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World History Study Guide: The Industrial Revolution

Directions: Please complete the entire study guide according to

the instructions for each part. Answers should be recorded on a
separate sheet of paper. Answers can be found in the class notes
and textbook Chapter 10 & 11.

Explain the significance of the following terms, people, ideas,

publications, and events.
1. Agricultural
2. Jethro Tull
3. Crop Rotation
4. Selective Breeding
5. Enclosure Movement
6. Entrepreneur
7. Capital
8. James Hargreaves
9. John Kay
10.Eli Whitney, Cotton
11.James Watt
12.George Stephenson
14.Robert Fulton

15.Factory Act 1833

16.Adam Smith, Wealth
of Nations
18.Karl Marx, Communist
19.William Wilberforce
20.Henry Bessemer
21.Robert Owen
22.John Snow
23.Louis Pasteur
24.Thomas Edison
26.Charles Dickens
27.Labor (Trade) Unions
28.Thomas Malthus


Answer the following questions completely.
29.How is the agricultural revolution related to the rise in population?
30.What was the first industry to use mechanized factories and what resource did
these early factories have to be near in order to operate?
31.What are four reasons that Britain was the first to Industrialize?
32.What city was the center of Britains textile industry (cottonopolis)?
33.Define urbanization: How did populations shift during the Industrial Revolution?
34.Describe what working conditions were like in early factories, and living
conditions in the cities?
35.What issues did women and children workers face during the Industrial
36.What is one reason the birth rate in cities rose during the Industrial Revolution?
37.Over time, what happened to population and standard of living during the
Industrial Revolution?
38.The Romantic Movement was a response or reaction to what two
39.How was the Second Industrial Revolution different than the first (second half of
19th century)?
40.Who controls the factors of production in a Capitalist (Market) Economy, and a
Command (Communist) Economy? What controls prices?

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