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Dr. William Edwards Deming (1900-1993)

Dr. Deming made it his mission to spread the gospel of quality control and quality
management. He encouraged top level management to get involved in the process of
creating an environment that supports the concepts of total quality and continuous
As the sun rose on the 20th century, a baby was born to the Deming family in a
small town in Iowa. W. Edwards Deming would become a colossus of modern
management thinking. He would live through most of the century, and have a
tremendous impact on its second half.
The Deming's moved from Iowa to Wyoming, and in 1917, Edwards entered the
University of Wyoming. To fund his education, he worked as a janitor. He graduated in
1921, and went on to the University of Colorado, where he received a M.S. in physics and
mathematics. This led towards a doctorate in physics from Yale University.
From physics, Dr. Deming gravitated towards statistics. The U.S. Census Bureau
hired Dr. Deming in 1940, just at the time that the Bureau shifted its procedure from a
complete count to a sampling method.
Upon completion of the 1940 census, Deming began to introduce Statistical Quality
Control into industrial operations.
In 1941, he and two other experts began teaching Statistical Quality Control to
inspectors and engineers.
Dr. Deming started his own private practice in 1946, after his departure from the
Census Bureau.
For more than forty years his firm served its clientele--manufacturers, telephone
companies, railways, trucking companies, census takers, hospitals, governments, and
research organizations.
As a professor emeritus, Dr. Deming conducted classes on sampling and quality
control at New York University. For over ten years, his four-day seminars reached 10, 000
people per year.
Stateside, the American Society for Quality Control awarded him the Shewhart
Medal in 1956. In 1983, Dr. Deming received the Samuel S. Wilks Award from the
American Statistical Association and election to the National Academy of Engineering.
President Reagan honoured him with the National Medal of Technology in 1987,
and, in 1988, the National Academy of Sciences lauded him with the Distinguished
Career in Science award.

He was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in 1991.

Who is Dr. W. Edwards Deming?

Dr. W. Edwards Deming is known as the father of the Japanese post-war industrial revival
and was regarded by many as the leading quality guru in the United States.
He passed on in 1993.
"We have learned to live in a world of mistakes and defective products as if they were
necessary to life. It is time to adopt a new philosophy in America. Dr. W. Edwards
Deming (1900 - 1993)
Trained as a statistician, his expertise was used during World War II to assist the United
States in its effort to improve the quality of war materials.
Dr. Deming based his new business philosophy on an ideal of cooperation.
In order to fulfil its own potential, a company must harness the power of every
worker in its employment; for that reason, the third point bars shoddy workmanship,
poor service, and negative attitudes from the company.
Theory of Profound Knowledge
In order to promote cooperation, Deming espouses his Theory of Profound
Profound knowledge involves expanded views and an understanding of the
seemingly individual yet truly interdependent elements that compose the larger system,
the company.
Deming believed that every worker has nearly unlimited potential if placed in an
environment that adequately supports, educates, and nurtures senses of pride and
responsibility; he stated that the majority--85 percent--of a worker's effectiveness is
determined by his environment and only minimally by his own skill.
He was invited to Japan at the end of World War II by Japanese industrial leaders
and engineers.
They asked Dr. Deming how long it would take to shift the perception of the world
from the existing paradigm that Japan produced cheap, shoddy imitations to one of
producing innovative quality products.
Dr. Deming told the group that if they would follow his directions, they could
achieve the desired outcome in five years.

Few of the leaders believed him. But they were ashamed to say so and would be
embarrassed if they failed to follow his suggestions.
As Dr. Deming told it, "They surprised me and did it in four years."
He was invited back to Japan time after time where he became a revered
For his efforts he was awarded the Second Order of the Sacred Treasure by the
former Emperor Hirohito.
Japanese scientists and engineers named the famed Deming Prize after him. It is
bestowed on organizations that apply and achieve stringent quality-performance criteria.
Deming's business philosophy is summarized in his famous "14 Points," .
These points have inspired significant changes among a number of leading US
companies striving to compete in the world's increasingly competitive environment.
But the 14 Points pose a challenge for many firms to figure out how to apply them
in a meaningful way that will result in continual improvement.
Leadership Institute has developed powerful processes for coaching executive
teams, and eventually their entire organizations, to begin accomplishing what Deming
referred to as "the transformation."
His work is outlined in two books: Out of the Crisis and The New Economics, in
which he spells out his System of Profound Knowledge.
What are Dr. Demings 14 Points?
1. Constancy of purpose
Create constancy of purpose for continual improvement of products and service to
society, allocating resources to provide for long range needs rather than only short term
profitability, with a plan to become competitive, to stay in business, and to provide jobs.
2. The new philosophy
We are in a new economic age, created in Japan. We can no longer live with
commonly accepted levels of delays, mistakes, defective materials, and defective
Transformation of Western management style is necessary to halt the continued
decline of business and industry.
3. Cease dependence on mass inspection

