Guide To The Stalwart Defender

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Realsorcerors Immovable Guide to the Stalwart Defender

How do I play a Stalwart Defender?

At first glance this appears to be a very difficult class to play, and it certainly can be. Not being able to
move in combat seems like it would make encounters almost insufferable. So the question to be
answered is how does one play this class? An even better question may be why would someone play a
Stalwart Defender when other classes can accomplish similar things while retaining some of their

The Defender is an antlion; while he does not move he forces opponents to either avoid him at all cost
or risk entering (and never leaving) the danger zone that surrounds him. He is also a fortress.
Opponents hoping for a quick takedown crash against his defenses and become mired in a hopeless

melee they cannot win.

A Stalwart Defender functions best in a party of more mobile characters, especially those that strike
hard from range and cant afford to enter melee. In the opening round of combat he places himself
between his allies and the opposing forces, allowing them to safely attack from across the field.
Alternately these allies might orbit the Defender to constantly keep him in between them and danger
or even stay adjacent to him and benefit from his ability to provide cover and redirect hits toward
himself. A Defender sitting in a good choke point such as a door or hallway is almost impossible to get

Alternately the Defender may be a ranged combatant himself. Unlike other ranged characters who
forego heavy defense in favor of mobility and speed he relies on his considerable armor and hit points
to ignore threats that would trouble a less robust character. With his Defensive Stance boosting his
Strength he uses a composite bow to deliver ranged hurt while staying planted right where he is.

1. The Class
2. Ability Scores
2a. Entry Requirements
3. Base Class
3a. Barbarian
3b. Cavalier
3c. Fighter
3d. Gunslinger
3e. Paladin
3f. Ranger
4. Core Races
4a. Other Races
5. Feats
5a. Traits
6. Equipment
6a. Magic Items
This guide follows the usual color-code that such guides commonly employ.
Purple - Why arent you already taking this?
Blue - Often your best option and highly recommended.
Green - Above average and usually your second best choice.
Yellow - Its alright if youre getting it for free.
Red - This is pretty bad. Avoid it if at all possible.
Pink - Dont ever take this. It is a trap!

1. The Class
Hit Dice: Wonderful d12s. Everyone is jealous except the Dragon Disciples and Barbies.
Proficiencies: If you were missing any equipment proficiencies before entering the class, Defenders
are able to use anything that isnt exotic.
AC Bonus (Ex) A free dodge bonus to AC that improves with level. Remember dodge bonuses stack
with everything, including other dodge bonuses.
Defensive Stance (Ex) Essentially this functions exactly like a better version of a Barbarians rage
with a massive drawback; you cant move from the square you activate it in or it ends immediately.
Fortunately this guide will highlight several ways to still be effective while in your stance.
Defensive Powers (Ex) Just like Rage Powers, most of these are only active when using your stance.
Fortunately most of them are directly related to keeping you alive and making it incredibly difficult for
opponents to move you.
Bulwark: I dont know how this works from a flavor perspective, but you get to treat your armor check
penalty as a bonus against Bluff or Acrobatics checks used to get past you unharmed. God help them if
youre wielding a tower shield with a whopping -10 penalty.
Clear Mind: Mental control is another avenue that could wreck you. If your Will save or Wisdom are weak
points for you take this into consideration.
Fearless Defense: While its true a failed save against fear would ruin you, many of the base classes that
work well with Defender already have bonuses against fear.
Halting Blow: Going somewhere? Na. Anytime an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity for moving
in a square you threaten you can take the attack and immediately stop that movement. This requires you
to also take Bulwark, but thats also a good choice.
Immobile: This wouldnt be half bad even if you werent a Defender. Add your class level to your CMD
against almost any combat maneuver that would move you.
Increased Damage Reduction: More DR, you say? If you reach a point where you cant decide on what
other power to take, this is a safe choice.
Intercept: Essentially you can take any hit aimed at an adjacent ally as an immediate and it
automatically strikes you. If youve been focusing on your DR, who cares? Take hits all day. If you havent
been focusing on DR bump this down to Yellow.
Internal Fortitude: While these conditions would suck, your best ability score is Constitution and you
probably took a base class with good Fort saves. You are very unlikely to ever fail.
Mighty Resilience: Yeah, you didnt feel like being hit with that critical sneak attack. Once per Stance,
turn a dangerous hit into a normal one, including ignoring Critical Feats and similar bonuses. A nice power
to pair with Intercept.
Renewed Defense: Once per day spend a standard action to heal yourself a few d8s. You really
shouldnt be relying on yourself for healing and if you are there are better ways to do it.
Roused Defense: Its going to happen. At some point in an encounter something will happen that will
force you to move and this will allow you to get back into your Stance. Unfortunately it leaves you
exhausted and there are other ways of removing fatigue.
Smash: Gain a secondary slam attack while in Defensive Stance and start hitting people. Interestingly
you can use this Slam whenever someone tries to grapple you and the attack resolves before the grapple
check is made.

