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Constructing Melchior Lorichs's Panorama of Constantinople

Author(s): Nigel Westbrook, Kenneth Rainsbury Dark and Rene van Meeuwen
Source: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 69, No. 1 (March 2010), pp.
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Society of Architectural Historians
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Constructing Melchior Lorichss

Panorama of Constantinople

n i g e l w e s t br o o k

The University of Western Australia

kenneth rainsbury dark

University of Reading

r e n e va n m e e u w e n

The University of Western Australia

elchior Lorichss Panorama of Constantinople of

1559, recently published as an excellent facsimile
with an introduction by Cyril Mango and accompanying commentary by Mango and Stphane Yerasimos, is
one of the most significant recordings of the Byzantine and
Ottoman capital, and is perhaps the earliest attempt to portray the city accurately (Figure 1).1 It depicts, in considerable
detail, both known and unknown structures, including many
significant buildings, both Byzantine and Ottoman, which
later disappeared or were substantially modified (Figures 2,
3). It will be argued that the panorama, because of the apparent objectivity and relative veracity of its composition, may
be used to determine the actual location of such buildings,
thus assisting archaeological and architectural research into
the topography of the Byzantine and early Ottoman city.
Although it is usual to associate panoramic representation with the nineteenth-century fascination with the emerging industrialized metropolis, the genre has a much longer
history.2 For example, Albertis method for surveying a city
utilized perspective to focus on the significant urban elements and monumentsthe places of worship, defining
walls, and riverworking outward from the area defined as
the most hierarchically central. Alberti introduced surveying
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 69, no. 1 (March 2010), 6287. ISSN
0037-9808, electronic ISSN 2150-5926. 2010 by the Society of Architectural Historians.
All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce
article content through the University of California Presss Rights and Permissions website, DOI: 10.1525/jsah.2010.69.1.62.

into the construction of the modern panorama and calculated the relationship between horizon and topography, utilizing an instrument of his own devising, called the horizon
and radius.3 This method of description was far from purely
objective, as Terry Comito has noted, and had the potential
to transform the perception of reality for its viewer: Once
the only limit is the horizon, one is forced to admit . . . that
any centre is merely subjective. Place itself (locus) becomes
merely location (locatio), the minds determination for its own
Melchior Lorichss Panorama of Constantinople is such a
perspectival representation dating to the Renaissance period,
and may provide evidence that can be used to reconstruct the
city that Lorichs saw, with the surviving traces of its Byzantine predecessor that were visible in the sixteenth century. If
this should be so, the panorama would be a key graphic
source for both the early Ottoman and Byzantine capitals.
Indeed it has previously been used in an attempt to reconstruct the architectural form of the first mosque erected by
Mehmet II, the Ottoman conqueror of the city.5 However,
in order for it to be used as evidence, it must be determined
whether the drawing is an attempt to represent things precisely as they were, or whether Lorichs adopted conventions
that lessen the evidential value of the representation: Can the
drawing be described as predominantly an empirical or an
allegorical composition?6 If it is both, can the boundaries
between accurate representation and symbolic meaning be

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Figure 1 Melchior Lorichs (Lorck), Panorama of Istanbul, Byzantivm sive Costantineopolis, 1559; sheets IXXI. See JSAH online for a zoomable
image (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)

Figure 2 Sebah and Joaillier, Panorama de Constantinople, pris de La Tour de Galata, ca. 1880, detail (Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs
Division, Abdul Hamid II Collection, LOT 8931 no. 1 [H size]). See JSAH online for a zoomable image of the entire panorama

Figure 3 Istanbul peninsula from top of Galata Tower, 2009 (author). See JSAH online for a zoomable color image

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The first component of this inquiry, a prelude to addressing its value as a historical source, is to determine how
Lorichss panorama was constructed. There are grounds for
arguing that it represents the reality of the view it purports
to show. To test this, it is necessary to place Lorichss panorama in the context of earlier and contemporary representations of Constantinople; to consider the circumstances and
techniques of its production, in particular the drawing equipment and Lorichss viewpoints and visual priorities; and, finally, to discuss the viewing positions used to produce the
panorama, in order to compare his depiction with the existing topography of the city center.
Because the major cultural monuments of Istanbul were
the focal points for mapping and representation, they were
emphasized by topographers, and the interstitial urban fabric was either left out, or in the case of the Lorichs panorama, was recorded in a relatively direct, non-symbolic
manner. Thus, the focus of the comparison of the actual and
depicted cityscape will be the commonplace infrastructure
depicted in the vicinity of the major monuments. This
should minimize distortions resulting from the prejudices
of the artist or cartographer.

The Artist
In 1555 the artist Melchior Lorichs (b. 1526/7), a young nobleman from Flensburg in the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein
then ruled by the Danish monarchywas employed by the
ambassador of the Holy Roman Emperor, if not directly by
the emperor himself, to accompany the imperial ambassador
to Istanbul as a member of his entourage. It is not known
whether he went of his own free will or if he was constrained
to do so to renew his coat of arms and noble status, after his
failure to honor a contract he had made with the king of Denmark, a relative of the emperor.7 In 1559, he was permitted
by the Ottoman Sultan Sleyman II (the Magnificent) to prepare a panoramic drawing of his capital, as viewed from locations along the northern shore of the Golden Horn. This
drawing recorded in unprecedented detail both the ancient
(that is, Byzantine) and modern, early Ottoman structures of
the city, surpassing in its verisimilitude earlier birds-eye depictions such as the so-called Vavassore view of the city (ca.
1535),8 and even later panoramic depictions, prior to the introduction of the photographic panorama (Figure 4). It is,
furthermore, unknown whether the drawing was commissioned by the ambassador or emperor, or instigated by Lorichs himself, with permission from the Ottoman authorities.
Erik Fischer, on the basis of his analysis of the paper used for
Lorichss drawings, dates the panorama to 1561, after Lorichs
returned to northern Europe.9
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The Lorichs panorama is remarkable both for its rarity,

as the earliest apparently reliable prospective document of
the urban form of Istanbul, and as one of the earliest perspectivally based urban panoramas, apparently produced through
the assembly of field drawings, and corresponding to the
view from ground level, or from elevated structures, in contrast to the earlier convention of the birds-eye view. The
panorama is 11.45 meters long and 45 centimeters high, and
comprises twenty one sheets joined together to show the entire urban vista of the peninsula of Istanbul, as viewed from
locations along the northern shore of the Golden Horn.10
The composite drawing forms a continuous image, stretching from skudar and Seraglio Point (Saray Burnu) on the
extreme left, to the land walls and the landscape beyond to
Eyp, to the right. It is drawn with black and brown ink on
paper, with coloring added in water-based pigment. All over
the drawing, but concentrated in the central and western
sections that depict to the old urban core, are a number of
Danish inscriptions, both simple titles of building features
and discursive topographical notes. Some inscriptions refer
to features that are not shown in the drawing because they
are hidden by the brow of the peninsula, but are nonetheless
considered to be of topographical importance. These hidden
features may have been examined by Lorichs, or perhaps he
derived his knowledge of them from earlier representations
such as that of Vavassore.
The sophisticated nature of the drawing raises questions
about the experience and training of the artist. Alexandrine
St. Clair has noted, on the basis both of Lorichss letters,
autobiographical account, and encomia written during his
lifetime, that the artist started his career apprenticed to a
goldsmith in Lbeck, a common training for artists who specialized in engraving and woodcuts, after which he obtained
work as an artist with aristocratic patrons at the court of the
Holy Roman Empire at the Diet of Augsburg and in Denmark. He also worked for a year in Nuremberg.11 He is
known to have traveled to the Netherlands and Italy (Venice,
Bologna, Florence and Rome; a drawing after antique sculptures in Rome is dated 1551).12 A survey of the collections of
his drawings and engravings in the Statens Museum for
Kunst in Copenhagen, the Flensburg Museum in SchleswigHolstein, and those formerly in the Evelyn collection at
Stonor Park, England, suggests they are the product of a
lively and unorthodox mind, actively engaged in the cultural
ferment of his age.13 From the period of his career before his
Istanbul sojourn are posthumous portraits of Albrecht Drer
and Martin Luther, an allegorical depiction of the pope as
Antichrist, several studies after works by Drer and Michelangelo, and other fine portrait engravings. That an artist
thought to have been suborned by the Holy Roman Emperors

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Figure 4 Giovanni Andreas di Vavassore, Byzantivm sive Costantineopolis, woodcut dated by Manners to ca. 1535. See JSAH online for a zoomable image (Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nrnberg, Germany)

embassy to Constantinople was a sympathizer of radical

protestantism, as reflected in the pope allegory and a portrait
of Luther, might appear surprising but has not been commented upon by historians. The connection to Drer, deemphasized by Adolf Rosenberg, 14 is surely evidenced by
pre-Istanbul engravings such as his Christ and Samaritan of
1550,15 and St. Jerome of 1546,16 the latter engraving possessing some of the perspectival intensity of Drers great engravings, notably Knight, Death and the Devil, Melancholia, or
most specifically, St. Jerome in His Study. More conclusively,
the portrait of Drer of 1550 evidences the influence of the
masters style, as does the symmetrical monogram that Lorichs adopted. An identification with the technique and ethos
of Drers oeuvre has further implications, as the great German artist was one of the first to treat landscape as the subject, rather than the background.17
Lorichss time in Istanbul is described in his letters and
in his book Soldan Soleyman (1574). Barnaby Rogerson has
recently suggested that during his four year stay there, he was
engaged in a form of rivalry with the imperial ambassador,

Oghier de Busbecq.18 Indeed, neither man mentions the

other in his writings. However, a fine portrait in profile that
Lorichs made of Busbecq in 1557 suggests at least a formal
relationship.19 Their similar background also suggests that
they had many interests in common, not least an enthusiasm
for antiquities. If Busbecq harbored resentment, it may have
stemmed from his status as an enforced recluse for much of
the period when the Grand Vizier Rstem Pasha (d. 1561)
was in power. Lorichs, who departed the city in 1559, in contrast traveled widely, and spent his time in Istanbul making
many drawings that recorded Ottoman costumes, customs,
and monumentsan elephant and its driver, a funeral procession, women of a harem, and others depicting building structures. It is not known whether he was commissioned by the
sultan to make his portrait, but there are several engravings
of the Sultan based, presumably, on drawings he made in Istanbul, and which Lorichs included in his book of views of the
city. He is also recorded as having painted twelve portraits of
the Sultan, later destroyed by fire, at the royal palaces of
Christiansborg and Frederiksborg. These were presumably

