Does Six Sigma Improve Performance

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Foster v14 i4 9/20/07 10:10 AM Page 7

Does Six Sigma

Improve Performance?
© 2007, ASQ

This article presents the long-term financial and oper-

ational results coming from the implementation of Six INTRODUCTION
Sigma. The results from Six Sigma programs were In recent years, many firms have adopted Six Sigma in
somewhat mixed. The author found a significant effect
an effort to improve quality and reduce costs (Pyzdek
on free cash flow (FCF), earnings before interest,
taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), and 2003). Six Sigma has been attractive to business exec-
asset turnover. Six Sigma did not seem to affect sales utives, as it is thought to overcome some of the pitfalls
return on assets, return on investment, or firm of historical quality management implementations
growth. As a result, if firms want to improve cash, (Linderman et al. 2003). Quality management pro-
earnings, or productivity in using assets, Six Sigma grams have been criticized for relying on improvement
might be of use. In 1998, companies with high cash
without mechanisms for ensuring that positive results
flows and no quality management program (QMP)
had lower FCF in 2002 than companies that had will ensue (Howard, Foster, and Shannon 2005). That
adopted Six Sigma. Companies with low cash flow and is, if employees are trained and empowered in quality
no QMP did better than companies using Six Sigma, improvement approaches, quality improvements and
suggesting that for cash-poor firms, Six Sigma may be benefits will “percolate to the top,” thereby improving
a drain on resources. Also, these companies may not company performance.
have the cash necessary to sustain effective Six Sigma
On the other hand, the Six Sigma approach
results over four years. Among companies with low
and medium asset turnover, Six Sigma led to higher requires more direction and leadership from top
asset turnover. It could be that companies with low management than traditional quality management.
asset turnover could benefit more from process This is termed “leadership for Six Sigma” (Foster
improvement implicit in Six Sigma than firms with 2007; Treichler et al. 2002). Along with this higher
high asset turnover. degree of leadership is a more structured process for
Key words: financial and operational outcomes, quality improving performance. One approach to Six Sigma
management, Six Sigma is the five-phase define, measure, analyze, improve,
and control (DMAIC) process. Included with DMAIC
is a method for leaders to prioritize potential
improvement projects based on the probability that
such projects will result in financial benefit to the
Similarly, another defining aspect of Six Sigma is
its greater emphasis on cost reduction through quality
improvement. This aspect includes a target of at least
$200,000 in cost reduction for each Six Sigma project
taken on with two to three projects per Black Belt over
a one- to two-year period (Bisgaard and DeMast
2006). Such returns are the results expected from the
high cost of investing in Black Belt employees. 7
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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

The convergence of these dimensions of leadership, The most common process for Six Sigma is DMAIC.
structured process for improvement, and focus on This is similar to the plan, do, check, act (PDCA) cycle
financial results present in Six Sigma was designed to proposed by Walter Shewhart and W. Edwards Deming
address the perceived weaknesses of traditional quality (Deming 1986). Since results from Six Sigma are
management. It is expected that this increased focus closely related to the DMAIC process, the author dis-
on financial outcomes should result in improvements cusses it in detail. It should be noted that as recently
in financial and operational results. The purpose of as the 1990s, many companies used DMAIC to guide
this research is to determine if this is indeed the case. Six Sigma projects.
In the define phase, projects are identified and
selected. Project selection is performed under the
LITERATURE REVIEW AND direction and with the participation of a Six Sigma
champion. Also involved are Master Black Belts and
HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT Black Belts or Green Belts. Project selection is per-
Several studies have examined the impact of quality formed in four steps: 1) developing the business case;
practices on financial and operational results 2) project evaluation; 3) Pareto analysis; and 4) project
(Kaynak 2003). Most of these studies compare the definition. Business case development involves identify-
results of firms that adopt quality practices versus ing a group of possible projects, writing the business
control groups to determine if quality practices signif- case, and stratifying the business case into problem and
icantly influence financial and operational results. objective statements. Project evaluation often involves
The purpose of this literature review is threefold. The risk and return assessment. The key individuals in per-
author defines Six Sigma. Then he identifies similar forming this analysis are project champions. Project
studies that have examined the financial and opera- champions are usually top management executives
tional impacts of different quality improvement who have legitimate and financial authority to support
approaches such as total quality management (TQM). Six Sigma projects (Treichler et al. 2002). The process
Finally, he uses this review to provide a basis for for defining Six Sigma projects helps in prioritizing
selecting variables to be studied in this research. which projects will provide the greatest financial and
operational returns.
The measure phase involves two major steps:
Six Sigma 1) selecting process outcomes; and 2) verifying meas-
The author’s literature review revealed only one article urements. To select process outcomes, process mapping
relating to Six Sigma in an A-level journal (Linderman is used to help understand and define the process
et al. 2003). Linderman et al. studied Six Sigma from itself. A process map is a flowchart showing responsi-
a goal-theoretic perspective. They examined the rela- bilities (Gourishankar 2003). The goal of a process
tionship between goals and Six Sigma success and map is to identify nonvalue-added activities. Two
developed a series of propositions suggesting that high, important measures that are monitored are defects per
yet attainable, goals were important to the success of unit (DPU) and defects per million opportunities
Six Sigma programs. They also examined the inter- (DPMO). Measurement systems analysis (MSA) is
vening effects of effort, persistence, and direction used to determine if measurements are consistent
resulting from explicit Six Sigma goals. Given the wide (Conklin 2006).
adoption of Six Sigma in many organizations around The analyze phase involves gathering and ana-
the world, there is a need for more research elucidat- lyzing data relative to a particular Black Belt project
ing the benefits and costs of Six Sigma implementa- (Pyzdek 2003). The analyze-phase steps are as follows:
tion. Currently, no studies investigate the relationship 1) define the performance objectives; 2) identify inde-
between Six Sigma implementation and financial and pendent variables (Xs); and 3) analyze sources of
operational results. variability. Defining objectives involves determining