Unexpected Strike: Once per Stance you get to make an attack of opportunity against any opponent
entering a square you threaten, even if the movement wouldnt normally provoke. Combine this with
Halting Blow to keep a foe pinned down longer.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Always a good ability to have, but for you its especially important because you
wont be able to avoid these kinds of attacks. If you took a class that already has Uncanny Dodge this
automatically upgrades to the superior Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Damage Reduction (Ex) Aw yeah, buddy. DR over - is some of the best stuff in the game, and
youll have 5/- or more if you take the Defensive Powers. This even specifically stacks with DR gained
from armor (heavy adamantine armor grants DR 3/-). Because the class feature states this it should
also stack with the Stalwart feat which stacks with all DR gained from class features.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) This is coming really late, but youre gonna need it. Without being
able to move you are a prime flanking target. If at all possible try and have a base class that stacks
with this ability.
Mobile Defense (Ex) About time! You can now safely make 5-foot steps while maintaining your
stance. This can potentially allow other abilities that increase or activate 5-foot steps. Youll also be
gaining this one to two levels earlier than a Stonelord.
Last Word (Ex) A very lackluster and situational capstone. Basically it allows you to sock someone
one more time before they strike with an attack that would drop you. Not a bad ability, but it can only
be used once per day.

2. Ability Scores
Strength - Almost without exception you should have a high Strength score. Two-handed polearms
and composite bows are among your best weapon options and a high Strength will skyrocket your
damage output. Strength is also one of your main defenses against combat maneuvers made to move
you and against the encumbrance that comes with heavy armor.
Dexterity - Because this is a prerequisite for Combat Reflexes and governs your number of attacks of
opportunity and skill at riding youll need to have your Dexterity at around 14. If you are a focusing on
ranged combat youll want to draw points away from Charisma.
Constitution - While it doesnt necessarily need to be your highest ability Ive always felt like a
massive hit point pool has been a defining feature of this class since its origins. Because it also
governs the number of rounds you can use your Stance try and make Constitution one of your primary
ability scores.
Intelligence - If this werent a prerequisite for Combat Expertise I would call this a dump stat. As
such youll need at least a 13 if you plan to take the feat. If youre a Fighter you may actually consider
boosting your Int to 14 to make up for the lack of skill points.
Wisdom - This does nothing for you aside from the usual boost to Will saves and Perception checks.
You arent the party scout and Defender gets a decent bonus to Will as is. Obviously if you have any
divine spellcasting youll want at least the minimum necessary to cast spells.
Charisma - How high your Charisma score needs to be will depend on your build, but if you intend to

use Antagonize it should be at least a tertiary stat. If you intend to take Paladin or Cavalier as your
base class you should consider boosting your Charisma even higher.

2a. Entry Requirements

Base Attack Bonus: +7! No matter how you swing it this class isnt going to come into play until mid
to late game and you are essentially restricted to classes with full base attack bonus.
Feats: Endurance isnt great but Dodge and Toughness are feats youd want to take anyway for a
defensive build.
Special: Since pretty much every base class youd take to enter Defender is proficient with light and
Medium armor this is almost a non-requirement.

3. Base Class
Because of the high attack bonus requirement your choice of base class is limited, but not terribly so.
There are 11 base classes that have a full base attack bonus and most of them have have at least a
few archtypes that could synergize with Stalwart Defender.

If you absolutely must take levels in another class, consider the following; Progressing in just a
medium BAB class will take 10 levels to qualify for Stalwart Defender. A half BAB class will take 14
levels, meaning you will never actually complete the class.

