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Course Description

This course has six main focuses: Matter and Earth, Cells,
Levels of Organization, Genetics, Adaptations and
Grading Procedures
A 100-94%
B 86-84% C 76-74%
D 66-64%
A- 93-90%
B- 83-80% C- 73-70% D- 63-60%
B+ 89-87%
C+ 79-77% D+ 69-67% F 59-0%
Grades will be based on mastery assessment (90%) and
participation(10%). Grades will be updated on Skyward by the
end of every week. In compliance with the Disabilities Act,
students needing special accommodations may contact the
instructor for alternative arrangements.
Tardies and Citizenship
Tardies will be counted under the school wide citizenship
O: Exemplary behavior, brings supplies to class
S: On task behavior, brings supplies to class
N: Student often off task or not prepared for class
U: Inappropriate behavior, truancy or cheating
Materials to Bring to Class
1. Lined Paper 2. Pen or Pencil 3. Assignments and notes
(notes and assignments kept throughout the year may be used
on the final).
Journals, Assignments, Quizzes, Notes and Tests
Each student is expected to be on time and if they are not, they
will miss the journal question at the beginning of the class
period. Each week we will do a variety of assignments and
about once every other week these will be graded and turned
in. On the day that these are graded, we will also turn in
journal questions and take a short quiz. The quiz will be on
material that is learned earlier in the week. Students usually
take notes on this material. Each term students will take a test
on the unit. Class notes are very helpful in studying for the
Behavior Guidelines
Throughout this course there will be many labs. I do not
tolerate silliness or carelessness when it comes to lab work and
the safety of others. If a student is misbehaving during a lab
they will be asked to do an assignment on their own. Once
that assignment is completed they may be allowed to do group
lab work again. Students need to come to class on time with
the materials required. Any cheating will result in an automatic
zero on the assignment or test. Students are expected to
follow these rules: 1. Respect the property of others. 2.
Follow directions the first time and be prepared for class. 3.
Do not talk while the teacher is talking. 4. Students are only
allowed to use electronic devices when prompted by the
teacher. 5. Work on assignments when given time. 6. No

At Timberline Middle School students are taught school-wide

behavioral expectations, called the Grizzly Guide. The Grizzly
Guide states that students are respectful, responsible,
resourceful and brave. Teachers at Timberline specifically
teach the Grizzly Guide and reinforce it by distributing
Pawsitive Tickets, which students can exchange for prizes.
When a students behavior is contrary to the Grizzly Guide, he
or she is re-taught the behavioral expectations with quick
feedback from an adult. If the student repeats the inappropriate
behavior after being re-taught, teachers may provide an
opportunity to re-direct the students behavior through a Think
Time, where the student completes a reflective worksheet, and
apology. Major behavioral infractions, such as physical violence
or vandalism, result in an office referral. See the online Student
Handbook for more information about the Grizzly Guide and
Timberlines school-wide positive behavior plan.
Late Work and Make-up Work
If a student is absent then it is his/her responsibility to find out
what they missed. Students need to come before or after
school to see me about missing work or look on the calendar
on my website and print off the assignment. Students have one
week to make up missed work. It is extremely important that
students make up labs in this time frame, otherwise materials
needed for the lab may no longer be available. Up to 50% will
be taken off for late work. A turn-in slip needs to be attached
when late or absent work is handed in. An assignment is late if
it is not turned in when called for in class. Exceptions can be
made only in special circumstances. If a student skips class any
assignments worked on in class that day or turned in that day
will not be entered and will result in an automatic zero.
Students can retake tests and quizzes and certain
labs/assignments (which are part of their mastery assessment
grade) if they do poorly on them. They need to set up a time
with me to retake these and must have all participation
assignments for that unit turned in. Extra credit is rarely
offered and only if students have all other assignments turned
in. At the end of each term there will be a final late work
deadline which will be strictly enforced. It will usually be 5
school days before the end of the term. After this point, no
late work will be accepted for that term.
Please sign below:
I have read the above disclosure statement and understand that I will
be held responsible for the rules and procedures as outlined.

Student Name
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
**In order to receive emails and information from me regarding class
assignments please make sure your email is accurate on Skyward.

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