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Figure 5 Melchior Lorichs (Lorck),

view over rooftops toward the Arcadius
Column in Constantinople, ca. 1559,
pen and black ink, 208 326 mm (cat.
KKSgb4625, Department of Prints and
Drawings, Statens Museum for Kunst,

commissioned by the Danish king, and would probably have

been based upon his sketches and studies made in Istanbul.20
Other drawings contain important architectural and arthistorical information. A view across rooftops toward the
mosque of Atik Ali Pasha, apparently drawn from the El
han, conveys a remarkable sense of realism and a firm grasp
of the principles of perspective, convincingly describing the
form of the mosque (Figure 5). 21 Monuments studied in detail include the study of a bas-relief on the base of the Obelisk
of Thutmoses III, erected in the Hippodrome by Theodosius
II in the fifth century, a detail of carving on the historiated
column of Arcadius (a later fire destroyed all but the columns
base, left heavily damaged, but the carving is known from
other representations), and the bas-relief carving on the base
of a monumental column (Figure 6). As the earliest careful
representations, and given their level of detail and evidence
of close observation, these drawings constitute the most accurate evidence for the original appearance of these structures
and confirm Lorichss profound antiquarian interests.
If his pre-Istanbul career may be characterized by his
identification with the monumental legacy of the German
artist Albrecht Drer, then Lorichss work after his return
from Istanbul suggests wider-ranging abilities and interests
in art, literature, architecture, and technology. In 1568 he
completed the celebrated Elbkarte, a 12-meter-long map
made for the senate of the city of Hamburg, and which proclaimed that citys rights to the mouth of the river. For it,
Lorichs adopted the usual conventions of birds-eye perspective; this map shared nothing of the optical verisimilitude of
the Istanbul panorama. Instead, it portrayed topographical
information in an effective, if typical, manner. In the same
year he published a poem, Ein liedt vom Trcken vnd
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Antichrist (A poem of the Turks and Antichrist) based upon

his experiences in the Ottoman Empire, which discussed the
inevitable friction between East and West. This was followed
by Soldan Soleyman in 1574, a book that combined an autobiographical account with an overview of the politics and

Figure 6 Lorichs, sculptured pedestal of a column, 1561, pen and

black ink, 434 335 mm (cat. KKSgb5473, Department of Prints and
Drawings, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)

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Figure 7 Lorichs, Sleymaniye Mosque, seen from northeast, 1570, woodcut, 184 x 506 mm (cat. KKSgb8249, Department of Prints and Drawings,
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)

military position of the Ottomon Empire.22 His best-known

and most influential work was a collection of woodcuts depicting Ottoman costumes, people, structures, and objects.
Intended by Lorichs to be published together with his commentary, it was posthumously published (1619) as Wolgerissene
und Geschnittenes Figuren zu Ro und Fu (Well-engraved and
cut figures on horse and foot).23 It became the single most
important sourcebook of visual information on Ottoman culture in the seventeenth century. This established Lorichss
significance as the first notable scientific chronicler of that
alien society.24 Among the plates are several that reflect his
close study of architectural monuments in Istanbul. One, an
image of the Sleymaniye mosque complex, is convincing in
its accuracy, furthermore portraying elements that have since
disappeared (Figure 7). It is important to note that where
structures or monuments survive or are known from representations usually considered reliable, Lorichss depictions of
these is verifiably accurate.

Representing the City

Lorichss panorama of Istanbul was by no means the first attempt by Western artists to depict the Ottoman capital, nor the
first to take account of its Byzantine heritage. Ian Manners has
described the way successive reproductions of Christoforo Buondelmontes Liber Insularum Archipelagi, dating to the early
fifteenth century, reflect the aspirations of their patrons. For
example, copies completed after the Ottoman capture of Constantinople in 1453 depict the great church, Hagia Sophia, as
much larger than the other buildings in the city, exaggerating
the Christian monuments in relation to the Ottoman palaces
and mosques, and emphasizing the Christian aspects of the

city. 25 A later representation, the birds-eye view of Constantinople included by Hartman Schedel in his Liber Chronicarum, published in Nuremberg in 1493, shows what must be
the column and statue of Justinian, adjacent to Hagia Sophia,
and other unidentified ruins, but does not show evidence of
any mosques, not even the monumental mosque of Mehmet
II, which was constructed by that date.26 Crosses and the imperial eagle are shown above a conventionalized view of the
palace sea-gatepresumably that of the Boukoleon palace
overlooking the Sea of Marmara. It is as if the conquest of
1453 had never happened.27
Walter Denny has described another birds-eye representation of Istanbul, the Mecmu- Menazil of Nasuh asSilahi al-Matrak of 1537.28 This was more descriptive than
the Buondelmonte and Schedel representations, but also deployed more symbolic representations of buildings and did
not attempt what would today be understood as an accurate
account of urban topography, or even of the relationship of
elements to each other. Rather, it rendered what Ian Manners has called the truthfulness of the place, by which the
various aspects of the locale were combined in a visual unity.29
It is therefore significant that in Lorichss great drawing, the
new Ottoman buildings were given equal prominence to the
Byzantine churches, even Hagia Sophia, and the panorama
contains numerous legends referring to Sleyman and other
members of his court. Both differences could be explained
by the role of the Ottoman sultan as patron of the work.30
There is, however, no evidence to suggest that this was the
case, although Lorichs, as previously noted, made several
representations of Sleyman for his book Soldan Soleyman.31
Constantinople was not the only city to be depicted in
such detail in the sixteenth century. For example, in 1500,

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Jacopo de Barbari created a remarkable birds-eye view of

Venice at the peak of its prosperity. This print is of great
historical value, providing the earliest detailed documentation of the extent and layout of the city, but confidence cannot be placed in its veracity as an urban plan.32 Manners
notes that it is not possible to distinguish between the artist
and the mapmaker, they were one and the same person.33
Indeed, despite the great detail of the drawing, it cannot be
relied on as an objective image, in the modern sense, of Venice. It is an idealized representation, reflecting aspiration as
well as realitythe islands of the city are moved around to
compose an ideal image. Although there was a new concern
in the Renaissance for the representation of things as they
were, improvement was permitted. Nonetheless, like Lorichss panorama, the drawing provides much evidence for
the city at the time.
A far more idealized urban representation was made by
Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg, in their monumental
Civitates Orbis Terrarum, produced between 1572 and 1617,
which contains 546 birds-eye views, prospects, and maps of
cities of the known world. Their engraving of Istanbul, made
in 1572, is such an idealized birds-eye view, and is almost
certainly based, given its similarity, upon the earlier Vavassore view. The images of Braun and Hogenberg were, in
turn, to be reproduced extensively into the eighteenth century. In contrast to such idealized views, perspectival representations of cities shown in profile from a ground-level, as
in Lorichss panorama, or from a slightly raised viewpoint,
had been used earlier by Drer in his View of the City of
Nuremberg from the West (149697), by Hans Lautensack, in
his view of the same city (1552), and earlier, by Erhard Reuwich, in the urban views he produced for the pilgrimage book
Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctum of 1486 by Bernhard von
Breydenbach, which was perhaps the first illustrated travel
book of reasonable topographical reliability.34 Mango has
described such views as showing what the human eye actually saw,35 in contrast to the elaborate and artificial visual
construction of the birds-eye view, which showed the landscape as viewed from an altitude not experienced before passenger balloons. Lorichs followed these artists in depicting
an urban landscape that corresponded with the city that he
Prior to this period, most topographers represented cities through symbols, including features such as the city wall,
cathedral, harbors, and other notable monuments to allegorize the city. A clear example of this is the idealized representation of Siena in the Allegory of Good and Bad Government
by the Lorenzetti brothers of 133840, in which the walls
and city gate stand for the city.36 Some maps are even more
explicitly symbolic, for example a twelfth-century portrayal
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of Jerusalem that depicts the city as a circular plan overlaid

by a cross in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague. Although the main pilgrimage sites are shown, and thus the
drawing can serve in part as a guide for the pilgrim, the image
also imparts a message: in the foreground a Christian knight
slays a Saracen foe. The entire cityscape is symbolic and not
representational in the modern sense.37 Such maps followed
a long tradition of symbolic cartography: In the early medieval period, maps were spatial metaphors that allowed people
to locate themselves in relation to the world around them,
with little information about distance or areas. Symbolism,
especially religious symbolism with its theological focus on
things of the spirit, took precedence over scientific theory
and utility.38
Such overt symbolism and lack of realism may have been
obsolete by Lorichss time but it establishes the background
against which he worked, at a time when, as in the work of
Drer and Lautensack, natural observation, supported by the
technical knowledge of perspectival geometry, was interwoven with symbolic intent.

Drawing the Panorama

Lorichss work therefore continued a long Northern European tradition of city representations, but he adopted new
methods. Like other North German followers of Drer, he
utilized the discoveries in perspectival construction that the
great German artist had brought from Italy. Lorichss drawings demonstrate his mastery of such techniques, and his
panorama goes beyond the conventionalized representations characteristic of the views of Schedel or Braun and
Hogenberg. Like Drers landscapes drawn from life, but
also his own view across Istanbul rooftops, Lorichss panorama appears to have been made to imitate the image of the
city as seen by the eye, rather than to construct a synthetic,
unitary, and symbolic image. How did he achieve the accurate depiction of buildings and monuments, and what tools
were deployed to this end?
In the period of Lorichss drawing, the camera obscura
came into use. This technology revolutionized the relation
between the knower and the known. However, there is no
evidence of that Lorichs employed this method, and the portable camera obscura, a much smaller device, appears to have
been invented only later. Lacking a camera obscura, Lorichs
probably relied on some form of viewing grid, enabling him
to transfer the appearance and relative proportion of landscape features onto a two-dimensional surface. Significantly,
this technique is depicted in Drers woodcut of an artist and
his model, published in the second edition of his Art of Measurement in 1538, of which Lorichs, given his appreciation of

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Figure 8 Albrecht Drer, Draftsman with

Reclining Woman, 75 215 mm (from
Art of Measurement [Nuremberg, 1538])
(Bavarian State Library, Munich)

Drer, and his evident command of perspective, should have

been aware (Figure 8). 39
Such a grid of horizontal and vertical lines would have
enabled Lorichs to transpose the framed view onto another
grid on the pictorial surface. Whereas a camera obscura creates an optical image, the drawing grid achieves verisimilitude by framing the scene within its defining lines. Using this
device, the draftsman framed and selectively bracketed off a
portion of the landscape or scene, imposing perspectival control upon it. The grid transformed the curvature of the scene
into a flat surface, so it would have been necessary for Lorichs to adjust the overlapping portions of the panorama as
he incrementally moved the frame and shifted viewing points
to take in all parts of the city. Lorichss drawing reflects a shift
from a unified mode of representing the city to one that is
more relative, dependent upon the viewing and framing subject, whose position is inferred by the perspectival construction. The creation of the panorama would have required a
transcription of the field drawings onto final sheets, omitting
the grid lines. The final drawings would thus retain the optical specificity of the gridded perspectival drawing.
However, Lorichss final drawing was, in turn, conditioned and sanctioned by the norms of the draftsmans society.40 He introduces the rhetorical device of his self-portrait;
Lorichs stands with an unfurled scroll of the panorama,
which is supported by a representative figure of the Turk.
This ensemble, which surely cannot have corresponded with
reality, allegorizes the encounter between East and West,
which is further emblematized by the depiction of ships of
the Ottoman sultan and Western and Persian ambassadors.