A lot of your base class options get important class features or improvements to lower-level features
at 8th level. Weigh your options and consider if you really want to delay entry into Stalwart Defender
and make sure you have strong reasoning for doing so. As for multiclassing, take no more than 4
levels of a Medium BAB class and no more than 2 levels of a Half BAB class to minimize BAB loss. Of
these, Cleric and Oracle may be viable but most everything else isnt worth your time, especially
arcane casting.

3a. Barbarian (7 levels)

Now I know what youre thinking; Rage doesnt stack with Defensive Stance. But that doesnt make
this a bad choice. What you get out of this combination is versatility and the ability to enter two
different super-modes based on the situation and needs of the encounter. Rage has the same bonuses
to Strength and Constitution, making it easy to calculate the benefits of both modes. And by the time
you qualify for Defender youll already be very familiar with the effects of fatigue and how to get
around it.
Most Barbarian archtypes also receive Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge before you ever
enter the prestige class, meaning Barbarian levels stack. And you might as well get started on those
d12s early.
Armored Hulk - Within just the first few levels this archtype allows you to ignore the speed penalty from
just about any kind of armor in addition to making slower characters faster. Youll also gain minor bonuses

against charging, critical confirmation, and the overrun/trample maneuvers. Unfortunately you will lose
Uncanny Dodge.
Invulnerable Rager - Although you lose Uncanny Dodge, you gain a ridiculous amount of Damage
Reduction. If you delay until 8th level youll have 4/- all the time and be just high enough to pickup
another 1/- while raging from the Increased Damage Reduction Rage Power. If only this stacked with your
Defender DR...
Mounted Fury - The Barbarian option for mounted Defenders. While your mount can gain benefits from
your rage it will wont benefit from Defensive Stance. Not a deal breaker but there are other mounted
options with better synergy in the classes below.
Savage Barbarian - No armor? Turn in your badge and your gun and get out of my office.

3b. Bloodrager (7-8 levels)

Bloodrager is potentially just as good as Barbarian, if not better in a few ways. Youre still getting all
the wonderful rage buffs, but instead of rage powers you have some limited arcane spellcasting. This
means you can cast wonderful self-buffs to increase your reach, damage, and defense. The downside
here is that you cant use shields of any kind while casting spells and youll need to enhance your
armor in some way if you want the heavy stuff. Keep in mind that most bloodlines gain an ability at
8th level which may make that your cut-off point.

3b. Brawler (7 levels)

Brawler is one of the new full-BAB class that can work as a Defender, albeit an unusual one. While
youll be getting plenty of combat feats you wont have the long reach or heavy armor that a Defender
generally needs. The one plus is that Brawlers can dump Int and still qualify for important Defender
Shield Champion - If youre keen on playing a Brawler this archtypes relaxes some of the issues
of the vanilla class. Now you can still have your shields while also using them as a close range
thrown weapons. Even better, Shield Champions gain an improved Returning quality and can
make ranged combat maneuvers.

3c. Cavalier (7-8 levels)

Cavalier is a strong contender with Fighter and offers some of your best options for mounted combat
and ranged team buffing. The trouble is that you wont be using the Cavaliers ability to charge nearly
as often as a standard Cavalier since youre really only concerned with the opening rush across the
field. Cavalier does have more skill points and offers all three of the class skills that youll need for
Order of the Cockatrice - Youre already going to want a high Intimidate check for Antagonize
which will make it easy to use Dazzling Display. This also provides you with a nice debuff to throw
down when enemies havent gotten close enough to strike.
Order of the Dragon - This is one of the ways to improve the Bodyguard feat and improve the
Aid Another action in general. Stack it with Honor Guard above for a sizable buff to an ally.
Order of the Lion - Additional dodge bonuses to AC and more ways to buff and rally allies at
range. Not a bad option if there is no Bard in the party.

Order of the Shield - The Stem the Tide ability is nearly identical to the Halting Blow power
gained from Defender. Technically its better since you have it all the time. If you want this ability
early and want to spend your Defender powers on other things this is definitely something to
Order of the Sword - Every time I read the 8th level power of this order I think there must be a
typo. A mounted Defender should definitely wait and take this level before moving on. Even if you
only charge once during the encounter whatever you charged is probably dead.
Beast Rider - A bigger, meaner mount? Sure, absolutely. The one and only drawback here is that the
ability you lose (Expert Trainer) is a prereq for the awesome Horse Master feat, meaning youll have to
take the less good Boon Companion feat to improve your mounts level.
Emissary - Provides you with the lame Endurance feat, the better Mounted Combat feat, and the ability
to move normally in medium armor. You and your mount also gain Mobility, which isnt very useful to you
but is a prereq for other feats you might want to take later.
Honor Guard - Provides you the Bodyguard feat for free with an improved bonus in exchange for a
charge power you werent going to use. Combine this with the Order of the Dragon for additional
bodyguarding bonuses.
Samurai - Now this is what Im talking about. Samurai does a little bit of everything you want, including gaining a
mount, healing fatigue, quick-drawing a polearm (the naginata), and gaining a few combat feats. Order abilities
and banners are just icing on the cake at this point.

