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President & Editor

Jesse Witham
Managing Director
Dylan Collins
Art Director
Ryan Strong

Director of Sales Account Executives

Ray Cook Rebekah Hay
Lacey Collins

Contributing Writers Photography

Jason Monroe Eyeworks Photography
Abby Harris
Todd Gummerman Randy Bacon

Copy Editor
Todd Gummerman

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Downtown Beat Magazine
509 West Olive – Suite 207

Downtown Beat is a monthly publication that is available free of charge and distribut-
ed to over 200 locations in Springfield. The content of this magazine is property of the
respective authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.

01 .................................................................... First Friday Art Walk @ Center City Art Galleries / 6pm
02 ........................................................................................ The Ten Spot @ The Skinny Improv / 10pm
03 ...............................................................................................................................................................
04 ............................................................................................... College Night @ Big Whiskey’s / 9pm
05 ...............................................................................................................................................................
06 ..................................................................................................Ladies Night @ Icon Nightclub / 9pm
07 ...............................................................................................................................................................
08 ................................... Downtown Beat Summer Kick-Off 2007! @ Jordan Creek / 8pm
09 ...............................................................................................................................................................
10 ................................................................................................. Rockfest @ Jordan Valley Field / 4pm
11 ...............................................................................................................................................................
12 ...............................................................................................................................................................
13 ...............................................................................................................................................................
14 ...............................................................................................................................................................
15 ...................................................................................... Improv Sports @ The Skinny Improv / 10pm
16 .......................................................................................... Sumo Saturday @ Traffic Sushi Bar / 9pm
17 ...............................................................................................................................................................
18 ...............................................................................................................................................................
19 ...............................................................................................................................................................
20 ...................................................................................... Tyler Hart & DJ Lush @ The Boogie / 10pm
21 ...............................................................................................................................................................
22 ...............................................................................................................................................................
23 ......................................................................................SnowFest 2007 @ Jordan Valley Park / Noon
24 ...............................................................................................................................................................
25 .................................................................................................College Night @ Big Whiskey’s / 9pm
26 ...............................................................................................................................................................
27 ...............................................................................................................................................................
28 ...............................................................................................................................................................
29 ............................................................................ “A Night In Hollywood” @ ICON Nightclub / 9pm
30 ........................................................................................ The Ten Spot @ The Skinny Improv / 10pm

DowntownBeat: When did you guys start the band the forecast.
and what type of music do you play?
What do you think of the local music scene in
A Day Away: A Day Away played its first show in May Springfield, and what could be done to make it bet-
2005, but thereafter we changed lineups a few times. ter?
We settled on our current lineup in November of that
same year. From the beginning our goal was to play Hmm…here’s a hot topic among teenage coffeehouses
good, catchy music that nearly anyone could enjoy, everywhere. Nearly every city’s young and hip like to
but we also wanted to make it more edgy than most analyze and complain about their local scenes. Every-
pop music. Of course the pop-punk genre has similar one sites a different reason such as the town is lame,
characteristics, but we think our style is different… or the bars all suck, or whatever. But I think its sim-
perhaps because we start with pop then add the edge ply supply and demand. Because of a number of sub-
rather than the other way around…think about it. reasons, the largest being the internet and our coun-
try’s obsession with fame, there are an astronomical
We heard that you were recently signed to a ma- number of local bands everywhere. Way more bands
jor record label in Japan. Tell us a little bit about than a decade or so ago. And local scenes, no matter
that… how strong, can’t sustain that many bands—there’s not
enough demand. Plus, in the midst of the dozens of
Apparently American music is a hot commodity in Ja- local bands Springfield sees every night, how can the
pan. The label, Big Mouth Japan, found us on the casual listener know which band to go see? Several
front page of Purevolume and after a few phone calls, years ago, the solution was simple; ask someone, any-
we arranged for our CD to sell on Japanese shelves. one, and they’ll tell you the best band around. Now,
We’ve since seen pictures of our CD displayed in the everyone you ask will give a new name. Though it’s
store, and it’s sort of mind boggling for us…we have kind of sad, over-saturation kills the scene and the best
big poster displays and the CD is on listening stations thing would be to concentrate it. The easiest way to do
alongside all the top American bands. The whole pro- this is for local radio and publications to help guide
cess though of getting the deal was really cool because the casual listener through the slew of bands and give
the label recognized our potential to sell CDs and dis- the scene a few heroes everyone can root for.
regarded the fact that we weren’t signed in the U.S and
that we were completely unknown in Japan. In other What is your favorite part about playing a live
words, they took a big chance on us, which is really show? What can fans expect when they attend one
rare anymore. Nowadays, bands have to do every- of your concerts?
thing just right to alleviate the label’s risk and sway
them to offer them a deal, no matter how good a band Honestly, the coolest thing is watching new listeners
is. So in our case it was really nice to cut a break and react. It’s pretty cool when you can tell that some-
not have to jump through hoops to make this happen. one new has just heard you for the first time and they
like it. As far as what fans can expect to see, I think
Do you play shows in other areas of the country, or our show is exactly what you think an A Day Away
are you planning a tour in the near future? set should be: energetic, tight, and fun. Most impor-
tantly though, we strive to make the overall experience
We get asked that all the time, and it’s hard to answer. a good time. We know that people can choose to go
On one hand, we certainly enjoy playing shows out- to the movies, parties, dance clubs, or whatever, so we
side of our home grounds, but on the other, it is so want to make sure that our fans made the right choice
hard for an unsigned band to book a successful tour. in spending their night with us.
We’re pretty much on our own as far as booking the
venues, getting fans there, and financing the trip. We Thanks again for taking the time to talk with us,
try to get out of Springfield as much as we can, but and we wish you the best of luck in the future. It
we have to look at touring realistically: until we have definitely sounds like A Day Away puts on a show
help (from a label), massive touring is probably not in that no rock fan will want to miss!

