Intern Interview Questions Daniel Johnston v4 2

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Intern Interview Questions

Focus on Intern: Daniel Johnston

Dan Johnston is interning with the product line department at AAR this summer while attending
Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL. He is majoring in Aviation Technologies, specializing in
Avionics and minoring in Aviation Product Support. Dan first heard of AAR during one of Greg G-Man
Dellingers and Eric Millers visits down south to SIU.

1. What projects have you been working on this summer as an intern?

The Lufthansa auction and IDG push helped me to gain a better understanding of our customers and
how the supply chain flows. I have essentially been working alongside the Airbus Trading group as if I
were just another new employee. It has really opened my eyes to the daily routine here, as well as some
of the common issues that arise when moving aircraft parts. Even though there are countless number of
parts, its important to pay close attention to each one in order for it to be as safe as the next.

2. Whats your favorite part of working at AAR?

Intern Interview Questions

Focus on Intern: Daniel Johnston
There are many things I have enjoyed about working at AAR. If I had to choose only one thing, I would
have to say its the people. Whether its the team in our trading group, or our sales teams here and
abroad, or the people I have been interfacing with at other vendors and brokerages - the people have
just been wonderful.
Dan also mentions how grateful he is to have a handful of mentors at the Company. In terms of mentors
outside of AAR he replied, My father and grandfather, a previous coworker and boss, Randy Hurst, and
a former teacher and fellow pilot Stephen Huey are all among the many wonderful mentors I have had
in my life. They are the ones who taught me to be myself, work hard and play harder.

3. What have you learned in your time here?

Whether it be gaining organizational skills related to emails, or mastering Microsoft Excel, my big take
away has been the importance of attention to detail . As an aircraft mechanic, paying attention to detail
is more than a recommendation, it is a must. And this job has further reinforced that viewpoint.
Whether its understanding how missing three letters in an email (svc vs ohc) can cause someone to
severely under or over quote a unit, or how a mechanics lack of attention to detail can lead to a
rejected part and a waste of time and money, this job really drives that point home.
Furthermore, Dan has really embraced Doing it Right, especially: Own It. This extends not only into his
professional life, but his personal life as well. He said that this value has helped him embrace his
strengths and be open to admitting his weaknesses.

4. What would you like to be doing 5 years from now?

I have been enjoying my time at AAR, so I would really like to walk out of here with a letter of intent in
hand. I would like to come back as an employee of AAR and continue my learning adventure and really
master the craft of moving aircraft parts. I would like to have a very solid understanding of my product
line at that point and be able to take on increasing responsibilities.

Fun Facts about Dan: He is from Pekin, IL. In fact, Pekin was named after Chinas City of the Sun
(Peking). He resides in Southern Illinois with his wife and his daughter, Amelia. Dan is the President of
SIU Carbondales Rotor and Wing Chapter and enjoys flying and maintaining planes. He also likes playing
Dungeons and Dragons and video games with his friends.

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