannot only
get by, but have a great time on a mere tenner a day appeals to you, then La Paz
might be your holy grail.

With a population of almost one million living amongst the clouds, La Paz is like And that is just where the adventure begins. Rurrenabaque is a small and friendly
no other city in the world with its mixture of downtown high-rises and colonial riverside town skirting the Amazon and offering dirt-cheap tours of the jungle.
architecture and plazas. At night the city comes alive – but you might be so high
on the altitude you don’t need a drink! Pampas tours will have you catching anacondas and baby alligators by hand,
swimming in the Amazon with pink dolphins and fishing for piranhas. Squirrel
But it’s not all hills and altitude sickness in South America’s poorest nation. monkeys will eat bananas from your hand while they sit - perhaps even shit - on
Bolivia is truly one of the most geographically diverse countries on the planet. your shoulder and you might even see capybara and green mambas - the deadliest
From mountains 6000ft above sea level to vast salt deserts and Amazon jungle of all Amazon snakes. Insurance is recommended but useless.
home to endless animal, bird and plant species; Bolivia will surely become one of
the hottest tourist destinations of tomorrow. So get there before everyone else. The Bolivian Amazon boasts over 1400 bird species so numerous you might
get bored of seeing eagles, vultures and birds of paradise as you navigate what
Even for the most experienced traveller the salt deserts of Salar de Uyuni are one evidently is ‘their’ home by boat.
of the most breathtaking and surreal aesthetic experiences Earth has to offer. A
flat, snow white expanse of land half the size of Wales, with cacti infested islands, If you’re more Mr. Danger than Park Ranger then there’s fun for you too. There’s
thousands of breeding flamingos and a beautiful volcanic backdrop is so stunning mountain biking down the most dangerous road in the world or exploring the still
you have to remind yourself you are still on this planet and not an alien landscape. active diamond mines of Potosi where a friendly and laid back guide will offer you
the opportunity to blow things up with dynamite. You can’t do that down under.
If you prefer to get your hands rirty rather than salty, then Bolivia caters for you
too. Rurrenabaque is a forty-five minute flight away from La Paz, transplanting
you from gigantic snow topped mountains to a scant grass runway, landing bang
in the middle of the jungle. Not for the feint hearted. Not to be missed!

The world-renowned Lake Titicaca lies on the boarder of Bolivia and Peru making
the crossing between the two countries a fantastic experience. Famous for being Bolivia Facts
the highest commercially navigable lake in the world at 3, 812 meters above sea
level it is also the largest lake in South America. - Full name - República de Bolivia/Republic of Bolivia
- Population – 9,000,000
The Uros are Titicaca’s inhabited islands made of floating reeds and can be - Currency - Boliviano
visited from Puno on the Peruvian side. Isla del Sol situated off Copacabana on - Spoken languages – Spanish, Quechua, Aymara
the Bolivian side is one of the largest on the lake and is steeped in fascinating
mythology, white sandy beaches and Inca ruins.

When to go
In a continent that is rapidly modernising Bolivia is one of the few places where
The best time to visit Bolivia is from May to October when the days are clear,
you can feel totally removed from the monotonous safety of home. The mix of
dry and comfortable. The high tourist season is between late June and early
Native American and Spanish culture makes it an intriguing historical destination
September. This is also Bolivia’s major fiesta season, which means prices are
with amazing architecture and colourful festivals of folk music and dance.
generally higher as international tourists and many South Americans are travelling
at this time of year. November to April is the rainy season when overland travel
Who needs beaches? can become difficult and dangerous especially in the lowlands with numerous
tropical downpours and landslides.

Volunteering in Bolivia
Bolivia is the poorest country in South America with low levels of education and
health care, making it an ideal destination to volunteer in. Opportunities include
teaching, working on human rights injustices, helping the poor, aiding health
care organizations and creating ecologically sustainable and socially accepted
business. Organizations like Volunteer Bolivia provide a home stay with a Bolivian
family and have a Spanish language immersion school.

Visit and

Recommended tour guides

Koala Tours – Potosi

Koala Tours are one of the oldest and best agencies operating the mine tours and
will even allow you to let off your own stick of dynamite!

Anaconda Tours – Rurrenabaque

This company provide excellent guides, good food and the best equipment of all
tour agencies providing Pampas tours from Rurrenabaque.

Steven Maclean

On the 10th and 11th of May, North Campus’
renowned stage- TMG-65 - will host a re-visitation
of Victory over the sun. The opera is directed by LMU
teacher and opera singer, Jacek Ludwig Scarso.

Presented by second year perfoming arts students,

this revival of the so-called “first Futurist opera” is a
Russian tinted view of the Italian Futurist Manifesto,
released in 1909.

The aim, during the show’s course, is to explore

the text of modernists. It also uses interdisciplinary
performances and collaborative work to create the
“I am not very
show, a mix of production and performance. If you keen of that
miss that, then they will play again at the Holloway idea of theater
Art Festival in July. prescribing a
solution for today.
Victory over the sun was created in 1913 by Aleksej It should be about
Kruchenykh and Mikhail Matyushin, depicting ‘the
imagination and

Ov e
futurian’s conquest of the 10th land’ - an obscure
dimension where two different crowds live. The sun through that it should

talk about society.”

is stolen from the sky and locked in a concrete box by
“the New”, representatives of the righteous future. Because the students base their
work on finding cohesion between
Although composed in the traditional, way with music, using the traditional theatrical tools
sets and actors, there is hardly any of the common and injecting modernistic themes
material that build an opera. Instead, to understand and aesthetics.
the play you have to think of a cubist painting where
things constantly intersect with one another. The As well as challenging traditional theatre,

V ic
narrative has literally no continuity and, although the play also challenges the audience by

visually audacious, the staging is minimalist. taking risks in presentation and subject.

Ultimately, a very fun play emerges, albeit
As the play develops like the winding of a machine, a difficult one to judge. Based on intriguing

l ve
heavy with meanings and interconnection of madness, it conveys many of the criticism

historical slots, it criticises the Futurist ideal of aimed towards modernity.

rejecting the past. Moving relentlessly towards an
uncertain future, it expresses disquiet: deprived of
the sun, visions of the new world are truly mad.

Breaking with the standards of representation, the

play is ambiguous and complex. And, as easy as it
may to reflect on this type of abstract theatre, itis
also easy to underestimate its complexity.

suspects their affair and takes action to get his

suspicions confirmed. But what will Golaud find out?

s n d e The director, Joel Scott, explained why they chose

n te rpr
é l y Sundi sa b er g the play for the final project. “Pelléas and Mélisande
is Maurice Maeterlinck’s most famous show, however

M et i d M tb
it is also been made famous by Claude Debussy when

n n
s a arlo t t eØ he developed the play into an opera.”

l l é a Ch
The play proved to be an interesting platform for
interpretation. “It delves into fatalism and symbolism
It’s the end of the year. which has proved to be a strong platform to develop
Finals are coming up. the piece. The play draws on some of the world’s
most well known fairy tales from Rapunzel to The
For the 3rd year BA Performing Arts students, Princess and the Frog,” Scott added.
however, that means something a bit different.
They have produced the alluring play, For the cast of Pelléas and Mélisande, the play
Pelléas and Mélisande. proved to have several interesting aspects to explore
and develop. “We wanted to explore the romantic
Pelléas and Mélisande tells the intriguing story of a and grotesque aspects of Pelléas and Mélisande
woman, Mélisande, who loses her beautiful crown and realise them in our own unique site specific
in the water, but doesn’t wish to retrieve it. By the interpretation,” said performing arts student Emma
water she meets a man, Golaud, whom she marries. Brack, who hoped the audience got an exciting and
original performance. “We wanted to give them a
The marriage faces grave difficulties when Mélisande new immersive experience that tantalises all the
falls in love with Golaud’s brother, Pelléas. Golaud senses, and a night they will remember.”

Poem Treble
Sharn Rayment

iRelationships Night-time cocktail The lying seasons

Click click, add as a friend, A kick in the neck from tequila, T-shirt, vest top, hot pants;
Your privacy frustrates me. With a slap round the face from you. The sun shines and I choose to walk.
The request sits there for days, A punch in the back from vodka, Tights and a cotton skirt,
Until you finally decide, ‘OK’. And a battering on the ear too. But I’ll take a jacket, as I ought.

