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Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1

Tutorials Manual
Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker

Copyright 2008 - 2015 Delcam Ltd. All rights reserved.
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rights reserved.
Delcam Ltd has no control over the use made of the software
described in this manual and cannot accept responsibility for any
loss or damage howsoever caused as a result of using the software.
Users are advised that all the results from the software should be
checked by a competent person, in accordance with good quality
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The functionality and user interface in this manual is subject to
change without notice in future revisions of the software.
The software described in this manual is furnished under licence
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Patent Information
Emboss functionality is subject to patent number GB 2389764 and
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Morphing functionality is subject to patent application GB 2401213.
ShoeMaker 2016 R1. Published on 10 September 2015

Designing a sport shoe

Adding a last to library and mean the flattening .................................................. 1

1. Add last to library .................................................................................... 1
2. Mean last feather lines ........................................................................... 3
Sketching the style lines ..................................................................................... 5
3. Create stencils ........................................................................................ 5
4. Sketch style lines .................................................................................... 9
5. Export flatten lines to Engineer............................................................. 15
6. Sketch style lines in Engineer............................................................... 16
7. Import style lines and wrap on last ....................................................... 26
8. Edit style lines ...................................................................................... 32
9. Add material to library .......................................................................... 34
Creating pieces ................................................................................................. 35
10. Create upper pieces - 1 ...................................................................... 35
11. Create upper pieces - 2 ...................................................................... 41
12. Create upper pieces - 3 ...................................................................... 50
13. Create upper pieces - 4 ...................................................................... 59
14. Create lining pieces ............................................................................ 67
Creating padding .............................................................................................. 71
15. Create padding on pieces................................................................... 71
16. Create edge stitches - 1 ..................................................................... 77
17. Create edge stitches - 2 ..................................................................... 83
18. Create stitches around cut-outs.......................................................... 88
Creating pipes ................................................................................................... 93
19. Create pipes ....................................................................................... 93
Creating punches .............................................................................................. 96
20. Create punches on pieces .................................................................. 96
Creating custom accessories .......................................................................... 100
21. Sketch wireframes ............................................................................ 100
22. Create accessory solid ..................................................................... 105
23. Add accessory to library ................................................................... 114
24. Place and align accessory ................................................................ 117
25. Place loop......................................................................................... 121
26. Place eyelets .................................................................................... 124
Creating laces ................................................................................................. 127
27. Create lace ....................................................................................... 127
28. Edit lace............................................................................................ 130
29. Add lace ends................................................................................... 133
Creating a sole ................................................................................................ 136
30. Import surfaces for sole .................................................................... 136
31. Wrap tread on sole surface .............................................................. 139

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Contents i

Summary ................................................................................................ 147

ii Contents

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe

Adding a last to library and mean the

1. Add last to library
If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence
required for the commands in this step of the tutorial*, go to the
next step in the tutorial and click Import Data.

The model will then be provided with the correct data and you will
be able to complete the tutorial.
You can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would
*In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary
licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may
be missing entirely.

1 Click Manage Last Libraries

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 1

The Manage Last Libraries dialog is displayed:

2 Click Add a Last Library

3 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored:
(where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.)

4 Click the folder Sport_last.
5 Click OK.
6 Click OK.
A new library is added and displayed in the Library window.
7 Click on the tab Sport_last.

8 Double-click Sport_Last.

2 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

9 Click View ISO 4

2. Mean last feather lines

If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence
required for the commands in this step of the tutorial*, go to the
next step in the tutorial and click Import Data.

The model will then be provided with the correct data and you will
be able to complete the tutorial.
You can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would
*In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary
licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may
be missing entirely.

1 Click Last

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 3

2 Click Mean flattening

The Mean flattening toolbar is displayed:

3 Click Feather line mean

The 2D flattening window in folded view is displayed:

4 Drag the Toe and Heel markers into position, as shown:

5 Click Feather line mean

4 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

The 2D outer and inner feather lines are meaned.

6 Click Shoe modelling

The 3D modelling window is displayed:

Sketching the style lines

3. Create stencils
1 Click Style line

2 Click View from right

3 Click Display Stencil Toolbar

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 5

The Stencil toolbar is displayed:

4 Click Open image

The Load Image File dialog is displayed.

5 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored:
(where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.)

6 From the Files of type list, select JPEG (*.jpg).
7 Select the following file:

8 Click Open.
The stencil image is drawn over the last:

Instrumentation nodes enable you to graphically transform the

9 Move the cursor over the bottom left node of the stencil, until the

6 Designing a sport shoe

cursor is displayed.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

10 Press and hold the Shift

key and click with the left mouse
button and drag the cursor to enlarge the image to match the

11 Move the cursor over the middle of the stencil, until the Move
cursor is displayed.
12 Click with the left mouse button and drag the cursor to move the
image to match the last.

If you haven't got the image in this position. Try a few more
edits. To rotate the stencil, click and drag on a line when the

cursor is displayed.