3d. Fighter (3-7 levels)

Building a Stalwart Defender is potentially very feat heavy. While a 7th level character will certainly
have enough feats to meet the entry requirements there are numerous other feats that greatly aid the
Defender; Fighter has those feats. Even if you focus most of your build on another base class, one or
two levels of Fighter never hurts. Springing for three levels will also get you Armor Training which is by
no means a bad idea considering most Defenders want heavy armor.
Archer - If youre playing a ranged Defender you cant ask for a better Fighter archtype. Increased range
and damage and the ability to make combat maneuvers at range. If you feel you can wait until 9th level
you can also safely make ranged attacks in melee.
Dragoon - Dragoon is likely your better choice as a mounted Defender over the Roughrider archtype
below. While you still dont get a mount you do gain the ability to attack adjacent foes with a lance.
Defenders with low Dex will also appreciate the Skill Focus (Ride).
Phalanx Soldier - Its like theyre reading my mind. This is one of the few (and perhaps only) ways to
wield a polearm in one hand while using a shield in the other. Youll also gain a small boost against most of
the combat maneuvers that cause you to move and 7th level is actually a good breaking point from the
class. The Shield Ally ability gained later isnt necessary as you can gain similar powers from feats and
Defender abilities.
Polearm Fighter - If shields arent your thing and you prefer to focus on just a reach weapon, this is the
archtype to go with. The major draw here is that this is one of the only ways to attack adjacent foes with
a reach weapon, although youll take a penalty on the attack roll.
Roughrider - While the abilities gained from this archtype synergize very well with your goals as a
mounted Defender (including the ability to leap off your horse and kill someone) you dont actually get a
mount. Unless youre okay with having a lot of horses constantly die on you its better to go with another
class that grants you a real companion.

Shielded Fighter - You are all about this life. By 7th level youll have an extra +2 dodge bonus to AC
when acting defensively (such as using Combat Expertise) which means this bonus could potentially be
traded for DR/- from the Stalwart feat. Youll also gain improved skill with shield bashing.
Unbreakable - Just a 1-level dip into this archtype nets you both the Endurance and Diehards feats. The
2nd level replaces Bravery with a blanket bonus on Will saves against mind effects.

3e. Gunslinger (1-7 levels)

While there isnt a whole lot of synergy between the two classes, firearms are one of the best ranged
options for characters with low Dexterity for their ability to target touch AC at close range. And if you
do happen to have a decent Dexterity score, even better. This may be more appealing as a dip rather
than dedicating the whole build.
Gun Tank - A more fitting archtype from a thematic standpoint, this will get you earlier proficiency with
tower shields and a neat ability to try and negate sneak attacks and critical hits. Armor Training is a
welcome bonus. In campaigns without many other gunslingers you may want to see if your DM will allow
Bullet Deflection to include bows and crossbows.

3f. Paladin (3-7 levels)