Content and Meaning

The panorama, while presenting a convincing representation
of the city that is clearly based on direct observation, thus
possesses elements that allegorize the position of the Ottoman empire as the rival to the Holy Roman Empire. Lorichs,
coming from the maritime city of Flensburg, also uses the

depiction of various vessels, both Eastern and Western, to

illustrate the wealth and bustling activity of the city. Cyril
Mango, and earlier Karl Wulzinger and Eugen Oberhummer,
have described in detail the buildings depicted. It will be the
intention here to discuss some of the structures and other
details that have historical significance, with emphasis on
those that have not been adequately described.41
Sheets I to V: To the extreme left of the panorama, beyond the walls of Galata, the settlement on the northern
shore of the Golden Horn, Lorichs has painstakingly delineated a group of exotic-looking vessels with lateen sails. At
their center is the elaborate ceremonial barge of Sultan Sleyman II (Figure 9). Nearby there are several other vessels: the
barge of Lorichss employer, Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq
(152292) (Figure 10), the ambassador of the Holy Roman
Emperor in Vienna, and the vessels of four other embassies,
including that of the Persian ambassador, Ismail, a portrait of
whom was illustrated in Lorichss Soldan Soleyman, and whom
he may have met. There are also other large vessels that look
like floating buildings, and which may have been ferries, floating mills, or customs stations (see Figures 1 IIIII and 10).42
Among the great ships, a host of small craft can be discerned.
It is possible that we are being shown a significant incident in
Lorichss stay in Constantinople. The scene may also echo the
pictorial motif of the Christian and Ottoman ships that populate the waterways in Vavassores view, but here they are
portrayed with much greater specificity. Perhaps it depicts an
official outing by the sultan to one of his palaces outside the
city, either on the Asian side of the Bosporus or on the Princes
Islands. However, such a reception is unrecorded in Busbecqs
jaundiced account of his embassy.43 Such formalized hospitality, both to the representatives of the Holy Roman Empire
and the Persian Empire, may not have accorded with the antiOttoman narrative evident in the personal account of the
Imperial ambassador. This event takes place alongside the
everyday plying of maritime trade across the Golden Horn,
from the commercial suburb of Galata to the markets along
its southern shore. Such a conflation of the quotidian and the

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Figure 9 Barge of Sultan Sleyman II (the Magnificent), Lorichs, Panorama of Istanbul, sheet I (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)

Figure 10 Barge of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Panorama of Istanbul, sheet II (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)

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Figure 11 Detail of Hagia Sophia,

Panorama of Istanbul, sheet VI
(University of Leiden, the Netherlands)

historic may be traced to the genre of Northern European

narrative art, exemplified by the work of Pieter Breughel the
Elder, who was a pupil of Pieter Coecke van Aelst, the other
significant documenter of Sleymans Istanbul in the sixteenth century.
In the background, one can identify the waterfront
garden of the Topkap Saray. A Byzantine gate and the
nearby remains of what may be a monastery are located at
the extreme left of the palace walls (see Figure 1 I). The
grounds ascend to a prominent rise, marked by the monumental Column of the Goths, that is still a notable feature
of Glhane Park.44 Tightly clustered towers and domes
rise over the Topkap palace (see Figure 1 IIIIV), the walls

of which extend past the Byzantine church of Hagia Eirene

(see Figure 1 V).
Sheet VI: To the right of the palace walls and Hagia
Eirine is the great church of Hagia Sophia, which is represented in some detail in its urban context for the first time in
history, rising above its surroundings as the single most monumental structure in the city (Figure 11). The church is drawn
with more immediacy than the accomplished perspective
etching of the Sleymaniye mosque, included in Lorichss
book of scenes from Istanbul (see Figure 7).
To the right of Hagia Sophia there is what appears to be
a Byzantine church, possibly that of Christ Chalkites.45 Between the two is a large, apparently ruined structure, linked

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Figure 12 Detail of large ruinous masonry

structure northwest of Hagia Sophia, Panorama of Istanbul, sheet VI (University of
Leiden, the Netherlands)

by Mango and Yerasimos to the building shown in the Freshfield drawing of the Hippodrome, which they interpret to
be the former church of St. John Diippion.46 Farther to the
right is another very large circular or polygonal domed
building; judging from its design, this may also be a Byzantine structure (see Figure 1 VI). Below, on the mid-slope, are
the ruins of another large structure (Figure 12). It appears to
be of masonry, and at least three stories in height. The identity of this building is unknown, although its massive walls
and small openings suggest a medieval building, possibly
with a defensive function. It is known that fortified quarters
were established by Venetian, Pisan, and Genoese traders in
this area before and during the reign of Manuel I Comnenus
(11431180), and are known to have existed on the south of
the Golden Horn until the traders moved to the area of Pera
for greater security.47 A second possibility is that the ruins
belonged to one of the monasteries known to have existed in
the area, such as the Monastery of the Ex-logothete.48
Sheets VII to IX: To the right, just as the panorama
reaches the center of the city, in the vicinity of the
72 j s a h

Hippodrome, the drawing has suffered the loss of almost the

entire panel VII. The missing piece would have depicted the
harbor and mercantile buildings along the seashore, and conceivably, the then-extant ruins of the Byzantine Great Palace
and its neighboring structures.
The next, eighth panel is revealing, as it shows several
streets ascending from the wharves and waterfront buildings
toward what had been the Byzantine Mese or Middle
Road. In the center is Constantines Column (Figure 13), its
height exaggerated for the sake of the drawing, and a small
structure labeled Eli khan, or Elhan, the lodgings of Busbecqs Imperial embassy, and which he found inadequate (see
Figure 1 VIII, X). Busbecqs autobiographical account of his
stay emphasizes the experience of the han as a virtual prison,
within which his party was subjected to enforced privations.49
Nearby are three mosques, two hans, a structure labeled by
Lorichs as a synagogue,50 and the tall Byzantine structure
today called the Tower of Eirene. Next to this, one sees a
large, pyramidally roofed, structure, identified by Mango

and Yerasimos as the mosque of Atik Ibrahim

Pasha.51 In the

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Figure 13 Detail of the vicinity of Constantines Column, Panorama of Istanbul, sheet IX (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)

background, the massive form of the Beyazt mosque is visible. The city below clusters densely to the slopes descending
to the sea-walls on the Golden Horn.
Sheet X: Overlapping sheets IX and X is the enclosure
wall of the Eski Saray, home to the sultans superannuated
harem (see Figure 1 XIXII).52 Mango has identified part of
this complex as the main building, with pyramidal roof and
corner turrets (rising) above Roxelanas mausoleum.53 To
the right of this palace there is the huge Sleymaniye
mosque with its surrounding klliyethe whole complex
drawn with considerable accuracyand, on the slope below
this, is a strange collection of what appear to be ruins (detail,

Figure 14). Mango notes: Underneath the southwest minaret of the mosque, next to a polygonal fountain, is a curious
amphitheater-like building and a little lower and to the right
a columned porch surmounted by a gable like that of a
Roman temple. It may be doubted that these really existed.54 It is more likely that these two buildings, and a third
columnar structure to the right, were unusual structures that
the artist noticed. Elsewhere in the panorama, Lorichs filled
in the spaces between notable features and monuments with
generalized building forms, not distinctive structures like
these. The structures shown on this (tenth) sheet are of great
interest. The semicircular structure evokes two documented

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Figure 14 Detail of semicircular building and ruins of porticoes, Panorama of Istanbul, sheet X (University of Leiden, the Netherlands)

archaeological sites in Istanbul, notably the sigma-shaped

palace of Antiochos55 and the hexagonal structure with
semicircular portico in the Mangana region of the city.56
While any interpretation of these unusual structures on
sheet X requires to be tested through empirical topographical
analysis and archaeological excavations, nonetheless a few
74 j s a h

observations can be made. Lorichss drawing shows an annular, roofed structure with external buttresses, between
which are rectilinear windows positioned high on the wall.
This building is located on a terrace northwest of the Sleymaniye mosque, overlooking the Golden Horn. To its left is
depicted a domed, polygonal (probably octagonal) building.

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This semicircular structure, which may be located immediately northwest of the Sleymaniye mosque, on an apparently
NW-SE alignment and open to the southeast, is not recognizably Ottoman in appearance, and is perhaps Byzantine, the
buttresses implying stone or brick construction. It is in the
same region of the city as the gently curved structure recorded by Alfons Maria Schneider, which he tentatively interpreted as a theater. He made reference to six curving rows
of seating, located 3 meters below the road surface of Kible
Sokag, southeast of the mosque there, and descending to the
southeast, and thus on the same orientation as the semicircular structure shown in Lorichss drawing.57 Further evidence
is provided by the Vavassore view of Istanbul (see Figure 4)
on which, northwest of the Old Seragliopartially removed
to make way for the Sleymaniye mosquea semicircular,
arcaded structure, labeled Teatro, is shown. While tempting, the structure described by Schneider is not the theaterlike building in Lorichss drawing. A comparison of the
topography of the latter to aerial photography of the area
north of the Sleymaniye mosque suggests that it is situated
at an elevation close to that of the mosque, and possibly in the
vicinity of the terrace now occupied by the Botanical Institute, north of the tomb of the architect Sinan and immediately northwest of the Sleymaniye mosque. The open
ground northeast of the Institute slopes steeply down to Schneiders site of Kible Sokag , as is also shown on Lorichss
drawing. Lorichss and Schneiders theater-like buildings are
therefore different structures. Some relationship to the structure depicted by Vavassore remains a possibility. A semicircular structure may well have been interpreted as a theater by
the original artist, whose view Vavassore copied.58 However
Lorichss drawing shows a semicircular roofed structure enclosing an open space, more like a Late Antique apsidal street
portico, an exedra, rather than a fully roofed structure of an
odeon-type theater.
Below and to the right of the exedra is another plausibly
Byzantine structure, a linear portico (see Figure 14). The
eastern end of this structure is obscured by another building,
but a lower round-headed gateway is depicted at its western
end. If this gate were estimated at 2.5 to 3 meters, then the
portico, which appears to continue in ruinous form to the
right of the gateway, would have been of monumental size.
Perhaps it is a ruinous and obsolete porticoed wall, possibly
an enclosure, at the base of the slope up to the exedra. The
structure, if realistically shown, is unlikely to postdate late
antiquity, and can be plausibly ascribed to the Early Byzantine period. It might be a stretch of porticoed street (not the
Mese, given its location) ormore likely in view of the
gatewaya porticoed enclosure, either public or private.
Above and to the right of this portico, and right of the