I try to decode your response; A beer to make me feel lighter, A summer dress and umbrella.
What does it mean? Then a slip down the stairs with a bang. A cropped top and a rain mac.
You’ve logged in since, A cider that makes the room brighter, Like chalk and cheese,
But not a word. And a heel knifes my toe like a gang. Yet we wear it with ease.
I tell my friends,
You drop it on yours. Shots all round as I’m spinning, Light until late,
Mine will smile, Then you pull me back down to the But it’s dark when I wake.
Yours will frown. ground. April showers?
Liquor on the rocks is a winner, “Not this year,” I say.
“Who?” they ask, As the beats in my head start to pound.
“No way!” they say. Last week I sat outside to eat,
“I haven’t seen her since...” Wine perhaps? Oh so sweet, I blamed the wind for the chill.
“I didn’t know you spoke?!” As I see your head shake from afar. Stop deceiving me weather man,
And then you’ll say, But a spritzer might be easier to take, I’ll have my summer whenever I will!
“Yeah, we’re Facebook friends” When you’re lifting me into your car.
Or “she follows me on twitter”.
And just like that, you shrug
me off virtually.

Scorpio(n) World War Chess PoeTRY

Sneaking alone through the fence’s Gavin Crawford
hole. Others may follow, they feel
connected and strengthen by your Lloyd George’s Haibun Boris Yeltsin’s Aleatoric Muddle Sarkozy’s Villanelle – medieval French
motivations. But you want to achieve Dressed in splendour, top hat to toe. A Communism is Orange Juice, bring me form
something on your own to feel the beguiling ball of life, a cane of magic, the “Don”. Monsieur Perignon. Mr. Brown, England, I value our bond
power of appreciation by the masses. the wily Welsh Wizard free-Wheels the Free-markets? A mixer. Yes. Fill it up One Oreo please with my cup of tea
Expeditious and ignorant to the danger, show. Rigmarole foreign to his verbal and we’re done. I’ll treat you as my archetypal blonde
you move your feet on the hot stones; dexterity, words his wizardry weapon. Bill? What! I’m the President. It’s free.
your ways were never meant to be Diatribe riddled with charm, policy It’s on the “palace” Where is that power that you once
easy. A friend you never need, they all concocted in cauldrons of speech. The Oh Bill Clinton. Yes I’ll see him. Maybe donned?
so quickly turn into enemies and they pulse of his brain akin to an orchestrator, pour out some rum Gordon, R before S but S before T
risk to be pierced by your sting. Every of life. A flick of the wrist, a flick of his Dee- Dum Dee- Dum. I am the iambic Of course Mr. B, you still run Le Monde
minute you dance with them. You really brain, a snap of his tongue, the Welfare drinker
are a dangerous star. State. Create. Up, down, left, right, 3/3, Some- Rum. Some- Rum. Some- Rum. Nous sommes un, don’t be fooled by
staccato, crescendo, sotto voce – he Let’s sing a folk song. Bill. No. Not the the pond
Loyality is a traitor, comes. Rags to riches to skirt hitches of bung. Rhetorically unified, a slice of Brie?
You feel so cold women he beds. Lloyd George, the first Cigars are your poison, now what’s that Mr. Brown, England, I value our bond
die before you live. Welsh PM, the last Liberal, a tale for a G8 raison?
tail, so unimaginably well read. Europe, soon in my shadow, and then
Laura Nunziante Two coat-tails, one coat Mr. B, do dress properly, not the khaki
One Churchill in his pursuit. A simple creature, the meniscus of the
Grab. Clutch. Miss. Dazzle. conned

My dear English boodle, you do make

me fond
The EU, with me President, I’m so glad
we agree
The world will staccato to the tip of my

England, a fallen angel, now a junk bond

France, the core of all matter, by decree
Mr. Brown, England, I value our bond
I’ll treat you as my archetypal blonde.

I am greatly honored to have the opportunity to serve Good luck with your course work assignments
once again. Thanks to all who have supported me in and exams, have a great summer break and I look
the past and continue to support me in my mission forward to meeting you all at freshers fair in the next
of making London Met the best. I promise that I will academic year.
whole heartedly represent you all and ensure that
your faith in me will not be wasted. Best wishes,

The Students Union is a place of opportunity and Yeashir Ahmed

aspiration for all students. We are aiming to provide President
a high quality service and to ensure that every
student’s voice is heard. We the Union want you the
students to come and join us!!

Getting involved with your Union will enable you

to experience the wide range of activities available
which will not only enrich your life as a student; but
also provide you with valuable skills, experience, and
knowledge on how to better yourself as a person.

Here, networking is the key to success and leads to

Yeashir Ahmed
an improved education and personal development.
I urge anyone wishing to put their leadership and
President of the Students’ Union 09/10 negotiating skills into practice, and who just really
cares about the student life, to come and get involved
& Student Governor with the Union. It will allow you to come and work
as part of the dedicated team here at London Met.
Dear fellow students, Being part of the Union team means not only will you
be investing something into London Met Students’
I would like to offer you a warm and sincere welcome Union, but you will also be taking away with you skills
to the third publication of VerveZine. I am Yeashir and knowledge that will help you to succeed in your
Ahmed and I am your current, and now also your re- private and professional life.
elected president of the Students’ Union for 2010/11.
Student Council is made up of 46 seats where students from all areas of the University come together to form the governing body of the Students’ Union.
10 Seats – Executive Committee of Elected officers
6 Seats – Independent Student Council Members
13 Seats – Societies (affiliated)
13 Seats – Department Reps (StARs)
4 Seats – Co-opted members

MAY All students are welcome to sit as observers.

With a new Students’ Union executive elected, this is YOUR chance to come forward and have your say to make the SU work for YOU. For more
Thursday, Mayinformation
20th contact Eddie,
Student Council Meeting -
Tower Building 8th Floor Board Room (North Campus) – 4:30pm, Wednesday 5th May
• The last Student Council meeting
Clothes Swap @for
HUBthe academic year.
– 5-8pm
Bring your old clothes and bag as many new clothes as possible for a fiver (£5)
Friday, May 28th All remaining clothes will be donated to Oxfam
Summer Ball 2010 -
Robin Hood Vs W@nk£r Banker Party @ HUB – 9pm til 2am
The Rocket (North Campus) - 9pm - 3pm
Dress up as the peoples champion or an overly paid banker. In support of The Robin Hood Tax

Barnado’s Brazilian Carnival Flirt! @ The Rocket – 9pm til 2am

An evening of fabulous entertainment, including Brazilian music, samba dancers, a live band and DJs.

Plugin Baby @ The Rocket – 9pm til late - FREE

Presented by the Rock Society. Come down to see live bands. All donations will be going to Oxfam

Question Time @ London Metropolitan University (Graduate centre, North Campus)

Want to know what your degree is going to be worth?
Is London Met’s reputation going to get better?
Will tuition fees rise?
With the arrival of the new Vice Chancellor, Professor Malcolm Gillies, this is your chance to ask him directly, your concerns and questions in a lively debate.
The question panel will include the President of the Students’ Union Yeashir Ahmed, a member from the NUS and various other staff members.

The last Student Council meeting for the academic year.

10 June 2010

The Boiler House

(The Chimney)
91 Brick Lane
E1 6QL

7pm - 11pm

Tickets - £5 adv
for more information
Jewellery and Silversmithing

LondonMet Rugby Team Victor DelVecchio

“We live in of the team was small but hope remained. “The
solution for a good team is to reach a great extent of
“O’ Brien did a very good job considering what he
was up against, he was tireless, he didn’t give up
comraderie,” says hooker Kenny Grant, and for us to
England agree. “Enhancing the bound of the team will lead to and we have a lot of respect for him”.
pull something out of the bag. We are a team of 15
and Rugby and a squad of 25 players. When we play, we respond The team has to come together and has to be
bounded. Although each year sees the arrival of new
with a win and we do do. We will come back fighting.”
is a big sport,” players we can but hope that most of the key players
will be part of the next season. Finally, we feel that
The team was very uncertain and despite that the
games’ results lacked positivity, Nick O’brien has there should be more unity but also support on
says Brad Webb proven the skills of a great captain: organisation behalf of the students.
and motivation led the team out of the tunnel
And I dare anyone to contradict him. Counting about and saw some of the players grow during the final Cheerleaders get going!!
22.000 students, I dare you too to find more than games. Although the game against Westminster was
forty people knowing that a rugby team is part of cancelled, they won over Essex but with struggle to
London Metropolitan University’s wall. get barely fifteen players. Although quite resilient,
they had a lot of more of experienced player and
The last season has finished with some highs and counted few good breaks.
lows. With two really good wins out of seven
fixures against none other that ultimate rival UCL For the next season, the rugby team will be looking
it nonetheless ends in mixed emotions. Although after the freshers’ fair to recruit new people,
enough to consequently restore the moral of the expecting to count an overall of 30 players. Growing
team and bring back confidence. in number and strength their aim will be to be ready
in October with a whole team, an effective line up
Firstly due to the lack of attendance and the and also a good unity within team mates. With more
unfortunate leave of one of the player, the potential players the team will make few more wins.

