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Mechanical Aptitude Test

Question No. 1
The man in the figure below applies a downward pull on the system of pulleys shown.
Which rope will experience the maximum tension?


Question No. 2
A car and a bicycle are moving opposite to each other and are destined for a head on
collision. Which of the two will experience a greater change in its momentum? (Choose C is


Question No. 3
A fighter aircraft moving at supersonic speed passes overhead three stationary observers.
Which of the observers will hear the sound of the passing aircraft earliest?


Question No. 4
Three friends of Mike are standing on the side of a railway track when Mike passes them in
a rail cart carrying a rubber ball. At the instant when Mike passes B, he throws the ball in a
direction perpendicular to the carts velocity, which of the friends is most likely to receive
the ball?


Question No. 5
A composite block is made up of two materials named 1 & 2. Material 2 is heavier than
material 1. If the composite block is allowed to freely float in water, in which position is it
most likely to float?


Question No. 6
A water works pipe has a smaller and a larger cross-section as shown below. When the
pipe is empty, the level of mercury in both the manometers is the same. When water flows
in the pipe, level of mercury will be higher in which manometer?


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