Site Visit Worksheet Hindu

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You will use this worksheet for both your Eastern religion visit and your
Western religion visit.
Name: Margarita Thomas
Where I went: Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple
When I went: June 4th at 09:00
In order to get credit for your site visits, you must complete the following questions and
submit via upload at the appropriate time (Midterm or Final). Please use complete sentences,
and no question should be answered as yes or no only.
BEFORE YOU ATTEND: List 3 of what you understand to be the primary beliefs of this faith.
1. The Vedas are revered as ancient scriptures.
2. Every action has a consequence, if good then good Karma will be the result, if evil bad
Karma will come to your life.
3. The goal in existence is that Brahman and Atman join and end Samsara.
How does this religion understand the world?
It believes that the Cosmos is a unit in which absolute reality and the relative manifestation of it are
How does this religion understand their relationship to others?
They have castes, each caste has its duty. Hospitality is really important because they believe that every
person is the deity incarnate. They believe that if you do good, good will come to you, if you do evil, evil
will come to you (Karma).
1) Physical (Spatial) observations: What did the worship space look like?
a) Was there symbolism on the exterior of the building? What is its purpose?
There were Lotus flowers at the door symbolizing refined spiritual energy that rises above worldly
contamination. Elephants, symbolizing being able to move obstacles.
b) What rituals marked the boundary between sacred and profane? (The extraordinary and the
The fire ceremonies around the havan, and the public recitation of Sanskrit text.

c) What was the focal point of the space?

The fire was the focal point during the rituals.
d) What decorated the space? Why was it there?
Flowers, fruit, water with turmeric. It was there as an offering to the Gods to invoke their blessings.
e) Did the space reflect functionality? If so, how?
Inside there were places to sit around the wall and carpets to sit on. And outside, carpets were
brought for everyone wanting to be seated to do so.
2) Ritual observations: What took place?
a) Describe the elements of worship (liturgy).
Outside, there was a hand drawn picture of Ganesh on a banner, hanged on a pillar. Inside, many
images of Gods adorned with jewels and flowers were displayed for worship.
b) Did they have a specific purpose?
I believe the pillar outside was being inaugurated which made me think that they chose Ganesh to
help the temple overcome obstacles. Also, fire was used as a medium for the offerings to get to the
Gods and to the people that attended the fire ritual.
c) Who participated? (Was there clergy? A hierarchy?)
The Brahmin preformed it and there were others that helped and participated throwing the offerings
into the fire.
d) What seemed to be the benefit of these rituals?
To invoke the blessings of the Gods for the Temple and for the people participating in the ritual.
3) Emotional observations: What was the mood?
a) Did the physical space enhance or distract from the emotional/spiritual experience?
I think there is something about the dancing flames of a fire that helps you focus quietly, the tone
of the voice kind of very repetitive and the same tone helped with quieting the mind if that is what
you are focused on. There were a couple of times that it looked like the Brahmin was interrupting in
the middle of the fire ritual, shouting something to someone, probably asking for something that he
needed to continue, this was distracting.
b) What were the attitudes of the participants? (fear, awe, love, hope, union, boredom, excitement,
passion etc.)
People were reverent and paying attention, event little kids which was amazing to me since they
were reciting the
Vedas in Sanskrit most of the time.

c) What does this tell you about their ideas toward worship?
They are respectful, they look like grateful people (they sacrifice of their time, food, etc.). It looks
like it is an important part in their lives.

d) What did you learn about this religions relationship to non-members?

They allow people to watch and event participate without judging, no questions asked, even when
we were on the wrong side of the building no one reprimanded us. I would have liked for someone
to recognize our large group and explain a little of what was happening but I feel grateful that I saw
and I experienced what I did.


1) Reaction: What were your expectations and were they met? I expected maybe someone
explaining things to our group a little and I expected to see some rituals like the fire ritual,
and my expectations were met. The only thing that shocked me was the laying around of
plastic bags (holding flowers, coconut, etc), by the beautiful images of Gods or by the fire for
offerings, it was kind of like and eye sore.
2) Reflection: Making connections.
a) Were the beliefs and the worldview of the religion present in the physical observations? How?
Yes, there was a yellow thread that was tied to the pillar outside all the way inside in front of a God,
possibly trying to connect Atman and Brahman.
b) Were the beliefs and the worldview of the religion represented in the rituals and symbols? How?
The fire ritual, is performed to offer sacrifice to Gods to get the blessings, listening and reciting the
Vedas and to implore the blessings of the devas.
c) Were the beliefs and the worldview of the religion felt and/or observed in the emotional
observations? How?
Reciting of the Vedas, the Brahmin made sure he was reciting accurately. He had a person beside
him that would help him remember what words came next if he did not remember. Also he read as well to
help with accuracy. People throwing offerings did it in a reverent manner and it was done carefully. At the
end, everyone that wanted was also able to throw offerings in the fire. This was done patiently and orderly
as well.

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