Player of the Month James Canlas

They say playing a sport is not a hobby, but a Nik’s Do’s and Don’ts in Badminton:
passion. This is probably true for Nikita Kolomnin
who played Badminton since he was a child. “When I Do’s
started university,” he said “I thought of joining the 1. Always think of the next shot.
Badminton club [by] chance. I started playing when 2. Be like a cat. You need to be soft, smooth and
I was six years old. Back then I suffered a broken move silent.
arm, I couldn’t bear it and I was crying. By the age of Don’ts
13, I started playing with my older brother who was 1. Try not to get the shuttle on your eye.
always better than me and my task was to beat him. 2. Never, ever CHEAT!
Now I can beat him with ease!”

The hardest thing about badminton is, he said

“Probably staying in control. You always have to be
balanced and think two or three steps forward. You
always need to have stamina.”

From such a young age, he learned the art of

competition. All the hard training and injuries he
Name: Nikita Kolomnin suffered paid off when he won his first title at the
Age: 23 age of 13. He recalls how “winning the regional
Sport: Badminton Moscow championship was beyond expectation. I
Course: BA Accounting and Finance thought I couldn’t win it and after that, I won all the
competitions I have been involved with as a junior.”
Amazing Fact: Revises 3 days before exams and still
manages to get “As” Nik has gone a long way since. Representing London
Metropolitan University and winning has been just
Ad Astra Per Aspera: To the stars through hardships one of his amazing achievements so far. He truly is a
living example of someone who shoots for the moon
and even if missing it, will surely land among the

Sports Commentary
James Canlas

Video Technology:
Should it finally be allowed to intervene? On your marks… Get set… GO!
How does an umpire cope up with Andy Roddick’s International Football Association Board (IFAB). James Canlas
aces having a record speed of 155 mph? How would While the association has been very cautious about
The much-awaited London Marathon is hit the street
you know if it really is an ace or if it went outside the this matter, the main question is whether allowing
last month and this time it wasn’t buttery because
line? Seems impossible doesn’t it? Meet video technology would move the game forward or
Flora was not sponsoring the world’s most popular
Hawks Eye, the revolutionary video technology that make it even worse.
road race after 14 years of association. Instead, Virgin
is being used in tennis, rugby, cricket, and ice hockey.
had recently signed a contract of 5 years as the main
This is the modern way of solving the problem of I personally think this is a grey area of football.
sponsor to fund and promote the event.
speed and accuracy. Now the big question is: Why It can be useful and at the same time disastrous.
can’t we have it in football? What would happen to the after match debates on
Since it started in 1981, the event saw the number of
the telly and papers? What about the sport pundits
participants greatly increased from 6,000 to around
It may seem like having this technology would have being jobless with nothing to talk and argue about?
35,000 and it has become one of the most highly-
prevented France from going through to the World The technology might even kill the excitement that
anticipated, largest gathering of both athletes and
Cup by showing Thierry Henry’s blatant cheating we, fans get from it. The essence of the game itself
non-athletes from all over the world. Each year, more
that blew Ireland out of the water. Or perhaps the is to always show both sides of the story and officials
than a million people pucker around street corners
infamous “Hand of God” of Diego Maradona for deciding in case there are disputes but I honestly do
and pubs to witness the event, making it not just a
Argentina that sent England home in tears from the not know if technology will be up for the job.
sporting event but a public party.
1986 World Cup. The same technology will also serve
as the fourth official of the game. But is it feasible Only time will tell but in the meantime, we should all
This is not just any other marathon though. Since
to allow technology to do the job that the hired be careful what we wish for.
its inception, the event became an opportunity for
linesmen and referee were paid to do?
participants to test their physical, mental, emotional
well-being and their determination to raise money
There is a very thin line between success and failure.
for their chosen charities. This saw many stories of
A line that determines who is the winner and who is
inspiration, triumph and heartbreaks all in one event.
the loser. One mistake of the referee and lines man
In fact, it is also the most fruitful marathon having
would always cost so much in terms of heartaches,
successfully raised £315 million so far.
money and reputation.
To attract more attention and raise more funds, some
During the past couple of years, FIFA tried to solve
of the runners dress up in fancy costumes.
these imprecisions in football. Some of the renowned
This has been the tradition proving that it is also a
sport personalities and critics were in favour of this
way of having fun while doing something worthwhile.
technology as to solve the ever- growing inaccuracies
of some of the match officials’ decisions. Those who
are on the opposite side of the debate argue that
technology will ruin the very soul of the sport by
replacing “humans” by “machines”, thus stepping
away from the very culture of the game. Think you know your sports?
The recent Premier League match between Want to win a chance to have a free training session
Manchester United and Chelsea is a perfect example with the university football team? How about the
of misjudgements by the officials. Refereeing is not sound of one on one free badminton training session
an easy task, especially being a linesman. They are with Nick Kolomnin? All you have to do is simply
expected to unmanageably judge off sides and on answer these questions!
sides. They have to look in two completely different
directions at the same time; where the ball is being London Met currently ranks what place in the 2009
passed from and where the potentially offside player BUCS League?
is. There would always be errors in judging this.
1. What is the name of the London Club which
It is not fair for these people to be blamed by managers famous stadium sits just behind London Met
like Sir Alex Ferguson about their incompetency North campus?
whenever his team loses. If technology was used 2. In the Sports commentary (Vervezine Issue no.
in the match, would it disallow Drogba’s goal as he 001), who is the subject of criticism?
was allegedly off side? This same technology would 3. Who is the London Met University Basketball
have shown that Federico Macheda’s goal would be captain who led the team to victory during the
disallowed as everyone who was behind the goal recent National Championships held at Crystal
saw that it was a patent hand ball. What about the Palace?
obvious penalty that was not awarded for Park? Will 4. What is the most watched sport in the world?
this have changed the face of the game? Unlikely. Or
maybe not? No certainty exists in football, but from All answers should be emailed to the sports editor at:
whatever angle you look at it, Chelsea outplayed
Manchester United for most part of the game.
The first three to email all the right answers will each
Let us also remember that implementing the win one of the prizes above. So what are you waiting
technology means changing the rules of the game for? Send the answers now before it’s too late! Good
and any changes require a green signal from the luck!

Maya Salata

Ladies, it’s time to take your shoes off, let your hair Top Tips:
down and embrace your inner goddess waiting to be 1. Breathe & feel the moment: Breathe through the
unleashed! With summer amidst us, belly dancing is movement; pay attention to your feet, belly, pelvis
the ideal exercise to tone up and to show off your and breath. Stay in the moment by living in your
new found talent. Lessons are held at the dance belly and pelvis, feeling your feet on the ground and
studio every Monday evening, so if you haven’t given sensing your breath flow past your nostrils and lips.
it a chance, make sure you do, it’s worth it!
2. Let go of tension: Think loosey goosey! Watch
Despite many theories and debates on its origin, yourself in your body; are you tensed? If you’re not
most evidence points the finger toward the Middle having fun in class you’re missing the whole point. If
East and Africa. It evolved from being a dance ritual your body is stressed, your body will too. Make joy
that enticed muscular control in preparation for your first focus and some magic will then happen
child birth to a secular folk dance performed by Arab with your movement; it flows easier and feels better.
women. However no longer it is confined to the world Beautiful Belly Dance looks good, but feels better.
of burning sand, the ancient art form is spreading like
wild fire in the western world. Whether you prefer 3. Dance without ambition or competition: As
traditional Egyptian, Turkish or even Gothic belly Rosina-Fawzia Al-Rawi says in her illuminating and
dancing, they all share a basic concept: Fusion. heart warming book Belly Dancing; Unlock the secret
power of an ancient dance; “Dance without ambition
or competition”. Judgment of self and others is such
a joy killer. If these thoughts come up to you, pay no
attention and shift your focus on better things, like
how it feels to have your feet on the ground, are you
holding your posture up correctly? Simply listen to
the music and lose yourself in it.

4. Create community: Make friends. Don’t isolate

yourself in class. Get to know like-spirited women.
This brings greater meaning to your dance.

