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Planning 10 Health
Worksheet #2
Part 1: Picture it. You wake up. You're naked. You have a pounding
headache, aching muscles, and you can't remember anything from last
night. One minute you and some friends are getting a ride to a party,
the next you're waking up here, on a stranger's bed in a room you've
never even seen before.
On top bar scroll over the Sexual Health link then click on Sexual
Assault Read this section. If someone tells you that they have been
abused or sexually assaulted what are 7 things you should do?
1. Get to a safe place as quickly as you can.
2. Dont shower or wash yourself or change your clothes
before getting medical attention,otherwise you could destroy
evidence that will be needed if you report the assault to the
3. Seek medical attention right away if you have been
physically injured and/or the assault included vaginal or anal
penetration (You may need to be tested or treated for sexually
transmitted infections). Clearly inform the medical staf
(nurses/doctors) that you have been sexually assaulted.
4. Call a sexual assault hotline or sexual assault crisis centre
for advice and help. The Canadian Association of Sexual Assault
Centres provides a list, with contact information, of sexual
assault crisis centres across Canada. Click here for the contact
information for the sexual assault centre nearest to you:
5. Strongly consider reporting the incident to police. By
reporting the incident, you may help prevent another person
from being assaulted by the same perpetrator, the person that
assaulted you can hopefully be brought to justice, and it may
help you make the transition from victim to survivor.
6. Being sexually assaulted is a very traumatizing experience
that can have a lasting impact on a person. Feelings of shock,
fear, and shame are common reactions to sexual assault. It can
be very helpful to talk to trusted close friends and family
members who can ofer you support.
7. Contact a sexual assault crisis centre if you want the help
and support of a health professional with experience in assisting
sexual assault victims.
On the bottom of the page there is a Games and Apps area. Click on it
and then the Virtual Scenarios Play each of the scenarios for your
preference (females go to females, males to males, gay males to gay
male, etc) and make a mental note of the consequences of your

(note: there is no written part to this section, but I encourage you to participate in
these scenarios as they hold very useful information.)

Part 2: Condom Use

Condoms are the most common form of sexual transmitted disease
protection (they also work about 80% well for birth control think
about that). Watch the video in the middle of the page called TODAYS
LESSON: HOW TO PUT A CONDOM ON. Write down the NINE steps
(yes, nine you might have to watch it twice). Step 7 has two things to
do (involves pinching) so make sure you separate part 7 into step 7a
and 7b
1. Carefully open the wrapper (as nails, rings and teeth can
damage the condom), If the condom is torn, brittle, stif or sticky,
discard it and use another.
2. Pull back the foreskin unless the penis is circumcised
3. Set the rolled condom on the head of the erect penis.
4. Make sure the tip of the condom is facing up
5. Leave a halfinch space at the tip of the condom for semen
6. Pinch the air out of the condom's tip with one hand.
7. With the other hand, roll the condd all the way down the
shaft of the penis.
8. After ejaculation, pull out before the penis gets soft. Hold
on to the base of the condom so it doesn't slide of when pulling
9. Remove the condom away from your partner and throw it
Part 3: Interesting stuf
Navigate around the site and find 9 things/facts that you found
interesting. Write them in the space below. Keep the facts diferent
from each other. Look at things such as pregnancy, body changes,
what is sex, contraception, etc. There is some really useful information
around here if you have a particular question, I am sure you can find
the answer!
1. To grow as a person, you need to be willing to accept
2. If you have been sexually active, missing a period is the
most tell-tale sign of pregnancy.
3. After becoming pregnant, some women may experience
what is called implantation bleeding. This bleeding is caused
when a fertilized egg implants on the wall of the uterus.
Sometimes, a woman may mistake this bleeding for a light
4. A sexual fantasy is a picture (image) or thought in your
mind that is sexually exciting or pleasurable to you.

5. Sexual fantasies vary from one person to another. Because

it is formed in our minds, a sexual fantasy can consist of
anything our imagination can dream up.
6. It is very common for people to have dreams of a sexual
nature when they are sleeping.
7. For women, during orgasm, number of things happen as
sexual arousal triggered in the brain increases blood flow to the
genital area.
8. Every woman is slightly diferent. Some get their period
when they are quite young, others when they are in their late
teens; some start menopause in their 40s, other in their late 50s.
9. Masturbation is one of the most common sexual activities,
and refers to self-stimulation of the sexual organs

Part 4: SEX-FU
Play the game SEX-FU challenge (under the games and apps tab at the
bottom of the page). Keep track of your score (be honest) and write
down how many you got right for each section below. Youll have to
manually, on this page, keep track of your score for each section (the
game will tell you if you were right or wrong keep track of the rights
for each) You will not be graded on how well you diddont worry.
Section 1:


Section 2:


Section 3:


Section 4:


Section 5:





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