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1. Government of canada helps food and beverage exporters boost exports.

(2012).Marketwire, Retrieved from

In this article, emphasis has been given on the support which the Canadian government has given
to the food and beverage industry to boost exports. The aim of the government is to make it one
of the biggest sectors of export to other countries, and to increase the inflow of foreign currency
into Canada. They are also providing support to small companies to gain a competitive edge in
the global market. Creation of jobs by expanding the food and beverage industry is also one of
the main objectives of the government. Canada's food and beverage processing industry is the
country's largest manufacturing industry, in terms of value of production and employment, and is
the largest manufacturing employer in rural areas across Canada. Exports of processed food and
beverage products totalled $20.8 billion in 2010, and reached some 180 countries.
2. Canadian food and beverage show: Toronto, Canada. (2004,
November). AgExporter, 16(11), 20. Retrieved from
This article was published in the year 2004, and it talks about the Canadian food and beverage
show which was held in Toronto, Canada. The show attracted more than 700 exhibitors and more
than 10,000 trade visitors. The main purpose of the show was to bring to light how vast the
Canadian food and beverage industry is, and to encourage exports. A lot of emphasis was placed

on reduced transfat content foods, high-protein foods, organic foods, soy products, bottled
flavored waters, healthy snacks, energy bars and meal solutions are some of the many
3. Coelho, A. (2005). Food and beverages. In A. Vaidya (Ed.), Globalization: Encyclopedia
of trade, labor, and politics. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defined globalization as
the ongoing process of rapid global economic integration facilitated by lower transaction
costs and lower barriers to movements in capital and goods (FAO 2003).
The article shows that in the year 2001, Canada exported food and beverage products to
other countries to the tune of 33.57 billon dollars. The amount is much larger now. It also
shows that Canada has constantly been ranked among the Top 10 Worlds Largest Food
Firms. Although other countries are providing a competition to Canada, the country still
continues to have the food and beverage industry as one of its biggest strengths.
4. Oh, Canada! A vital food and beverage industry adds up to big opportunities for U.S.
goods. (2002, August). AgExporter, 14(8), 16+. Retrieved from
Canada is a G-7 nation and one of the world's most developed economies, with high per
capita income and strong consumer spending. In addition, the country offers a favorable
business environment: tax credits for research and development, low-cost energy,
excellent infrastructure and social and political stability. In fact, so attractive is the
Canadian market that over three-quarters of the world's leading food and beverage firms
have invested in processing facilities there. The food and beverage processing sectors

make up Canada's second-largest manufacturing sector, after transportation. The food

service sector experienced exceptional sales growth in 2000, although it moderated in
2001 due to an economic slowdown.
5. Agriculture and agri-food canada invests more than $500,000 to support the atlantic
canada food export partnership. (2005). CCNMatthews Newswire, , 1. Retrieved from
The Atlantic Canada Food Export Partnership (ACFEP) will receive more than $513,000 from
the Canadian Agriculture and Food International (CAFI) Program from October 2005 to
December 2006 to help promote products and expand international markets. Over the past two
years, CAFI has provided more than $825,000 to ACFEP. The Canadian Agriculture and Food
International Program supports the development of international markets. The Atlantic Canada
Food Export Partnership provides the region with the tools it needs to increase and develop
export opportunities. Atlantic Canada exports almost $900 million worth of agri-food products
and more than $3 billion in seafood products each year. Canada exports more than 80% of its fish
and seafood production to more than 130 countries. In 2004, exports (685,249 tonnes) were
valued at $4.4 billion. The United States is Canada's largest export market (63% of Canada's
seafood trade is with the U.S.), followed by Japan and the European Union. Lobster, crab,
Atlantic salmon and coldwater shrimp account for 60% of total Canadian seafood exports.

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