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Designing a sport shoe 7

13 Click Wrap

The image is wrapped around the last:

14 Click Open image

The Load Image File dialog is displayed.

15 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored:
(where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.)

16 From the Files of type list, select JPEG (*.jpg).
17 Select the following file:

18 Click Open.
19 Click View from top

20 Repeat the Stencil edit options described in steps 9 - 12, to match

the Stencil image to the last.

8 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

21 Click Hide Stencil Toolbar

4. Sketch style lines

1 Right-click Stencil

on the View toolbar.

2 Select SportOuter_1 from the flyout.

3 Click Sketch style line
4 Press and hold the Shift
position shown:

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

key and click on the model in the

Designing a sport shoe 9

Use Shift+click when inserting a point to make a style line

perpendicular to a line.
5 Click to create more points of the style line, as shown:

6 Right-click Stencil

on the View toolbar.

7 Select SportTop_1 from the flyout.

8 Click the final point on the centre line, as shown:

9 Click Select

10 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

10 Repeat steps 37 to create 10 more style lines, as shown:

If you have trouble creating the objects you can click Import
Data on the next step to open a model with the correct objects in

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Designing a sport shoe 11

11 Right-click Stencil

on the View toolbar.

12 Select SportOuter_1 from the flyout.

13 Click Sketch style line

14 Click to create the first point, as shown:

15 Click more points to create the style line, tracing the stencil

12 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

16 Click the final point on the first point:

Clicking the last point on the start point creates a closed

17 Repeat steps 1316 to create five more style lines:

18 Click Select

19 Click and drag points to smooth the curve out:

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 13

20 Click the style line shown:

21 Click Cut

22 Click the style line just above where it says intersection.

The style line is divided into two pieces.

14 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

23 Right-click to clear the selection.

If you have trouble creating the objects you can click Import
Data on the next step to open a model with the correct objects in

5. Export flatten lines to Engineer

If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence
required for the commands in this step of the tutorial*, go to the
next step in the tutorial and click Import Data.

The model will then be provided with the correct data and you will
be able to complete the tutorial.
You can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would
*In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary
licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may
be missing entirely.

1 Click Export data file

2 Click Export 2D Pattern from model

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 15

The Export pattern data dialog is displayed.

3 In the Save in list, select the path to a temporary folder.

The typical path might be:

where C is the drive on which you store your working files.
4 In the File name text box, enter:

5 Click Save.

6. Sketch style lines in Engineer

If you haven't got Crispin Engineer installed go to the next step: 7.

Import lines and wrap on last.

1 Double-click the Engineer icon on the desktop to start Crispin
2 Click Open

16 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

The Open dialog is displayed:

3 Browse to the path of the temporary folder, for example:

where C is the drive on which you store your working files.
4 Select the following file:

(There is a copy of the file required stored in
5 Click Open.

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Designing a sport shoe 17

6 Drag a box around all of the lines in the pattern.

7 Press and hold the Ctrl

8 Press the Delete

9 Click Reset view

18 Designing a sport shoe

key and click the lines shown:

key on the keyboard.


Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

10 Click the line shown:

11 Click Draw

on the main toolbar.

12 Click Margin

The Margin toolbar is displayed:

13 Enter an Offset Distance

14 Click Apply

of 5.0.

A Margin line is created 5 mm from the parent style-line:

15 Click Partial

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Designing a sport shoe 19

16 Drag the start and end points to shorten the line:

17 Right-click to finish the command.

18 Click Margin

A second margin is created.

If the margin is created on the wrong side click Switch side
19 Click the point shown:

20 Enter an Offset Distance

of 2.0.

You may need to select the point at the other end first to
get a variable offset.
21 Click Apply

20 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

22 Press and hold the Shift

key and click both Margin lines:

23 Right-click and select Convert.

The Margin lines are converted to Base lines.
24 Click Draw

25 Zoom in and click points to create a base line as shown:

26 Right-click to finish the command.

27 Create another base line at the other end of the line.
28 Right-click to finish the command.

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Designing a sport shoe 21

29 Press and hold the Shift

30 Click Duplicate

key and click all four base lines.

31 Drag the duplicate lines to the position shown:

32 Right-click to finish the command.

33 Right-click and select Rotate.
34 Click at the centre of the base lines.
35 Click and drag to rotate the base lines into the position shown:

36 Click to set the rotation.

22 Designing a sport shoe

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37 Right-click to finish the command.

38 Right-click and select Scale.
39 Click at the centre of the base lines.
The Factor dialog is displayed:

40 Select XY.
41 Click and drag to scale the Base lines to the size shown:

42 Right-click to finish the command.

43 Repeat the previous steps to create the Base lines shown:

You may need to move the baselines to get them into the
correct position.
44 Click anywhere in the graphics area to deselect

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Designing a sport shoe 23

45 Press and hold the Shift

46 Press Delete

47 Click Export

key and click the original lines:

on the keyboard.

The Data Outputs dialog is displayed.