Paladin has always been a very front-loaded class, which is just fine for you. By 3rd level youll have
the amazing ability to cure Fatigue with your Lay on Hands ability, effectively removing one of your
greatest weaknesses as a Defender. Throw in immunity to fear and disease, some amazing save
bonuses, and up to 3 Smite Evils per day and this may be one of the strongest options.
Oath of Loyalty - This replaces your smite evil with an ability to buff an adjacent ally and take
immediate actions to either strike their attacker or take a hit for them. You may not want to stick
around for that second ability since its redundant with (and cant be used as often as) your
Defender Intercept power.
Antipaladin - While the Antipaladin gains all the other great benefits Paladin provides it lacks the ability
to heal fatigue which is kind of a big deal.
Divine Defender - While it seems like something youd like to take the abilities are very level dependant
and youll lose out on a lot if you multiclass.
Divine Hunter - An interesting option for Defenders who want ranged combat and ranged support. This
allows you to use your Lay on Hands and mercies at range as well as grant nearby allies the Precise Shot
feat for free.
Holy Tactician - If you like teamwork abilities but dont want a mount this option is far superior to taking
Cavalier levels.
Sacred Shield - Like Divine Defender you lose some benefit of scaling class features, but this archtype
grants such a potent debuff to a foes damage that Im willing to say its worth your time anyway. You can
also grant nearby allies your shield bonus to their AC.
Shining Knight - All that gear youre lugging around could kill your ability to make Ride checks and
Shining Knight allows you completely ignore that penalty. As an added bonus your mount benefits from
your Divine Grace class feature.
Stonelord - Insanity. This is literally the only way to gain Defensive Stance this early in the game (4th
level) and this archtype is arguably better than Stalwart Defender itself. Ironically it may restrict you to
playing a Dwarf, meaning you are now playing the old Dwarven Defender. Unlike most other options, a

Stonelord should wait until at least 8th level before entering the prestige class since thats when they gain
a Defensive Power and a larger pet. You might even consider taking the 9th level of Stonelord to gain 50%
fortification against critical hits and precision damage.

3g. Ranger (3-7 levels)

The vanilla Ranger doesnt have as much to offer as the other base classes, though some archtypes
may appeal to you. Taking at least 3 levels of Ranger will earn you the Endurance feat and one other
combat feat along with a lot more skill points and class skills than youll find with your other options.
Horse Lord - This is a more favorable option for mounted Ranger Defenders as it provides enough skill
points and feats to cover the basics of fighting on horseback.

3h. Guardian (Mythic)

It should come as a surprise to no one that Guardian is an amazing option for Stalwart Defenders if
mythic rules are available. Depending on your build you may also consider Champion (for the
Barbarian types) or Marshal (for those who focused on Cavalier).

4. Core Races
When choosing a race take special care to line up the right ability scores and favored class bonuses.
Other racial abilities are just perks for the most part.

Dwarf: Dwarven Defender may not be a thing anymore, but this is still easily among your best
options. They have the bonus to Constitution you need and dont care about the weight of your
adamantine armor. The favored class bonus for a Dwarven Fighter can make them practically immune
to bull rushing or tripping, and Dwarven Paladins have perhaps the best archtype for entry into
Stalwart Defender.

Elf: Wrong prestige class. This is for Arcane Archers.

Gnomes: Although you get the bonus to Constitution, the smaller size makes Gnomes difficult to
justify. However, this same small stature makes them more viable if you intend to play a mounted
Stalwart Defender since a Medium mount can go just about anywhere.

Half-Elf: Much better than a full Elf but still nothing special. Be sure to use the Skill Focus on any of
the skills used by Antagonize (Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive).

Half-Orc: Here we go. Ferocity is just as good for Stalwart Defenders as it is for Barbarians, and
depending on your build you might just take both. Half-Orcs can also qualify for a lot of the great Orc
options but have the benefit of being more accepted by society.

Halfling: If youre going to be Small sized, play a Gnome.

Human: Congratulations, youre a mechanically good choice for everything in the game. You can
never go wrong with extra feats and skill points.

4a. Other Races

But wait, theres more!

Duergar: Theyre good for all the same reasons Dwarves are good, plus they can cast Enlarge Person
(one of the greatest buffs for a Defender) as a spell-like ability. As a dwarven subrace they also qualify
for the Stonelord Paladin archtype, though you may want to retool it as Antipaladin for alignment

Orc: Mental stats? What are those for? Orc deserves a special mention because they not only have the
full Ferocity ability that keeps them awake at negative hit points, but have several synergetic racial
feats. An Orc Fighter can add +2 to his negative hit point threshold as a favored class bonus (thats
+14 by 7th level). Interestingly, Orc Witches can also use their Constitution score as their casting stat,
making them one of the few arcane casters that you might be able to justify as Stalwart Defenders.

Oread: If your GM doesnt allow characters to take racial archtypes without being members of that
race, see if Oreads can qualify for Stonelord by taking the Dwarf Blooded feat. Plus, they are rock
people. They deserve to be Stonelords. Oreads can also start out with some minor AC bonuses, which
is gravy.