exedra, there is a series of seven tall rectangles, resembling

the column shafts in the portico, perhaps a second, ruinous
portico on an east-west alignment. The intervening terrace
and/or slope implies that this is probably a structure separate
from the other two, unless the artist has duplicated the portico by mistake, as he did with the base of the Sehzade
mosque on sheet XI. Remains of similar portico structures
have been found in several locations in Istanbul. 59 Rather
than dismissing these as the artists fabrications, they are, at
the least, worthy of further study that would locate their
positions, based upon the pictorial evidence, in relation to
the present-day plan of Istanbul. In the computer-based
analysis described below, the locations of these structures
were tested.
Sheet XI: Further to the right of the panorama, the view
is interrupted by two figures in the foreground who stand on
a crenellated tower (detail, Figure 15). One, a middle-aged
turbaned man, clearly represented as Turkish, sits and holds
a jar of ink. His appearance recalls several of the figures from
daily life in Constantinople in Lorichss book Wolgerissene
und Geschnittenes Figuren zu Ro und Fu.60 The other figure,
an elegantly dressed young man, stands to his right and gestures toward the landscape that he contemplates. He is preparing a drawing and appears to look toward something lost
through damage to the sheet (a viewing grid?). One assumes
that this is the artist. There is a paradox here: Lorichss actual
observation point from which this section of the panorama
was made is behind his self-portrait, shown in the act of preparing his drawing. In this way, he is both subject and object,
inserted into the historical view as a protagonist and declared
as a witness to what he observes. The drawing is, in this rare
instance, clearly allegorical, rather than descriptive. Erik
Fischer has identified Lorichss pose as having been based
upon the woodcut representation of the Western Emperor
Charles V before Ingolstadt in 1546, made by Zwikopf in
1549 after Hans Mielach.61
Sheets XIXXI: The view proceeds to the right, past the
tower (thought by Mango, after Kurt Wulzinger, to be the
northwest tower of the Galata wallsViewing Point B)62 and
over roofscapes, the aqueduct and tower of Valens, the Column of Arcadius, Yedikule, the domes of the Pantokrator
monastery (see Figure 1 XII), and on to the hilly area of St.
Andrew, the Fatih Camii, the mosque of Mehmed II (the
Conqueror) (see Figure 1 XIII), on the site of the Church of
the Holy Apostles.63 This is the most accurate representation
of this important fifteenth-century Ottoman building, whose
original form has largely vanished today. Farther to the right,
the Selimiye mosque, built by Sultan Selim in 1522 (see Figure 1 XIV), lies within sight of the Theodosian land walls. In
the sky between these two mosques are recorded the names,

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Figure 15 Detail of the artist

overlooking Istanbul and the
Golden Horn, Panorama of
Istanbul, sheet XI

in Danish, of several churches on the skyline, a theater (the

Colisseo de Spiriti),64 and the Laulaca, referring to the Langa
(Theodosian) harbor on the Sea of Marmara.65 The last two
objects are hidden by the sites ridgeline. Nonetheless, they
are recorded as things that Lorichs knows either through
direct observation or through earlier representations, such
as the Buondelmonte maps (originally produced ca. 1422)
and the original of the so-called Vavassore map (ca. 1520).
Lorichs, of course, shows more concern for the actual appearance of things. Mango notes elsewhere that the Danish
artist made carefully rendered drawings of fragments of
Latin or Greek inscriptions, languages he probably could not
read.66 This suggests a desire to make a record of things as
they were: the city and its objects were treated as evidence.
It seems likely that Lorichs undertook a succession of
journeys on foot and on horseback, searching for vantage
points from where he could construct the semblance of a
seamless panorama. While many of these were apparently
located on the walls or towers of the settlement of Galata, the
locations differed from some of those that have been proposed by Mango and Wulzinger.67 The view extends along
the Golden Horn littoral, following the surviving or replaced
sections of the sea wall harbor. On the banks of the Golden
Horn appear various anonymous manufactories and farms,
waterfront boatyards and fishermens hutsthe everyday
existence of the ordinary inhabitants of the city (see Figure 1
76 j s a h

XIIXIX). A wide variety of structures can be seen on the

slopes running down toward the water, but Mango is unsure
of their accuracy. He argues: We may imagine that Lorichs
took care to represent faithfully the main landmarks and
then filled in conventionally the sea of houses, among
which are some unlikely-looking structures like rotundas,
pedimented porches, and what may be described as ziggurats.68 On the contrary, the panorama, like his other drawings of Constantinople, evinces a fascination with the
appearance of things as they exist, rather than a tendency
toward idealization or fantasy. The monumental ruined
building on sheet VI, for example, is not labeled by Lorichs,
but he has taken the trouble to delineate it in a realistic manner (detail, see Figure 12).
Representational inconsistencies, in particular the areas
at the edges of the sheets produced by perspectival distortion, or where areas viewed from different viewing points
have been joined together (such as, for example, the intersection between viewing points A & B) have been accommodated and adjusted to maintain the impression of a continuous
visual field.69 To achieve this, the artist appears to have tried
to suppress his subjective experience of space and time, recorded in the field drawings produced at different times and
from eight separate vantage points. Thus, the drawing appears continuous and without center. In this regard the selfportrait of Lorichs is too minor a pictorial incident to

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dominate the drawing. The continuity, lack of center, and

absence of an overall allegory suggest that the drawing is
based upon empirical observation. Unlike earlier representations of the city, Lorichss drawing seems to be indexicalits
elements are not expressed as overt symbols, but as figures
within a larger field. Yet the panorama is also imbued with
significance, because the city is drawn as the setting for a
diplomatic and personal encounter between West and East,
emblematized by the representations of imperial and ambassadorial barges. In the tradition of Northern German art, an
allegorical representation of the confrontation of the Western and Ottoman empires, is placed within a landscape of
everyday life. In this sense, the panorama lies at the threshold
of perception between the medieval world and modernity.70
Lorichss panorama, drawn at a time of a conflict between the
Holy Roman and Ottoman empires that threatened the existence of Western Europe, nevertheless constitutes the first
empirical observation of an Eastern city. Unlike earlier representations, the visible evidence of the city and its teeming
life is predominantly allowed to construct its own narrative,
unmediated by symbolic conventions. In contrast to the conventional representations in the view of Constantinople in
the Nuremburg Chronicle of Hartmann Schedel, and the
views of the city by Vavassore and Buondelmonte, Lorichss
panorama appears to be based upon direct observation.
The city presented to the viewer by Lorichs is almost
entirely Ottoman. This is perhaps surprising, given that little
more than a century had passed since the capture of the city,
and its Byzantine heritage was widely known in the West and
in the Ottoman world alike. But, on the other hand, according to the first-hand sixteenth-century accounts of both Busbecq and Gilles, that there were surprisingly few remains of
the Byzantine city to be seen. Busbecq wrote: In many
places there are remarkable remains of ancient monuments,
though one cannot help wondering why so few have survived.71 Despite the overwhelmingly Ottoman character of
the depiction of the city, the panorama is nonetheless a valuable source for the Byzantine urban past. Some of the anonymous structures depicted were probably Byzantine
buildings that had been re-used and remodeled in the Ottoman period, and the absence of other known structures from
the panorama may suggest that they had been demolished or
obscured by this time. Perhaps they had fallen into such abject ruin that they were judged unworthy of depiction or
could not be recognized by the artist.
It cannot be determined that Lorichs either drew all he
saw or saw all that he drew. However, while Ottoman structures predominate, Lorichs included many Byzantine features and text referring to known Byzantine structures or
ruins. He oftenperhaps even alwaysshowed important

Byzantine monuments where he knew of their existence.

Moreover, Lorichs exaggerated the scale of these, as in the
case of Hagia Sophia, or the columns of the Goths, Constantine, and Arcadius. This process of editing raises questions
about the accuracy of Lorichss depictions of the citys buildings, whether Ottoman or Byzantine, and about whether his
work can be legitimately termed a panorama, for panoramas
are characterized by an implied stationary observer, the eye
of the artist, pivoting around a fixed point like the rotating
lamp of a lighthouse. In a sense, they subordinate the viewed
city or landscape to the mechanism of viewing. The objectivity of such panoramas is only partial, as an accommodation
must be made between the images that compose the panorama in order for their lines to accommodate the inevitable
curvature of lines in panoramic space.
Panoramic representations have been analyzed within
the narrative of colonialism, because they seem to establish
a unitary social, cultural, political, and economic framework
that makes the depicted scene appear continuous.72 They are
typified and pioneered by the panorama of Edinburgh executed by Robert Barker (1796), in which the cityscape is
subordinated to one elevated view. Panoramic representations of Istanbul of this type include the panoramas by
Philipp Ferdinand von Gudenus (1741) which viewed the
city from the Swedish embassy, Robertson and Beatos panorama viewed from the Ottoman fire tower (ca. 1857), and
the great panorama exhibited at Londons Leicester Square
by Henry Aston Barker, the son of Robert Barker. Such images share the qualities of a stable point of visual control and,
in particular, a detachment between the artist and his subject.73 Lorichss panorama might resist such a characterization. The western ambassador Busbecqs journal of his time
in Constantinople (155462) makes evident his sense of confinement and sensory deprivation, and his limited access to
the Ottoman city and court.74 If one can trust Busbecqs elegantly constructed account, both Busbecq and his staff
spent much of their stay in partial confinement, prohibited
from moving freely through the city. He claimed to have
only achieved greater freedom toward the end of his stay in
the city, by which time Lorichs had departed. However, Lorichss panoramic drawing and his other depictions of the
city suggest that Busbecqs account may have been rhetorically biased. The view of Constantinople, drawn in 1559
from the vantage point of Galata, then (unlike its status in
the Late Byzantine period) entirely controlled by the Ottomans, could be undertaken only with the approval of the
Ottoman court, or otherwise as a furtive and potentially
dangerous exercise. It is not a Western imperialist view, although it certainly deploys Western techniques. It might
even be construed as partially reflecting an Ottoman view,