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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

what characteristics of the process need to be changed to (1998) reviewed the financial results of 108 firms that
achieve improvement. Next, independent variables are started TQM programs between 1981 and 1991. They
identified for gathering data. These are variables that found that these firms’ stocks outperformed a control
significantly contribute to process or product variation. group by finding excess cumulative returns. Hendricks
The goal of analyzing sources of variability is to use and Singhal (1996; 1997; 2001a; 2001b) found similar
visual and statistical tools to better understand the rela- results by analyzing the market returns of quality
tionships between dependent (X) and independent (Y) award winners. Hendricks and Singhal used winners of
variables for use in future experimentation. A variety various awards to determine whether implementing
of tools are used in this analysis, including his- effective TQM resulted in improved operating perform-
tograms, box plots, scatter plots, regression analysis, ance in firms. They used the winning of a quality
and hypothesis tests. award as a proxy for effective implementation of TQM.
The improve phase of the DMAIC process involves In their research, they found strong evidence that
off-line experimentation (Antony and Esamilla 2003; winners of quality awards outperformed control firms
Montgomery 2004). Off-line experimentation involves on operating-income-based measures. Subsequent to
studying the identified variables and using design of their studies, other researchers have continued to
experiments (DOE) to determine whether the inde- study receipt of awards such as the Malcolm Baldrige
pendent variables significantly affect variation in National Quality Award as indicative of mature quality
dependent variables. implementation (Rajan and Tamimi 1999; Wilson and
The control phase involves putting into place Collier 2000; Dean and Tomovic 2004). The literature,
process checks to ensure that improvements are long however, is not unanimous. York and Miree (2004)
lasting. The DMAIC process provides a process for studied the links between TQM and financial perform-
improving operational results that is cost-reduction ance. Conducting a comparison of the financial per-
oriented. This results in the removal of waste from formance of quality award winners against their
processes. These improvements are expected to result in control firms by SIC groups, they studied performance
operational and financial improvements. In this both before and after the winning of the Baldrige
research, the author examines whether this is the case. Award. York and Miree found that TQM firms had better
financial performance before and after they won the
awards—some for even 20 years prior to winning the
Financial Results awards. The author suggested that winning the award
Previous studies on the financial and operational was a covariate for financial success.
impacts of quality efforts have provided mixed results. Adams, McQueen, and Seawright (1999) studied
The Jacobsen and Aaker (1987) study using the Profit the stock performance of Baldrige Award winners
Impact of Market Strategy (PIMS) database examined from the day their award was announced. They found
the relationship between quality and market share, only limited evidence to support the hypothesis that
return on investment (ROI), relative price, relative stockholders are rewarded with abnormal returns on
cost, and relative quality. Jacobsen and Aaker (1987) the day of the quality award announcement. They
found the impacts of quality improvement practices to suggested that stock analysts may have been fore-
be positive and significant. Depending on how busi- warned that the company was winning or that they
nesses were grouped, however, they found variance in were at least aware of prior TQM efforts. They also
results that might be reflective of business strategies. suggested that there may be little impact on stock
Phillips, Chang, and Buzzell (1983) found similar price, as stock impact is not the purpose of the
relationships and added that product quality appeared Baldrige Award. They do propose that stock impacts
to be negatively related to cost. relating to announcements are not as important as
Several researchers have investigated the impact improvements relating to quality improvement
of quality practices on stock prices. Easton and Jarrell efforts. While many studies have focused on the 9
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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