48 Click Opt 1 tab.
49 Deselect Use default name.

24 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

50 Click DXF.

51 The Save As dialog is displayed.

52 In the Save in list, select the path to a temporary folder.

The typical path might be:

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Designing a sport shoe 25

where C is the drive on which you store your working files.
53 For the File name, enter:

54 Click Save.
55 You can now Exit out of Engineer.

7. Import style lines and wrap on last

If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence
required for the commands in this step of the tutorial*, go to the
next step in the tutorial and click Import Data.

The model will then be provided with the correct data and you will
be able to complete the tutorial.
You can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would
*In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary
licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may
be missing entirely.
1 Return to ShoeMaker.
2 On the Views toolbar, deselect Stencil.

The stencil image is removed from the last.

26 Designing a sport shoe

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3 Click Upper flattening

The 2D flattening window is displayed.

4 Click Import data file

5 Click Import 2D curve shapes in flattening window

The Import File dialog is displayed:

6 Browse to the path of the temporary folder.

The typical path might be:

where C is the drive on which you store your working files.
7 From the Files of type list, select AutoCAD Files (*.dwg;*.dxf).
8 Select the following file:

(There is a copy of the file required stored in

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Designing a sport shoe 27

9 Click Open.
10 Click OK.
If there is text imported. Press and hold the Shift
and click the text shown below:

Click Delete

28 Designing a sport shoe


Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

11 Press and hold the Shift

key and click the imported style
lines, if not already selected, as shown:

The Style-lines toolbar is displayed.

12 Click Wrap the selected curve

The Wrap Wireframe Geometry dialog is displayed:

If the style lines aren't correctly positioned then click the

Transform Object tab and move and rotate the style lines into
13 Click Wrap.
14 Click Yes.

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Designing a sport shoe 29

The style lines are wrapped onto the last.

15 Click Shoe modelling

The 3D modelling window is displayed:

16 Click View from right

17 Click Resize to fit

18 Click the style line shown:

19 If it is one curve go to step 23, otherwise complete steps 20 and

21 to join the curves.
20 Click Join

30 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

21 Click on the style lines, as shown below:

This joins the four style lines into a single style line. (The picture
shows a zoomed view so that the correct curves can be
22 Right-click to finish the command.
23 Right-click on the style line and select Smooth.

Click Smooth on individual points.

24 Right-click to clear the selection.

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Designing a sport shoe 31

25 Repeat steps 16-22 for the two style lines shown below:

8. Edit style lines

1 Drag a box around the last. All the style lines are selected:

2 Click Unlinked mirror

3 Click View from left

32 Designing a sport shoe


Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

4 Right-click on the style line shown and select Smooth.

5 Click and drag the end point to move it slightly, to make it


Move points on other style lines to make them smooth.

6 Right-click to clear the selection.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 33

9. Add material to library

If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence
required for the commands in this step of the tutorial*, go to the
next step in the tutorial and click Import Data.

The model will then be provided with the correct data and you will
be able to complete the tutorial.
You can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would
*In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary
licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may
be missing entirely.

1 Click View from right

2 Click Piece

3 In the library, click Open material

4 Click Manage Material Libraries


The Manage Materials Libraries dialog is displayed.

5 Click Add a Material Library

6 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored:

34 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

(where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.)

7 Select the following folder:

8 Click OK.
9 Click OK.
10 Click Sport_material tab.

Creating pieces
10. Create upper pieces - 1
1 Click View ISO 4
2 Click Piece

3 Click Create shoe piece

4 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

5 Click Decrease thickness

once the value is now 1.

6 Click Sport_material on the library window.

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Designing a sport shoe 35

7 Click Synthetic tab.

8 Click SynDarkGrey.mat.

9 Click the style line shown:

This starts to trace the outline of the piece

36 Designing a sport shoe

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10 Complete tracing the outline, by clicking in the positions, as


After clicking position 7 the shoe piece is automatically created.

11 Click Append/remove regions of shoe piece

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Designing a sport shoe 37

The piece is displayed transparent.

12 Press and hold the Shift


key and click the style lines, as

13 Right-click to finish the command.

38 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Clicking the style lines removes their shape from the piece.

14 Click Create shoe piece

15 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

Use Increase and Decrease offset until the value is 1.

16 Click Decrease thickness

twice the value is now 0.5.

Use Increase and Decrease thickness until the value is 0.5.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 39

17 Click in the positions shown:

After clicking position 3 the shoe piece is automatically created.

18 Click Samples tab on the library window.

19 Click Mesh tab.

40 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

20 Click 5031.

21 Click Edit the texture orientation

The Material Editor toolbar is displayed.

22 Click Scale by maintaining aspect ratio

23 Click and drag the cursor over the shoe piece to scale the texture

24 Click Edit the texture orientation

25 Click Select

11. Create upper pieces - 2

1 Click View ISO 4
2 Click Style line


Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 41

3 Press and hold the Shift


4 Click Blank selected

5 Click Piece

key and click the style lines, as

6 Click Create shoe piece

7 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

8 Click Decrease thickness

42 Designing a sport shoe

twice the value is now 0.5.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

9 Click the positions shown:

Pieces are created.