t was a little over two years ago. mental in the transformation of down-
Randy Bacon was shooting a town.
senior portrait on the corner of “We’re just really passionate
McDaniel and South Street when about downtown, art, and Springfield,”
his friend Matt Miller approached and said Randy. He and his wife Shannon
asked him how he was doing. Their say they’ve always had this vision of
conversation soon turned into a discus- what downtown could be- a vision
sion of the Bacon’s lack of space in that started in their old studio, just two
their current studio, and shortly after, blocks away from Monarch.
Matt was asking Randy if he might be “I think the idea all stemmed
interested in partnering on a building. from our passion for the creative world
That same afternoon the building was and the arts, and just trying to create a
chosen and the rest, as they say, is his- place where artists can grow and go.
tory. We wanted to have a building that
The Monarch Art Factory, which
opened in January, is comprised of
six businesses, all of which are making
“...the idea all stemmed from
their own contribution to the art culture our passion for the creative
in downtown Springfield. In case you
haven’t visited yet, those businesses
world and the arts, and just try-
are The Randy Bacon Studio, Blu Skies ing to create a place where
Hair Studio, The Bellwether Gallery,
Blacksuits Creative, The Garage Door
artists can grow and go.”
Gallery, and White River Engineering. I
was lucky to have the opportunity to was creative without defining what
speak with many of Monarch’s tenants, creative is,” explained Randy.
all of which are not only savvy business When the Bacons moved into
owners, but tremendous artists and the new building, they needed to
visionaries as well. decide who would join them in their
My first stop of the day was The Randy artistic endeavor. Though they initially
Bacon Studio. As I walked in I immedi- considered going with the popular
ately noticed the dramatic increase in downtown flow by putting lofts or
space the Bacons were now enjoying. restaurants in the building, that idea
The new studio kept the same intimate quickly faded when they realized they
feel as the Bacon’s previous space, yet really wanted, and needed, to stay
there was so much more to offer with true to their original vision: creating a
a larger stage area and much more true arts district in the downtown area.
room to display Randy’s beautiful art. Once they made the decision, the
After taking a good look around, I sat response was overwhelming with artists
down with Randy and Shannon Bacon, and business owners who shared the
two people who have been very instru- Bacons’ ideas.

