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Shipments overview Instructions


Period of time to be covered (Month/Quarter, Fiscal Year)

Process map / sales support scope

Sales support to provide shipments report in excel format, using the

prerequisites provided by submitter to extract the database from Yotta
In scope are only EMEA EG trade orders, due to the fact that renewals
are not within shipments domain in Yotta

Tool/data prerequisites

Sales support need to have access to Yotta Shipments domain, IEC

Reporting by Profit Center and Business Area category, across EMEA
Link for Yotta shipments database model:
AMID provided by submitter is introduced in Ship to AMID Level 2
Identifier is in list filter in the report
Period of time that submitter requested for the report to cover is
expressed in quarters, and introduced in Shipments Fiscal Year
Quarter Display Code is in list filter

How to sub scenarios

No sub scenarios due to the fact that the report is build to show the
main overviews that sales are most often interested in, both in local
currency and US dollars:
Changes compared to last week
Summary by Ship Month
Summary by GBU
Summary by RTM
Summary by Business Model

Standard template

Excel report provided

Excel report provided

Checklist (Step by step example)

AMID list:
Period to cover: Q3 FY13
Make sure AMID provided by submitter is the AMID 2 identifier, not 3 or
Make sure AMID provided by submitter respects the general pattern:
country code followed by 9 numbers (e.g. GB227063948)

Extract the data from Yotta model introducing the AMIDs in Ship to
AMID Level 2 Identifier is in list filter and Q3 FY13 in Shipments
Fiscal Year Quarter Display Code is in list filter
Copy/paste the data from Yotta in the excel template, Database tab,
in columns A S
Column L formatting (Business Area Code)
Select all replace 00 with blank
Select all replace 96 with 06
Column T formatting (Month):
TEXT function, using Shipment Calendar Date MM DD YYYY
Code as reference
Formula to enter into cell is: =TEXT(S2,"mmm")
Copy the formula down to apply to the column
Column U formatting (GBU):
VLOOKUP function, using Business Area Code and hidden
tab called PL GBU as reference
Formula to enter into cell is: =VLOOKUP(L2,'PL GBU'!$A:
Copy the formula down to apply to the column
Column V formatting (Refresh date)
Manually enter the date when the data was extracted
Refresh the data on all the tabs of the report
Make sure all the pivots have Order type selected as Trade Order
Add the prerequisites in the Read me tab
When sending the report, mention as NOTE that by double clicking any
values within the report, submitter can see more details behind the
specific values hes interested in.


If submitter provides a period of time shorter than a quarter, for

example May data, instead of Q3 for an UK AMID, you extract the data
for the entire quarter , and delete the data associated to the other 2
If the report is not recurrent, please remove Changes Local currency
and Changes - $ worksheets within the report

For any questions or information regarding the report, please contact

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