5. Really learn the feet, they are your foundation:

Don’t brush over the feet as unimportant. They are
your very foundation of which your hips and whole
body depend, like the base of a pyramid holding up
the entire structure. Feel the earth with your feet,
live on your feet.
It appears straightforward because of the natural
movement we are accustomed with; however beyond 6. Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions
the roots, this form of dance movement requires to your teacher, it always serves everyone. And
discipline and control. Every detail counts. Your hip remember, you are a paying customer!
thrust, upper and lower body undulation, snake arms,
shimmies, how you position your arms to your finger
tips all count (Starting to get technical? Don’t worry
once you grasp the technique behind the steps you’ll
pass with flying colours).

Its main aim is to isolate different parts of the

body by moving them independently in a sensuous
pattern. The great thing is, once you’ve grasped the
basic steps, it’s a wonderful medium for individual
interpretation and role playing. You can let your
imagination have full rein. So have no fear. Don’t be
threatened by Shakira’s hips that don’t lie, anyone can
be just as good, you just need to practice. What adds
icing to the cake is that body shape and size is simple
insignificant. It can be embraced by all so leave the
thinking behind and let your body speak for itself.

Bastian Gründler
Interviewed Olly Hunter

What a year it’s been once again for the London Met How does itfeel to be University champion of the UK Is it difficult to play against fellow London Met
tennis teams, both the men and the women won the singles and doubles? people; does it make you more competitive?
top divisions of their respective leagues and in the I’m really happy, for me it was a lovely ending of this It’s a little easier, you know your opponent very well
team championship tournaments held in Sheffield whole chapter in my life, It’s nice way to round it because you train and practice with them all the time
the ladies triumphed in the final and the guys cruised off and say goodbye to England, I kind of say it’s like and you also know them as a person so you can know
to a whitewash against Leeds. my retirement. That won’t be it with tennis though; how he’s going to react and maybe come up with
right now I’m applying for jobs in the tennis sector. something. Preparation wise it a little bit easier than
A week later was the individual championships and, I’ve been playing since I was 5 years old, It’s always having a guy you don’t know, what kind of game he’s
once again, the London Met lads were a dominant nice to be confronted with what you love and tennis going to put onto you and how he’s going to play. I
force, clinching both the singles and the doubles is absolutely my passion. like to know my opponent rather than not knowing
titles. Undoubtedly, the star was German Bastian him before the match starts.
Gründler, who along with Oliver Kalaitsis retained How’s the tennis season been for you? We know
their doubles crown. But Gründler didn’t stop there London Met swept the boards everywhere. You are big fan of Roger Federer; who are your other
and also seized the individual title from the number The season is over as it started in October, We won tennis idols?
one ranked player and fellow London Met student the league again which qualified us for the knockout When I grew up my big idol was Andre Agassi, he’s
Matjaz Jurman. stages held from February to March and mid March such a big character. I was shocked reading his
was the final tournament in Sheffield where we met autobiography and the revelations about taking
Gründler, from south-west Germany, talks to Leeds in the final. We’ve been champions for the last meth drugs, sometimes the public doesn’t have to
Vervezine about his tennis idols, the challenges facing 6 or 7 years and we won again, meaning we qualify know everything, things like this are not supportive
a tennis player, what to expect now he’s graduated for the European Championships in Portugal this July. for sport or for tennis. I saw him when I was 7 and
and his final swansong at London Met. then Boris Becker when I was 10 or 11 and he was so
gigantic, amazing, a huge, big athlete, he was such a
personality and did great things and inspired a tennis
boom in Germany, similar to what Federer is doing
right now in Switzerland and all over the world.

Does being from the same part of the world as Roger

Federer make it closer, more real somehow?
He lives really close to me and I play in the same club
he grew up in. I’ve not played against or with him
but I have met him twice. For instance with guys like
Agassi there is this distance, that gives it something
extra when you admire them, they are unreachable,
but with Federer, he’s the same age as me, from a
What about personally, how do you feel about your town just over the boarder, he’s not so unreachable
efforts this season? even though he is the biggest tennis player in the
For me it was a very happy ending at London Met world and probably the best ever.
because I finished my dissertation and my academic
degree by the end of February. It was topped off What does the future hold for Bastian Gründler?
by winning the team championships and then the Will you be going to the European Championships
individual championships, where I was able to defend in Portugal?
my doubles title with Oliver Kalaitsis and also beat I don’t know, it all depends on my work situation right
our number one player Matjaz Jurman, who’d won now, since I’ve finished university I’m applying for
the singles for the last 3 years. It was a real London job positions and I have no idea where I’m going to
Met affair the whole tournament. be, or what I’m going to be doing. As for the future
I’m looking to get in with big sponsoring companies
London Met had two teams this year, is that likely that look for people who played tennis but also have
to continue? an academic background, for distribution or even
We had a lot of players, but funding has been dropped. marketing, promotion and sales. I’d like to get into
Lots of financial cuts means we cannot afford that those companies as a former athlete. Winning the
many players anymore. Which is sad as London Met BUCS Championship wont probably directly help with
has such a strong tennis history. this but is a nice thing to have on my cv.

Enchanted Fashion
in an Enchanted Palace
Pictures by: Richard Lea
Hair/HRP Sarah Leo

Mary, Anne, Caroline, Charlotte, Victoria, Margaret,

Diana. These are the names of the seven princesses
who lived and died in the historic State Apartments of – which is actually not really a dress but a jumpsuit
Kensington Palace. The latest exhibition “Enchanted – floats over a huge bed and is all over embellished
Palace” is a tribute to the mysterious princesses, with crystals and sequins glistering on the fabric as chandeliers made out of feathers, satin and velvet.
unlocking their secrets and giving a magical insight in if it were real tears. “That is supposed to be Queen In the middle of the room, on the head of Sir Isaac
their lives, their sorrows and their fashion. Mary floating to heaven”, a guide explained. Queen Newton, a red velvet headband decorated with a
Mary II actually died in that very bed. crystal red apple, suggested William Tell’s legend
Some of the most exquisite designers such as (well, the girly version of it at least).
Vivienne Westwood, William Tempest, Stephen Leaving the room with goose-bumps, the next one up
Jones, Boudicca, Aminaka Wilmont and Echo Morgan is Stephen Jones’s contribution. And there it is; the exhibition’s highlight. Vivienne
have contributed to the spectacular installations and Westwood’s piece, a “Dress for a Rebellious Princess”,
display their own interpretation of the royal designs is placed halfway on a stairway giving the impression
alongside originals from the Royal Collection. of a princess, who is just preparing to run away into
liberty. The dress is made out of a heavy, rumpled
Stepping into Kensington Palace, it almost feels like fabric, in a red stain-like print and its voluminous cut
getting on a ghost train. “Here’s your map, now go makes it almost looks like it was made for a princess
ahead and find the names of the seven princesses. that rather enjoys crawling through muddy grass
“Good luck!” the lady handing out guides tells me. than dancing with her Prince Charming. I couldn’t
Walking up the creaky stairs to the first installation, help think about how a real princess would have felt
with quiet whispers accompanying me, it really felt wearing such a dress. It must have been a nightmare
as if I travelled back in time and found myself in a to always wear delicate gowns, not being able breath
whole different world. or – god forbid – stain yourself!

Aminaka Wilmont’s creation kicks the exhibition off One sparklier than the other, countless hats and In the next room, maidens, or actors dressed up
with a bang. Their midnight-blue “Dress of Tears” headbands are tangling from the ceiling like small as maidens, start circling me. “Her Majesty! Her
Majesty”, they yell, but it doesn’t

sadly comes to an end and the names of the seven
princesses are revealed at the exit, where their
According to Boudicca, the installations should shadows are projected on the walls. Leaving through
demonstrate the clockwork that drove the palace and Kensington Garden, I felt just as if I were one of the
the daily routine of court life. However, it also gave seven – for a moment at least. But beware; after
the impression of how the princesses must have felt seeing the dazzling designs, a sudden urge for some
back then, being caught in their cages with only time serious high street splurging may overcome you –
being able to release them eventually. who wouldn’t want to look like a princess after such
an enchanted experience?
After that short flash of futurism, entering the “Room
of Dancing Princesses” feels like stepping into a dark
and mysterious forest from long gone fairy tales. An
amazing place and the kind of forest that made a
hardcore city-girl like me cry out for a camping trip.