10 Click Select

11 Click the piece shown:

12 Click Paste attributes from Clipboard

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Designing a sport shoe 43

The Attribute Selection dialog is displayed.

13 Click on all the unselected boxes.

14 Click the pieces shown:

All the attributes are copied to the pieces.

15 Click Select

16 Click Create shoe piece

17 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

44 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

18 Click Sport_material tab on the library window.

19 Click Synthetic tab.

20 Click SynDarkGrey.mat.

21 Click the position shown:

If the piece isn't automatically created, trace the region, shown.

22 Click Select

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Designing a sport shoe 45

23 Click View from right

24 Click Create shoe piece

25 Click Sport_material tab on the library window.

26 Click Mesh tab.

27 Click MeshDots.

28 Click the positions shown:

46 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Pieces are created

29 Click Select

30 Double-click on the piece shown:

The Shoe Piece Editor dialog is displayed.

31 Enter 1 for the Offset.

32 Click OK.
33 Click View ISO 3

34 Click Create shoe piece

35 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

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Designing a sport shoe 47

36 Click Increase thickness

once the value is now 2.

37 Click Synthetic tab.

38 Click SynGrey.

39 Click the position shown:

Piece is created.

40 Click Select

41 Click Create shoe piece

42 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

48 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

43 Click PUBlue.

44 Click the position shown:

Piece is created.

45 Click Select

46 Click Create shoe piece

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Designing a sport shoe 49

47 Click Blue.

48 Click the position shown:

Piece is created.

If only half of the heel piece is created:

Click Append/remove regions of shoe piece

Click the other half of the heel piece.

49 Click Select

12. Create upper pieces - 3

1 Click View ISO 4
50 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

2 Click Create shoe piece

3 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

4 Click Decrease thickness

twice the value is now 0.5.

5 Click the position shown:

Piece is created.

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Designing a sport shoe 51

6 Click Samples tab on the library window.

7 Click Textiles2 tab.
8 Click 3086.

9 Drag and drop the material into the graphics area.

10 Click Edit the texture orientation

The Material Editor toolbar is displayed.

11 Click Scale by maintaining aspect ratio

12 Click and drag the cursor so that the texture scales down.
13 Click Option to rotate the texture

14 Click and drag the cursor so that the texture rotates, release
when the texture is in a horizontal position.
15 Click Edit the texture orientation

52 Designing a sport shoe

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16 Click Select

17 Click Unblank

18 Click Create shoe piece

19 Click Increase offset

once the value is now 1.

20 Click Decrease thickness

twice the value is now 0.5.

21 Click Sport_material tab on the library window.

22 Click Mesh tab.
23 Click MeshDots.mat.

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Designing a sport shoe 53

24 Click the style line shown:

25 Click to trace the region, as shown:

26 Click View ISO 1

54 Designing a sport shoe

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27 Click the positions to finish tracing the shoe piece, as shown:

After clicking position 8 the shoe piece is automatically created.

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28 Click the style line to start tracing the next piece, as shown:

29 Click the positions shown:

30 Click View ISO 4

56 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

31 Click the positions shown, to finish tracing the shoe piece:

After clicking position 6 the shoe piece is automatically created.

32 Click SynGrey from the Synthetics tab.

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Designing a sport shoe 57

33 Drag and drop the material into the graphics area.

34 Click Select

35 Double-click on the piece shown:

36 Shoe Piece Editor dialog is displayed.

37 Enter -1.2 for the Offset.
38 Enter 1 for the Thickness.
39 Click OK.

58 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

When a shoe piece has a negative offset the last turns

40 Drag a box around all of the pieces.
41 Click Edit the texture orientation
42 Click Add/Remove Bump

43 Right-click to clear the selection.

13. Create upper pieces - 4

1 Click View from right
2 Click Levels

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Designing a sport shoe 59

The Level dialog is displayed.

3 Enter Piece : Upper in level 5.

4 Enter Piece : Lining in level 6.

5 Click OK.
The group is added to the Levels toolbar:

6 Ensure you are in Piece creation mode.

60 Designing a sport shoe

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7 Drag a box around all the shoe pieces:

8 Right-click on Level 5.
9 Click Add Selection.

The pieces are moved to level 5, and are no longer displayed on

the screen.
10 Click View ISO 4

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Designing a sport shoe 61

11 Click the style line shown:

12 Click Blank selected

13 Click Piece

14 Click Create shoe piece

15 Click Increase offset

twice the value is now 1.5.

16 Click Decrease thickness

62 Designing a sport shoe

once the value is now 1.0.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

17 Click the style line shown:

Piece is created.

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18 Click the style lines shown:

Two more pieces are created.

19 Click Select

64 Designing a sport shoe

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20 Press and hold the Shift


21 Click Outer material

key and click the three pieces

22 Click Samples tab on the library window.

23 Click Autumn tab.

24 Click Autumn_27 .

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Designing a sport shoe 65

The material of the three pieces is updated.

