English I England

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Group: PIP11M
Teacher: B.A. Araceli Carillo Jara
Mara Lorena Aguilar Flix.
Luis Alfredo Carpio
Jesus Hidalgo
Cesar Serna
Berenice Pineda Prez

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to
the north and Wales to the west. The Irish Sea lies northwest of England and the Celtic Sea lies to
the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the
English Channel to the south. The country covers much of the central and southern part of the
island of Great Britain, which lies in the North Atlantic; and includes over 100 smaller islands
such as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight.

The English language spoken and written in England encompasses a diverse range of accents and
dialects. The dialect forms part of the broader British English, along with other varieties in the
United Kingdom. Terms used to refer to the English language spoken and written in England
include English, Anglo-English, and British English.

England is full of culture and traditions, which have been around for hundreds of years. British
customs and traditions are famous all over the world. When people think of Britain, they often
think of people drinking tea, eating fish and chips and wearing bowler hats, but there is more to
Britain than just those things. Next, some traditions are presented:

They are also famous for being the creators of the game and for his fanaticism for cricket,
one of the quintessential British sports. Anyway, there are many more traditions and
customs of England.
One thing you have to know is that the British are quite disciplined and exquisite good
The English give you a greeting crucial importance to everyday life. It is, usually, a
handshake, be they men or women, for kisses on the cheek only occur between people
very close.
The Morris dance is one of the most traditional in England and has come from a very
ancient custom in which through some bells and colorful ribbons with which to decorate
hats dancers were believed to bring fertility and out any possible pain, these groups
usually involved only men, although in some regions have also started some women
dance. The dances are usually performed at festivals: such, as May Day, Whitsun and
Other traditions and customs of England have to do with their typical foods. The main
dish is fish and chips, also highlighting the beef, lamb, chicken, sandwiches and
vegetables. If we talk about beverages, clearly, tea takes the first place, but also the
English drink coffee, bitter beer, whiskey and wine.

The most important Celebrations on the year are:

New Year's Eve and Day (31 December, 1 January), celebrate the beginning of the New
April fools Day (1 April), is a day on which people play practical jokes on one another.
The sovereign's birthday is celebrated in June.
Guy Fawkes's Day (5 November) commemorates the foiling of a 1605 Catholic plot to
blow up the houses of Parliament and is an occasion for fireworks and revelry.
Remembrance Day (11 November) celebrates the contributions of war veterans to
defending the freedom of the nation.

Interesting facts from England

Nowhere in the UK is more than 70 miles (113km) from the sea! A place called Coton in the
Elms is the furthest place from the sea.
It is considered an act of treason to put a postage stamp with the queens head upside down
on an envelope!
The British eat over 11.5 billion (1,500,000,000) sandwiches every year!!

Englands first telephone directory was published in 1880 and had only 248 names and
addresses (there were no telephone numbers, as you had to call the operator and ask for
someones name to get connected).
Our wonderful city London has not always had this name. In the past, it has been called
Londonium, Ludenwic, and Ludenburg!
In 1945, a flock of birds landed on the minute hand of Big Ben and put the time back by 5
Big Ben is not actually the name of the clock; it is the name of the bell, which is inside the
There are more chickens than people in England.
Black cab (taxi) drivers in London have to memorize every street and important building in
London within six miles from Charing Cross and they need to take a test called The
Knowledge before they can drive a cab.
It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
In 1647, Christmas was abolished by the English Parliament. No one was allowed to
On average, 488 people are injured by zips and 3,078 people are injured by slippers every
year in the UK.
The picture of the Queen on 1 coins show her age at the time they were made.
Windsor Castle is the oldest royal residence in the world that is still being used by the royal
England was part of the shortest war in history. They fought Zanzibar in 1896 and Zanzibar
surrendered after just 38 minutes!

Typical Dress
England is one of the richest countries in the world folklore but does not have a suit that is
recognized as typical, the closest thing to it is the Morris dancers.
The Morris dancers wear different clothes depending on the part of the country in which they
dance. They are often dressed in white with colored baldrics (colored belts) across their chests,
two cushions that are placed on the calves of white trousers months, the rest of the costume
consists of a shirt and a particular white hats usually made of wicker.
Types of costumes:
Cotswold Dance: all clothing is white.
Dance North West: The costume includes pompoms, cheerleading and some Irish dancers; bells
are carried, white shirt and blue pants.
Border Dance: In this dance includes black paint on the face, it may or may not use bells, and the
clothes are simple and straightforward with ornaments or pieces of colored paper, tissue is

Sabre Dance: The costume includes swords, white shirt and pants (blue, beige, black, red and
Mumming Dance: Rare costumes dance-like border
Molly Ball Cambridgeshire: white shirt and black pants.
Popular Music
The traditional folk music of England is centuries old and has contributed to several prominent
genres: sea shanties, jigs, oboes and dance music. One of the most outstanding is:
Greensleeves. It is one of the oldest and best known of all Britain songs are said to have been
composed by Henry VIII of England "Greensleeves" is a traditional song melody folklore about
a subject that follows the called Romanesque form.
The legend:
It ensures that was composed by the King Henry VIII of England (1491-1547) for his lover and
future queen consort Anne Boleyn. Ana, who was the youngest daughter of Thomas Boleyn, first
Earl of Wiltshire, rejected attempts to seduce Henry. This rejection apparently alluded to in the
song, when the author writes, "cast me off discourteously" ("me rudely Forsaken"). We do not
know if the legend is true, but the song is still commonly associated with that lady in public

The food consist of a set of customs and foods adapted not only to the climate of the islands but
due to its history, and interactions with other European and Asian cultures (Chinese and Indian
cuisine), has received certain influences. They can be noticed not only in the preparation of the
dishes but also in their ingredients.
British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish, and generally served
with potatoes and one other vegetable. The most common and typical foods eaten in Britain
include the sandwich, fish and chips, pies like the cornish pasty, crumbles(fruit cakes covered
with a layer of crunchy crumbs), trifle and roasts dinners. Some of our main dishes have strange
names like Bubble & Squeak and Toad-in-the-Hole. The staple foods of Britain are meat, fish,
potatoes, flour, butter and eggs. Many of our dishes are based on these foods.

Recipe: Frozen Apple Crumble.


500 gr of chopped apples.

1 kg of natural yogurt.
1 can of condensed milk.
2 bars of butter.
3 packets of oatmeal cookies.

For the filling:
First in a bowl put yogurt and condensed milk, and mix. Then add the apple and stir well to
create a homogeneous mixture.
Layer of crumbs:
Having undo the cookies until small pieces. Then melt the butter and mix with cracker crumbs. It
was adds to let butter, cookie do not dry out.
Both mixtures having first put the filling in the container then sprinkle crumbs. We finished put
in the freezer for 8 hours. Serve it cold and enjoy.

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