financial and operational results of TQM and the Next, this proposition is translated into five hypothe-
Baldrige Award (Pannirselvam, Siferd, and Ruch ses for this study. The author posits that investment in
1998), the author’s literature review revealed no such Six Sigma training and implementation signals a
studies relative to Six Sigma. focus on aggressive cost reduction coupled with
It is expected that Six Sigma should result in process and organizational improvement. Given that
improved financial performance. Since Six Sigma costs are reduced, cash is freed up for other uses. This
emphasizes reductions in cost and increases in meas- results in hypotheses H1a and H1b:
ures such as rolled-throughput, one should find that • H1a: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated with
cash flows, earnings, and other financial measures will free cash flow per share.
show improvement. General Electric (GE) has reported
more than $12 billion in savings due to Six Sigma. • H1b: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated with
Similarly, Motorola reported $15 billion in savings over cost per dollar sales.
11 years from Six Sigma implementation. As processes As a result of this signaling of a focus on process
and products are improved, it is also expected that sales and organizational improvement, operating margins
will improve. This research was performed to see if the should improve. This argument is similar to Deming’s
expected financial results occurred for companies that value chain—that focusing on quality will result in
implemented Six Sigma overall. lower costs and improved performance. Since operating
As the author has discussed, when compared with margin can be expressed as EBITDA/sales, the author
traditional quality management, Six Sigma is much proposes the following three hypotheses:
more cost-reduction and financial-results oriented. A
• H1c: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated
comprehensive review of the quality management lit-
with EBITDA.
erature reveals that financial and operational perform-
ance could generally be categorized as measuring • H1d: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated
profitability, cost, efficiency, and growth (Phillips, with sales.
Chang, and Buzzell 1983; Jacobsen and Aaker 1987; • H1e: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated
Ward, Leong, and Boyer 1994; Flynn, Schroeder, and with sales per employee.
Sakakibara 1995; Mohrman et al. 1995; Hendricks and
Singhal 1996; 1997; Easton and Jarrell 1998; Samson
and Terziovski 1999; Curkovic, Vickery, and Droge Operational Results
2000; Lapre, Mukherjee, and VanWassenhove 2000; In addition to looking at financial results, many stud-
Wilson and Collier 2000; Cua, McKone, and Schroeder ies have examined the relationship between quality
2001; Devaraj, Matta, and Conlon 2001; Douglas and implementation and operational results. Again, the
Judge 2001; Fynes and Voss 2001; Hendricks and author reviews these studies to understand impacts
Singhal 2001a; 2001b; Park, Hartley, and Wilson 2001; found by traditional quality improvement approaches.
Sousa and Voss 2001; Eriksson and Hansson 2003; Dow, Samson, and Ford (1999) studied the effect of
Fullerton, McWatters, and Fawson 2003; Kaynak quality practices on quality outcomes. They categorized
2003). For this study, the author used a modified ver- quality practices into nine dimensions. Not all of their
sion of Hendricks and Singhal’s (1997) performance dimensions, however, contributed to superior quality
measures. Financial measures used in this study performance. Employee commitment, shared vision,
include free cash flow per share; cost per dollar share; and customer focus yielded positive correlations with
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and quality outcomes. Conversely, other hard quality
amortization (EBITDA); sales; and sales per employee. practices, such as benchmarking, work teams,
The author starts with the following proposition: advanced manufacturing technologies, and close
Proposition 1: Six Sigma adoption will positively supplier relations, were not related to superior quality
affect financial results. operational results.

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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

Focusing on the competitive aspects of quality per- is on operational improvements. By focusing on the
formance, Douglas and Judge (2001) found strong processes and variables associated with operational
empirical support for a positive relationship between outcomes (for example, y=f(x)), it is expected that
the degree of TQM implementation and organizational Six Sigma programs will result in more efficient uses
performance. They also found some empirical evidence of assets and higher ROI. The general proposition is
that this relationship between TQM implementation stated as:
and organizational performance was moderated by Proposition 2: Six Sigma adoption results in better
organizational structure. operational results.
Das et al. (2000) used structural equation modeling
Using COMPUSTAT, the author computed several
to study the impacts of international competition on
operational measures using productivity ratios. Part of
quality. They found that competitive intensity provided
the process of Six Sigma is to improve the use of assets.
an explanation for the absence of returns from invest-
During the improve phase of the DMAIC cycle, DOE
ments in quality capital. Obtaining customer satisfaction
involves tolerance design, systems design, and parame-
performance from quality practices was shown to be
ter design (Foster 2006). Systems design involves
contingent on the degree of international competition
choices, tradeoffs, and improvements to existing assets.
present in the business environment.
These improvements may include the optimization of
Curkovic, Vickery, and Droge (2000) studied the
plant, equipment, or technology. Implicit in this
direct effects of 10 quality action programs on six firm
improved usage is a more productive usage of assets.
performance outcomes as well as their indirect effects
This results in hypotheses H2a through H2d.
through eight quality performance dimensions. Two
paths from action programs through quality perform- • H2a: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated with
ance to firm performance in the automotive supply asset turnover.
industry were identified. The first path was product • H2b: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated with
quality, whose hallmarks were superior performance on return on assets.
conformance and design quality. The second path • H2c: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated with
involved relationship quality. This path included supe- return on investment.
rior customer responsiveness and service. Both the
product-quality and the relationship-quality paths led • H2d: Six Sigma adoption is positively associated with
to superior operational ROI. Product quality led to total assets.
enhanced return on assets (ROA), and relationship Improvement efforts such as Six Sigma could help a
quality led to enhanced market share performance. company to grow as profitability improves. Often these
Flynn, Schroeder, and Sakakibara (1995) con- efforts result in downsizing and the more productive use
structed a framework that focuses on both core quality of employees. Therefore, Six Sigma could result in either
management practices and the infrastructure used to growth in the number of employees or a reduction in the
engender an environment supportive of their use. They number of employees. The literature is not clear on this
incorporated two measures of quality performance and issue. Therefore, hypothesis H2e is stated in null form.
their roles in establishing and sustaining competitive • H2e: Six Sigma adoption is not related to number of
advantage. The author used path analysis to test a pro- employees.
posed model that explained that perceived quality
market outcomes were primarily related to statistical
control/feedback and the product design process, while METHODS
the internal measure of percent that passed final This study examines the long-term financial and opera-
inspection without requiring rework was strongly tional impacts of implementing Six Sigma. In order to
related to process flow management and statistical create a population of Six Sigma-adopting firms, the
control/feedback. The focus of most Six Sigma efforts author performed a keyword Lexis/Nexis (LexisONE) 11
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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