25 Right-click on Level 5.
26 Click Add Selection.

66 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

27 Click Unblank

14. Create lining pieces

1 Click View ISO 3

2 Click Create shoe piece

3 Click Decrease offset

once the value is now 0.

4 Click Decrease thickness

once the value is now 1.

5 Click Sport_material tab on the library window.

6 Click Mesh tab.
7 Click LngMesh.

8 Click the style line, as shown:

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Designing a sport shoe 67

The images show the last solid shaded, so it is easier to see

where to trace the piece outline.

9 Click the positions to finish tracing the shoe piece, as shown:

After clicking position 6 the shoe piece is automatically created.

10 Click View ISO 4

68 Designing a sport shoe

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11 Click to trace the style line as shown:

12 Click View ISO 1

13 Click to trace the style line as shown:

14 Click View from front

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 69

15 Click the position shown:

The piece is created.

16 Click and drag a box around all of the lining pieces.

17 Right-click on Level 6.

70 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

18 Click Add Selection.

The pieces are moved to level 6.

19 Click Level 5 to turn it on.
20 Create Upper and Lining pieces on other side of the last in similar
manner. Put them on their respective levels.

If you have trouble creating the objects you can click Import
Data on the next step to open a model with the correct objects in

Creating padding
15. Create padding on pieces
1 Click View ISO 4

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 71

2 Click Create padding

3 Click Increase padding top spread

4 Click Decrease thickness

twice. The value is now

twice. The value is now 3.

5 Double-click the piece shown:

Padding is created.

6 Right-click to clear the selection.

7 Click Create padding
72 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

8 Click Decrease thickness

three times the value is now 2.

9 Double-click the piece shown:

Padding is created.

With first click piece turns transparent and with second click
padding is created.
10 Right-click to clear the selection.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 73

11 Repeat the previous steps to create padding on the pieces


Padding is created.

12 Click Create padding

74 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

13 Double-click the piece shown:

Padding is created.

14 Right-click to clear the selection.

15 Click Level 5 to turn it off.
16 Click Level 6 to turn it on.
The lining pieces are displayed.
17 Click Create padding

18 Click Increase thickness

19 Click Outer Padding

until the value is 20.


Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 75

20 Double-click the piece shown:

Padding is created.

(The view has been changed in the image so that the padding
can be seen.)
21 Right-click to clear the selection.
22 Create padding on the other side of the last in a similar way.

76 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

23 Click Level 5 to turn it on.

If you have trouble creating the objects you can click Import
Data on the next step to open a model with the correct objects in

16. Create edge stitches - 1

1 Click View ISO 4
2 Click Stitch


3 Click Level 6 to turn it off.

4 Click Create edge stitching

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 77

5 Click the shoe piece shown:

6 Click the edges numbered below.

78 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

The edges are highlighted.

7 Click Create edge stitch

Stitches are created on the highlighted edges.

8 Click Select

Edge stitching is created.

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Designing a sport shoe 79

9 Click Create edge stitching

1 Click the shoe piece shown:

2 Click the edges numbered below.

80 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Stitches are created on the highlighted edges.

3 Click Create edge stitch

4 Click Select

Edge stitch is created.

5 Click Create edge stitching

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Designing a sport shoe 81

6 Click the shoe piece shown:

7 Click the top edge.

8 Click Create edge stitch

9 Click Select

82 Designing a sport shoe

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Edge stitching is created.

17. Create edge stitches - 2

1 Click View ISO 3

2 Click Create edge stitching

3 Click the shoe piece shown:

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Designing a sport shoe 83

4 Click the top edge.

5 Click Create edge stitch

6 Click Select

Edge stitching is created.

7 Repeat steps 2-6 to create stitches on pieces shown:

84 Designing a sport shoe

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8 Click View from right

9 Click Create edge stitching

10 Click the shoe piece shown:

11 Click the top edge.

12 Click Create edge stitch

13 Click Select

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Designing a sport shoe 85

Edge stitch is created.

14 Click Samples.
15 Click Autumn tab.
16 Click and drag Autumn06 and drop it onto the two stitch lines
The stitch material is changed.

17 Click View from back

18 Click Create edge stitching

86 Designing a sport shoe

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19 Click shoe piece shown:

20 Click on the top edges:

21 Click Create edge stitch

22 Click Select

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Designing a sport shoe 87

Edge stitch is created.

23 Create edge stitches on the other side of last.

If you have trouble creating the objects you can click Import
Data on the next step to open a model with the correct objects in

18. Create stitches around cut-outs

1 Click View ISO 4

2 Click Level 6 to turn it on.

3 Click Style line

88 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

4 Click the style line shown:

5 Click Unlinked offset

The Offset Style-line dialog is displayed.

6 Enter

-1 in Offset distance.

Enter 1, if the offset is inside of the style line or click Flip the
offset direction
7 Click OK.

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Designing a sport shoe 89

Offset is created.

