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Jones, English Teacher

Chattahoochee County High School
11th Grade American Literature 2016-2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the new school year! I will be teaching your childs English class and am looking
forward to a productive and enjoyable school year. The following is information that will help
your child be successful in our class.
Course Description
This is a theme-related, literature-based course focusing on the history of American literature. The literature
is chronologically divided into historical literary periods with thematic focus. We will begin with Native
American and Puritan writings and ending with Twentieth Century Period literature. Within each time
period, attention is given to literary devices, content, style, and cultural diversity. The skills we will work
on include, but are not limited to: vocabulary skills, library and research skills, public speaking, various
forms of composition, and the use of technology. Emphasis is placed on the development of critical and
analytical thinking skills through discussion and frequent compositions in order to prepare students for the
college setting.

1st Quarter: Fear of Persecution in Early American Literature , pre-1620-c.1815
2nd Quarter: The Individual versus Society: Exploring a New Frontier, 1800-

3 Quarter: The aftermath of Destruction: Reconstructing the American

Dream, `



4 Quarter: Research/Modernism/Post-Modernism, c.1915-present
11th Grade Standards:

Reading: ELAGSE11-12R1-10, ELAGSE11-12RI 1-10

Writing: ELAGSE11-12W1-10
A complete definition of the standards can be found at
Prentice Hall Literature Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience
**$62.00 replacement cost

Other novels and supplemental texts as assigned (provided by school)

**replacement costs vary by novel from $5-$10

Materials Needed
3-ring binder with dividers (an 8-pack)
Loose-leaf notebook paper
2-pocket folder (labeled with students name)
Blue/black ink pen (work in pencil will not be accepted)
Colored pencils for annotating passages (a 12-pack should suffice)
Flash drive (or proficient use of Google Docs)

Final grades will be based on a total points system using the following scale:
100 90 = A
89 80 = B
79 70 = C
69 0 = F
Category Points Range:
Compositions/Projects = 100-200 pts.
Tests = 100-200 pts.
Quizzes = 50-100 pts.
Classwork/Homework = 20-50 pts.
Participation = 15-20 pts.
Plagiarism is the use of anothers words or ideas and the presentation of them as though they
were entirely ones own. Acts of plagiarism might include, but are not limited to:
using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation
using the work of another student (e.g. copying homework, composition, or project)
using excessive editing suggestions of another student, teacher, parent, or paid editor.
As stated in the student handbook, students are allowed up to TEN unexcused absences per
semester. Any unexcused absence beyond TEN could result in loss of credit. In order for an
absence to be marked as excused, the students must bring in a written excuse/doctors note
within two days of returning to school.
**As per school policy, receiving THREE tardies will result in an office referral.
In order to prevent a referral from occurring, students should come to class on time. Should a
student show up late, he/she must have an acceptable pass from an appropriate
teacher/administrator in order to not be considered tardy. However, should a tardy occur, the
following policies are in place:
1 tardy = verbal warning and in class documentation
2 tardies = phone call to parent and in class documentation
3 tardies = office referral
Make-up Work
Regular attendance is necessary in order to receive the full benefits of instruction; therefore,
every effort should be made for students to be in class and on time. If you are absent, it is your
responsibility to find out what work needs to be completed. Students have THREE days to
complete missing assignments (classwork, homework, tests, etc.) After the three day limit, five
points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late. Tests may not be made up after the
three day limit unless other arrangements are made within the three day time frame.

Classroom Policies


1. Be respectful of others.
2. Be an active listener (this refers to both the teacher and fellow classmates alike). Do not
talk while another person is talking. This rule is especially important since much of our
literature instruction will be through discussions and presentations.
3. Come to class prepared every day. Bring your book (I dont have enough extras for
everyone) and bring your pen and paper (Im a teacher; I cant afford to provide these
materials to everyone every day).
4. Be on time and in your assigned seats when the bell rings. Please, remain seated during
class, unless you are instructed to do otherwise.
5. No grooming (hair, make-up, lotion, perfume, etc.)
6. No electronic devices unless instructed. Failure to follow this rule will result in loss of
electronic privileges.
Disciplinary Action

Students who do not abide by the above rules and policies during class will receive one or more
of the following consequences depending on the severity of the offense:
1. First Offense: Verbal warning and in class documentation
2. Second Offense: Phone call to parent and/or parent conference and in class
3. Third Offense: Detention (3:15 4:00)
4. Fifth Offense: Referral to Principal
Additional Policies

Homework is due at the beginning of the period. According to school policy, students
who were absent the day the work was assigned must make arrangements for make-up
work within two class days of their return and are allowed three additional days for
completion for full credit. The grade book closes at the end of each nine-week period;
therefore, late work from the previous nine weeks will no longer be accepted resulting in
no credit for the assignment.
All final drafts of major written assignments are to be typed and adhere to the essay
format (MLA) unless otherwise notified.
Students are allowed 4 passes per quarter for personal reasons. Students may not leave
the class for more than 10 minutes; however, according to school policy no one is
allowed to leave during the first or last 10 minutes of class. If your student has a
physical problem that requires more than 4 passes, please discuss this with a counselor or
with me.
Students should familiarize themselves with our class website

Questions/Concerns/Extra Help
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at my e-mail below.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I look forward to a great year!
Tanya Jones,
Yearbook Adviser
I have read and understand the classroom policies and procedures as outlined in the 11 th grade
American Literature syllabus.

_______________________________ _______________________
Students printed name
Students signature


_______________________________ _______________________
Parents/Guardians printed name
Parents/Guardians signature


Parents/Guardians e-mail address: ________________________________________________

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