A birch forest sets the scene where Princess Margaret’s

wedding tiara and an original brown gown of hers is
displayed in crystal-like cases. A little deeper in the
take them too long to realise that it’s not me they’re forest, a stunning white lace dress, which belonged
looking for – I guess I should have worn something a to Princess Diana, is arranged between the trees. The
little more glamorous. Besides kooky servants, this feathery waist-belted perfection is exactly the gown
is also the place where Boudicca’s metal “dresses” a princess is supposed to wear.
are floating from the ceiling and fast forward me in a
Fifth Element meets Star Wars kind of era. Leaving behind some more rooms filled with
origami-inspired dresses, fur coats and military
jackets – everything very this season – the exhibition

Vivien of Holloway Lottie Bowater
Photography by: Kwame Mensah

Holloway Road, the dominion of fast-food retailers But, luckily for us, Vivien of Holloway is one of the
and tat-shops, seems an unlikely place to find a leading London designers of Burlesque and Rockabilly
fashion boutique. But five minutes away from fashions, with plenty of dresses to hand with new
London Met, sandwiched discreetly between a tile styles added on a regular basis.
emporium and coffee shop, is Vivien of Holloway -a
leading retailer in 1940’s and 50’s glamour. One of the shop assistants, a glamorous woman
with flawless make-up, sashays past me looking like
From the outside, with its understated banner and she’s just stepped out of a Hitchcock picture. I ask
white shop front, the store more closely resembles her for some information on the store: “Everything
a motorcycle showroom than anything else. But all is manufactured in our London warehouse,” she
of that changes when the door opens: The first thing informs me. “So, no, we don’t use slave labour.” This
that hits me is the sound of Ska and Northern Soul; is incredibly good news. In an industry so saturated
I overhear one of the assistants singing Althea & by cheap labour, it speaks volumes for a designer to
Donna’s “Uptown Top Ranking”, and I’m sold. It kind take the leap and produce ethically sound clothing at
of feels like I’ve been transported back in time, to the an ethical price.
late 70’s, 2Tone records scene.
The clothes tend to retail between £59 for dresses
The shop itself is bright, colourful and airy, and alone, and £25 with an added bolero on top. Vivien’s
resembles what could only be described as a also stocks a range of dresses for special occasions –
Synesthete’s dream. To my right, a long railing that’s weddings and more formal events. In fact, many of
crammed to bursting-point with gorgeous, authentic their dresses could serve as stylish wedding dresses
50’s-style swing dresses - Polka-dots, floral, and in their own right, and at £89 it’s a mere fraction of
strawberry prints in a veritable plethora of colours the usual cost.
leap out, begging to be owned.
Boasting impressive press highlights like Elle and
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that these pieces Grazia, and with fans including Kate Nash and Paloma
were Vintage – irreplaceable one-off’s; dresses Faith, you know you’ll be getting real style and quality
steeped in the memories of idealistic, American for a competitive price. All in all, Vivien of Holloway is
teenagers on the way to a prom or drive-in. a real gem, and comes highly recommended.

Elisabeth Goldman

A girl might find herself reluctant to American Apparel has a great pair that printed and tye-dyed. Urban Outfitters
try harem pants. They seem too casual, is not too extremely streamlined with also carries a variety of styles; the best
almost like sweat pants; and who in a high waist and a drop crotch, fitted of which is their Silence & Noise harem
their right mind wants to wear sweat at the ankle. They’re not too out there pant. This pair is also high-waisted but
pants outside of her flat? for a girl who just wants to test out the billows out at the hips then tapers down
style and they come in black, as well as the leg. They’re the perfect statement-
At first, they could only be found on making pants. The best part about
the runway: there was no high street harem pants? They’re extraordinarily
option for a girl to try out. But slowly comfortable. There’s no reason not to
they began to trickle down through the try them out. Enjoy!
fashion hierarchy and now they can be
found at a variety of high street stores.
When worn with heels or wedges and
a button-down shirt, they portray a
nicely polished image and can even be
worn professionally.

Marta Corato
Honestly, I usually don't know what's I never empty my handbag completely,
in my bag. I know that I have standard so I always find unexpected things in it.
things like my phone and home keys, It is awfully heavy because of the tons
but the rest is just a mystery. I always of random coppers at the bottom that
carry a huge, huge make up bag with I can't be bothered to gather. I have
basically everything in it from perfume my gym clothes, make up, a mirror. I
to eyeliner. For some reason at this have my purse, and sunglasses even on
moment I have anti-aging cream and a rainy days, because I always hope the
spare earring... weather will change.

I'm a journalism student so I have a One thing that can never be missing
notebook and pens with me all the is a bottle of water and some food;
time. Usually I carry my camera too. sometimes it is just a cereal bar,
Actually, there is a lot of paper in my sometimes a baguette. I don't go
bag; receipts, notes I took in class and anywhere without my PDA, I am
flyers. It makes it almost impossible completely in love with it. It's supposed
to find anything else. In the middle of to be warm, but I keep gloves and a hat.
that mess, I need to have my glasses
case, lipgloss, and definitely a brush. TIFFANY, 19
I am a very tidy person, so I don't really
SARAH, 22 carry around too many things. During
Two phones, two notebooks, two the swine flu terror months, I got used
lipglosses. One of the lipglosses has a to having hand sanitiser – just can't
little light in it and a mirror, so I can live without it. I usually have plasters
put my make up on even in the middle for emergencies. It is essential to me to
of the night. I like to have a mini have notebook and a pocket calendar.
London A-Z Guide with me, you never
know when you could get lost. My
must-haves are an umbrella, fashion
tape and lucky charm my dad gave me.

Should Condoms
Be M andatory
K erris G ibson
P orn?
Practically every man watches porn, But don’t be fooled by the glamorous Nielsen NetRatings show that in Europe
it’s a given. Women will deny it, but lifestyle it portrays. The average one in four teenagers between the ages
most of them do too. When you think worker makes only $60,000 a year and of 12 to 16 look at porn. In the UK it’s
about the videos you’ve seen, can you that isn’t including retirement or any six out of ten.
remember the last one you saw where benefits. There is nothing protecting
protection was being used? them after they test positive; once that Young people watch porn, this is
happens, the game is up! inevitable. Because porn doesn’t
“People who enjoy viewing adult practice safe sex they have been lead
films do not want to see people using Last summer an unnamed porn to believe that ‘bareback’ is sexy. As if
condoms,” says Larry Flint, publisher actress tested positive for HIV and the first time isn’t scary enough, when
of monthly American porn magazine ‘The Aids Healthcare Foundation’ filed it finally comes to the initial act, they
‘Hustler’. Be that as it may, the influence complaints and sued the production don’t understand what they should be
that it’s having over young people and companies she worked for. They protecting themselves from.
the porn industry is unhealthy. have started a petition (filed on 17th
Dec) which the California Division of You’d think that with all the money
Photograph edited by: Mehmet Mulla
Original Photograph by: Kerris Gibson

Actors in the adult filming industry, by Occupational Safety and Health have and charity work that has went into
the United States’ law, have to take a until June to make a decision. preventing AIDS and HIV in less
monthly HIV and STD test and prove economically developed countries as
that it is negative before they go on set. The petition wants to change the state well as funding life saving treatment,
It is argued, this will protect them from law; making condoms mandatory in we’d pay attention to our own sexual
contracting aids by fellow employees. filming and test actors more regularly. health at home. The fact of the matter
However, all that this does is put The president of the foundation is that it’s severely taken for granted.
their mind at peace and bide time for Michael Weinstein announced “we
another four weeks; it doesn’t change will not stop until there is a policy of
the fact that their contracts require requiring condoms to be used in porn.”
them to have unprotected relations
with whoever they’re told to. It is actually safer to be a prostitute in
Nevada than to make an adult film in
The biggest porn making industry in LA. A legal medical article written by
the world is situated in Los Angeles Corita R Grudzen and Peter R Kerndt
and it keeps growing. Roughly 300-500 revealed that not a single sex worker
people join every month and there are has contracted HIV since mandatory
more jobs in this sector than any other. condoms were introduced in Nevada
6000 workers, 1200 actors produce brothels in 1988. Prostitution has been
4000-7000 adult films a year in LA. legalised in Nevada and abolishing it as
Illustration by Alexander O’Rourke

a crime has reduced risks considerably.

