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Republic of the Philippines

City of Naga
UNC College of Law Practicum
General Guidelines:
1 Each student must be able to complete the requirements as contained in this syllabus.
2 Each student is required to under go an orientation seminar to generally guide them on the
workings of this office in accordance the rules of criminal procedure.
3 Each student shall be assigned to a particular prosecutor who shall act as their mentor and
to whom they shall directly report and submit their output. Such mentor shall also be
responsible in evaluating their performance.
Specific Guidelines:
1 Students will be divided into groups and shall be assigned to observe and assist in filing,
receiving, subscribing, raffle and assignment of cases.
At the end of the week, students shall submit to their prosecutor/mentor a record of
their observation.
2 For case under summary investigation, the students are required to read the relevant law.
Each student shall be provided a sample case which should be studied and resolved.
Such resolution shall be submitted to his prosecutor/mentor.
3 For cases requiring a regular preliminary investigation, the students are required to read
the relevant law. Each student shall be provided a sample case which should be studied and
resolved thereafter he/she shall draft an Information and Resolution which will be submitted to
his prosecutor/mentor.
4 Students shall be allowed to observe in an any clarificatory conference conducted by the
prosecutor/mentor in aid of the preliminary investigation.
In cases involving women and children, the students are required to study the relevant
law, i.e., R.A. 7610, R.A. 9262, Gender Sensitivity Law.
5 Each student must comply with the following minimum requirements:
a Fours (4) Court Observations Attendance will be signed by the Clerk of Court of
the branch where they observe the court hearings.
b Two (2) Preliminary Investigation Observation Attendance will be signed by the
Prosecutor conducting the Preliminary Investigation.
c Two (2) Inquest Investigation Attendance will be signed by the Prosecutor
conducting the Inquest Investigation.
d Two (2) Draft Resolution To be submitted to the assigned mentor/prosecutor.
e Two (2) Draft Information To be submitted to the assigned mentor/prosecutor.
6 The assigned prosecutor will give the students their grade for the practicum, which in turn
will be submitted to their professor.
7 The assigned prosecutor will give the students additional work and assignment, if needed.
8 Each student shall attend all meetings called by the Office of the Naga City Prosecutor
during the term of their practicum.
9 Each student shall maintain the confidentiality of all the records they will come across with,
during and after the practicum.

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