online search of corporate financial reports for the terms Firm data were collected using Standard and Poor’s
Six Sigma, ISO 9000, TQM, and Baldrige through the COMPUSTAT database. Data were collected for the firms
LexisONE subscription database. Since annual reports drawn from the Lexis/Nexis database for fiscal years
are used to transmit information to shareholders, the 1998 through 2004. This provided data for the author’s
mention of a quality management initiative such as Six longitudinal analysis.
Sigma is interpreted as signaling an organizational In this article, the author compares results from the
commitment to that effort. Since annual reports are time Six Sigma was mentioned in the annual report to
used to elucidate strategic emphases, it can be said that four years later. This four-year interval is needed, as it
these quality improvement efforts are strategic in nature. takes time for quality improvement programs to yield
Using this rationale, the author performed a content significant results. In a study of best quality practices,
analysis to determine which firms had announced the Ozan (1992) found that quality improvement pro-
implementation of Six Sigma. Initially, the year 1998 grams should be implemented gradually. A study by the
was searched. Since only 12 Six Sigma firms were United States General Accounting Office (1991) stated
returned, the author also searched 1996 and 1997. This that, on average, 3.5 years were required to see signifi-
content analysis of annual reports resulted in a list of 30 cant results for TQM programs. In a study of the U.S.
companies that had adopted Six Sigma as a means of auto industry, Narasimhan, Ghosh, and Mendez (1993)
improving performance. In a further step, they assem- found a 2.26-year lag between quality improvement
bled a panel of six judges, including academics and efforts and sales improvements. Foster (1996) studied
quality professionals, to perform a content analysis of the speed of quality improvement in five different pro-
the annual reports found in LexisONE to determine duction facilities and found that plants that improved
which firms showed strategic commitment to Six Sigma. more slowly actually had better financial results than
Based on this content analysis, six firms were removed plants that attempted to improve rapidly. Given these
from the analysis, resulting in a final set of 24 Six Sigma prior research results, it was thought that a four-year
firms. They also found 24 Baldrige firms, 26 TQM firms, interval would provide necessary time to see significant
and 23 ISO 9000 firms. In addition, a randomly selected improvement in results if it was present.
list of 50 companies from the 1998 Fortune 500 list was
used as a control group.
Company ticker symbols were obtained using RESULTS
Hoover’s Online, and the database of firms the author The results are organized according to the outcome
created was searched for duplicates and firms that were variables studied. For each dependent variable the
returned in more than one search. If a firm in the control author discusses data transformation (when needed).
group was also returned in the list of Six Sigma compa- Next, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) results for main
nies, it was deleted from the control group and another effects are presented. ANCOVA was used to test where sig-
firm in the Fortune 500 was randomly selected. In addi- nificant differences exist between outcomes for each of
tion, firms no longer in business or that had been the treatments. ANCOVA is a general linear model with
acquired since 1998 were also stricken. In the end, the one explanatory variable and multiple factors. It was
database of control firms was reduced to 41 companies. applied where a potentially strong correlation exists
As stated, a modified version of Hendricks and between independent and dependent variables. Then,
Singhal’s (1997) performance measures was used. the author explains interactions between various quality
Profitability measures used were earnings (EBITDA), programs (Six Sigma, Baldrige, TQM, and ISO 9000)
ROA, operating margin (EBITDA/sales), and net sales. and no quality program relative to each financial or
Cost structure was analyzed by calculating cost per performance outcome. The interaction tests used
dollar of sales and FCF per share. Relative firm growth ANCOVA to determine if there are significant interaction
measures were obtained using total assets and number effects between quality management programs (QMP)
of employees. and outcomes. Model-based estimates are presented for

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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

Table 1 Summary statistics for FCF in 1998 Table 2 ANCOVA results main effects.
and 2002. Term F value Pr>F
1998 2002
Free cash flow .94 0.3300
Number of companies 138 138
Log cost per dollar sales 36.07 <.0001
Minimum -14.05 -22.18
EBITDA 9.57 0.0027
25th percentile -0.54 0.33
Log of sales 579.24 <.0001
Median 0.25 1.05
Sales per employee 306.97 <.0001
75th percentile 0.85 2.38
Asset turnover 3.01 0.0800
Maximum 17.58 12.40
ROA 1.12 0.2910

© 2007, ASQ
Mean 0.19 1.19
ROI 1.81 0.1806
Standard deviation 2.82 3.63

© 2007, ASQ
Total assets 1.66 0.2006

Log number of employees 860.94 <.0001

companies in the 10th percentile, median, and 90th
percentile. The percentiles were determined according to
firm size, as prior research has suggested that firm size Table 3 ANCOVA results interaction terms.
has a moderating effect on QMP effects (Hendricks and
Term F Value Pr>f
Singhal 2001a; York and Miree 2004). Finally, hypothe-
sis tests were performed to study the author’s research Free cash flow by QMP 6.08 0.0002
propositions. The results are presented according to Log cost per dollar sales by QMP 16.99 <.0001
financial or performance outcome in order to enhance
EBITDA by QMP 8.56 <.0001
clarity of presentation.
Log sales by QMP .83 0.5101

Free Cash Flow Per Share Sales per employee by QMP 0.46 0.7600

Summary statistics for free cash flow per share (FCF) in Asset turnover by QMP 14.94 <.0001
1998 and 2002 are presented in Table 1. This summary ROA by QMP 2.45 0.0490
shows that 138 companies were evaluated for this
ROI by QMP 2.42 0.0517
research. These companies are rank ordered, with the
© 2007, ASQ

