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12:31 pm, Tuesday, 1/19/2010, 3 Ben/Reed Mayan day

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I don’t know, anymore—as usual—what is up, what is going on with

me. Things so constantly changing has become a somewhat odd
norm. It takes some getting used to, some real surrendering.


Surrendering of what? Of thinking you know anything, I guess. At

least, partly, but there’s so much more to it. One is rather
constantly surrendering the old eyes, the old way of viewing
things, in order to open up, to be ever open to the new, which is
constantly appearing.

I no longer want to even go back to consider, “Was it always like

this, and maybe I just didn’t notice it, because of my belief system,
or something?” That question is boring to me, now. It just
doesn’t matter. This is what is, and this is fine. I am content to be
in this Now.


Our DNA, what the scientists have ridiculously called “junk DNA,” is
rebundling itself, is restructuring now. That’s part the upgrade
we’re undergoing, how our electromagnetic frequencies are rising.

Children are more commonly coming in, now, with 3 (and maybe
even 6) strands of DNA intact and working.* And some of us are
catching up with them, now. Are you one of them? I know I am.

That’s partly why (or at least how) these changes are so radical.
It’s not like just changing your beliefs, your ideas or your
philosophy. Sure, that’s a part of it, and an important part. Our
vision, our ability to see, both within, and even without, into the
matter dimensions, is upgrading. Many are having the third eye
stimulated, or awakened. That, too, is linked up to the DNA changes
via the pineal gland.

[These awakenings, these changes are so radical, so widespread,

that it almost mandates a biological or physical counterpart. For
so many of us to be experiencing changes that are so powerful, so
intense and life-changing, one would expect to find a physical

As time progressively loses all sense of its meaning, the

changes are oncoming so fast that it’s often stunning. We might
get some time to catch up with ourselves, but there’s more major
changing just around the bend — as long as we’re open to it.


That’s the thing, of course. You have to be quick on your feet,

open and ready to change, to accept this change that’s oncoming.
Oh yes, you get to choose whether to flow with it or not, but it is
oncoming, regardless. In the end, I think, your choice is really how
easy do you want to make it? How nimble, how flexible can you be?

We cannot be attached, too attached to anything in the matter

spheres, the physical dimension and still be sufficiently nimble to
do this dance. It requires a certain level of disidentification from
both form and mind, these dance steps.

That helps tremendously, anyway. That’s why I love the no-mind

concept, that whole experience of the letting go of just everything.
The changes it brings on are amazing.


One cannot explain them to another, though. From the point of
being identified with the mind, of thinking that is the identity, one
simply cannot see past it. There is a definite barrier that must
first be crossed before one can entertain these new states.

Until you cross that barrier — until you make friends with the no-mind
— it beggars the imagination to try to grasp the changes, the
differences. Thus, I will not try to convey them.


I don’t try to teach anybody anything, anyway. (Boy, three ‘anys;

that’s quite a lot.) The thing is, though, you already know it.
Anything I could say, you already know. It’s just that we have
forgotten. That’s a big part of what being in embodiment is, is
this forgetting.

There, deep inside, we have contact with this larger, broader,

deeper part of us that already knows. That contact point is within
everyone. You find it in the heart; that’s the portal, the entryway to
the deep within.


Come on; consider it. Everything is one, right? Even science, à la

quantum physics, has established this one, with quantum
entanglement of particles. No matter the distance between, every
particle is still directly connected with every other particle. This is
the rule, not the exception.

Okay, that means we have direct access to all that is, right within
ourselves. We are literally linked up with every atom and particle
of creation, right inside. Well, knowing that, we can access them,
can shift our focus of attention to them, if we like. Many things are

Now, get out of the head, and drop down into the heart, if you
haven’t yet done so. Don’t listen to the mind’s objections to what I
say. Just experience it. Just go within.

You can come back to what the mind has to say, later. For
now, just let it go. Ignore it for a while. You can do that, you
know. Mind does not require your supervision to operate, any
more than your heart requires your attention upon it to beat,
to pump your blood.

But anyway, no, I am not saying that I have suddenly become the
fount of all knowledge, and that I now have it all, readily
available at my fingertips, for heaven’s sake. That is nonsense.
That is the mind’s way of looking at things, of trying to grasp them
and understand them, but from a very linear perspective.


There is nothing linear about heart space. Linearity does not

even exist here. What is linearity, I hear someone ask. It is flowing
as on a line, linear, as from past to present to future; in order like

This is not a valid way of being from heart space, or from the
higher dimensions. As we rise in consciousness, we surrender the
3D way of viewing things. I told you it was radical change, didn’t
I? I meant it.