Randy Bacon’s Monarch Art Factory

Located in downtown Springfield at 600 W. College
“We weren’t out there recruit- with the other creative tenants in the
ing at all,” said Shannon. “It was re- building.
ally pretty amazing because people “We’ve actually created a
heard what we were doing and came building that’s not only about busi-
to us.” ness, but it’s almost like the Monarch
If you haven’t been to the Mon- family,” said Randy. “We call our-
arch Art Factory, you may be surprised selves the ‘Monarchians.’”
by some of the different businesses Now that I understood a little bit
that have occupied the building. more about the Monarch Art Factory,
Where you might expect to see only it was time for me to meet some of
art galleries and studios, there are dif- the other “Monarchians.” I traveled a
ferent creative venues being explored few doors down to Blacksuits Creative.
in a hair salon, an engineering firm, Not knowing what to expect, I walked
and a graphic design agency, all of in and looked around the modern, yet
which bring their own artistic touches casual studio. As I rounded the cor-
to the factory in ways that the general ner I was greeted by creative director,
Katie Canada, who was leaning on a
full-sized ping-pong table in the mid-
“We’re a graphic design dle of what appeared to be an office
studio...the best way to de- area.
“If you want to just have a seat
scribe [our] work [is] ‘visual on the couches we’ll all kind of trickle
communication.’” over here in a few minutes,” she said.
Katie was then joined by her husband
Corey Canada, Executive Director;
public might not expect. Jason Gaylor, Creative Director; and
Not only has the new Monarch Skye Carroll, Interactive Operations
Art Factory helped other artists estab- Manager.
lish themselves and their businesses, The four co-owners sat down
but it has also helped Randy expand with me and began to discuss exactly
his artistic horizons as well. With much what Blacksuits Creative is all about.
more space to display his work and “We’re a graphic design stu-
a larger studio area, Randy said the dio,” said Corey.
move has been really good for his art. “It’s kind of complicated, some-
“Artistically, I’m doing things times people get thrown off by the
I never could do before. I think the word ‘graphic,’” says Katie. And after
new space has really spawned me . . a brief discussion amongst the group,
. I’m using light differently, and it’s just they decided the best way to de-
really exciting,” said Randy. The move scribe their work was “visual communi-
has also allowed the Bacons to meet cation.”
other artists from the Springfield area, In business now for about a year
and though there were challenges, and three months, the team at Black-
the Bacons are happy with the out- suits Creative specializes in design
come and have become very close regardless of the medium. From de-

Blacksuits Creative
Visit their online portfolio:
signing posters, brochures and signs, to an Arts Summit where they displayed
books, CDs, websites, and, well, you get work by over 70 local artists, as well as
the picture. The design team creates art by Randy Bacon himself. After the
whatever their clients need. Though summit, Bacon expressed an interest in
the studio has a gallery-like feel, the having a ministry be a part of Monarch,
owners wanted to make it clear that and from there, the Bellwether Gallery
Blacksuits Creative is not a gallery. was developed.
“We’re in the business of selling One question some people might
our own work,” said Corey. have is whether the art displayed in The
And according to the team, their Bellwether Gallery is “religious” art. Ac-
own work is something they hope to cording to Ryan, though they believe in
be able to concentrate more on in the
future. The co-owners explained how
they all have their own side projects Bacon expressed an interest
and are looking forward to a time when
they can focus less on client work and
in having a ministry be a part
more on their own collaborations. They of Monarch, and from there,
also hope to grow as a business and as
individuals, yet keep that “small-busi-
the Bellwether Gallery was
ness feeling.” developed.
“We like to be able to play a
game of ping-pong whenever we
want,” said Jason. “exhibiting Christ” in everything they do,
Though it was tempting to engage in the artwork displayed in the Bellwether
some ping-pong with the Blacksuits Gallery is not overtly religious. There is a
clan, I decided my time was up at good mix of Christian and non-Christian
Blacksuits Creative and walked next artists represented.
door to the Bellwether Gallery where I “We’re not here to express the
caught up with Ryan Wiksell in the midst gospel through the art on the wall. The
of his art walk preparations. point is to be part of the art community
Many people may not know, but and to interact with the art community
the Bellwether Gallery, open since Jan- in a very present way,” said Ryan. “I
uary, is owned and run by the Second don’t think it’s important who owns the
Baptist Church of Springfield. The idea gallery.”
came about when the pastor went on The Bellwether Gallery is definitely
his first art walk in 2005 and Ryan intro- making their mark on the Springfield
duced him to Randy Bacon. The pastor art community. So far, they have par-
was inspired by Bacon’s art, and this ticipated in five art walks since their
inspiration led to Second Baptist hosting January opening, and look forward to