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if indeed the degree of control over how he could view the

city affected the composition of the panorama. However,
even if this were the case, the panorama probably cannot be
seen as a freeze-frame view of Ottoman reality, but as a
painstaking collection of moments and partial views recorded in field drawings and notes that have been assembled
into a whole: it is a pictorialization of successive recordings,
perhaps made over many days. If so, the considerable scholarly literature on the panoptical view loses its applicability.
What historical perspectives inform this image? In the
wake of the Ottoman capture of Constantinople, an event
that shook Western Europe, Venice and other cities attempted to reposition themselves as the centers of a Christian
renewal, as the other Romes.75 This role was eventually assumed by Vienna alone. Henceforth, the capital of the Holy
Roman Emperor was to be the sole claimant to the role of
Second Rome in the West, at least for a while. Thus, Constantinople, the former Second Rome, is thus shown in Lorichss depiction as having been submerged and erased by its
Ottoman conquerors. Its surviving Byzantine monuments are
depicted as sad relics.76 In contrast, the waterfront and foreground are filled with the teeming life of the new occupants.
Like Busbecq, Lorichs was keen to document the details of
this strange adversary which, for many Western Europeans,
was perceived to be an agent of the end of the world. Busbecqs own account of his time in the city, published posthumously in 1649, ended with a call for Western armies to fight
the Turks and to drive them out of Constantinople.77 This
political dimension of Western depictions of the fallen city of
Constantinople has been previously noted by Ian Manners in
discussing the significance and evolution of the Buondelmonte map of Constantinople, first published around 1480.78
In fact, the map that was to influence the depiction of
Constantinople for the next 250 years, the so-called Vavassore
aerial view of Istanbul, perhaps of ca. 1540, was highly distorting, eliding many of the major monuments of Ottoman Constantinople (see Figure 4). A number of spurious details fill
the cityscape. Manners adduces these omissions and additions
to suggest that the map is derivative of an earlier, pre- (or
immediately post-) conquest, map, although if so it is curious
that so few Byzantine structures are depicted. The title of this
map, Byzantivm sive Constantineopolis, appears to have been
re-used by Lorichs. Manners suggests that the source for the
Vavassore map was either the mapmaker Rosselli, who owned
a large map of Constantinople in six panels, or the Venetian
artist Gentile Bellini, who traveled to Constantinople in 1479
after a request by Mehmet II for a skillful painter.79 The
Vavassore map differs substantially from Lorichss map, in
depicting the city from a birds-eye vantage point that attempts to show the entire city in some detail in one view.80
78 j s a h

Lorichss drawing appears to lie outside this sixteenthcentury tradition of topographical depiction. Unlike the earlier Vavassore map, there is no attempt to show the entire city.
Instead, the drawing presents optical truths. However, it is
also a personal document, an autobiographical account of an
artists encounter with an intractable alien locality. Unlike the
Vavassore and earlier Buondelmonte maps, the drawing by
Lorichs is not an attempt to symbolize the city, nor to represent it as contested space. Indeed it is surprising that Lorichs,
a member of the embassy of the Holy Roman Emperor,
should not have suppressed the Turkish character of the city
and emphasized the survival of its Christian character. Instead, this appears to be a rare and scientific account of an
encounter of a perspicacious observer with a subject that was
too vast, and too intractable, to be represented in its totality.

Reconstructing Lorichss View

Lorichss panorama is not, as explained above, a 360-degree
construction like those that proliferated in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It may, however, if based
upon a viewing grid as suggested, be of substantial value as
topographical evidence. The question is whether it was constructed from a multitude of partial views taken from high
buildings,81 as Cyril Mango has claimed. Mango, following
Karl Wulzinger, argues that the first of the panoramas multiple viewpoints was the upper ramparts of the Tower of
Galata: In the case of Istanbul, the obvious vantage point
was and remains the Tower of Galata which, however, faces
the eastern extremity of the old city, while affording an
oblique and distant view of its further continuation and none
at all of the upper reaches of the Golden Horn. To remedy
this difficulty, according to Wulzinger, Lorichs chose no
fewer than eight positions, the first on the Tower of Galata,
the second on the northwest corner tower of the old Galata
walls, three at Tepebas, two in the Okmeydani and the last
in the Jewish cemetery above Hasky.82
Wulzingers planimetric analysis of Lorichss viewpoints
proposes that the Galata, or Christ tower was the first observation standpoint, labeled A on his accompanying map
(Figure 16). He notes, following Eugen Oberhummer, that
the view was recorded from multiple observation points, and
the sketches were synthetically composed to provide the effect of a continuous spatial panorama. According to Wulzinger, the viewing point A was used to view the arc from
Sleymans palace at Skutari around to Hagia Sophia (sheets
IV). The viewpoint from which Lorichs depicts himself on
sheet XI is proposed by Wulzinger to be the northernmost
(more correctly, the tower furthest to the northwest), of the
Pera defenses, labeled B, while, he argues, the detailed

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Figure 16 Diagram by Karl Wulzinger, showing his proposed viewing points for Lorichss panorama (redrawn by the authors)

drawings of landmarks on the skyline were made from the

Galata Tower.83 He interprets Lorichss statement on the
panorama, daa ortt / zu Gallatta / oder / Pera da ich /
Melchior / Lorichs / die Statt am / meisten (or den meisten)
theil der Statt / geconterfeit / habe / Anno 1559 (the location
at Galata or Pera, where I, Melchior Lorichs, drew most of the
city in the year 1559 as referring to this northwestern corner
In the lower section of sheet X, there is depicted a pyramid-roofed and battlemented square tower, with the inscription Hl. Antoni Portten, or St. Anthonys Port,
which Oberhummer associated with a ferry or ship mooring
(see Figures 1, 13).85 The altitude of the viewing point above
this tower does suggest that Wulzingers viewing point B was
elevated above the sea walls.
In order to test Wulzingers analysis, a digital model of
the terrain of Istanbul was constructed that positioned the
viewing point of the observer on the original ramparts of the
Tower of Galata, at a height of 99.2 meters above sea level.86
The view of the promontory of Istanbul southwest from this

observation point was then compared to the topography depicted in Lorichss panorama. In order to scale the drawing
to the panorama as viewed from the Tower of Galata, the
center point of the great dome of Hagia Sophia, and emberlitas, the Column of Constantine, were selected as key markers. Figure 17 shows the alignment of these landmarks;
Figure 18 provides the plan. Possible exaggerations by
Lorichs in the height of these monuments could, then, be
discounted. The outcome of this comparative modeling was
the observation of a discrepancy between the topography as
viewed from the vantage point of the top of the Galata tower
and that of Lorichss drawing (see Figure 3, Figures 19, 20).
Viewed from this vantage point, both photographs and our
digital reconstruction reveal a portion of the Sea of Marmara
meeting the horizon behind the headland of Seraglio Point
(Saray Burnu) in the area of Topkap Saray and the presentday Glhane Park. However, the Sea of Marmara is invisible
in Lorichss drawing, calling into question Wulzingers
conclusion, accepted by Mango, that Lorichss first viewing
position was at the summit of the Galata Tower.

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Figure 17 3-D diagram depicting

the comparative scaled overlay of
Lorichss Panorama and digital
model of Istanbul. See JSAH
online for animation comparing
the viewpoint from Galata Tower
and sea walls (authors)

Figure 18 Plan of Istanbul and Pera showing Wulzingers viewing points A and B and proposed alternative points, and locating points of Constantines Column (emberlitas) and central dome of Hagia Sophia for the first viewing point, and Sleymaniye and Sehzade mosques for the second
viewing point. Locations: 1. semicircular building; 2. northernmost colonnade; 3. western colonnade; 4. Sleymaniye Mosque; 5. Sehzade Mosque;
6. Constantines Column; 7. Hagia Sophia; 8. Christ TowerWulzinger viewing point A; 9. proposed viewing point A on Galata walls; 10. Wulzinger
viewing point B; 11. proposed viewing point B (authors)

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Figure 19 Comparison between view from the viewing platform of the Galata Tower, and digital model from same location and elevation, at
approximately 99 m above sea level (authors)

Figure 20 Comparison between Lorichss view of the Topkapi and Glhane region and digital model with viewing point at 15 m above sea level (authors)
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Empirical testing of viewing positions suggests that the

vantage point that best corresponds with the first viewing
location of Lorichss depiction is about 15 meters above sea
level, close to the water line of the Golden Horn and opposite a point between Hagia Sophia and Constantines Column. This suggests that Lorichs commenced his drawing by
standing on the walls (not the Christ Tower) of Galata, overlooking the Golden Horn. In the digital model, a viewpoint
about 15 meters above sea level and directly down from the
Galata Tower provided a view with a close visual correspondence with Lorichss panorama between sheets 1 and 9 (see
Figure 20).87 Wulzingers conclusion that the first viewing
point A, from which he proposed that the panoramic sheet
sectors of I to V were constructed, was the top of the Galata,
or Christ, Tower, is disproved.
The modeling also examined Wulzingers placement of
the second viewing point B, on the northwest tower of Pera,
which he associated with sheets VI to XII (see Figures 16, 18).
The model was adjusted to align with the center points of the
Sleymaniye and Sehzade mosques, and a range of possible
viewing points were tested. The greatest correspondence between the modeled image and Lorichss drawing occurs with
a camera point at a height of 45 to 50 meters above sea level,
at the position of a tower southwest of Wulzingers viewing
point B, or position 8 on Figure 18. The modeling also revealed that Lorichs had incorrectly drawn the minarets of the
Sleymaniye mosque, and had mistakenly duplicated the base
of the Sehzade mosque, causing it to be drawn too high. Sheet
XI was also found to have been misaligned with sheet X, further increasing the apparent height of this mosque. Digital
adjustment of these errors resulted in a close correspondence
of the landscape between the two mosques with our digital
model, when viewed from position 9.
Monuments in this section of the panorama that we
have analyzed in detail include the seemingly classical structures thought by Mango to be inventions of the artist, notably the two colonnaded portico structures and the exedral
structure, depicted high up on the slope on sheet X (see
Figure 14). Regardless of whether the viewpoint was taken
to be Wulzingers point B or the proposed point 9, the
model indicates that the exedra stood on the site of the Botanical Institute of Istanbul University, at a level of 42 meters above sea level, and that it was a building of between 35
and 45 meters in diameter (Figure 21).88 A similar method
was used to locate the northernmost portico at a height of
approximately 20 meters, which confirms the supposition
that it lay north of the exedra, and the western portico at a
height of approximately 35 meters. Their original ground
level would of course be several meters below these presentday levels.
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Testing has thus confirmed Wulzingers conclusion that

