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Proposal Final

To: Utah Refugee Center

From: Stacie Chadwick, Haehyun Jung, Nicholas Knight, and Rajul Ramchandani
Date: 6/22/2016
Subject: Writing Project for Utah Refugee
Utah Refugee Center focuses on incorporating and uplifting refugees from all over the
world and utilize their website to solicit donations and volunteers. URC representatives have
expressed a desire for a website and app update. Although no group members have experience
with web or app design, we have offered our writing prowess to assist in editing, rewriting, and
organizing some of sections of the URC website. We have also offered our assistance to compose
master introductory letters to inform volunteers of expected duties, limitations, etc. to orient
volunteers as they prepare to help refugees.
In this day and age, many people find convenience in accessing information online.
Unfortunately, nonprofit organizations may have difficulty maintaining an online presence due to
their inherent lack of manpower and resources. This can limit the the audience that are able to
learn about their goal(s) and mission by curbing potential volunteer and donation interest.
There are many ways one can support the Utah Refugee Center, but information pertinent to
doing so is often hazy, if not unaccessible. By reformatting the information, the URC website
and app can become more user intuitive and thus draw in a larger audience.
The final project will include a document of rewritten and reformatted information from
specific parts of the website that the organization can use to copy and paste to their website. The

Proposal Final

master letter will be a similar document, but will have open spaces for a signature of the
organization leadership along with information like the recipient's name and assigned task.
We will be emailing and calling our contact to clarify the desires and overall goals for our
task using direct contact with you to make sure we maintain the spirit of the organization in our
editing and creation process. Study of the current Utah Refugee Center website will also educate
the group about specific URC goals..
Contact between the group and the Utah Refugee Center was initiated on June 16th. The
proposed timeline for the completion of the project is as follows:



June 30th

Complete research on URC mission, goals. Receive any points of

emphasis URC representatives feel are needed in the rewritten material.

July 1st

Begin editing/rewriting website information.

July 18th

Present drafted material to URC representatives for feedback.

July 27th

Present final material to URC representatives for approval. Any

revisions to be made prior to July 31st.

Group members hold a variety of qualifications needed to complete this task. In addition to being
well organized and hard working students, the team has a diverse background. In addition to this,
team members have also had experience with working with underserved and vulnerable
populations. These prior experiences will allow group members a base to base their knowledge

Proposal Final

of URC resource recipient needs before and during the task. Some group members have
extensive experience working with non profit organization such as the Feed U Food Pantry, Utah
Food Bank, and the Utah Animal Rights Coalition. The group feels confident in its knowledge of
common challenges and limitations faced by nonprofit organizations.

Regarding expenses, our group will pay for any of the materials required for the
completion of this project including a hard copy of the final document(s) and a digital version.
Any replication of the documents presented will be left to Utah Refugee Center for their
production use.
The group is very excited to assist the Utah Refugee Center in its mission to serve the
underrepresented refugee population of Salt Lake City and the state of Utah. Providing material
intended to educate the public of its purpose is essential to the efficacy of a non profit
organization. Group members are dedicated to formulating the most efficient response to any
questions one might have when visiting the Utah Refugee Center website. As a whole, the group
is devoted to assisting the Utah Refugee Center in its goal of aiding refugees.

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