Svirfneblin: The Gnome subrace with the unpronounceable name, Svirfneblin are essentially broken.
If you want to play a small character and your GM lets you get away with this its a superior option to
Gnomes (and many Medium races) in every way. I hope the guilt plagues you for the rest of your
days, you monster.

5. Feats
Aside from the three for entering the class, there a lot of feat options for you. And unless you went
Human Fighter youre going to be short on resources here.

Teamwork Feats - Because you have better things to spend feats on these generally arent
something you should take yourself. Instead, the team Cavalier or Inquisitor should look into these.
You are a constant landmark on a battlefield and party members can rely on you to not move a whole
lot from turn to turn. Therefore you become an appealing ally to share teamwork benefits with. If you
are also the team Cavalier you can share these with your mount (who is technically an adjacent ally)
to constantly gain the bonuses.
Back to Back - Because youre slow and immobile enemies are going to see you as prime flanking
material. This at least negates the bonus on attack rolls they would receive.

Broken Wing Gambit - With your high AC you may not take the hit at all and if you do you should have
a DR bonus and hit point pool.
Outflank - Just as opponents can easily flank you, so too can your allies easily setup flanking across from
you. An Inquisitor especially will make full use of this feat.
Shake it Off - An untyped +1 to all saves for every adjacent ally is nice and becomes even better if
mounts are involved since they count as additional allies.
Shielded Caster - A caster could be gaining a +6 bonus on concentration checks just for standing next to
you. Inquisitors should take this under special consideration.
Shield Wall - Chances are youll be using a heavy shield or tower shield. An ally can easily sidle up next
to you and gain an AC bonus or even some cover.
Tandem Trip - If your mount also has this feat you can essentially always be rolling twice on all trip
attempts and taking the better roll.

Antagonize - Although the errata version isnt as broken as it was before, this is still a fantastic feat
for you as its one of the few ways to grab a foes attention and force them to fight you instead of
another target. This is your primary reason to have a respectable Charisma modifier. Focus on
improving your Intimidate checks first and foremost and remember that Antagonize also allows you to
make Sense Motive checks to add your Charisma mod to Intimidate again.

Bodyguard - Its very unlikely that youre going to have a lot of attacks of opportunity to spare and a
+2 bonus to AC may not make a difference. However, if you have an ability that boosts the Aid
Another action such as Order of the Dragon this feat starts to look more respectable.
In Harms Way - This is nearly identical to the Intercept power you can take as a Defender.
However, if you have the feats to spare and would rather spend your Defensive Powers on
other things consider this feat a good alternative. If your GM allows retraining take this feat to
gain the ability early on and then trade it out later when Intercept becomes available.

Boon Companion - Your only real option for boosting the strength of a non-horse companion. If your
mount is a horse, take the superior Horse Master feat instead. Stonelords may want to check with
their GMs to see if this feat can be used in conjunction with their Stone Servant since that companion
replaces the Paladins mount.

Combat Expertise - Meeting the prerequisite 13 Int can be rough since thats not an important stat
for you, but this is frequently a better option than Power Attack. And its basically required to gain full
benefit out of the Stalwart feat tree.
Improved Trip - While proficiency in other combat maneuvers is helpful to you, tripping is
quite possibly the most important. Not only does it stop an opponent from moving it forces
them to waste time standing up and likely provoking attacks of opportunity.
Greater Trip - It takes a lot of feats to get here, but its worth the effort. Along with an
additional bonus on trip attempts, tripping an opponent now also provokes.

Combat Reflexes - Unless you have a better way of gaining more attacks of opportunity this is your
friend. Like Expertise above it can be hard to make use of it when Dexterity isnt a primary ability
score. Still, if you have at least 12 Dex you can get another attack and benefit from them while flatfooted.

Darting Viper - Allows you to change whether a Don-dergar (see Equipment) is a normal or reach
weapon as a swift action. Because its an exotic weapon it may be too feat-intensive unless youre a
Dwarf, in which case the Don-dergar is a racial weapon.
Don-Dergar Mastery - One of the few ways to wield a reach weapon with one hand combined with one
of the few ways to attack adjacent targets with a reach weapon! Too bad it requires Two-Weapon Fighting
and Exotic Weapon Proficiency (although Dwarves ignore that requirement). The Darting Viper feat above
improves the action economy of this feat but is not required.

Deadly Aim - A must have for any would-be ranged Defender. Later in the game even a melee
Defender may consider picking this up.