34th company in the 25th percentile, company 69 at the Total assets by QMP 17.4 <.0001
median, and the 104th company at the 75th percentile. Log employees by QMP 1.14 0.3400
These statistical tests were performed using SAS.
The model for FCF in 2002 was fit with all data
present and no transformations. Table 2 shows the model-based estimates of FCF in 2002 at key levels of
ANCOVA results for FCF (as well as the other measures). FCF in 1998. For reference, Table 5 shows the counts
The author has combined tables here for efficient pres- of companies in various percentiles of FCF in 1998 to
entation. Table 2 shows that the main effect for FCF provide an indication of the range of data behind the
was not significant. However, as is shown in Table 3, estimates shown in previous tables and figures.
the interaction term for FCF by QMP was significant Companies without a QMP appear to have a differ-
(p < 0.0002). With a low R2 of 0.22, this suggests that ent relationship between FCF in 2002 and 1998 than
other variables are having an effect on an otherwise all other companies. While FCF in 2002 appears to be
null model. The first five rows in Table 4 present more or less positively related to FCF in 1998, these 13
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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

companies have a negative relation- Table 4 Model-based mean estimates (std. error of estimates)
ship between FCF in 2002 and 1998. of effects in year 5, based on levels of year 1.
Figure 1 plots this interaction.
Free Cash Flow 10th Median 90th
The author evaluates H1a in Table 6.
Among companies with high FCF in Six Sigma 1.59 (0.75) 1.64 (0.68) 1.7 (0.83)
1998, those with no QMP have an esti- Baldrige 1.27 (0.76) 1.94 (0.73) 2.65 (1.04)
TQM -0.29 (1.35) 1.61 (0.69) 3.61 (1.38)
mated FCF for 2002 that is substantially
ISO 0.79 (1.03) 1.21 (0.77) 1.65 (1.43)
lower than all other companies, whereas No QMP 2.59 (0.67) 1.13 (0.55) -0.4 (0.56)
companies using Six Sigma have an esti-
Cost Per Dollar Sales
mated 2002 FCF that is substantially
higher than all other companies. Thus, Six Sigma -0.18 (0.06) -0.13 (0.02) -0.11 (0.04)
they see Six Sigma companies and the Baldrige -0.34 (0.04) -0.13 (0.02) -0.02 (0.03)
TQM -0.1 (0.02) -0.1 (0.02) -0.098 (0.02)
average of all companies with a QMP as
ISO -0.16 (0.03) -0.07 (0.02) -0.02 (0.03)
having significantly higher FCF in 2002 No QMP -0.35 (0.03) -0.16 (0.02) -0.07 (0.02)
than those companies without a QMP.
At low FCF in 1998, however, those
companies without a QMP had signifi- Six Sigma 2.76 (3.56) 11.88 (2.97) 23.99 (3.14)
cantly higher FCF in 2002, leading to Baldrige 15.11 (4.96) 8.73 (3.49) 0.263 (3.79)
TQM 2.63 (4.8) 7.58 (3.07) 14.15 (7.04)
the patterns of significance displayed ISO 10.98 (4.27) 13.68 (3.29) 17.26 (3.79)
in Table 6. No QMP 5.69 (3.17) 13.8 (2.19) 24.57 (3.22)

Asset Turnover
Cost Per Dollar Sales Six Sigma 15,272 (2,550) 10,116 (2,083) 812 (2,725)
It was evident from the review of the Baldrige -2,352 (3,392) -627 (2,685) 2,487 (2,826)
TQM 11,426 (5,604) 4,765 (2,519) -7,255 (6,004)
1998 data that cost per dollar sales value
ISO 9,435 (8,878) 4,937 (2,614) -3,182 (12,084)
was extremely skewed, and to better No QMP 6,266 (1,957) 6,011 (1,579) 5,551 (2,252)
accommodate model fitting, the author
fitted the model to the natural log of
cost per dollar sales. The 2002 values, Six Sigma 2.18 (2.25) 2.28 (1.75) 2.37 (2.34)
however, were evenly distributed. Baldrige -1.17 (2.77) -1.12 (1.77) -1.13 (2.42)
TQM 3.74 (3.76) 3.08 (1.84) 2.55 (2.54)
Table 2 shows the ANCOVA results
ISO -1.52 (1.96) 2.65 (1.88) 5.96 (2.08)
for the model fit to logged cost per dol- No QMP 1.98 (1.71) 2.87 (1.29) 3.58 (1.8)
lar sales. As shown in Table 3, because
of the significant interaction between
1998 cost per dollar sales and QMP, the Six Sigma 3.91 (3.8) 4.25 (2.98) 4.47 (3.67)
effect of QMP is different depending on Baldrige -6.05 (4.76) -0.82 (3.02) 2.63 (3.68)
TQM 7.26 (7.96) 6.88 (3.06) 6.63 (5.32)
the level of cost per dollar sales in
ISO -2.08 (3.77) 6.81 (3.45) 12.67 (4.26)
1998. Table 4 gives the model-based None 8.2 (3.3) 6.46 (2.19) 5.3 (2.93)
estimates for mean (logged) cost per
Total Assets
dollar sales in 2002 by QMP and level
of 1998 logged cost per dollar sales. Six Sigma -705.3 (1659.4) 1894 (1 j610.9) 6140.6 (1562.7)
As can be seen in the plots of Baldrige 7682.9 (1937.1) 7523.7 (1804.5) 7263.5 (1741.2)
© 2007, ASQ