Bellwether Gallery
Owned and run by Second Baptist Church
participating in many art events to together, and we want everyone to
come. The gallery operates on do- have their say,” says Cassie.
nation only and charges no com- She also explained how re-
mission to artists for displaying and freshing it was to work in a space
selling their work. And for amateur with so many other creative minds.
artists out there looking for an out- “It’s really nice to have another set
let, come check out The Bellweth- of eyes, or someone to give you
er’s one-hour photo contest. their opinion,” said Cassie. The
My next stop of the day was artwork displayed in the gallery is all
The Garage Door Gallery, where I for sale, and created by the con-
met owners Cassie and Justin Den- tributing artists for The Garage Door
nis. Cassie, who has been an as- Gallery.
“I think it’s cool that people
[Garage Door Gallery] cre- can come in and buy a piece of
art, but also get the story behind
ates a different feel for art- it,” said Cassie. “Plus we’re super
lovers who get to come in affordable and we feature some
of the best up-and-coming artists in
and see not only the artists’ the area.”
work, but their studio space The Garage Door Gallery fea-
tures a different artist from month-
as well. to-month. The featured artist for
June is Kathlene Allie, so if you’re
sistant to the Bacons for eight years, in the neighborhood, come check
opened the gallery with her hus- out Kathlene’s encaustic artwork
band in January. and take a look around the gallery.
The Garage Door Gallery is My last stop for the day was
an “artists’ collective,” a place in perhaps the most unexpected busi-
which 12 artists work together and ness in the Monarch Art Factory,
enjoy their own studios that are The Blu Skies Hair Art Studio, which
actually in the gallery itself. This opened in April. Maybe visiting a
creates a different feel for art-lovers hair salon isn’t exactly what you
who get to come in and see not have in mind when you go on an
only the artists’ work, but their studio art walk, but Phillip Burmood, Kami
space as well. Powell, Lindsi Unterreiner, James
“I think one of the most im- Meyer, and Katie Stracke, the five
portant things is that we all work co-owners of Blu Skies, have really

Garage Door Gallery

The gallery houses studio space for 12 artists
created a place that is not only great tion? What would they say if someone
for your ‘do’, but allows customers to walked in, sat down, and requested the
have an “artistic” experience as well. I classic, Billy Ray Cyrus, ever-beloved
sat down with these five trendy twenty- MULLET?
somethings and talked about what “That’ll be 20 bucks,” said James.
made their space special. And there you have it. Now that’s dedi-
“As far as the art side of it goes, cation!
we rotate art from the other galleries in Downtown Springfield’s devel-
and out of the salon,” said Phillip. “So it opment over the last few years has
gives our customers something to look been an interesting process to watch,
at while they’re waiting and just adds to but without people and businesses
the whole experience.” Blu Skies is also like those at The Monarch Art Factory,
a part of art walk, bringing in different
musicians and offering food, drinks and
music. “We want people to feel
All educated through the Paul
Mitchell culture of hair design, these five like when they come in here
stylists bring a wide range of talent to they’re just hanging out, so
their customers and pride themselves
on being very open-minded about it’s really personal.”
whatever style their clients may want.
“We like to make our custom-
ers feel really comfortable,” said Kami. downtown would be nowhere near
“We want people to feel like when they the hot spot it’s becoming today. The
come in here they’re just hanging out, Bacons’ vision, though still a work in
so it’s really personal.” progress, is being shared by more and
The group says their clientele more who visit the Springfield area, and
ranges from high school students to soc- making the town an even more interest-
cer moms, and they are always open to ing and diverse place to live. Whether
newcomers as well. Which, by the way, it is an art gallery, a design studio, a
if you haven’t been to Blu Skies yet, stop hair salon, or an engineering firm, each
by and take advantage of the deals business has brought its own flare to The
they have for new clients, such as 20% Monarch Art Factory and, with the sup-
off a cut and color, or their buy one get port of culture-savvy locals, will continue
one deal for anyone who wants to bring to add its personal charm to downtown
a friend. Springfield.
Before I left the Blu Skies team,
there was one question I just had to ask.
I knew they were open-minded and
dedicated to their craft, but how far
would they go for a customer’s satisfac-

Blu Skies Hair Art Studio

Where a pair of scissors is the paint brush and hair is the canvas
Harpo’s – Dirt cheap draws and Music by DJ Lush
Big Whiskey’s – Great deals on pints and Starburst

Trolley’s - Domestic and Beer Bucket deals til’

Ernie Biggs – Mug Night and Coors Light special

Icon Nightclub - Coors Light special and cheap
wells all night long

The Boogie – Insane Pint Specials
Harpo’s – High Life Pitchers

Drink The Boogie - Domestic bottles and well specials
7 Days Sunday
Springfield Brewing Company - Pizza & Pitcher or
of the Wings & Pitcher
Week! We can’t give the exact prices on these amaz-
ing drink specials, but trust us, they are definitely
worth checking out... We wouldn’t steer you
wrong when it comes to cheap booze!