Deathless Initiate - If youre playing an orc or half-orc you automatically qualify for this feat. You
can continue operating normally while at negative hit points but take 1 damage every time you do so.
The improved version of this feat removes the 1 damage effect but also requires the Ironhide feat

Deft Shootist Deed - Mobility is useless to you but if youre a gun-slinging Defender you can now
shoot and reload in melee range without issue. Yes, just continue shooting them while they try and
whack at your wall of defensive abilities.

Dodge - Its a prerequisite for the class and isnt a bad feat in itself, but unfortunately most of the
feats it leads to require some form of movement.

Horse Master - This excellent feat uses your full character level instead of just your class level to
determine the strength of your equine mount. A must for any multiclassed mounted character. The
major caveat is that you must be a 3rd level Cavalier with the Expert Trainer ability.

Intimidating Prowess - All Defender builds are going to have better Strength than Charisma,
making this a no-brainer for anyone wanting another bonus to Antagonize. Youre bonus to intimidate
will also increase when in your stance.

Ironhide - The best races for a Defender are dwarves and orcs, both of which qualify for this feat. If

you need an extra armor boost this is an option. This also opens the door to taking the Improved
Natural Armor feat.

Lunge - This is practically a requirement, doubly so if you arent using a reach weapon. And if you are
using a reach weapon you can now hit opponents three squares away. And if you manage to receive
the Enlarge Person buff or similar effect you can be striking from four squares away.

Mounted Shield - You are pretty difficult to hit and your mount may end up looking like an easier
target. This grants it your base shield bonus and also adds that bonus to your ride checks for avoiding
attacks on your mount (which is nice since your Dexterity may not be the best).

Power Attack - When is this not a good idea for a full BAB character? Since two-handed polearms are
a favored weapon for Defenders you can get some serious damage boosts here.
Cleave - This one can be kind of rough to set up. Usually when multiple enemies are attacking
you they tend to try and flank instead of standing side-by-side. Still, these attacks are made
at your highest bonus so theyre almost guaranteed.
Great Cleave - As above, but even more rare. If your GM is the type to send in the mook army
this can be great, but otherwise you may never use it.

Goblin Cleaver - Because only Dwarven Defenders are allowed to have nice things. This
removes the adjacent restriction on the above feats and makes them much more useful. This
first feat only counts against smaller creatures. If you have some way of becoming large (such
as Enlarge Person) then youre really in business.
Orc Hewer - This ups the size limit to your size or smaller. Both of these feats also increase your
attack bonus against goblins and orcs. You better be a Dwarf Fighter if you want all these feats.

Racial Heritage - If youre Human and youre just dying to have some of the cool swag Dwarves or
Orcs get, this feat lets you count as another race for the purposes of taking archtypes, feats, and
favored class bonuses tied to race. Fortunately Humans get an extra feat to start with.

Saving Shield - This grants the same base bonus as Bodyguard but doesnt use your attacks of
opportunity. If you dont have any bonuses to Aid Another and dont need the In Harms Way feat this
is the better option, though its still not a great option.

Shield Focus - There are better feats to take early on but you may consider this later in your career
as a small boost.
Missile Shield - This is Deflect Arrows for those people who prefer shields over fists. Its especially nice
for blocking an archers opening attack (which might actually hit you) and for blocking those pesky
Gunslingers that ignore your wonderful armor.
Ray Shield - It takes three feats to get here, which is hard to justify unless youre a Fighter. Now

you can block spells that require ranged touch attacks once per round. However, depending on
the effect your shield might be harmed.
Shield Specialization - Really only an option if youre a Fighter, which is good because you dont have
the feats. Add your base shield bonus (including Shield Focus) to your CMD and gain a +2 to AC against
critical confirmation. Not bad.

Stalwart - This feat has your name on it. Literally. You already have to take Endurance so meeting
the prereqs is no problem. Anytime you fight defensively or use Combat Expertise you can trade out
the AC bonus for more DR/- that stacks with any DR gained from class features (such as the
Defenders or Barbarians).
Improved Stalwart - Take this as soon as you hit 11 BAB to double the amount of DR gained from
Stalwart. Thats potentially 10 DR/- if you have Combat Expertise or 4 DR/- if youre just fighting

Step Up - While you can take this feat at 1st level you cant really benefit from it as a Defender until
16th level at the earliest, which is the only reason its rated this low. Take this at your end-game to
confound opponents trying to get away from you.