TQM -28.3 (3916.3) 1784.6 (1638.3) 4746.2 (6746.5)

means in Figure 1, the interaction
ISO 1502.8 (1846.6) 1950.3 (1718.7) 2681.4 (2220.2)
appears to result from different char- None 4135.2 (1193.8) 4545.1 (1167.6) 5214.9 (1396.8)
acteristics with respect to cost per

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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

dollar sales among compa- Table 5 Count of companies in each percentile category and QMP.
nies using TQM and those
Six Sigma Baldrige TQM ISO None Total
using either no QMP or one
of the other three under 0–10th percentile 3 6 1 4 14
study. All companies other 10th–50th percentile 7 10 14 16 7 54
than those with TQM appear
to have a direct relationship 50th–90th percentile 12 5 11 6 22 56

© 2007, ASQ
between cost per dollar sales 90th percentile and higher 2 3 1 8 14
in 2002 and 1998, while
Total 24 24 26 23 41 138
TQM companies appear to
have no such relationship.
Evaluation of the hypotheses of interest is given in was fairly symmetric, but it was peaked. Therefore, the
Table 6. Null hypotheses regarding Six Sigma compa- model for EBITDA in 2002 was fit with all data present
nies cannot be rejected. Among companies with low cost and no transformations.
per dollar sales in 1998, companies using the Baldrige Table 2 shows significant ANCOVA results (p < .0027).
Award criteria have a significantly lower predicted cost Table 3 shows the model-based estimates for EBITDA in
per dollar sales than companies using any of the other 2002. Because of the significant interaction between
three QMPs. Therefore, H1b is not supported. EBITDA 1998 and QMP, the effect of QMP is different
depending on the level of EBITDA in 1998. Table 4
shows model-based estimates of average EBITDA in
EBITDA 2002 at levels of 1998 EBITDA.
A review of the data showed that the distribution of Inspection of Figure 1 suggests the following as an
EBITDA in 1998 was skewed because of the presence of interpretation of the interaction: Among companies with
outlying companies. In 2002 the distribution of EBITDA the highest EBITDA in 1998, those using the Baldrige

Figure 1 Interaction Plots by Effect.

FCF 1998 by QMP interaction Return on Assets by QMP interaction
4 7
3.5 6
3 5
2002 Return on Assets

2.5 Six Sigma Six Sigma

2 Baldrige Baldrige
FCF 2002

None 1 None
0 0
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
-0.5 -1

-1 -2
FCF 1998 1998 Return on Assets

Asset Turnover Logged Cost per dollar sales by QMP interaction ROI 1998 by QMP interaction
20,000 0 15
-0.35 -0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0
Logged cost/dollar sales, 2002

2002 Asset Turnover

10,000 Six Sigma Six Sigma Six Sigma

-0.15 5
ROI, 2002

Baldrige Baldrige Baldrige

5,000 TQM -0.2 TQM TQM
ISO ISO 0 -4.1 8.4 16.6 ISO
None None None
-3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

(10,000) -0.4 -10

1998 Asset Turnover level Logged Cost/dollar sales, 1998 ROI, 1998

Mean EBITDA in 2002, by QMP and EBITDA in 1998 Total assets by QMP interaction
30.00 9000
25.00 7000
Six Sigma Six Sigma
Total assets 2002


Baldrige Baldrige
15.00 TQM TQM
10.00 None None
© 2007, ASQ

5.00 0
-1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
0.00 -2000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Total Assets 1998
EBITDA 1998 15
Foster v14 i4 9/20/07 10:10 AM Page 16

Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

Award criteria had the low- Table 6 Hypothesis results.

est EBITDA in 2002, and
Free cash flow 10th1 Median2 90th3
those using Six Sigma or no
QMP had the highest. That Six Sigma vs. No QMP -1 (0.99) 0.5 (0.87) 2.1 (1.01)*
result is somewhat reversed Six Sigma vs. Other QMP 1 (0.99) 0.05 (0.81) -0.94 (1.12)*
among companies with the
lowest EBITDA in 1998. Any QMP vs. No QMP 1.75 (0.85)* -0.46 (0.67) -2.8 (0.82)*

Evaluation of the Cost per dollar sales

hypotheses of interest is
Six Sigma vs. No QMP 0.17 (0.08) 0.03 (0.03) -0.04 (0.05)
given in Table 6. The
EBITDA in 2002 is statisti- Six Sigma vs. Other QMP 0.01 (0.07) -0.03 (0.03) -0.06 (0.05)

cally equivalent between Any QMP vs. No QMP -0.16 (0.04)* -0.06 (0.02)* -0.01 (0.03)
Six Sigma companies and
companies with no QMP,
regardless of EBITDA in Six Sigma vs. No QMP -2.93 (4.71) -1.92 (3.66) -0.57 (4.54)
1998. Among companies Six Sigma vs. Other QMP -6.81 (4.44) 1.88 (3.52) 13.43 (4.3)*
with a QMP, Six Sigma
Any QMP vs. No QMP -2.17 (3.84) 3.33 (2.76) 10.65 (4.13)*
companies have a higher
EBITDA in 2002. However, Asset turnover
this only holds among Six Sigma vs. No QMP 9005.74 (2813.7)* 4105.52 (2592.55) -4738.12 (2696.38)
companies with a higher
Six Sigma vs. Other QMP 9101.92 (4355.24)* 7091.12 (2571.04)* 3462.13 (5065.76)
EBITDA in 1998; for all
others, performance of Any QMP vs. No QMP -2179.08 (3458.55) 1213.03 (2110.05) 7334.95 (3709.69)
EBITDA in 2002 is equiva-
lent. This provides partial
support for H1c. Six Sigma vs. No QMP 0.20 (2.82) -0.58 (2.17) -1.21 (2.97)