espite all the entertainment our already, you don’t have to be a sports nut to
downtown and surrounding areas enjoy a nice night at the ballpark. You don’t
constantly offer us, how many have to be rich either. Just five bucks will get
of us still find ourselves attempt- you admission where you can enjoy the game
ing to make plans with our friends and family from select bleachers, or can opt to chill in the
when someone practically screams, “Why relaxing grass berms in the outfield. Or, to up
isn’t there anything to do around here??” the ante a bit, you can pay a little more and
Well thanks to the Springfield Cardinals and hit up my favorite choice- the Redbird Roost.
the great atmosphere at the attractive ballpark, It’s on the Suite level overlooking the third
base line and offers unlimited food, snacks,
and drinks while you (don’t forget) are watch-
ing the game.
But there’s a lot more going on around
you while you stuff your face and watch the
ballgame. Jock 98.7, KY3, and the Cardinals
website all help in broadcasting games. And
if you’re really gung-ho you could try to book
Louie the mascot to show up at your next
So if you can’t decide what to do with your
evenings, or if you have out-of-town company
and they want to do something besides go to
Bass Pro, you should join the thousands of
others and consider enjoying a nice Spring-
hopefully some of those frustrated outbreaks field Cardinals ballgame. And to have some-
have subsided and been replaced with cheers thing to chat about between innings we’ve
for America’s favorite pastime. collected some fun tidbits so you’ll
Now that the weather is a bit friendlier know a little more about the guys
and outdoor activities are back in business, you’re watching out there on
it’s hard to find a more endearing spot than the field...
the beautiful Hammons Field. And while a
large portion of us are probably baseball fans


Reid Gorecki - Outfield Jarett Hoffpauir – Second Base
Hometown – East Rockaway, NY Hometown – Vidalia, LA
Favorite Restaurant – Inatomi Steakhouse Favorite Restaurant – Copeland’s
Favorite Movie – Gone in 60 Seconds Favorite Movie – Talladega Nights
Favorite Band – No Doubt Favorite Band – Shinedown
What do you like most about downtown Springfield? Nightlife What do you like most about downtown Springfield? Everything is
close to the stadium

Jon Jay – Outfield Colby Rasmus – Centerfield

Hometown – Miami, FL Hometown – Phenix City, AL
Favorite Restaurant – Hibachi Japanese Favorite Restaurant – Carrabbas Italian
Favorite Movie – He Got Game Favorite Movie – Talladega Nights
Favorite Artist – Jay-Z Favorite Band – Sublime
What do you like most about downtown Springfield? The Food What do you like most about downtown Springfield? The Square

Tyler Greene – Shortstop Bryan Anderson – Catcher

Hometown – Plantation, FL Hometown – Simi Valley, CA
Favorite Restaurant – Outback Steakhouse Favorite Restaurant – TGI Friday’s
Favorite Movie – For Love of the Game Favorite Movie – Billy Madison
Favorite Artist – Alan Jackson Favorite Band –Sublime
What do you like most about downtown Springfield? The What do you like most about downtown Springfield? The different
Square restaurants

Mike McCoy – Infield Mitchell Boggs – Starting Pitcher

Hometown – El Cajon, CA Hometown – Dalton, GA
Favorite Restaurant – PF Chang’s Favorite Restaurant – Chick-fil-A
Favorite Movie – Big Lebowski Favorite Movie – Top Gun
Favorite Band –AFI Favorite Band – George Strait
What do you like most about downtown Springfield? Nightlife What do you like most about downtown Springfield? Live Music

Joe Mather – First Base & Right Field

Hometown – Phoenix, AZ
Favorite Restaurant – Texas Roadhouse
Favorite Movie – Fifth Element
Favorite Band –Pearl Jam
What do you like most about downtown Springfield? The

ach and Corey opened Czar Graphics on Who:
March 2nd of this year. Although they are a Corey Ash & Zach Robinson
fairly young company, the two entrepreneurs
have over 15 years of combined screen print-
ing and graphic design experience. What:
Custom screen printing and graphic design
Czar offers many custom products and services includ-
ing shirts, hats, banners, decals, promotional items, When:
and graphic design. Their retail store is conveniently Monday – Thursday: 9am-7pm
located on the corner of Campbell and Pershing, and Friday: 9am-5pm
is always stocked full of products to choose from. The Saturday: 9am-3pm
best part about Czar is the fact that there are no mini-
mums, discounts on bulk orders, and the turnaround
time is incredibly fast. Where:
420 South Campbell
Whether you’re a huge company looking to order Downtown Springfield
hundreds of custom shirts, or just someone looking to 417.832.1348
design a cool summer shirt for yourself, Czar Graphics
is a can’t miss!

To view some of their latest screen prints go online and

visit their MySpace -



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