So, that’s why I keep calling everyone down into heart. I promise
you, you can’t get there from mind. That is a dead end. Maybe
you’ll just have to take that on trust for a bit, but if you do, you will
be led further along than you could be if you won’t let go of your
identification with, your total reliance on the mind, on logical
thinking. It just won’t get you there.

This is part of, a big part of the letting go I’ve been talking about all
along. This is the first step, a necessary step, to rising states of
conscious awareness. Everything has a frequency. Everything
sings its song, hums its frequency, all the time. That includes your
brain. It has its own frequency, its own frequency range.

Well, it is matter, you are not. You are spirit, or soul, or light, or
whatever label you want to give it. You are not tied down to anything
material. Thus, your frequency range is almost infinite. Heck, it
may be infinite, for all I know. How would one ever prove that,
anyway? (Only those left in mind would want to try - poor dears.)


Anyway, as spirit, or light, you are stuck and tied down to the
matter of your body, the matter of your mind, as long as you
identify with them. As long as you continue to think of
yourself as a body, or as a body/mind, or even as a mind, you will
not have access to the full frequency range that is available to you.

Thus, I preach the letting go, the surrendering, the giving up of the
old belief system, the old ideas, the old self-concepts; all of it.
Just let it go! You can do that, wholesale. Just set the intent to do
so, give the free will assent, and let it all go.


Then, just sit there. Just be. Just center down, in heart, and merely
observe. You will spend a long while doing that, the observing.
Things will begin, slowly at first, perhaps, to just look different to
you. Many others have described this. Eckhart Tolle does a good job
of it. Things just don’t look the same.

It’s kind of funny, of course, but things have not changed. You
have changed, and because of it, everything else looks different.
This just has to be experienced. Remember, the mind is not the


The mind just cannot grasp this; it is too far out of its range of
frequencies, of its ability to grasp. Just let go caring what the mind
has to say for a while. It will be a nice vacation, I promise. :)

Go to The Work of Byron Katie for a while. Spend some time with her,
listening to her do what she calls simply, “The Work,” and you will
begin to get the picture, or to pull it in more clearly, if you’ve already
got it. Her work is excellent, is awesome, and it is not
explainable. It, too, is experiential.


You can have the full experience of it, though, by merely

observing, by listening as the video plays. Remember quantum
entanglement? Well, just expand your atoms and molecules out
to there. Just know that you are there, that this is happening in you,
too, and it will. Kinda like magic, really.

Maybe that is how you can listen to these recordings and have the
experiences you do, too. Quantum entanglement. What it
entangles, of course, is the mind [tongue in cheek, here]. Makes a
regular pretzel of it, trying to figure it out.

Or perhaps a mobius loop. I love those things. So awesome. They

are physical things, like a strip of paper looped back upon itself with
one twist, but such that they have only one side. Thus, they take
something from dimensions down to two.


You can set your pen down on the starting point, and pull the loop
around, under the pen, and you will come back to where you
started. That’s not surprising. What is surprising is that you will
have drawn on both sides of the paper, all the way around. Yep,
front and back. There is no front and back in a Mobius loop.
Google it, if you’re not familiar. You may be surprised. It’s great fun.

So, just like a Mobius loop entangles the mind, you can
unentangle yourself from the mind. Just present it with something
confusing, like that, then turn your attention to the heart. Let
the mind play with its problem, while you go off, journeying, inside.
I’ll meet you there.

* The scientific community, especially those working with DNA,

know a good bit more than they are revealing. Let’s not be so
foolish as to expect any arm of officialdom in our current world to be
releasing or promoting the real truth about anything. Let’s all grow
up, friends, and quit believing in fairy tales.

It can’t all be put at the scientists’ feet, either. Please consider; you
tell too much truth, you disappear or die under strange circumstances.
So no fingers of blame pointing anywhere, please. Lets just fix it,
instead! :)

We’re all in this, together, and we all helped bring it about. No

exceptions. Now, enjoy!


7:27 pm, 1/19 2nd -WHEN IDEAS ARE 2 DEEP - NASSIM



journal, awaken, God, Mobius loop, dimensions, junk DNA upgrade,

frequencies, vision, third eye pineal gland , time, mind, no-mind,
portal, heart space, quantum entanglement, magical Kingdom,
experience, knowledge, wisdom, surrender, logical, frequency range,
thought, free will, assent, intent, observe, Eckhart Tolle, observe,
experience, The Work, Byron Katie, 3 strands of DNA, children

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