8 Right-click to clear the selection.

9 Repeat the previous steps to offset the style lines shown:

10 Click Stitch

11 Click Zoom to box mode

90 Designing a sport shoe

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12 Drag a box around the area shown:

The view zooms to the selected area.

13 Click Stitch from style line

Pieces turn transparent to allow picking of style lines.

14 Click the style line, as shown:

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 91

Stitch is created.

15 Click the style lines shown to create further stitches.

16 Click Select

17 Click Samples.
18 Click Metal tab.
19 Click and drag Metal 14, drop it onto the stitches.
The stitch material is changed.

92 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

20 Click Resize to fit

21 Click Level 6 to turn it on.

22 Repeat the steps to create stitches on other side of last.
If you have trouble creating the objects you can click Import
Data on the next step to open a model with the correct objects in

Creating pipes
19. Create pipes
1 Click Pipe

2 Click View ISO 3

3 Click Create pipe by selecting style line

4 Click Increase away distance
5 Click Decrease along distance

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

twice the value is now 1.

once the value is now -0.5.

Designing a sport shoe 93

6 Click Pipe material.

7 Click Samples.
8 Click Mesh tab.
9 Click 5025.
10 Click the style lines shown:

11 Click Reset away distance

12 Click Pipe material.

13 Click Samples.
14 Click Summer tab.
15 Click Standard04.
16 Click Select

94 Designing a sport shoe

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Pipe is created.

17 Right-click to finish the command.

18 Click View ISO 2

19 Click Create pipe by selecting style line

20 Click the top style line, as shown:

21 Click Increase away distance

twice the value is now 1.

22 Click Pipe material.

23 Click Samples.
24 Click Mesh tab.
25 Click 5025.
26 Click Select

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Designing a sport shoe 95

Pipe is created.

27 Right-click to finish the command.

Creating punches
20. Create punches on pieces
1 Click View from right

2 Click Level 5 to turn it off.

3 Click Display mode

below Pipe and Stitch.

4 Click the piece shown:

5 Click Samples.
6 Click Winter tab.
7 Click Winter08.
8 Click Punch

96 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

9 Click View from right

10 Click Level 5 to turn it on.

11 Click Create punch curve on last
12 Click Open punches

from the library window.

13 Click Polyline tab.

14 Click Star_5.

15 Click the model in the position shown:

The first point of a punch curve is created.

16 Click to fix the 2nd point.

17 Click Select

18 Double-click the punch curve.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 97

The Style Edit dialog is displayed.

19 Click Item total.

20 Enter a value of 6.
21 Click OK.
22 Repeat steps 11-21 to create the punch shown:

23 Press and hold the Shift


key and click the two punch

24 Click Decrease size


25 Click Unlinked mirror

26 Click Create punch through material

98 Designing a sport shoe

from the punch flyout.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Punched holes are created in the shoe piece.

27 Right-click to finish the command.

28 Click View from left

29 Press and hold the Shift


key and click the two punch

30 Click Create punch through material

from the punch flyout.

Punched holes will be created in the shoe piece.

31 Right-click to finish the command.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 99

Creating custom accessories

21. Sketch wireframes
If you have problems with steps 21-23 when you get to step
24 you can add a libray with the lug already created in it by clicking
Manage accessory libraries
. Then browse to the folder where the
tutorial files are stored and select the model Lug tutorial.shoe.

1 Click Accessory

2 Click Open accessories

from the library.

3 Click Eyelets tab

4 Click Lugs.

5 Click Create accessory

on the library window.

6 The Select or Create a New Library to Save in the Viewer dialog is

7 In the Save in list, select the path to a temporary folder.
The typical path might be:

where C is the drive on which you store your working files.
8 In the File name text box, enter:

Lug tutorial.shoe.
9 Click Save.
This accesses the Advanced power tools in ShoeMaker.
10 Click Arc.

100 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

11 Enter 0 0 0 in the command window.

12 Press Enter.
13 Enter r 2 in the command window.
14 Press Enter.
15 Move the cursor over the centre of the first circle. Click when
intersection is displayed.

16 Click Select

17 Double-click on first circle.

The Arc dialog is displayed.

18 Enter a value of 3 for the Radius.

19 Click OK.

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Designing a sport shoe 101

20 Click Resize to Fit

21 Click Line.

22 Click the Outer circle.

23 Drag the cursor horizontally until the value is A:180 L:7 and

Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom out, if you can't fit a line of
7 in the view.

102 Designing a sport shoe

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24 Drag the cursor vertically until the value is 1 and click.

25 Drag the cursor horizontally until intersection is displayed where

it meets the circle and click.

26 Click Select

27 Click Curve.

28 Click Create a composite curve by tracing

The Create Composite Curve toolbar is displayed.

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Designing a sport shoe 103

29 Click on the Outer circle, as shown.

30 Click Turn right.

31 Click Fast forwards.
32 Click Save.
33 Click Eject.

A composite curve is created.

