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Introduction and Syllabus

Pre-AP English 8
Dear Students and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. Congratulations on signing up for a Pre-AP English course! Your 8th grade year is
a vital one, in which you will transition from a middle school student to a high school student. This means the work
expected of you will likely increase from your 7th grade year. This will be a challenging class. When an athlete wants to
improve, s/he must complete workouts that challenge and push their muscles to grow. Your brain is a muscle, too, and
there will be times when this class will challenge and push your brain to grow. Thats a good thing, and you should feel
good about your decision! You should also, however, be prepared to work!
I have attached a list of expected behaviors, and a list of the school supplies needed in order to fully participate in this
classroom. If you have questions or problems obtaining the supplies, please let me know immediately.
Please sign the signature form and send it back tomorrow to let me know that you have read and understand how our
class works. When you finish obtaining the supplies and reading the information, these sheets (with the exception of the
signature sheet) should be kept in the front of the students binder as a reference.
Grading Procedures
Students and parents have access to grades through STI Home on the Internet. The office will provide you with
information on accessing this website. I strongly recommend parents and students check grades online regularly.
The following grading categories are set by the district:
Class I: 55%--Unit tests, mid unit tests, benchmarks (Global Scholar), major projects, essays, performance tasks
Class II: 35%--Quizzes, minor projects, minor writing assignments, vocabulary, quizzes, etc.
Class III: 10%--Classwork, participation, signed papers, materials, etc.
Course Outline
This Pre-AP English class will focus on vocabulary, grammar, writing, and literature. Each nine weeks has a major work
(full-length novel or nonfiction book),and several short works (short stories, essays, poetry, paintings, etc.). The short
works are typically read in class, however, the major works are primarily read outside of class. Each nine weeks has
an overarching thematic idea that will tie all the works together. It is typical that each nine weeks will also have a
culminating project and/or essay based on the works and the thematic idea.
Electronic Devices
Lee County Schools has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, however this means the students may only have the
device out in class if the teacher permits it (please see the school handbook for further details). In order to ensure
academic honesty, electronic devices will be turned in to the teacher prior to assessments such as quizzes or tests.
I have several ways of communicating with you throughout the year. The best way to contact me is via email, as I am
typically able to reply quickly. I can communicate with you via phone as well, although it may take me a little longer to
respond to you. If you leave a voicemail message, please endeavor to make it detailed, so I can best help you when I
return your call. If you feel you need to arrange a conference, I am happy to do that as well. Below I have included
information regarding the different ways I handle mass communication for my class. The parents of my past students have
found these resources to be VERY helpful, and I hope you will as well!
WebsiteI have a website for my classroom, and the link is provided below! There you will be able to access
helpful information and links related to work, assignments, and activities in my class. I place documents there for
you to download as well. You can access it through my page on our schools website, in addition to using the link
Remind 101a wonderful (and safe!) way for you and your student to receive reminders! If you and/or your
student sign up for my class in Remind 101, I am able to send you text message reminders about homework, tests,
projects, and more. It is free, however, standard text message rates do apply. To sign up, follow the instructions
included with this letter, or go to the links page on my website.
Newslettereach week I send an update to the parents via email. I send this no later than Friday afternoon with
information for the next week. I include important dates, assignments, and what we are doing in class. I add
advisory announcements as applicable (progress/report card reminders, school events, etc.) I also attach electronic
copies (if available) of documents the students are given in class. Parents of my students have found this

Introduction and Syllabus

Pre-AP English 8
newsletter to be very valuable and helpful, and I encourage you to sign up.
o To sign up, please go to the newsletter page on my website,
o On the newsletter page, you will see a contact form that will allow you to sign up for the newsletter. In the
comment section, please be sure to include your students name and course.

I hope some of your questions have been answered by this initial correspondence. Please try to have the required
materials as soon as possible since we will begin regular class today. (Yes, that means work!) Feel free to come to me if
you have any further questions. I am looking forward to an exciting and successful school year!
Mrs. Lucinda McGinnis

Introduction and Syllabus

Pre-AP English 8

English Supply List

Grade 8 (General and Pre-AP)
I expect my students to come to class prepared with the required supplies. If you have any difficulty obtaining these items, please let me
know as soon as possible.
If you are capable of donating items, please consider donating one of the following items:
**White/colored copy paper (high need)**
Highlighters/markers (for annotation and other class activities)
Colored pens/post-its (for annotation and editing)

1 pack of copy paper (turn in to teacher)

o This course has major works (novels, etc.), but it does not have a textbook. This means the students will be getting A
LOT of copies of work and assignments.
o The Coole School Planners might be available for purchase again this yearplease contact the office.
o They are excellent planners and very affordable.
o Otherwise, be sure to have a planner that has both weekly and monthly pagesonly monthly pages will be too small!
o If the student is accustomed to using the calendar in his/her electronic device, that will work as well
Loose Leaf Paper
o multiple packs; students will need paper on a daily basis
o Various uses including, but not limited to, vocabulary
Black/Blue Ink Pens
o required for essays
Multi-colored Pack of Pens
o Colors that can easily be seenrequired for annotating text and/or editing essays
Pack of highlighters
o Especially yellow, green, and blueused for revising essays
#2 Pencils/#2 Mechanical Pencils and Lead
Writing utensil holderif desired
o small bag, designated place in backpack or trapper keeper, etc.
o this helps keep you organized, which leads to success!
Pencil Sharpenermanual
o I do not have a pencil sharpener in my room! Please do not use battery operated sharpeners in my room as they are
Three-Ring Binder
o STURDY, should be at least 1 inch if not morethis will not be shared with another class
5 Pack of Tabbed Dividers
o Sections are: DGP/Bellwork, Vocabulary, Literature, Writing, References
USB Drive
o for essays, research projects, and PowerPoint projects
o can be shared with another subject and used throughout high school career
Art Suppliesas desired
o Desired supplies may include: construction paper, markers, colored pencils, crayons, and/or glue. I will only provide
supplies for specific class activities. Be sure you have supplies available!
Five Keys to Successful Learning
Expected Classroom Behaviors

1. Be prepared and on time.

2. Respect yourself and others at all times. Do not bully or gossip. 4. Do as you are asked the first time and without complaint.
3. Accept responsibility for your actions. Do not make excuses.
5. Make learning your top priority.

Introduction and Syllabus

Pre-AP English 8

English Signature Form

Period________ L. McGinnis

Please fill out and return the following form to Mrs. McGinnis. Thank you!
I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand the paperwork for Mrs. McGinnis English course
This includes the Introduction and Syllabus, Supply List, Expected Classroom Behaviors, and Rules (etc.) sheet.
This also means I have signed up for the weekly newsletter via email*. I understand that if I have
questions about anything or trouble obtaining supplies that I should contact Mrs. McGinnis.

Guardian Name (please print)
Guardian Signature

Relationship to student

Student Name (please print)
Student Signature


*If you have absolutely no way of receiving the weekly newsletter via email, please give me detailed contact
information below:

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