the construction of the panorama was based upon multiple
viewpoints and the closer observation of certain major landmarks. It has supplemented his analysis by supplying evidence
of the viewing heights of the artist, an aporia in Wulzingers
triangulation-based analysis.89 It has, however, cast into doubt
the locations of his primary viewing points A and B. The
model has also suggested that the drawing has sufficient accuracy to serve as a topographical source. A comparison of the
model with aerial photography of the area north of the Sleymaniye Mosque90 reveals an intriguing topographical similarity, where the terrace abuts the mosque compound on its
northwest corner, at an angle of perhaps 35 degrees further to
the north. Here stand the Botanical Institute and several small
mosques.91 North of the terrace is a wooded slope, now containing trees and horticultural beds, in a similar position to
the wooded slope in Lorichs view. Below the slope to the
north, and running northwest to southeast, is a narrow street,
Kepeneki Sabunhanesi Sokag, which has approximately the
same alignment as the Sleymaniye mosque. The exedra in
Lorichss view appears to splay away from the orientation of
the mosque compound like the modern terrace, while the
northern colonnaded portico below the slope appears to be
aligned with the aforementioned street. The western portico
corresponds with the area at the northern end of another
street, Hoa Gyasettin Sokag. Lorichs appears to have described a site topography that has not changed appreciably
since his visit. While the apparently antique structures that
he shows are not described in any geographically-specific
historical account,92 it is conceivable that these buildings,
not far from the second fork of the main thoroughfare of
Constantinople, the Mese, might be components of Early
Byzantine palaces or public buildings.93
Lorichss Panorama of Constantinople is a unique document
that provides an apparently empirical account of the appearance of the sixteenth-century city, viewed across the Golden
Horn from Pera. It appears to be designed to provide Western observers with an accurate representation of the city. His
insertion of his self-portrait in the view seems to declare his
intention to place himself at the scene of an historic engagement between East and West. Furthermore, the apparent
equal emphasis on Byzantine and Ottoman structures breaks
new ground, avoiding the symbolic representations of earlier
depictions, such as the Buondelmonte and Vavassore views.
The relative accuracy of the drawing is confirmed by
its close congruence with digital modeling of the city, when
viewed from heights corresponding to the Pera ramparts.
The artists desire for an accurate representation is furthermore suggested by the evidence of his other highly detailed

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Figure 21 Site in the vicinity of the Botanical Institute of Istanbul University near Fetva Yokusu Caddesi, Hoca Giyasettin, showing approximate locations of classical buildings in Lorichss panorama: 1. semicircular building; 2. northern colonnade; 3. western colonnade; 4. excavated remains of a
possible theater (cited by Alfons M. Schneider, Byzans [1936]) (authors)

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drawings of antiquities and scenes from daily life. This

panorama should form a useful basis for the topographical
reconstruction of the urban layout of both Byzantine and Ottoman Constantinople, supplementing the archaeological
surveys currently being undertaken. It may be possible to
identify in this depiction some Byzantine structures that are
otherwise either known only through archaeological records,
or of which no other visual record exists. It thus offers an
important addition to an understanding of the architecture
and topography of the Byzantine city, and perhaps the extent
to which it had already been largely eradicated by Lorichss
time. Lorichss testimony can be seen alongside that of his
contemporary Pierre Gilles (Petrus Gyllius), whose description of the visible remains of the Byzantine city in 154447 is
widely considered to represent the starting point for their
study. Lorichs deserves to share the credit for initiating the
archaeological recording of the Byzantine heritage of Istanbul.

1. In this paper we have based our study upon the recent facsimile edition
of the Lorichs drawing with accompanying commentary: C. Mango and S.
Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama of Constantinople (Istanbul: Ertug and
Kokabiyik, 1999).
2. Recent studies on the history of panoramas and visualization include:
Stephan Oettermann, The Panorama: History of a Mass Medium, trans. Deborah Lucas Schneider (New York: Zone Books, 1997). (Originally published
as Das Panorama: Die Gesichte eines Massenmediums [Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat, 1980]); Bernard Comment, The Panorama (London: Reaktion Books,
1999); Susan Buck-Morss, The Dialectics of Seeing (Cambridge: MIT Press,
1993); Jonathan Crary, Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in
the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge, Mass. and London: MIT Press, 1990).
3. David Leatherbarrow, Uncommon Ground: Architecture, Technology, and
Topography (Cambridge Mass. and London: MIT Press, 2000), 2. See also
John A. Pinto, Origins and Development of the Ichnographic City Plan,
JSAH 35, no. 1 (Mar. 1976), 3550, here 3637.
4. Terry Comito, The Idea of the Garden in the Renaissance (New Brunswick,
N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1978), 159.
5. Mehmet Aga-Oglu, The Fatih Mosque at Constantinople, Art Bulletin
12, no. 2 (June 1930), 17995. See also Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior
Lorichs Panorama, sheet 11.
6. In addition to the publication by Mango and Yerasimos (ibid.), other
studies of the Lorichs drawing include: Hans Harbeck, Melchior Lorichs: Ein
Beitrag zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts Inaugural Dissertation, University of Kiel (Hamburg: Niemann and Moschinski, 1911); Erik
Fischer, Melchior Lorck: Drawings from the Evelyn Collection at Stonor Park,
England, and from the Department of Prints and Drawings, the Royal Museum
of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, exh. cat. (Copenhagen: A. W. Henningsen, 1962);
Erik Fischer, Melchior Lorck: A Dane as Imperial Draughtsman in Constantinople in the 1550s, Kjeld von Folsach, Torben Lundbaek and Peder
Mortensen, eds., The Arabian Journey: Danish Connections with the Islamic
World over a Thousand Years (rhus: Moesgrd, 1996), 34, both cited in
Amanda Wunder, Western Travelers, Eastern Antiquities, and the Image
of the Turk in Early Modern Europe, Journal of Early Modern History 7, nos.
12 (Jan. 2003), 89119. Cecil Striker interprets the Lorichs view as an

84 j s a h

attempt to depict the city as it actually appeared to the eye, in contrast to

more literary representations. See: Cecil L. Striker, The Coliseo de Spiriti
in Constantinople, in Otto Feld and Urs Peschlow, eds., Studien zur sptantiken und byzantinischen Kunst (Bonn: Rmisch-Germanisches
Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut fr Vor- und Frhgeschichte, 1986)
1: 711, and note 5.
7. Lorichs was threatened with the loss of his noble status after failing to
return to Copenhagen as a court artist following his journey to Italy. See
Barnaby Rogerson, A Double Perspective and a Lost Rivalry: Ogier
Busbecq and Melchior Lorck in Istanbul, in Gerald M. Maclean, ed., ReOrienting the Renaissance: Cultural Exchanges with the East (Basingstoke
Hants.: Palgrave Macmillan, 1988), 90.
8. For discussion of the Vavassore map of Constantinople and its copies, see:
Rudolf H. W. Stichel, Das Coliseo de Spiriti in Konstantinopel: Ein Phantom
ein Beitrag zur Erklrung der Stadtansicht vom Vavassore-Typus, Istanbuler
Mitteilungen 51 (Tbingen: Ernst Wasmuth, 2001), 44559; Ian R. Manners,
Constructing the Image of a City: Christopher Buondelmontis Liber Insularum Archipelagi, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 87, no. 1
(1997), 72102; Albrecht Berger, Zur sogenannten Stadtansicht des Vavassore, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 44 (1994), 32955; Albrecht Berger, Zur
Topographie der Ufergegend am Goldenen Horn in der byzantinischen
Zeit Istanbuler Mitteilungen 45 (1995), 14965; and Striker, Coliseo de
Spiriti. For technical development and cultural meanings of maps around
the time of the Vavassore map, see: Margaret I. Fead, Notes on the Development of the Cartographic Representation of Cities, Geographical Review
23, no. 3 (1933), 44156; and Jrgen Schulz, Jacopo de Barbaris View of
Venice: Map Making, City Views, and Moralized Geography before the Year
1500, Art Bulletin 60 (1978), 42574.
9. Fischer argues that Lorichs was back in Vienna by 12 August 1560.
Fischer, Melchior Lorck, 23.
10. The self-representation of the artist shows Lorichs unrolling an already
continuous panorama. It is almost certain that in fact he completed single
sheets at a time, possibly preliminary sketches, which were then either transcribed in ink onto a final sheet, prior to the sheets being pasted together or
inked in this final state. The final panorama is of course made of separate
sheets pasted together. Perhaps Lorichs is showing the intended great woodcut that he never made.
11. See Alexandrine N. St. Clair, A Forgotten Record of Turkish Exotica,
Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 27, no. 9 (May 1969) 41123; Rogerson,
A Double Perspective, 8990.
12. Lorichs, in Algemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Knstler, ed. Hans Vollmer
et al. (Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1907) 23: 395.
13. Correspondence with the former archivist of the Evelyn collection at
Stonor Park, Miss Georgina Stonor, has revealed that the latter drawings
have been sold since the exhibition of works from Stonor Park and the
Copenhagen Prints and Drawings Royal Collection at the City Art Museum
Staats Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, in 1962, curated by Erik Fischer
and assisted by Stoner. The archived and unpublished papers of John Evelyn, including those pertaining to the collection, are housed in the British
Library. The authors are grateful to Miss Stoner for her help on this matter.
14. See A. Rosenberg, Melchior Lorch, in Augustus H. Keane, trans., The
Early Teutonic, Italian and French Masters (London: Chatto and Windus
1880), 177.
15. Melchior Lorck (Lorichs), Christ and Samaritan, ca. 155076, cat. 17926,
Museumsberg Flensburg Stdtische Museen und Sammlungen fr den Landesteil Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
16. Melchior Lorck (Lorichs), Saint Jerome, inscribed on plate: ML 1546,
cat. 18231, Museumsberg Flensburg Stdtische Museen und Sammlungen
fr den Landesteil Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