104 Designing a sport shoe

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34 Click the Outer circle, as shown:

35 Click Delete

22. Create accessory solid

1 Click the composite curve.

2 Click Solid.

3 Click Create one or more solid extrusions

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 105

4 Double-click the solid.

The Extrusion dialog is displayed.

5 Enter 3 for Length of Direction 1.
6 Select Equal lengths.

7 Click OK.
8 Click View ISO3

106 Designing a sport shoe

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9 Click Solid.

10 Click Create solid block

11 From the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen, click the X
principal plane.

12 Enter -7 in the command window.

13 Press Enter.
14 From the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen, click the Z
principal plane.

15 Click Select

16 Double-click on the solid block.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 107

The Block dialog is displayed.

17 Enter 6 for Length.

18 Enter 6 for Width.
19 Enter 10 for Height.
20 Enter -5.5 for the Draft angle of the top face.
21 Enter -5.5 for the Draft angle of the bottom face.

22 Click OK.

108 Designing a sport shoe

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23 Click Feature.

24 Click Intersect the selected solid

25 Drag a box around the solid and arc.

26 Click Solid.

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Designing a sport shoe 109

27 Click Create one or more solid extrusions

28 Double-click the solid.

The Extrusion dialog is displayed.

29 Select Equal lengths.

30 Click OK.
31 Click Feature.

110 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

32 Click Remove the selected solid

33 Click Create solid fillet

34 The Fillet dialog is displayed.

35 Enter 1 for the Radius.

36 Click the edge of the solid, as shown:

37 Click Apply.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 111

The fillet is created.

38 Enter 0.25 for the Radius.

39 Press and hold the Shift

key and click the edges shown:

40 Click Apply.
41 Click View from top
42 Click View from bottom

112 Designing a sport shoe

using the right mouse button.


Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

43 Press and hold the Shift

key and click the edges shown:

44 Click Apply.
45 Click OK.
46 Click View ISO3

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 113

23. Add accessory to library

1 From the flyout, click View ISO1

2 Click the solid.

3 Click Accept changes and finish.

The Add accessory dialog is displayed.

4 Enter Lug for the Name.

5 Enter Lugs for the Category name.
If you want a lace to pass through the accessory, the name
should start with Lug****.

114 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

6 Click on the Attachment handle, Plane as shown:

The face is set as the default attachment.

7 Select Lace entry location.

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Designing a sport shoe 115

8 Click on the Axis attachment, as shown:

Press and hold the middle mouse button to rotate the view
so you can select the attachment.
9 Select Lace exit location.

116 Designing a sport shoe

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10 Click on the Axis attachment, as shown:

11 Click OK.
The accessory Lug is displayed in the library.

The Advanced tools are closed.

24. Place and align accessory

1 Click View ISO 4

Double-click on Lug in the library window if it is not

attached to the cursor.
You can add a libray with the lug already created in it by
clicking Manage accessory libraries
. Then browse to the folder
where the tutorial files are stored and select the model Lug

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 117

2 Click the piece shown:

The Accessory is placed on the shoe piece.

3 Click Select

4 Click the accessory on the shoe.

118 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

5 Click Rotate clockwise

6 Click Select item to align

repeatedly until it is as shown:

Object Alignment dialog is displayed.

7 Click the Transform Object tab.

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Designing a sport shoe 119

8 Drag the slider Length until it is as shown below:

9 Drag the slider Height until it is as shown below:

10 Click View from top

11 Drag the slider Width until it is as shown below:

120 Designing a sport shoe

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12 Click OK.
13 Click View ISO 4
14 Click Material

15 Click Samples.
16 Click Metal tab.
17 Click Metal08.
18 Right-click to finish the command.

25. Place loop

1 Click View ISO 3

2 Click Display mode

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

below Stitches

and Pipes

Designing a sport shoe 121

3 Click Level 5 to turn it off.

4 Click Open accessories

from the library.

5 Click Others tab.

6 Click Loops.
7 Double-click on Lug_LoopB 4.

8 Click on the piece shown:

122 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

The accessory is placed on shoe piece.

9 Click Select

10 Click the accessory.

11 Click Align Accessory

12 Click Material

to position the loop as shown below:

13 Click Samples.
14 Click Textile2 tab.
15 Drag and drop 3065 into the graphics area, away from the last.
16 Click Select

17 Click Display mode

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

below Stitches

and Pipes

Designing a sport shoe 123

18 Click Level 5 to turn it on.

26. Place eyelets

1 Click View ISO 4

2 Click Create an accessory curve

3 Click the positions, as shown:

4 Click Select

5 Double-click the accessory curve.

124 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

The Style Edit dialog is displayed.

6 Select Item total.

7 Enter a value of 6.

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Designing a sport shoe 125

8 Click OK.

9 Click Unlinked mirror

10 Press and hold the Shift

key and click the two eyelet
curves. (Click on one of the eyelets.)

11 Click Create punch through all materials

This creates punched holes through all shoe pieces.

126 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

12 Right-click to clear the selection.

Creating laces
27. Create lace
1 Click Lace
2 Click View ISO 4


3 Click Criss cross lacing

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

from the flyout.