5a. Traits
Armor Expert - a -1 reduction in your armor check penalty. Sounds good to me.
Defender of the Society - Its got your name in it and grants an extra +1 AC when wearing medium
or heavy armor, which you will be.
Hard to Kill - Reduces the check DC to Stabilize when dying by half. You could have a pretty hefty
Constitution score so this could really help out.
Helpful - If you have any of the other Aid Another focused abilities this grants another +1 bonus.
Influence - Gain your choice of Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive as a class skill. If you want to
use Antagonize but are missing one of these skills this is the perfect time to get it.
Magical Knack - A must have if you decided to take any spellcasting (such as Paladin or Ranger) in
your build.
Steel Skin - Don heavy armor in half the normal time, get a free helmet with your familys symbol,
and gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate when wearing the helm with armor. This is better than a feat!
Threatening Defender - Reduce the attack penalty by 1 when using Combat Expertise. If you plan to
go down the Stalwart feat tree this is a must.

6. Equipment
Why the Hell is everything so heavy?

Adamantine Armor - The good stuff is super expensive, but it grants you additional DR/- that stacks
with the DR/- gained from Stalwart Defender. And really, by the time youre actually getting DR from
Defender 15,000gp is chump change.

Bow, Composite - Some enemies just arent going to fall for it and wont come near you, so all
Defender builds need a ranged weapon. As a character with a focus on Strength that gains Strength
from Defensive Stance, a composite bow is key.

Don-dergar - An exotic reach weapon (unless youre a Dwarf) which can be wielded in one hand with
some feat investment. Amazing as that is you can also use an action to change your grip and attack
adjacent targets. Because dwarves get to avoid taking Exotic Weapon Proficiency this is a better
option than the Meteor Hammer for them.

Guisarme - If you arent mounted and arent worried about being charged, I would rate this polearm
slightly higher for its ability to be used as a tripping weapon.

Lance - There isnt much more to ask for in a weapon. It deals additional damage when charging on a
mount and performs just fine as a reach weapon on the ground.

Longspear - For Defenders who like a little heraldy and granting ranged buffs the longspear is slightly
better than the lance as it qualifies as a pole for more types of magic banners. Probably the prefered
option if you arent mounted since it can be braced.

Meteor Hammer - This exotic weapon is just neat. It can be used as a double weapon or a reach
weapon (swapping is a free action at the start of your turn) and in reach-mode grants a +1 AC. It also
has the tripping property and, if you succeed on a trip, has the option of dragging an opponent 5 feet
closer instead of knocking them prone.

Mithril Armor - Its really hard not to take Mithril over Adamantine, but the deciding factor may be
how high your Dexterity bonus is and just how much you can carry. You can afford mithril armor much
earlier so this may be the better choice until late game.

Naginata - Your only reach weapon option as a Samurai, the naginata doesnt have any other special
properties aside from having a silly high (x4) critical multiple. Make it keen.

Ransuer - This is identical to the Guisarme except it deals piercing damage and has the disarming
property instead of the more favorable tripping property.

6a. Magic Items

(To be expanded) Thats right, I copied these magic items from my Battle Herald guide!

Balanced (armor) - Add your armors enhancement bonus on top of your other Aid Another bonuses
when adding to an allys AC. Even if you dont do it that often this isnt a bad investment since its only
a +1. There is an identical property for weapons that works with attack rolls.

Commanders Banner - Gives you another use of Tactician, increases the range of Tactician from
30ft to 60ft, and adds another 2 rounds to its duration. Definitely something to grab if youre wielding
a polearm and have the Tactician ability.

Courageous (weapon) - Add half of the weapons enhancement bonus on top of any moral bonuses
you receive. If you have a Bard in the party or someone who can cast a spell like Heroism, this is
pretty boss.

Dueling (weapon) - In order to confuse you there are two different weapon enchantments called
Dueling. You want the one from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. This beast grants you a luck
bonus equal to double your weapons enhancement bonus on your favorite combat maneuvers; trip,
disarm, and reposition. This stacks on top of the enhancement bonus which already adds itself to
combat maneuver checks.

Horsemasters Saddle - Your mount gains the benefits of all of your teamwork feats. That alone
makes it worth getting but it also provides you with a +5 on ride checks and your mount with a +5 on
Acrobatics checks.

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