Hot Summer Talent
Anthony Adams

Newest band Call Me Animal has been slaying the

Camden scene for a while now. Rumoured to be the
best new band around in central with their modern
The weather is almost here for swimwear, shorts, sixties style rock and roll music. Their songs ooze
sunglasses and dads in Speedos, but just because the influences of The Rolling Stones, The Clash and many

weather is getting warmer, it’s not the only thing that more from the punk era, but with their own twist on
is hot this summer. With numerous festivals going it and their name says it all, Call Me Animal are wild
on throughout the summer with mainstream bands beasts at heart.
headlining all of them, we need to remember that
July and August are the best time for new music. Next is Jazica, an electro group from Southampton,
gaining exposure from BBC 6 Music Radio, crafting
Vervezine thought we would give you a run down
on a bunch of fantastic talent to look out for over
the coming months. First on our list is Redtrack,
a three piece from Essex, who recently appeared
their sound around synth machines and energetic
performances, this band are currently touring the UK
and hitting London over the coming months.

on Hollyoaks, the indie pop trio always get people There are some artists that you just accidently
dancing and involved in their shows, and having stumble on because you just happen to be there at
recently just got signed to a record label, the Redtrack the right time, we discovered a pop artist called Twigs
world just got interesting. in a small bar in Angel, a petit Camden child who sings
flirtatious pop songs with a minx of a performance.
Reading Festival is only a few months away, and even
though this is about new music for the summer, there The final talent we are going to talk about is post- Reykjavik
is one mainstream band worth talking about that has hardcore band called Reykjavik, a post hardcore band
caught everyone by surprise this summer and that from Kent, who are part of a small genre which is
Su m

is Arcade Fire. An unusual selection for a headliner normally dismissed these days as screaming, but with
at such a festival as Reading Festival but it will be strong riffs and horse face masks (seriously) Reykjavik Call Me Animal
interesting to see what the band have their sleeve for are a fantastic band to witness live.
this event slot over the summer.

Arcade Fire has been around for a few years now, with
great albums such as Neon Bible and has performed
with the likes of David Bowie. However, are they
headline material? The band have near enough been
H ot

considered ‘cult’ since they came but even with Jazica

the shock headline slot, which sort of echoes what
Glastonbury did with Jay-Z, it will be nice to see that
a band like this has been given this opportunity.

Arcade Fire


London Met
Goes Urban @ the Rocket
James Canlas

Possibly the largest society at London Metropolitan the students to make the event a huge success. He
University, the Urban Music Society held the biggest, said, “The event is a platform for students who have
loudest and funkiest event of this year at the Rocket. passion for music to showcase their talents. I am
More than 300 students attended the event where a so delighted that this has become their chance to
bunch of talented students took on the stage to show show what they can do and the fact that we have the
their singing, rapping and dancing prowess. largest number of turn- out, this night proved that
London Met students have many to offer not just by
The event was touted as the most successful event academic means.”
this year attracting not only their members but also
other students who appreciates urban music. Abby, Performers include the Cheerleading Society and a
a second year International Hospitality Management special rap number by Ernest Andreyevich Reid and
student said “I think these kinds of events are fun. It Lawrence Jackson.
is my first time and since I am a fan of funky, hip-hop
and rap music, I came down to check it out.”

Although most acts went to stereotypical hip-hop

slash gram artist type of tune, Sharon Rose, a third
year law student incredibly sang two tracks including
hit ballad “Listen” of Beyonce. She earned the loudest
cheer of the night, in fact, many wants her to try out
on X- Factor.

Kuksy McDuncan, the president of the society was

overwhelmed by the amount of support given by

Pictures: Glastonbury 2009

Uk FESTIVALS Isle of White

The Isle of White Festival has a backline
Reading and Leeds Festival
Reading and Leeds Festival this year has
Free love, peace and naked hippies,
Anthony Adams of history ranging from the likes of the become a sort of reunion event which think what you will about Glastonbury
Who, Jimi Hendrix and many more, it the likes of the Libertines and Blink but no matter what gets thrown at it,
has been around for what seems like 182 reforming this year and playing the festival is still ploughing through,
centuries forever providing us with the festival. Arcade Fire is headlining, having shredded it’s ‘John Lennon, war
unique, strong line ups and once again which I think everyone was surprised is over’ label, it has now moved up into
2010 is going to be a fantastic year for about but it will be interesting to see the mainstream along side the rest of
it. The Strokes, Jay-Z and the Beatles what the band have got hidden up their the big events of the year. This year it
legend Paul McCartney as headliners, sleeve. The festival itself has grown has legend Stevie Wonder closing the
and if that doesn’t warm your toes and grown in popularity over the years weekend and U2 playing their first time
check out the rest of the line up, with and with the headline it has booked at the festival having been rumoured
Blondie, Florence and the Machine, this year, which Paramore, Guns and for years. Dizzie Rascal, Muse and many
Calvin Harris, Biffy Clyro, Spandau Roses, Queens of the Stone Age and more are confirmed, but Glastonbury
Ballet and Doves all confirmed to play. many more, Reading and Leeds Festival is just about the music its is about the
will soon become the nation’s number atmosphere to the place, with face
one festival. painting and the sacred place to get
out-of-your-mind drunk while staring
at the stars at 3am. Glastonbury is the
all rounder when it comes to festivals
Download T in the Park and we hope it is still here in years to
Download Festival always is allowed 2010 seems to be an exciting year for
to boast of heavy rock line ups to T in the Park Festival, with Eminem
burst your ear drums, and this year is confirmed to headline on the Saturday
no exception, taking the more classic night, sharing the bill with Muse and
approach to the line up this year, with Kasabian (which hopes to take the
the likes of Rage Against the Machine, band to the world wide stage after
Aerosmith, and AC/DC headliner, also this event). This festival not only has
the Deftones are playing even with one a decent set of headliners on the main
of their band members in a coma, and stage, but also a great selection of
Slash will be debuting his solo work at entertainment throughout the festival,
the festival. with the likes of the Black Eyed Peas,
Prodigy, Madness, David Guetta and
Jamie T all printed on the bill to play.

European Festivals Picture from: Benicassim
Credit: FIB Archive / Oscar L. Tejeda

Will Byrne

The days are getting warmer; the

evenings getting longer and everywhere
you go there is a faint rhythmic tone
piercing the night air. It can mean only
one thing - festival season is upon us
again. And with Britain now hosting
more festivals than there are weekends
in the Summer, we have decided to look
further a field to find out how the rest
of Europe measures up in the outdoor
musical experience stakes. Here’s our
pick from the rather extensive list.


Exit Festival, Serbia Benicassim, Spain Roskilde, Denmark Rock Werchter, Belgium
In terms of pure aesthetic beauty Situated roughly half-way between As Denmark’s premier music festival, Belgium is not usually the first place
and sprawling architectural grandeur, Barcelona and Valencia along Spain’s Roskilde has grown to become one of you think of when planning your
Serbia’s Exit Festival, which takes place Mediterranean Coast, Benicassim the main players along the international summer festival route. However, this
at the Petrovaradin Fortress on the hosts a musical orgy like no other on festival circuit. Only a few months may be about to change. From ‘I Love
banks of the River Danube each July, is the Iberian peninsula. Over 150,000 younger than our own Glastonbury, it Techno’ to ‘Pukklepop’, Belgium now
very hard to beat. party-goers descend upon this sleepy too celebrates its 40th anniversary this boasts an impressive list of top-notch
fishing village each July for an event year. The organisers have arranged an summer festivals. But sitting proudly
First held in 2000 as a reaction to which has come to be affectionately extra special line up to mark the event. above them all is one name familiar to
Slobodan Milosevic’s repressive regime, known as ‘Glastonbury-del-Sol’. every music aficionado, Rock Werchter.
Exit festival reached its maturity in 2007 Motorhead, Alice in Chains, Gorrilaz,
when it was named ‘Best European The emphasis here is most definitely Jack Johnson and Muse hold true Held on the side (literally) of one the
Festival’ at the UK Festival awards. on Indie/Electro music, with this year’s to Roskilde’s signature mix of heavy country’s main thoroughfares, Rock
Set over 25 stages and attracting an list of headliners confirming as much. guitar- based rock with more main Werchter is the unofficial point of
eclectic mix of international music acts, Kasabian, The Prodigy, Ian Brown, stream commercial acts, while some of pilgrimage for Belgian music fans.
Exit’s 200,000 strong crowds is spoiled Leftfield and The Cribs are all confirmed the smaller stages will host Afenginn, Taking place over four days in early
for auricular choice. to play with Two Door Cinema Club and Beach house and the Bear Quartet, to July, this festival is a ‘back-to-basics’
Mumford & Sons among the less well- name but a few. affair which seeks only to be judged on
This year’s headliners include The known acts that are set to shine at its musical merit.
Chemical Brothers, Faith No More, ‘Europe’s Biggest Beach Party’. But birthday parties and a stellar line-up
Missy Elliot and Royksopp. With are not the only things which Roskilde Old school favourites like Green Day,
Pendulum making a welcome return Although a nine day camping pass is has in common with Glastonbury. Pearl Jam, Faithless and Rammstein
to the festival circuit and those early included in the price of your ticket, it Over the years this festival has shared are joined by relative newcomers
pioneers of LA Punk, Suicidal Tendencies may be worth investigating alternative the same misfortune with weather Vampire Weekend, Empire of the Sun
also set to make an appearance, Exit accommodation options. With all the conditions as our own pre-eminent and the Gaslight Anthem to ensure that
has something for every musical taste. action taking place between 5pm and musical gathering. Though last year’s most generation gaps are adequately
8am, and afternoon temperatures event was the hottest, and driest, on spanned. And, with The XX rumoured
But make sure to pack comfortable topping 40, it may be worth booking record, the history books show that to be going live with Kytemans Hip
footwear for this one. With medieval into a local hotel. For €10 you can get rain, often torrential, is almost a given Hop Orchestra, there may still be some
cobbled roads to deal with, and steep a room with A/C, warm showers and a here. The savvy traveller should pack surprises for even the most seasoned
pathways leading from the Fortress comfortable bed. What better way to for every eventuality which, in extreme Festival goer.
down to the River, blisters and sprains prepare for a long night of partying? cases, may even include scuba gear.
can cause as many headaches here as (1st – 4th July,
the ubiquitous festival hangover. (15th – 18th July, (1st – 4th July, £164 – 4 day weekend pass)
£160 – 4 day weekend pass includes 9 £197 – 4 day weekend pass includes 4
(8th - 11th July, day camping pass) day warm-up pass 27th-30th June)
£85 – 4 day weekend pass)