Designing a sport shoe 127

4 Press and hold the Shift

key and click accessory curve,
placed accessory and accessory curve, as shown:

5 Click Select

Lace is created.

128 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

6 Drag a box around the laces.

7 In the library, click Open material

8 Click Samples.
9 Click Lace tab.
10 Click 4045.

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Designing a sport shoe 129

11 Right-click to finish the command.

28. Edit lace

1 Double-click the loop shown:

130 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

The Lace-loop editing dialog is displayed.

2 Select Start.
3 Deselect Middle.
4 Enter

-0.5 in Move away.

5 Click OK.

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Designing a sport shoe 131

6 Double-click the loop shown:

7 Repeat steps 2 to 5 for this loop.

8 Double-click the loop shown:

9 Deselect Start.
10 Select Middle.
11 Select End.

132 Designing a sport shoe

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12 Click Decrease the position from the last twice for Move away.

13 Click OK.
14 Right-click to clear the selection.
Edit any other laces so that they look like the image below.

29. Add lace ends

1 Click Pipe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 133

2 Click Display mode

below Lace

3 Click Zoom to box mode

4 Drag a box around the area shown:

5 Click Sketch pipe

6 Click at the end of the lace in the two positions shown:

134 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

7 Click Select

8 Click Select front

9 Click Select rear


10 Click Bend the selected ends to tuck them below pieces

the flyout.

11 Click Increase size



12 Click Pipe material.

13 Click Samples.
14 Click Lace tab.
15 Click 4045.

16 Click Pipe end material.

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Designing a sport shoe 135

17 Click 4045.

18 Click Select

19 Right-click to clear the selection.

20 Click View ISO 1

21 Repeat steps 3 - 18 to create a pipe on the other side.

22 Click Resize to fit

Creating a sole
30. Import surfaces for sole
1 Click Import data file

136 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

2 Click Import sole

The Import File dialog is displayed.

3 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored:
(where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.)

4 From the Files of type list, select *.dgk.
5 Select the following file:

6 Click Open.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 137

The sole surfaces are imported onto Level 8.

7 Repeat steps 2-3.

8 From the Files of type list, select *.dmt.
9 Select the following file:

10 Click Open.
11 Click Yes.
The sole tread pattern is imported.

138 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

31. Wrap tread on sole surface

1 Click Sole


2 Click Go to advanced power option mode

, from the status bar.

This accesses the Advanced tools in ShoeMaker.

3 Click Display mode

below all options except Sole.

4 Press the middle mouse button and drag the cursor in the
graphics area to rotate the model until it is in a similar position
to the view below.

You may need to zoom and pan the view too.

5 Click Surface.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 139

6 Click Wrap Triangles

7 Click the Sole bottom surface, as shown:

A tick is displayed next to Targets Selected.

8 Click Next.

140 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

9 Click the tread, as shown:

A tick is displayed next to Wrappers Selected.

10 Click Next.

11 Click Next.
12 Select Chord.

13 Click Next.

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 141

14 Select Globally.
15 Drag the Wrap Precision slider to 10.

16 Click Next.

142 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

17 Click Next.

18 Click Finish.
Tread is wrapped onto the sole bottom surface.

19 Click Tread.dmt.
20 Click Delete

21 Click Edit > Select > Select All Workplanes.

22 Click Delete
23 Click View ISO4


Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 143

24 Click surface shown in image below:

25 Click Samples.
26 Click Winter.
27 Drag Muted11 and drop into the graphics area.

144 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

28 Right-click to clear the selection.

29 Click Accept changes and finish.

30 Click Select any item for editing or access variants

31 Click Resize to fit
32 Click Manufacture


33 Click Display mode

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

below Punch

and Last.

Designing a sport shoe 145

If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence

required for the commands in the next step of the tutorial*, you
can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would
*In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the
necessary licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the
icon(s) may be missing entirely.
34 KeyShot is the software that produces photo-realistic ray-traced
images. You must install KeyShot separately to this software.
If it is not already installed, download and install (free of charge)
by clicking KeyShot ( ) or
by running the installation again. Ensure you install the
appropriate version (32-bit or 64-bit) according to the type of
computer you are using.
35 Click Render with KeyShot

146 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

36 Click OK.

You have created a sport shoe from a last
You have done the following:

Add a last to a library

Meaned the feather lines

Created and positioned stencil images on the last

Sketched style lines on the last

Edited the style lines

Exported the style lines to Engineer

Created new style lines in Engineer

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Designing a sport shoe 147

Imported the style lines from Engineer into ShoeMaker

Added a material to a library

Created pieces with different thickness and offsets

Changed the materials and textures of pieces

Used different levels to organize the pieces

Created stitches and cut-outs

Created pipes

Created punches

Created custom accessories

Created laces

Imported a sole

Wrapped a DMT triangle file onto the sole to create a tread


Created a rendered image of the complete shoe design

148 Designing a sport shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

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