Eliminate the need for mass inspection as the way of life to achieve quality by
building quality into the product in the first place. Require statistical evidence of built in
quality in both manufacturing and purchasing functions.
4. End lowest tender contracts
End the practice of awarding business solely on the basis of price tag.
Instead require meaningful measures of quality along with price.
Reduce the number of suppliers for the same item by eliminating those that do not
qualify with statistical and other evidence of quality.
The aim is to minimize total cost, not merely initial cost, by minimizing variation.
This may be achieved by moving toward a single supplier for any one item, on a
long term relationship of loyalty and trust.
Purchasing managers have a new job, and must learn it.
5. Improve every process
Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production, and service.
Search continually for problems in order to improve every activity in the company,
to improve quality and productivity, and thus to constantly decrease costs. Institute
innovation and constant improvement of product, service, and process.
It is management's job to work continually on the system (design, incoming
materials, maintenance, improvement of machines, supervision, training, retraining).
6 . Institute training on the job
Institute modern methods of training on the job for all, including management, to
make better use of every employee. New skills are required to keep up with changes in
materials, methods, product and service design, machinery, techniques, and service.
7. Institute leadership
Adopt and institute leadership aimed at helping people do a better job.
The responsibility of managers and supervisors must be changed from sheer
numbers to quality. Improvement of quality will automatically improve productivity.
Management must ensure that immediate action is taken on reports of inherited
defects, maintenance requirements, poor tools, fuzzy operational definitions, and all
conditions detrimental to quality.
8. Drive out fear

Encourage effective two way communication and other means to drive out fear
throughout the organization so that everybody may work effectively and more
productively for the company.
9. Break down barriers
Break down barriers between departments and staff areas.
People in different areas, such as Leasing, Maintenance, Administration, must work
in teams to tackle problems that may be encountered with products or service.
10. Eliminate exhortations
Eliminate the use of slogans, posters and exhortations for the work force,
demanding Zero Defects and new levels of productivity, without providing methods.
Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships; the bulk of the causes of
low quality and low productivity belong to the system, and thus lie beyond the power of
the work force.
11. Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets
Eliminate work standards that prescribe quotas for the work force and numerical
goals for people in management.
Substitute aids and helpful leadership in order to achieve continual improvement of
quality and productivity.
12. Permit pride of workmanship
Remove the barriers that rob hourly workers, and people in management, of their
right to pride of workmanship.
This implies, among other things, abolition of the annual merit rating (appraisal of
performance) and of Management by Objective. Again, the responsibility of managers,
supervisors, foremen must be changed from sheer numbers to quality.
13 .Encourage education
Institute a vigorous program of education, and encourage self improvement for
everyone. What an organization needs is not just good people; it needs people that are
improving with education. Advances in competitive position will have their roots in
14. Top management commitment and action
Clearly define top management's permanent commitment to ever improving
quality and productivity, and their obligation to implement all of these principles.

Indeed, it is not enough that top management commit themselves for life to quality
and productivity.
They must know what it is that they are committed tothat is, what they must do.
Create a structure in top management that will push every day on the preceding 13
Points, and take action in order to accomplish the transformation.
Support is not enough: action is required!

Deming Cycle
When tackling quality problems, Dr. Deming encouraged the use of the Deming
The PDSA is a systematic approach to problem solving. Users of the cycle study a
problem and plan a solution (Plan).
This should be the portion of the cycle that receives the most attention since good plans
lead to well-thought-out solutions.
The solution is then tried (Do).
The results are then gathered and studied (Study).
Finally, when the root cause of the problem has been found and solved, the
changes are made permanent.
If the problem has not been resolved, a quick trip to the Plan portion of the cycle
for further investigation into the problem should be undertaken.

As evidenced by his fourteenth point, Dr. Demings quality program is really an
ongoing process of improvement.
To him, quality must be continually monitored, improved, and maintained in order
to provide world-class products and services.


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