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EDUC 480 - Mini-Lesson: Lesson Plan

Date: July 19th 2016

Name: Vanessa Wattamaniuk

Target Student Group: (Grade 11 FSL class)

Title of Lesson: Self-correction Using Pass Compose
PLOs: (Connection to IRP)

A range of increasingly complex vocabulary and sentence structures for conveying meaning
o Sequencing events in stories
o Past timeframes

Listening with intent deepens our acquisition of French

The communicative context determines how we express ourselves

Lesson Objectives/Student Understandings:
Students will be able to...

The students will be able to self-assess their knowledge and

Interact with another student in French

ability to properly use pass compos in a conversation and

Describe a trip they have taken using

in writing by correcting their individual transcriptions of their
appropriate vocabulary

The teacher will be able to formatively assess the students

Properly conjugate and apply pass compos

on their performance and understanding by listening to the

Students should have a good knowledge of

first and second version of the students travel stories
the verbs that are conjugated with tre, and

The teacher will be able to assess more accurately the

be able to properly identify and conjugate
students ability to use pass compos in conversation and
to identify errors by collecting the transcription of their

Students should be able to identify and selfdiscussions

correct errors in their travel story using the
lesson and the handout as a guide

All instructions will be given in French when possible

Student will play a game of Kahoot to refresh their memory of some travel

Students will divide into pairs of their choosing and move freely around the
classroom to find space for themselves. Each partner will take a turn telling the
other about their best or worst travel experiencein French.

Students will be recording their exchanges

During this time, I will circulate the room and observe and clarify any questions
for students

After each partner has had a turn, they will transcribe their stories onto paper or
a computer

I will then see what they remember about pass compos

We will review what the etre verbs are

I will describe the difference about when to used pass compos and when to
use imparfait

I will give students examples and they will sort them into imparfait and pass

After this, we will look at travel vocabulary and become familiar with certain new

The students will then have the opportunity to look over their transcription of their
travel story, and they will make a minimum of 3 corrections given what they have

Students will then find a new partner and read their corrected story to them

-Pass compos handout
-Travel vocabulary handout
-Voice recording devices (cell
-La maison dtre image
-Imparfait and etre sorting


If students finish early, they can pair up with another early finisher and exchange transcriptions and have the new
partner then correct another three errors

Students can then have the opportunity to write a good copy of their travel stories and then submit it for marks, or even
turn it into a PowerPoint presentation that they will share with the whole class at a different time

Images will be on the slides to help students understand the instructions

If students have difficulty describing their experiences, they have the option of telling the story though drawing the

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