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My Reflection Paper on the trip to the Rio Hondo Conservation Reserve

University of Belize
Submitted to Mr. David Cano
Submitted by: Lily Trujeque

Our trip to the Rio Hondo Conservation Reserve was a very unforgettable experience, as we
learnt so much from each other and from wildlife of the research station we lodged. On our way
to the research station we were able to observe the beautiful butterflies migrating, the brightly
clored green trees, the amazing corn and rice fields, the deers crossing the streets and so much
more. Our first stop was at programme of Belize lodge, where we were informed that we were
on the wrong place but they did not hesitate to give us a short tour at the reserve for a little
while. There we saw a small body of water, where we saw a small crocodile, we also spotted the
attractive hummingbirds sipping the honeyed water, we also had a gmilpse of two foxes crossing
searching for food and the deers walking freely on the vicinity of the area. Unfortunately, we had
to leave the place to go the the research station they had catered for us. When we reached at Rio
Bravo conservation reserve at around 4:00 p.m we were asked to unload our luggage and get
ready for lunch. We had a delicious meal comprised of stew beef, corn rice, veggies, fried
plantain and a refreshing beverage. After our appetizing meal, we were escourted to our dorms
and informed of the itinerary for the night which inlcuding hiking through the woods and would
be shortly after dinner. All our classmates seemed very excited of this trip, so we went ahead and
unpacked our stuff. I have to say that my room mates and I were impressed of our room and how
comfortable it seemed. I got accomodated and then we went outside. The view was
breathtaking, the landscape seemed so alluring, the stagnant waters, the trees up ahead and a
family of deers feeding on the herbs. Some of us saw the birds, foxes and the brightly green
plants around the cabaas. Shortly it was time for dinner so we got ready with our hiking gears
and went to eat. Just before our dinner, the tour guides gave us a power point presentation about
the goals ofthe Rio Bravo Conservation and Manegement area, the presentation was very good as
it aroused some interesting topics for dicussion. Some members were very concered about the

carbon sequestration funding but others seemed pleased with the idea that there are non
Government organizations who are willing to support and protect the reserve and the species
that live amongst the forest. The land itself which needs to be protected so as to preserve habitas
of various species. I was also amazed to know how much land has been given to the mennonites
to work and grow their crops. Some other topics which would be intersting to learn more are
based on the forestry research, carbon sequestration and timber extraction. It was very intersting
to find out about the Mahogany/regeneration research and the biodiverity research.
Unfortunatley we need more organizations to invest on projects like these. After the interesting
presentation we had our delicious B.B.Q and went for our night hiking adventure. We saw
various little creatures such as the tarantulas, which I deared to hold, we also saw countless wolf
spiders, some salmanders and plenty of scorpions. We went by the lake where we saw some
crocodiles and we were told by our tour guide that it was breeding time for the crocodiles. We
continued our journey and saw some boats that had been confiscated beacause of illegal logging.
The hiking was so much fun because it was at night and everyone could hear the noises of the
animals living among the bushes. Some classmates wanted to come across the jaguar but i was
happy we did not see one. Finally the hiking was over at about 9:30 and it was time to go to bed.
so we went to freshen up and some stayed up to enjoy some leisure time with friends. We told
stories and jokes and this reminded me of the times my brothers and I did our little camping on
our back yard. What I liked the most is that all of us were enjoying the trip and we did not need
to be hooked on T.V or Wifi to have a great time. The following day I was ready to go bird
watching from 5:30 a.m, this was an exciting experience. The tour guides gave us binoculars so
that we can distinguish the various birds that are found in Belize such as the melodious black
bird, the humming birds, the wood pecker, and other colored ones with their yellow belly, the

pigoens and a few more. After our bird watching activity we went for breakfast and were
informed of our final hiking for the day. We went back to our dorms to get ready and then we
met again with the tour guides to go on our final adventure. The hiking we did went for 45
minutes and the tour guide showed us various types of trees and told us their names. Some
plants caused allergies, others have medicinal value and many were trees which hosted little
animals as shelters. Finally we finished our hiking and had our leisure time, some people went
canoing, others went back to their dorms to freshen up and pack up to leave. While on the porch
of my room I began to reflect on this trip and this is where I realized why our Beautiful Belize is
known as a jewel because of our beautiful landscapes, the species we were able to see and
appreciate, the beauitful birds we saw and the nature of life itself. I wish our country would
invest in creating more reservation programs that will help protect our animals and various other
ecosystems. Not only, preserve and conserve but also restore areas that has been affected by
pollution and deforestation . Its sad to see that people do not realize how pollution affects the
biodiversity of our species, deforestation, and even improper planting of crops. As science
teachers we need to teach our students why it is important to appeciate all living organisms we
see and the negative impacts of pollution. We need to teach our students the importance of
protecting our little animals by not killing them just for fun, or having birds in cages because this
negative behavior may have a rippling effect on all the other species that is found in our precious
Belize. This trip has not only been inspiring but very educational, now I plan to go back to my
students and share my experience and possibly have them exposed to an experience like mine.
My goal is to try very hard to motivate my students or impact thier lives to become an Ecologist
or contribute in maintaining and restoring Belize Natural habitats and wild life.

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