Chapter 1 Short Answers PDF

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Chapter 1 Exercise Short Answers

1. A current is a flow of electric charges around a closed circuit when an electromotive force
is provided.
2. 2.0
3. 0.0025 or 2.5 10
4. 2500
5. 120
6. 6.25 10

electrons flow past each second

Electromotive Force and Potential Difference (Voltage)

1. 5.0
2. Electromotive force refers to the amount of other forms of energy converted to electrical
energy per unit charge flowed past.
While potential difference refers to the amount of electrical energy is converted to other
forms of energy per unit charge flowed past.
3. 60
4. 20.8
5. 2.4 10
6. 500

1. 200
2. a) 0.667 b) 7.5
3. 3.6 10

= 3.6

4. 33.3 hours
5. 4.6
6. 2.61 10

1. 8.0

= 26.1

2. The current flowing through an ohmic device is directly proportional to the potential
difference across it, in other word it has a linear

characteristic graph passing through the

A non-ohmic device on the other hand has no direct proportional relation between current
and potential difference, so it has a non-linear
3. 2.0 10

= 2.0

4. 0.81
5. 8.88
6. a) 200 b) 1.13 10

= 11.3

characteristic graph.

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