Alisa Nirman
With a rapidly growing fan base, there is a new act four of them used to work together and Delorean They returned recently from a gig in Albania, where
whose name will without doubt be on everyone’s still operates a steam-powered ride. He lists his they were sent by the British embassy to represent
lips in very near future. We met Jaz Delorean, the musical influences as everything from Edith Piaf and England at a festival dedicated to the beginning of
front man of Tankus the Henge in Soho and joined Tom Waits to Abba and Gogol Bordello. Even the summer. They plan to return to Albania later this
him for a camomile tea and a couple of stories. name has a colourful story behind it; Tankus was summer. “It’s a beautiful country, and people really
the name of a ship his great great grandfather was know how to dance there.”
When asked to describe the sound of Tankus the trying to sail to England from the Mediterranean, but
Henge, he paints a vivid picture of going to the which unfortunately sank on the way because of the
circus and falling in love, then the whole circus overwhelming weight of the thousands of shillings he
tent falls down and the band keeps playing. The was collecting on the bottom of the hull.
depiction is definitely very accurate. There seems
to be nothing boring or ordinary about this band. There is another motivation for making music
besides entertaining. “I want to change the world.
With six members who all play more than one I’m a strong believer in smiling and talking, it could
instrument, there can be a lot of noise when the have solved a lot of problems.” There seems to be
band gets together. The motivation has always something to this philosophy. “And I’d like there to
been to get people dancing. “People worry too be a Tankus the Henge record in every house”, he
much about everyday things. At a Tankus the added, laughing. With their catchy tunes and fun
Henge gig I want them to forget all that and go rhythms, it would certainly help people smile more.
to a different world and have fun,” Delorean said.
Their look is inspired by a funfair where the


Tom Knock
Being able to walk out of a pub or venue and feeling show itself was fantastic, it was intimate and full of
completely satisfied is a very rare thing. There is energy; everything a show should be.
usually at least one little annoyance, even in the best
pubs. The music being too loud or there not being any They have live music every night from all walks of life,
music, the beer being over priced, the wrong crowd, so you’re sure to find something you like. If not, just
bad food, rude bar staff, the list could go on forever. pop down on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon for the
free BBQ! It’s only a five minute walk from Camden
So I didn’t hold my breath as I entered the Flowerpot, Town Station, so make the most of the good weather
a small, often overlooked pub and venue in Kentish and get down there!
Town. The pub itself has quite a cult following as it is
owned by the same man who ran things down at the Flowerpot
late and great Nambucca in Upper Holloway. 147 Kentish Town Road
London NW1 8PB
What surprised me at first was the free entry, which 02074856040
is their policy every night, no matter who is playing.
The next thing that caught my attention was the
prices. Most venues seem to charge through the roof
for a can of beer, but not the Flowerpot. They charge
a modest £3 for a pint, a great price in this location.

We then took our seats and waited for the first of two
live acts that evening. However, our conversation was
stopped short by a man called Jay, who turned out to
be not only the manager, but also the headlining act
of the night. He welcomed us to his pub and offered
us to join in the free BBQ in the back garden. The
Ellie Redwood Falls
Steven Robinson Anthony Adams
Ellie Goulding topped the BBC’s Sound of 2010 poll, Redwood Falls, a brand new band from South East
won the Critics’ award at the Brits, despite only London, are practically a baby in the music world,
having released two singleds. Her debut album will having only formed a few months ago. They have been
decide whether she will end her 15 minutes of fame hidden away, delaying the time when they actually
and fade away, or continue her career as a 'star'. hit the stage for the first time, perfecting their songs
to ensure their releases are flawlessly magnificenct.
Her album Lights is a collection which passes my
expectations. To her fans, this will be a blessing for The band formed around the exciting Bexleyheath/
their starry eyes (and ears) that will lift her status Dartford music scene which boasts of packed,
exponentially. Maybe not to the level of Lady Gaga, intimate gigs in small venues by promoters such
but definitely towards the level of Florence Welch, as I (Heart) and little indie clubs like Club Sushi.
whose vocals may also not be to everyone’s taste. Redwood Falls play a selection of blues rock songs
and occasionally whack out an Elvis show tune from
Ellie Goulding is a good vocalist and is enjoyed because time to time in their set list.
her music is “poppy and fresh”. There are, however,
moments when her ‘endearing cuteness’ moves on
to uncomfortable irritation for many listeners. She
clearly has a lot of influence from artists like Marina
and the diamonds, Paloma Faith and N-Dubz, which
guarantees a sense of modernity to prevail.

Songs like The Writer and I’ll hold my breath will

provide the listener with more of what they enjoyed
with Under the Sheets and Starry Eyed, while Wish I
Stayed is a well placed highlight, full of percussive
light keys, which help keep people interested.

Plan B Charlotte Sundberg

Plan B’s new album, The Defamation of Strickland long is only one of the songs that catches the listeners’
Banks, has stormed the charts and managed to attention. Songs like Prayin’ and The Recluse have the
capture the number one spot since its release. power to make anyone want to go back and listen to
soul albums from the 1960s.
The album itself marks a self-invention by the London
rapper. Indie influenced rap is nowhere to be found, The album is a sure hit for the London rapper. With
a sharp-suited rapper with soul and Motown inspired The Defamation of Strickland Banks, Plan B has
rhythms up his sleeve has emerged instead. created an album for any fan of fetching melodies.

The album tells the story about Strickland Banks, his

time in jail and the reasons for his imprisonment. It’s
hard not to be carried away by the stories and the
melodies on the album. The Defamation of Strickland
Banks is filled with catchy tunes. The single Stay too

ERASING DAVID (2010) Laila Lala
Can you live a normal life without leaking personal be a citizen of modern society without compromising understanding of what you bought, demographic
information with every step you take? parts or all of your privacy? details can be recorded and used to create a mosaic
of your day-to-day activities.
Erasing David, the new Greenlion Production, covers
this topic with a self-experiment. David Bond tries Legislation still needs to catch up with technology.
to disappear from the surface of earth for 30 days. With millions of CCTV cameras, otherwise personal
Following him is top investigating team, Cerberus. information is always being collected and even more
“It was really stressful to disappear. I definitely went so online. Facebook is a leading example of how we
through a phase where I saw everyone everywhere”, compromise our own privacy. By signing up to the
says David in a Q&A session after a preview screening page, a contract is agreed to, exchange personal data
at the FreeWord Centre in Dalston. for a little bit of software. Even after deleting your
page, your information will be kept.
When he saw the wall Cerberus had put together
with information about him, he was shocked. The So after knowing all this, wasn’t making a film about
‘wall-of-death’ as he calls it covered everything, from himself the biggest compromise on privacy he could
information about his family to used train tickets. Especially in British culture, everyone is used to have made, David Bond is asked by the audience.
“If I had felt that Cerberus stole my privacy, I would answering a few questions about private details
have had someone to be angry at. But they didn’t. It when e.g. signing up to the NHS or just a Tesco Card. “Yes”, he says, but he’s also very proud to be in it.
was already gone before they started looking.”And Even giving out your postcode when buying a shirt
what can we learn from this? Is it really impossible to reveals more than you know. Combined with an