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17. See, for example, Fishermans House at St. Johannis (1495/6) and Landscape
with an Alpine Pool (1497), both in the British Museum, but perhaps most
powerfully, Drers Large Piece of Turf (1503), in which a formerly disregarded subject, a tuft of a common thicket, is explored as an equally valid
subject of study. The everyday material is given value as a meaningful and
valid subject of study. The stuff of everyday is conceived as an equally valid
window into the realm of significance.
18. Rogerson, A Double Perspective, 8895.
19. Melchior Lorck (Lorichs), Portrait of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, plate
HOLSATVS. F. Deo conseruatore duce. CONSTANTINOP. SEPT.
CALEND. OCTOB ANNO 1557, with monogram MLF (Melchior Lorck
Flensburg, cat. 10306, Museumsberg Flensburg Stdtische Museen und
Sammlungen fr den Landesteil Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
20. See drawings of Sleyman II, cat. 11955 (the Sultan shown standing,
with an elephant and his Sleymaniye mosque in background, a print of
1574, thought to be based upon a drawing of 1559), and cat. 11589 (Portrait
bust of Sleyman II), Museumsberg Flensburg Stdtische Museen und Sammlungen fr den Landesteil Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; Lorichs, in
Algemeines Lexikon, 23: 395.
21. Melchior Lorck (Lorichs), View over Roofs toward the Arcadius Column in
Constantinople, ca. 1559, pen and black ink, 208 326 mm, cat. KKSgb4625,
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark; Mango, introduction,
in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 4.
22. Melchior Lorichs, Soldan Soleyman Turkischen Khaysers . . . whare und
eigendtliche contrafectung und bildtnuss (Antwerp, 1574).
23. Melchior Lorichs, De Weitbermbten, Kunstreichen vnd Wolerfahrnen
Herrn Melchior Lorichs Flensburgensis Wolgerissene und Geschnittenes Figuren
zu Ro und Fu, sampt schnen Trckischen Gebwden und allerhand was in der
Turkey zu sehen. Alles nach dem Leben und der Perspectivae Jedermann von Augen
gestellet (Hamburg: Herint, 1619).
24. For discussion of Lorichss sourcebook, see: Fischer, Melchior Lorck,1962,
cat. no. 11; Christopher Fischer, Melchior Lorck in Turkey (Copenhagen:
Royal Museum of Fine Arts, 1990); Christopher Fischer: A Sight for Sore
Eyes: 53 Master Drawings from the Department of Prints and Drawings, Copenhagen: The Royal Museum of Fine Arts, 1993); Birgitte von Folsach, I
halvmnens skr: eksempler p skildringer af Den Nre Orient i dansk kunst og
litteratur omkring 18001875 (Copenhagen: Davids Samling, 1996), cat. no.
1; Kjeld von Folsach, Den arabiske rejse: Danske forbindelser med den islamiske
verden gennem 1000 r Copenhagen: Davids Samling,1996), 3144, 35; Walter B. Denny, Orientalism in European Art, The Muslim World 73, nos.
34 (Oct. 1983), 262; On Lorichs life, see See Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Knstler, ed. Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker (Leipzig: E. A.
Seemann, 1909), 23: 395.
25. Manners, Constructing the Image of a City, 72102, fig. 7, a 1465 copy
of the original Buondelmonte map.
26. See Hartmann Schedel. Register des Buchs der Croniken und Geschichten
mit Figuren und Pildnussen von Anbeginn der Welt bis auf dise unnsere Zeit
durch Georgium Alten . . . . in diss teutsch gebracht (Munich: Klbl, 1975);
Adrian Wilson, The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle (Amsterdam: Nico
Israel, 1977); Hartmann Schedel, Chronicle of the World: The Complete and
Annotated Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493, intro. and appendix by Stephan
Fssel (Cologne and London: Taschen, 2001). For an evaluation of the
value of this and other representations of Istanbul as evidence for the
buildings and structures of Constantinople, see Jonathan Bardill and
Albrecht Berger, The Representations of Constantinople in Hartmann
Schedels World Chronicle, and Related Pictures, Byzantine and Modern
Greek Studies 22 (1998), 237.

27. The possibility that the Schedel image was based on a pre-conquest print
cannot be discounted, and these imperial Byzantine emblems may have
remained in situ after the conquest, as similar sculpture does today on the
land walls, but the apparent intent of the image, based on the lack of Ottoman features, would seem to be to convey a Christian character to the city.
28. W. Denny, A Sixteenth-Century Architectural Plan of Istanbul, Ars
Orientalis 8 (1970), 4963. Al- Matraks representation was one of a series
of city plans describing the halting places visited by the host of Sleyman
during its campaign in Iraq in 153537. Dennys article compares this plan
with details visible in the Lorichs panorama. See also Dominique Halbout
Du Tanney, Istanbul Seen by Matrak and the Miniatures of the 16th Century

Yaynlar, 1996).
29. Manners, Constructing the Image of a City, 9495.
30. Busbecq also emphasized the stature of Sleyman in his Turkish Letters
of 1633. See Edward S. Forster, trans., The Turkish Letters of Ogier Ghiselin
de Busbecq: Imperial Ambassador at Constantinople 15541562 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968).
31. Melchior Lorichs, Soldan Soleyman Turkischen Kaysers. . .. . . whare und
eigendtliche contrafectung und bildtnuss (Antwerp, 1574), cited by Mango
Commentary, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 4.
32. Jacopo deBarbero, Veduta prospettica di Venezia, Venice, ca. 1500, wood
engraving printed on six sheets 134.5 282 cm, first state: Venice, Naval
Historical Museum (with pen amendments), Venice, Correr Museum
Library, cl. XLI n. 57; second state: Venice, Correr Museum Library, cl.
XLIV n. 56. See also Jrgen Schultz, Jacopo deBarberis view of Venice,
Map Making, City Views, and Moralized Geography before the Year 1500,
The Art Bulletin, 40 (1978) 42574.
33. Manners, Constructing the Image of a City, 75.
34. See Hans Lautensack, View of Nuremberg from the West, 1552, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Rosenwald Collection; Bernhard von Breydenbach, Peregrination in Terram Sanctum (Mainz: Erhard Reuwich, 1486); copy
held in Smithsonian Museum. For Bernhard von Breydenbachs views, see
James Elliot, The City in Maps: Urban Mapping to 1900 (London: British
Library 1987).
35. Mango, introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Lorichs Panorama, 5.
36. Lorenzetti brothers, Allegory of Good and Bad Government, 133840, Palazzo
Pubblico, Siena. See Web Gallery of Art,
html/l/lorenzet/ambrogio/governme/index.html (accessed 1 June 2009).
37. Psalter fragment (The Hague, KB, 76 F 5), courtesy of the Medieval
Illuminated Manuscripts Project. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, reproduced by
Jewish National and University Library and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (accessed June 21,
38. Denise M. Doyle, Ancient Symbolism and Theological Geography:
The Image of the Enthroned Christ in the Book of Kells, Journal of the
Australian Early Mediaeval Association 3 (2007), 137.
39. Albrecht Drer, Draftsman with Reclining Woman, 75 x 215 mm (Etching
appeared in third edition, Underweysung der Messung mit dem Zirckel un Richtscheyt in Linien unnd Gantzen Corporen, durch Albrecht Drer zusammen gezogen und zu Nutz allen Kunstliebhabenden mit zugehrigen Figuren in Truck
gebracht im Jar MDXXV, Nuremberg, 1538, otherwise known as Art of Measurement), in Wolfgang Htt, Albrecht Drer 1471 bis 1528: Das gesamte graphische Werk Druckgraphik (Munich: Rogner & Bernhard, 1971), 2: 1460.
40. This discussion of the relativity pertaining to the construction of
Lorichss panorama touches on the larger question of the subjectivity or
objectivity of perspectival representations. The concept of perspective as a
symbolic representation of reality was developed by Panofsky. See Erwin
Panofsky, Perspective as Symbolic Form, trans. Christopher S. Wood (Cambridge, Mass.: Zone Books, 1991). A recent critique of Panofskys argument

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is given in Hubert Damisch, The Origin of Perspective trans. John Goodman

(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1994). See also Keith P. F. Moxey, Perspective, Panofsky, and the Philosophy of History, New Literary History 26, no.
4(1995), 77586; and Joel Snyder, Perspective as Symbolic Form (book
review), Art Bulletin 77, no. 2 (June 1995), 337 ff.
41. Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichss Panorama; Eugen Oberhummer, Konstantinopel unter Sultan Suleiman dem Grossen: aufgenommen im Jahre
1559 durch Melchior Lorichs (Munich: R. Oldenbourg,1902).
42. Mango, introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 6.
43. Strangely, this event of the sea excursion of the Sultan and ambassadors
does not figure in Busbecqs Turkish Letters. There are only two sea voyages
mentionedfor example Busbecq traveled to Bykada in the Princes
Islands during an outbreak of plaguebut neither voyage involved the sultan. Did Busbecq seek to cast his treatment in Istanbul in as poor a light as
possible? See Forster, The Turkish Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq.
44. Dark and Harris have recently proposed that the high ground of the
Topkap Saray corresponds with the former Forum of Leo I, constructed in
471. See Kenneth R. Dark and Anthea Harris, The Last Roman Forum:
The Forum of Leo in Fifth-Century Constantinople, Greek, Roman, and
Byzantine Studies 48 (2008) 5769.
45. C. Mango and S. Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 9: The second
[building immediately to the right of Hagia Sophia] is a Byzantine church,
its dome propped up by flying buttresses. It is almost certainly the church
of Christ Chalkites, converted by the Turks into a menagerie. From a viewpoint to the west of the Pera ramparts, the position of the church of Christ
Chalkites, its structure in existence (as Arslanhane, or lion house) would
have been clearly visible if it were located in accordance with Mangos suggested position. See Cyril Mango, The Brazen House (Copenhagen: i
kommission hos Ejnar Munksgaard 1959).
46. Nigel B. Westbrook and Rene van Meeuwen, The Freshfield Folio view
of the Hippodrome in Istanbul and the Church of St. John Diippion, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians
Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ), 2007. Other, less likely candidates for
the identity of the building include the ruins of the Palace of Antiochus, the
centralized audience chamber of which was later transformed into the Church
of St. Euphemia, or those of the old library and law courts, perhaps in the
vicinity of the view, but probably vanished by the time of the drawing.
47. On Manuels relations with Italian city-states and their trading entrepts,
see Gerald W. Day, Manuel and the Genoese: A Reappraisal of Byzantine
Commercial Policy in the Late Twelfth Century, Journal of Economic History
37, no. 2 (June 1977), 289301; for a reference to the Latin quarters of the
city and an account of the desertion and abandonment of urban fabric during the Latin occupation of Constantinople, see David Jacoby, The Urban
Evolution of Latin Constantinople, in Nevra Necipog lu, ed., Byzantine
Constantinople: Monuments, Topography, and Everyday Life (Leiden, Boston,
Cologne: Brill, 2001), 27797.
48. The unknown ruined structure is in the vicinity of the Neorion, west of
the Strategion. It appears to correspond to either a site south of the area that
Magdalino has designated the Genoese Quarter, south of the Neorion Harbor, or nearby to the west, near the Neorion Gate, where he locates the Pisan
and Amalfian quarters. Magdalino locates the Genoese quarter in the vicinity
of the Monastery of the Ex-logothete. This monastery is noted as having
supplied several properties for the Genoese. See Paul Magdalino, Studies on
the History and Topography of Byzantine Constantinople, I, 91 and map, I: 2.
49. The ruins of the han that housed the Imperial Ambassador are depicted
in Canon C. G. Curtis, Broken Bits of Byzantium, Part 2: Within the City: the
Land Walls, 1891, fig. 28. Here the building appears to have been palatial in
its scale. Again the operative narrative of Busbecq needs to be considered.