Six Sigma vs. Other QMP 1.81 (2.85) 0.76 (2.06) -.09 (2.70)

Sales Any QMP vs. No QMP 1.16 (2.22) 1.15 (1.63) 1.15 (2.21)

Despite a large range of Total assets

sales data, the raw data Six Sigma vs. No QMP -4,840.5 (2,029.3) -2,651.1 (1,975.6) 925.7 (2,087.3)
were left in their original
scales. The author exam- Six Sigma vs. Other QMP -3,757.9 (2,293.2) -1,858.9 (1,894.2) 1,243.5 (2,895.8)
© 2007, ASQ

ined the summary of sales Any QMP vs. No QMP 2,022.1 (1,754) 1,257 (1,476.2) 7 (2,362.3)
data and found they were
* p < .0001
extremely skewed. To bet-
ter accommodate model
fitting, he modeled the natural log of sales.
Table 2 gives the ANCOVA table for the model for Sales Per Employee
logged sales. While the overall R2 for the model is 0.93, The raw data were divided by 1,000 to drop the scale to a
no terms other than sales in 1998 have any explanatory more useable level. It was evident from the summary
power for sales in 2002 (see Table 3). For this reason, the data that this value was extremely skewed, and to better
author concludes that the null hypotheses of interest accommodate model fitting, the author used the natural
cannot be rejected and that Six Sigma has no influence log of sales per employee (in thousands). Table 2 gives
on sales. Therefore, H1d is not supported. the ANCOVA table for the model fit. While the overall

16 QMJ VOL. 14, NO. 4/© 2007, ASQ

Foster v14 i4 9/20/07 10:10 AM Page 17

Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

R2 for the model is a high 0.77, no terms other than means and standard errors of the return on asset data
sales per employee in 1998 have any explanatory power used in the model by QMP, company size, and year.
for sales per employee in 2002 (see Table 3). For this Therefore, H2b is not supported.
reason, they concluded that the null hypotheses H1e
cannot be rejected and that QMP has no influence on
sales per employee.
Return on Investment
ROI for either year looks bell-like in distribution except
for the presence of very long tails that show outlying
Asset Turnover observations in both the positive and negative direction.
Once again, Table 2 shows the ANCOVA table for the Attempts at transformation did little to pull in these
model fit, and Table 4 shows the model-based esti- strong outliers. Thus, the ANCOVA model was fit on the
mates for asset turnover in 2002. These estimates raw data. Table 2 shows the ANCOVA table. As one can
indicate that companies with high asset turnover in see in Table 3, at p < .05, the interaction of QMP by
1998 had a lower 2002 asset turnover than companies ROI in 1998 is technically not statistically significant.
with a low asset turnover in 1998. This is generally However, it is of borderline significance. Table 5 gives
true for companies using Six Sigma, TQM, and ISO the model-based estimates for ROI in 2002 by per-
9000. The 2002 asset turnover for Baldrige companies centiles of ROI in 1998 and QMP. Figure 1 plots these
shows the opposite pattern (companies with high asset means for easier interpretation. From Figure 1 it
turnover in 1998 had higher asset turnover in 2002 appears that Baldrige and ISO 9000 companies may be
than those with lower 1998 asset turnover). Those responding differently than the companies with the
companies with no QMP showed no real difference in other three QMPs. This is descriptive only, however,
2002 asset turnover, regardless of their 1998 asset owing to the lack of significance of any of the terms in
turnover. Figure 1 plots these estimates from Table 4. the ANCOVA model. Therefore, H2c is not supported.
Evaluation of the hypotheses of interest is given in
Table 6. Among companies with low and median 1998
asset turnover, companies using Six Sigma QMP had Total Assets
significantly higher asset turnover in 2002 than com- To bring the data to a more manageable scale, the
panies with no QMP; the asset turnover of these Six original data were divided by 1,000. The model was fit
Sigma companies was also higher than the average of with all available data for total assets in 2002. The
companies with the other three programs. Among nonsignificant ANCOVA result is presented in Table 2.
companies with high asset turnover in 1998, there was As is shown in Table 3, because of the significant
no significant difference among any of the hypotheses interaction between total assets 1998 and QMP, the
of interest. Therefore, H2a is partially supported. effect of QMP is different, depending on the level of
total assets in 1998. Table 4 shows the model-based
estimates of the average total assets (in thousands) for
Return on Assets 2002 for each QMP by levels of total assets in 1998.
Table 2 gives the ANCOVA table for the model fit, and Figure 1 shows a plot of the estimates to facilitate
Table 3 shows the model-based estimates for ROA in general interpretation of the interaction. Generally, it
2002. Table 3 shows a significant interaction between appears that the relationship between 1998 total assets
ROA and sales (p < .05). Table 4 provides the model- and 2002 total assets does not hold for companies
based estimates of average 2002 return on investments using Baldrige, ISO 9000, or no QMP.
at levels of 1998 ROA. Table 6 contains the tests of the hypotheses of
Evaluations of the hypotheses of interest are given interest. Among companies at the highest level of total
in Table 6. While the interaction is significant, none assets in 1998, there is no difference in 2002 total
of the hypotheses of interest are. Table 6 provides assets. For all others, however, those using the 17
Foster v14 i4 9/20/07 10:10 AM Page 18

Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

Baldrige Award criteria have higher total assets in Among companies with low and medium asset
2002 than those using any other QMP. Therefore, H2d turnover, Six Sigma led to higher asset turnover.
is not supported. Therefore, H2a was supported for companies with low
and medium asset turnover in 1998. It could be that
these companies with low asset turnover could benefit
Number of Employees more from process improvement implicit in Six Sigma
Because these data are skewed, the author used the than firms with high asset turnover.
natural logarithm as the outcome in modeling efforts. The adoption of Six Sigma seemed to not affect ROA
Table 2 gives the results of the ANCOVA model. For this and ROI significantly. This may not be surprising
model, adding the indicator for company size was not because many factors affect ROA and ROI, as evidenced
appropriate, so it was not included here. Because no by the DuPont model. Further investigation showed that
term other than the number of employees in 1998 is large firms using Six Sigma performed better. That is,
statistically significant, H2e is not supported. the improvement rates were in the correct direction. The
differences, however, were not significant. Reflecting

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS on the original research question regarding financial

and operational outcomes, it appears that at a macro
As has been seen, the results from Six Sigma programs level, the effects, while in some cases significant, are
are at best mixed. The author found a significant effect somewhat modest. While the author did see benefits in
on FCF, EBITDA, and asset turnovers; however, Six both financial and operational areas, quality profes-
Sigma did not seem to affect sales, ROA, ROI, or firm sionals should be careful to not oversell the benefits of
growth. As a result, if firms want to improve cash, Six Sigma or any other QMP.
earnings, or productivity in using assets, Six Sigma That Six Sigma did not affect firm growth was not
might be of use. An intervening variable in this analy- surprising. There were many exogenous macroeconomic
sis was firm size, which confirmed Hendricks and factors, including 9/11, that could have influenced
Singhal’s finding on the importance of firm size. It growth during this period. Powell (1995) and others
appears that firm size mitigates the effects of programs have stated that there are many factors that affect firm
like Six Sigma. Certainly, large firms such as GE and growth other than quality management approaches.
Motorola have resources and assets to invest in Six Indeed, many quality programs have been associated
Sigma programs. These firms also showed great with reductions in number of employees. On the other
capacity for improvement. Smaller firms may not hand, that one is able to find any significant results for
have the same resources to apply to such programs; these small numbers of firms demonstrates that quality
however, smaller firms that invest in efforts such as programs such as Six Sigma can potentially provide
Six Sigma may be impacted more significantly as a important financial and operational returns. This
total proportion of the firm’s business results. research is very high level with much room for future
Companies with high cash flows in 1998 and no study. Future studies should examine specific effects on
QMP had lower FCF in 2002 than companies that had specific projects in companies. It is expected that such
adopted Six Sigma. Companies with low cash flow studies could verify and clarify these findings.
and no QMP did better than companies using Six
Sigma, suggesting that for cash-poor firms, Six Sigma
may in fact be a drain on resources. Also, these com- Limitations
panies may not have the cash necessary to sustain There were several limitations to this research. As was
effective Six Sigma results over four years. Therefore, discussed previously, financial results during this period
H1a was supported for firms with high cash flows, but were influenced by 9/11 and other events. In addition,
may have a negative effect for companies with poor these firms’ use of Six Sigma or other quality programs
cash flows. in 1998 does not guarantee that they implemented these

18 QMJ VOL. 14, NO. 4/© 2007, ASQ

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Does Six Sigma Improve Performance?

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Hendricks, K. B., and V. R. Singhal. 1996. Quality awards and Powell, T. C. 1995. Total quality management as competitive
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Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons. BIOGRAPHY
Narasimhan, R., S. Ghosh, and D. Mendez. 1993. A dynamic S. Thomas Foster is area leader of global supply chain at
model of product quality and pricing decisions on sales response. Brigham Young University. He has published more than 50 quality-
Decision Sciences Journal 20, no. 4: 893-908. related ar ticles in journals such as Decision Sciences,
Ozan, T. 1992. International quality study: Best practices report. International Journal of Production Research, the Journal of
New York: Ernst and Young. Operations Management, the International Journal of Quality
and Reliability Management, the Quality Management Journal,
Pannirselvam, G., S. Siferd, and W. Ruch. 1998. Validation of
and Quality Progress magazine. His book is titled, Quality
the Arizona governor’s quality award: A test of the Baldrige cri-
Management: Integrating the Supply Chain (Prentice Hall).
teria. Journal of Operations Management 16, no. 6: 529-550.
Foster is founder of, was awarded
Park, S., J. Hartley, and D. Wilson. 2001. Quality management the ASBSU 2000 Outstanding Faculty Award, and received the
practices and their relationship to buyer’s supplier rating: A study prestigious 2002 Decision Sciences Institute Instructional
in the Korean automotive industry. Journal of Operations Innovation Award. He is currently serving as guest editor for a
Management 19, no. 3: 695-712. special issue on supply chain quality for the Journal of
Phillips, L. W., D. R. Chang, and R. D. Buzzell. 1983. Product Operations Management. He served twice as an examiner for
quality, cost position, and business performance: A test of some the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and is a member
key hypothesis. Journal of Marketing 47 (Spring) 26-43. of ASQ. He can be reached by e-mail at

20 QMJ VOL. 14, NO. 4/© 2007, ASQ

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