Laila Lala

and the City 2
“Carrie On” MAY
Premiere: 25th, May 2010 May 1st May 28th
Directed By: Michael Patrick King Le Fear (2010) (London) Sex and the City 2
Starring: Sarah Jessica Parker - Carrie Bradshaw Release (2010/I) (limited) Tooth Fairy
Kim Cattrall - Samantha Jones The Losers
Cynthia Nixon - Miranda Hobbes May 2nd Bedroom Confidential
Kristin Davis - Charlotte York Neighbor (2009) Black Death
Chris Noth - Mr. Big Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time
May 7th
Our favourite four New Yorker girls are back on the big Furry Vengeance (2010) May 31st
screen. From Friday 25th of May, Carrie, Samantha, The Special Relationship (2010) Pimp
Charlotte and Miranda are back to brunching, A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
marriage and a whole lot of fashion. Dear John (2010/I)

3 years have passed since Carrie’s and Big’s wedding. May 8th JUNE
All of the girls are still happily married (Samantha to Clouds Fly West - Oblatsite letiat na zapad (2010)
her job instead of the man of her dreams), but a few Telefone (2010) June 2nd
things have happened. Charlotte appears to have a
second daughter and Carrie is about to write her next May 14th
book, this time about life not only in a relationship Last Night June 3rd
but with a ring around the finger. Robin Hood Release

The follow up takes place in New York as well as May 15th June 4th
Dubai, where Samantha is planning to open up a PR- Geography of the Hapless Heart Death at a Funeral
office. One of the girls wants to adopt a child (or so
says general gossip about the movie). With Carrie May 17th June 11th
busy writing and being a wife it probably won’t be Capture Anthologies: Love, Lust and Tragedy Greenberg
her, but we’ll only ever know from the 25th.
May 21st June 12th
But while you are waiting for the release, actress Kim Hippie Hippie Shake Masterpiece
Cattrall can be seen in Noël Coward’s English classic Letters To Juliet
Private Lives which is playing at London’s West end
Vaudeville Theatre (404 The Strand, WC2) until 1st, May 24th
May 2010. Carlo Of The Living Dead
The Many Lives and Deaths of
Giovanni Lombardo Radice

Private Lives
Theatre Review
Sarah MacKenzie

Noel Coward’s fantastic comedy about love, lust and in silk lingerie and bare feet, visually signifying her
volatile relationships has been brought to life once promiscuous nature.
more by former National Theatre artistic director
Richard Eyre. The play, which is currently running Matthew Macfadyen is brilliantly cast as the
at the Vaudeville theatre, has managed to appeal upper class Elyot, playing the stereotypically camp
to a contemporary audience despite the obvious character in a masculine and harsh manner. He is an
domestic violence subtext that lies very close to expert of comic timing and uses the sharp dialogue
the surface. At one point in the play, Elyot claims in to his advantage. Macfadyen together with Cattrall
a casual tone that “certain women should be struck convey a believable chemistry that is as sexual as it
regularly, like gongs” however this does not detract is sadistic.
from his appeal.
There are hilarious supporting performances from
It begins with ex-husband and wife (Amanda and Lisa Dillon as the wonderfully irritating Cybil,
Elyot) both honeymooning in the south of France in demonstrating an incredibly pre- feminist portrayal of
adjacent balconies. This leads them onto rekindling a woman. And Simon Paisley Day as the ever faithful
their love and in what can best be described as a Victor, who’s journey through the play results in a
melodramatic manner, they flee their spouses. near mental breakdown whilst ‘fighting’ Elyot that
is reminiscent of an angry Basil Faulty. Rob Howell’s
Kim Cattrall successfully manages to discard her set for Amanda’s Paris apartment is as flamboyant
famous identity of Samantha from Sex and The City. and off balance as her erratic relationship with Elyot.
She first appears in a white towel and blond curls This is demonstrated during a memorable moment in
releasing a Monroe like quality of a woman confident a fabulously choreographed fight scene in which the
with her exuberant sexuality. From the second act cleverly designed floating fishbowl springs a leak.
onwards, Amanda giddily skips around the stage

Overall, the combination of the talented cast and
Coward’s sharp witted script results in an impressive
Film Review
performance. Although written over 80 years ago and

ghost writer
throughout comically depicts violent relationships,
Private lives still manages to appeal to a 21st
century audience. It raises many questions about
the dynamics of love and the importance of sex in
Kim Cattrall & Matthew Macfadyen
Sarah Leo a relationship and ultimately leaves us questioning,
what does the future hold for people who deeply love
Grey, cold and hostile – these are the words that each other yet cannot get on?
come to mind thinking back to Roman Polanski’s
latest work The Ghost Writer.
Film Review


The film adaptation of Robert Harris’ novel tells the
story of an author (Ewan McGregor), stereotypically
poor and lonely whose name is never revealed. He is
called to polish the memoirs of the controversial ex- Sarah Leo
Prime Minister Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan).

Sounds rather unspectacular, but there’s a catch: Based on a true story, The Blind Side pictures the eventually accepts a football scholarship from the
the ghost’s predecessor has been found dead on the rocky journey of Michael “Big Mike” Oher (Quinton University of Mississippi.
shores of Martha’s Vineyard. Was it suicide? Or was Aaron). He was handed from one foster family to
it murder after all? A nail-biting chase begins when another because his mother had more love for a shot The very last scene shows the real Michael Oher
Ewan McGregor starts to look for answers and Adam of vodka than she had for her son. joining the Baltimore Ravens where he started his
Lang, who is clearly modelled after Tony Blair, is unbelievable football career. The Blind Side is full of
accused of human rights violations. At the age of seventeen, Mike is sent to a through emotion and hope that rather aims at amusing the
and through white, Christian school in Tennessee, viewer than at evoking pity and guilt. Sandra Bullock’s
To make matters even more complicated, Lang’s where his massive figure, his moderate performance performance lifts The Blind Side from average crowd
spouse Ruth (Olivia Williams), who is not very and having the ‘wrong‘ skin colour mark him out as a pleaser to Oscar-worthy adaptation.
amused by her husband’s affair with his assistant perpetual outcast.
(Kim Cattrall), makes herself a home in the author’s
bed. Who would have thought that the life of a ghost One day, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock), the
could be that nerve-racking? typical blonde southern belle and head of the
picture-perfect Tuohy clan, picks Mike up from the
Ewan McGregor nails the role of the slightly faceless, street and gives the runaway a caring, new home.
yet charming author and Pierce Brosnan convinces
as the brisk politician with a dazzling smile and more Soon the Tuohys discover his extraordinary football
skeletons in his closet than expected. Thanks to talent and when he starts playing for the school’s
Polanski, The Ghost Writer, with its strong characters team, a national hype around him arises. He has
and edgy dialogues, is a welcome alternation to the every major college football team scrambling over
typical by-the-numbers US thriller. him. After slowly improving his grades, Big Mike
VerveZine Issue No.003

L M U S t u d e ntsTeam

Writing Staff Letters

Editor The Vervezine is nothing without its readers. We
Charlotte Ostby Sundberg write because we want to entertain and inform you,
and that means we want to know about what works
for you.

Sub-Editor We want you to talk, to tell us what you like or dislike

Mark A. Oxley about the magazine or just about what bothers you today. Email your praise, corrections and criticisms
Feature Editor
Christian Eriksson Leads
London Met is a big university; a lot of good (and
bad) things go on without ever becoming public
Lifestyle Editor knowledge. But we can’t find things out unless
Kerris Gibson someone talks to us. We welcome both promotional information and people looking to break stories.

Entertainment Editor Like all journalists, we protect our sources by not

Anthony Adams revealing their identity. We can treat our sources
Cover image as anonymous (we will not name you in our articles)
by Richard Lea if the issue is of importance. Matters of serious
Hair/HRP importance can be taken off the record, meaning
Sports Editor that we will not use what you say. Instead, we would
James Canlas and use your lead to acquire the information on our
Design Team own. There would be no trail back to you.

Art Director Writers If you have something important to say,

Mehmet Mulla Alisa Nirman email us on
or and state if
Elisabeth Goldman
you need to speak ‘anonymously’ or ‘off the record’.
Designers Laila Lala
Mehmet Mulla Lottie Bowater
Nick Hill Marta Corado
Maya Salata
Photographers Ollie Hunter
Kwame Mensah Sarah Leo
Kerris Gibson Sarah MacKenzie
Steven Maclean
Jason Baughan
Steven Robinson
Rachel Pullman
Tom Knock
Victor Delvecchio
Will Byrne Communications
& Campaigns Officer 09/10
Poets Rishi Pancholi
Gavin Crawford
Laura Nunziante
Sharn Rayment


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