Abintio 2

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Q1) What component need to be used to lower the size of the

Ans) Deflate or compress are the components that can be used
to lower the size of the file.
Q2) Can a graph be infinitely run? If yes how?
Ans) A graph can run infinitely by call the .ksh in the end of the
Q3) What meaning has lock in abinitio?
Ans) A graph must be locked in order to give permission to the
developers to edit the object if needed.For eg if any other
developer want to make change in the same object then he ll
get warn that this graph has already been locked by some
other user.This is basically for protection mechanism.
Q4)What is EME?
Ans) EME stands for Enterprise meta environment.It is
basically repository to store all the objects.It is also called
as version controller.It keep track of graphs or other objects.
Q5)What role does xfr plays in Abinitio?
Ans) XFR is basically used to store the mapping.It is useful
because rewriting the code takes time and xfr saves that
Q6)What is the difference between phase and checkpoint?
Ans) Phase basically deletes the intermediate file(temporary
files) before a new phase begins which is quite different from
checkpoint.Checkpoint keeps the temporary files till the end of
the graph hence it can start from the last good process.
Q7) How much memory do we need for a graph?
Ans)Some calculations lead to 8 MB plus.MAX_CORE and phase
size of the file.
Q8)How the term Standard environment can be defined?
Ans) The term standard environment is basically used when it
include more than one project i.e private and public.
Q9)What is the difference between DB config and cfg?
Ans) Similarity between both is that they both used in
database connectivity.The difference is that cfg used in

Informix database however Db config is used in sql server and

Q10)What is the difference between Scan and rollup
Ans) Scan is basically used to get the cumulative summary of
records and rollup is used to get the summarized records.
Q11)What are supported layouts in Abinitio?
Ans) Abinitio supports both serial and parallel layouts.Parallel
layouts is basically related to parallelism degree.
Q12)What is the definition of multistage components?
Ans) Multistage components are basically transform
components that includes different packages.
Q13)What can we say about partition by key and partition by
round robin?
Ans) Partition by key also known as hash partition when we
have diverse keys.It is basically used for processing parallel
data.Round Robin is the technique that allows us to distribute
the data on every partition uniformly.
Q14)What is driving port?
Ans) Driving port is basicall used to increase the performance
of the graph.
Q15)What is the reason for a database to contain stored
Ans) The main reason is the network traffic reduction.Stored
pocedures are precompiled sql blocks,the time of execution
can be reduced.In this way the application performance will get
increase being stored in the database the procedure will be
called by the application and execute faster than in case of not
already compiled.They also provide reusability for different
other applications.
Q16)What is the reasons for using the parameterized graphs?
Ans)When we are trying to use the same graph many times for
various files in this way we should set the parameters in the
graph.So we can keep a generic graph to achieve it.
Q17)Different between API and Utility mode?
Ans)API and utility mode both are used as the connection
interface of performing specific tasks required by the user.
The difference between the two is that API is slower but

provide a high range of flexibility.Also API is considered to be

more diagnostic feature.
Q18)What methods exists for performance tuning?
Ans)The main focus is to use join when we have two tables that
needs to bring together.Alternatively we can write the query to
make join at the level of database advantage is it will hit the
database only once and it will improve the performance.

Departition Components
Departition components combine the multiple flow partitions of
data records into single flow as follows:
Concatenate :
Concatenate appends multiple flows of data records one after
the other.
1)It reads all the records from the in port and copies them to
the out port.
2)After reading all the records it will read the records from the
second flow in port and append it after the first flow data
Gather combines the data records from multiple flow partitions
arbitarly .
Not key-based
Result ordering is unpredictable
Has no affect on the upstream processing
Most useful method for efficient collection of data from
multiple flows.
Multiple partitions and for repartitioning
Used most frequently.

Result ordering is sorted if each input is sorted.
Possibly synchronizes pipelined computation.
May even serialize.
Useful for creating ordered data flows.
other departitioner of choice.



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