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50. Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 10.

51. Ibid.
52. The Esk Saray occupied approximately the present location of Istanbul
53. Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 10.
54. Ibid., 11.
55. See Jonathan Bardill, The Palace of Lausus and Nearby Monuments
in Constantinople: A Topographical Study, American Journal of Archaeology
101, no. 1 ( Jan., 1997) 6795.
56. Robert Demangel and Ernst Mamboury, Le Quartier des Manganes et la
Premire Rgion de Constantinople (Paris: E. de Boccard, 1939), plates I, XII.
57. See Alfons Maria Schneider, Byzanz: Vorarbeiten zur Topographie und
Archologie der Stadt (Berlin, 1936) (Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967), 93 and
plate 9.
58. Manners suggests that the source for Vavassores image was a drawing by
Gentile Bellini (who stayed in Istanbul in 147980), transmitted through its
reproduction in a now lost woodcut by the Florentine printmaker Francesco
Rosselli. See Manners, Constructing the Image of a City, 9394, note 29.
59. Schneider, Byzanz, 9192, figs. 45, 46.
60. M. Lorichs (Lorck), Wolgerissene und Geschnittenes Figuren zu Ro und
Fu (1619). Mango notes that Rembrandt possessed a copy of this book, and
may have used its illustrations on which to base his Eastern or Biblical
figures. See Mango, introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs
Panorama, 5.
61. Fischer, Melchior Lorck, 1962, 2425.
62. Mango, Introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 5. Mango is referring to Karl Wulzinger, Melchior Lorichs Ansicht
von Konstantinopel als topographische Quelle, in Theodor Menzel, ed.,
Festschrift Georg Jacob (Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1932), 35568.
63. Recent evidence shows that the Fatih Camii reused walls of the famous
church. See Kenneth Dark and Ferudun zgms, New Evidence for the
Byzantine Church of the Holy Apostles from Fatih Camii, Istanbul, Oxford
Journal of Archaeology 21, no. 4 (Nov. 2002), 393413.
64. For discussion of this structure, see Rudolf Stichel, Das Coliseo de Spiriti in Konstantinopel, (2001). Stichel doubts the existence of this structure,
arguing that the caption is an erroneous combination of Colossus, referring
to a popular name for the obelisk of Theodosius in the Hippodrome, and de
Spiriti, referring to the district in the vicinity of the Amastrianon that served
as a site for executions. He argues that the depicted structure is a doubling of
the Sphendone of the Hippodrome, explaining these errors as a product of
the Vavassore view having been imperfectly copied from another source, possibly a six-paneled woodcut made by the Florentine artist and printer Francesco Rosselli, which in turn may have derived from an original source,
possibly by the Venetian artist Gentile Bellini, who was commissioned by
Sultan Mehmed II to prepare a series of paintings, including his portrait, and
was present in Istanbul from 1479 to 1481. A differing interpretation is given
by Striker, Coliseo de Spiriti, who argues for it being the remains of a Theodosian hippodrome in the vicinity of the Forum of Amastrianos. Striker
dismisses as implausible the attribution in Berger, Zur sogenannten Stadtansicht des Vavassore, of the structure as the Myrelaion Palace.
65. Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 13. See also Oberhummer, Konstantinopel unter Sultan Suleiman dem Grossen, for translations
of Lorichs Danish inscriptions.
66. Mango, introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 5. See also Lorichss drawing of a sarcophagus in Constantinople,
cat. KKSgb5465, labeled as possibly of 1563, Staten Museum for Kunst,
67. Mango, introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama,
5. citing Wulzinger, Melchior Lorichs Ansicht von Konstantinopel (1932), 35568.

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68. Mango, introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 6.

69. Wulzinger notes that the sheets from X to XXI presented difficulties
caused by foreshortening, and deep recesses in the topography, necessitating
multiple viewpoints to enable adequate description of the successive areas.
See Wulzinger, Melchior Lorichs Ansicht von Konstantinopel, 35960.
70. For a discussion of the origins of modernity in European architectural
and artistic culture, see: Joseph Rykwert, The First Moderns (Cambridge
Mass: MIT Press, 1980).
71. See Pierre Gilles, The Antiquities of Constantinople, John Ball, trans. Ronald G. Musto (introduction and bibliography) (New York: Italica Press, 2nd
ed., 1988); Kimberly Byrd, trans., Pierre Gilles Constantinople (New York:
Italica Press, 2008); Edward S. Forster, trans., The Turkish Letters of Ogier
Ghiselin de Busbecq (Oxford: Oxford University Press,1968) 3637.
72. See, for example, Karen Burns, Of Genre, Panoramas and J. N. L.
Durand, in John Macarthur, ed., Knowledge and/or/of Experience (Brisbane:
Institute of Modern Art, 1993).
73. On this subject of the eighteenth- to nineteenth-century panorama, see
Reinhold Schiffer, Oriental Panorama: British Travellers in the 19th Century
(Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft 33) (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 1999), 147.
74. Lorichss view over rooftops toward the column of Arcadius, viewed
from the El han, may well have been executed during this period of confinement.
75. Manfredo Tafuri, La Nuova Costantinopoli. La rappresentazione
della renovatio nella Venezia dellUmanesimo (14501509), Rassegna 3,
no. 9 (1982), 2561.
76. The term is taken (anachronistically) from Byron: Fair Greece! sad relic
of departed worth! /Immortal, though no more! though fallen, great! (Lord
Byron, Childe Harolds Pilgrimage 2.73).
77. Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Ambassades et voyages en Turquie et Amasie de
M. Busbequius (Paris: Pierre David, 1646) (BML 319577), cited by Frdrique Hauville et al., Le Voyage de Constantinople (Paris: cole Suprieure des
Sciences de lInformation et des Bibliothques, 2003).
78. Manners, Constructing the Image of a City, 77.
79. Ibid., 93.
80. Ibid., 9195.
81. Mango, introduction, in Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama, 3.
82. Wulzinger, Melchior Lorichs Ansicht von Konstantinopel, (1932), see
83. Ibid., 359.
84. Ibid., 358.
85. Oberhummer, Konstantinopel unter Sultan Soleiman dem Grossen, 1902, 13.
86. Photoshop CS3 was used to compile different data sets of environmental information for diachronic comparison, using satellite-derived mapping
as a basis, and both archaeological and historical documents as layers at the
same scale. In order to carry out a comparative analysis, we modeled the
Istanbul littoral terrain and major landmarks, notably Hagia Sophia, Constantines Column, and the Sehzade and Sleymaniye mosques using Autocad
Release 2008 software. In order to use camera-matching techniques, the data
was imported into 3D Studio Max, Release 2008. This enabled a comparison

between the digitized panorama of Lorichs and the 1:1 digital terrain of
Istanbul and the monuments, through a theoretically precise digital camera,
which could be maneuvered to find accurate best-case scenarios of likely
positioning and focal length of parts of the panorama as viewed by Lorichs.
Premier Pro CS3 was used to compile Lorichs panorama as the background
and animated versions of the terrain in the foreground, in order to test visual
correspondence and therefore find best-case scenarios.
The height of 99.2 meters above sea level is a calculation based upon the
46-meter contour adjacent to the tower on Mller-Wieners plan of Pera,
321 and fig. 370, and the height of the ramparts below the conical roof
(51.65 meters). Assuming eye height of 1.55 meters, the viewing point would
be approximately 99.2 meters See Wolfgang Mller-Wiener, Bildlexikon zur
Topographie Istanbuls (Tbingen: Wasmuth, 1977), 32023.
87. The sheet numbering follows that given by Mango and Yerasimos, Melchior Lorichs Panorama.
88. Several working assumptions were used for the reconstruction of the
theater. Based upon the deduction that there were 14 bays in the structure,
we estimated the diameter of the structure as between 35 and 45 meters,
assuming a bay size of 4 to 5 meters between the masonry piers depicted in
the Panorama. Regardless of the size of the structure, its position was clearly
located. Known examples in Istanbul of this building type have widely divergent dimensions: Semicircular portico of the Palace of Antiochos (width
about 77 meters), semicircular portico of the seven-apsed triclinium north
of the Palace of Antiochos (width about 47 meters), and curved portico in
Glhane Park (25 meters). In addition there were larger urban examples of
the semicircular porticoes, or sigma. On this form as public monument, see
Marlia Mundell Mango, The Porticoed Street at Constantinople, in
Nevra Necipoglu, ed., Byzantine Constantinople: Monuments, Topography and
Everyday Life (Leiden: Brill, 2001), 2951, here 3337. She discusses a sixthcentury sigma-shaped portico at Scythopolis, incorporating shops, which
has a diameter of approximately 50 meters (fig. 3a).
89. For his working method, see: Wulzinger, Melchior Lorichs Ansicht
von Konstantinopel, (1932) 358, note 1.
90. The Istanbul Municipality provides zoomable aerial map and photographs
of the site at
(accessed 17 Dec. 2008). See also fig. 562 in Mller-Wiener, Bildlexikon (1977)
showing one of the small mosques splaying away from the orientation of the
Sleymaniye complex.
91. Mller-Wiener lists the following structures on the site: Cankurturan
(or Ktib Semsttin) mosque,Bb--Fetva, and Ag a kaps mosque. See
Mller-Wiener, Bildlexikon, 1977, map, E5.
92. As noted above, the semicircular structure is unlikely to correspond to
the ruins described in Schneider Byzans, 93 no. 13, and drawn in Vavassores
view of Istanbul (see n. 49).
93. See Paul Magdalino, Aristocratic Oikoi in the Tenth and Eleventh
Regions of Constantinople, Nevra Necipoglu, ed. Byzantine Constantinople
(Leiden: Brill, 2001), 5369. It should be noted that Magdalino places the palatial residences of the Augusta Placidia, the Augusta Eudocia, and the Nobilissima Arcadia close to the Mese, or main Byzantine road on the ridge of
the hill, and south of the still-extant Aqueduct of Valens. The structures in
Lorichss view are depicted northwest of the Sleymaniye mosque, thus
down the hill, and on the slope overlooking the Golden Horn.

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