Pif Scan2email SMB FTP v20140128

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Problem Information Form:

Scab to Email, SMB/FTP

Problem Information Form

Scan to Email, SMB/FTP (for GW MFPs)
1. Summarize the issue:
Country or region
Affected models
Brief description of the issue
Occurrence conditions
Occurrence rate
2. Describe the client:
If the issue occurs on a PDF file created by the MFPs scanner:
Application's name/version to open
the PDF
If Scan to Email transmission fails:
SMTP servers OS/SPs, 32bit or
IP address/host name
If Scan to SMB/FTP transmission fails:
The destinations OS/SPs, 32bit or
IP address/host name
Access permissions for the target
If an LDAP search for the destination fails:
LDAP servers OS/SPs, 32bit or
IP address/host name
3. Reproduction:
Status of the affected job as
shown in the Scanner Journal
(User Tools > Scanner Features >
General Settings)
Message on the operation panel
Step-by-step reproduction
4. Describe what you have tried so far:
- Destination can/cant be pinged from the SMTP server, etc.
- Results of sending emails from other computers using the same SMTP server
- Connection Test fails/succeeds
- Account/Permissions: device and destination
- Results of scanning to other destinations
- Possibly applicable bug reports or FAQs

5. Check the file attached to your email, Techmail etc. and specify the file name:
Attached (file name)

Problem Information Form: Scan-to-Email, SMB/FTP page 1

Problem Information Form:

Scab to Email, SMB/FTP

Device settings

Mmesg and
other logs

Scan of Config Page (or Print Summary=Printer SP

1-004-001, if Printer Bit Switch settings are
Scan of SMC sheets (=System SP 5-990-1)
-12S and earlier models:
Logs obtained by Rlogtool ver3.0.0.x or later
using the Scanner button (1 Zip file)
If possible, get both an OK case and an NG case.

-12A and later models:

Controller, engine, or operation panel Logs
obtained by using the Log-storing feature
(Operation panel log cannot be obtained from models with
a four-line LCD)

Network info

Network packet capture

If possible, get both an OK case and an NG case.
Note: The mmesg logs and network packet captures must
be taken simultaneously.

Client info

A diagram of the network environment

RsInfo of the Client/Server (if Windows) (use
"Compress to archive" function and send
created RsiResult.exe)

Might be required depending on the case:

Job info

Document original
Scanned results (OK and NG)

Any other
relevant files
Your name
Date of completion of this form
Thank you.
Ver.20140728 created by RCL

Problem Information Form: Scan-to-Email, SMB/FTP page 2

Attached (file name)

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